🔴 Chapter 4 🔴
Very long episode!
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Chapter 4
Two weeks later
Yemisi walked into a restaurant dressed in a black gown, she sighted Kwame who instantly rose up on seeing her, he had a white suit on. "You look beautiful" "Thank you. You don't look bad either, you clean up real nice"
"Shey?" He asked and she laughed.
"Good evening Madmoselle" he greeted and she laughed.
There was just something hot about men speaking French!
"You do realize Oui means yes right?"
"That's the only word I Know in French asides Bonjour"
Kwame laughed pushing the chair for her to seat, "Awwwwn, romantic suits you" "I took romantic lessons for this date" "On YouTube? There's nothing that isn't on YouTube these days"
"I was just kidding, I'm a natural romantic" he settled on his seat smiling at her and Yemisi laughed looking at the restaurant.
"This restaurant is looking really Kwame, are you sure you don't want to check elsewhere. I don't want to stress you"
"You're not stressing me, I don't mind even if I have to use my entire savings tonight, you deserve nothing but the best treatment" he replied and she cleared her throat.
"Do you happen to speak French?" She asked and he smiled, he didn't want to lie about that one too. "Yes I do" "How?" "I um.... " he cleared his throat.
How in the world is he going to explain to her that his father made it a compulsory thing to at least learn a language or two? Apart fromTwi and English, French is a language he speaks fluently.
The waiter approached them and he exhaled in relief, thank God!
Aboh groaned regrettably as he drove Amazing back after another wonderful dinner date with her. They've had three dinner date so far, Amazing has gotten to know so much about him within the time frame.
He works as a Realor, his parents resides in Makurdi, he moved in to Lagos ten years ago and has been planning on settling for a while now, he was opened for marriage and his gave her more hope!
"What?" "The date is coming to an end and I don't know when next I'll see your face again" "I seriously don't want this date to end, I wish I can stop time" he wished making her laugh then she exhaled. "I also wish the same but what can I say? Everything must have an end, I still have to get home to Nene she has been calling my phone if you noticed....."
"Yeah I did"
"I still don't understand how a person can claim to have eight best friends, it's unbelievable, I've seen people have two, in fact most times those between those two there's only one you can trust with your secret."
"Well I have eight best friends I can vouch for. Not like we don't quarrel, we do but when it comes to me, there's this understanding I have with them, if there's anyone that can convince Nene to do something she doesn't want to do, it's me. I have this hold on them, I'm the adhesive among us. We've had our trying times, we've been through hell......." She trailed off as a bad memory crossed her mind, "We've...." She cleared her throat, it's a part of her life she hates talking about.
She would rather leave it in the past!
"We've gone through things together but we always overcome all the time, that has made our bond stronger overtime."
"Wow, you're ...."
"Are you going to say Amazing again?" She asked and they both laughed then he pulled up in front of the gate. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and she blushed from the question.
"Are you sure you want this?"
"Am I stupid not to want this? I've never met anyone as amazing as you are. The first day I saw you, I felt that convinction you're the woman I've been waiting my whole life for" his lips found hers and they kissed until she pulled back.
"Aboh I don't want sex"
"It's fine"
"I'm not a virgin either but....."
"She..... I know and I respect your values and I'm willing to keep to it" he replied and she smiled, "Are you being for real, or you're pretending" "I'm not Amazing, I'm not pretending. I'll wait till the very day we say I do on God's altar. That's how much I respect you Amazing"
He kissed her and she reciprocated the kiss, "Goodnight dear" "Good night" she replied walking out of the car, she waved him goodbye and he drove off.
Amazing walked into her room and Nene smiled, "How was the date" "Aren't I allowed to take my seat first?" She asked and Nene tapped the bed. "Sit" she demanded and she took off her shoes close to the door before walking towards the bed then she sat at the edge taking off the ear rings she wore.
"How was it?"
Amazing smiled, "It was fine, we kissed" "Oh my God" Nene covered her lips. "I know you never kiss and tell but... How was it?" She asked and Amazing shrugged, "I don't know" "What's I don't know, is he that bad?"
"No! The kiss was good"
"The feeling was not there"
"It was.... I'm just scared something bad will happen. Nene you know my relationships and you know how they usually end, they start becoming demanding and asking for things that I can't give, they leave and then make me look like I caused the break up"
"Then give it to them"
"Amazing, I'm your girl, your best friend and no matter what, I'm going to tell you the truth. You're not even a virgin, we all lost our virginity in secondary school! Remember that year?"
"I don't even want to remember that year! Those were the most annoying time of my life, I'll appreciate if you don't bring it up"
Nene raised her hands, "Okay fine, but what does it matter if you give in to sex for him? That's if he demands for it, sex..... is just sex, nothing special" "That's where you're wrong Nene, its not just sex..... It should be sacred and that's what I want for myself"
Nene rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Me I've sha said my own" "Have you called Blessing?" "Am I suppose to call Blessing?" "You owe her a damn apology" "I don't owe anyone any fucking apology. See, I'll prefer we don't make her a topic cause I have a very important announcement to make"
Amazing rolled her eyes at how stubborn her friends can be a times, what's there to just say I'm sorry for peace to reign?
"Somto proposed to me"
She turned back in shock, "Are you serious?" "Yes, yes yes, we're getting married for real Babe, your Babe will soon be Mrs Igwe and I'm so damn excited!!!!!" She screamed and Amazing moved close to her embracing her.
"This is good news. This is a really good year! I am so so happy for you, awwwn"
"Don't worry, I'm sure yours is on the way, Aboh will propose very soon and soon we'll be planning for your own wedding" she withdrew now placing her hands on her friend's cheek. "Hopefully"
"I've never been more hopeful in my entire life. Everything is about to turn around in our favour babe, that's two out of the eight of us getting married,the shame is finally ending, this circle of unhappiness, this circle of singlehood is this close to ending, soon it'll be You, Yemisi, Fisayo, Benefit and Ema"
"In no particular order" Amazing noted and Nene laughed, "Whatever. Awwwn, my sweetheart is dating again" she smiled embracing her once again. "I'm so happy for this big step. Let's take next week Friday evening to celebrate this. Somto and I have the weekends packed with plans"
"I'm sorry I can't. I have that award and I can't refuse Sir Jones"
Nene laughed, " Bamidele Jones is going to be there. You hate the guy's guts!" "Shey? But I can't say no to the man. I still have to pick some clothes to wear, I'm planning on wearing that my emerald gown. I don't want to go far, you know how I hate choosing what I want to wear. For others it's easy, if it's my own, you have scattered my head be that oh"
"You always wear that emerald gown and that stupid white and black stripe gown every time"
"Ouch" She groaned taking off her wig to reveal the black wig cap on her head. "What do you guys have against that gown?" "Try and dress sexy and unpredictable once in a while, like that pink gown I got for you on your 31st birthday"
"That gown exposes too much cleavages. It's not godly at all"
"You're wearing that gown even if we have to force you!"
"I'll like to see you guys do that. Abeg, that gown exposes too much"
Kwame parked his car by the road side on Yemisi's street. They both decided to walk down to her house, "You're just stressing yourself. I already told you to go" "Why does the other street have light and you guys don't? This place is really dark you know. You'll need a knight in shining armor to pass here oh"
Yemisi laughed, "I see what you just did there, dark, shinny armour. Well, welcome to my neighbourhood, how long have you been in Nigeria? Shouldn't you be used to all those by now?"
No should be the reply. For crying out loud, he lives in an estate with uninterrupted power supply, when the power goes down. There's a generator on stand by.
"The light has been that way for two days, I'm actually hoping they'll repair it soon, that's why the other places had light and we don't"
"I noticed"
"Sometimes these Nepa guys actually make us have an understanding of how Moses felt when God showed him Canaan and told him that he wouldn't be able to get into it"
Kwame laughed, "You're funny" "Awwwn, thank you. The other day at the bakery. You said you have a whole long list of exes, I caught that part"
"Well I do," "What's your story with them?"
Kwame laughed, "There's Sophie..... There's Rita..... It was all about the money for them..... It has always been about the money" He answered and she cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, there's always that tendency for girls to assume since he's a cab driver, there's nothing he can bring to the table"
"Do you feel that way about me?" He asked and she shrugged, "I think you're a cab driver with a difference, you just treated me to dinner in an expensive restaurant, probably using all your profit for the day"
"Cab driver way go Harvard" he replied and she chuckled, "We can say that.... So they broke your heart"
"Yes they did. It's the sad part of my life I hate to talk about"
"I know how it feels to be in a bad relationship too. Trust me, I've been in a lot! I mean.... I've dated a lot of guys" "I get it" "The last one was even the worst! He said..... He told me that he really doesn't feel comfortable with me sitting on his laps again because of my weight, he said I should lose weight for the next boyfriend and....then he .... Broke up with me" she confessed wiping off her tears.
"What a douche! Come on he's not worth your tears"
"He's now married to a slim woman, she's pregnant now, sometimes I pray his wife some day gets too fat for him, some days I just .... try to let the anger go" "By baking"
She nodded in agreement, "Baking makes me forget" "It stops you from being in Lagos state and Kafancha at the same time. I noticed your hesitation when you were speaking. I'm sorry about what he said, he was probably drunk when he said it cause I've never met anyone with the perfect shape Yemisi, you're beautiful, sexy" he moved closer to her, closing the distance between them, "Very sexy" he chipped in lowering his face against hers and she tilted her chin up.
She knew he was gunning for a kiss, she can stop him that moment, withdraw and head home but she didn't want to, part of her wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to.
His lips brushed over hers. She sighed and melted into him, her arms wrapped around his neck as she returning the kiss with passion. He wrapped his arms around her waist. They were lost in the kiss inrespective of the fact that they were still on the street.
Everywhere brightened up revealing the two of them whose lips were still very much locked. Yemisi pulled back laughing awkwardly. "That was crazy" she confessed and he laughed placing his hands against her cheek.
"I really like you Yemisi"
"To think a cab driver will be the one to catch my fancy! I swear I would have denied it and swear for the destiny of the idiot that made such prophecy but you know what they say, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to actually meet the right one. I don't know if its you but.... I'm willing to give this a try"
He moved his lips close and she laughed pulling back, her hands were now stretched towards his chest, putting a distance between the both of them. "The light is back on" "I preferred when it was dark" "Be careful of what you wish for Kwame" "Good night Baby" "Fast fast you're already calling me Baby"
He chuckled and she replied, "God night" then she planted a kissed on his cheek.
"I'm I going to see you tomorrow or the next?" He asked and she shrugged, knowing him, he'll probably stop by at the shop the following morning so she laughed.
"Your choice"
The following day
"Good morning Sis" Special said on a video call and Amazing chuckled, "Good morning Spech." "I'm sorry I had to disturb you to have this video calls, I missed you so so much" "Awwwn, I missed you too"
"I wanted to call last night so you can talk with the kids"
Amazing noticed a pregnancy bump on the red nightie she wore, "Wait....Hold that thought, Is that a belly bump I see? Special you're pregnant and you couldn't even tell me" "I'm sorry, I thought it'll be insensitive to tell you again"
Amazing scoffed, she doesn't understand why her sister usually feels bad about these kinds of things. Fine, they usually get to her but all the same she'll be happy and not feel left out! She observed the belly bump again, that bump looks like something that has gone past four months! It's her fourth child, she doesn't understand what she has to hide it?
"That pregnancy is not even looking four"
"I'm five months gone!" She announced then she groaned regrettably, "I'm sorry" "Next time, don't hide"
"Na! There won't be a next time, this one was not even planned for" she said laughing in between her sentence, she missed that laughter. Special was her perfect gist partner, there was no dull moment with her. She missed laughing with her over things, not because they're funny but because she had this infectious laughter!
Amazing heard her husband laugh from the background then she chuckled too. "Is that Fred? Hi Fred!" She waved her hands and Special smiled.
"Sweetheart, Big sis is saying hi to you"
Fred showed his face briefly waving at her. "I'm sorry he can't really stay to have that talk with you. He's trying to prepare the kids for school. You know that I'm on maternity leave now" she busted into another round of laughter and Amazing laughed again. "You're not serious oh. How are you dear?" "Sis I'm pregnant, i can't get more better than this"
"How are the kids?"
"They are growing fast, too fast. Fonny is writing her common entrance soon"
"Wow, when did she enter school again?"
"Shebi? Very soon, she'll start seeing period and then I'll start advising her about boys"
"Very necessary! You need to start advising her about boys, are you sure she doesn't already have a boyfriend" "I'll kill her, she should not even try me"
They both laughed then they exhaled at the same time. "Mom just invited me for one pregnancy prayer meeting in one church, I don't understand your mother oh" "Is she not your mother too, wasn't she the one that carried out that assignment so I might find my man by force by fire"
"Did it work?"
Amazing exhaled, "I don't know. All I know is that I met a guy, his name is Aboh, he's an amazing guy, sweet, we kissed last night and now we're dating" "Awwwn" Special clapped her hands. "Wedding bells!!!"
"Amen! That's what I'm praying for"
"Is he a Pastor?" She asked and Amazing shook her head, "No he's an usher in church, he works for God. Why do you guys automatically assume I'll get married to a Pastor ?"
Special hesitated, "Mom and I have been to churches, the one thing that's always consistent is that you're going to get married to a Pastor" "That's crazy, Aboh isn't a pastor. Although even if he has the calling, he'll still look good as one.
"Maybe he hasn't gotten his calling yet, maybe you're to help him get this calling"
Amazing laughed, "You're getting wild imaginations here Special" "Ignore me! I'm so happy for you Sis, let the count down begin!"
Efua walked into Sir Jones office where he was discussing with a colleague. They were discussing an account of a client, Sir Jones sighed in exasperation.
"They can't seem to decide which direction to take their ad campaign." Mr Sesan one of the senior creative director said and Efua chuckled, "Is it the new beverage drink?"
"Yes." Sir Jones replied and Efua chuckled, "Maybe because their drink tastes like crap" she commented and Mr Sesan laughed. "Jesus Miss Efua!" He exclaimed and she rolled her eyes.
"I don't see why they're acting too important. We're doing them a favor"
"Maybe they're fishing for cheaper advertising"
Sir Jones shrugged, "It's a a free world, though competitive but it's free. I'll let them take whatever time they want, i don't want there to be any question of them being hurried into signing the contract without full understanding'
She smiled briefly at him then she handed him a file containing some documents. He glanced briefly at them before passing another one to her. Her eagle eyes sighted her name on the table on a list, in order to find out what exactly, she walked behind him to have a closer look.
"Magnus Brewery, that's our definite client" she commented and the two men in the office laughed, she finally had a good view of the name, list of awardees.
Mr Sesan was beginning to raise a topic pertaining to it but she cared less about what he had to say! It was only a diversion!
She wasn't particularly surprised to see her name already printed in the appropriate space but what shocked her was Bamidele's name.
Oh my God I can't believe this! Bamidele will be psyched! She managed to keep a straight face. She just smiled.
"What people don't understand is that they should grab opportunity when they see one" Mr Sesan said and she smiled, she had no idea what led to that.
"Let's just blame it on ignorance. Sir, I'll go through the document" she pressed his shoulder, "I suggest you take a break and go for lunch. I'm available to accompany you when you're ready"
Sir Jones laughed, "Thank you Efua, it's only just 11 am and I'm perfectly fine" "If you say Sir"
Yummy Yem Bakery
Kwame leaned against the door of the kitchen watching Yemisi blend fruits, she poured it into a bowl while her assistant, Ngozi went ahead breaking eggs into a bowl. She didn't even notice her boyfriend was just across the room.
He placed a finger across his lips so Ngozi doesn't say a word.
"Ngozi please call your brother let me know if he'll help me deliver those things"
"He said he's on his way Ma" she turned towards Kwame who was still signalling her not to say anything. Instead he snuck up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and Yemmy gasped.
"Geez!" She gasped, "You have to stop scaring me that way" she snapped turning her head at him and he chuckled kissing her on the cheek and she smiled. "I'm sorry" he apologized.
"I was tempted"
Ngozi cleared her throat, "I better check if the... if the stuff had arrived" she stammered and Yemisi laughed, "Wow, see as you just sent Ngozi away with your X rated moves" "You call that small kiss on the cheek X rated?" He asked and she smiled.
"Which one is X rated again?"
Kwame took her earlobes in his lips and her lips parted slightly, he trailed kisses down to her chin, her cheek, neck while she shut her eyes loving every bit of it. She was beginning to feel hot especially in her cores.
This guy was using his kisses to confuse her senses! She was even beginning to moaned. "Kwame, this a bakery and it feels so wrong" she confessed, "In a right way" she answered and he smiled.
"I get it" He moaned into her ear, "You smell and taste like cake" he gently cupped her face then he softly kissed her on the lips and she kissed him too. He could taste chocolate on it, "Chocolate?" "Yeah.... was experimenting" "I like it" he kissed her again and she chuckled.
"Did my village people send you to me bayii?"
"As what?" He wrapped his arms across her waist again. "As a distraction"
"Maybe they did. Good morning" he greeted her for the second time that morning. See as she's having hots for him already, she knew she was already falling in love when though she didn't want to.
What if I now change my mind? Or what if he changes his mind? The worst part was that she hasn't said a word to any one about her second meeting with Kwame and how they've been talking frequently of recent.
Maybe she should just let Amazing know about it first! "Where did I keep my phone? Can you help me call my number" her scattered all around in search for the phone.
He brought out a small Torchlight phone from his pocket, he was really selling the cab driver life! He dialed the number and they both heard it ringing just close to the fridge. He walked over to a stool where the phone was.
Baba Ghana calling....
Kwame laughed on seeing
e caller ID, "Wow, Baba Ghana. How romantic" he replied sarcastically and she laughed. "Sorry you had to see that, it was because I didn't know you that much, that time"
"And after you did?"
"I just found the whole thing funny, what did you save my name as?" She asked, "Mrs Acquah" he replied showing her the caller ID and she gasped. "Wow..... Isn't that too forward?"
"I've never felt so convince about anything in my life, I know you're my Mrs Acquah, if you're ready, I am too" "So..." Yemisi cleared her throat. "Where do you stay?"
On getting into her office, Efua dropped the file Sir Jones gave her on the desk then she called Bamidele. "Hey Bam Bam" she called out hearing some noises at the background. "Hey Babe" "Where are you?" It's evening so I decided to go to one of the pub with a friend. Remember Kenzie?"
"Whatever. Guess what?" "I'm bad at making gueses"
"You have to come for this year's mid year award."
"What? Why will I do that? I came to have a vacation because I'm trying to get away from the whole madness, I can't just come and put myself in it all over again"
"You're among the awardees, I swear I saw your name among, my name was included too" "Why will he award me? The man hates me!" "He doesn't hate you. Come on Bammy, you're one of the top creative force in the company. You're the one who come up with the ideas the clients want, and I'm the just the one who sells it to them. You're the brain behind Zenith me and your father knows it. He has finally decided to give you some credit for it. You need to be here"
Bamidele smiled, "So the man doesn't hate me, all those fronts he's been putting up" "All fronts..... He's finally giving you the credit you deserve"
AG event Planning Co.
Amazing watched a wedding video on her laptop then Yemisi walked in. "Good afternoon Amazing" "Good afternoon Yemisi" she said taking her eyes off the video. "How are you?"
"I'm.... I'm fine. I just feel guilty somehow"
"So...... I've hiding something from you all"
Amazing grew interested, "What is it?" "Remember that cab guy I told you guys of?" "Yes" "So, we met again after like a week and he has been coming in stopping by for a while now. Last night I went on a date with him. An actual date and he took me out to this really expensive restaurant" she bit her lips, "That's not even the point, we kissed and now we're dating but I don't know how I'm going to tell the girls that I'm dating...... A cab driver" she concluded busting into laughter and Amazing joined in.
"You're not serious"
Yemisi stomped her feet on the floor, "Babes I'm being serious! It will now look like we're cursed. I like Kwame, scratch that I'm falling in love with him but he's a driver but I don't care. He's better than all my ex put together"
Amazing smiled, "As long as you like him and he's a good person and he has something doing? Who cares if he's a driver or not? Yemisi as long as he makes you happy"
Yemisi smiled, "He really does"
Kwame walked up to Dare with a frown on his face. "Is this your ten minutes? I called you since 45 minutes ago" "Oga some of us have our businesses, we don't manage our father's real estate. I was just trying to talk to some of my workers in the island. He ran into some police problems, I was calling erm, Bamidele to help me run the package"
"I need your help, I know I've requested enough, I already made request for one of your cab"
Dare laughed, "Its not request now, you're paying for it" "So...." He cleared his throat, "Yemisi asked me where I stay and I kind of told her your address" he confessed. A hiss escaped his lips, "Shey you're dating her already? Why are you still playing fake?"
"I still want to be convinced. I don't want to jump the gun yet"
Nene had to wriggle out of her plans with her fiancé in order to celebrate her proposal in her house with her friend. They all waited for Blessing to show up but till 7:15 pm, she was no where to be found so Nene rose up from the chair ?, "Okay, since one of us will be unavoidably absent, why don't we start the party?" She picked up a bottle of champagne then they heard a knock on the door.
Amazing walked up to the door, she opened the door then smiled on seeing her. "Thank God!" She exhaled embracing her", "Thank you for coming" she whispered and they both walked in.
"Our newly married bestie just walked in, abeg let's celebrate somebody jare!" Yemisi announced and everyone clapped except Nene was who forming like the champagne bottle in her hand was preventing her from clapping.
"Before some people will steal my shine, please I'm the one we're celebrating here"
"You have started again oh" Ema shouted and Fisayo rose up to speak and Amazing raised her hands, "I don't want to hear anyone's voice, any negative words should be in check or else you'll have me to face. I'm serious girls, let's just focus on celebrating with one another"
"Yes Aunty" Everyone except Blessing and Uche yelled then they busted into laughed. "You're all sick, I hope you know that" she retorted and then Blessing returned back to her seat. "I'm curious Blessing, how come your hubby let you leave, it's late, no wife should stay this late. Your husband looks like the rigid kind" Uche asked and Blessing forced a smile.
"He's not rigid. Jeremy is one of the most flexible men I've dated, he dropped me off because he respects our meeting, he went out for a bit, he'll soon be back" "You mean he took his car around town to probably do uber service"
"Uche, abi what do they call your name, Abeg stop doing like karishika, e did no fit you" Fisayo snapped, "What is it gan? Amazing is saying one thing and you're doing the opposite"
"It's a harmless question"
Amazing blared up, "Please and please, keep any question you have to yourself. I have questions I wanna ask you too Uche but I'm sure keeping it to myself because I know how it'll make you feel" "Exactly!" Ema agreed, "If I want to start getting you all know mine is worst than yours, watch it before I lose my cool" she groaned and bent from feeling abdominal pains.
"Are you okay?"
"Its probably her premenstrual pains acting up" Yemisi replied and Amazing stood upright, "I'm fine" she lied, "Uche please respect yourself. Please"
Meanwhile Benefit assisted Nene in pouring the champagne into the glasses then she shared it to everyone.
"See as I'm doing usher for you Nene, you'll pay me oh" she announced passing a glass to Nene ajd she smiled, "Thank you My love, you know I love you" "I love you too" she returned back to her seat while Nene raised her glass up.
"Somto and I had plans for today but I cancelled it for my girls. I love you girls. Let's toast to me, this woman who will soon be a bride, let's celebrate Amazing who is now kissing a man after how many years of lips celibacy" she teased and everyone laughed.
"This girl is not serious" Amazing muttered, "Let's toast to the remaining proposal that will follow suit after this. Cheers?"
"Cheers to that" Ema rose up siping the drink, "Music please?"
Uche walked up to Amazing just when she was about to leave Nene's house. "Can we talk?" She requested and Amazing rolled her eyes. "What do you want to say? I hope its something good" "Come on Amazing, give me a break here!"
"Give you a break? Why don't you give blessing a break? why are you always so angry lately? What's wrong with you?"
Uche cried, "I'm sorry, I'm just holding in so much anger." "Why, you can talk to me Uche, is it Friday? Is it him?" She asked and Uche scoffed, "We all have our problems, leave me to handle mine"
"Uche "
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, that's all"
"Blessing is the one you should be apologising to" "Good night Amazing" she said leaving,
"Uche" Amazing trailed off entering into the car then she groaned in pain. "My God"
Award night
At the Zenith Media parking lot, Bamidele parked his car and his phone buzzed for the fifth time that evening. Efua has been calling to find out where he was, she wanted to be sure if he had changed his mind about coming.
"Hey Babe" he said on picking up the call and Efua exhaled, "He finally picked up! Why have you been ignoring my calls?" "Because they were becoming consistent!" "I just wanted to find out if you were still coming. You know how much your father hates things done by proxy. Its an award night for all employees, even Murphy is here and he's not even an employee"
"I'm just in front of the company, I'll be with you shortly. Just say you miss me and all you want is to see my face" he teased and she chuckled. "Not just your face"
"After the award party"
"Can't wait" she replied and he hung up looking at his face in the mirror. "Who's the most handsome dude in the whole world, you got it right mehn, Its Bamidele Jones" he replied wearing his shades.
Amazing got out of her car slamming the door then she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was dressed in the pink gown Nene had forced her to wear. There was no doubt she looked beautiful in it but she assumed she would have looked better if her cleavages weren't on full exposure.
Bamidele pushed the door of his car open and it grazed her buttock, "Ouch" she groaned, "Shit!" He muttered getting out of the car, "I'm so sorry" he apologized taking cognizance of her face.
"You" Amazing muttered almost rolling her eyes, "Wait..... Zebra lady?" He asked and then she rolled her eyes, "Wow and he has a name for me" she answered and he laughed at how she rolled her eyes, he finally realized she had one of these Segun Arinze set of eyes.
They weren't all that big, or maybe it was her eye liners that made it look big. His eyes wandered on her cleavages making her feel uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice anyone was there" He smiled and she scoffed in disbelief, "You don't look like someone who's sorry" "Is it because of the smile? Give me a second to wipe them off" his face turned into a serious one.
"I ssye this with utmost sincerity, I didn't notice anyone standing there, did I injure you"
"You grazed me"
"Where?" He asked and she kept quiet, ashamed to tell him the door grazed her buttocks, "Just forget about it, it's okay. I'm fine"
"Are you sure?" He asked and she stood still in shocked, he's not always this nice, she has only seen him act nicely only one time! Maybe it's the cleavages working some magic! He hasn't taken his eyes off it!
"I am sure, I have to go in, I'm already late for the award"
"Isn't it too early for the oscar awards? You seem dressed for one" he teased and she chuckled, she had no idea why she did but it came out that way.
Why does that sound like he's flirting?
"I'm here for the award, your father invited me"
Bamidele gave her a look, could she be having an affair with his father? "No offense but are you my father's side chick?" He asked and she scoffed, "Excuse you?" "The conventional reply should either be yes or no, I didn't mean to offend"
"Well I'm offended by it"
"More Apologies then, like I said, I didn't mean it that way"
"I'm the event planner, not a side chick. I couldn't refuse coming here, your father can be quite persuasive"
Bamidele laughed, "Tell me something I don't know. Are must be one of the nominees? You seem rather overdressed" he commented and she felt even more uncomfortable, she was beginning to regret why she wore the gown.
"Cocktail parties usually denote, elegance and , "
"There's point defending yiurself"
"Im not defending myselg, I mean for a man who dyes his hair green, you're rather overdresse too don't you think?"
Bamidele laughed pushing out his tongue then he clapped, "Well play but the buttons of my shirt are buttoned down to the third which makes it a bit unofficial" "It's the suit for me"
"My point is you're not looking bad at all"
Amazing gasped, "Is that an actual compliment from you?" "Wait..." He chuckled, "So you think I don't give compliments? You don't even know me" "First and second impression wasn't all that good"
Bamidele broke out into a full laughter, girls can conclude ehn! "I was in a bad mood and you kept on intruding, no one asked for your opinion" "You were being rude" "Because I was angry, don't you get angry once in while?" He asked with a smile and quietly watched him.
"Hello, Madam I just asked a question"
"Madam? Really?" She asked leaving and he laughed again, "Wow, you pick offense easily right? You're one of those girls who keep grudges"
She turned back at him, "And you know that because?" "Call it a gift, for me it's so easy to read girls. You do look hot. I'm sure the whole family of the zebras all mourned when you wore their relative the other day" he snapped and she laughed out loud, look at her laughing to the joke of a guy she doesn't like!
She hates his guts! She should be insulted but she found this humourous and nice part of him quite amusing! She really needs to get rid of that gown!
"I'll pick this gown any day to the zebra you were wearing the other day" "In between compliment and the insult, I don't know what reply to give. Why are you being nice? It's so unusual?" "So what's my usual behavior? Bratty, Snobbish, egocentric, childish, arrogant"
Oh. So he knows?
Bamidele laughed, "I hear it all the time. Today is different, it's a good day to be nice" he flashed a baby smile at her. "Are you going in?" "I need to get something from my car. Enjoy the party"
"Cocktails are usually boring so I won't hold my breathe" he replied walking away.
Yemisi settled in the couch with Kwame while they both munched on Yemmy's pizzas and cold Pepsi. "So how was work?" "It was stressful" he replied, "You know, I've been wondering, how long again have you been in Lagos? You haven't actually said much about your family. It's almost like you're avoiding the topic"
"I'm not avoiding, I'm just...."
"You're just what? At least if I'm dating a Ghana man let me at least know his family" she said and he smiled tapping his lap. "Sit and I'll tell you" "You want me to break your legs abi?"
"Sit or else I won't say a word"
"You're the one that will cry, don't say I didn't warn you" she climbed on not totally sitting fully and he wrapped his arms around her waist, "Be comfortable" he begged and she shut her eyes, "My ex..."
"I'm not him, please the leg is yours feel free to do whatever you want with it" he said and she bit her lips now sitting comfortably against his crotch. The guy hasn't even done anything and she was already dripping for him!
"That's it" he muttered and she smiled then she laughed out from feeling his already hard on! "Kwame, you're already having a..." She trailed off and he smiled, "All for you, sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, that's just the way I feel with you around. Nothing will be happening, I just want to feel my baby on my laps"
She bit her lower lips, she could actually get used to it!
"So... Where were we? Oga, I want to get your biography" "I'm not giving it for free oh" "For kiss kor?" "That will work" he replied and she laughed slapping his chest playfully.
"Come on!"
Kwame cleared his throat, "So.... My parents are Mr and Mrs Acquah, Any Dad's name is Djan Acquah, my Mom is Regina Acquah, actually get mother was from Nigeria, from the Ibo side. Her Ibo name is Ifeoma"
"Wow... So technically you have the Ibo blood running through you"
Kwame laughed, "Kind of" "How long have you been here?" "25 years, I moved when I was 9 so I'm more or less like a Lagos guy, I'm your personal Omo Eko" he pronounced and she smiled. "Wow, so you're like 34" "Not yet. So what you're concerned about is calculating the age, God!"
"I'm sorry" she said giggling, "Do your parents stay here?" "No. Dad manages a business in Ghana"
"Why are you here? Gone are those days when we brag over our currency." "I know but like I said, I'm more or less like an Omo Eko. I love my country, I really do but I've kind of grown to love this place"
Yemisi exhaled, "Just let me know when to get up" "Am I complaining" he asked and she exhaled. "I don't want you to have any reason to complain, I'm not insecure about my body but I do admit that I have weight"
"I can handle it, your ex was being a dick. He probably didn't know how to treat a woman. No woman deserves such a stupid comment. You're the most beautiful, sexiest woman I've ever met. You're funny, you've got a sweet smile"
Yemisi blushed, "My head will soon bust with all this flatter" she commented and he laughed hard, "They're not flattering Baby, its the truth" he confessed and she smiled. "It's so sick to think the guy couldn't even capitalize on the good side, he probably was just making excuses to leave the relationship and I'm glad he did cause I got to meet you"
Yemisi smiled staring at his lips as he spoke, all she wanted was to press her lips against his and kiss him with every fibre in her body! There was just something about the way he spoke, she could hear the sincerity in his voice.
"So..." He cleared his throat, "We've been talking about myself, what about you love, tell me all about your family?" "I think I might have to reintroduce myself for this particular biography"
"So my name is Yemisi Omo, Omo Mummy Tosin, you know what that means right?"
"Tosin is the first child of your family"
"Exactly, he's a guy, Oluwatosin, I'm the second child of the family. The first girl, there are two more after me. My junior is married, she got married last year, I think Mum called me about Shope too, she brought her fiancé home. I have to admit it's been frustrating, do you know how it feels to be 32 years old and unmarried in an African home?"
Kwame scoffed, "I can imagine" "It's been crazy but we've been moving strong. I'm not going to let the pressure make me do what I'm not suppose to do, I'm not desperate to get married" she answered then she rolled her eyes, "Okay i am desperate but just like I always say, I won't allow a guy walk into my life only to use me and shine"
He chuckled, "I'm not planning on using you if that's what you think. I like you Yemisi, I want to say I love you but I know you're going to think I'm being forward." "I don't want you to either, I seriously don't think I'll be able to deal with it cause guess what Kwame, your jazz has worked!" She snapped and he laughed.
"I'm not using jazz"
"Yes you are, your Juju has managed to work on me. You know I haven't told all my friends about you because you're a cab driver but you know what Baby, I don't care anymore. See, my parents will freak out, she'll say boya o to lo Ogun Ghana fun (maybe he has used Ghana charm on her), I don't care. If this Cab driver makes me happy, so fucking what?" She asked kissing him on the lips and he moved his head backwards feeling guilty.
He still had a skeleton in the cupboard! Now was the moment to tell her, kwame cleared his throat. "Yemisi I have something I need to tell you" he began and her heart leapt, for a reason she felt something bad was incoming.
She scoffed looking away, "I swear If you say something that'll make my confession look like crap, i swear we'll not only enter one trouser, I'll show you the Lagosian in me and she isn't so nice" "I think I've met her before"
"Then I'll go back home and cry my eyes out" she confessed and he chuckled, tilting her chin up then his lips brushed over hers. She sighed and melted into him, her arms winding around his neck as she returned the kiss gloriously.
He took her tongue into his mouth and sucked it gently. He brought his hands over her up to her shoulders and ran them down her back stopping at her waist.
The kiss grew firmer and intense as he dragged her body tightly against his. She could feel the intensity from the bulge, "Someone's super excited already" "For you baby" he replied and they both returned back to kissing each other.
He broke the kiss and began kissing her chin, her cheek, her ear. He took her earlobe into his mouth, sucking it gently and she moaned biting her lips.
"Why don't we continue this in your room?" "Are you..... Are you sure? Maybe it's kind of early. I sound like an idiot right now when I should be jumping at it"
"Because you're a gentleman Kwame, you're a good guy and I have to say that I'm lucky to have " She looked at him, her face looked all flushed.
She pulled off her top and he stared dreamingly at her cleavages from the lace bra she wore. "Baby I can't" "You can't what?" "Do this.... Not here, not in Dare's house"
"I don't understand... Dare's house, wait.... It's not your place?"
"You don't have a house? You're squatting shey? Kwame if you're squatting, It's fine, just tell me, we'll work things out. That's the essence of relationship right? We share our burdens and try to find a way out of it. See Kwame, even though I didn't want to get involved with you, I did and now i like you and there's no unliking you this moment, in fact I don't even want to unlike you because I know you're a good man, so whatever issue you're having. We can work it out when we plan"
"I have my own house, I have my own Job... My real job. I'm a realtor, I've been managing my father's company since he left Nigeria"
Yemisi blinked her eyes, "I don't understand, the... The cab..." "That day we met in that cab, I was only there because I lost a bet to my friend. The cab isn't mine, I'm not a cab driver, I only played that role because I wanted someone that'll love me for real. I saw you as wife already but I wanted to be sure and I've never been sure of anything in my life"
Yemisi scoffed, "You lied to me" "Baby" "You've been lying to be all this while!" "I know this looks really bad but think of it, you didn't want to give me your number that day, when I asked if you would have if I had driven my range rover. I liked you from that day, I thought if I let you know who I am for real, you'll only love me for being rich"
She scoffed. "I'm not like your ex" "That I know now, Baby I'm sorry for keeping it. Please forgive me" he requested moving his lips close to hers and she placed her palm against his lips.
She rose up wearing her top, "Baby, what are you doing?" "I'm going back to my house, thank you very much" "I said I'm sorry" "I heard you quite alright" "And?" He asked and she buster into tears.
"I've been honest with you from the start Kwame, instead of testing me, you could have trusted me." She sobbed wiping off her tears then he held her hands. "I trust you now"
"Isn't it too late now?" She asked, he felt his heart drop, is she breaking up with him? "Ba... Baby, let's not be hasty, let's talk this out. I'm in love with you, we can't break up"
Yemisi shrugged picking up her hand bag from the chair, "It's not a break up, I need some time to think. I'll get back to you" "Baby" "Please Kwame.... Please just let me be, please she begged"
"Let me at least drop you off"
"In that same cab that isn't yours, I think I'll pass, thank you"
"When are they going to call out the names already" Bamidele asked siping from a glass of wine, "You've only been here like what? Five minutes?" Efua who was dressed in a red gown stopping at her thighs asked and he exhaled, "I'm bored and I'm need of a little celebration and action too"
Efua flashed a smile at him, "Oooh I love the sound of action" she teased while Murphy rolled his eyes. "Easy with the flirting, I'm here oh" "Who cares if you're here, aren't suppose to be fishing for the next girl to sex with?" She asked and he looked around, "Mehn, the employees in this company are damn ugly except you Effy I don't even know who I want to make advances at"
"Ouch on behalf of them"
"I mean it" he replied then he sighted Amazing walk in dressed in the pink gown and all heads turned towards her making her feel uncomfortable. Zainab walked up to her, "Good evening Ma"
"Good evening dear"
"You look lovely Ma"
"I hope it's not too much"
"It's not, although you look like the celebrant"
Amazing suddenly felt more uneasy. Her emerald gown wouldn't have attracted more attention like this.
Bamidele sipped his drink looking away, while Murphy stared at her, "I see someone has gotten your attention" Efua teased and Murphy laughed, "Who? Miss Righteous?" "You know her?" "I was on a blind date with her months ago, worst date ever, I can't even remember what she was wearing, this babe suddenly started to preach against sex to me"
Bamidele scoffed, "Wait.... She's the babe you were talking about?" "Exactly, the only difference is that she's looking hotter this evening"
Efua laughed in mockery, "The last date was the last time I saw her. I even blocked her from contacting me" "Wow" She muttered then she noticed Bamidele glance at her again. "It was the whole no sex sermon that threw me off. I was like, what the fuck?" He explained but Efua had stopped listening.
"Bammy" She called out and he returned his gaze back at her, "Huh?" "What are you looking at?" "Nothing interesting, I just want this award show to get started already"
Amazing made way towards Sir Jones and his wife, "Good evening, Sir and Mrs Jones" she greeted and Mrs Jones wondered why she looked familiar, "Wait oh" she paused in thought, "My husband has spoken so much about you but today that I'm seeing you up close. Your face looks very familiar"
Amazing suddenly felt uncomfortable, she had her fingers crossed hoping she'll suddenly change topic.
"That was what I told her, she has one of those faces"
"Duro na.... (Wait). I know this face, it's not like as if she has one of those faces, she looks familiar. Did you in any way attend Glory Age College?" She asked and Amazing nodded forcing a smile and Mrs Jones snapped her fingers.
"I said it! Now I remember her, she's one the one who that meeting was held for now, the girl who assaulted Bamidele" she revealed and Amazing shut her eyes, she felt bad. She hates been remembered for something she did in the past.
If only it's possible to erase one's past!
Sir Jones turned towards Amazing trying to get a reaction from her. He could see guilt boldly expressed on her face. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I'm sorry, I didn't think it was necessary to remind you of it, neither I'm I proud of what happened Sir"
Mrs Jones laughed, "There's no need to feel bad about it my dear. Then we were careless parents believing that our Bamidele was the sweet boy we knew him for. Bamidele will be shocked if he knows who you truly are" she replied now waving to get Bamidele's attention.
Amazing's heart began to race, if he remembers, she'll just die of embarrassment!
Bamidele walked over to them with a smile oh his face, "Good evening Mom, good evening Dad" "Good evening" they both answered while Sorry Jones looked away. "Bamidele dear, you won't believe who this woman before you is"
Bamidele rolled his eyes, of course he already knows she's the event planner!
"She already told me"
"She did?"
"We met outside and she told me" he replied looking at her face then Mrs Jones cleared her throat, "Darling, let's discuss" she pulled her husband away ans he turned back at the both of them.
"Are you trying to do what I think you're trying to do?" He asked and she smiled, "What do you think I'm trying to do?" "Is this your attempt to match make the both of them?"
Mrs Jones scratched her head, "She's a beautiful mature woman, that's what our Bamidele needs" "She doesn't need someone like Bamidele, Amazing deserves better" "Ha han!" "Where is the lie in that? Bamidele will only give her headaches like he's giving us. I'm sure she has someone better already"
Bamidele flashed a smiled at her, "Can anyone organize a fun cocktail party without the whole tension" "Cocktails are fun, depends on your mindset" "Can there be a cocktail party with one fine gbedu playing"
"That's a birthday party then"
"Do you throw birthday parties?" He asked and she smiled nodding gently, "I throw any kind of parties" "Orgies?" He asked and she gasped then they both laughed. "That's crazy" "It's not my fault, you're the one that said any kind of party" he plunged his hands into his pocket then she smiled.
"Well.....I don't throw orgies."
"My birthday is in two weeks, August thirteen"
Amazing scoffed, "Children born on August 13 are usually sturbborn" she noted and he scoffed, its not his first time hearing that. "That conclusion is purely based on bias reasoning and conclusion. Its a fallacy on its on, how can you just meet three children born on August 13 and you assume they're stubborn"
"Trust me when I say it's not a fallacy, its my Mom's birthday too"
Bamidele laughed, "Mad! Does she know you hold this opinion about her?" He asked and she shrugged. "Don't worry, I promise not to let her know" he added and she chuckled for the ..... Wait, she has even lost count sef!
She cleared her throat now looking away, "I want a dope birthday party" "My standards are high" "I'm Bamidele Jones, I don't care, I'll pay whatever you want, on one condition, you'll be there" he requested and she scoffed.
He was directly flirting with her, it's all about what's underneath the skirt for him right? Just because of small breast she displayed oh!
"I don't know.... I don't operate that way"
"Call it a birthday present"
"I'm sure I'll probably have plans with my boyfriend that day" she replied and he smiled, "I see what you just did there but it's just one birthday party, I'm sure he won't mind"
Amazing rolled her eyes, why is he being persistent? What's his deal? He must be joking If he thinks she'll be that easy!
Efua kept on stealing glances at them, "What are they talking about?" "I don't know" Murphy shrugged, "They've been taking for too long and he's flirting with her, I can see it from his eyes"
"Bamidele flirts with everyone, you should be used to it by now"
"I'm not. Follow me Murphy" she said walking towards them.
"What's your answer going to be?" Bamidele asked Amazing, "I'll plan the birthday party and I'll try"
"Hello guys" Efua called out flashing a fake smile at them. "I'm sorry, I'll have to steal Bamidele for a bit" she said holding him way and he laughed, "Are you jealous?"
"Not of her, she looks older, I'm prettier"
Murphy stood in front of Amazing then he cleared his throat. "Hey" "Hey" "You look pretty, it's funny how this whole thing is going to a waste because of your celibacy plan" his eyes lingering on her breast.
"Excuse you?"
"Why are you even here?"
"I'm Bamidele's best friend"
"I can see that alright! You know Murphy I don't even want to speak to you, I was angry and sad about you not calling me, seeing you right now, I'm just so glad I made the decision I made. It's so obvious you have no scruples Murphy, I wonder what you have except your fine boy front cause you didn't even have the decency to look me in the face and tell me the truth." She snapped now looking at the stage where Sir Jones was standing with his tablet in his hands.
"Can I get everyone's attention?" Sir Jones began and all eyes turned towards him. "The essence of this award is to improve and encourage efficiency. If your name isn't listed here, let it be a wake up call for you to do better before the year comes to an end. Award for the most punctual staff in this establishment, o know everyone will agree with me when I call this name, she's always up and doing, I didn't put her name down because she threw a surprise office party for me, Ladipo Martins, can you step forward to receive this award?" He requested and the whole too clapped.
Ladipo walked up to get the award.
Thirty minutes later, he called the Award for the best employee, "This one goes to.... Efua Acquah" Sir Jones announced and everyone clapped as she stepped up receiving her award. "Thank you Sir" she muttered bowing her head then she waved at everyone with the award in her hands.
She stepped in front of the microphone giggling, "I must thank the management for putting this together, I know I'm part of the management but I have to express my shock today, I never expected this Sir, I just want to say thank you to everyone that has made it possible to for me to win, the entire staff of Zenith Media, Bamidele Jones from who I draw most of my inspiration from. I love you all" she said leaving and the whole room erupted into a round of applause.
Sir Jones cleared his throat and everywhere became quiet as Bamidele's heart thumped in fear and anticipation at the same time. "A round of applause for my son Bamidele Jones everyone" he announced and everyone claped, " As he steps forward to receive the award for the most inefficient employee in Zenith Media" he completed and everyone stopped clapping.
The silence that followed was deafening.
Bamidele scoffed, "Wow...." he clapped his hands, "Wow..... so this is what I came for? For this shit" "No hard feelings Bamidele, you should strive to do better" "You know what Dad? Fuck you and your stupid award"
Sir Jones raised his brow, not like he was shocked by the outburst, he didn't expect he'll say it in front of everyone. "Bamidele!" Amazing gasped and he rolled his eyes turning towards her, "And the zebra lady decides to speak! Madam will it kill you to fucking shut up and mind your fucking business?"
"I get that you're angry but that's your father you're talking to. Have some respect"
"Fuck you, how about that for respect? Fuck you Dad and fuck you all" he turned back towards his father and his mother slapped him on the cheek, "Lenu e! How dare you?" She asked and Bamidele blinked his tears in, what was more worse? His father embarrassing him in front the whole staff and visitors or getting slapped in front of everyone?
He has never been more humiliated in his entire life!
Bamidele rubbed his cheeks, looked at the surprised faces around the room before zooming off. Murphy and Efua followed him. "Bammy" Efua called out and he scoffed.
"Don't even call my name! This is all our fault! You could have left me where I was!"
"I'm sorry"
"You can keep your fucking apology to yourself I'm not interested in listening to it"
"Guy" Murphy held his arm and Bamidele pushed him away. "Are you mad? I want to be left alone, what's hard to comprehend there?" He asked entering into his car where he busted into tears then he punched the steering.
Efua knocked on Bamidele's door and then he opened up and hissed from seeing her. Just when he was about to shut the door, she stopped the door with her hand forcefully barging in.
"What part of i don't want to talk didn't you get?" He replied taking his seat and she stood in front of him. "Every part of it" she replied climbing on him. "Bamidele I'm sorry, I didn't plan for it to end this way. I had better plans, I thought he was finally going to give you the credit you deserve" she brushed her fingers on his cheek now bringing her lips close to his then she cringed from the church sound from the speaker. "God this church is so loud!"
"Shey? I've been warning them, i don't even know what to do to get rid of them. These guys are this close to busting my eardrums"
"I bet they'll stop when casualty arises"
"How? Any bright ideas?"
"It's Friday night, pretend you had a attack and your ear drums got damaged from the sound. Then sue them"
"How will I prove that?"
"All you need is a doctor's report, I'm sure there must be a lie they can conjure. You're Bamidele Jones, you can get that done and a good lawyer, Korede can help out. Tomorrow you'll say you were getting treatment and then on Sunday, you'll have the man arrested, you're Bamidele Jones Baby, anything is possible. They'll regret now listening to you" she replied and he smiled.
"Have I ever told you how brilliant you are?"
"Why don't we have that action now?"
They both kissed and then he grabbed her ass cheeks making her squirm.
Amazing laid in bed thinking about what had just happened, she felt bad for the guy for being embarrassed that way but when she remembered the way he spoke rudely to his parents and how he spat those words at her, Fuck you! It made her angry!
She felt a sharp pain in her groin then she let out a shrieking cry. Suddenly it felt like the pain had legs cause they were now moving from her groin to her abdominal region.
The pain that night was more excruciating, it felt like someone was poking her with a needle. She took her usual pain relief but it didn't work as it usually does.
She waited and waited but there wasn't any relief so She picked her phone Googling on 'What makes makes pre menstrual pain excruciating and how to ease it?'
There were suggestions leading to Fibroids but she bluntly rejected it! She has been experiencing the pain for more than ten years now. If it was Fibroid, wouldn't her belly have gotten big?
She stayed awake almost all through the night crying and nursing the pain. She made a decision to finally see a doctor about it the following day.
"How long have you been experiencing the pains?" Doctor Felecia asked, "Ten years or eleven, i can't really pin point the exact time. I was reading online and some sites said it might be Fibroids, I hope not"
Doctor Felicia nodded, "Do you have cases of Fibroids in your family?" "No. No we don't, none that I know of. Do you think it is" "I can't be certain unless we perform a pelvic examination and an ultrasound on you. It might just be an ordinary extreme case of menstrual cramps so there's no need to be scared Miss"
Amazing placed her palm against her chest, "Please oh" she replied and the doctor chuckled.
Yemisi cried whil making cupcakes in the kitchen "I'm sorry" Benefit said to her, "So what you're saying now is that you were ready to date a cab driver" Nene asked and she raised a bowl of flour up. "Soro oshi nibe (Say rubbish) and I'll paint your face white. You think I'm Blessing? I'll treat your fuck up, you better watch our mouth there"
Nene raised her hands, "I'm sorry" "Sorry for yourself" she hissed and then Nene rolled her eyes. "Look on the bright side, he's filthy rich"
Amazing walked in, "Sorry I'm late, I had to do somethings at the hospital. Yemmy love, how do you feel?"
Sunday Morning
6:45 am
Two policemen knocked on the Pastor Osagiede's door and his fourteen years old daughter opened up surprised to find them by the door. "Daddy, please come here, there are two policemen at the door"
"Policemen? At this time? So early in the morning on a sunday?" He asked in surprise then he walked up to the door to confirm what his daughter just said to his shock he found the men in uniform.
His daughter returned back in.
"Good morning and Happy Sunday to you all"
"Good morning Sir, Pastor Osagiede right? City of Refuge Church?"
"Yes. We were about to head to church right now. I hope there's no problem"
"Sir, you're to follow us right now to the police station"
"You'll find out when you get there"
"I already asked if there was any problem"
"You'll find out when you get to the station"
"Let me go in and let my wife know"
"Sir with all due respect, we can't allow you go back in, for all we know you might use the back door"
"Why will I do that? I'm a man of integrity"
"Please Pastor, kindly follow us to the police station"
Jeremy got out of the church and Blessing followed him out, "What's going on?" "Pastor Osagiede was arrested this morning" "What? How?" "Bamidele Jones ordered for the arrest. He has been threatening to take out our speakers for a while, I can't believe he could do this"
Blessing scoffed, "How can he just have him arrested like that? There must be something feasible" "There is, they said on Friday, he had his hearing damaged as a result of the sound. He's suing the church"
The following day
Pastor Osagiede, Jeremy and his lawyer sat on stool in a law firm, across from them was Bamidele and two lawyers all waiting for Bamidele who was already fifteen minutes late. He walked in afterward; he had bandages plastered over one of his ears, he sat down, "I'm sorry for coming in late, I had doctor's appointment" he lied and the female Judge looked at his cute lying face with so much sympathy.
"I'm sorry. How do you feel now?"
"My eardrums are on the verge of being destroyed, I might have to go for surgery. I don't feel okay Ma. I feel terrible" he replied turning towards your Pastor, "If only he had listened to me"
"Mr Bamidele Jones, we are sorry for this occurrences, it wasn't intended" Pastor Osagiede apologized and Jeremy scoffed, "It's obvious he's lying" he snapped and Bamidele scoffed, "What kind of sick man, places a bandage over his ears to fake something like this?" He asked angrily, with the way he was acting, he could really go into the movie industry.
The judge raised her hands, "I expect everyone to respect themselves, the only reason we're not in ciurty is because we don't want this matter escalating any more than this. Let's settle this the best possible way. Pastor Osagiede, were you aware of Mr Bamidele's hearing condition"
"No" he shook his head.
"Did he warn you to reduce your speakers?"
"He did but I just thought he was one of those people who make those kinds of complain because they can't handle the fact we're preaching the truth. We've actually won souls through mounting of these speakers"
"Now you've destroyed a man's eardrum because of it"
The Pastor looked confused, "Your honour, its wasn't intentional. I can promise you that it wasn't intended, God sees my heart if this man had come in with a medical proof of his condition, I would have adhere to his request."
Bamidele whispered into his lawyer's ears and he cleared his throat mkw looking at the Judge. "Your honour, Mr Bamidele Jones will be flown abroad to have his surgery done with immediate effect the price of a surgery cost over a million naira, the church has to pay for damages"
"Ah!" Pastor Osagiede shouted, "How we want take see that one?" He busted into pidgin, "You're lucky we're not adding travelling cost to it"
"Your honour, we don't have such money, you see that church building, it was donated by one of our members who thought we should move to a better place where we can get a wider audience and people whose soul we can arrest. We had to move from where we used to live down to the estate. The church is undergoing building project, even the money in the church account is not up to that, please Ma, let them reconsider"
The Judge exhaled after a brief thought, "After carefully examining this case...." She exhaled, "This is my ruling, Pastor Osagiede, I advise your speaker level be reduced to avoid cases like this again since Mr Bamidele still lives in that apartment. Since they're not adding travelling cost, a sum of #500,000 will be given to Mr Bamidele as compensation for the damages"
Amazing laid in bed to sooth the pain she was feeling, she was on her periods to, in order to avoid embarrassment, she decided to stay at home and work from home.
Her phone rang while she was having a video chat with Zainab. "Excuse me Zainab, I have to pick this call" she lifted up a finger, "Hey blessing"
"Good afternoon Amazing, how are you?"
"I'm at home"
"Geez! Is it that bad?"
"Hm!" She exhaled, "I'll be fine. How are you?" "I'm just disappointed , can you believe after all this Bamidele had this issue taken to be sorted out by a Judge's ruling? The church is requested to give Bamidele money for ear damages. My husband is so sure he's faking it"
"How much are we talking about"
"Half a million"
Four days later
Mrs Jones walked into her husband shouting on phone, "And you had the effrontery to pull such a stunt with him in my name?" "Sir it wasn't in your name" "You are fired!" "Sir please"
"If you call my number again, even something as simple as a flash, I'll have you arrested and thrown in jail." He snapped hanging up then he turned towards Mrs Jones, "Ha Han, who are you talking to like that?"
"Have you seen your son?"
"What did 'our' son do?" She laid more emphasis 'our'.
"Can you imagine the shameless thing, suing a church for damaging his ears? Are you aware that he had hearing problems?" "No, the only thing he told me is that the church is disturbing his peace but I cautioned him against complaining. I even suggested he take a vacation"
"He went along with that idiot called Korede! They both accused the church and got 500,000 naira from them for damages"
Mrs Jones placed her two hands on her head, "Mogbe! It's a lie, it can't be be true. Have you confirmed?" "I just confirmed from the stupid Korede, your son accused the church wrongfully and also got money from them, what kind of curse is worst than that?"
Tears rolled down her eyes, "What is wrong this boy ... What am I saying gan? What is wrong with this man..... Bamidele will not kill me, Bamidele will not kill me for my grandchildren, I didn't kill my parents, he will not kill me!"
Sir Jones picked up his keys, "Where are you going to?" His wife asked, "To rectify his stupidity" he answered and his wife decided to follow him, maybe then she can make a stop at his house.
They stopped by at the church where they demanded to see the Pastor of the church. He was in the office with a church member so they had to wait a while.
Shortly after, they both walked in greeting the Pastor. "Bless you Sir, Bless you Ma. Please take your seat" he requested and they both sat down staring into the Pastor's face. "Pastor" Mrs Jones began, we heard what our son did to you and the church so we're here to apologize on his behalf. Omode n se! (He's just being childish). "
"Omode n se? That is a 33 years old man you're talking about oh, omode? (Child)" Sir Jones shook his head passing a cheque to him, "That is a million naira Pastor, I heard he took 500,000 naira from you. Please with all due respect we're giving this to you to cover the damages"
Pastor Osagiede smiled, "As tempting as this is, I'm being requested not to collect a dime from you two" "Whose request?" He asked and he smiled again looking up the ceiling then he returned his gaze back at them.
"God has plans for him"
"What plan?"
He shrugged, "I don't know" "Please Pastor, I have been raised my parents not to disrespect religious heads, they have consequences and I know it. Please get the money from us"
"I'm working with instructions Ma, I can't afford to disobey it. I'm sorry"
Amazing walked into her doctor's office hoping to get a result for all the test she conducted, "How are you feeling today?" Doctor Felicia asked and Amazing smiled.
"A slight pain when I went to the gym this morning"
"How often do you exercise?"
"Thrice in a week at least"
"You might have to stop it due to this condition"
"What condition?" She asked and the doctor exhaled, "I'm a woman Amazing and ..... It's not easy for me to say this. Although it's not exactly the end of the world, it's not something to kill yourself about. It's treatable"
Amazing scoffed, tears forming her eyes, "It's Fibroids isn't it?" She asked and she exhaled, "How bad is it?" She added. "You might need to get a myomectomy as soon as possible"
Club house
Kwame gulped a drink and Dare laughed, "Love they turn my guy head" he commented and Kwame scoffed, "She's still thinking of the issue, today makes it one week oh" he complained.
"I met her and the only thing she said was, I'm still thinking of it"
"Why don't you just let go of her then?" Bamidele asked, "I mean no girl is worth that kind of stress oh, i repeat, no girl! I'll just kill myself before I allow a girl suffer me like that" he replied, "Exactly!" Murphy clinked his beer bottle against his.
"That's the difference between us Bamidele, I'm not you. You don't have a conscience, to think you can still live your normal life after what you did to that church"
Bamidele rolled his eyes, "Blah Blah blah blah blah" "Na Bammy you want mind?" Dare asked and then Bamidele heard a sound, it sounded more like a whistle play at first, then it was followed by sounds of drums and then choirs singing"
"Is there a church around here?" He asked interrupting the guys discussion about him. "No, why are you asking, do you want to sue them too?" Dare asked and he scoffed, "Guy abeg shut up, I dey sound like church they play, you no hear am?" He asked and they shook their heads speaking to him but it was inaudible, it felt like their mouths we're just moving but nothing was coming out from it.
The sound of singing and instruments became so loud in his head he began to close his ears using his palm, maybe it'll block the sound out but it didn't! "Argh! It's too loud" he exclaimed while his friends stared at him. People around the club were beginning to stare too.
"Bamidele are you okay?" Kwame asked and Dare laughed, "Na so craze dey start oh, somebody should get rope"
"Stop it! Stop!" He screamed falling on the floor, they all took him serious when they sighted blood coming out of his ears. "Bamidele!" Kwame yelled in fear now holding him up.
"What the hell is going on?"
What do you guys think about today's update? 😊
I don't know when I'll be posting again, maybe on Sunday cause there's no hope for light yet.
Bear with me😩
Our Yemkwam ship wants to wreck but God no go gree 🔪 🔪 🙅
It's like Karma is starting to treat Bamidele's fuck up, abi is it God?
What next?😁
Stay tuned, don't forget to Vote!
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