🔴 Chapter 6 🔴
Very long chapter
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Chapter 6
6.32 am
Bamidele stood under the shower, as ripples of water poured down his entire body. He was humming the song Pastor Tunde sang before he began his sermon. For a moment he began to wonder where he heard the song from.
Then it hit him!
He scoffed blaming his blindness for it! The song kept on replaying in his head then he instantly raised, Joeboy's Baby.
🎶Wetin be that, nothing I can't do for my baby, my baby, anytime wet you need me come through, mo ma share, ma sare wole. Hey!" He nodded his head but the music in his mind was competition with his.
He hissed wiping his face then he fumbled through to turned off the shower. After which he reach out to where he kept his towel now wiping his face then he tied it across his waist.
His next thought were, how the hell was he going to get the hell out of the damn bathroom. He can try oh but any slight mistake might be to his detriment. It's already worse he's deaf and blind, he won't want to add broken bones to it!
Maybe he could have waited for Saviour! He just wanted to do it on his own, he was beginning to feel useless!
"Uncle Bammy!" He heard Nuel's voice from the room then he exhaled in relief, "I'm in the bathroom, I was even praying for you to show up. Come in!"
"I hope you have covered up" he said walking in and Bamidele laughed, "You're just full of words you know" he replied and Nuel walked in holding on to his hands leading him out of the bathroom.
"Good morning Uncle Bammy"
"Good morning"
"Did you sleep well?"
"I...I. ." He stammered as they walked into the room, "Actually, I didn't. I haven't been able to sleep that much. No man will be in my position and be found sleeping comfortably." He replied stretching his hands, when he noticed he was close to the bed, he carefully took his seat.
"There's this man I know in school, he's blind, he teaches music in school." "Wow, like Sir Cobham" "Yes. He's always happy ans smiling and when you ask him why, he'll just say in all things give thanks to God. He's not playing by him strength but God gives him strength. Uncle Bammy, you should be grateful, some blind people are on the street begging like that man close to the gate in school. Not every blind person have people to take care of them, bathe them. But you do, you have people who love you no matter how annoying you can be"
Bamidele laughed, "So I'm annoying" "No, you're very annoying" he corrected and they both laughed hard. Then he exhaled thinking deep on what the little boy just said to him. "How old are you again?" He asked laughing to himself.
"Six. But you would have known if you had taken interest in the birthday"
"I.... I was just.... I was busy, Emmanuel, I have a life"
"You have a phone too and there's reminder for those things. Uncle Bammy, answer one question, do you always forget your girlfriend's birthday?"
Bamidele laughed, "All the time! Even my sister's birthday you can ask her" "And you think you're not annoying" Nuel responded and he laughed again. "I for you cake and PS" "Well some things are more important than PS and Cake, I learned that from Mom"
"Things like what?"
"Family, sometimes I want to see your face no matter how annoying you are. Quality time, mom will call it, she does not tell you but that's what Mommy wants sometimes but when she tells you stay for a while, you'll always do as if there's nail under your bumbum and you have to leave"
Bamidele laughed admist his tears, the conversation was making him teary, Nuel wasn't wrong about that at all! It's not his fault he's always having someone to meet!
"So the wise one, now that i know what Mommy wants, what do you think your father wants?"
Nuel shrugged, "Maybe he wants you be to less annoying" "Wow" "Dad always say that your always raise your shoulder up" he raise his shoulder up, "He said you always do as if you're better than everybody, maybe if you do the opposite, he'll like you. Happy birthday Uncle Bammy"
"Thank you" Bamidele nodded wiping a tears off, "My eyes.... This blindness is...... Messing with ..." He stammered then Saviour walked in surprised to see Bamidele in towel. "Have you bathe?"
"No. I just like wearing towels" he answered and Saviour scoffed. "So you had my six years old son bathe you, aren't you shameless?"
"Baba, I took my bathe myself, stop feeling yourself"
"Dude. It's dangerous, as much as you can be an ass...." He trailed off looking at his son, "A douche, I won't like to attend your burial so early so... be patient and wait" he replied ans Bamidele placed his palm on his chest.
"Awwwn, he cares about me"
"I'll be in the sitting room, they're showing a recap of last night's match.... Ouch, you can't watch it."
"Fuck you!"
"Language!" Nuel yelled then his father laughed, "There's one finger I'll like to lift up but you won't be able to see it anyway so....Happy birthday Bamidele" he snapped leaving and Nuel laughed.
"Can you help me find one of my clothes so I can wear"
"There's the blue Jean jacket, pick one of my white round neck tops with a dark shade blue Jean trouser. When I feel I'll know, just help me out"
"Okay" he replied walking towards the wardrobe. "Thank you"
Bamidele walked out alone of the room alone, it was a straight walk into the sitting room. Nuel was in the room, he wondered what he was still doing there. He kicked a short stool in the middle of the road then he groaned and hopped in pain.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Argh!"
"Jesus!!!" Yewande yelled, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Saviour was changing the bulb. Nuel! Aren't you suppose to be watching your Uncle?" She shouted and Nuel scurried out of the room looking at his mother in fear.
"Mummy I'm sorry, I didn't... I was..."
"Is that your Mom? Madam, don't blame the boy! I was the one that just left the room like that. The boy has done enough abeg! Nuel, come here don't mind Mummy, you've tried ehn" he said and a small smile escaped his lips as he walked up to the uncle to hold his hand.
Saviour smiled from behind.
"Mommy is right, I wasn't supposed to take my eyes off you. You know that you're a baby now" he teased and Bamidele laughed, "Let me hit your head now, look at this boy that I saw when he was little, ask your mother how tiny you were. I'm angry sef, I'll walk on my own" he walked then he started limping.
"You guys have just made the whole thing complete. I'm deaf, blind and lame too"
"Be careful of what you wish you for" Yewande replied and Nuel laughed, "Mom said, becareful of what you wish for"
Bamidele smiled, "Noted" he replied groaning, "Can you walk" "I can try" he replied and then Saviour hissed carrying him in his arms. "Whoa whoa whoa, guy! Guy! How can you be carrying a grown as man like that? Without permission, this is violation of all bro codes, of all the entire men.. codes in the entire universe"
"Shut up or I'll throw you away"
"I'd rather be limping oh, I'll limp my way to the parlor. Dude, you just lifted me like I'm your bride, lift my weight meant nothing. I'm ashamed right now"
Yewande laughed with his son. "Daddy is strong" "Tell him Nuel" "You do realize you sound gay right now" he whispered and Saviour scoffed then he whispered, "Asshole" he replied taking him into the sitting room where Kwame, Murphy, Dare and Mrs Jones stood still waiting for him.
Dare took a picture of Bamidele and Saviour then he laughed, "This is a really funny sight I'll like to show Bammy when he gets his sight back" he said and Saviour put his down. Bamidele struggled to stand from the pain. Mrs Jones walked up to him then she embraced him, "Mom?" He asked from sniffling the perfume.
"Happy birthday Bamidele"
"Grandma is wishing you a happy birthday" Nuel shouted, "Grandma good morning" "Morning love"
"Thank you Mom" Bamidele replied then he sniffled, "Why do I smell Kwams?" He asked and Kwame hugged him, "Happy birthday Man" "You're probably saying happy birthday now, thank you" "Murph?" He asked and Murphy hugged him patting his back and he patted his.
"When I thought you guys have abandoned me"
Murph moved back and Dare hugged him, "With that shitty perfume, Dare" "All hail Bingo, Oga is now smelling before he knows who you a person is" he snapped and everyone laughed.
"He's probably saying something stupid right? Where's Effy?" He asked and Kwame cleared his throat. "Nuel, what are they saying?"
"They're not saying anything"
Kwame cleared his throat again now staring at Murphy, "Just tell him now" "Why don't you tell him?" "Okay, what's going on?"
"Effy said she'll stop by later, she said she's busy with work"
"Effy said she'll stop by later that she's busy with work"
"She sent her greetings though"
"She sent her greetings though"
Bamidele shrugged.
Mrs Jones turned towards his son-in law, she couldn't bear seeing her son that way any longer! She knew her son was definitely putting on a strong face! It's just an act! He was probably trying to cover up the feeling of being pathetic!
It's good anyways but this madness has to stop!
"Tell Bamidele that I think he should apologize to the Pastor and return the money today!"
Saviour cleared his throat, "Um... Bamidele, your Mom thinks you should apologize to" "Don't even complete it, Mom I'm not apologizing, I didn't do anything wrong! Please, it's my day, don't come and bother me with all this apology stunts I don't have the power abeg"
"Mom, please, let's just drop the topic for now. I've been trying to convince him, I'm sure he'll come around. Let's just give him time." She held her mother's hands.
"For now.... Let's get this party started!" Yewande yelled playing ammsmm and Bamidele heard it laughing. "Kill me already, you're playing me a gospel song for my birthday party, you gotta be kidding me! Ah Bamidele, you have suffered!"
"Let's cut the cake already" Emmanuel amnounced and then everyone gathered positioning Bamidele in the middle. "At the count of three, " Yewande paused, "One, two, three" she shouted and Bamidele cut the cake looking at his front as he assumed, people were probably taking pictures.
"Get my good side"
"How can we get your good side if you keep talking?" Saviour asked and he laughed. "Any side will be good, I'm a fine guy!"
The door bell rang so Saviour quickly rushed to open up, he smiled on seeing Pastor Tunde. "Good morning Pastor" he greeted and he smiled walking in. "I'll like to talk to the young man, Bamidele"
Nuel held Bamidele into his room after which Pastor Tunde walked in holding a plate of cake with a fork. "God bless you Emmanuel" "Amen Daddy" he replied running off and Pastor Tunde smiled. "Smart child,"
"Nuel? Of course he is" Bamidele replied and Pastor Tunde at a close to him. " I pray God helps him so he doesn't depart from the training. At times people are raised well but they end up derailing" he paused eating the cake.
Bamidele exhaled, "They said you wanted to speak to me, why?" "The cake taste nice" "It's kwams girlfriend's cake, Yummy Yem, that's the name but I assume you didn't call me here to discuss about the cake" "No. I heard you're into advertising"
"I.... I am"
"How much do you love the job"
"Its the only thing I can do well, I basically failed at every other thing"
"Have you ever considered advertising the gospel of Christ?" He asked and Bamidele scoffed, "The market is stiff for those kinds of advertisement, people are less interested in it. Those advertisment are best done in the church, by Pastors"
Pastor Tunde laughed and Bamidele scoffed, "What do you find funny?" "Nothing. Your sister called me last night to pray for you, she told me it was your birthday and she didn't want you spending it blind or deaf. She was in tears, I prayed according as she requested then I slept and then I got a word for you. I wasn't supposed to be here"
"What word?"
"The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind, the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down:The LORD loveth the righteous: and in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness" he quoted.
"Why does that sound familiar? It was the chapter you read on Sunday right?"
"Five points to you for remembering, well I didn't know who the message was for until this morning during my morning prayers"
"What does it mean?"
"It means exactly what it means, I heard the circumstances that led to your disability but I'll like to hear your side of the story, I don't like being judgemental"
"Thank you! Some people will just assume and think I'm a devil. See, the Pastor did charms and had me deaf and blind"
"Is that what you think?"
"Interesting, so you don't think you wronged him?" "I don't. See, this man has been using his speakers to disturb me for weeks now and I've been warning him for time to time." "And what happened afterwards?"
"I had him arrested one Sunday and i paid to make him sleep in jail"
"Interesting..... You paid to have him in jail and you don't think it's bad"
"I just... It's.... Not like..." He stammered, "Its his fault, I warned him and he just had to push my button" "So in your opinion he deserves to be in jail, i see"
"Not like he deserved to be in jail, I just wanted to teach him a lesson"
"Wow, interesting choice of word, lesson. What did you do next?" "I heard you developed hearing problems when was this?" "On a Friday" "Was that what you wrote on the statement you made to the police?"
Bamidele kept quiet.
"How much did you pay the police?" He asked and Bamidele scoffed, feeling uneasy, it felt like the man already had him figured out, like anything he'll say to him will be used against him!
"Forget my title as a Pastor and see me as a friend, no, a pal, paddy e, one you can trust. You paid the police right?"
"I did. The next day I took the case to the judge, I knew the lady. She's one of mother's friends so I took the opportunity acting like my ears were affected and that I needed to go for surgery and....." He trailed off then he scoffed, "We demanded for a million naira, minus cost of travelling abroad for the surgery" he said recalling the Pastor's plea.
Your honour, we don't have such money, you see that church building, it was donated by one of our members who thought we should move to a better place where we can get a wider audience and people whose soul we can arrest. We had to move from where we used to live down to the estate. The church is undergoing building project, even the money in the church account is not up to that, please Ma, let them reconsider
He shut his eyes regretfully, "The judge settled for 500,000 naira and they had it transferred the next day" "Do you think the man had the money to spare that way" "He said he didn't have"
"He must have used church money, church offerings, pledges, he must have borrowed money and probably rendered himself broke because of a lesson you wanted to teach him. Wow, Who do you teach lessons?" Pastor Tunde asked, "Offenders"
"Be truthful Bamidele, what offense did this man commit to spend a nite in jail. Have you ever spent a night in jail?"
"Once, Dad made me..."
"Was it pleasant?"
"No. I even wondered how those who have been there coped, that was the swore never to do anything that'll make me arrested ever again" "But you had that man arrested, not just a man, a man of God, an annointed one"
"He's not anointed, this man does charms. How do you explain my condition?"
"Just so to be sure, when did the deafness strike?"
"Last week Friday"
"Exactly the day you assumed the idea of being deaf, two weeks ago. Wow..."
Bamidele scoffed again, "What's your point?" "My point is, you're not the only one who knows how to teach lessons, God knows best" "You think God did this?" "Let me shock you, i know he did. Sometimes he does things so we can learn from it, be humble and then grow"
He bowed his head in thought, "You probably think I'm proud" "Are you?" He asked and Bamidele kept quiet, "How do you explain the fact that I can only hear the sound of things and people I usually find annoying"
"Maybe because God wants to know they're not so annoying. The best time to know your real friends is when you're in the dark, moments like this can be quite revealing. God wants you to open your eyes to somethings, I'm pretty sure you're still having doubts it's God doing this, you very much still feel like it's the Pastor's Juju"
"I was talking to Nuel this morning, he thinks I'm annoying. It's not my fault everyone thinks I'm annoying, they don't understand me, they just.... Sometimes, it's because they're always meeting me at the wrong time. When I'm in a bad mood, if girls find my bad boy side annoying, why do they even bother following me? They should just fashi and go their own ways now, instead, they keep on falling like dominos, and my parents, especially my father, I don't even understand what that one wants"
Pastor Tunde smiled, "No one is arguing with you For all I know, I'm not arguing with you, maybe you're arguing with your conscience, man know thyself. Judge yourself Brother Bamidele, think clearly and deeply of what you did, think of what you've done, the good ones and the bad, measure which one is greater. Then listen to your conscience, it's called self reflection, remember there's no salvation without "
"Self reflection" Bamidele completed and Pastor Tunde smiled. Asepe (so) the guy was even listening to his sermon! He thought within, who would have thought the sermon could have sink into his head?
"Exactly son" he tapped on his lap, "Exactly. I'll have to leave now, If I ask Sister Yewande to give me more of this cake, will that make me look like I have ojukokoro (covetousness)"
Bamidele chuckled, "If I return the money, will it free me of this thing?" "Depends on you, there's how you return it sef and nothing happens" "That's crazy, I'm giving five hundred K back" "The money wasn't yours to take at first" Pastor Tunde rose up, "Good bye Brother Bamidele"
"You can just call me Bammy or Bamidele"
"In the Christian fold, you're a brother to me. Have a lovely birthday" he said leaving the room and Efua walked in almost immediately with Nuel.
"Hey baby" she said sitting on the bed and Bamidele smiled, "Effy?" He asked and she smiled, "Hello Bammy" "She's saying Hello Bammy" "Hey Ef, I thought you won't come"
"I'm sorry but i was held by work. I'm still busy with the whole pitch. Mr Seyi seems to have a good one, I kind of spied on him"
"She said.... She was held by work, she's still busy with the whole.... What's pitch?"
"Oh" Bamidele smiled in interest, "It's an advertising and marketing term, if you're trying to sell a product or if someone's trying to sell a product, there's something you say to persuade the person."
"Oh. She said one Mr Seyi seemed to have a good one and she spied on him"
Bamidele laughed, "Someone turned into a CIA agent overnight" "I'm serious Bammy, it's been difficult without you" she tugged on his jacket and he smiled knowing she was definitely complaining.
"She said she's serious, its been difficult without you"
"It's going to be over soon"
Efua rolled her eyes, "I heard that on Friday night" "She said she heard that on Friday night" "Shush there!" She snapped at Nuel, "Have you no discretion? You weren't supposed to say that"
"Sorry" Nuel apologized feeling bad, "What happened?" "She said i wasn't supposed to tell you that"
"Wow, you're really stupid aren't you?"
"No I'm not"
Efua exhaled glaring at him then she kissed Bamidele on the lips, and he withdrew, "Is Nuel gone?" "I'm still here" "Effy, we can't kiss in front of the kid" "When have we ever cared? When did Bamidele Jones become this boring?" She asked shooting a glare at Nuel, "If you dare open your trap to speak"
Nuel swallowed hard while Bamidele turned towards her in shock.
"You know what Bammy, I'm leaving"
"She said she's leaving"
"You've barely stayed for a minute"
"Well many of have jobs to return to, I still have to work my ass to make that pitch and you really can't be of help to me in this state so.. Adios" she kissed him on the lips but he withdrew.
"Can't wait to have my Bamidele Jones back" she kissed him on the cheek then she walked out of the door.
Nuel shook his head as she walked out of the room. "I don't like that Aunty, do you want to know what she said?" He asked and Bamidele scoffed, he had this shock on his face.
He felt tears building up. "I heard it" he replied looking up the ceiling, he started to wonder why he suddenly heard Efua's voice just when she was about to say something messy?
He found it so mysterious? Maybe it's true then, maybe it's God. Damn it Bamidele, God is angry with you!
"Uncle Bamidele?" Nuel called out and he shut his eyes, tears rolling down his cheek, "I'll like to be left alone"
"Okay" he replied leaving the room.
Kwame knocked on the kitchen door and Yemisi turned back at the door which was opened then she laughed, "Wow, this has to be your first time knocking" "I didn't want to startle you"
"Are you okay?"
"I am. How's Bamidele?" "He's better than I expected, he's taking this whole thing better than I expected him to. He loved the cake by the way; everyone did!"
Yemisi smiled, "Thank you" she curtesied and he blushed. "Have you gone to work?"
"No. I'll be going from here. I just came to inform you that something came up.... I'll be out of the country on Thursday, I have an impromptu business trip to South Africa, dad wants me to represent him. I don't know how long it's going to last. I'll be stopping by Ghana next week Friday for a cousin's wedding."
The smile on her face wiped off completely, "You'll be gone for more than a week, when will you be back?" "I don't know for sure but I won't mind if you follow me on these trips" he wrapped his hands around her waist and she bit her lower lips.
"Me that haven't even gone to Kotonou before" she replied and he chuckled.
"I don't mind taking you all over the world. As long as you're with me Baby, say yes"
"If I leave, I'll lose business. Oga think of it oh, so if we now get married, will I be following you to all business trips?"
Kwame laughed, "I'll like it if you can" he replied and she chuckled blinking her tears, how will she do without seeing him for a week? More than a week! Fine, days ago, she was mad at him and didn't want to even see his face but that was just forming!
"I'll really miss you" she opened up and he exhaled.
"You don't have to, you can follow me, we'll meet at my parent's house so I can finally show them the woman I want to make my wife" "That's sweet and all but what's the rush?" She asked placing her hands on his cheek. "You know, I might take that dinner tonight. I can clear up my schedule to eat your Ghana jollof rice, I don't know if you'll be free"
Kwame smiled. "Sounds perfect"
Ema's sat in a bar discussing with a friend over a job opportunity he updated on his WhatsApp status. She had begged to be included in the employment recruitment. , "Baba you never still talk anything now, how far, I go get the job?" "Shebi you have friends now, let them get you good jobs"
"I won't take it seriously. I'll screw up"
"Are you on drugs?"
"Fuck you"
"Ema, I don't want you fucking things up" "Oh shut the fuck up Nonso, if it wasn't for me you would have had extra years in the university. Why don't you try to return a favour?"
"Is your sister still single?"
"Whoa whoa whoa! Off limits" "Is she dating already?" "No but she doesn't need a dog like you to give her STD. If you don't want to give me the job, fine, shove it deep into your fucking throat and I hope you choke on it!"
"I haven't even given you a response and you're overreacting already"
Ema rolled her eyes, "Oya, what's your fucking response?" "I'll think about it"
"Fuck you" she snapped and he stared at her in confusion then her phone rang it was call from her ex boyfriend, Kunle. She ended the call but he ended up sending a text.
We need to meet Mama, please I need to talk to you, treat as important. Please, thank you.
Ema knocked on Kunle's door and he opened up, "What do you want?" She asked and he smiled. "Come in first" "Kunle" "Just get in!" He dragged her in shutting the door then she punched his arm.
"Fuck you! Don't ever drag me that way, don't you know it's painful"
Kunle groaned rubbing his fingers on the arm,"You know say your hand dey pain " he paused, "You always look cute when you're angry" he teased and she tightened her fist. "What do you want? I swear if you don't start talking I'll punch you I'm sure the next punch won't be cute"
He chuckled. "You still look cute" "Wo, Kunle abi whatever you name is, what do you want? You called me here and I came no matter how stupid it felt, I'm here so what's up, what do you want from me?"
"I want you Ema" he replied and she shut her eyes stream of tears started pouring out. "I want you, I missed you, I missed your touch, your kiss, your body"
Ema scoffed, "Are you stupid? Weren't you the one who fucking sent me out of your house" "Our house" he replied wrapping his arms around her waist and she melted into his arm. "Leave me alone Kunle, just fucking leave me alone!" She yelled slapping his chest.
Why does he have to make her weak every damn time? Why?
"Kunle I hate you"
"I know you don't! You love me as much as I love you, Ema I love you and I'm ashamed to confess it to you"
"What about your ex?"
"I don't like her"
"The other day she beat me up and..."
Kunle clasped his hands, "You won't believe me but the truth is I haven't been myself lately. I haven't felt okay in a long while, that night I had no idea what came over me. I've been thinking so I went somewhere with a friend and they told me there are people monitoring us, monitoring our relationship. They don't want us to go further, they don't want us to be happy, they want you to be happy"
"I don't know who they are but the Baba gave me something and I swear I've never felt more better in my entire life, I just got back from Ogbomoso and I'm so glad to see you" he placed his hands on his cheek and Ema looked around.
"I also thought the way you acted was strange, I even blamed your Ex for it"
"I don't think she's the one, even though she is we're covered"
"Are you sure about this?"
"That was what the Baba told me and I believe it"
"Are you sure they're still not monitoring us"
"No. He gave me something, it wards off evil spirits. I don't know how long it's going to last but as long as I wear it wherever I go to, as long I have it in this house. We're both safe" he wrapped his arms across her waist.
"I can't believe you met an herbalist"
"If I didn't, I wouldn't be in the right frame of mind. It was necessary. Please give me another chance" he pleaded and she smiled widely, "Okay" she replied. He leaned down, capturing her lips then he angled his head to the side to deepened the kiss leaving the both of them gasping for breath.
"Let's go to the room"
"I think the room can wait, I want to fuck you right now and right here!" She blurted out jumping on him.
Bamidele waved his arms around in the living room, making sure he doesn't hit any part of his body again. Yewande held his hands, "Hey Sis, where's your husband?"
"He's at the balcony" she replied leading him to the door, "I can't hear you but I assume you're taking me to where he is."
"Yes I am"
"Thank you Sis, for this, for making my 33rd birthday worth it. It wasn't what I wished for but at least for the first time i got to spend it with family" he answered and she chuckled kissing him on the cheek.
"I love you Bamidele"
"I don't need anyone to tell me you just said I love you"
Yewande chuckled, "Smart!" "I love you too, I know I've never said this but there you have it. Just know you're the best sister in the world. It took a stupid blindness to get me to see that" he laughed witholding his tears and she then she embraced him busting into tears.
Amazing unlocked the door then she walked into the sitting room. "Peace I'm home!" She yelled but no one replied, "Peace? Ema!" She called out walking into the guest room but there was no one there. "Its late, she should be at home by the time" she thought then she called her number three times but she didn't pick up.
Then she called Benefit, "Good evening Amazing" "Good evening Benefit. Have you heard from Ema?" "No. Why?" "She isn't there?" "No. She should be with you now"
"Exactly but she's not and I've been calling her but she's not picking"
"Calm down. I know my sister well, before you blow off your top, I'm sure she's in one bar probably drinking from being sad about Kunle. She's fine"
"What if.... What if she has gone off to beat Kunle's ex? What if they've beaten her to pump? I'm worried"
"I don't want to be worried too, let's just assume she's fine and let's keep calling. I'll let you know if I find out anything about her"
"Please do"
"Thank you"
Kwame opened to the door, Yemisi was standing nervously at the door, either which way sex was inevitable that night, she knew it and it made her nervous. She hoped it doesn't show on her face how eager and anxious she was.
What if he sees right through her?
Immediately he opened up, his heart began racing, she looked beautiful in the knee-length red gown. He had a blue shirt on a black trousers. "Hey Baby" he called out and she smile, "Good evening" "Please come in, you look great" he complimented and she gushed.
"And you're looking handsome" she walked in and he shut the door. She turned back at him and he slowly kissed her on her soft lips grabbing her waist while she placed a palm on his chest. That moment she wanted to damn dinner and just go straight to business they both craving each other.
Yemisi withdrew and Kwame smiled, "Dinner is ready." He said, he was so excited about the dinner. "Have you ever had Ghana jollof?" "No, ive only tasted Wanke" "What's Wanke? Its called Waakye" "Anyhow, Wanke taste so divine"
"Waakye, with something like che pronounced at the back"
"Wo, leave me with my Wanke, in Nigeria we call it Wanke, I used to patronize it very well. And the stew, god the stew! Then the economy of Ghana got better and all the Ghanaians in Nigeria left and it's like they stopped selling it"
Kwame chuckled, "Was the economy bad?" "All those times we'll be yabbing Ghanaians that with one hundred naira we can buy a plot of land there" she laughed retrospectively. "As you see me so, I'm guilty of it, now...." She shrugged.
"Well, you can still have a taste when we get to Ghana. All you just have to do is follow me"
"I hope your Jollof tastes nice"
"You be the judge of it"
Bamidele joined Saviour who was seated at the balcony, "I'll be inside" Yewande said leaving and Saviour smiled.
"What are you doing here?"
"Receiving fresh air"
"There's AC inside"
"Natural fresh air."
"Okay. I know I've been a asshole for years"
"I'm sure you've been an asshole all your life but, let's just manage the whole years."
"I just want to say, I'm..... I'm" he cleared his throat "Come on,it's not that hard to say sorry" "I'm sorry"
"The truth is I never understood why you never liked me, right from the start"
"Well, my guy was suppose to get married to her, I didn't think an Ibo man will catch her eyes, I'm not been tribalistic. It was supposed to be Leye" "Wait, Leye? Like Adeleye Lewis" "Yes"
"That guy was a no good!"
"He was rich and he liked my sister so well"
"It's never about the money, it's about having that sincere heart and love. Your sister hated that guy, he kissed her once right in my presence" "Whoa... What did you do"
"I didn't even need to anything, after the way your sister slapped him, I was scared that if I even touch him, he'll die" he replied and they both laughed. "Yewande and her dry hands, if she slaps, you'll literally see heaven!"
Saviour scoffed, "Has she slapped you?" "Guy, Whyyy? See ehn, that day I was drunk, I think my final year in uni, and she was trying to para and you know be 'Yewande' and then I said some pretty nasty thing and this Babe slapped me twice. I swear my brain went on reset mode, I was quiet" he explained and Saviour laughed.
"I'm not joking, that was my near-deaf experience before this one. I was feeling like a big boy, that woman just gave me that slap and it humbled me"
"Almighty Bamidele" "Almighty Bamidele isn't almighty with that woman and my mother. They feel like you can't outgrow them"
"Its good sha.... It's what you need right now, you need a woman that'll set you straight"
Bamidele scoffed, "What?" Saviour asked, "Nothing" "I'm all ears, don't hold back" "Women are..." He hissed, "What's the word,dating is a lot of stress and women are the stress, my ideology is that they're not worth the stress"
Saviour scoffed, "That's complete rubbish! Let me guess your first girlfriend broke your heart" "No. It was the training I got" "From who?" "My cousin in secondary school" "So you never took time to observe women" "He told me women are clingy especially when you're forming good boy and I found that out all through my secondary school. There was this babe that was clingy that year, I can't remember her name but she left a mark on my body, the babe went all psycho on me. That was when I made a decision that I'm never ever going to lead anyone on in my life, it pays when they know you're a bad boy with rules and they respect the rules"
"I won't try to play the saint here, we know those bad boy life, I also played with ladies feelings but at some point you get tired of it. For me its stopped making sense, breaking girls heart. I needed to settle, then I met Yewande, trust me man, she was worth it!"
Bamidele smiled, "I know she's my sister" "So all those girls, they're not someone's sister shey?" "Love is overrated, I don't even see myself falling in love anytime soon" "What are you scared of?"
What was he scared of? He asked within? Many things oh, he can't even begin to count them! What if the girl he ends up falling in love with can't return the love in the same magnitude, especially when he has fallen so deep? What if she ends up messing up and the heart breaker ends up being the one with the broken heart? What if he has already falling in love and the girl rejects him?
God forbid!
Bamidele scoffed "I'm Bamidele Jones, there's nothing I'm scared of" "Heart break nko?" " I'm the heart breaker here! Them no even born any girl well to break my heart!" He replied then Saviour busted out laughing.
"You and Wandy.... Since Emmanuel, are you guys not planning to .... Or you're both comfortable with him alone"
Saviour exhaled, "Don't let her hear you say that, she'll just get sad" "Why?" "We've been trying, after Nuel, we've had two miscarriages so far but we believe in God that at the right time, we'll have our child" "You guys really hold believe in this God"
"You don't?"
"I believe there's God but the way you hold him high, the Pastor said I'm deaf and Blind because God is trying to send me a message, to humble me"
Saviour laughed, "Dude.... That means you're a Pastor" "Fuck you" Bamidele snapped and he lifted his hands in surrender, "When they say that to people, we automatically assume the person is going to a Pastor" "Do I look like someone who's going to be a fucking Pastor!"
"No, but the Lord works in a mysterious way"
Bamidele shuddered, "No way! He only asked me to be humble and admit my wrongs, not just admit my wrongs see my wrongs" "So that's why you're apologizing shey? You just want to see quickly" he teased and Bamidele laughed.
"Not just that, I've been a dick to a whole lot of people and I'm willing to apologize"
"To your Dad?"
"Hell No!"
Saviour laughed, "Idiot! You know, I prefer you blind, if you can be blind for the whole month, I think it'll be fine by me"
Kunle panted in bed smiling while Ema glared at him, "Did you ...." She trailed off and a small smile curved his lips, he was excited and uncertain at the same, he had just released in her. The fact Ema was going to blow off her horns excited him. It wasn't a mistake though, it was an intentional act.
Let her get angry if she likes!
"Kunle did you just...." She repeated, she couldn't even complete her sentence, "Yes" he replied and she slapped his arms, "Ouch" he groaned then he laughed. "You're an idiot, you know what Kunle, it's now I know your true intention, you want to ruin my life abi? I'm not even safe!"
"I don't want to ruin your life" he replied laughing at her exaggeration and she sat up slapping his belly, "What's fucking amusing to you? Fuck you!" "I really won't mind fucking you a third time"
"Whats wrong with you? I'm not on pills and you know how these preventive drugs make me feel, they're not good for me. You saw the last one and you swore you'll never make such mistake again. Why will you be carried away?"
Kunle sat up, he knew he had to explain himself, Ema was going into panic mode. "I wasn't carried away. It was intentional. At first I was like should I or should I not. Then I said screw it! I want this Ema, you're the craziest woman I've ever been with, I love you as much as I love every of your sweet assault, more emphasis on assault cause you assault me every time but I promise that I'm not going to sue. They're actually sweet"
"Mad oh" she replied biting her lips and he laughed now using his fingertips to caress her inner thigh. "Are you trying to say...." "Marry me Ema"
Ema cried, "You sure know how to make a Tomboy emotional" she added kissing him on the lips, "Wanna go a third time?" "You bet I want to" he moved his hands further and she moaned kissing him on the lips.
Kwame looked deep into Yemisi's face as she kept in ranting on and on about the jollof rice she just tasted. "There was no pepper in it" "I said I was preparing Ghana jollof rice not Yoruba jollof rice" he snapped and she laughed slapping his belly.
He didn't break his stare, his eyes filled with passion, his hands gently holding her face. "What?" "God I'm in love with you" "I've also fallen in love with you, all my head, my heart, my organs have been dipped in your love. I don't know the jazz you did but I like it, I love every moment spent with you, inside of me, I'm thinking will I be able to survive those days without you with me? Who will pop up unannounced in my kitchen? Huh who?"
Kwame chuckled, "The offer is still open" "I already told you that I can't leave my business, abi you want my customer to run and leave me?" "No. So, Baby. Tell me about Mr and Mrs Ojo, my future in laws. What do they do for a living?"
"Dad Is a carpenter, is there any nice way to put it? He has this big carpentry work shop. Mom is a civil servant, she works in the public's service"
"Did they freak out when you made your choice to bake?"
Yemisi laughed, "Dad didnt. The man was totally supportive, Mom... That's another story for another. She didn't agree oh, she was so disappointed but over the years, she has learned to adjust to it. I love baking and it's a passion I'm not ready to drop for anyone, even if I meet my future in laws and they don't like me because of it. I won't be a shame"
Kwame laughed, "I assure you that Djan and Regina Acquah are not that dictative. Besides I already told them about you just yesterday and I sent them pictures too" "Jeez! Which picture did you use? Let me see it"
"Is that all you care about"
"Show me now!" She tapped his belly but he kept on laughing. "It was one of those pictures I took with your hairnets on" "Ah!" She shut her eyes in embarrassment, "You are wicked, I'm dating a wicked man! You couldn't lift my fine pictures on Facebook, especially my profile picture, ah! Kwame, Ika ika ika ni o (you're wicked)"
"Who cares, you look pretty anyways, even when you have your hairnets on, you still look pretty"
"Awwn" she leaned in resting on his chest, "What do you see your self doing in five years time? What are your dreams as a baker"
Yemisi smiled, "I want to have my own biscuit brand, be among the competition in the chin chin line. Hopefully my bread would have gone to Oxford before then" she joked and he laughed. "Yummy yem cupcakes, yummy yem everything then I'll be doing advert for my snacks! Then I'll be sponsoring TV programmes, my levels would have changed, ah!" She blushed.
"See as I'm blushing as if it has happened already"
"Always dream big Baby. You sound hot saying all those things" he replied then he exhaled. "Baby, do you want anything, drinks? Water?"
"What do you want?"
"I want you to make love to me" She said as she looked deep into his eyes for a moment, a smile curved his lips. "I want to be yours forever"
"You're mine, I'm yours already" he replied, putting his hand under her chin, then she kissed his neck, her tongue traced kisses on his neck and he moaned in response to her touch.
He leaned over to kiss her softly. His hands ran down her body, caressing her back to her breast. He stood up from the sofa, pulled her up to him, his head coming down to hers. Quickly, his lips landed on her shoulder as he left sweet and gentle kisses on it.
Her fingers began to work their ways now unbuttoning his shirt and then she pull it off . She ran her hands over his chest, as her hands rose to his shoulders to caress his warm skin.
Kwame ran his fingers through her hair then he kissed her again, panting into her mouth, pushing his tongue in and stroking hers. He pulled his mouth away from her then he took her earlobe into his mouth and sucking gently then she moaned shutting her eyes.
That seems to be her errogeneous spot!
His hands reached her the back of her gown unzipping it while she pulled the gown to her tummy level revealing the red strapless bra she wore. For a moment he said a prayer of gratitude to her ex for letting her go! Yemisi was a work of art, she's perfect the way she is.
They both resumed kissing while be unclasped the bra.
Saviour escorted Bamidele back into his room where Nuel was playing games on Bamidele's phone. "Nuel, what are you doing here?" "I was waiting for Uncle Bammy, I'm sleeping here this night" he took his eyes off the phone then he dropped it on the bed.
"Don't come and disturb your Uncle he needs rest" he replied then he mouthed at his son, "Disturb him very well"
Nuel laughed and Bamidele scoffed, "What did your father say?" "Good night Bammy" Saviour tapped him then he left the room leaving Bamidele to walk back to the bed while sweeping his leg and waving hands till he touched the soft bed.
Bamidele sat on the edge of the bed, "Uncle, you need stick" "I'd rather die than walk around with a stick" "The girl that came, is she your girlfriend?" He asked and Bamidele exhaled.
"No. I don't have a girlfriend"
"Why did you now cry?"
"Because I finally got to see things clearly for myself. Efua and I.... We've been friends for a long time and just when you think they've got your back. I didn't expect her to say that, just because I can't help her anymore."
Bamidele wiped his eyes then he scratched his forehead now laying down and Nuel joined him. "Don't you think of getting married, Mom says you're old enough" "Do I look old?" He asked and he shook his head.
"Maybe some time in the later later later future when I fall in love and meet my Cinderella"
Nuel laughed, "Too bad you're not Prince charming" he commented and Bamidele grabbed him in a way he couldn't then he tickled him. "For a six years old, you talk big" Bamidele snapped then he exhaled. "I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday, I'm sorry for not spending time enough with you to know you're fun to be with"
"Okay" he replied shutting his eyes. "I used to think you're trouble some, you're troublesome, in a good way"
The silence made him realize Nuel was already asleep, "Look at this boy, leaving me to be speaking all alone." He laughed to himself then he held the bed sheet spreading all over Nuel's body . "Good night Nuel"
Bamidele sat in the office holding a cheque in his hand, beside him was his mother who was dressed in a blue white lace blouse and wrapper, opposite them was Pastor Osagiede. "I've come to give this to you as compensation for the.." He cleared his throat, "For everything" he said looking towards the direction of Pastor Osagiede.
"It was never about the money, your character was in question. There is a need to mould it, make it better"
"I realize that now and I just want to say I'm sorry"
"If were being honest, the only thing you're in interested in is getting your sight back"
"Heck I need it! I need to get my life back on track, will you fucking heal me or you're just going to seat there and give me a damn sermon?" He asked and Pastor Osagiede chuckled. "Bamidele!" Mrs Jones cautioned.
"You can keep the cheque Brother Bamidele"
"Pastor please, I'm begging you please!"
"Mummy why are you begging him? This man just keeps on pissing me off! Like what the fuck? This is a millionaire naira cheque. I doubled it for the trouble I gave to you"
"Bamidele!" Mrs Jones cautioned again tugging at his cloth, "Mom let's leave" he snapped fumbled his way to the door then he walked out slamming the door angrily.
"Bamidele" he heard Pastor Tunde called out and he began to wonder how the man suddenly appeared right in his front. He smiled placing his holding on to both arms. "My son, It has never been about the money, until you completely learn, you might never get out of this"
Bamidele opened his eyes once again to complete darkness, at least he's now aware it was all a dream. He looked up at the ceiling as though looking on to God. Was this a message or an instruction? He didn't really understand.
He then tapped Nuel's back, "Wake up, please wake up Nuel, please" he begged and Nuel sat up scratching his eyes.
"Uncle, do you want to wee?"
"No. What's the time?" He asked and Nuel pulled the phone closer to himself, "5:25 am"
"Call your Mom, I've got a cheque to sign"
Yemisi laid in Kwame's arm then she lazily ran her fingers on his chest. "I'm declaring a day off, I'm not going anywhere, I just want to remain here in your arms all day" she confessed and he kissed her forehead. "I won't agree more. I'll have Martha cancel all appointments for today, I want to spend time with my woman"
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"I want you" she replied and his eyes shone in surprise, "I'm just joking oh abeg, you want to kill me for my mother ni? You don't have to worry, I'll make breakfast"
"I want to make breakfast today, you can some other time, it's my treat" he replied and she bit her lips, "Is there any toothbrush available that I can use in brushing my teeth? I don't want to use your exes toothbrush, I cannot comman use your exes dried saliva to brush my teeth"
Kwame laughed, "There's a pack of unused toothbrush in the bathroom. My ass is glued here, I don't feel like moving" "Shey?" She asked and they both laughed then he finally made a move to sit up.
His eyes scattered in search of his shorts then he rose up naked picked up the short then he wore it while she watched. "I'll be right back" "I'll be waiting" she replied watching him leave.
She took her phone from the phone from the drawer, it was on airplabe mode so she turned it off! The first call that came in was from Amazing. "I tried calling you" "Oh" "I wanted to ask about Ema, she didn't come on last night but then I remembered you had s date. When I tried reaching you several times and I heard the network provider say your number was switched off, I knew deep down things had gone the other way after your date"
Yemisi laughed then she squeaked, "Oh my God Yemisi, I don't even need to ask much. You're obviously happy and I'm happy for you" "Thank you. Before we talked about the date, Kwame told me he'll be travelling to South Africa for a business trip and then he'll be going to Ghana for a cousin's wedding. He wants me to meet his parents, he wants me to be his plus one on these trips"
"What did you say"
"I told him that I couldn't because of business"
"Are you crazy?" "No. I don't want to compromise business"
"Yemisi calm down. I'm putting this on conference"
"Hey Amazing" Nene said and Yemisi rolled her eyes, "Hey Nene" "Hey Yemmy" "Good morning bitches!" Fisayo yelled, "Good morning Fisayo" Amazing replied.
"You two are on conference because i think Yemisi is about to make a crazy decision and I want your opinion"
"Why is Fissy on the conference then?"
"Because my opinion counts"
"So Kwame is going on a business trip to South Africa and then he'll be going to Ghana for a cousin's wedding. He wants Yemisi to follow him so she could meet his parents but our dear doesn't because of business"
Fisayo laughed, "Yemmy Baby?" "What?" "Touch my neck small, it's like as if you're not well. Abi your village people have started drumming and you're dancing to the drum and you don't know, you sef you are Gbe bodying to the beat. Babes, don't come and use backyard here oh"
"Fisayo is right. I totally agree with her, Babe, he's inviting you for a business trip, that means he's planning to mix business with pleasure. You guys haven't even had sex, imagine you two doing it an expensive hotel suite in South Africa. He wants you to meet his parents which means he's damn serious. Why keep him waiting?"
"Don't you wanna have sex with him? The guy is hot!" Fisayo added and Yemisi shut her eyes, "I already did, last night" she squeaked and everyone squeaked too like little girls.
"Oh my God, how was it?" Fisayo asked and she scoffed.
"I won't tell. All I know is that I'm happy, I've never been this happy in my life" "Then follow him! Babe, you've always wanted to travel, you're prepared for this, you have people to watch over your bakery, don't miss a golden opportunity like this. It's a chance to know him better beyond the shores of Nigeria" Amazing advised and Yemisi exhaled.
"I'll think of it"
Ema's phone rang under the couch then she bent down to pick it up but it was too late. "How did the phone end up under the chair?" She asked and Kunle laughed. "Ask me!"
She had several missed calls from her all her girl gang; even Uche called her.
The phone rang again and she stared at it quite scared, "These girls will kill me, especially knowing that I spent the night with the same man who kicked me out" "If what was meant to be was meant to be, there's no stopping it" he said and she answered the call.
"Ema?" Benefit asked and Ema shut her eyes, "You can't reach Ema right now, drop a message after you hear beep." "Are you crazy? Do you know how worried we were, now you're playing voicemail. I told Amazing I wasn't going to get worried but heck I was! You didn't come home even till past one"
Ema laughed, "I'm sorry" "If you know how serious this was, you won't be laughing" "Baba chill jhoor! Awwwn, look at who cares about her twins" "Abeg go jhoor!" She snapped and Ema laughed again.
"Where were you?"
"Um.... Don't freak out"
"Good morning Benefit!" Kunle yelled,this time he had a cup of tea in his hand, "Is that..... Ema!"
"I know what you think, trust me I know you're thinking, gosh my sister is such a whore! But, there's an explaination for it and I promise to let you all know this evening. Drinks and food on me"
"Ema, your ass is still broke and jobless"
"I should feel insulted but I'm not"
"Because you're shameless" Benefit rolled her eyes, "You're right. I am shameless and besides my ATM machine is around now I can sponsor a girls night out" Ema smiled and Benefit exhaled, "I hope you know what you're doing?"
"I do Baby! Don't worry about me Benefit, I know what I'm doing and I'll be fine. I love you"
"I love you too" she replied and Ema smiled staring at Kunle who was laughing. "I was waiting for you to end the call. Abeg, who is your ATM?" He asked and Ema's looked up the ceiling while Kunle sipped his tea then he chuckled.
"You had better get your broke ass a job and sit the hell on the job. Do you want tea"
"Yes love with plenty sugar"
"You and who?" Khble asked walking towards the kitchen.
"I'll just hide and put anyways be arguing with your head!"
He stopped at the entrance of the kitchen then he turned back at her, "You're going to be a mother soon, reduce your sugar in take" he snapped entering into the kitchen. "You're preaching to the wrong congregation, mother kor, murderer ni"
Kwame walked into the room with a tray of fried egg, toast and tea. "You guys finally reached her. Thank God!" Yemisi exhaled now smiling at Kwame. "Come on Amazing, we all know Ema loves Kunle"
"The guy sent her out of the house in the midnight, what if he tries it again?"
"We'll all gang up and teach him a lesson now, we'll beat him rubbish away from his body, Lagos style. Let's not blame her here, love makes us do things that are unimaginable. I have to go Amazing, Kwame is back"
"Have fun dear!" Amazing replied hanging up and Yemisi smiled staring at Kwame who was already seated. "Who are you guys ganging up to beat?" He asked and she laughed.
"Ema's boyfriend of he dare mess with her heart again"
Kwame laughed, "I'm scared" "Don't be. So, about that trip tomorrow, is the offer still up?" "She asked and he wiped his face in surprise, " Wait.... Are you teasing me right now or " "I'm not. I just thought if it, I could use a little vacation" she replied and he kissed her on the lips and everywhere else on her face.
Mrs Jones stood away from Bamidele discussing with a man just outside Pastor Osagiede compound. She had just being informed that the Pastor was out of town. "I understand" she said to the man, "But he'll be back let's say..... Saturday evening cause he definutely won't miss preaching in his local church."
"Thank you for the information"
"Its nothing Ma" he replied and she squeezed some money into the man's hand. "Please help me manage it ehn" she said and the man glanced at the money, "Ah! This one is too much"
"Thank you" she smiled walking towards Bamidele. "He went out to preach in a church out of Lagos, he won't be back till Saturday"
Bamidele cringed in disappointment, "Shit" "We can come back on Sunday" "I'll be in his office on Saturday waiting for him till he gets back. Let him know I mean business"
Kunle sat in his office folding his leg laughing out loud from the call he was making. "Its good to see you laughing again. Dude, you were like a zombie all those while! I knew something was different about I never knew witches were using your head"
"You have no idea how happy I am right now. I have my Ema back and I'm planning to get married to her as soon as possible" "You and this your Ema" he commented and they both laughed.
A male figurine was placed on a table and a knife held towards the leg and Phina laughed, "Let's see how romantic he'll be without his legs" she muttered but a force prevents the knife from penetrating then then she scoffed.
"What the hell is going on?" She asked looking at everyone in the room.
"According to Kunle, there are some forces working against the two of us then he said it's working against me, it doesn't want me to be happy" Ema explained and Nene rolled her eyes, "Probably those people whoses trouble you keep looking for!"
Ema laughed sarcastically, "I don't look for people's trouble. If anyone deserves to be out under the knife for trouble, it's you Madam! You're queen of trouble" "And why are you the one they're after then?"
"I don't know, maybe jealousy! I'm sure its jealousy. I'm hundred percent certain it's Kunle's ex. He doesn't think so, maybe its his other Ex, they're jealous. They turned Kunle against me the other time"
"This is scary, it's really scary" Benefit added, "You're not even acting disturbed Ema!" "Benefit is right" Amazing added, "You need to be prayerful at this point, I'll take you to meet Pastor Tunde"
Uche scoffed, "And what will the Pastor do? " Pray for her" Blessing replied, "And what? The witches will go away, if it was that easy, I'm sure Amazing won't be planning on going for the operation"
Fisayo rolled her eyes, "Must you always talk?" "If you can point out the lie in it, criticise me, if you can't, leave me and my truth. It's a dangerous situation no doubt! The onlt she needs to be more vigilant"
"What about God factor?" Amazing asked, "Wasn't God around when the witches were poking their business in her relationship? God is there already, the only thing that'll help you is your number six!"
"Well, I don't have any reason to be scared. Kunle has this all figured out, he went to get protection from a...." She trailed off.
"Native doctor?" Uche asked then she scoffed. "Yes. Don't make it sound that way, if not for what he did. He would have still been under that spell. He's currently walking around with this charm and it's also in the house. We're safe."
Uche scoffed again, "It's common sense but till when, juju doesn't last for long" "Juju expert, you're the one that knows" Fisayo snapped and Uche rolled her eyes, "I'm just saying the truth"
"The gist is not over, before you guys will turn this meeting into a quarrel thing. Guess what guys? Kunle proposed in a kind of way, he said he wants us to get married and have kids" she smiled and Fisayo rose up, "Issa lie! So Ema will first me and marry?" She asked then she quickly hugged her, "Congrats love"
Benefit hugged her, "Congratulations Ema, I wish you the best and please get a job!" She snapped and Ema laughed. "I'll try to"
"Congratulations dear" Amazing embraced her followed by Yemisi, Nene. Uche rose up faking a smile, "Not expected but anyways, congrats Ema" she embraced her frowning then he pulled away faking a smile.
Fisayo poured herself a drink, "So guys let's toast to one by one marriage, you guys should not even look at me, do I look like someone that will get married even in three years? Abeg! Let's toast to love, to friendship, to squabbles, to trouble that we always find ourselves"
Uche raised her glass to that, "Let's also toast to Yemisi that will be travelling out of Nigeria for the first time after all her dream of travelling out." "I'll toast to that!" Amazing yelled and everyone laughed.
"Let's also toast to me, after my near death experience, we all know I've been harbouring this phobia to travel, um guess what guys.... I'll be travelling again and I'm so excited about it. Cheers guys" she exhaled and everyone lifted their drinks up.
Bamidele sat in front of the church, the church choir were having rehearsals outside the church.
🎶It is to you, I give the glory, it is to you, I give the praise, for you have done so much for me🎶
A lady sat close to him, "Brother, are you sure you're comfortable here? You've been waiting for more three hours" She asked, "I am," he replied chewing biscuits, "Thanks. I'm still waiting for your Pastor" "Okay" she replied and guy walked up to them, "Sister Rose, I've checked the gen, there's no fuel, it's dried and its getting dark already"
"Tell the choir to contribute now"
"Let me go now"
"How many litres of fuel will be enough?"
"Two should do" the guy replied and he brought out some money from his pocket, "I don't know how much that is, just take everything" he replied and the guy collected it, it was about five thousand naira.
"Guy, are you sure?"
"Do you want me to collect it back?"
"Why are you asking then? See, I don't want to transfer anger to you so...." "Thank you" they both replied and he exhaled. "Please what's the time?"
The lady looked at her phone, "6:12" she answered quickly, "Five thousand should be up to how many litres?" She asked leaving and the guy frowned. "Sister Rose, let's remain small" "Do you know what made that guy blind? Disobedience and stubbornness. Unless you want to be blind too, you better buy that fuel and light up God's house"
"Yes Ma" he replied leaving and then Mrs Jones parked her car in front of the church then she walked up to her son, she was dressed in a blue lace, blouse and wrapper. "Any luck?" She asked touching his then he sniffled.
"Mom? He's not yet back"
Thirty minutes later the generator was turned on and then Pastor Osagiede approached them, "Good evening Pastor" Mrs Jones greeted, "Good evening Ma, i learnt your son have been waiting" "Yes" "Good evening Sir" Bamidele greeted and Pastor Osagiede smiled.
"Let's head to my office" he said walking away. Mrs Jones led her son into the office then they both sat just across him. "I'm sorry you had to wait that long, I didn't even get home, I had to rush down here."
"How was your journey?" Mrs Jones asked, "It was fine, we give all glory to God almighty" "Thank God"
Bamidele who was getting impatient, took out a cheque from his pocket. "I've come to give this to you as compensation for the.." He cleared his throat, "For everything" he said looking towards the direction of Pastor Osagiede. Suddenly he wondered why the whole thing felt like dejavu.
"It was never about the money, your character was in question. There is a need to mould it, make it better"
Have I seen this happen before?
"I realize that now and I just want to say I'm sorry"
"If we're being honest, the only thing you're in interested in is getting your sight back"
Heck I need it! I need to get my life back on track, will you fucking heal me or you're just going to seat there and give me a damn sermon? That was what he had in mind to say then he remembered it was the exact dream he had!
Shit! Bamidele, you're going to screw it this up again.
He exhaled, "You're right, I want to have my life back on track, but I also want to do something right for the first and maybe apologize to those people I've wronged, there might not be much difference but the Bamidele last week, is not the same Bamidele sitting here. I acknowledge my wrong, I had every right to be angry about the speakers but I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I lied and I made you spend time in the cell and I'm sorry for it." He paused. All the while his mother kept on staring at him at though he was staring at a ghost.
He stretched the cheque at him.
"This is a cheque of One million for the trouble I caused"
Pastor Osagiede collected it, "Thank you, let's pray." He requested and they both shut their eyes. "Lord we thank you for this day, we thank you for your mercies upon this one, your hands are visible than ever. For this I say thank you, I lift this one into your hands oh Lord, the grace to do exploit, give on to him and make him whole in Jesus name"
"Amen" they both answered.
Bamidele opened one of his eyes to know if the coast was clear but the whole room was still very much dark so he opened the two. "What's going on? Aren't I suppose to be okay?" "Go home Brother Bamidele, the ways of God cannot be understood by mere men"
Bamidele fumbled his way out of the office then his mother followed him. "Bamidele" "I thought..." He trailed off then he started to think of how he had dreamt of it before it happened.
For crying out loud, he didn't let his anger get the best of him!
"Mom, are you wearing a blue lace, up and down"
Mrs Jones opened her eyes in shock, "Can you see me?" "No....." "How did you?" "Forget it, take me home"
Bamidele retired into his room in disappointment, he laid un his bed crying, "I did it, I doubled the damn money! What do you want from me? What?" He asked and Nuel stared pathetically at him.
"Uncle Bammy"
"Please leave, I don't want to talk to anyone... Please!" He snapped and Nuel walked out of the room then he slowly shut the door.
He felt bad for him.
1:20 pm
Bamidele sat in the living room listening to a movie on Dove TV then he laughed. "You tried killing his mother now, why are you now complaining?" He asked then he heard Nuel's voice.
"Mommy, should I give Uncle Bammy the ice cream?"
"Yes" Yewande replied and he rushed up to meet him, "Uncle Bammy good afternoon. I hope you're feeling better" "I'm watching, sorry listening to a movie, the mother in law is a witch. I don't understand why I can't see Christian movies, it should apply now. Since I can hear it, I should be able to watch it"
"You know what we learned today in church?"
"Faith. Pastor Tunde said if we have faith, we can make things come to reality, Peter had faith and he healed the man at gate beautiful I have faith and I'm saying Uncle Bamidele Jones close your eyes"
Bamidele laughed, "Very funny" "Emmanuel, stop disturbing your uncle" Saviour added, the guy had no joy the previous night, he didn't even eat dinner!
"Close your eyes now, oya let's do practical now. Please" he begged and Bamidele shut his eyes, "Okay..." "When you open your eyes, you're going to see my face a d the whole house"
"Okay. Receive your sight and hearing" he placed his palm against his ears and Bamidele laughed. "Okay, now open" he demanded and Bamidele opened his eyes to see Nuel still touching his ears, the brightness made him shut his eyes again.
"Watch your language Bammy!" Yewande yelled and he heard then he laughed, "I can't believe this" he said slowly opening his eyes till his pupils finally adjusted to the light.
"I can see"
"What?" Yewande asked, "I said I can see, and I can hear you, I can fucking see!" He screamed then he kissed Nuel on the forehead then he embraced him before rising up then he looked around.
"I can see."
"Shey I told you, have faith"
Yewande moved closer to her, "You can actually see me" "You've never looked any more hot in that yellow dress. I love you sis" he confessed and she embraced him busting into tears of joy.
"Thank God!"
"Wow, saviour muttered, "To think that I was saying Nuel shouldn't disturb him. I thought the boy was joking. God is mysterious"
Nuel smiled, "Mummy does this mean I can start my own church?" He asked and everyone laughed.
What do you guys think of today's update?
Finally Bammy can see?
How many of us are disappointed?
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