🔴 Chapter 5 🔴

Happy democracy day!!!!!!

Two in one episode for those who can't leave home!

Stay safe!


Chapter 5


Mrs Jones clasped her hands with her eyes shut in tears. She was worried, she didn't even know what to expect, what could have made him bleed from his ears? Could this be a consequence of his actions?

Kwame leaned against the wall, he was too worried to think!  What he needed that moment was something to sooth him, something like Yemisi's voice or wrapping his arms around her waist.

He called Yemisi but she refused answering the call.

The doctor finally showed up walking up to them, he had this confused look on his face, he faced Kwame. "Are you sure nothing happened that must have caused an injury to his ears?" "Nothing, he just kept on complaining about a loud sound he was hearing, there was audible noise. The next we knew, he was on the floor, bleeding from his ears"

"This is strange indeed"

Mrs Jones rose up, "Doctor, what is it?" "From my analysis, his ear drums have been badly ruptured, I'm afraid your son might never hear again" he blurted out and she placed both hands on her head.

"Mogbe! Ah Bamidele, Bamidele! Shebi you don't always hear word, Bamidele!" She snapped her fingers. "You don't always...." She busted into tears and Dare tried to console her.

"Ma take it easy"

"Easy Bawo? How?"

"Is he awake?" Kwame asked,  he was trying to remain calm.

"No. He's sleeping; I think its advisable for his family to be with him when he wakes up cause he might freak out a bit, there's that tendency he might be traumatize, and also get a note pad you all can write on in advance to communicate with him. You can use all this wipable ones.  Hearing loss can be treated but cannot be cured, you might want to see a specialist. If there's also a need for him to learn sign language for easy communication, I know of"

"Doctor it's okay" Dare snapped, "How much are they paying you for the advert? Abeg, we haven't even soaked the news about this whole thing you're already selling market!"

Amazing walked into her room, her breathe was heavy and her eyes reddened from witholding her tears. She suddenly feel on her kneels then she began crying.

"What the hell is going on? What's happening to me? Why did this have to happen to me? Haven't I served you enough? I sow always, I clean occasionally, you said all things worketh together for good for they that love God.  I love you but this ... This isn't good, what's going on? What's happening?"

The door creaked open and she turned back at it then she hissed, walking up to the door then she bang the door angrily as though it'll  help lessen her anger but it didn't.

She sat on the bed wiping her tears off.

How was she going to let Aboh know about it? Where will she start from? Will he agree or leave her?

Bamidele opened up his eyes staring up at the ceiling, from the smell, he could denote he was in a hospital. He groaned from the headache he was feeling, he sat up to see his mother along with Yewande, Kwame, Dare and Murphy they were conversing but he couldn't hear a thing.

All he could see was mouth moving, they didn't even notice he was awake. "What's going on here?" He asked and they all turned to him. His mother approached him placing her palm on his cheeks.

"It's going to be fine" she reassured.

He read her lips, she just said it's going to fine but why can't he hear what she's saying? What the fuck is happening?

"What happened to me?" He asked and Kwame lifted a paper up.

Your eardrums got ruptured.

"What does that fucking mean?"

Kwame wrote on the paper again now showing it to him, "The doctor said you might not be able to hear again" he said while showing him the written note.

The doctor said you might not be able to hear again

Bamidele laughed in disbelief, "You're fucking kidding me right? You guys are....." He stared at every serious face in the room, even Dare of all people was serious. "Big sis, tell me its a lie" He asked and she cried.

He fell on the bed laughing hard then it turned into tears rolling down to the side of his face.

"It can't be.... Its can't be"  he cried out while his mother busted into loud sobs.

Aboh knocked on the door and Amazing walked up to the door, she was now dressed in a red top and a black baggy trousers.  She knew it was him knockong so she wiped off her some tears from the side of her eyes before opening up.

"Hey," she waved at him ans he walked in. "Hey Babe, good afternoon" he greeted and she forced a smile, "Good afternoon" she greeted watching him walk in then she shut the door slowly.

"I got your message" he turned his gaze back at her, "Are you okay? You don't look okay"

Amazing shrugged, "Um.... Something happened" "What Happened?" He moved closer and she busted into tears, "So I was experiencing some heavy menstrual pain, irregular periods then I decided to have a test done. The doctor said I have Fibroid and I'll need to undergo myomectomy as soon as possible" she busted into tears and he hugged her.

"Hey, shhhh" she ran her hands through her hair, "It's fine, it's fine, we'll do it together" he replied to her surprise then she pulled back staring into his face. "Why do you look surprised?"

"I... I didn't expect you to.... I thought you'll be angry"

"I'm not angry, why will I be angry? Twenty five Years ago or so two years after the birth of my little sister, my mother had to undergo fibroid operation, my elder sister, went through the process too. It's a normal phenomenon, it's beyond your understanding. Amazing if you think I'll push you away just because of this, you're joking, I'm not going to. If the doctor said you have to undergo surgery, then do it without waste of time. What I do know for a fact is that Fibroids grow, they can be sturbborn and competitive with babies in the womb, we won't want our children competiting with some baby wanna be" he teased and she chuckled.

"You just said baby"

"Yeah" he muttered kneeling down before her, "Amazing ... I don't have a ring yet, I'll be sure to get one before tomorrow. I know it's a short period of time but I feel like I've known you my entire life, Amazing I want to be there for you every step of the way, in good times and bad times, you're the woman I wanna grow old with, the woman I want to be the mother of my children. Just say yes to me and I'll come see your parents and the normal traditional rites" he promised and she gasped.

Exactly what her mother said the other morning!

"Yes, Aboh yes I'll marry you" she replied and he rose up kissing her on the lips and she kissed him back. "Thank you, Thank you Amazing, thank you so much"

Two hours later

5:36 pm

Dare wrote on a note pad  then he showed it to Bamidele who was more calmed than he was.

You seem relaxed now

"Why won't I be? I'll be fine soon, I'm sure it's that Pastor's doing, all I have to do is meet him and I'll be alright"

Dare wrote again; How shure are you?

"Can't you make your handwriting clearer than this? Are you trying to stress my pupil? Did you just spell sure as S-H-U-R-E"

Dare scoffed moving his face close to him, "It's short form" he replied making sure to pronounce the words so he can read his lips.  "What kind of useless short form is that? And dude, please did you eat your grandmother, your breath stinks"

Dare looked up, "God why you no just dey merciful enough to commot him mouth join?" He asked.

Bamidele noticed Kwame laugh. "What did the idiot say, I'm sure he said something stupid"

"I said" Dare paused making some signs language, "What the fuck does that mean?"

Dare wrote on the note pad again, he really took his time! Then he smiled showing it to him.

I have no fucking idea what that meant, I was just trying to mock you, you get the joke right? I think God missed a spot, continue to dey talk shit, na your mouth remain!" 

"Fuck you" He snapped, he didn't believe he wasted his time and strained his pupil to read insults! Dare busted into laughter and he chuckled too.  "This isn't about God sef it's that damn Pastor. Use my condition to catch cruise you hear, e go soon reach your turn"

Dare continued laughing, this time he was touching his belly then he wrote on the note pad again.

I'm going ask me where?

"I know this is going to be stupid but where?" He asked and he quickly scribbled a note.

To Bethlehem, I heard Jesus is passing, make i go call am for you

He kept quiet, this time he was speechless then Dare wrote again.

Stay strong bro, I have to skidadul!

"Dude that's not even how to spell skedaddle"

"As long as you understand am. I don go oh" he shook his hands with Bamidele, Kwame and Murphy before leaving. Kwame moved close to him, he had a worried look on his face.

"Don't give me that pathetic look, you're not dating me"

Kwame wrote on the note pad.

Dude you're deaf and you're being so cool about it

"Can you make it more bolder, maybe it'll finally stick in my head! That I'm deaf. I don't know what shady games that Pastor is up to but I'm sure he did this to me and I'll get him arrested if he doesn't take this juju, whatever he did away from me!"

Mrs Jones walked into her husband's office to find him looking through documents. "Daddy Yewande" She called out and Sir Jones laughed, "You're not calling me honey, you're not even calling me Wale or Debo, you know I hate being called Daddy Yewande so I supposed you're really angry with me"

"How can you be so buried in your work when your son has been struck with only God knows what"

Sir Jones brought his glasses to the brim of his nose, "How is it my fault? He's paying for his sin" "Be a father and stand by him at least! He's our son! For crying loud, stop making it look like he was adopted, he's our son!"

"No son of mine will ever do what he did, I have washed my hands off him, that boy can do whatever he likes, I don't care"

"He's deaf, the doctor said his ear drums were ruptured. Honey, his hearing abilities are gone...." She sobbed and her husband exhaled, "How is he coping?"

Yummy Yem Bakery

Kwame entered into the shop and Ngozi scratched her hair on seeing him. "Good evening" "Good evening Ngozi, is she around?" "She said I should tell you that she's not around.  I'm sorry but I'm under strict command"

"Please just help me out. I need to talk to her, please" he begged, she noticed how moist his eyes were so she allowed him enter into the kitchen.

Yemisi was in the kitchen experimenting she was meshing Irish potato. He wrapped his arms around her and she gasped in fear. "Geez Kwame, I already told you to stop sneaking up on me" she complained ans he held her tightly.

"I needed a shoulder to lean on, please let me just remain here" he shut his eyes and she wondered what must have happened to him to have him speak that way.

She didn't resist him, she just let me rest there quietly, not like she didn't like it too! The warmth she was getting from him, unlike the usual warmth from the bakery, she missed his usual gum-body practices.

"Kwame, are you.... are you okay?" She asked, the concern in her voice wss hope-building!

"I just want to stay here forever, I need someone to talk to but there's no one."

Hei! What could have happened now? Did something happen to his parents? Or a family member? She was literarily dying of curiosity.

Yemisi rubbed his palm then she turned towards him, curiousity will not come and kill her! She observed the white shirt he had on, whose sleeve was folded. Lately, she has been seeing him in his cooperate form since he basically comes begging frequently.

  "What happened?" "I prefer the last position" "Baby! Talk to me, you've incited the amebo in me" she explained and a smile curled up his cheeks from hearing her call him Baby. 

"Did you just call me baby?"

"No I called you Omode, taah ta! Don't tell me you're doing gimmicks"

"I'm not, I just prefer the last position, I could actually rest and touch your waist"

Yemisi wanted to laugh but she scoffed instead.  "Ah, Omo yii, you're doing gimmicks" "Its not a gimmick" "Wo, it's gimmicks jhoor, you missed my waist that's why you came here forming as if all the whole world has crashed on you"

"Actually my world crashed the very moment you left Dare's house that day."

Yemisi raised her brow, Omo see lines!

"My world crashed when you stopped picking my calls, it also crashed those moments you avoided me. Trust me, it's been crashing galour"

"Omo see lines!" Yemisi finally blurted out and he chuckled softly, "Baby I'm serious" "I know you're serious now but has anyone ever told you, you're good with words?"

"Is it working? I've been trying to talk to you for week now"

"Then it wasn't sticking in now its working small so.... Try and add my sugar and salt solution, you never can tell which one will make my heart beat again"

"Today makes it our one week break up versary, Baby, I'm sorry for making your heart stop beating cause I'm sure you were practically dead without me"

Yemisi gasped, "See this guy" "Your words not mine, you said I should make your heart beat again, so you were dead without me" "You're feeling yourself shey?" She asked and he chuckled lifting up her palm.

"Thanks for giving me a cause to laugh"

Yemisi knew something was still troubling him so she turned back wrapping his arms around her waist. "What happened!" She asked and he exhaled leaning into her shoulder then he nuzzled his nose against her neck.

"My beat friend Bamidele Jones had a little accident"

"Oh. I'm sorry, what kind of accident? I heard he sued a church"

"Yes he did, it wasn't a car accident or anything, I can't even explain, we were in a bar, he said he was hearing sounds and then he started covering his ears and screaming loudly. At first we thought it was a joke until blood started leaking out of his ears."

"Jesus!! That's terrifying"

"The doctor said his ear drums were ruptured and he can never hear again" he exhaled, "Oh my God, that's bad"  "To think he faked a earing problem to sue the church only to end up with one"

"Well the Yoruba will say, oun tia ba gbin la o ka, whatsoever we sow, we shall reap. Maybe this is his punishment and see.." She wanted to turn but he refused, "I love this position" he replied and she chuckled softly, "See" she turned her head sideway looking up at his face, "See, I've watched a lot of home movies, I'm talking good Yoruba movies, the only way he can salvage this is to beg the church"

Kwame scoffed, "He's not planning on begging, instead he intends on demanding they undo whatever juju they did"  "So he still has mouth, this one is not juju it's called inside life. You can't sow shit, and reap good"

"I should be with him, i just couldn't handle the fact that I have to write to cmunicate with him"

"Baby it's okay, I'm sure when he does the right thing, everything will be okay" she assured rubbing his arm, "What if It doesn't get okay, Bamidele will be miserable"

"This Bamidele sha... You know the day he was warning the Pastor I was there with Amazing, my bestie, I abused him small sha but....i've been hearing of his tale since my secondary school days, its amazing how someone can remain an asshole for so long" "Secondary school days? How is that possible?"

"Well, I didn't get to meet him. I started Glory age in my SS3, I learnt he was a senior but those that were there really knew him for being an asshole" she shook her head, "What your friend is an intervention"

Kwame exhaled, "Baby, I'm sorry for lying to you about the cab" "Shhh. I would have hated you if we had made love in your friend's house. Thank you for telling me" "So if I didn't come here today"

"I'll still be forming angry, maybe I was waiting for you to make that bold step of wrapping that strong arms around my waist, you know how that gets me, maybe that's why I agreed" she bit her lips and he smiled kissing her neck.

"How's.... work?"

"I haven't even been there today, with the whole issue. I'm just tired, I just want to take a rest"

"Have you eaten anything"

"The only had was beer in the morning, I could use some cake"

"What you need is real food" "It's late already, except you want us to eat out. We cab eat at that restaurant"

Yemisi shook her head, "No oh, in this my top and trousers" "You look good" "Maybe some other day when I'm all dolled up for a date, the only thing I cab cook cause it's late is noodles that went to Harvard okay, how about that?"

"I'll eat something at home, do you wanna come with me?" He asked and she gave him a familiar look which made him laugh, "Its not because of that, I just want to show you my real home, our home"

Yemisi chuckled turning towards him, "You and this your forwardness ehn! I'll like that but I have deliveries to make very early in the morning, plus I'm on my period and I'll have to change up. Rain check?" She asked biting her lower lip and he smiled.

"I'll be cooking dinner that day, Ghana jollof rice"

"Oshey" she replied and he kissed her on the lips, "God i missed those lips" "I missed yours too" dhe replied and they both resumed kissing then Ngozi who had just walked in cleared her throat.

"You said I should not let him okwaya, shebi now you're the one kissing him" she teased and Yemisi laughed, "Why are you now attacking me, I don't understand oh" she added and Ngozi raised her shoulder up imitating her voice,, "The day you let that guy into this place, that's the day you'll start looking for another job" she paused and Yemisi cleared her throat.

"Should I start looking for another job now?"

"I get your point, its okay Ngozi, you have been excused. Thank you for letting him in"

"Thank you Ngozi" Kwame responded and then Ngozi walked out leaving Yemisi busting into fits of laughter. "Did I hurt you that much?" He asked ansd she exhaled, "No more secrets Kwame" "No more secret so where were we?" He asked and she wrapped her arms across his neck, leaning in for a kiss.

Then her phone rang, it was no one other than Amazing.

Efua zoomed into the ward where Bamidele was, "Bammy" she called out placing her palm on his cheeks, she had tears in her eyes. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked and he read her lips. "I'm fine"

"Thank God, you can hear me." She exhaled, "Kwame said your ear drum was ruptured, I'm glad it's all a lie" she said and he couldn't even make anything out of her lip movement.

"Please use the wipe book or the note pad.  I can't hear what you're saying"

"But..." She seemed shocked, "If you're wondering how I answered the first question right, I read your lips. I can't.... I can't hear a word you're saying"

Efua cried picking up the wipe book then she wrote on it.  She showed it to him, How did it happen?

"I was just sitting and drinking with the guys when I heard this sound like it was coming from a damn church and then this happened."

She wiped the note scrawling on it then she quickly showed it to him, It has to be that church or the Pastor, I swear I'll make them pay. "No! Don't even involve yourself, if they can do this to me, imagine what they'll do to you?" He asked and she dropped the note now sitting on the bed with her palm against his cheeks.

"Its going to be fine" she mouthed, "I know, the doctors are keeping me under observation because of the pain in my ear, they are referring me to meet an audiologist" he said busting into chuckles, "I didn't even know such a thing exist until yesterday. I wont go cause i know this isn't a fucking audiologist field. Tomorrow I'll check the church, that man better turn this around or else he'll have me to face"

She sobbed and he wiped the tears off, "I'll be fine, I don't want you pitying me, I'm sure I'll be fine" he forced a smiled now taking her lips into his then he slowly moved his hands underneath her gown up to her thighs and she turned towards the door.

"I'll shut the door"

"Are you going to have the myospotectomy abi what's the name Myostonomic something done, abi before I'll bite my tongue" Fisayo asked,  "Its called Myomectomy" Benefit corrected and all eyes turned towards Amazing, "I don't know, maybe I should exercise faith and just wait for God to heal me"

Nene scoffed, "That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard you say in your entire life. What do you want to wait for? For God? Is this girl being serious? I'm not trying to sound like an atheist, I am not. I believe in God but I believe we have medical practitioner for a reason. There is a reason why we take drugs when we're sick, just like you need to get those fibroids out before it becomes grave and then they'll suggest you have an hysterectomy done"

"God forbid!" Yemisi snapped her fingers, "Let's not even mention the H word"

Fisayo scoffed, "But seriously oh, on a serious note, of all people why does this have to happen to Amazing? Amazing is PA to God now!" She snapped and Ema scoffed, "I swear I asked myself the same question when I heard of it"

Amazing only kept quiet. "We can't question God" Blessing replied, "His ways are not the ways of man. There's nothing he can't fix" "Abegi! We all know God can be unfair sometimes so, that one no be wetin we fit make conversation." Uche replied and Benefit scoffed.

"You're being careless with your word Uche"

"I lie? Please tell me, where is the lie in it?"

"Becareful of what you say cause I heard God isn't taking it easy on people that wants to try him. Guess what guys, Bamidele Jones is deaf"

Nene scoffed, "Fake news!"  "Its not fake, Kwame told me personally, apparently, he got five hundred k from the church after faking a hearing problem"

"Jeremy was right afterwards, he faked it"

"So he faked a hearing problem and now he's deaf, wow" Uche blurted out laughing out loud. "Good for him!" She added and Nene laughed too. "You guys shouldn't laugh now" Amazing cautioned ans Nene gasped, "You should be the one happy about it"

"I can't be happy over another man's downfall, even if he's an enemy to me."

"You all know that I've never liked Bamidele Jones from the start. Fine, at some point I was crushing on all of his fine boy act at some point I just realized that his kind are not worth it*

"Like, the guy has pride and he's rude!" Nene snapped and Blessing scoffed, "And you? The two of you are like two peas in a pod" "Yes we can, I kmow that I can be rude but let's be honest, where the rudeness of Bamidele dey, my own just fey learn work!"

Amazing suddenly remembered how nice he was at the party then she rolled her eyes, he was probably faking it! Not like he hasn't seen him that way before! No one deserves to be struck with deafness though!

"What are you thinking of?" Blessing asked her and Amazing exhaled, "Aboh proposed to me" she announced and everyone rose up in surprise, Amazing looked up at them confused as to why they all rose up at the same time.

When Nene and Blessing announced their engagement, the reaction wasn't this exaggerated. They were all beginning to ask various questions at the same time, she didn't even know which to answer.

How did it happen?"

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

How was it?

Where's the ring? There's no ring in her hands now, abi she wants to surprise us

"It happened this afternoon, in this sitting room, after I called him to let him know the result of the examination. He proposed to me afterwards without a ring, he promised to give me tomorrow."

"Aawwwwn" Yemisi clapped her hands, "So romantic"

"He told me to go ahead with the operation so there you have my answer."

"That means you'll do the mystosonomy?" Fisayo asked and everyone glared at her.


Sophie 👆

Kwame walked into his room to find his ex-girlfriend, Sophie in the bed, she had a red lace Bea and matching pant on. "Hey Boo" she said and his eyes widened in shock. A lot of questions ran through his mind that moment.

How did she get in? He met the door locked for crying out loud and he already collected the spare keys from her. What if he had come in with Yemisi?That would have been terrible!

"What are you doing here Sophie"

"I came to see my boyfriend"

Kwame scoffed, "What boyfriend? Cause the last time o checked the only person who lives in this house is me and me alone!" "Aren't you my boyfriend?"  "We've been through for as long as I can remember and you know that"

"I don't understand"

"Sophie, don't even try to pretend as though you don't know what I mean"

She rolled her eyes, "So... I heard about Bamidele from Murphy, I just thought you'll be sad and you'll need to company to take away the bad energy" "Let me guess, Murphy sent you right?"

"Well....." She shrugged, "He said you looked so downcasted and you could use a little bit of cheering up. Feel free to call me your cheerleader Boo, I'm available to please you"

"Sorry but I'm not interested"

"You possibly can't refuse all this sexiness" she bobbled her head and he scoffed, "Well watch me! I thought you gave me back my keys.

"Oops, I had duplicates"

Kwame scoffed, "That's just crazy!" "What's crazy, you like it when I sneak up on you in bed!" "I don't, I have never liked it, it's probably your schizophrenia that always telling you that I like things when I don't. Just like you think I still like you, listen up Sophie, I don't like you! And for crying out loud, I have a girlfriend"

"Mama didn't tell me"

"Because Mama doesn't know, I haven't told her yet. I had issues with her but it's been sorted out"

Sophie rolled her eyes again, "How can you be replacing me like that?"  "Sophie, please drop your duplicate keys and leave my house"  "Boo but it's, it's dangerous out there, a lady like me shouldn't be seen"

"I'll drop you off"

"I came with my car"

"And I'll drop you off with the car"

"And how will you get home? Its late"

"I'll take a ride back home, listen to me Sophie and listen good, I just hope your schizophrenia makes it sink in. I have a girlfriend I love with all of my heart, we fought for a week and it made me feel like my world was crumbling down, the last thing I want is another set back only because of your inability to comprehend facts. We are through, I might have been indulging you in the past, not anymore. I have a woman I want to make my wife, you are my past please leave and stay in the past. Okay?" He asked and she scoffed.


Bamidele laid in bed thinking of the previous night, sex has never been more boring for him, he was the kind that loves to hear his women moan, it was an additional stimulus for him. It was just plain boring, he completely lost interest in it!

Damn that Pastor and his stupid juju! Oh I'm so going to... He trailed off in his thoughts when he heard a song from down the hall.

🎶And cause your rain to fall on me, open the floodgate...

One of the hospital cleaners walked in with a broom and a mop, it became so obvious the music was coming from the small techno phone in her hands, and there he was thinking the sound was coming from a loudspeaker!

"Oga good morning" the woman greeted.

Bamidele shook his head, it's funny how these Chinko phones can sound like, wait.... He paused in his thoughts. Did he just fucking hear what was playing on that lady's phone?

Were his ears beginning to function?

"Oga good morning oh, I dey greet you" she moved close to him, "I don dey greet you since I enter this place" she said and that answered his questions.

He could only see her lips moving but he couldn't hear a word. How come he could still hear the damn music playing?

Mrs Jones walked in with a nylon containing food flask. "Bamidele dear" she called out moving close to her and woman greeted her, "Good morning Ma" "Good morning" "Na you pikin be this?" "Yes" "Since way I don dey greet am, him no for even answer person, e no good oh"

"Abeg no vex, its not his fault, his ears have issues"

"Oh, ah.... Ehya, fine man like am" she said then she waved her hands at him, "Brother sorry oh" she said before returning back to sweeping the floor.

Bamidele glared at her then at his mother, "Mom, don't tell me you just told her what happened to me?" He asked and his mother exhaled picking up the notepad, she flipped to the next page then she hurriedly wrote on it.

I had to, she greeted but you didn't reply, she was beginning to get offended

"How is it my business? Now she'll start pitying me"

Mrs Jones wrote on the notepad, Isn't it too early for arguments? How are you?" "I'm not fine, I don't understand how I can hear that music playing on that woman's phone and I can't  hear what anyone is saying.

"What?" She asked, he could see the shock on his mother's face, "I can hear the song"

His mother quickly scribbled a question on the notepad.

Are you sure?

🎶We have come to draw🎶

"We have to come come to draw, draw from you, isn't that what is playing or am I hearing things now?"

Mrs Jones exhaled, "Oh God!" She muttered, her eyes moistening with tears as she wrote on the notepad then she showed him.

I already got the Pastor's home address. You'll eat first and then we'll go see the Pastor, okay?

"I'm not hungry, let's go now"

His mother brought the food close to him, "You need to eat something" "I said I'm not hungry! Let's go, please!"

"Ewerem mo, ewerem chukwu din ma! Ewerem chuckwu din ma. Hey?!!! Jesus I thank you oh! You do well I thank you oh"  Mrs Essien sounded on a phone call and Amazing rolled her eyes,
"Mommy it's okay, at this rate you're going to be singing all the songs in the world"

"Leave me to sing, I am so happy! My heart is red, what tribe is he from? I hope he's an Ibo man oh"

"He's from Benue"

"I hope he's not black, those people can black for Africa!"

"Benefit and Peace are not black"

"Because they were just lucky! I hope he's handsome oh, don't bring a short man to the village oh, your father's people will laugh at me. You know how I always abuse other people's husband"

Amazing laughed, "Aboh is handsome, you don't have to worry" "This is just the beginning of the good news, the blessing will continue to pour and pour upon your life, upon your husband and your home"

Amazing nodded then she scoffed, "You're not saying Amen" "Mom I have fibroids and I have to undergo operation to get it out" she announced and her mother kept quiet. "Mommy say something"

"The enemies want to fight but God no go gree them you hear? Does he know?"

"I told him, he said I should do the surgery"

"That means he's a good person, do it then. Amazing Grace it's going to be fine Onu go? (Have you heard?). Calm down, this one will stay you hear?"

Mrs Jones knocked on the door and the Pastor's wife opened up, on seeing Bamidele she already knew who Mrs Jones was. "Good morning Ma" Mrs Jones greeted and she bent her knees, "Good morning Ma, good morning  Brother" she greeted and Mrs Jones tapped her son so he could at least greet but he didn't.

"Bamidele" she tapped him, "Mom the only thing I want right now is to see the Pastor, I'm not here to greet anyone"

"Please come in, Daddy is in the room I'll go call him"  she invited them in then she asked that they have their seats and they did. "Good morning Ma, Good morning Sir" Ibinabo greeted and Mrs Jones waved at her, "Good morning my dear child. How are you?"

"I'm fine" she replied staring at Bamidele.

Pastor Osagiede and his wife later stepped into the sitting room, "Good morning Ma" he greeted and Bamidele raised his head at him, how come he can hear his voice?

They both sat on the chair and he scoffed.

"Good morning Pastor, I hope everything is okay? How is the church?" "We're moving on Ma"

"Erm..... Pastor, you will not believe what happened yesterday"

"I heard of it this morning, I just got off a call from one of the Pastor" he replied and Bamidele scoffed again, this time he rose up. "Heard what? What did you just hear? Something you did yourself now you're saying bullshit about hearing about it this morning"

Mrs Jones gasped in awe, "How did you?" She asked turning towards Bamidele, "Mom can't hear what you're saying but I can hear this man clearly! I can hear him! How come I can hear him clearly if he wasn't the one responsible for the charm!"

Mrs Jones turned towards the Pastor then she knelt down, "Please I know my son has done something wrong, please forgive him" "Mommy why are you kneeling before this man now? If he doesn't do anything about this, I'll have him arrested, maybe after another day in the slammer, he'll get his sense back"


"Please don't call me son, you're not even old enough to give birth to me, undo this juju so we can call it a day"

"I didn't do any juju, this isn't charm"

"What is it then? How come I can hear you and hear shitty gospel songs and not hear others"

"That only means you're hearing only what and who God wants you to hear"

"Wow, so in other words God did this. Trying to pin what you did on God! So pathetic!"

"God is trying to send you a message but you're not listening, your eyes are even opened but you can't even see what's right in front of you"

"All I see is a so called man of God who taints his Spirituality only to get revenge at me. You have tried Sir, now give me back my hearing so I can live my life normally!"

"How can I give something I didn't take? I wasn't the one who did this"

Mrs Jones rose up showing Bamidele a note, Shut up and apologize, just apologize to him! It's the right thing to do!

"I'm not going to fucking apologize to the man. Over my dead body!" he snapped and she quickly scrawled another note.

You were wrong, shut the fuck up and apologize to him!

He kept quiet, his mother has never cursed before! If it was on a different situation, he would have laughed.

"I'm not Mom"

"Pastor" Mrs Jones clutched the notepad against her chest kneeling once again, "Bamidele is a loosed child, he says thing anyhow as he please. Please just pray for him maybe it'll make him okay"

"I don't hold anything against him Ma"

"Big fat lie!" Bamidele snapped, "What you're looking for, it's not in my hands it depends on you. This behavior you're exhibiting will not take you anywhere"

"Fuck you for that comment! Mom get up, we're wasting time of we think this man is going to buldge, let's the get the hell out of here" he snapped leaving and Mrs Jones cried.

Hosanna Faith Ministry

Amazing walked into Pastor Tunde's office and a wide smile formed on his face. "Sister Amazing" he called out and she slightly bent her knees, "Daddy good morning"

"Good morning dear, how are you?"

"I am doing fine Sir" she lied then she scoffed, "I'm not" "I realized, I was just waiting for you to say the truth. What's bothering you?"

Amazing busted into tears, "I went to the doctor for a test, I had a pelvic examination done and....." She trailed off removing a scan result from her bag then she showed it to him.

"I have fibroid of that size in me"

"And ?"

She blinked her eyes, she didn't understand what he meant. "Sir?"

"What did you do when the doctor told you?"

"What else? I cried, I got home and I cried" she sobbed, "Then I started blaming God then I asked for forgiveness, let his will be done"

Pastor Tunde grinned, "Just that?" "Yes. What should I have done? I was angry at God, the truth is, I'm still angry at him, I participate regularly in church activities, I do a lot of things in church. I love God, why me? Why....?" She trailed off sobbing uncontrollably and Pastor Tunde handed her an handkerchief.

"The doctor said I have to undergo myomectomy." "Have you tried to finding out what God wants?"

Amazing laughed in most silly way ever, is this man kidding her? How is she supposed to ask God what he wants? How? Is God supposed to speak back to her?

"How am I going to do that?"

"The same way you talk to your friend. Speak through faith language and he'll give you result"

Amazing scoffed, the man has started speaking in riddles again, let her do and go before he'll confuse her the more! She started fumbling with her handbag in preparation to leave.

"Daddy, I just said I should let you know what happened and that my boyfriend Aboh proposed to me last night, remember Aboh? He came for the meet and greet"

"How can I forget the young man? A questionnaire to the core. Congratulations"

Amazing nodded blowing her nose then she sniffled. "Thank you." "Do you love him?" "Daddy" "It's a question, do you?" "I don't know and quite frankly I don't care! He loves me and I like him, he's a good guy"

"How are you sure he's the one?"

"Daddy, I'm 32 years old, how can he not be the one?"

"Have you asked God?"

"Why do you keep asking this question? How am I supposed to ask God? I've been single for sometimes now and after so many years, I finally find someone who wants to get married to me, am I supposed to tell him to pause till I hear from God? Why didn't he speak to me all along?"

"Because you're too busy, too non challant to hear him? You think that aspect is only for Pastors?"

Amazing exhaled, "That was all I came here for" "Don't go for the operation" he said and she scoffed, "Daddy, have you been listening to me?"  "All I hear are faithless conversations, I listen to God and what he's telling me right now is that you shouldn't go for the operation."


Pastor Tunde raised his hands, "Do you know those moments when you're walking on the road and that feeling tells you, Ma ko ja biyii (Don't pass this place), you don't know why it did but end up making a diversion but while making that diversion, your clothes got stained by mud but you sha ended up getting to your destination. Later you get to find out there was a robbery on that road you diverted from and only until then it becomes clear to you the reason why that spirit told you to pass the other side. That's the scenario right now, he's trying to test your obedience, you'll only see the reason much later.  There's nothing he can't fix, don't you have that faith? But of course, you're still angry with God"

Amazing scoffed, "Aboh thinks it's the right thing to do, my friends think it's the right thing to do. A lot of women undergo this process, the doctor said it's 99% safe, nothing can go wrong"

"Why don't you try to listen Amazing, open your spiritual ears"

"Daddy,nI came because I needed your support, I needed your prayer." She wiped her tears, "I'm already late for work. I'm sorry Sir. I have to go"

"Give me your hands Amazing let's pray" he demanded and she did after a little hesitation.

Bamidele got out of the bathroom with  a white towel wrapped across his waist. He couldn't hear his phone ringing and buzzing in bed. He was too lost thinking of a way out of this mess! He saw the light on his  dim off so he quickly moved to check out if it was a message.

He couldn't believe his eyes, 33 missed calls!!!!!

"Fuck! How I didn't hear it...." He trailed off then he tightened his fist. His phone rang again then he picked it, "Bammy Baby, I left you five missed calls" "Please I'm busy right now and I can't really listen to any of your ranting now" he didn't need his ears to know she'll be complaining.

"I'm busy. Send me a text message or message me via WhatsApp and I'll respond back. Please no voice notes, I'm the only one that can send voicenote, don't send me voice notes cause I won't reply, I mean it Racheal. Goodbye" he snapped hanging up then he exhaled scrolling through the list of calls he  missed.





Sexy Bibi

Suya Babe

Big ass Cyndy

He went on WhatsApp seeing several messages from Kwame, Dare, Efua, Murphy and his lovers. He clicked on Dare's message. There were two voicenotes from him and a message;

If you can listen to those voice notes, then I'll believe that miracle exists 😂

Bamidele only laughed then he pressed the recording option. "I hope you know you're really mad. You can catch cruise if you like, just know this is going to be temporal. Mad man!" He snapped hanging up then he clicked on Kwame's message.

How are you Bammy? Are you depressed? Are you fine? Or you're pretending to be fine? I made up with Yemisi yesterday, just thought I should chip that in. My advise is that you should apologize to the Pastor and return the money you got back to the church

"First, just so we're clear, I'm not returning a naira, scratch that, a kobo to them. So I woke up this morning and heard gospel music playing from a woman's China phone. I went over to the Pastor's house and I heard the Pastor's voice, how is that possible? This sucks, cause I'm not going to hear a girl moan, I can't even hear my phone ring" he trailed off almost in tears then he wiped the tears off.  "I'm fine Kwams, I'll be fine; stop sounding like you're my girlfriend" he forced a laughter, "You have a girlfriend now, you don't want her to be jealous. Its good you're back with her, at least you can stop looking like a grub"

He exhaled sending the he voice note.

Then he moved on to Murphy's message

Dude, don't insult me for calling you, I just wanted to signal you to come online. How you dey?

Bamidele dropped him a voice note; "Hey Murph, I can't still hear anything, I already left the hospital, I went over to the stupid Pastor's place, he said a whole lot of gibberish and the surprising thing was that I heard him speaking. He's definitely the cause of all this. He doesn't want to take the juju off me, he should wait till I have him arrested."

Do you think that's a good idea?

the man took my hearing away! He doesn't deserve to be out there, he deserves to be put in jail.
You guys have to come through for me oh, I don't know how you're going to do it."

Murphy sent into a message almost immediately;

Like what?😕

"Anything, find me one Babalawo with PHD, see, i can't live this way oh. I can't even hear Efua moan, dude, I was struggling all through, my mind was not even there. I'm bored now and I can't watch television because i can't hear a thing. I can't hear my phone ring. I'm frustrated as it is oh. Next week Tuesday is my birthday, I possibly can't have my birthday being deaf"

Bamidele closely watched his phone waiting for his reply....

Murph typing.....

I'll try to find out, don't you worry. What are your plans like?

"Mehn it's to stay at home and just chill, I'm too embarrassed to go outside"

A message popped in from Efua so he quickly glanced through it.

Good morning Bammy, how are you?

I got home by past twelve a.m yesterday, I'm fine but how are you today? Are you still....? Oops😟

I'm currently busy at work, I'll see you when I'm done. Are you still at the hospital? Have you guys checked out the audiologist or the Pastor, whichever?

You haven't answered my previous questions.... I can see you're online, are you ignoring me?

Bamidele pressed the record button, "I'm not ignoring you, I'm tired of explaining, I'll let you know when you come"

Hmmm, I love the sound of cum😉. I'm freakishly turned on just hearing your voice 💦

"Should I send more voice notes?"

First thing first, help me out with something Boom beverage wants a pitch for the new advert they'll be running soon. I'm out of ideas 😩😭

Mr Seyi is literarily peering his big eyes into getting the perfect pitch before me 🙄. You know how competitive I can get, if I don't get this before him ehn! Besides I don't want them meeting the competition

I'll send you some attachments that can help you, that's if you can. I know you must be bothered this whole thing 😞

"Bamidele Jones is never bothered by anything, he bounces back no matter what. Not like they took my eyes, it's just my ears and I can do anything I set my heart on as long as I have this eyes. Send me the attachment, I'll look into it"


Kisses baby. I love you Bammy, don't worry I'll be there to treat you when I'm done with work.

Sounds like a plan, I'll be waiting 😉

Zainab walked into Amazing sobbing in her office, she had her tablet clutched against her chest. "I'm sorry Ma" "No, it's okay" she wiped her tears, "I'm sorry, what do you want?"

"Uh.... There has been a clash with the conference room we booked for Mr and Mrs Osunshina's reception. They called me this morning to tell me it's been booked already, I told the manager that I'll notify you"

"That's impossible, we booked three week ago. I'll have it sorted, don't worry"

"Okay Ma'am. Is everything well Ma?" She asked and Amazing gave a nod, "I'll be fine" "But you're crying, I know I've walked into you crying some times but not like this. Are you fine?"

Amazing sniffled, "I just feel down, the doctor said I have fibroid, my friends said I should have the operation, my fiancée thinks the same but my Pastor said no. That I should believe in God" "What do you think?"

"I just want to get it over with, do the surgery and be fine. If Aboh comes in to see the family, I'll have to start planning for my wedding for children, I can't have that plan ruined because I waited too long. I didn't even realize that I've had this for years, it's so big"

"But it's not showing"

"What's your point?"

"See, everyone has their belief system, but there's always one thing that's consistent, our faith level in God. If we have faith that he exist, there's nothing that can't be achieved. I've seen some people with crazy faith do unimaginable things, my point is maybe you should believe in God the more or you follow your heart"

"My heart is telling me to wait but my friends...."

"Follow your heart Ma"

Bamidele fell asleep from going through the attachment on his laptop.  He woke from his nap an hour time to total darkness.  He wondered why he couldn't see a thing. For crying out loud, his eyes were very much opened. Abi am I still dreaming ni? He asked within then he began scratching his eyes.

"Abi..." He trailed off then he began to beat himself up, "I'm awake now! What the hell is going on?" He still found the darkness quite confusing. "What the fuck is happening? What the.... "

Is this how blindness feels like? It can't be! He shook his head, it can't be! There has to be some explanation for it! 

"Great, just because I said I have my eyes, he used his Magic mirror to make me blind! Wow"

How is he going to bounce back from this?

He sat up patting the bed in search of his phone. Where the hell did I keep the phone? I kept it here" his fingers accidently pushed his phone off the bed to the floor and he heard ithe sound.


He hoped it wasn't broken, he slowly amd carefully bent down then he  began to sweep his palms across the floor in search of the phone. "Come on! The damn thing fell on the floor! It fell here... On this floor, why is it so hard to look for" he asked then his knees press the phone screen and it cracked.

Of course it's cracked! He was so sure of it! It almost brought him to tears!

He held the phone, shut his eyes angrily then he threw it against the wall. "Fuck!" His breathing was becoming loud and fast. "Victor!" He called on his security, what's the use? He won't even hear from this angle, unless he's at the backyard, what the hell will he be doing at the backyard instead of being at the gate.

The only way he'll hear him is if he can make it to the sitting room. He rose up now tapping on the bed, he held on to the sheet then he gently guided himself to the edge  before letting go of his hands.

His plan was to get into the sitting room then scream loud enough for the security to come to his rescue. "You can do this Bamidele, you can map out this house with your mind" he said now reaching the wall which he placed his hands feeling his way and sweeping his extended foot like a radar before each step, till he finally got to the door.  He opened it then he made his way to the hall.

Getting to the living room, Bamidele forgot a tiny detail, he had two stairs leading to the living room, he tipped, staggered and fell over pushing a large centerpiece vase which got smashing on the tiled floor.

He groaned angrily, "Victor!" He screamed, "Victor! Victor!" He screamed again then he heard the security rushed, "Oga any prob...." He trailed off on seeing him on the floor, "Jesus! Wetin happen?" He asked rushing towards him.

"God I'm blind, I'm fucking blind! Victor!  Victor!" 

Bamidele felt a hand on his arm, "Oga I dey here, wetin happen?"

Yewande stood there in her kitchen slicing yam, she was about to make 'Asaro'. "Nunu, your Uncle's birthday is next week" "I know" Nuel who was sitting on a stool said. "On the 13th of August, I know. Unlike him, I don't forget people's birthday and I have many things that I think about oh" he replied making his mother laugh.

"Like what?"

"School is a lot of work already, I try to think of ways I can go by the day without getting flogged by you and Daddy, that's enough work on any kid, what does Uncle Bammy have?" He shrugged ans Yewande laughed.

"Adult business"

"The man is not even married"  he added and Yewande shot a glare at him, he probably heard that from his father, Saviour. He has never been friends with Bamidele, they hated each other's guts!

"Don't say that"

"But Mummy it's the truth, and he has a phone where he can save a reminder but he forgot my birthday which is unfair and that day you called, he asked if it was your birthday. He doesn't even know your birthday"

"I'm not teaching you to keep grudges. Besides he tried to make up for forgetting your birthday"

"Like he did last year too, the only thing Uncle Bamidele cares about is himself"

Her phone rang and she exhaled, "Nuel, please get my phone" before she could even completed her sentence, he brought the phone to her. Yewande answered placing it against her ear, "Good afternoon Mom, how are you? How's Bammy doing? I just got back from work a while ago. I'll stop by at his house soon with a plate of Asaro"

"Good afternoon dear, that's good but there's no need for that" Her mother  answered sniffling. This made Yewande flinched, "Mom is everything okay?"  "It's your brother"

"Mom I already told you, all Bammy have to do is return the money back, ask God to forgive him and also the Pastor too"

"Your brother has gone blind"

"Is he still deaf?"

"That's the worst part! He is! I can't talk to him and I can't write to him because he can't see a thing!" Her mother's voice shudder, "Where is he now?"

"I'm about to take him home. I can't even watch him without crying"

"I'll be there with you after my husband comes back, I'm cooking right now"

6:45 pm

Jones Resident

Mrs Jones held Bamidele's hand slowly leading him to sit at the dinning table while witholding her tears. He sat before a plate of Joloff rice, fried Chicken and fried plaintain. "Mom if it's food you want me to eat, I really don't have the apepite"

Mrs Jones exhaled, how will she pass any information across to her son now?  "You need to force yourself to eat, I'm sure you haven't had anything since morning. Just eat, I made your favourite, jollof rice and fried plantain, just like you love it, completely brown" she dipped a fork into the plantain, quickly she dipped it into his mouth then he forced a smile stretching his hands in search of the spoon. His mother bursted into silent sobs.

"It's here. You know what? Let me just feed you"  She picked a spoon scooping a spoonful of rice dipping it into his already opened mouth.

"Now I've turned into a baby, this is just great" he rolled his eyes. His pride didn't let him say no to the gesture. It finally dawned on him how hungry he was.

"Did you help me get my smashed phone from the room? Why am I asking? How will you even communicate it back to me? We'll get back at that Pastor.  I'll get past this whether diabolically or otherwise"

"I had your sim put in one of my other phones, it's not your IPhone but it's something at least." She said to herself then she sniffled.

Bamidele opened his mouth, "Mom, my mouth has been opened for like five minutes now, I'm not opening it for flies oh, mehn I'm seriously hungry" he laughed and his mother joined him pushing a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

"Let the next one be fried plaintain. I hope Dad isn't back from work. I'm hoping to be in the room when he does, see, I don't want his wahala. Before he comes and start giving me complimentary headache!"

"Wow, it's funny your son think that way" Sir Jones approached them, "When I thought I was the one enduring his headaches"

"Haven't I been the one enduring all your headaches?" He snapped quickly until he realized he just heard what his father said.

"Wait.... You can hear your father's voice?"

"Dad, did I just..... Say something"

"Like what? You're a disgrace to the family"

Bamidele clapped his palms, "Wow Dad, that's really heartfelt, sounds like something that came from your heart" "Because it did, it came from the deepest part, deep deep"

"Mom, how is it that i can hear what this man is saying"
Mrs Jones scoffed while her husband laughed, "You know it's shocking cause that's a first. You never listen to anything I say, it's always like they're entering into one ear and coming out of the other"

Mrs Jones rolled her eyes, there they go with their bickering once again! When will it ever end?

"Maybe because what you always say, always sound wah wah wah, they're gabbage and they need to be taken out" he snapped throwing his face away, he knew his mother must be shooting darts at him and he wasn't wrong. Mrs Jones gasped slapping his arm, "How dare you speak to your father that way?"


"I seriously don't know why God didn't take his mouth" his father snapped and he scoffed, "This has nothing to do with God, it's that Pastor's doing"

"You mess with divinity you get it hot! This is a consequence of your action! Open your eyes boy! Sorry, I forgot you're blind"

Bamidele laughed hysterically, "Wow Mom, you're husband is a comedian"  "Laugh all you want, tomorrow we're all going back to the Pastor's place with the money you took and you're going to apologize" "For what?" "For what you did wrong"

"For all I know I didn't do anything wrong, if I'm going there, it'll be with policemen to arrest that man"

"Bamidele Jones"

"Yes Sir"

"Bamidele Jones"

"Yes Sir"

"You're a big fool, you hear me? A fool"

"Mom, please take me the hell out of this house, if I stay a minute with his ranting, I won't only go deaf and blind, I'll lose my mind too!"

"Where will you go to"

"Anywhere is better than this shit hole... Sir!"

"This is the same shit hole you grew up in"

Bamidele rose up, "And I'm glad I left!" "Don't raise your voice at me boy, tone that voice this minute!"  "And what will you do if I don't?" He asked ans Mr Jones moved close to him while his wife stood in the middle begging.

"Jo, please understand he's being cranky because of the situation. Oko mi (My husband), please"

"What will you do Sir, you can't do nothing!"

"Please take him out of this house, the last time I checked I don't have a son. I disowned you yesterday"

"And I disfathered you a very long time ago!" He yelled back at him.

Amazing knocked on Aboh's door and his cousin opened up the door. "Good Amazing" Phina waved with a smile and she wondered who the strange woman was. She has met his cousin, this one is a different one!

"Good evening" she replied and Phina laughed, "I know what you're thinking, who the hell is this dark girl and how in the world did she know my name? My name is Phina Anthony, does the surname ring a bell?" She stretched her hands and Amazing shook hands with her.

"You're Aboh's cousin"

"You got it" she replied welcoming her in,  "You're a lot more prettier than Aboh explained! Black is beauty oh" she chipped in and Amazing laughed.

"Thank you, how are you?"

"I feel more better finally seeing your pretty face!"

"Have anyone ever told you have such flattering tongues"

"They're my guilty pleasure" she replied winking at her. They finally walked into Aboh laying lazily on the couch while watching a movie on TV.  His smile widened on seeing her.

"Hey Babe" he said and Phina raised her hands up, "Let me go into room, you two should just pretend like I'm not here" she laughed walking away and Aboh stretched out his hands.

"Come here" he demanded and she took off her shoes climbing on the chair then she leaned against him.  Just what she wanted after a crappy day! Aboh wrapped his arms around her, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Talk to me"

"My Pastor said I shouldn't go through with the surgery. He said..... I should wait on God."

Aboh scoffed, "No offense but that's just crap! It's like telling a woman who has been in labor for days not to do a CS because she's supposed to wait for God. I'm a Christian oh, but somethings just doesn't make sense. We're all learned, think of it dear"

She exhaled, "It sounded like a warning than an advise" "Nothing will happen to you, forget about it! It's a normal procedure. You'll be fine, have faith!" He replied then he smiled bringing out the ring from his pocket.

"Permission to slip in it?

"Granted" she replied stretching her fingers and he slipped it into her finger.

Yummy Yem Bakeries

Kwame walked into Yemisi whose back was turned against him, "We're closed oh!" She said turning to see him all clad in a white suit and navy blue trousers, "Hey Baby" "Hey" He replied kissing her on the lips.

She wrapped her arms around his neck returning the kiss then she withdrew taking a deep breath.  "There's something I want to tell you, I really don't want to keep anything from you. When I got back home last night, I met Sophie in bed, I had no idea how she got in until she told me she had duplicates of my keys. I swear we already broke up"

Yemisi laughed, "Why are you feeling guilty then? Did she kiss you?" "No! There's no other lips i want to kiss except yours, I'm just worried she'll pull off a crazy stunt that'll make us fight. I really don't want that" he pouted his lips and she kissed his lips.

"We just have to make sure that doesn't happen then.  Okay?"

"Okay. Let me drop you off"  he said walking away and then she stared at his fine ass, she didn't even know when she slapped it making him flinch.

"Sorry, I just never noticed you have a nice ass, thank God for navy blue trousers! Mehn it's fine oh" she complimented biting her lower and he chuckled. "Seriously, you don't want to wake up that sleeping dragon"

Yemisi bit her index finger seductively, "And if I do?" She asked and then he shook his head, "I know you're just teasing me so I'll just gentle leave. Meet me outside and come with cakes"  he walked out and she laughed.

Phina walked into her bathroom with two red candles, she lit the two positioning it on the sink. Afterwhich she chanted some inaudible Incantations.

"So your dear Amazing is here by to see my cousin. Do you think she'll go through with the operation or she'll wait? You know that she can be spiritual?"

"I know Amazing so well" a voice came from the mirror, "I'm putting my money on the fact she'll go for the operation, everything has to go according to my plan, my own plan. Guess who also feels like she's having the nice time of her life?"



Yewande walked behind her husband while he watched cartoon with her son Nuel. Slowly she began to massage him and he held her by the hand now lifting up his head at her. He had laughter hidden at the corner of his lips.

He knew his wife had a secret agenda!

"Okay, spill what do you want? Even to half of my kingdom, I'll give to you" he requested and she busted into tears. Her mother had called to inform her she'll be bringing Bamidele to spend some time at the house. Saviour and Bamidele have never been on good terms, they never see eye to eye on issues. She wasn't sure if he'll agree to the idea.

"Are you still going to see Bamidele? It's kind of late"

"No" she replied sitting close to him, "I don't know how you'll feel about this.  Mom called like an hour ago... Bammy had a fight with Dad,  she's bringing him over here" "What?"  "Yes, where else do you want them to take him too? Someone needs to take care of him"

"You have work"

"I'll close the book shop for a week if I have to, Bamidele is my brother, he has no one to look up to."

"Geez! I wonder why? Probably because no one can handle his rotten character"

"Bamidele has Kwame, Murphy, Dare but they are not his cross to bear! He's my number junior brother. Someone needs to be there to feed him, bathe him, clothe him"  "It's not about me, your brother hates me, you know the last argument ended with us throwing punches after he abused my parents"

"I know. Stop saying it in front of Nuel"

"The boy was there when the fight happened"

Yewande played with her husband's fingers, "Please, I don't know how long he'll be staying for, I just need you to be cooperative" "The guy brought this upon himself and I'm sure he doesn't even realize it. I dont have any issue with Bammy coming, I'll just try to be on my own, you know me, let him just stay on his own with his bad mouth abeg"

"Thank you" she replied placing her forehead against his, "Thank you so much" "Don't mention dearie" he replied then they heard a knock on the door.

"That must be them" she approached the door then she opened it to see her mother holding Bamidele by the arm. "He's been asking where he is, I couldn't even tell him where I was taking him to. At least, God should have made him impaired on one side"

"Come in Mom, let's not question God" she said now hugging Bamidele, "Hey lil bro" she said and a smile crept through his lips, "That perfume" he sniffled, "Hey Big sis"

"Let me go get his stuff from the car"

"No problem Mom" Yewande answered leading him into the living room. "So Mom brought me here" he scoffed, "What's the time? I hope that grump of a husband is asleep already, just tell me he travelled"

"Sorry to disappoint you Almighty Bamidele but he's here"

Bamidele scoffed on hearing him, "Wow.... So I can hear the Pastor, Dad and him too, who else can I hear again?"  "Mummy is Uncle Bamidele blind for real? He doesn't look blind" Nuel asked approaching them.

"How does a blind person look like?" He asked and Yewande gasped, "You can hear them, why can't you hear me?"  "This has to be some freaky Friday charm, they're making me hear my enemies voices"

"Wow Uncle Bammy, I didn't realize I was your enemy" Nuel replied and Saviour rolled his eyes, "Emmanuel, I'm sure your uncle didn't mean it that way"

"Yes I didn't. I meant, people I don't like that much"

Yewande shut her eyes, "You're not helping" "Guy, just shut up and let me handle the situation" "Don't tell me to shut up abeg, you're not my father, even my father can't tell me to shut up"

"Because you're what? God. It's this same behaviour that got you where you are"

"Oga tell me when you're done preaching so I cab get the hell out of this place. Sis, I love you but I can't stay with this loser for even a minute"

"Will you two shut up?  I don't want to hear your voices"

"Mom said the two of you should shut up, Daddy has shut up, Uncle Bamidele, please shut up"

Bamidele scoffed turning his back,"I'm out of here", Yewande dragged him back. "Bammy, if you leave, I'll be so angry with you, you had better try to be in a good behaviour and sit your ass here!"  "Mom said if you leave, she'll be angry with you so you had better try to be in a good behaviour and sit your ass here"

He forced a chuckle, "Sounds like something she'll will say. Okay, I'll stay but just so you know, your husband's voice is so annoying!"

Mrs Jones walked into her room busting into tears while her husband who was reading an inspirational book pushed his glasses to the brim of his nose, "What is it?" "How are you not bothered by this? I am here crying my eyes out over our son, I've said this times without number. You're making it look like you're not his father or maybe I had him from another man"

He broke out in laughter from his wife's assumption, "Bamidele is my son and I know that well enough, there's no need to be dramatic" "Why won't I be dramatic? Give me one reason I shouldn't be dramatic? Wale, you embarrassed your own son in front of the company, you don't make him feel loved"

"Because I want him to grow. You know I love and care about that boy but he needs to grow. I got a book and I've been reading it since today, maybe this whole blindness is from God so that he can learn his lesson. Our son is too proud, he has character problem and he has no clue at all! Always acting high and mighty. Maybe this is God's way to humble him. Let's just hope for the best"

"What if he remains this way forever?"


6:50 am

While Bamidele slept in bed, Saviour tapped him on the arm and he jerked up. "Who is it?" He asked ans Saviour rolled his eyes, "Its me" "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to take your bathe" "What?" "Yewande wanted to do it but I thought it'll be too much for her, she's preparing for church, we're all going to church"

"You gotta be kidding me! How will I hear a thing"

"Your sister has a theory, since you only hear things you don't really like and you heard gospel songs from the cleaner's phone, then the church shouldn't be a problem"

"Wow, you guys got the full gist"

"Unless you want to stay here all alone, its fine. I need to take your bathe, please be fast about it" "Why will you help me? You hate me"

"Your sister loves and adore you, that's enough for me. I have a lot to do and I hate being late for church services"

Nuel rushed into the room in his Mickey mouse boxers. "Daddy wants to bathe Uncle Bamidele, Uncle, does that make you a baby?" He asked and Bamidele laughed sarcastically.

"In your mind now you're funny. There's no way I'm letting your father  touch my stuff"

A grimace spreads across Saviour's face, "Trust me, I don't want to touch your stuff too! I'm the one scarring myself for life here, no too complain"

"Daddy, don't touch it oh" Nuel replied laughing and his father joined him.  "Uncle Bammy, like now if you poo, who will help you clean it?"

"Your Dad"

Hosanna Faith Ministry (HFM)

Bamidele and Yewande walked hand in hand into the church during praise worship moment, he had a blue shirt on a black trousers with black shades on.  Just like Yewande assumed, he could hear everything!

🎶Eni Oluwa se l’ore o ko na’wo
O se mi ooo, O se mi o,
Mo dupe l’owo o, Jesu Olugbala,
Aleluya mo wa dupe
Eniyan lo kole alaja mefa, to jade laiye
Mo dupe lowo o Jesu Olugbala🎶

He could hear the scream, the clapping, it almost felt like his hearing was back to normal. It made him glad for a moment, the noise has never get so good!

"Uncle can you hear the sound?" Nuel asked and he gave a gentle nod.

Amazing who was fumbling with some dance steps turned back to see him. She halted now scratching her neck, her mind travelled back to what Yemisi said.

Is he still deaf? She asked me herself then Aboh tapped her, "What?" He asked and she laughed nervously. "Nothing"

Pastor Tunde mounted up the podium after the choir ministration.   He stared into the congregation, he smiled then he raised a song;

🎶I'm so glad, Jesus laid his hands on me, I'm so glad, Jesus laid his hands on me, once I was blind but now I see. Jesus laid his hands on me🎶

"I love that song so much, it's one of the songs we sang in the eighties, new generation people might not really know it but I love the song. You all know I love the song."

"We do Papa!" Someone from the choir box shouted and chuckles busted out of people's lips.

"Do you have any idea what it means to be blind?" He asked tapping on the glass podium and Bamidele scoffed. Of course he does! But wait oh, why is this man suddenly talking about blind people?

"I had a different topic prepared for today but right in the office, God ministered me to change it and he gave me this one. Blindness equals ignorance, a blind person is someone who doesn't know his right from wrong, he doesn't know the right thing to do at the right time, he is completely clueless on being aware of what he has done wrong. Right now, I'm not just talking about the physical blindness, if you're a proud person, you're blind, you're a sinner, you're blind until you have that encounter..." He raised his fingers up.

"Somebody say encounter"

"Encounter" Everyone chorused except Bamidele.

"But first you have to open your heart for spirit to come in and use you. There's no point being stubborn, you need to start reflecting on things you've done, there's salvation without self reflection. Humble yourself before God he'll lift you up"

Bamidele kept quiet, he felt like the sermon was particularly directed to him.  "Psalm 146 verse 8, The Lord gives sight to the blind, The lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous. Another part of the Bible says, In that day, the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and out of gloom and darkness, the eyes of the blind will see. Until you're ready to submit yourself and see your wrongs, you might remain blind forever!"

Bamidele requested that Nuel take him out of the church, he didn't want to see the Pastor as Yewande demanded.

Amazing walked up to Yewande smiling, "When your Dad said something about his daughter who attends my church. I didn't know you were the one" "Good morning Sister Amazing" he replied and then they hugged each other.

"Good morning. You came with.... Bamidele"

Yewande cleared her throat, "I heard about what happened at the party. I'm sorry, Bammy has anger management issue" "It's fine, I'm aware. How is he? I heard he went deaf?"

"He needs prayers, you won't believe it, he's blind too"

Amazing gasped, "Oh my God! I'm so sorry" "Thank you" "This is really bad, do you think it'll be a good idea to talk to him?" "No!" Yewande shook her head, "He's really cranky now"

"Amazing!" Aboh called out and she turned back smiling at him, "I'll be there with you" she returned her gaze back to Yewande. "I have to go"

"It's okay. Thank you for your concern"

"It's nothing at all"


12:00 am

Bamidele had Yewande set an alarm on his phone by 12:00 am. He laid in bed, a lone tears ran down the side of his eyes.

"Happy birthday Bammy. You didn't want to spend your birthday deaf but now you're blind too". He suddenly remembered Amazing and the plans he had to make her host his birthday party, now he can't even have a damn party! Then he remembered the gorgeous gown she wore at the party and how good she looked on it!

She fine sha! Thinking of it, she has a nice baby smile especially when she's trying to play all tough and then it busts out unexpectedly! Cute! And those boobs? Those boobs really had him going!

He could have scored some points by now! Screw it! Whether she has a boyfriend or not, I mean he's Bamidele Jones, what's impossible for him to do?

He laughed to himself, of all people look at who I'm thinking of, he's not even thinking of Efua! Amazing was seriously occupying his thoughts.

Look at what boredom mixed with blindness can cause! He rolled his eyes remembering  how rude he was to her at the close of the evening. His words rang his head!

Why does she like intruding in matters that are not her concern? He wondered if she would be sleeping by that time, for crying out loud, it's also her mom's birthday oh!

What the fuck Bamidele?  How the fuck did you remember? He laughed hard this time.

He has never been the kind to remember people's birthdays.  "When is Dad's birthday sef? 7th of February, Mom is 25th of February along with their wedding anniversary, Yewande, 5th of December" he quizzed himself then he chuckled.

"Happy birthday Bamidele"

"Happy birthday Mom!" Amazing screamed and her mother gasped, "Jesus! Na because of birthday you no allow me sleep, you come dey wake me for 12 am, you be witch? Them done give you witch chop shey?" She asked and Amazing chuckled.

"Mom, you're just unbelievable! You can't even appreciate my wonderful gesture"

"You fear me now, I was scared. I was like what could have happened to my daughter. Abi morning no dey? Them tell you say world go end this morning? Now I'll start looking for sleep up and down, before the sleep will come today, I don't even know"

"Remind me never to wake up to wish you happy birthday again" she said then she chuckled, "Happy birthday Mom, you're 57 now, you're getting old oh" "What about you? At least I got married when I was 24 and I had you when I was 25."

Amazing rolled her eyes, she blamed herself for initiating the topic! Her mother was fond of giving epic replies!

"Have you seen the alert on your phone?" She asked knowing her mother's full interest was going to be on that one.

Mothers and Money ehn!

"Are you serious?" Her voice brightened, "Hey! God bless you my love, you should have said that since now so I can shower you with prayers"

Amazing laughed, "Have a nice day Mom, sleep tight" "Thank you!" her mother responded then she ended the call with a loud sigh. Her thoughts was slowly drifting from her mother to Bamidele.

She could have been planning his birthday party, maybe contemplating whether to go or not.  He was really nice at the party, maybe she should have kept quiet! 

Stop trying to create excuses for that guy Amazing! He's naturally rude, when will you ever learn? She tried snapping out of her thoughts.

He wondered how he'll be coping with being blind and deaf at the same time, she bit her finger nails nervously.  "Happy birthday Bamidele"

What do you guys think of today's update? 😁

Who saw the blindness coming? 😂

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