🔴Chapter 33🔴
Hello guys!!!!
So it's official, Choke point is going to be having 34 chapter!
Vote guys!!!
Thank you!
Chapter 33
Fisayo sat in front of a camera exhaling, it was so difficult setting the camera in a position that will capture her face and the beautiful background behind her. "Hello guys!!!! It's Fisayo again on Morning Dose of Fisalove."
She started the Facebook streaming days after the interview. It was a popular demand!
"I'm still thinking of a better name. Just forgive me sha. I just can't help but thank God for waking me up this morning. I'm grateful, you guys better be grateful cause you don't know all different Oguns (battles) the enemy has been waging that God has dapada-ing (sending back) for you guys. It's a good thing to be alive. I also thank God for giving me so much wisdom after I recovered from madness. If no one hypes me let me hype myself
Thank you Lord🙏🙏
Madam hype, abeg hype yourself
"Hey lauretta, thanks for joining in today again... And also before I forget! Thank you all for following, Fanbase mi o n wu bi gaàrri (it's rising like garri) nigbati mi o se celebrity.. (When i'm not a celebrity. Thank you guys... So people are requesting that I do skits... They said Nigeria is getting hard by the day and people need to laugh about something. I don't know about the skit thing, I'm not a funny person, I just love being myself, I'm better when I'm trying to be natural. My morning dose for today.... I woke up philofosiz..... Philofosizing... That sounds wrong, I can't believe I'm live. My village people" She slapped her face laughing.
"Ko le werk! Okay... Take a deep breathe Fisayo, Ko le to yen, (it's not that hard) Oh my God, 208 people viewing this already. Wow, before i wouldn't have gotten even two. My spirit Is rising, I feel like prophesying. So that means you guys are interested in my philosophy. Oh God" She blushed, "When God said Solomon in the bible that Solomon will be the wisest ever in the world, he broke the mould on me, the same anointing that God used to expand Solomon brain's is what he used for me." She paused laughing at herself.
"Okay, so I was phi-loso-phizing. In your face village people! E o ti poto, e lo posi wa. Jo oh, I didnt mean it oh!" She laughed staring at comments that were streaming in
🤣😂You're a vibe
It's your realness and Philofosizing for me🤣😂
"So... The thought stemmed from last night, i was chewing on it last night so i regurgitated it this morning. Um, so I finally paid for this building I want to use for my fashion line. Guys..... It's Amazing, I wish I can post a picture, but I want to leave an element of surprise. I was so much excited and then I saw a post on my news feed about a lady in a much bigger position posting, 'God did it' and I ended up asking, God when? Me that just got a shop close to .... Let me reserve the price; is asking God when. Meanwhile there are several others who don't have the resources or the good health to do that. Ah! Fisayo aláìmoore ni e, ti o ba wa ni nkankan nko? (Ah! Fisayo you're so ungrateful, what if you didn't have any?). That was what i said and I had to slap myself to sense and I blessed God for the one I have. Then the thoughts streamed in, like I'm streaming live right now. Some will have no child and see another person's God did it and be like 'God when?', just one child will be more than enough. Another will have just a child and see others God did it and be like God when, if I can just have one more child. There are several others who are at the top, they have their private jet, fleets of cars but the are still saying God when at some trillionaire's God did it. Then I sat down and I realized that one man's God did it, is another man's God when. Don't kill yourself if your 'God did it' has not come, life na turn by turn, keep on pushing, very soon or later e go reach you " She sighed propping her arm under her chin.
"I hope I haven't wasted your time, this is a morning dose of Fisayo's love and wisdom from me to you. Have a lovely Monday guys!! I pray God favours you on all sides in whatever you do, give you your heart desires, for those stuck in Monday Lagos traffic, it's well with your soul. Muah! I love you all" She blew kisses looking at the views.
400 👁
One man's God when is another man's God did it too! Abi? ✌
You're just beautiful!!!❤❤. What cream do you use?
Keep glowing baby!!!
We want a longer dose! I've been laughing in this taxi... Uber guy thinks I'm mad🤣🤣
I'm stuck in traffic oh! 🤦
AG Event Company
Amazing swiped her messages on WhatsApp with Bamidele, is she the only one who goes back to read messages and voice notes of loved ones or there are others who do it too? Since she had no appointment, she just decided use it in putting a smile on her face.
The event is about to start, use this one to hold body 😎
The scent of your pride is strong oh, I can smell it all the way from South Africa!😂
Amazing laughed again for the umpteenth time reading that comment. "This guy!!!"
Shortly after she started to go through pictures at the events in South Africa the last Saturday then Yemisi's call came in, "Hello Baby!!!" She shrieked and Amazing smiled, "What's up? How are you?"
"I'm having the longest week ever! It feels like ten years ago when I said the wedding is in three weeks. Urgh!!! Three week lo ti di three years"
Amazing laughed, "Trust me, I understand your plight, been there but during my time, Bamidele was already messing with my head" She replied laughing hard, "Don't worry. It's this week, you'll finally be Mrs Acquah" She added and they not shrieked in excitement.
"Guess what?"
"What? Kwame bought the whole of England for you?"
Amazing laughed, "I just said I should ask now. What did he do?" "It's not even Kwame, guess whose social media followers just increased?" "Huh..... One of these Hiphop stars, Kizz Daniel" "No jare! It's mine, after the interview, I noticed on Tuesday there was an interview, people were coming to my DM and saying, I love the way you speak, wow, you look pretty, kini kan kini kan. Gbam! I started recieving gigs, I thought there were just joking, someone one slide into my DM yesterday, one of these influencers now. She said she's throwing a party for her parents wedding anniversary next week and she'll like a cake, she had a fight with her go to baker. She wanted something unique, something religious, romantic and celebratory. I advised her and she was just saying a whole lot and I now dropped the price so that it will chase her away because of my honeymoon now. This morning, I woke up with the sweet sound of alert, Babe! Wo, file! ( Leave it!) There's money in this world, it's not just circulating, It was then that I knew that Fisayo was right, one man's God did it, is another man's God when. Amazing!!!! Nkan se mi! I'm just excited and then I woke up with more followers today. I just feel like God is beginning to do great things for us"
"Your followers have increased too"
"Really? I only control my whatsapp and Facebook, I don't check instagram and twitter, i have PAs for that"
Yemisi laughed, "God when!!!" She shouted and Amazing shook her head, "Silly you! Bye!" She snapped ending the call then she called Bamidele afterwards.
"Morning BamBam"
"Morning beautiful" He replied and she heard an announcement sound, those ones from train stations and airport. "What's that? Are you at the airport?" "I'm in a open space" "Where?"
"In Johannesburg, they are announcing something."
"Okay... When are you coming?"
"This week, I'm sorry, there are still things they want to do before coming"
"Should we switch to video call?"
"They are about to call me now. I'll call you back later"
"Okay" She replied, "God be with you" "Amen"
3:28 pm
Sir Jones walked into the living room with his arms over Bamidele, I got a lot of calls from people about your South Africa contract. When I saw you on the news, I pointed at the newspaper and I said that is my boy! The man I trained, my son is not a vagabond, neither is he a bastard. He took everything from me. Both the good looks and the brain"
Mrs Jones rolled her eyes, "And what did he take from his mother?" "Beauty and brains and I'm sure getting married to Amazing will being forth children of like minds. Amazing is a good woman, well trained so therefore good looks and brains will be passed on from generation to generation"
Bamidele laughed, "All those days you were not proud of me kor" "Water under the bridge dear. I pray for more achievement for you, greater exploit and international recognition"
"Amen but my greatest heart desire now is to be more like Christ, know him more, walk in his ways and have greater exploit in him" He replied and Sir Jones, "Amen. So... How is Amazing? Have you called her?"
"She's fine, she doesn't know I'm back"
"Err..... It's a surprise"
Mrs Jones moved close to him, "Bamidele, when are you going to see her parents? How long do you want to keep the ring in her hand? Are you trying to focus on ministry first?" "Not exactly. That's exactly why I came to talk about"
"Okay. Should I serve your food?"
"No mom, I'm planning starting marriage process. I want to call her dad so we can discuss this" "You're suppose to do this alone"
"I'm scared and I need all the support from my parents," "True" His mother agreed, "After all, we are all marrying her"
Bamidele puts a call through to Mr Essien who answered the call. "Good day Sir" "Good day Bamidele, how are you doing?" "Great Sir and you? How's your day going?" "I just retired from a long inaugural lecture of a co lecturer. It was fine by the way, you? How is South Africa?"
"I just returned"
"When I called my daughter, she said... Are you lying to her?"
"No Sir, it's all part of the surprise. Are you free Sir so we can switch to video call?"
"Yes. I'm at home at the moment, I'm about having lunch but I don't mind doing the video call before it." He replied ending the call.
Bamidele switched to video call then he sat on the couch with his father by the side. "Is that your...father. " Mr Essien peered at the screen, "Good day Sir" "Good day my future in law" Sir Jones replied and he laughed.
"That one depends on your son oh!"
"That is why he's making this video call. By right, he should be seeing you one on one to discuss this but he felt a video call would suffice" "Oh. Hope no problem Bamidele?"
"No Sir. I called because I'm ready for the next step"
"Next step of what?"
"The next agenda of the plan"
"To do what?" "To take things further"
"To which country this time around? Congratulations on your uplifting, my daughter showed me the pictures of you in South Africa."
Sir Jones moved his head away from the camera laughing, "I like this man!"
"I'm not going to any country Sir." Of course he knew his future father in law was beating about the bush because he wanted him to be direct more direct.
"We are taking the relationship further"
His mother slapped him on the head, "Soro jhoor! (Talk) What is agenda? Further, next step? If that was how your father spoke to my father, do you think they would have agreed, they will just as this one Is not serious!"
Mr Essien laughed, "I'm all ears, where are you guys taking the relationship to? What route and when is the ship moving?" "The man has given you a cue already" His mother whispered and he he shut his eyes and opened it.
"Huh to the next phase which is marriage, the ship Is set to sail this December and fully resume it's journey in January with our church wedding Sir. That's the agenda I have in mind Sir"
Mr Essien smiled, "Are you sure about your decision? Any man that leaves my daughter hanging again will get it good from me, both the anger from the other man and yours" "I won't leave her hanging, Sir I love her too much to do that"
Just what he wanted to hear!
"We just want to know what to do, I searched online, I couldn't get a proper understanding of the whole calabar wedding procedure" "For starters, we are Akwa Ibomites, just because son speaks ibibio doesn't automatically make the person from calabar"
"Noted Sir"
"So...." He trailed off and Mrs Essien placed a plate of Ekpang on the table. "Why are you suffering our future son in law, you want him to japa ni?" She asked pushing her face to the screen of the phone, "Good day Ma" Bamidele bent his head. "Bamidele dear, Bawo ni? Mummy ati Daddy ko? I heard my husband talking to Daddy earlier on, where is he?
"Wo wa ma, he's here"
"Ah sioor! Amazing doesn't know how to speak the language neither do you know too. I wonder what you'll teach your children"
The language of the Holyghost, shabrabraca! He answered within then he laughed out.
Sir Jones waved, "Mrs Essien, good afternoon Ma" "Good afternoon Sir, How are you and the family?" She asked, "I was just talking to your son about how he doesn't know how to speak his language" She ranted, after what seemed like fifteen minutes of chatting with Mr Essien, the network disconnected because of a call he had so he had to answer the call and restart the video call.
"My lunch is here oh, come and join me" he tilted the camera to the food, "This one is called Ekpang Ukwukwo here"
"Thank you Sir"
"So.." He switched back to looking into his phone screen, "Where were we? Yes!" He finally remembered, "In the first step, you'll have to knock the door"
"Okay, we'll come over there and knock"
"Not that. Since you're getting married to my Adiaha, it means first daughter. There are some Adiaha rites. But first you come knocking on the door, it's called Nkon udok, say it"
"Nkon udok"
"Ukom udoor"
Mr Essien laughed, "You tried sha" "What does Ukom udoor entail?"
Dare's phone buzzed his pocket on entering into the club house, he sighted Murphy and smiled answering the call. "Mom, good afternoon" "I'm calling you to remind you about the dinner this Wednesday" "You reminded yesterday and the day before that"
"Rev Banji said he wants to see the woman you're with, you might want to come with Ema"
"Shey you have his number, ask him."
Dare kept quiet in thought. "Don't be scared! Reverend Banji will not bite or judge you guys, he wants to see the entire family and pray for us" "Will Demilade be coming from Ghana?"
"She said she has business meeting the following day but she'll see what she can do"
"She's not coming" Dare laughed.
"I know" His mother joined him, "If you'll be the only one, at least there'll be someone to act as a point of contact to his siblings"
Dare rolled his eyes, "I'll talk to Ema" "Thank you my dear. Take care ehn? Be careful while driving" She added and he smiled. "Sure" he replied ending the call then he smiled at Murphy who was drinking alone.
"Oga, so you still dey this Nigeria so" He teased giving him an handshake.
"Longest time bro. What happened, you just went under the shell"
"Been busy with work"
"You go model for UK weekly fashion? No be this Nigeria you dey? I dey hear your gist now, you just went under the grid"
"I needed some time alone"
"Why? Talk to me, it's me oh, Dare your guy"
"So you can open you big mouth and tell everyone"
Dare scoffed, "Ouch! You just hurt m feeling, na me get big mouth shey? No wahala, keep whatever's biting your ass to yourself" "It's Efua" He answered shutting his eyes. "That babe left like since now. Oh... That was when you went off grid. Wetin she do"
"Am I not good looking enough? Look at my muscles, my biceps, my abs" "It's not by abs oh, girls are not interested in that. Girls have weird taste. Imagine Ema liking a guy like me"
Murphy hissed, "Like how she's still hung up on Bamidele who doesn't even like her. He hurt her feeling and he's walking around as If nothing happened, bloody hypocrite"
"Hey! I no wan carry ear, hear that thing. No offense oh, but the only person who's the bloody hypocrite here is you who have been quietly loving and having sex with his guy's girl"
"They never dated!"
"Still! They are boundaries and you didn't keep them! Efua left, maybe for the good! Pick up your life and stop sulking like a bitch! At least act like man"
"All women are scum, I pity you guys, until you wake up to find our your babes left you because she wants a breath of fresh air." "How you dey reason?"
"Kwame is signing a death sentence this Saturday, Bamidele is following the same track with that... And you too, Abeg!" "Love is a beautiful thing, no be for people wet dey reason left left, it's not for babies like you"
"You dey mad"
Dare hissed, "Yes, I'm madly in love as you're in love with Efua, I plan on using Hilary's ring to even propose on Christmad day, the only difference is that my girl truly loves me for me, shikina!" "Until you propose in front of a crowd and she ends up saying no in fucking face"
Dare raised his arm up, "I'm out of here man!" "I'm sorry" "Sorry? Fuck you!" "I deserve that, want a drink?" "No, I'm still driving. You dey come Kwame Bach Eve?" "Yes. With strippers"
"He said he doesn't want strippers"
"Who cares?"
6:04 pm
Amazing went through some sample of pictures sent to her by one of her client, "I don't know how these people think" She hissed staring at Zainab, "How in the world are we going to recreate this atmosphere?
"Shocks me too, if you ask them to pay more, they'll say we're already charging too much" "And if you don't recreate this same thing, they'll say you're incompetent."
"Don't overthink it Ma, these type of clients are like that. We'll do our best and leave the best for God"
Amazing chuckled, "Exactly what we'll do and we'll pray for God to make them like it. How is Estelle doing?" "Oh. She's doing great, she's improving, very much. Last week Friday when Aretha needed someone to help her with decorating and everyone bailed, she stayed up with her at the wedding venue till 10 pm or so"
"She's hardworking, she's always trying to get one commision here and there. One from ushering, others from decorating, she's everywhere, she doesn't get tired. She's friendly too"
"Awwwn. That's good, please bring me Latifah's float from 2017 and then you can go afterwards, it's past six already. "
"Yes Ma" She bowed her head living the office where she sighted Bamidele holding a bouquet of flower and a gift bag containing wine and chocolate. "Is she still in?" He asked and she nodded with a smile. "Good day Sir"
"Good day" he replied opening up the door then he walked in and she arced her brow thinking it was Zainab, "Did you forget anything?" She lifted her head surprised to see him. "Oh my God" She exhaled then she hissed, "I thought you said you weren't coming till....." She laughed rising up from the chair then she immediately switched into a frown while walking towards him.
"You lied through your teeth, all liars will go to hell"
Bamidele laughed, "I didn't lie" "You told me you were coming this week" "Is today not this week?" "You said they were calling as though you're in an office and you told me you were in Johannesburg" "I was! I was att the airport at that time"
"I knew it!"
"I thought I should surprise you" He stretched out the bouquet, "I hope you're not one of those Nigerian girls who don't appreciate flowers"
Amazing blushed collecting the flowers then she smelled it and the floral smell of perfume romanced her nose, , "One of my love language" "Thank God. I brought chocolate," "My second love language"
"Wow, what's your third? Let me guess Cards?, did you like the card I sent that day?" "Yes I did"
"What's your fourth? Private time, calls and video calls? Your mood lightens up when I call, do you get that way with everyone?"
She shook her head smiling, "No. I have lots of love languages, I guess you'll find out as time goes by" She answered then she hugged him. "God I missed you so much!" She pulled away and he smiled biting his lips, "I missed you too, I couldn't wait for the whole thing to be over. It was interesting while it lasted but I missed you, I missed church"
"What's the occasion, I can see wine in the gift bag"
"I called your Dad"
"Oh... Kay, why?"
"We're going to Akwa Ibom, after Yemisi's wedding to start our wedding plans, get the list and do all the Adagha stuff" "Adagha? What's Adagha?" "First daughter"
Amazing laughed throwing her head backwards, "Oh. You meant Adiaha" "Yeah.... That" "So your January plans will still hold?" "Yes" "Both the wedding and shooting the shot"
Bamidele gave a nod and Amazing laughed.
"Yes. Brace yourself, Mrs AmazingGrace Bamidele Jones in a bit"
Bassey stirred a spaghetti in a pot that evening and Fisayo inhaled taking a picture of him, "Chef Bassey on the pot, giving us hot hot". He lifted his hands giving the peace sign, and she took another picture.
"Oh my God. Baby that smells good, can I have a taste?"
"Don't be stingy now, let me taste the sardine now"
"Wo, this one you're doing shakara, it better taste nice"
Bassey laughed, "Odun o fe ke! (She's pained so much she wants to cry)" "Wow, my boyfriend is so mature, now I'm gonna cry in your face" She held his hands and feigning tears. Bassey laughed, "The spag will get burnt oh" "Apologize" "For?" "Uh... Being immature and not making me have a taste, you've been tasting it since you started cooking"
"You wanted to have a taste right?" He asked an she nodded then he kissed her, she pressed one palm against his chest kissing him back then she withdrew, "What was that for?"
"Now you've tasted it"
"Wow.. Yes I tasted something alright, it's spit! Itor! (Spit)"
"Sweet Ito"
"You're doing ahun for fish" She dipped her hands in the pan removing the fish then she threw it away screaming in pain, "Ojo mi! Ojo mi! (It burnt me)" She waved her hands watching him laugh at her covering the pan with it's lid.
"Bassey, you're wicked, that sorry didn't come from the isale (floor) of your mind" She looked around in search of the fish.
"Where Is that fish? I cannot suffer and carry fish without eating it. My hand is still paining me" "Let me kiss it for you"
"Let me find my fish first!" She sighted the fish and picked it up, "Devil has eaten it oh" "Even though the devil eats and vomit it, you see this fish, I'm gonna chop it and enjoy it" She chewed on it.
Bassey laughed moving close to her, he has been laughing all through the evening, "Are you sure you didn't sniff laughing gas at work?" "Well you're my laughing gas" he wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled moving her lips close to his then the heard a knock on the door. "Urgh!" She rolled her eyes, "Are you expecting anyone?"
"I'll get the door, must be Kommie Baby. She said she might be coming back with you guys vegetable. What's the name, Edikankong" "Don't spoil the name of our soup"
"I tried, let me hype myself." Fisayo walked out of the kitchen smiling, "That reminds me, you haven't cooked my Efo Riro! The one you promised me" "Oh." She said walking towards the door "Yes. You owe me one hot Efo Riro, that was the word you used!"
"When do you want it?" She yelled opening the door to see Tara at the door holding a gift bag.
She folded her hands staring at her, "This is interesting" "What are you doing here?" "I should be asking you that question" "Where's Bassey?" "He's inside, come in" She walked in and Tara followed her in.
Bassey turned off the gas then he walked into the living room rolling his eyes at the sight of her. "What are you doing here?" "I came with food to see my husband" "Husband?" "Yes, Ebe mmi! You!" "I didn't get the Memo you two got married, Bassey you didn't invite me to the wedding, I would have brought gifts"
"You can't be with this Yoruba woman, what can she offer you?"
"A whole lot than you will"
"Will she cook Afang for?" "There's more to love than local delicacies, even if I spend the rest of my life eating Ewedu with her, i'll be a more happy man than I'll be eating Afang, Atama, editan and Ekpang with you"
Tara cried, "You ate my food!" "Tara I told you already that I wasn't interested, I didn't ask you to cook. If you want refunds, I'll send the money back" "But you ate it"
"Was he suppose to throw it away?"
"Oh shut up!"
Fisayo rolled her eyes, "The only reason why I'm not spitting words with you or reacting in similtude to your bitchy attitide is because of God and Bassey, more of God sef. If not for God ehn..." "Bassey so you're picking a mad woman over me"
"You won't come to my house to insult my girlfriend"
"Let her vent in her own way Bassey, I can't imagine the pain she's going through right now"
Tara scoffed, "Bassey and I were having a moment before you came in. If you don't mind leaving so we can continue" "Don't call me back when she gets mad, I won't answer, you!" She snapped walking away with the food she brought.
Bassey exhaled tiredly, "I'm sorry" He apologized and she smiled shutting the door. "Where were we?" "Dinner is ready" "I think I remember where we stopped"
"It's all hazy, can you remind me"
Fisayo laughed placing his palm on his chest, "God! You're so cheesy!" She slapped his chest then he lifted her chin nipping on her lower lips, "I hate cold spaghetti" he confessed.
"Me too. Let's go"
"What kind of toys do you want?" Kwame asked staring at the Yemisi's belly, she wore a red top but he stared directly as though he was running a eye ultrasound on the tummy. "Anyone you want, Daddy will get them for you"
Yemisi laughed, "Wahala nor too much like this? The baby is not out and it's already taking your attention" "Mummy's jealous, let's not pay attention to her, it's our time. She gets to spend the whole day with you and I get what? Like evenings only and she expects me to spend it with her"
"Oh? Do you want to carry her for the remaining months cause you were not the one feeling the morning sickness I felt this morning"
Kwame laughed, "Why are you begging for attention like this it's me and my baby's time" "So I'm no longer your baby shey?" "You're wifey now" He answered and she laughed widening her eyes.
"Thank God I'm seeing your true color few days before our wedding"
Kwame chuckled kissing the belle, "What kind of morning sickness did you have?" "Oh so now you want to pay attention to that" "It's pertaining to the baby now" " Well, i'm not paying attention to you either so Uncle stop seeking for it" she snapped and laughed.
"What kind now?"
"Is there any other kind of morning sickness?" She asked then she exhaled, "I felt dizziness and queasy while working at the bakery so I had to sit"
Kwame pulled out his phone from his pocket, "I'll book an appointment with the hospital" "For what?" She asked grabbing the phone, "It's normal" "Maybe there'll be something to control the dizziness"
"It's a woman's cross to bear"
The door bell rang and he rose up to open up the door, "Hey love" Sophie exclaimed and he scoffed, "What are you doing here?" "I came for a job interview"
He rolled his eyes sucking his teeth, "As stupid as that question sounds, I meant it" "I wouldn't mind being here for an interview though, I'll be the desperate girl who needs a job and you'll be my naughty naughty employer" She said in a sensual tone, "I know you can be really naughty" She ran her fingers across his chest and he flung it away.
"Are you listening to yourself right?"
"My wife is.."
Sophie rolled her eyes, "Oh chill she's not your wife yet" "But you're aware we're getting married this week right?" "Who cares?" She asked, "Baby, I just want you, let's just do this, she doesn't have to know" She stretched her hands while Kwame tried his very best to avoid her touch as though she has a virus.
"Wow Sophie"
"Yes I don't care. You can get married but i'm willing to share too! What's there?"
Kwame rolled his eyes, "When last did you go for therapy or take your drugs?" "What kind of stupid question Is that? This is an opportunity before you to have good sex for the rest of the week before you end up with that woman. I'm sure she snores, look how fat she is, look at me love, we were good together, I am irresitable, she's a troll"
"Don't ever... Don't ever call my woman a troll"
"And if I do what will do you?"
"He won't do a thing because he's a gentleman but me on the other hand" Yemisi paused standing close to him, "I won't be so gentle" She added folding her hands while shooting a stern look at her.
"Sophie leave"
"When I heard irresistable, I said I should come out and see the irresistable person, ordinary pankere like you that's making mouth upandan, no wonder they say empty vessels makes the loudest noise. The only thing you have is complexion that's fairer than me, you look like kokoro ten naira that they always hawk around. I cannot even touch so I don't commit murder, where will I start beating sef? Your bones will end up breaking"
Sophie cried, "Your cow of a girlfriend just bodyshamed me" "One, it's fiance and two? You called me a troll and cow, that's the highest form of shaming" "Because you look like a brown cow, where's the lie in that" "Well you also look like pankere! Where is the lie in that? But you're right, I shouldn't have stoop low to your level"
Kwame rubbed his forehead in frustration, "Sophie, leave my house and never come back. Drop whatever spare keys you have" "Kwa" "Drop it! What part of stay in the past didn't you get?" He asked and she cried. "I'll be married this week, you're not invited into my home. Get treatment and get over this crazy idea infatuation, please"
Sophie scoffed, "Just because you added please doesn't make it nice" She hissed looking into the bag for the key, she threw It on his chest and he caught the key before it fell. "Have a nice life!" She snapped leaving then they both walked into the living room.
"Urgh! Now she's making me feel guilty" Yemisi groaned and Kwame laughed, "That's the way she does her thing. She'll make you feel guilty but the truth, she's sick upstairs and needs help but she's not willing to get help. Before you came my way, she'll come in, pretend and all then we'll end up..." He trailed off.
"She kept playing on my feelings, God bless the day you forgot that cake! How would have been able to locate you?"
Yemisi smiled, "I'm sure our paths would have crossed somehow but I'm glad it did when it did" She tiptoed kissing him on the lips.
Dare got into the house about past eleven, Ema woke up from the couch where she was then he slowly walked up to him, "Sorry for waking up you up" "No problem, I slept off waiting for you" She rose up walking up to him.
"Welcome back Babe" She tiptoed, wrapped her arm over his neck kissing him on the lips, "How was work?" "It was fine, the last customer I picked had to drop something off in someone's house, she spent about fifteen minutes waiting to someone that said she was already out oh. It was her money that was counting. That was why I came late, coupled with traffic"
"It was awesome! Tunde is into men" "Wait, the Tunde you said was eyeing you?" "Exactly! I approached him about boundaries and he was yo babe, chill I'm not into girls. The shock on my face ehn!"
Dare shook her head, "And that guy must be one girls spec oh" "Abi. One man down!" He commented and they both laughed. "Go in and freshen up, I warmed soup from the freezer and I made Eba"
"You made Eba? Did you allow the water boil first?"
Ema frowned, "Really?" "Sorry!" "I didn't want you coming back to start stressing yourself over cooking so I made the Eba" "Thank you. I appreciate" He planted a kiss on her lips and a wide smile crept through her cheeks.
"Remember that dinner mom has been talking about?
"The Wednesday own?"
"Yes. She said I should invite you, Reverend Banji wants to see the woman I'm with"
Ema gasped, "I'm not going, so that the Pastor can judge me right?" "Reverend Banji is not like that. The man doesn't act that way. I've known this man all my life. He's no judgy, Mom said I should invite you, if you don't want to go, it's fine"
"If I go, Mom goes to"
Ema exhaled in fear, "Baby, chill he won't bite" "Your parents, your Dad..." "Everything will be fine, I'll be there to protect you."
"Okay. ... Uh... Do you still have that end of the meeting with your workers tomorrow?" "Yes." "I ironed those clothes you picked out, if you change your mind, it's none of my business you'll end up pressing the clothes on your own"
"I'll put on the one you ironed" He smiled and she yawned. "I'm tired an sleepy"
"Go on and sleep, I'll handle the rest myself"
Dare's mother, father, Dare, Ema, Agnes and Rev Banji sat at the dinner table eating. There were varieties of food on the table ranging from jollof rice, Egusi soup and vegetable soup. Dare's mother was not sure of what Agnes will eat so she cooked two soup instead.
"I heard about your daughter's death Ma. My condolence to the both of you" Mr. Adeleke chipped in, Ema and Agnes nods, "Thank you Sir"
His wife shot a look at him, right now ? On this table? "Sorry, I didn't think it would be fair to have them over and not... Initiate the topic." "Not when we're having dinner" I'm sorry" "It's nothing Sir" Agnes replied, "It's painful but we trust God to heal our heart"
"You lost a daughter?" Rev Banji asked, "She was Ema's twin sister" "Ehya.... Did you guys look alike?" "Daddy Peju really?" Dare asked, "I have my reasons, they said there's always a high chance of the other twins following the dead one if they are identical"
"You're not even speaking like a man of God"
"I'm sorry but I beg to be corrected. I've seen cases till the point my faith changed."
"We are fratenal" Ema answered, even though they were identical, will she die with Benefit after all those evil she did? God forbid!
"May God comfort you two and may her soul find rest in heaven" Rev Banji added an they both responded with Amen! If only they knew why she died and that she might not be going to heaven..
Apparently, they've not seen the video online!
"How long have you two been together?" Rev Banji asked and
Dare laughed staring at Ema, "It's only been like three months or two, should we add the first time after the art exhibition?" He searched her eyes for reply but she ended up laughing, "Anyhow sha it feels like years." "Like ten years" Ema chipped and they both laughed exhaling hard.
"Why?" Everyone except Agnes asked, "Well...." Dare trailed off holding her hands, "We've had the most longest and trying moments of our life, it felt like time stood still while a lot of bad thing were happening, when we felt like we couldn't be, like everything was going to come crumbling down but we've bounced back stronger"
"I guess love conquers all" She added squeezing his hands.
Dare's mom smiled, "You know when I saw Ema at the Art exhibition, I thought she was too good for him, Dare has eyes for fine things, it's fine things that don't have time for him" She blurted out and everyone laughed.
"Well this fine thing has eyes for him hundred percent"
"I hope you two are not having sex yet" Rev Banji asked and Dare cleared his throat. Dare's mom busted into laughter. "Rev Banji, Are you really asking? Let's not deceive ourselves or let them not deceive us. Reverend Banji, Wo they are doing it, the way they've been looking at each other since we started as if they want to eat eachother. If we leave this place for two seconds, they'll even do it on the table"
Dare coughed and his mother laughed along with Rev Banji, "Am I lying?" "Dare, the bible says, marriage is sweet with bed undefiled" "Yes Sir, we get carried away atimes" "I'll tell you the same thing I told your father when he was indulging with your mother, get married and seal under marriage"
Dare grinned, finally something to use against his over religious father. "Define indulging" "Mind you! The indulging of then is not the indulging of this time." His father answered and he laughed, "Daddy that wasn't the question oh"
"If you want to know, the bed was defiled in marriage, who cares about the indulging"
"I do"
"I hope you're enjoying your soup?" Dare's mother asked in Idoma and Agnes smiled, "Yes, it's delicious" "Thank you"
Dare blinked his eyes, he still doesn't understand how his mother knows how to speak the language. "Mom you've still not said anything about how you manage to speak Idoma? Daddy, you should be suspecting your wife, I think she's married to one Benue man somewhere" He assumed and everyone laughed.
"Are you not aware your Mom served in Benue?" His father asked and his wife batted her eyes at her son, "Shame shame shame" "Shame" Ema replied and Dare laughed. "In my defense, i thought it was Kogi, you were always talking about Kogi"
"Because i had that Igala neighbour that keeps cooking Okpei rice for me. I served in Benue, the neighbouring state to Kogi, that was where I met your father and Rev Banji. He was the then NCCF president in Otukpo, the man travelled from Lagos with his best friend for a programme only to see a corper that captured his heart. Of all the corpers there. I wanted to stay back, I was the assitant general secretary before your father started eyeing me during the crusade. There was this woman that made it a duty to teach me the language seeing I was a fast learner, I can't speak all but the little ones, i'll join and speak. When I bump into Idoma people in Lagos market. I will just feel at home"
"Just like the way I feel when I meet Yoruba people in Benue, I'll be like Awon temi re (these are my poeple). Ma, you remind me more of myself those days, I came to Lagos not knowing how to greet in Yoruba, I picked up real fast"
"That's good. When i was now enjoying Makurdi, Adeleke took me away after service" She explained cackled, "Love is a beauty thing Dare, a relationship built on love can never crumble, storms may blow but it'll stand still. That's the kind I want for my son" Dare's father noted and Ema nodded.
"I love Dare Sir"
"For who he is?"
"You're aware he's a cab driver right? Don't come years later and say, Daddy he doesn't want quit his job cause even me too, I've been trying for years and nothing worked. We've fought severally over this. Ask him!" He said ignoring his wife's eye signal to change the topic.
"So if you want to be with my son, it has to be for his profession, his character his whinning, I know my son, he can say things leisurely as if he didn't anything, ask him, we've had hundreds of arguments and reconciled hundred times because he knows how to apologize. I'll hand it to him, you have to love him for that and for his head shape"
Dare arced his brow, feeling offended.
"It's perfect that way, I enjoy rubbing it, it's the smoothness for me Sir, who needs hair? I am fully aware and I love him that way"
"So if he proposes to you this night like this, you won't say no, or say I thought we were just friends"
"Daddy now!"
"I'm not hilary, I'm not using him to pass time, I'm not a poet but if there's anything I can say about Dare, is that he is a wonderful boyfriend, doing me right, teaching me values and I in turn value him and i can't trade him for anything. It's me that doesn't deserve to be with him. I'm a handful myself, grew up as a tomb boy, make my own rules but the only man that can bend me is this man here. I don't know the magic he uses" She laughed then she fought hard not to cry but the tears betrayed her as they came rolling down her cheek.
"Excuse me, where's the toilet?" "I'll show you" Dare opted to show her but she disagreed. "Don't bother" She begged him with a look, "I'm fine, I'm just really emotional" "You need me" "Babe, eat" " Just walk down left, the toilet is at the end" His mother replied and she left the table and her mother washed her hands in a bowl following her.
"Dad!" Dare snapped and his mother rolled her eyes, "Honey weldone, you tried very well" "At least we got a beautiful speech from her and she said she's not a poet but it was beautiful and believable"
Dare pulled out the ring casing from his pocket showing it to everyone at the table. "Oh my God, is it that same ring you used for Hilary?" "Yes. Why? Is it bad?" "No but It might just carry bad luck oh" "I was planning on doing it on her birthday but I just feel the leading to do it here. We have Reverend Banji to bless this"
His mother rose up smiling, "Let me go and get my camera" She scurried away.
Ema dabbed her tears with a tissue paper she tore in the bathroom while her mother watched at her. "Are you okay? Why exactly are you crying?" "Yes. I'm fine, the questions made nervous" "It's normal, I'm sure they didn't mean it in that way. Every normal parent won't want their son ending up with someone that will ruin their children's life. When you get there you'll know, they need to make investigations and ask questions. Don't worry, when your first son comes with the girl he wants to marry, you'll see how protective you'll get"
Ema laughed then she exhaled.
Shortly after, she walked in to see Dare on his knees while his mother had a camera in his hand. The surprise look on her fact was priceless! Dare laughed in mockery.
She didn't see it coming, she didn't exepect a proposal so soon, not after the conversation they just had and she leaving in the middle of it. "Jesus!!! Is this happening for real, Baby, are you sure you're not whinning me right now"
"In front of my parents? Babe, I proposed to Hilary because I felt the need to start a home, I'm not growing younger, I want to do this with you. Will you marry me?"
She gasped staring at the camera then at him, Yes I fucking will! She screamed within. "Yes I will" She pick the ring slipping it into her finger. He rose up hugging her while Mummy Dare screamed in joy.
"Finally!!! Finally oh!"
Reverend Banji rose up smiling, "Can we all close our eyes and begin to bless God for this dinner," He requested and everyone started mumbling prayers. "He said in his word that for everything, there is a time and season. There is a season of seed time and harvest, there is a season where a man stays alone, there was a time when man was alone and God said, it is not good for man to be alone so he made a help meet for him.
This is not an exception, we know that God has made this one for Dare. Lift your voice and thank him"
"Oluwa Eseun oh, Oluwa Eseun oh" Dare's mom kept yelling still holding on to the camera.
"This is a season of joy for this family, thank God for the start of something new in this family"
Fisayo sat down on the dinner table watching Bassey rolled a ball of Amala. She was nervous about his opinion on her cooking. "Will you be going for Kwame's Bachelor's Eve party?" She asks washing her hands in the bowl. "I don't know. I don't think so, I don't want to end up being the odd one out, Kwams, Bammy and Dare are like besties so..."
"You men don't mind now"
"Yes we don't but sometimes it can be awkward" He dipped the ball of Amala into the Efo riro then he rolled the soup in it, fish and tiny pieces of pomo on it then he dipped it into his mouth while she ate hers.
He didn't say a word, only proceeded to the second ball then the third. She wanted to ask of his opinion but she didn't want to come off as being desperate for a response.
Bassey sniffled from having a running nose, "So when you said you were going to make one hot Efo Riro, you meant the one that will burn my tongue right? You were not joking"
Fisayo laughed, "Sorry... Me I'm not tasting pepper" "If you had something against me, you could have just said it straight to my face rather than using the back door" "I was just trying to spice up our relationship" she said and he laughed.
"Water oh" He washed his hands and tapped his chest then he fell to the ground, "Water!" "Jesus oh," She waved her hands, "Jesus come save, Fisayo oh! What did I do? Who sent me" She poured water into a glass, her hands were shaking, she knelt down handing it to him
"Take drink it. You'll be fine, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, I didn't think it'll be that peppery"
"It was" He replied drinking the water then he dropped the cup on the floor, "I'm so so so sorry. I'm never cooking again!" "My mouth Is all peppery, which mouth will I use to ask you will you Marry me now?" He asked going on one knee then he brought out a ring. "Jesus!" She screamed looking at the water on the floor, "I can pour this thing on your face now. Look at how you scared me" she busted into tears.
"I was even saying, mo daran oh, thinking that I've killed you"
Bassey laughed, "Is it not funny!" "I'm sorry. On a serious note, the food was damn spicy but i might have over exaggerated it. Why are you crying?" "I was scared! And I'm emotional right now, why are you doing this?" She asked referring to the proposal.
"Are you seriously asking that? Should there be a reason?"
"No. I just want to know if this is what you want"
"Honestly, let me be sincere, after my altercation with Tara, she ran home to Mom, Mom called and she was like do what you need to do so she can back off. I knew what she meant" "Wow... So your cheesy proposal was because of your Mom"
"Ouch! Cheesy proposal? who has ever done a proposal while having his intestines destroyed by pepper"
Fisayo laughed, "I don't know" "Besides, what mom said opened my eyes to the reality that this old man needs to get married ASAP" "Yes I'll marry you 100%, if I come this world a thousand times, I'll as yes to you every damn time"
"Sounds like there's a but at the end"
"But I'm just starting my business Baby. We might have to wait a bit, we won't be doing the whole Bamidele and Amazing's fast agenda. Fine, we'll plan ahead but..... I want to settle down first. It's not wise for a woman to get married just when she's trying to build her business"
"In order words I can't take care of the both of us"
She laughed rolling her eyes, "Gosh! You're so cheesy, that wasn't what I meant" "I'm not! I'm just making my conclusions based on your assumptions" He sat down on the floor and she sat opposite him spreading her legs over his.
"Are you angry over this? I thought you'll understand"
"I do."
Fisayo tickled him and he laughed, "Stop it, I do. Let's just say i want to claim you before one big time celebrity do. This one you're getting recognized by the day" "All the celebrity in the world have nothing on you. Well except Bill gates and I'll be ready to make him my Sugar Daddy" She joked and he feigned a frown.
"It's play now. See, I say it with my full chest, even Bill gates, DJ Khaled, Dangote have nothing on you. No one will love me like you do and I can't love any man the way I love you. All the support and care you've shown me from day one? Even when you found out about my dark secret, you never turned your back on me, when people saw trash, you saw a phoenix that can rise from the ages" She sucked her teeth crying, "See ehn! I die on this ride with you so In conclusion, Yes I'll marry you Baby with my full chest" She replied and he lifted her fingers smiling, "Which of the fingers do they put this in?"
"Olodo! Rapata, Oju eja lo mo je! Sior!" She snapped and he laughed throwing his head backwards, "You just reminded me of that song, what finger?" "The fourth one" "From the left or right?" "No oh, ara oko (bush man) you should kukuma put it in my index finger!" She added and he laughed slipping it in the fourth finger.
"Your soup tasted great by the way" "And my hands are already dried from Amala" She lifted her palm staring at the dried crust. "It will take one hour thirty minutes to wash this thing now. I'll just rub it on your face now"
He laughed and his arms came up, capturing her, enfolding her into his embrace. He took possession of her mouth with his lips.
Dare drove Ema and her mother to her house. The moment the car pulled over, Agnes stepped out leaving the two together. "Very soon after Bamidele's wedding, we'll plan ours"
"Baby, don't take this the wrong way, I love you but can we wait? My life more or less starting again. What's the rush?" "like when?"
"I don't know.... Time will tell, before Yemisi gives birth. The girls have this plan to have a picture where everyone of us is pregnant even though it's just one month.
"That's the craziest thing I've ever heard"
Ema laughed, "You just paid for a house, i won't want you making marriage plans without my quota" "February or March then" "March sounds fine"
#God did it!!!!
We shall all flex into this new year with our God did it! Amen!
Congratulations to my proposal mate!!!!💃💃💃.
Back to back proposal everywhere! Happy birthday in
advance babe!
Kwame's Bachelor Eve was held in Bamidele's house, Bamidele cringed from the loud sound coming from the sound system. He already disagreed about the song choice but Murphy and the other guys insisted on playing it.
Kwame wanted something simple but to his surprise, Murphy and the guys brought drinks, cigarette and sin. He kept on complaining but the guys still smoke.
"Someone's last night of being a bachelor" Dare yelled pouring himself a drink, "I cant wait Man" Kwame answered and Murphy and some other guys hissed. "Something you should cherish, this is your last night of peace I hope you know"
"That's a negative thing to say" Bamidele snapped, "No one was talking to you Pastor!" "Hey!" Dare raised his arm, "No quarrel abeg, Murphy, you sef! We're here to celebrate"
"Really? Marriage to me looks like a waste of time, love is overrated, like food stuffs, it gets soured and there's no preservative for it. All this talk is shit! These married people they don't talk the truth, but when you hear from the ones that actually say the truth, you'll know that marriage is crap"
"Marriage is crap?"
"Yes and i make no apology for it"
"Well mine won't be crap"
Murphy scoffed, "Everything na crap" "Guy will you just shut up? Just because your parents failed doesn't mean everyone will fail" Bamidele snapped and he scoffed, "Fuck you" "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for but I was trying to drive at a point"
"Fuck your point!"
Bamidele exhaled an muttered, "God help me, God help me" He muttered and Dare pushed him back, "Guy just leave am, the guy is miserable. To dey follow am talk just be like make you pour water for inside basket. Just bone am for the night"
"I just need to talk sense to this guy. Who brainwashed him?"
"We are here to celebrate Kwame, just bone everybody"
Bamidele hissed.
There was a knock on the door and Murphy smiled opening the door and seven girls stepped in enough to go round for all the guys in the house. It was his crazy idea for a Bachelor's Eve party.
Kwame rolled his eyes, "I said no strippers" "Well, they won't strip if you don't ask them to" "Can we just have a normal Bachelor's Eve?" "This is a normal fucking Bachelor's Eve party! You guys are just being boring"
"I need a drink. Before I open my eyes and close it, you girls had better leave the same way all came" Bamidele went into the kitchen and the girls gave Murphy a look.
"What's going on?"
"Bamidele has a point" Kwame answered and Bamidele came out with a bottle of water and Murphy laughed, "Bottled water really? When there are drinks here?" "Is it the one fresh from the source of all living things? Except that thing is the fountain of life,
I'll stick with this." He snapped now staring at the girls.
"What are you girls still doing here?"
"Murph.. Murphy said"
"I told them to stay"
"Why? Is this your house? This Is the house of God, a house where God dwells. You had the nerves bringing them to my house. You know i've been enduring your excesses enough,
you came to my house and you started picking the choice of song you wanted even when I disagreed with it. You guys smoked, even when I disagreed with it, I kept quiet cause I didn't want to get angry but I think it's time to set things straight or else I might just struggle to ascend tonight while praying because you guys turned my house into something that can drive angels away. You brought in girls so that they can what? Strip around in whatever skimpy wears they came with and probably have sex, in whose house?"
Dare shook his head, this Murphy sef no dey hear word. To think he warned him about bringing strippers! Kwame warned him too!
"Bams, this is not something to get angry over" One of the guys who was smoking yelled and he gave the guy a look. "Drop the smoke or leave" "Bams, na me oh"
"Who did this our Bammy, see our Bammy that year, life of the party, now there's no life, only a dead man and it's all because of that woman." Murphy shouted and Bamidele tightened his fist.
"Better stop there cause If you dare insult my woman"
"Please! What's special about her?" "What's special? The same woman you went back to beg because she looked attractive" "Abeg! It's all for the fuck, she looks old"
Bamidele pointed his fingers at him, "I pray... I pray that God delivers you"
"Please save the sermon!"
"What do you want me to say? To get angry and punch you on the face? Cause i'm really fighting myself from punching you"
"I want Bamidele Jones back!"
"Well the Bamidele Jones you knew is a dead man that has risen with Christ and has received the life of Christ. I'm seated in heavenly places now, you need Jesus in your life too, he can accept you"
"Fuck you!"
"This might be Kwame's party, but this is my house and we'll play by my rules!"
Murphy scoffed, "I'm just waiting for someone to come from behind the scene and yell, Cut! Take five so I can know this Is all some stupid movie" "Well, no one will be yelling cut cause this is the new me and I'm unapologetic and unashame of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation, Romans 1:16"
Murphy blinked his tears, "Girls, let's get out of here!" He muttered leaving and they followed him.
At the Wedding Reception, Efua raised a glass of wine in her right hand towards Kwame and Yemisi while holding the microphone in her left. "I want to toast to love, I never thought this will end up in marriage but it did. So... I want to toast to love to many more beautiful life and happiness. I love you brother, I'll learn to love you sister-in-love. Cheers!"
Zainab whispered something to Amazing so she passed a key to her so they can get a gift from her car. She sighted Murphy drinking alone at the bar stand area so she walked up to him, "Hey"
He looked up at her then he hissed, "What do you want? I don't want issues please" "I heard about your little argument with Bamidele" "What are you here to do?" "Talk to you, Nene and I were talking about how miserable you look, I thought you needed company"
"I feel pathetic now"
"You do look the part. I know you and BamBam are always having issues about me and I'm sorry for whatever wedge I created but you just have to accept this man isn't the same playboy you knew"
"How? How does someone change from being fun to...."
"He's still fun, fun doesn't have to entail sex and immoralities. You can't understand spiritual things with the human understanding. God does his things that way. Bamidele Jones is meant to be God's vessel, he's your friend and you have to accept him that way. You have to accept us that way cause, whether you like it if God finally sends him on a mission, i'm still going to invite you"
Murphy scoffed, "I won't come" "We'll keep trying then" "You look pretty in that gold dress" "Awwwn, thanks" "What's going on?" Bamidele asked from behind and Amazing laughed, "I was just talking to Murphy" "Did he say anything bad to you?" "No. We were just speaking, I'll leave you two alone" She smiled leaving and Bamidele sat on the bar stool.
"Hey" He said and Murphy hissed, "I'm sorry for being a dick yesterday" "Me too. I'm still waiting to hear cut!" "Don't hold your breathe"
"Your wedding is going to be boring, no strippers, no drinks! Haba now! I won't be shocked if you end up preaching"
Bamidele laughed looking at Yemisi who was making a speech, "But your babe tight sha, that's a harmless compliment. She fine and....and good" "I know. Why do you think I'm holding on tight? She's a hundred good woman all embedded in one vessel. Talking about women, I couldn't help but notice you staring at Efua all day"
Murphy hissed, "That was why I said love is overrated, she didn't like me sha, I was the one doing the whole love" "Yet you were getting angry at me for liking Amazing"
"I was..... I guess at some point i was jealous that you found love and the person who I managed to like was in love with you, broken hearted and relocating to Ghana. I just had to distance myself"
"I'm sorry. I'll be praying for you"
Murphy hissed again, "What? Jesus prayed for Peter and Paul admonished us to pray for those in faith and those that are not in faith" "I'll punch you oh! Who are you preaching for?"
"Hey guys!!!" Efua yelled from behind and Bamidele turned towards her, "Hey Effy" "Hey there" She said hugging him, he was quite surprise to see her react that way.
Wasn't she angry anymore ?? He has been praying for her though. Abi has God answered his prayers?
Bamidele rose up, "Good to see you again" He said and she chuckled, "You too" She replied then he left her with Murphy. "Hey Murphy" She ran her fingers across his sideburns, "How are you?" "What do you think?" He snapped.
"Sorry i don't read minds and can just not be an asshole?"
"You left me, what did you expect"
Efua sat on the barstool Bamidele sat on, "We were nothing. Just friends with Benefit, you were that person that comforted me when I have issues with Bamidele." "Are you back?"
"No. Looks like I'll be staying in Ghana for a long time, I want to start over. I met this old family friend, we went to school together in Nigeria until he moved. He looks serious.... That's the reason I'm even chummy with Bamidele cause he advised that i let the whole thing go. That I should let him live his life in peace. Danso is a peacemaker kind of guy"
Murphy frowned, "That's he's name" "When he was in Nigeria, they call him Danfo! He prefers Dan but I call him that to piss him off. Funny thing is that, he doesn't get pissed off for long." "You have the nerves saying that to me"
"Murphy, we can never be. I already said it, our family will be like a disaster, you're a mess and I'm a mess too. What kind of children will we raise? Ghana is helping me heal and forget"
"Ghana or Danfo"
Efua laughed, "Danso, that's his name. The guy is just funny, he's not my usual kind of guy but.... He makes me laugh, that's something I didn't do often when I was here. I'm sorry" "I lost eitherway, I'm the loser in this book"
"Family is a group of people related by blood or marriage. That was what we knew that year. Several months ago a wise woman told me we were seven in number and I didn't understand what she meant until...." She trailed off staring at Regina almost in tears.
"I want to use this privilege to also thank my six sisters, for everything they've done. I don't know what I would have become if not for them, I love you guys and to everyone that came, Shope said my phone has been blasting all day with messages and gifts, you guys are all the best, God will show up for you when you need him the most" She busted into tears and Shope dabbed her tears with an handkerchief as the Chief Bridesmaid that she was.
"You'll ruin your make up oh"
Four of them all walked towards her while Fisayo pushing Nene towards the wheel chair vamp area. One by one they hugged her, Yemisi knelt before Nene who embraced her. "Congratulations, welcome to the club dear. When married people are talking, I can give you the opportunity to talk now" She teased and Yemisi laughed.
What do you guys think of the chapter?
The next chapter will be the last.
Those of you waiting for Amazing and Bamidele's kiss..... 😂🤣🤣
E don enter for una
It's official guys!!!! Choke point is coming to an end😭😭
Guess what?
I might not continue "In my Ugliness" yet.
The next book will be a sequel of of one of my book. Can you guess?
I don't know when I'll start it but I'll drop the prologue of the story after updating the last chapter 😎
Thank you!
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