🔴Chapter 34🔴 (Final Chapter)

I was determined but NEPA🤦.There was more than twenty four hours power outage, after that update I made.  They even sent us a message to console us. It wasn't my fault!!

I am so ashame🙈🙈

I haven't closed my eyes at all..... I've been up because of NEPA... Till now🤧🤧

Here it is

Vote ⭐

Final Chapter


"People market their products so everyone can see." Bamidele projects products on the television ranging from detergents, toothpaste, cars, banking apps and noodles in the presence of the the evangelism team, a few pastors and Pastor Tunde.

"It's their own way of exhibiting the glory of the product to the whole world. These companies go as far as hiring celebrities to be their Ambassador" Different celebrities for different brand popped up on the screen.

"But God has freely made us Ambassadors of the gospel, there are things we're supposed to do and there are rewards attached. For as many that are believe in his name, he gave power to be called sons of God. The question is are we preaching the gospel? He called us lights of the world,  a city set upon the hill that cannot be hid, this isn't just a statement, it's an identity for us to align with. So that people may see you and glorify the father who is in heaven."

"So you want us to do an advert about our church" One of the Pastors asked but Bamidele shook his head, "God didn't call us publicize churches,  it's the gospel. We're publicizing the gospel, imagine all these annoying sexual ads that pops in,  what If something pops up like,  Have you read your Bible today? Christ loves you,  even if you don't love yourself? When you're depressed sad,  there's one annoying ad coming up to remind you of the love of God" He replied laughing.

"So we'll spend money over something that's not advertising our church"

"Are we not suppose to use our money to fund the gospel? Oh so when we're pumping it into the church for men to see, we feel that's the real service right."

The man shut his eyes now realizing how it sounded. "That wasn't what I meant"

"Advertising is my field, don't worry about the funds, my guys will handle it. Let's Market Christ to the world, let's rebrand the evangelism team into something crazy like 'The Marketing team', we'll be the Jesus Marketers. I already spoke to Ben about this and he agreed. All I want is your go ahead to do this and speak to the drama unit about it."

Pastor Tunde rose up,  "The gospel will not be evangelize without my money in it. As long as we're giving glory to God, It's a yes from me" He replied and the evangelism team rose up clapping and jubilating.

"Thank you Sir"

The Doctor who handled Yemisi's walked quickly down the hall with two envelopes in her hand. On seeing two of the experts who were on the case chatting, she dropped the envelopes on the counter. "In my years as an oncologist,  I've never seen cancer disappear in seconds like this"

"What's this?"

"The results for Yemisi Ojo,  the one who had cancer of the bladder,  that was the test we conducted the day she was rushed her, the cancer had spread so bad and the other envelope consist of the one we conducted after she got better. That shows a perfect bladder,  as if nothing happened! It came out clean, this was four just six hours after the other test was carried out, six hours for cancer to vanish, no chemo, nothing!"

The man laughed while the other colleague looked Into the results,  "Toke, didn't you watch the interview?" "What interview?" Dr Toke asked and he laughed,  "I just assumed since you're a woman man,  you must have watched"

"I'm way to busy for that. What happened?" "The whole situation was a spiritual case of a friend who wanted vengeance for something that happened years ago. Remember the person that was screaming in the hospital that entire day? It wasn't until after the interview we found out the truth."

"Jesus.... All these that day and we didn't know?"

A girl moves over to a counter looking at the face of the sales guy. "Do I still look attractive? You know what? Don't answer that question. Am I not suppose be married at this age? Why do I fill so much emptiness? Why do I suddenly feel..."

"Unsatisfied with everything you do?" The guy asked as though reading his mind.

Another lady walked up to them ,  "I thought I was the only who feels that way. No one accepts me for who I am, they say I'm ugly and as the day passes by, I realize even more how ugly I look." She hissed walking towards the cereal area then she returned back.

"I'm tired!"

Another guy on suit who was waiting in line by the counter hissed,  "Me on the other hand, I just feel disconnected from the world at large, nothing makes sense, girls are serving me better breakfast anyhow after draining me of my cash, nothing is for free any longer. There's nothing good in the world, I'm contemplating suicide"

"Ah!" They all shouted,  "Yeah! I'm tired of life"

Bamidele came out from a corner smiling,  "The only reason why you guys feel this way is because you haven't subscribed yet" "Subscribe to what? There's no network I don't have, they're all bunch of disappointment. "

"Well with this one, there's no shadow of turning or disappointment. Have you heard of Beta Coverage?"

"Beta coverage?" They all asked and he nods,  "Yes. All you just have to do is subscribe to it you have unlimited satisfaction, lasting happiness, good gifts,  everlasting life,  you don't have to carry your burdens again,  he'll make them light, you get access to connect to a better plan, morning, afternoon, night plans and even heavenly plans. You get a ticket to see God himself in heaven"

"I'm not worthy,  how can I?"

"All you just have to do is indicate interest, the best thing about Beta Coverage plan is that it's free?"

"Nothing is free these days" the guy on suit argued,  "Well this one is. Christ paid it all for us" "No service charges?" "No service charges. All you have to do is leave the old ways of sin behind and serve him, he'll satisfy your hunger"

"Abeg, what code do we use?"

"How do we subscribe to this Beta Coverage?" They all asked bringing out their phones and he laughed looking at the camera,  "Stop seeking the desires of the flesh and seek ye first the kingdom, only then will you be truly satisfied"

Akwa Ibom

Amazing laid tiredly in bed after her introduction, Bamidele had paid everything pertaining to traditional rites. "Thank you Jesus!" She muttered while her mother walked in. "You're here sef," She pause sitting in bed, "Congratulations"

"Thank you Mom" She replied sitting up, "My heart is red! If I can open up my chest to show you how happy I am"

Amazing cried,  "I'm glad cause all my life Mom, all i ever wanted was to make you happy,  make you proud of me. All those times you'll call and I'll be contemplating whether to pick up"

"To think I pushed you into the arms of that giraffe."

Amazing laughed wiping her tears.

"All I wanted was you starting life early, giving birth early, I didn't want a situation where you'll be having complications because of age. I was impatient and I forgot that God makes everything beautiful in his time. I pray that God blesses your home with happiness and joy"


"May the sound of laughter never cease from your home,"


"May this home never run out of sweetness"


"The Lord will bless you with a miracle baby that all men will see and be Amazed, God is turning 10 % into 100% in Jesus name"


"Your womb is blessed"


"Your children are blessed, likewise you entire generation. Men will see the both of you and call you blessed,  the arrows of the enemies will not come near your family" She continued now busting into tears of the joy and Amazing hugged her.

Her mother withdrew wiping her tears,  "Talking about babies, i even thought you followed your husband to the hotel"

"I didn't" "Why?" "We're not having sex until we're married"

"What's this one called?"

"Introduction, my friends are not here, to see how unserious it is"

"White wedding is the American's traditional wedding, once the man pays everything here, he is officially your husband. Isn't that what the Pastor will ask before declaring you two as married couples?"

Amazing smiled,  "True." "You better go and meet your husband, you guys should start baby plans this night. The earlier the better" "Now I'm shy" "By right, you should be in your husband's house, oya start moving"



Bamidele opened the door and Amazing walked in now dressed in a blue gown. "What are you doing here?" "I came to see my traditional husband" She replied and he laughed. "So there's court and church husband"

She smiled sitting on the bed,  "Is there something you forgot to tell me?" He asked,   "Yes" She replied and he shut the door moving close to her. "Did I forget anything? Is there something I forgot to do?"

"Yes" She replied,  "You forgot to kiss your bride" she rose up wrapping her arms around his neck then she moved her lips close to his but he moved back instead, "Amazing..." "We are officially married, I hope you know that.  So if we kiss, it's not a bad thing, it's not a sin" "Just say you're the one that can't wait" he teased and she laughed.

"Not that, when mom said it,  I entertained the idea but the truth is you have paid my rites. That was why they allowed me come to the hotel freely. Traditionally, you're my husband and you have every right to do to me as you damn well please" She leaned in,  pulled down the zippers of her gown then she sucked in a deep breath. His mouth fell open, and for a few moment, they just stared at each other.

He stared at her lips with a hungry glint in his eye that stole her breath. Those lips. God, those lips. Here was Amazing, presenting a good and justifiable reason to consummate their union.

It was quite tempting.

He remembered the last time he kissed her and how enjoyed every seconds of It. Amazing pressed her lips together and , getting an inch more space between them. 

He cupped her jaw in one hand, slid his fingers over the softness of her cheek, then slanted his lips over hers. His lips were just centimeters from hers and her eyes were already shut in anticipation.

Then he inhaled wrapping his arm around her waist now lifting her zippers up.  "It's supposed to be January,  I heard it clear, January. If I kiss you now, I might not be able to withold myself from item No 2" He trailed off. "We're traditionally married, that's the point Bambam,  we can move to item 2"

"It's supposed to be in a new year,  I won't want to distort God's plan because of... No,  If we wait some days more we won't die"

Amazing exhaled, "God I feel stupid right now" She snapped covering her face in shame. "Hey" He dropped her hands down,  "There's no point being ashamed, I was tempted too and you have a point but God's agenda supersedes all temptations"

"You're right. I guess I should leave them" "It's late. You can stay"

"It's safe here in Uyo, there's no traffic, I'll be home in like 25 minutes" "Let's just stay and dance to no music and then we'll pray" He said squeezing her palm and she smiled.

"Is that a prophetic leading?" She asked and he smiled grabbing her waist then she laughed leaning against him then they both swayed left and right. "Thank you for being a gentle man and shaming me."

"I'm sorry,  I just said no to all this hotness,  how do you think I feel?"

"I can't believe I'm married after all,  this has got to be the best Christmas ever. Thank you BamBam"

New year's eve

Amazing pressed the horn of her car in Lagos traffic,  "Welcome to Lagos! Ugh!" She groaned in frustration. "What is causing the traffic sef?" She lamented to herself. "If you drive to the front now, you'll find out it's just one little thing and it will just end up making someone go to work late"

She heard a voice within say,  you could have woken up early!

"I didn't foresee that the traffic will be like this now!"

Sometimes traffic occurs in life, the reason might be something so little,  maybe a car that broke down or a greedy bus driver who keeps stopping to pick passengers or bad roads! Mostly bad roads but all traffic can be averted when you do the right thing at the right time.

Amazing nodded and smiled,  it was a word from God. He wasn't talking about the traffic, it was the last day of the year and he was giving a message towards the following year.

Are there traffics on the way????

"God forbid!" She muttered,  "I refuse traffic in my future, my family, in the life of my friends. I stand on my watch as a watchman and I decree a smooth ride in this coming year." She picked her phone calling Nene,  "Good morning dear" "Woman of God, how are you?"

"You've started again. How are you? I'm in traffic,  I would have done a conference call. I just received a message from God to everyone" "See why I called you a woman of God"


Nene laughed,  "Okay,  what did God say?" "He said to make hay while the sun shine,  it's not new year yet, he said we should pray towards the new year to advert whatsoever traffic might want to be ahead, we shouldn't wait till the new year to start making resolutions"

"Okay... What do you want me to do?"

Nene called her husband who was in the office after dropping the call from Amazing,  "Hello honey" "Hey Babe" She responded,  "Are you okay? Do I need to come over?" "Mum is here,  can you help me make a withdrawal of a hundred thousand naira on your way back?"

"Why do you need such money in cash? Is it for your Mom?"

"No. I'll explain later"

"Happy new year!!!" Pastor Tunde announced and the whole congregation yelled gleefully!

🎶Alelu Aleluyah eh! Ale🎶 The choral leader sang and everyone dance.

"Let me see your best dance, the enemies didn't think we'll cross over but we did"

After ten minutes he signalled for the music to be stopped. "When I was believing God for a word for this year, God told me that this year will be our years of Celebration" He announced and everyone screamed on their feet.

"God told me there are going to be multiple weddings this year, multiple dedications, from converts to Marriage dedication, to Baby Dedication to car dedication"

Church members ran towards the altar to sow seeds to tap from the declaration.

"It is in this vein that I announce our first wedding for the year that will be opening doors to other weddings. The conjugal bliss of our dear Sister AmazingGrace and Brother Bamidele the second Saturday of this month" He announced and the screams increased.

Amazing was ashame of rising up because she already came out with Aboh once but Mrs Coker didn't allow her. Other women in the women's department dragged her and some men Bamidele out.

"Anyone that has any reason why these two should not be joined in Holy Matrimony, has now till the wedding eve to tender their reasons. After that day, it will cease to have a backing. I won't even mention it that day."

Somto wheeled his wife towards the altar after the New year service in their church. She placed her prayer request and new year resolution against her chest. "Can you leave me alone for a bit?" She requested and he walked away.

She opened her prayer request looking into it.

🔴 Bless my husband and make him the head always in everything he does.

🔴    Grant my parents and family long life! I'm not ready to bury them yet! Help Daddy, become more focused on us this year than work.

🔴     Bless my best friends, let this year be a turning point of greatness for the seven of us. Give us more fun moments and sense!

🔴    Lord, I want to walk wit my two legs before the half of the year, help me.

🔴     I want to get pregnant before my wedding anniversary.

🔴    I don't want to be fired from work, help me to still be an asset to the company even if it mean doing consultancy from home.

🔴     I want to make a difference in life, open my eyes to my mistakes and help me correct them.

  🔴     Help Somto and I love each other more.

🔴      Help us love and walk in your ways, I want to do better in serving you than I have ever done. So help me God. (Amen)

She pulled out the brown envelope containing the money from her bag,  "I know what you're thinking, this looks like a bribe but it's not. Okay it's a bribe in a kind of way, i can't fool you. I know I've been that daughter that has been giving you headache since inception. This money isn't enough compensation for the headache but I want to make things better. I want to be better for Somto, for my family, for you, my friends. It's a new year and I don't want my mistakes causing a traffic in my life,  I've had enough traffic as it is. I want to start on a clean slate, factory setting mode is all I ask for this year. I want to walk I want to feel like a woman again, help do this and I promise to serve you better, I'll work in the church, I'll be an usher, you know I don't like ushers but I'll do it for you.  I'll stand on this same feet and usher people into your house." Tears ran down and she sniffled.

"I promise. Just help me"

Ten days to go my love 💕

Ten days to go BamBam


January 11


Today is for these two anointed people. Angels are preparing for this one, they're wearing aso-ebi for these one, clearing road  for them.

Even heaven is ready! 💃💃💃

Fisayo updated on her status.

Amazing looked into the mirror after she wore her wedding ball dress. She was practically exploding with excess glow. Anyone that walks in can actually see the glow in her. It waa reflecting all over!

Mehn, she looked so good!

"Omo to rewa! Omo to n popping!!!" Fisayo hailed taking a video with her.

Yemisi raised a song, "I never see this this kind bride before oh" "Wonder wonder wonder wonder" Everyone chorused and she laughed blushing and Fisayo fought her tears,  "I'm tearing up and i don't want to ruin my make up. The day we've been waiting for. Congratulations baby"

"Thanks. Girls!!! Let's move! I don't want to be late on my own wedding"

"The bride is always late"

"I'm the event planner,  I'm not going late. I've scheduled everything and it must go as planned, I want to be home at about 5pm. I don't want to be too tired"

"Hmmmmmn!" Everyone yelled and she arced her brow,  "Yes. I don't want too tired." "You guy don't understand,  so that she won't be tired before the do" Fisayo emphasized, "Exactly!" Ema noted and Amazing hissed,  "You're all silly an dirty minded!"

"Awwwn,  Amazing will be having sex after a long time. This Is the best news ever" Nene confessed and Amazing hissed again. "Nene,  you need Jesus"

"I'm sure your hymen must have grown back"

Fisayo agreed,  "That one is true oh" seven weeks of not having sex and my own hymens have grown already,  how much more you"

Mrs Essien stepped into the room and everyone switched into good girl mode. "Uyai mi! (My beauty)" She clasped her hands, a speechless smile spread across her face. Amazing has never seen het look at her that way.  She was like a lantern glowing with pride.

It was better than during the introduction!

She dabbed some tears off her eyes,  "Let's go"

Hosannah Faith Ministeries

Amazing stepped out of the car hearing the sound of praises from the church auditorium.  Mrs Jones walked up to her dressed in a Champagne gold lace blouse and wrapper with a onion color head gear.  "That phrase they always say that the bride is always the prettiest in the party is so true. You look gorgeous dear, like a queen in her party"

"Thank you Ma"

"The day I've been waiting for is finally here and I'm so emotional. I've never been more sure of anything, I just knew you two were meant to be. Your home is blessed my dear"


"No imagination or divination of man shall work against this union. Raise your head high and walk with pride, it's your day"

Amazing glanced toward the altar, where Bamidele was standing beside Pastor Tunde. Something about seeing her made him emotional, she looked exceptionally beautiful in that dress.

Recognizing her cue, Amazing nudged her father and they began to walk down the aisle.

Aboh who had a black shade on folded his hands watching her. He has never seen her more beautiful! That could have been him standing there if he wasn't so damn impatient!

Damn it!

The other procession that took place afterward was not his business,  he was just there dying slowly from envy! What he'll give to stand in Bamidele's shoe that moment. The very thought of him wanting to be in the guy's shoes irritated him! For crying out loud, he hates him!

"Someone once said love is an emblem of eternity and we are here to witness that eternity between our sister AmazingGrace Essien and Our brother Bamidele Jones."

After going through the process of asking her father If all traditional rites had been duly followed,  Pastor Tunde proceeded to telling the couples to hold hands.

She lovingly stretched her hand and he received it. "Okay, so, as after me. 'I, your name,  takes You husband name"

Bamidele giggled,  "I, Bamidele Jones takes AmazingGrace Essien as my wife to have and to hold from this day forward...In sickness and in health,  For richer and for poorer, till death do us part"

Aboh hissed within, it was as if he should stop the marriage that instance but what will be his excuses?  When he heard about the wedding,  he knew he had to see for himself if the wedding will hold for real. He hoped to God that Bamidele's past escapades rears in to ruin the wedding but from the look of things,  everything was going smoothly.

"You may kiss the bride" Pastor Tunde announced

Bamidele nodded, the part he has been waiting for, he licked his lips then he placed his palm against Amazing's cheek looking into her eyes. He could see through her anxiety.

The feeling was mutual but he still delayed almost as though he wanted her to beg.

"Will you just kiss me already?" She said out loud enough for everyone to hear and the whole congregation laughed.  She opened her own mouth with a small gasp at the suddenness of everyone's reaction and he kissed her and nipped at her bottom lip and then sucked the flesh into his mouth, clutching his head closer to her starving mouth.

Her body hummed, alive and awake as she had never felt. That was all that mattered; the extraordinary thrill of a moment she has been waiting for.

The kiss was waking up desires in her, for a moment she asked if it was right to have such desire when she was still in church.

Who can blame her? The kiss was doing deep things to do. She didn't know herself, she was  losing herself, taking, seizing what she craved,  after all, they are now traditionally, legally and religiously hers.

Nothing can ruin this moment!

His wrapped his free arm around her and Pastor Tunde cleared his throat,  "Is it not enough like that?" He screamed but they both continued meanwhile the crowd was still screaming joyfully and taking videos and pictures.

Bamidele's analogy of the dog and elephant streamed through Aboh's mind so he rose up leaving the church in anger.

"That's what happens when you guys didn't engage in sexual immoralities during courtship" Pastor Tunde teased. 

Amazing finally withdrew gasping for breathe then she laughed to herself. Bamidele now had tears pouring down his cheek,  "What?" She muttered and Dare who was his best man tapped him,  "You go ruin you make up oh" He teased,  Bamidele and Amazing laughed in response.

"I feel like i am the luckiest man in the world knowing that in as much as God is working on me,  I've got another person crafted by God himself to correct me, reprove me and encourage me. I love you Amazing. My children and i are so lucky to have you"

"I love you too" She replied startled by the sudden and unexpected fluttering in her belly. She bit her lips giving him a look that spoke louder than words.

Can we just skip the reception and just go home??

He laughed whispering into her ears,  "We still have time"

Ngozi stood by the road side staring at Amazing's second cake which was in the Uber. The other had followed the first cab. She had to convey this one personally not until her ride broke down.

The Uber driver was still trying to fix his car, the bonnet has been opened for twenty minutes now. "Oga, if you can't repair the car,  let me know. What's all this delay for?"

"This has never happened, I know cars usually have problems but we don't disappoint"

"Let me order another Uber now" She got out swiping her phone, "The church wedding must be over by now"  She stomped her feet angrily placing order for another ride.

Then she called the driver,  "Hello, Mr Taju right? I need to be at Phoenix Event Center  where are you?"  The guy said he was going to meet her in fifteen minutes, but we know when the say fifteen minutes we need to add allowance to it because of traffic.

She had no choice but to wait.

She stomped her feet, "Yemisi will be so mad at me!"

A car stopped by and Jeff winded down,  "Are you having issues with your car?" He asked and she turned towards him, "Huh?" "Your car, are you having issues?" "Oh no. It's not mine, it's an uber,"

"Oh. My daughter saw you disturbed and thought I should stop the car and ask if you have any issue. I do a bit of repairs, as long as it's not too bad"

"Oh. Thanks, I already ordered another ride. He'll be here in maybe 13 minutes or so"


"I seriously don't know why this is happening today. The car just stopped halfway my route and I'm supposed to deliver a cake at Phoenix Center"

"Daddy, isn't that where we're going to? Aunty Amazing's wedding"

Jeff nodded,  "Yes but you heard her,  she already ordered a ride" "That will be come thirteen minutes later when we'll probably be close to the event center. Daddy,  don't be inconsiderate.  There's enough room in the car"

"You don't have to bother yourself" Ngozi waved her hands modestly,  she in reality she needed all the help she can get.

"You heard the lady"

"No. We insist"


Ade smiled,  "I insist. Let's take you there, come in" she requested and Ngozi turned towards Jeff, "Sir..."  "Sure, you can come,  if you want to"" "If you don't want to,  you don't have to force yourself"

"Come on in"

"I have cakes.. I'm coming" She rushed off and Jeff turned back at her,  "What do you think you're doing?" "Helping a woman out" "Have you forgotten Benefit so soon" "Not everyone is Benefit, I just like her"

"Like you liked Benefit, look how things turned out"


"She might be serial killer"

"Will you stop yapping and just be a gentleman by helping her carry her things" She requested so he walked out of the car to help her out.

While the felicitation was ongoing at the reception, Ngozi walked up to Jeff with a tray of sliced cakes. "Pick one" She requested and he stretched his hands to pick,  "I haven't really thanked you enough for helping me out." She smiled and he smiled too, she had an infectious smile.

"You know what? Pick two,  let me be partial, not like anyone is watching"

Jeff raised his brow,  "You've charmed It right?" He asked and she scoffed,  "Excuse you?" "You've charmed it,  that's why?" He laughed shaking his head, "You think you're smart right? I just outsmarted you, witch"

"Dad!" Ade who just got back from the toilet yelled,  "That's too much"

Ngozi hissed leaving in regret, so much for being nice!

"Let's go"

"Without an apology?"

"Let's leave. Now!" He snapped leaving and she followed him.

Amazing got to Bamidele's house tired, she wasn't going to let the tiredness take control. If she wanted to follow the fatigue, there might not be any action that night so she quickly went into the bathroom to take a revival shower.

She stepped out of the bathroom in a red bathrobe only to be greeted by red flower petals that weren't on the floor went she went to take her bathe. The petals has also been arranged in heart shape at the center of the duvet.

Bamidelewho was lighting up candles,  turned his face at her smiling,  "Hello hottie. You weren't supposed to see this part. Don't you guy take like one hour to bathe or something?" He asked and she laughed. "What time did you have to do this? I can swear that I didn't spend up to twenty minutes in there, how did you do this so fast?" 

"I know what you're thinking,  this guy is just awesome. You never saw this coming right?"

"No. I mean I went in to take my bathe"

"I can be that cool" He walked towards the switched where he turned off the light and left the dim light instead. "You better not burn someone's house with all this candle" "They won't burn out" He picked up the bottle of wine standing at the corner on the cabinet top.

  "Champagne would have been perfect but I can't take anything alcoholic..." he trailed off removing the cork from the wine bottle and it popped.

Amazing shrieked. 

He poured the wine into two glasses handing one to her,  "Thank you" "Don't drink yet, let's do something prophetic. I didn't pour the roses on the bed just because of the romantic symbolism, no Babe." He shook his head then he blushed,  "They say storms will come but I pray our love life be like beds of roses, like fine wine our love will get better with age. Amen"

"Amen" She responded and they both drank the wine. "I have a surprise too" "What?" He asked and she loosened her robe revealing the most sexy thing he has ever seen, she had a red lacy lingerie on. 

"Let's just call it Cakes and toppings" She answered and his gaze ran across her entire body, and his face softened.

"I really don't know much about baking, what does Cake and topping means, please educate this ignorant boy" He requested and she laughed,  "Are you seriously going to ruin this moment?" "Hmmn hm" He disagreed,  "Think of something, we are not going to have a boring love life. I'm not brother Bamidele the evangelist right now, I'm that sweet, smart,   good looking,  sexy man you got married to"

"Gosh, you're so full of yourself" She rolled her eyes an he laughed.

"And you don't know anything about baking"

"Educate me my love"

"I brought Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, White Cake and Vanilla,  Ice Cream Cake, Sponge Cake,  I didn't know which flavour you want so I just added a little bit of everything" She ran her fingers across her lips and he smiled,  "I think I'm going to die of sugar tonight" He laughed throwing his head backwards.

"You don't have to, I can monitor your sugar intake" She added,  "I don't want you to. I want to taste flavours on you, till I get tired"

The moment he said that, she felt turned on and scared at the same time. Body that she's trying to manage this one was talking about..... Hehehe!

He held her hands,  "Lord Jesus..." He looked up and she raised a brow in shock. Is he doing what she thinks he's doing right now??? After all the dirty talk about flavours, her husband still wants to pray? Wow

Man like Bamidele Jones!

"I thank for this union, it's not my power nor my womanizing skills or might that i got this woman here. Ephesians 2 verses 8 to 9,  For it is by grace we have all been saved, through faith and this is not from ourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. I can't boast that i got her by my effort but you gave her to me so i stand to return all glory to you"

Even when he's praying she's still pushing sweet buttons in her. How can one person sound hot all the time, even when praying?????

"Lord, we are about to what you commanded in the book of Genesis that we should be fruitful and multiply. May the seeds I'll plant be fruitful and multiply in Jesus name. Amen" He paused.

She coughed and laughed,  "God, where did I find this man from?"

"I'm not done yet Ma," "Sorry Sir" She shut her eyes waiting for the rest of the prayer  "I anoint my sperm to break through fallow grounds"

"Ouch." She slapped him on the chest,  "So I'm the fallow ground?" She gasped and he laughed,  "You get what I mean right?" "No. Explain"  "No time to explain,  It's planting season baby, let's sow"

She pressed her hands against his chest, her hands ran across his tattoos and then she kissed him on the chest up to his neck and then his lips. "What taste is that?" She asked slowly and he smiled, "Vanilla or something. Try it again"

She kissed him again and he cringed his forehead in thought  "Wait, that  tastes like Banana" He kissed her napes making her shut her eyes.

"Now that's Chocolate" "Hm hm"

He ran kisses down to her jawline and then back to her lips. "Let's explore the flavour then" He requested and she nodded in agreement. She couldn't say a word!!!! Her thoughts had drifted far from the heat in between her legs.

She just wanted to do the do and return back to her spiritual life cause what Bamidele was doing to her was not spiritual at all! Come to think of it? Didn't she just get married to him? Stop acting as if  you're fornicating!

Is he going to make her feel this way forever? It's not a pure feeling!

If she's feeling this way, how is she going to pray the following day with the man she just made love with?? How is she going to engage spiritual things if the sight of him wants to make her jump on him.

These questions streamed through her mind,  it's only for her to sort it out in the course of the marriage then!  How do Pastors do it? Maybe she'll get a hang of it later!

Without hesitation, Bamidele wrapped one arm around her waist, pressed his mouth against hers. Without breaking the kiss they both made their way to the cabinet where they both dropped their glasses.

He slipped his tongue into her mouth and for a moment she thought her heart had stopped. But it didn't matter. Her lips tingled, an ache of desire between her thighs. A shudder racked Bamidele as she tentatively tasted him with her tongue.

He groaned into her mouth. The sound shuddered through her.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him as he lowered her to the blanket. Taking off all she had on. He hovered above her, his kisses melting her insides. She shivered with anticipation while he explored her body

"You can't wait right?"

She nodded thinking the moment to unwrap the gift has come but her husband wasn't even ready. "Not now,  I'm still exploring flavour" He answered and her eyes popped open in awe. He grinned in delight, the feeling was mutual anyways.


Bamidele laid against his wife's tummy the following morning just after their morning prayer. "It's almost 6:30 BamBam, I haven't ironed our clothes yet for church" "I'm not stopping you from rising up, you like it"

"Your weight is on me and you're saying I like it. You're making it difficult to get up, you're a tempter, you're doing me dirty"

"My babies are speaking to me"

"Babies, or Baby? You do know the process of fertilization right? I'm sure the millions of sperms are still running towards the egg" "And you're in that time of the month, God is working for me"

He laughed peering at the belly,  "God is working"  "If we appear in church in squeezed cloth,  it will be you fault not mine"

Two weeks later

Yummy Yems

Jeff walked into the shop finding Yemisi then she smiled walking up to him,  she had an apron on. "Hey Jeff, oh my God. It's so nice to see you here" "You too. How are you" He replied while his eyes fell on her belly bump.  "I'm pregnant and still beefing you for missing my wedding"

"Adetutu and I had to travel,  I'm sorry but we needed the vacation after everything Benefit did."

"I'm still beefing sha."

Jeff's face contorted in guilt,  "I'm full of guilt already, don't make me anymore guilty. "What's making you guilty?" "I made one of your workers angry. I might have called her a witch because she trying to give me cake. With everything that happened with Benefit, I ended up using my anger on her."

"Oh. You were the one Ngozi was talking about"

"Is that her name? Thank God, can I see her? It's been two weeks of guilt,  Adetutu is worst than a monitoring spirit, she has been disturbing me to apologize, she has refused my food,  she's not speaking to me again. Is she around?"


Ngozi walked in,  she frowned on seeing him. "What are you doing here?" She asked and Yemisi scratched her head. "I'll leave you two" Yemisi scurried quickly.

"With all due respect Sir, what are you doing here? Are you here for cakes,  oh wait... You probably can't buy our cakes because we're witches and we initiated people wherever we go to" She snapped walking away and he held her hands.

"I'm sorry,  Ngozi,  I'm sorry. Let me explain"

Ngozi folded her hands,  "How do you know my name?" "Yemisi told me. See, I'm sorry about what happened at the wedding. It was just a case of .... I don't know. I'm never like that,  you can ask around"

"Because I'm so jobless,  I'll go around asking people about you. I don't even know your name"


"With all due respect,  i don't care"

"And I deserve this attitude"

"Attitude? Attitude was what you exhibited two weeks ago. It was bad,  i have never been called a witch before" "I am sorry, if you had an ex girlfriend who was a witch who almost destroyed your life and that of your daughter. You'll understand my plight"

Ngozi narrowed her brow in thought,  "Wait... You're Benefit's.... Oh" She paused in realization,  "I'm sorry" "Yeah...." "Still doesn't give you the right to feel like every woman's a witch. I was just trying to be nice. It was a grateful gesture from my heart."

"And I'm sorry,  I've spent two weeks in guilt, my daughter Adetutu,  isn't speaking to me,  she's not eating my food. She said she won't until I apologize and show her a recording of it"

Ngozi folded her hands,  "So you're only here because your daughter's request" "No!" Jeff chuckled softly,  "I am genuinely sorry for what I said..... It was out of turns. No one deserves it. I wish I can show you how guilty I feel,  it's almost like you did some juju"

"Excuse you? Are you still calling me a witch?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it the bad way. Ngozi I'm sorry,  can we just start again? A fresh start,  what do you say about an evening date with Adetutu. She'll be psyched"

"A date?"

"It's a friendly date on valentine's day, except your boyfriend won't agree"

"Not anymore. I don't have" She replied clearing her throat,  "Sounds like a plan then,  Is it a plan"

"It will be a one time thing right?"

"Of course.... A one time thing" he replied and she nodded. "How's Adetutu?"

Jeff groaned,  "Angry! Like, she has never rejected my food, never..... Three days now!!! I can't take it any longer,  you have to help me out"

Pastor Tunde sat in his seat staring into the faces of the Pastors in the church waiting to hear their opinion on what instructed him to do. "Papa,  you can't do that oh. How can you leave your stage for who sef to come and preach. That Bamidele of yesterday, somebody that we knew when he was converted. Weren't you all in church the first time he spoke in tongues? We all gathered and prayed for his faith and now you want him to preach in front of the whole congregation. What does he know?"

"Someone that just started yesterday"

"Orrrh! E ma ri nkan (Can you all see?)"

Pastor Tunde exhaled,  "It was a clear instruction from God,  I'm only letting you know because of due formalities. I take instructions from God only" "Daddy, if it's Sunday school, we can still overlook it but this one is main service"

"He is God's chosen servant"

"Pastor, this thing you're using to play like this, you're giving this guy wings in this church oh. Just last week, you approved the Valentine special programme he suggested, this Is the same person that when God calls him apart will take a portion of the members away"

"God has made me an instrumentality in his life, when I left, I also left with people. It's the circle, Bamidele is not just an ordinary man,  he is a man that has been helped by God. Bamidele Jones will be preaching on Sunday,  anyone that wishes to oppose the idea should go and argue it out with God"


🎶Bringing everything..... In obedience to Christ.....

Bringing everything....... In obedience to Christ🎶- The choir ministered.

Bamidele stepped on the Altar nervously after the choir ministration. The look on everyone's face made him want to run away but Pastor Tunde and Amazing were his inspiration to stay.

"Good morning church, I'm just as shocked as you all are. You know God,  he's full of wonders. I don't even know  how to preach to crowds, I don't know what to do. I'm just want to chill and rely on God. I want to thank God for this opportunity,  thank you Papa for believing in me when no one did. Pastor Tunde has been a sole believer even when I didn't believe in myself. I also want to thank the Pastors and ministers for this opportunity,  I do not take it for granted." He paused flipping his note.

"I'm just a small boy that God has helped. Those who knew me find it hard to believe I've changed while some wait to hear that I have derailed off the faith and failed. There's something about God's grace that reaches the unqualified, I didn't merit it yet God showed me mercy. You might seem unqualified but God will show us mercy"


"The song the choir ministered said how can you run when you don't know the way of the spirit? Thank you  Hosanna Voices for that beautiful rendition of that song. It was like you peeped into my notes." He chuckled to himself and the choristers encouraged themselves by clapping.

"Before coming I told God, I go nowhere if you don't go with me,  if your presence doesn't go with me, I go nowhere and his word came expressly that moment,  he said he'll show we a sign that he's with me. He said he'll bring everything in obedience if only we swallow our pride and humbly come before his throne. This song has been ringing in my spirit throughout the week, Before the throne. Choir help me."

It was as if the pianist prepared for the song cause he instantly played the introductory part of the song for the choral leader to sing.

He shut his eyes letting the chords sink into his spirit.

🎶Before the throne, is where we've come to offer praise and seek wisdom🎶

The atmosphere thickened and changed.

"Thank you Holy Spirit, thank you for coming" He laughed in tears,  "Thank you for honouring an unworthy person like mine" He sniffles then he nods shutting his eyes,  "The entrance of your word giveth light and understanding to the simple, I ask as I speak, may i not speak by flesh,  I ask that your spirit take over and brood over each words that they may be mixed with life and strength that through it all men may see your wonders and experience transformation. Amen"


The girl at the other side was crying loud,  the ushers moved close to stop but he stopped the instead,  "Let her be, let her commune with her maker, let her deal" He replied and they left her alone.

He flipped the bible, "The topic God gave me is more of a question and it's a mouthful.  How cold has your wax gotten? And How hot does it have to be? It's paradoxical.  Matthew 24:12,  Because inquity shall abound the love of many will wax cold.  The love of many believers will become cold, people will become lackadaisical about the things of God. They'll be too familiar with God, this was where God hammered on, the over familiarity with him, fine we know he's a loving father, he's merciful, we know he's kind but guy chill, we know that when over familiarity enters any issue, contempt is not far away. When God opened my eyes to how much time I've wasted and how much more people I could have saved, I wept. I fell down, fasted and asked for mercy and I made a promise to make good use of every moment I get to spread his word. Do we notice that people of this age are falling into sin easily, even Pastors" He asked and everyone agreed.

"Kai! Do you know why? The reason why we fall back into sin easily is because of this over familiarity we're talking about. Most Christians are just so relaxed, after all God Is a God of second chance now,  if I do it, all I just have to do is go into the throne room and ask forgiveness and he'll forgive me"

Some guilty and innocent party of the congregation chuckled. They could relate!

"In your mind you'll be like,  Nkechi just do this thing, your body wants it and that spirit of God is telling you don't,  it's a sin, remember you came out for altar call and you asked for my help, I am here Nkechi, I can help you and your flesh is telling you to forfeit the plea of the Holyspirit for how many hours of pleasure? After all, you'll still go for confession, or after all, you'll still ask for His forgiveness and he's ever ready to forgive because that's his nature." He paused blinking his tears in.  He had moved from the altar down to where the congregations were. 

"You think that's the way,  no! In fact it has turn to a normal way of life for you"

"Nkechi you better repent, Bolaji,  repent. I'm just joking though, i'm not really referring to any Bolaji or Nkechi in particular but Bolaji if God is laying It in your heart to repent, repent!" He chipped and everyone laughed in this middle of the tension.

"Let's try and imagine a situation of a son that slips every now and then goes back to apologize to his father. Dad, I'm sorry,  I promise I won't do it again, the father gives him another chance in the business and he slips again. You do that for years to a man who is trying to groom you, trying to make you a great nation. Years upon years, you keep disappointing him. Do you think such a father can entrust anything reasonable in the hands of that child?" He asked walking towards a mature man,  "Will any father entrust lives of generations into his hand?" He asked and the man shook his head yelling,   "No Sir"

"Sir,  I'm just a small boy oh" He interrupted and the congregation laughed.

"No! Not until you're truly repentant. See, the kingdom business to populate the kingdom of the God will crash if such an opportunity is being given to you because it's people like that that ends up impregnating choir members because the flesh still means a lot to them than the things of the spirit. A man whose love has waxed cold is he who sets the flesh above everything he does! That element of self must be killed and buried so that you can burn for the one who created you that you may show forth his praise,  the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." He paused  placing his clenched fist against his lips in thought.

"Into his marvelous light. God Is merciful, just like the prodigal son projects, he is ready to accept you as his own but it doesn't change the fact that time has been wasted already. Any time spent away from God,  the period you spent away from God,  living your own life and doing what pleases you only,  is a wasted one. Quote me if you want to. All those time God would have used you to win all those precious souls, you wasted them because of one minute,  two minutes,  one hour,  two hours,  one year and two years of pleasure. You don't know the lives God could have used you to touch. You don't know the life of that man who committed suicide that you could have saved if only you adhered to the call of God upon your life,"  Bamidele cried.

"If only....." He trailed off,  "You are sons and daughter of Zion rise up to the occasion Ma,  rise up to the occasion Sir,  and what's the Occasion? Judgement day! I know you've been hearing this for donkey years, we'll still continue sounding it and God will still be glorified. Daughters and Sons of Zion, don't act like Babylonians because you're in Babylon! This world system is the Babylon and we here,  we are Zionists. Let's be like the Hebrew boys the were brought into that corrupt world,  the could have mingled but no! The stood their ground, they were like no! We might be in your world but we are not of the world. We are separated of God, consecrated to walk in his image and ways,  we can't defile ourselves with the Kings meal,  no way!  Imagine if Daniel had defiled himself with the kings meal when he came to Babylon, hei! I'm sure purpose will have been defeated! Imagine if Joseph had slept with Portiphar's wife when he had the chance to..... Kai! Imagine today's world now, you having the Governor's wife, begging for sex, I'm sure some guys would have called it a blessing from God!" He paused and the congregation laughed.

"Blessing in disguise!" A guy yelled and he laughed,  "Na them!" He yelled and everyone chuckled.

"Stop seeking self and seek God instead,  Col 3:1,  what does it say?" He asked looking at the screen, "If then you are risen with Christ, set your gaze on things above. In other words for guys, seek things that are above and not underneathe a woman's skirt, for girls.... Seek God and not men. This message Is meant for the category of people who wants to enjoy life first and then give their life afterwards. There are many people on this table, let me do all the do that I can do and then I'll give my life to God. Generations are waiting, repeat after me, may I not be the reason why generations will be waiting!"

May I not be the reason why generations will be waiting

"The devil is running around like a roaring lion seeking to devour the love we have for God, seeking  to replace our hunger for frivolities. What can separate me from the love of God, shall hunger? Persecution? Let it be that even when trouble comes,  that God finds you still standing, a good soldier ready for war. Let's go back to our first love." He said moving close to a guy,  "See Baba, you might be chopping life but I tell you there's a better life that comes from intimacy with God! This Is the life Christ wants us to experience but the devil will keep making you waste time. I wasted time, all those years I spent in sin, I never knew what I was missing,  hei! Intimacy with God is sweet" He confessed and tears poured down the guy's face.

"It's the best feeling ever! That moment when you're communicating with him in prayer and you ascend with him and he guides you into holies of holies. You're interfacing with him and for a moment you'll be like, when did I start and I'm experiencing all this, it's not by when you started,  it's how consistent you are, it's about your hunger and burning passion." He paused walking towards the choir area.

"You might be in the choir right now deceiving people with your voice when your life outside is.... Ah! God help us! I've been there I know how hard it Is to let go of the flesh but If you let the Holy ghost take charge of your flesh,  He'll make it easy. I came across temptation, I'm still going through temptations from people who still feel I'm faking my change but God pulls me through it all. It's not by my power or might but His Spirit. When God was speaking to me,  he said a whole lot, some revelation I wrote them down but.... What actually stood out when when he said they'll be an outpouring of his spirit that men having purposed in their heart to walk His way,  he said he'll help you. God is not heartless,  when he gives an instruction, he also gives you provision to accomplish those instructions, this is the Holy spirit. It's time to build disciples that will build disciples, it's time to populate the Kingdom of God, no more staggering, no more slip ups! Make your decision once and for all today and he'll help you fulfil. I am not perfect but I can see him helping me. If you know you're guilty of going astray, you know that thing you're battling with that no one knows, you come to church and act you're fine, acting like you're okay but in the true sense, you want to stop but you can't because you're using head knowledge. You know the secret sin you when you come to church, no one knows. Ask God for help, ask him to come in and take the wheel in this relationship."

The congregation broke out in prayer.

🎶"He's bringing everything in obedience to Christ..... " He sang halfway and the choir took over.

"Tell him you're tired of allowing flesh make the decisions. After all, all the decisions it has made has only brought you money but no peace. In him there's peace, in him there's joy. The spirit is very much available in the house, God said is pouring out his spirit right now. He's begging you to open up your heart cause's he at the door, he doesn't get tired of standing at the door, he's standing, if any man opens that door for him,  he'll come in. Please let him in, let him help you, don't keep him waiting. When the time shall comes,  let him find you standing,  let him not meet your love as cold as ice, let him find you burning for him. You can't afford to be lukewarm, he'll spit you out."

Cries broke out from different corners as though on cue. Toju walked out leaning against the altar. At this point, he gave up! He knew he was tired and needed to stop the sinful life. It's not going to be easy to stop masturbating and sleeping around but he had this confidence that if God could help Bamidele,  he'll surely pull son strings too!

His hands shook as he spoke, even when he tried controlling it.

"If you can take a step of faith and walk up to the altar,  i am not in the capacity to pray for you, Papa Coker will"

A large number came out then he left the altar and Pastor Tunde walked up to the altar. He couldn't do anything, he just stood still amazed at how God can move through anyone.

"Let's keep praying, don't stop praying, the spirit is heavy here. Ask for help"

🎶Im so glad Jesus laid his hands, on me,  I'm so glad,  Jesus laid his hands on me,  once I was blind but now I see,  Jesus laid his hands on me🎶


Yewande and Nuel jumped on Saviour's body that morning and he groaned, "Can i just sleep? My leave just began and it's been a hectic week" "Dad,  it's your birthday" Nuel announced and he opened his eyes in surprise and his wife laughed at him.

"You forgot your own birthday. Wow, you really do need the leave. Let's go Nuel on 1, 2, go"

"Happy birthday!!!" The both screamed and he smiled brushing his fingers through his hair. "Thank you." He replied and then they continued with a happy birthday song.

"You guys are going to make me cry now"

Nuel stretched out a gift box to him,  "Awn,  who is this one from?" "From Mom and I" he replied and Yewande smiled,  "We are giving it in love" "I love the both of you too, you two are my world"

"Open it Daddy!"

"What's inside?"

"It's a surprise dear"

"Bobo, what's inside?"

"My lips are seal Dad, open it,  there's a reason why it's called surprise,  we want you to be surprised when you see it"

Saviour unwrapped the box then he opened it up removing a baby sock from it. His gaze fell on his smiling wife and son,  "Oh my God, tell me you're not pulling my legs and we're having a baby for real"

"I'm not pulling your legs,  we're having a baby. Remember how I loved the taste of raw onions during the early period of Nuel's pregnancy. It happened again and I had to run series of test,  it came out positive"

"Since when?"

"Saturday" Nuel replied and Saviour cried and hugged his wife, "God has finally heard your cries" "He did! We're having a baby"

Nuel embraced the both of them,  "Yes,  we're all having a baby, I'm going to be a big brother" "Yes dear" Saviour kissed him on the forehead,  "You're going to be the best big brother your sister or brother can ever ask for"

A message pops into Dare's phone and Ema who was dressed up for work arced her brow in surprise on seeing the message then she handed the phone to him. "You have a message" "From who?" His eyes almost popped out of his socket when he saw the sender ID.

It was Hilary.

"What the.....what did she see? I thought she blocked me."

"Answer her now"

"I don't want to"

"At least,  know why she's chatting you up. Maybe she's calling you to invite you for her wedding" She teased.

Dare laughed and responded to her message.

Good morning.

Happy new week to you

You too, Hilary Bright Kalu, how are you chatting me up? I tried reaching you but I couldn't. Apparently you blocked me

Yes I did, I won't deny that

Why are you chatting with me now? I hope there's no problem,  Hilary are you okay?

No. Dare I'm not, you're my best friend and I can't lie to you

Sorry to interupt but I couldn't help but notice your use of present tense.

You're right and I deserve that, if you choose to ignore my message right now,  I won't mind. I deserve it for being such an ass to you!

What's really going on Hils?

I wanted to come for Bamidele's wedding,  I didn't know how you'll feel

Stop beating about the bush Hils. What's going on?

It's Stanley, he's been assaulting me, cheating on me.

So that's his name. The one you left me for? The guy that made you embarass me in front of the whole world.

I didn't think you'll propose, I was blinded

By his money?

Hilary switched into a voice call instead, "What?" Dare asked coldly,  "Dare I now realize my mistake, I was just thinking of how good we were together. How I was always your plus one in all events and gathering. I want you back, it might take time for you to forgive me finally but I know you love me and we can make it work. Mummy can stop teasing you about getting married" She laughed and he scoffed.

"It hasn't been up to two days since you unblocked me shey?" He asked and she kept quiet, "Don't forget we were friends before we started dating, who's putting you up to this?"

"No one" She lied, "I realize my mistake"

"If you didn't block me,  you would have known that I'm already engaged to be married very soon" "How soon?" "Like next month soon." "You don't like her right? She's a rebound" "No she isn't. Ema is the love of my life, I bless God everyday for making you say no to me. I've always said whenever I meet you in person, I'll thank you for saying No, thank you Hilary, my life would have been miserable"

"Don't say that"

"You were a cheating girlfriend"

"The extra cash came in handy! The guy works in a freaking law firm and you were a driver"

"What changed? I'm still that same Cabu Cabu driver"

"I'm desperate Dare, I'm playing my last card. I can't end up with a monster, I didn't realize the value of what I had until I lost it. Now someone else knows the worth and I feel hurt, I'm pained."

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry I called too, have a nice life"

"Hey! Don't do anything stupid, I don't want to hear you committed suicide over this"

"Nah! I'll be fine, take care"

"You too!" He ended the call staring at Ema who climbed on him, "I'm sorry she called" "Babe,  it's fine. It's you I'm worried about. How do you feel?"

"Like there's really justice in the world. She's just realizing my worth"

"She snoozed, she lost, I'm not snoozing, we die here"

Amazing walked into Bamidele's house kneeling down before Mrs Jones,  "Good day Ma" "Good day? Amazing have your seat,  I really don't want to get angry,  I'm not really in a good mood"

"I hope all is well Ma?" She asked still on her knees and she hissed. "Eight months Amazing,  eight months and we haven't seen any evidence that you're having sex with my son. I hope I haven't made a mistake like this oh! To think I was the one match making the both of you. What is going on? If Benefit was alive, she would have been blamed for it but what's your excuse? What's your excuse?" Her voice became thicker.

Amazing gasped from her dream trying to catch her breath and Bamidele sat close to her,  he had a navy blue shirt and a black trousers.

He was rehearsing his dress in preparation to attend a two days ministers impartation conference that begins the following morning in Ogbomoso.

"Are you okay? Were you having a bad dream?"

"Yes." She replied and he ran his fingers across her chin, "Wanna talk about it?" "No. It's not important, I'll pray against it. How long have we been married?" "One month, four days, why? Is this connected to your dream?"

"Huh.... I see you're already getting set for Ogbomoso"

Bamidele nodded, "Yes. You're trying to change the topic" "I had a dream I couldn't get pregnant and your mom was complaining" "It's not our portion, we'll carry our baby,  scratch that, babies"

"You want twins?"

"I want what God wants. He sees best"

"But reproduction depends on what you put in"

"Still, God giveth increase, I've done my part, I've been doing my part. I hold fast to God's promises. He won't fail"

"I'll miss you for those two days" She grabbed his shirt and they both kissed passionately for a very long time. "You would have followed me but you're not feeling too well" "It's just catarrh, cold and small malaria from the test Dr Asuquo carried out yesterday. I've already cast the malaria out by fire"

"Rest. You need it, Zainab is helping you already"

"What I need is a good old fashioned pampering and attention"

Bamidele smiled, "What do you want for breakfast?" "I'll cook something" "I insist" "Moimoi and pap" She replied and he laughed shaking his head,  you're kidding me right?" "No. I want Moimoi and Pap, maybe it's my period craving. I've been having pre-menstraul cramps and the period is not here yet"

"You're not supposed to see your period"

"What if you missed? I'm having cramps already"

"I'm a man of faith,  I don't walk by sight. Besides your period is late"

"Hormonal imbalance, stress can do that to any woman. Maybe that's why I'm this...." She trailed off controlling an incoming sneeze,  "Broken" She continued sneezing out and the catarrh from her nose shot against his shirt.

Bamidele grimaced,  "Iyama! Babe" He whined and she laughed picking up a handkerchief then she blew her nose into it,  "I'm sorry" She apologized wiping the catarrh on his shirt with the same handkerchief and he laughed.

"You're still using rubbing more catarrh on it"

"Sorry I'm laughing! I don't know what else to do" She laughed, "I need pampering BamBam,  pamper me" She pouted like a baby unbuttoning his shirt and he smiled moving his face close to her face and she sneezed again, this time she covered her palm against her nose.

"Let me not infect you with this flu"

Bamidele lifted her chin  "For better, for worse, in sickness, in health. Those were the promises i made" He recalled flashing her a crooked, yet sexy smile, and a low chuckle reverberated through her. It was a turn on for her!

She bit her lips chuckling then he kissed her on the lips. When his mouth began to work over her jawline, she shut her eyes and gave up herself to being lost to him and she moaned with pleasure.

After a moment, he inched back slightly, and their lips hovered over each other’s. Her phone rang but she didn't wanted to be interrupted but Bamidele pulled away, "Let's just Ignore it" "Apart from moimoi, what do you want for breakfast let me spoil you"

"Beans and Pap"

"Get ready to be blown away" He kissed her forehead leaving the room. She picked up her phone and a message popped in from Dr Asuquo

Good morning Mrs Jones, the final test result is out. Let's meet at the hospital,  it's very important

Her heart raced in fear and anxiety, what could the result be? She hoped to God there wasn't something wrong with her womb. She didn't understand why Dr Felecia had to travel out of the country. She would have needed someone with her kind of faith to encourage her.

Although she did assure her that Dr Asuquo was more than capable. Apart from that, the man is mature and has more experience than her.

Dr Asuquo pulls up the result looking at Amazing,  "Don't tell me there's something wrong with my womb cause the last time I saw you with this kind of look, i was told I had fibroid"

"Mrs Jones, among the test was a pregnancy test, you're four weeks gone" "Okay..." She trailed off smiling knowing Bamidele will be pysched. "Why are you saying it like it's a bad news? They said I had ten percent chance,  this is good news"

Dr Asuquo exhaled,  "Your uterus are not strong enough to carry a baby, you're at risk of....a miscarriage" "What should i do? Is there a drug i can take?" "We can evacuate it"

Amazing scoffed,  "Abort?" "Evacuate" "Different words, same meaning,  don't try to paint it,  i'm a Christian, an example to people" "I am also a Christian, although I don't believe in all God's superiority like you do. He can't do all things"

"Excuse you?"

"This is a medical procedure for your safety and sanity, I say this cause you're not only a patients,  you're a colleague's friend. If that baby grows past two months and you start developing bonds with it,  you'll be crushed when you have a miscarriage"

"I won't have a miscarriage"

"I've seen hundreds of cases..." He trailed off relieving his hurt,  "Women with the same condition. Does your husband know?"


"We can carry out the procedure without his knowledge or better still let him come so we can explain this better. You can't have a baby yet," "They said six months gap" "Would have preferred to be told a year? there are several things that can happen, you might miscarry and have mental breakdown because of it. If the baby survives in your womb your scars might open as the belly becomes bigger. These are things I've seen,  horrible events"

"They are healed in Jesus Name"

He scoffed then he hissed, "If the baby survives because of how early you took in, you will not carry the child to full term. We'll have to perform a caesarean session on you. It varies, I don't like to sound like the bearer of bad news but personally, I don't think the child will survive, except by some miracle. You and your husband should have waited some more"

Amazing looked up the ceiling, tears running down her eyes. "He said he has seen cases of other women,  that the baby will not survive,  he didn't even say might not survive, he said will" "When he told you, what did you tell him?"

"Nothing,  I was too shocked to speak"

"You should have said get thee behind me Satan cause that was the devil speaking through him. There's no one the devil can't use, absolutely no one! This is a great news, don't ruin it with tears" He wiped her tears of then he laced his other hand through his wife's and squeezes it.  A gesture that meant, everything will be alright and she squeezed his hand back.

"God will be so disappointed if he sees you crying, the devil is a bastard. I'm sure he's somewhere laughing his ass off. Remember when you spoke about Choke points Babe? This is another Choke point and the thing is obviously choking you already and we haven't started"

Amazing creased his forehead in thought,  "The dream" "That's the devil trying to plant evil thoughts,  nice try Devil!" He screamed,  "But you tried the wrong family, we won't let this choke point reduce our faith and our joy. Whenever the devil tries to bring the thoughts,  I want you to confess this daily, say I don't have any condition,"

"I don't have a condition"

"Those women he spoke about are not like you"

"Those women he spoke about are not like me"

"I am a different creation, my womb has been healed already,"

"I am a different creation, my womb has been healed already,"

"I don't have complications,  my ten percent has turned into a hundred percent."

"I don't have complications,  my ten percent has turned into a hundred percent"

"Make this proclamation everyday till It becomes real, this is our baby and we're not losing it" He assured kissing her forehead and she smiled,  "I feel so much better"

"Guess what? Mary Is getting married next month"

"Which of the Mary?"

"The one I preached to" "That's good news,  another church wedding,  is it after Ema's own or before?" "They haven't fixed a date, the only thing she's waiting for is her Visa to be granted. You should have heard her voice when she spoke to me. I'm happy for her and how far God is working each of us, bringing us closer to himself"

Amazing nods leaning her head against his forehead,  "I'm proud of being your wife, thank you for accepting God's call" "You're my inspiration"

Four months later


Sammie flexes Nene's leg, "You're really putting your all into making sure you heal fast" "Yes! I'm trying to get pregnant, I'm not going to carry last" "Carry last?" "The girls and i plan on having a photoshoot where we're all pregnant even if we're one month gone"

"You guys sef! Still doing childish things!"

"At least we're all married"

"Who marriage epp?"

"You had better find someone to get married to before your sperm count reduces, as I'm looking at you like this, your sperm count has reduce. By the time you wait another two years,  there won't be sperm any longer. " "Are you cursing me?"

"Curse? God forbid, I'm a changed woman. I'm advising you. What are you waiting for? You've been utilizing this sperm since secondary school"

Sammie hissed dropping her leg, "How far can you walk now?" "Not too far but it's better, I tried climbing down the stairs..." Tears ran down her eyes,  "Please don't tell Somto, if he calls tell him something else"

"I can't keep lying to him,  you can't keep lying to him"

"I want to surprise him, the man has been there for me"

"Still! Lies are lies, you can't paint it white"

"I'll tell him today" "Who is coming to pick you up today?"


Amazing walked in with her small belly bump,  "Hello guys!!!" She announced and Sammie turned his head at her laughing, "The nurse directed me here" "Your bump is bigger today" "Shut up! Get married and stop laughing at people's belly"

"All these married people be marriage-shaming me! Let me do and go"

"Don't do and go, do and get married" Nene shouted watching him leave.

Amazing sat down on the bed exhaling, "Look whose nose is changing. Pregnancy that they said will not last three months, shame on the devil,  look now,  we're now counting down four months to go. Who is he that saith and it comes to past when God has not spoken?" Nene asked and She laughed.

"Halleluyah. Nene has turned to a Pastor"

"I must oh. These days i'm living by faith, my legs are improving"

"I'm happy for you, I already said it, you're going to walk before the year runs out and that's what will happen"

"Amen. How's our baby doing?" "Great and kicking from different corners" "You guys have not carried out ultrasound to know the sex of the baby yet"

"BamBam is busy lately with ministerial meetings and Bible school. It's hard to fix a convenient time but we plan on doing this June. Don't worry, you guys will also be there."

Fisayo walked into the bathroom holding up a camera at Bassey who was dipping his toothbrush in an empty toothpaste tube. "You get married to a man only to realize he does this"

Bassey laughed removing the toothbrush,  "There's still something inside" He laughed staring at the camera, then she pick up a new toothpaste up,  "We have new one oh,  not just one new one, several ones, that's what we do when we shop for  the new Oral B pro whitening toothpaste. We shop as though it'll run out of stock the next day,  because we know it's worth. The Oral B toothpaste provides 24 hours protection against plaque with twice a day brushing. It targets and protects against the 8 areas dentists check most: gum problems, sensitivity, cavities, plaque, stains, bad breath, tartar and enamel erosion. To all those who love entering into buses without brushing, to all those who brush but can't help the odour. This is the go to solution for you,  it's cheap and affordable. Don't say I didn't tell you oh"

Somto walked into the living room to see Nene watching a movie while seated on the wheel chair. "I'm sorry for coming late, there was an emergency meeting at the office, they excused me because of my wife then I had a flat tyre. You must be so hungry,  I'm sorry" He dropped the suitcase and she rose up from the wheel chair. 

"I'm not hungry"

"Don't stress yourself" He yelled running towards her,  "Babe!" He held her down but she rose up still,  "I'm fine! Not completely fine, I get the numbness when I stand for too long but I'm better Baby."

"Dr. Sammie said..."

"I've been faking it, I'm sorry, I know I lied, I wanted to surprise you"


"It's God, one of my prayer point was to walk again before the half of the year. I wrote it there and submitted it on the altar, I told God that if he can help me,  I'll be forever grateful. The therapy has been going smoothly from Day 1,  it's a shock to Sammie too. The quick improvement,  it's been God! Part of me just wanted to still feel pampered by you. Being carried in your arms"

"Honey, I'll still carry you in my arm until my I grow old and tired"

Nene cried an he wiped the tears off, "Thank you Jesus,  Thank you Lord for restoration,  I mean who are we that he shows mercy on? What have we done?" "I asked the same question." She chipped in and exhaled. I made dinner, it look long hours cause I had to take some breaks in between, I've never made you a romantic dinner, I don't think I have"

"No you haven't"

"Even when I make normal dinner, I dish them like I'm giving it to just anyone but you're not just anyone. You're my husband, my king and you deserve to be treated like one."

Somto cried.

"These days I've learnt to appreciate even the tiniest thing. For every breakfast in bed you've made me right from last year, I promise to spend the rest of my life loving you for it. I love you Somto, more than you can think of, more than I did last year and I want to spend the rest of my life showering love on you. It's not going to be easy but God who has made this possible will help me, my eyes are opened now and it wouldn't have been if my legs had been given to me on a platter of gold. I worked for this and I'm ready to do things differently from now on"


Yemisi shut her eyes from the painful kick she just experience. "I don't think this baby will stay till month end oh. I haven't been able to sleep for nights now,  the kind of pain I go through at night,  Kwame and I have will have no option but to tarry"

"We haven't taken our photoshoot yet oh" Fisayo pouted and Blessing who was pretty much heavy arced her brow at her,  "Not everyone is pregnant."

"You guys can just say Nene instead of everybody.  You guys can go ahead" Nene suggested and they all shook their heads. "That wasn't the agreement" Amazing answered,  "But you're all pregnant now"

"You can join us now, it's not as if I and Ema's pregnancy is showing. Nobody will know if we don't say it." "You want me to pretend"

"No. Take a step of faith, our pregnancy anointing might rub off on you"

"True, I mean after all, I transferred my marital grace to you all when you were all hopelessly single"

"No be by who start sha" Uche snapped looking away and Nene gasped,  "If not for God in my life, I would have borrowed Ema's language, fuck you"

Ema laughed,  "You just borrowed it!" 

The following week,  Amazing had a ultrasound check after the one they had at week five. The day was going great until the doctor noticed something unusual. "Huh....." He trailed off arousing fear in her.

"Huh... What?"

"Nothing," he continued rubbing her tummy, "Let me know when you get uncomfortable. Wait... look at the image on the screen, as you can that's... That's another baby"

"Another?" Her eyes opened wide,  "Am I having twins?" She asked and Fisayo clapped her hands,  "Iya Beji oooh!"

"I didn't bargain for twins,"

"I bargained for it" Bamidele smiled and she hissed,  "Wipe that grin off.
I'm still thinking of how i'll push out one baby with all the doctors complain and youre saying you bargained for it. This one is here saying iya Beji"

"You're not just iya Beji" The doctor corrected,  "You still that image there" She pointed while holding and rubbing probe on my tummy. "More like Meta, you're having triplets"

Those words resounded in slow motion in her head. The more they repeated the more the reality dawned on her.

Not one.

Not two.. 

But three....

Triplets.... All at once!

At first trial??? What kind of set up is this????

The cool air of the exam room left her and was replaced with a hot one. Her eyes were still glued to the image of these babies. You can't be serious doctor, check" Her heart raced in fear, "There has to be a mistake somewhere"

"There's no mistake, look at the head,  do you want to count with me? You're having triplets which is rather alarming for your medical condition Ma"

"Shut up jhoor!" Uche snapped,  "Excuse you?" "Yes! Kpuchie Onu! (Shut up your mouth). You and your negative report."

"They are not negative reports, we report facts"

"Why don't you shove your facts in your ass for a change and just allow Amazing  breath first from this news?" Fisayo asked then she hissed,  "You've not even allowed her process the news, you're already giving prophecies"

"Baby take a deep breath" Bamidele encourage but his wife's eyes watered and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. Bamidele knew that was no tears of joy,  "Babe,  it's fine" "Easy to say cause you're not the one having the triplets, it's me" "It's our baby"

"I'll be the one in the labour room screaming, three at once? Why?"

"Amazing, children are God's gift, the one that put the children there will definitely give you the grace to complete the work" Mrs Jones advised and Amazing gave Bamidele a look that meant, it's not God,  he's the one that put it there.

"He's the one that put it there!"

"Really?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Look on the bright side.." Fisayo trailed off attracting everyone's attention. "When they're singing everything na triple triple,  you can just place your hands on your tummy and know you have a testimony"

Amazing kept a straight face,  "With all due respect, i want to be left alone"
"Amazing" Fisayo chipped in,  "Please"

Bamidele sat quietly praying to God when Dr Asuquo tapped him,  he looked up at him then he rolled his eyes,  Dr. Bad news is here! "Okay I know that look so well! Your wife also gives the look like here he comes again to bring bad news. Sir,  I just want you to know that I'm only doing by job"

"What do you want?"

"I don't know how you guys scaled through the first, second, third, fourth and fifth month cause medically..." He trailed off  shaking his head,  "It was God" "Results shows your wife's blood pressure are"

Bamidele rolled his eyes again, "With all due respect Sir, don't say anything" "It can lead to an increases the risk of preeclampsia,  heart disease, Preterm birth," "My wife is fine" "I'm a Christian too Sir, not a strong one. I admire your faith but I've seen people act by faith too and die because of ignorance, they believe if the injection touches them, they'll die, they claim all sorts of religious confessions but still ended up dying because they didn't take necessary treatment. The end up dying for what a simple paracetamol would have solved.  I'm not here to downcast your faith, your babies are doing fine from the scan shown to me, i just want to advise you and your wife to check up frequently on the due month, she can't afford to go into to labour to avoid complications, so that both the mother and the children can come out of this safely"

"God will do it"

"There he goes with God will do it... There's a part professionalism plays too, even the bible says heaven helps those who help themselves"

"The bible didn't say that"

"My point is everybody has their part to play. Let your wife play her part and we'll play our own,  it will be sad that after coming this far, you ending up losing everything"

Amazing cried until her eyes got all red and swollen. The situation reminded her of when she asked to be alone after she found out she had ten percent chances of giving birth. Then it occurred to her the she was five months pregnant with a baby when even when the possibility was slim.

God did it!

Is he not still able to accomplish the which he has started?

Is he?

Then he remembered her first night with her husband.

"Babe?" Bamidele stood by the door and she raised her head at him,  "Can I come in?" He asked and she nods in response watching him approach her.

"Hey" He took a seat on the bed, "Are you okay?" He asked but she shook her head, "I was just flashing back to our first time after marriage. When you prayed for God to multiply whatever seed you'll plant into me. It was supposed to be one and God multiplied it,  because you asked for it" She cried and he squeezed her palm..

  "I'm sorry. I know, I'm not the one who will be going through the labour but I assure you that God will have his way. He'll see you through the first, second and third"

"I'm scared, this is not me losing faith, it's me pitying my poor vagina after the third one comes out. I still cringe when I see single births,  now I'm having multiples."

Bamidele laughed,  "Sorry, I wish I can help you with one" "Only one? Who will push the other two?" She asked and they both laughed. "Mehn, even in my next life, I don't want to be a woman. You guys go through a lot, anyone that doesn't respect his wife should be prosecuted cause you guys deserve any level of pampering"

Amazing smiled,  "I love the sound of pampering" She said and he lifted her leg on his laps massaging it, " "Dr Asuquo spoke to me," "Ugh! I don't want to hear,  I feel like my Blood pressure is up already, I can't take any more bad news. Not like having triplet is a bad news oh but... What did he say?"

"Funny things he said your blood pressure is high,  something about preterm medical gabbage that didn't sink in. She said you'll have to come regularly for check in August so they can prepare you for C and S.  She said you can't afford to go into labour. But I say bullshit!"

"Bullshit!" She repeated then she sucked her teeth,  "C&S sounds appealing right now sha" She confessed and they both laughed. "O wife of little faith"

"Abeg!" She hissed moaning in response to the massage,  "You got the spot. Bambam, i can smell fresh bread,"

Bamidele inhaled deeply,  "I'm not.....smelling any fresh bread. Is this your corny way of asking me to get you bread" "I need pear too, avocado and fresh bread"

"Yes Ma"

"You know you're buying for four right?"

Bamidele nodded rising up,  "Yes Ma" "Remember that the one you bought the last time was not fresh, I didn't like it. If you can check out all this bakery,  there's one not to far from the hospital. I saw it when I was coming"

"And you magically began to smell bread"

Amazing blushed,  "I love you too" "If I don't see Avocado, should I buy roasted corn and pear so you can pressed it into the bread" "Corns are scare now, before you'll see the next corn seller,  it'll be at another bus stop. But If you can do that for me, I'll say a special prayer for you. "

Bamidele laughed kissing her on the corner of her lips but she dragged him back giving him a proper kiss. "Call my girls on the way, tell them,  my wrath has died down. I can't wait to leave sef"

"Take care"

"Sure" She replied picking her phone.

August 9

Amazing roamed around the room in a purple butterfly gown,  her big belly bump protrude downwards. "Bam bam have you seen my phone?" She asked walking with her legs wide apart. "Yes" Bamidele answered bringing out the phone from the bathroom.

He was completely suit up for Sunday service! Although it wasn't a Sunday service.

It was a four days evening service tagged,  Burning Bush Encounter, the guest Pastor disappointed the church so Pastor Tunde asked her to step in.

She wasn't even scheduled to preach until on Saturday!

Bamidele pointed at the book shelf in the room, he has been reading lots of books lately.  "You left it there" "I keep forgetting things. Thank you. Can you help me pick my handkerchief up, I can't bend" "You can't even see your knees" Bamidele teased and she laughed groaning in pain.

Then it occurred to her that this conversation had ensued between them at some point.

"Are you okay?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Our conversation feels like Dejavu, like we've had this discussion somewhere"

"Are you sure you're fine? I can take you to the hospital now, I'll call Pastor Tunde to let him know that..." "I'm fine! I'm not going to avoid giving sermon today"

Bamidele laughed, "I had a dream similar to this the morning after we kissed at the exhibition. When I was still trying to get a confirmation from God but in this case, I'm the one preaching not you. You had a meeting and you were trying to avoid it. I won't avoid this. The babies are not coming now, I'll be fine" "Are you sure?" He asked and she pressed her forehead against his, "Yeah, i'm just a bit nervous"

"You'll be fine and besides,  you're AmazingGrace Bamidele freaking Jones, you're my wife and the mother of my future children. The kingdom of darkness is in trouble because you'll do just fine dear"

"Just the motivation I needed"

"Fear and Faith, two words but the same driving force which is belief. What do you believe in? Before you can have the experience what Moses went through, before you can behold God's glory, you need to connect to the faith frequency, somebody said faith frequency

Faith frequency!

Amazing felt her contraction hit her after every ten minutes but she didn't want to raise any alarm because she was on the pulpit. She assumed it was a normal pain since she wasn't due till two weeks time.

"The devil is a bastard! He uses our fears as a tool to create another kind of faith and reality in our life away from God's original plan for us. He said in the book of second Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love,  of instruction. We are to exercise authority over the spirit of fear itself." The contraction hit her again and she groaned out loud now touching her belly.

"Ouch! These babies don't know I'm on the altar. We're all preaching together"  She chuckled and the congregation joined in.

"In the book of Exodus 3 when God spoke to Moses, we're all familiar with the story. Publicity, help me with verse 11." She said flipping her bible.

"Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt. But Moses said to God, Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt? In good news version he said I am nobody. The worst kind of reproach is that which comes from your own self, I can't do it, I am not capable of achieving God's purpose, but in verse twelve God said I will be with you. Like he told me when I was fidgeting about having triplets. After today, God is moving someone away from that place of obscurity,  excuses to a place that matters in life"


"He's giving you an identity"


"This one is strong in my spirit, there's someone here, you were invited but you just came because your friend dragged you here, someone said try it out and you came here. You're scared, I don't know what you're scared of it's not clear. Holyghost help me but God is moving you because you came to Zion this morning."


"Because upon mountain there shall be deliverance and you shall possess your possession. The devil is a bastard,  someone say it"

The devil is a bastard!

"Amen. I want to tell a story of faith, I just heard it right now. The journey of this pregnancy has been,  I spoke a little about it during the just concluded women conference. Those that didn't come, you missed oh. God moved in this place through Mummy Coker, God bless you Mummy" She paused flipping her notes.

"You can listen to the message on mixlr,  Abi Technical, it's there right?" She asked turning towards the technical angle. "It's even on the church website!" They shouted and she smiled.

"They said it's even on the church website, download and listen to it or you can do well to grab my book. It's in the church bookshop as well as other book shop across Lagos. After being diagnosed for fibroid, not knowing it was spiritual, I had a myomectomy done against God's instruction. I was stubborn and the repercussion followed, i had ten percent chance of giving birth. 10 percent chance meaning, my chances of giving birth was so slim, I'm not even supposed to think of having a child until after six months and that six month was under probability. These doctors sef,  just like their habdwriting, they are the only ones that undertstand what they're saying" She joked and the whole congregation laughed.

"Apologies to all doctors though. It was a great hit for me,  for someone that loves the things of God. I was supposed to be a role model of God's goodness to my friends. I was looking like the opposite instead. Then the marriage disappointment came, I wondered if God was still with me. Even when I got married I was still wanted to follow the doctor's advise to wait. Thank God for the man I married,  I got pregnant,  remember they said I had 10% chance because of the weak uterus they said I had. Here I am pregnant and the doctor was talking about evacuating the baby. I disagreed, my husband disagreed too, we kept on praying. Fear came back for me when I found out we were having triplets, the devil is a real bastard! This was where all the goodness of God came streaming through my mind and I said, if God can turn my 10% chance into 100%, and make the so called weak womb strong enough to harbour three lovely babies, who is that saith then when the Lord God has not commanded?"

Yes Ma!



No one oh!!!

"Fear is there trying to tell me that I can't do it,  i'm not saying that fear won't come. Your ability to rebuke fear that moment comes from how much you've built your faith in God. What is that ten Percent in your life, what is that thing they said you can never achieve, I see the hand of God adding another Zero to the 10 and he's saying to you my daughter, I'm making it possible,  I am making a way in the wilderness,  I am making all crooked way straight,  I am bringing you out of that Egypt! If that's your case shout a big Amen!!!"


"You're set for an encounter this evening, the glory of God is coming down and radiating your life, taking you to where you ought to be, in your spiritual life, you're not where you should be, fear has taken over the faith you once held on to. Receive grace to overcome"

A set of ladies rose up raising their hand,  "Amen!!!"

She shut her eyes groaning in pain, "I'm going somewhere, I still have twenty more minutes to go"

"The only place she has to go to is the hospital!! Fisayo who was carrying Yemisi's baby whispered to Blessing,  "She said she's not due till two weeks, I'm supposed to give birth before her" "Does that face look like the face of someone that still has time?" Yemisi asked and Blessing shook her head.

"If Amazing doesn't get the hell out that altar,  I'll drag her out. She's definitely having contractions" Nene threatened.

Amazing felt her water break then she laughed out loud looking at the congregation,  "History just repeated itself, my mother in law's water broke on the altar, Bambam, my water just broke all over the palazzo I had underneathe this butterfly gown." She leaned against the podium while Mummy Coker and Bamidele walked up to her.

"Sweetheart, can you walk?"

"I can try" She replied giving Bamidele a look, "It's time" She mouthed and his heart raced.

They both held her down the stairs while Pastor Tunde walked up to the podium to take announcement,  instead of Brother John. He watched Amazing slowly walk with her friends.

"The first announcement on our list is... Sister Amazing Is in Labour" He paused and the congregation laughed including Amazing who was in pain that moment.

"If there's something I understand about labour pain,  you don't feel the pain all of the sudden,  she must have been feeling it from home,  yet she suffered herself to do the will of God, she was found doing the will of the father. As a church we're going to say a word of prayer to her as she embarks on this journey. For those that I've gone through it, having one isn't easy but she's having three, as a body of Christ we are going to intervene because the word of God says,  the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much. Let's ask God to endow her with supernatural strength."

The whole church broke out in prayer.

At about 12:10 am, the following morning, the first baby was delivered and the others followed. Bamidele didn't leave the theatre room, he stayed there holding on toAmazing's hands. Shortly after the placenta has been removed the nurses extended their congratulations to the both of them.

"We did it Baby,  we did it, God did it"

"Remember when Jesus said it is finished on the cross. We're not going another round,  Two boys and a girl is perfect"

"Yes dear"

"Can I sleep now?" She asked shutting her eyes then she opened it. "My Bible and my jotter is still in church" "I forgot mine too,  It's with Estelle"

Then she broke into laughter,  "I can't believe my water broke in the middle of a live service. "When God turned the captivity of Zion, they were like them that dreamt. Thank you Lord"

Still feels like a dream to her!

Dr Asuquo walked up to Bamidele lifting up his hands,  "I'm not here to give any bad news,  quite the contrary I am here to congratulate you. I don't know how you guys did it but when Dr Felecia had hopes on you guys, I thought she was being too religious than professional. Thirteen years ago, my wife had complications after a surgery and we struggled through series of miscarriages until we managed and had one daughter after going through tubal ligation. I was expecting the same thing when the matter was tabled to me but you guys changed my perspective. Continue serving the God you serve cause he's real. Your babies are healthy, your wife is healthy, if only you understand the gravity of this, you'll know this God you serve didn't sleep on your case." He blinked his eyes in tears.

"Congratulations Mr Jones" He stretched his hands and Bamidele shook him. "Can we see the Babies?" "Just you only,  I'm sorry. The NICU is not a place everyone can barge into"

Bamidele watched his babies sleep in the incubator. He had a nose mask on. His babies had different sizes,  according to the nurse that brought him, the smallest was the girl. He couldn't help his tears from pouring down.

He raised a song,  "You've been faithful Lord, from the ages past,  that is why your name.." He trailed,  "I forever more. On August 10th, 2020 ErinOluwa, OreOluwa and Inumidun Bamidele Jones made quite an appearance into the world and you made daddy the happiest man. You guys are survivors, you're God's own Ambassador, you guys will rise high and take this world by storm. Your light will shine.  Generations will hear your voice, you'll make us proud; the three of you"

He looked forward sighting Anya in a spilt second by the door,  his spirit bothered him so he walked towards the door and towards the hall.

"Looking for me?" She asked and he turned towards her,  "You have the nerves" "Before you spit fire,  i didn't come to make trouble,  I just came to congratulate you on your victories. Everything Benefit never wanted, may her soul rest in peace"

"There is no peace for the wicked. What do you want?"

"I came to congratulate you, I am not the enemy here, we washed our hands off the matter. I see you Bamidele Jones a force to reckon with in the future, your fearlessness will cause havoc to the kingdom of darkness. People will tremble when you step foot into their village,  they'll be scared of the havoc you'll bring,  the revival. We are scared of the future we see ahead, a future where witches no longer have regards.  We are not the enemies here"

"Are you trying create some kind alliance for the future?" "It's a deal breaker, we can help you achieve this faster. Get all the power and glory much quicker, what do you say?"

"You're trying to adopt the same method the devil did" "Well,  it's worth the try. If you do this, you won't be anyone's enemy,  if you want to stick to your mission, they're going to make sure they hit you where it'll hurt" Bamidele frowned tightened his fist,  "If God be for me,  I fear no one" and she vanished in fear. "What audacity" He hissed walking back to check on his triplets.

Fisayo stared into her camera on her phone, "When I look upon my face, I get emotional cause it's a constant reminder that I am too beautiful. People are going around asking,  what's making her shine, kilo se to n dan bi... (Why is she shinning?), my skin looking spanking new and popping and they are wondering what kind of skin product I use. Is she enhancing her skin? Stay tune to the end of my video and I'll mention my secret. They said when I get pregnant I'll be black, my nose will be big and all that. Awon haters,  I celebrate you guys specially cause they keep trying,  always trying hard to ruin the name I'm making for myself. Bringing up my past but Que Sera Sera guys, whatever will be, will be. Now back to the secret of shine, I'm not saying this because of endorsement or anything. I'm not collecting money for this,  I say this because I'm grateful to his wonderful skin care products. The reason why I shine is because of God. Even in the sun and rain, I'm still popping. What were you guys expecting? Some big name skin care company? Well, this here is my skin care secret, God. When you have God in your life, your joy knows no bounds, when you have joy,  you start to glow and grow younger. With God you have more worries because the devil will always want to choke you with problems but on the other hand when you have that confidence that God is with you, you have limitless possibilities of achieving things. A big congratulations to my sister Blessing on her delivery. To think Amazing just did her own and she followed afterwards. Like I said, with God, you have limitless possibilities."

Jeff, Ngozi and Adetutu came visiting Amazing at the hospital. Adetutu was quite disappointed when she found out the baby had been been returned back to the ICU. She followed Bamidele to the ICU while Jeff laughed.

"Did you two come differently?" She asked and Jeff shook his head,  "No. We came bearing news" He said handing a card over to her and she opened it quickly. 




"When? How?" I don't understand?"

"We owe it to your wedding, I said some nasty thing so I had to look for her to apologize and then came that Valentine's friendly date that was supposed to be a one time thing"

Ngozi looked away laughing, "Someone didn't keep to the end of his bargain" "I just never imagined falling in love again after Benefit" "Congratulations to the both of you,  Ngozi is a good woman, I can attest of it. This year is truly a year to celebrate and you guys were not exempted"

Three years later

Bamidele entered into the room at about 8:30 pm after six hours praying in his prayer room. He had a scowl on his face,  "You've been in there for six hours, you were playing hide and seek  with the kids and you went AWOL,  I just assumed you were praying so I cooked up some excuses for them. What happened? You don't look well"

"God spoke"

"He's always speaking"

"This one is different, We're moving"

Amazing exhaled, her heart beating in anticipation,  "Where? Tell me it's somewhere in South Africa" "Close,  starts with a S and ends  with a O,  it's a state in Nigeria." "Sokoto?"


Amazing laughed, she couldn't stop laughing, that moment when the assignment is in a place you never wanted, she began to think of her friends, the church, her children and how they'll have to change school. In that moment it seemed crazy to think she was embracing the idea.

Isn't she the one always saying wherever God sends him to,  he'll follow? 

She shrugged, who is she to go against God's instruction? After all,  if there's an instruction from God, He always makes provision for it's accomplishment. 

"When are we moving?"

And it's a wrap!!!!

Choke point is over!!!!!😭😭

How was the journey so far????

Drop your comments and votes!!!!

The sequel I'll be picking up is none other than..... Institution🤣😂

No one guessed it....

What do you guys think?

Will be dropping the prologue soon... For now... I need the rest.

Thank you all for your votes and emotional support!!! I can't thank you all enough. I cant even begin to list names. I'm kinda of sleepy right now 🤣.

Thank you all!!!!

Love you all 💕

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