🔴Chapter 32🔴

Good evening!!!!

Two in one episodes,  14,059 words!😪

Vote oh!!! I don try.

Thanks for the wonderful vote in the last chapter. Please don't relent🙏

Chapter 32


Bamidele exhaled in relief knowing the strife is over, he knelt down blessing God for the day. "Yes,  she's down but not dead yet" Amazing announced to Pastor Tunde,  "Praise be to God Almighty! God is good!" "Hundred percent Sir!"

"He has proved himself once again"

Jeff dropped a glass he held in his hands on remembering what happened to Adetutu over what seemed like the previous night to him.  "Jeez!" He shouted when Adetutu walked up to him with tears in her eyes. "Daddy?" She called out and he ran to embrace her. "Thank God! Thank God, you're alright baby. Thank God you're fine"

Somto paced left and right in the room praying,  "Deliver us from the hands of the enemy God, let them fall in their traps. Lord I know my wife isn't your favourite, coupled with her bad mouth but for my sake, forgive her"

"Really?" Nene asked and Somto turned towards her in shock, they were both in shock. A smile spread across his face.  "Jesus, did I just ...speak?" "Jesus! Oh my God,  I think it worked"

"What worked?"

Somto's face contorted into a sad one,  "Maybe your friend is gone,  Benefit" "So it that why you're feeling bad, for me? Something we should be dancing over! Lift me up,  wait... Did I say lift me? I should be able to stand" She paused trying to move her legs.

"Baby,  I can't move my legs still"


Nene cried,  "Why can't I move my legs?" "Maybe it's gradual,  just calm down,  let's wait. Let me call the doctors,  your mom and Amazing"

At the hospital where Uche was with oxgen tubes connected in her, she opened her eyes slowly observing her environment. It was a hospital but how did she end up here? She tried recollecting.

The seance.... Yes the seance!

She found out it wasn't Tolani....

The medium sent her out of her house......

She went into the car.... Benefit! Then the accident. She pieced the whole scenario together then she remembered she was about to send a text to Amazing before the accident occurred.

Shit! She needs to let Amazing know it's Benefit!

She overheard Izu and her mother's voice then she wondered. "Mama? Is that you or am I dreaming?" She asked and both Izu and her mother stood in shock.

"Thank you Jesus!" She screamed and Izu quickly lowered his face at her,  "Babe... You're back"

"Where's Amazing? Can you call her,  I need to tell her what happened yesterday" Izu shook his head,  "It wasn't yesterday Uche, ever since the accident, you've been in coma"

"How long ?"

An hour later

"Blood rain has always been a myth,  something everyone pushed aside because of how incredulous the idea is but right here in the city of Lagos, right here in front of Henshaw hospital we saw blood fall literarily from the sky. It actually sent everyone into panic thinking the world was going to end today.

Fisayo passed by with Bassey and she stopped her,  "Hey Madam, did you see blood rain?" "Blood rain wo? It's been raining since morning now" "There was a blood rain" "Wo,  Aunty shift I'm just recovering from madness,  don't allow me to use anger on you. I have been through a lot" She snapped and Bassey held her away.

"That's a angry Nigerian youth there. Nigeria did that to her" She commented wishing she wasn't online so she can edit that part.

Amazing sighted Fisayo coming her way then she hugged her while Bassey walked up to Bamidele.  "I'm glad you're fine" "Me too" She held her tightly,  "I'm glad I'm also fine" She commented and Amazing pulled away raising her brow at her,  "What a selfish person"

Fisayo chuckled,  "I'm tired and hungry but I'm too angry to eat anything, the moment I got better and heard about Benefit,  all I want to do is just see that witch for myself and laugh in her face. Where Is she?"

"In a room"

"So you guys will pay for the bed,  someone you should have thrown out"

" Of what use? She's dying Fisayo, she's drying up. It's a small space though. Do you want to see her?" "Yemisi, how is she?"



"She's here,  we can go see her"


Amazing laughed,  "She's awake. I spoke to her through Izu" "Awwwn. I've been too preoccupied to think or even call anyone. Amazing I almost died,  if Bassey didn't...." She busted into tears and Amazing hugged her.

A nurse walked up to her,  "Them say make una come carry that woman oh,  she just dey scream they disturb patients"

"Thank you Bamidele" Bassey appreciated,  "If you guys hadn't" "Thank God, it's all God! But Fisayo doesn't look well" "She just escaped death and madness,  if you guys didn't call,  if I didn't arrive earlier" "God would have found another way, he had everything under control. Everything was done so we can have a personal experience with him and boost our faith in him."

Bassey exhaled,  "Something happened when.... So... Fisayo was about to get hit,  when I pushed her,  that car would have hit but I felt someone push me,  like literarily. Someone pushed me"

Bamidele smiled,  "God is good,  God is really good" "If someone had told me that me Bassey will take a car hit for a woman,  I would have probably laughed over it." "If someone told me that I'll hear from God and do evangelical works,  I probably would have slapped the person or have him beaten to stupor but here we are" He paused pushing out a clench fist at him.

"Here we are" They both bumped fist laughing.

Somto walked up to Amazing and Fisayo,  "Nene isn't doing well on, she's crying about her legs. She doesn't want to see anyone,  even her mom"

Benefit screamed in pain,  "It's not fair! If you want to kill me,  just kill me already. Why do you have to make me go through this? And you call yourself merciful" She roared in tears. "Ochanya help me! River spirits! I call on you, help me,  you can't afford to abandon me when I need you. The pain is too much,  it's too much. I just want to die, I want to die,  just let me go"

Yemisi got out of the bathroom in a clean hospital gown hearing Benefit's scream from the room where she was. She cringed at the sound of it,  "Can she just stop screaming" "I'm pretty sure it's God flogging her" Kwame answered while she yawned stretching her hands.

"Shope should do and come back with my clothes, Mummy should bring food. I need to leave this hospital" She groaned watching the doctor walk in.

"Ah! Just the woman I wanted to see" Yemisi exclaimed,  "Can I leave now?"

"No Ma."

"Why? I feel okay"

"We still have to run test" "What test? I said I'm fine"

"These are the procedures Ma, an hour ago, you were sick" "I feel okay Ma, shebi I'm not laying in bed again. Baby talk to them"

Nene sat on the wheel chair while Amazing hugged her from behind. "Sweeheart,  it's going to be fine" "I can't walk, what's fine about that?" "Wo enu e!" Fisayo pressed Nene's lips, "Ouch!" "Is it not better than being dead? You do know you would have been dead by now."

"Would you have been happy if you were half mad"

"No,  but i certainly won't be as ungrateful as you're being right now" Fisayo answered and Amazing agreed,  "Fisayo is right, why do I feel like God gave her more sense after restoring her sanity ?"

"Not more sense, she never had sense before" Nene chipped in and Fisayo slapped her arm,  "Ouch! I'll beat you too,  I can actually move my hand"  "See why you should be happy? You couldn't even more your hand and now you're threatening to beat me, ma kan owo yen (I'll break that hand)"

Nene laughed and pouted,  "It's not fair but you guys are kind of right" "Kind of?" They both asked and she rolled her eyes,  "At least I can talk now"

Nene laughed and pouted,  "It's not fair but you guys are kind of right" "Kind of?" They both asked and she rolled her eyes,  "At least I can talk now"

"Shebi after pushing your husband away,  you can now smile"

Somto stood by the door,  "Can I come in now?" He asked and she smiled,  "If you can give me your leg" She replied and he smiled walking up to him,  "You know if I can give you my leg, I will" He replied and she blushed. Fisayo cleared her throat,  "Be oppressing the single ladies in the house"

"God will also do our own oh" Amazing added,  "Abi. Since we are oppressing,  at least my boyfriend, almost died for me," "My Boyfriend saw the vision that averted everyone's death" Amazing chipped in the all gasped.

"With the help of God" She laughed,  "I don't like it when single ladies talk about oppressing people in front of married people,  it's very disrespectful" Nene snapped and Amazing laughed frowned,  "You're still mean,  you need Jesus"

"What she need Is Uche"

Nene smiled,  "How is that one? Is she awake? Or doing spirit walk?" "She's awake" "Is her leg also working" "Izu said she's fine. You're not serious"  "I'm fearing for my life, she will mock me. God let me just disappear" She complained closing her face then she dropped her hands,  "God don't mind, I was joking" She answered and everyone laughed.

"How is Yemisi?"

"She's fine" "Thank God, I was really scared for everyone" Tears poured down her eyes and Amazing wiped them off,  "Hey,  we are all fine" "Thank you guys... Now can you all vamooze and leave the married people alone?"

"Ouch" Fisayo exclaimed kissing her forehead,  "Iyama, what are you cooking on your forehead, there is too much salt" She snapped and Nene slapped her face softly,  "Ishi!"

"Bye love" She added leaving with Amazing.

Nene looked over at her mother, "Go now" "Shebi, you said married people kwa?" "Is your husband here?" "Ewu! Look at somebody that I've been bathing like a baby" "Please,  oya please,  I'm using God to beg,  you,  leave my husband and I alone"

She pushed Nene's head forward before walking out of the room. "Ouch! Mummy,  you know I'm just recovering"

Somto laughed kneeling before his wife,  "Hey Baby" "Hey" She exhaled,  "I'm sorry about your legs, I'm sorry about how things ended up, how I never listen to you, our argument the other time,"

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Well... Before you start throwing your tantrum"

Nene exhaled now tearing up,  "I should be the one apologizing,  you're right about the part that you don't just listen but If you want to weigh the fault bearer, I'm the one who made this ship sink. Somtochukwu Richards,  I am complete sorry for being the most difficult girlfriend and wife in history. When you said you were going to get married to me even with all the headache, I didn't know why but it all makes sense that God prepared you for me cause I'm sure no other man would have endured my tantrums. You took care of me like a baby... For everything Babe,  I just I want to say thank you and I'm sorry. You don't deserve me" 

Somto wiped his tears,  "I never thought I'll live to see the day you'll apologize from your heart" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the inside inside of my heart,  I wish I can show you how sincerely sorry I am"

"Shhh" He replied kissing her palms,  "I'm sorry for our Baby" "God has already punished Benefit for that one, I'm clear on that but I really made mouth when I got pregnant oh, I was boasting kai! This life ehn!"

Somto laughed, "It was bad" "Shey? I know I have small bad mouth" "Small?" "Okay! I have bad mouth,  no one could visit me when I got sick. I'll show people pepper in that office" "You mean you'll try to correct your wrongs"

Nene rolled her eyes,  "Urgh! It's bad" "This life is garbage in and out. There's always judgement day when the hate we exhibit to people will tell on us" "Next time I as something bad. Caution me okay?" She requested and he laughed covering his lips with his palm.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

Somto paused,  "You Nene? Caution you?" "Aren't you my husband?" "Will you listen?" "From now on, I do solemnly swear to try and adhere to your caution." She paused in thought and he laughed.

"Okay" He smiled and she placed her palm over his cheek,  "These days I've been eyeing you oh. Is it just me or you're looking handsome by the day?"

He looked down and then up shyly then he rubbed his hair,  "Are you whinning me?" "No. Kiss me" She requested,  "We haven't kissed or have sex since the day I celebrated my pregnancy. I don't even knoa how we'll ever have sex with this leg,  how will you cope?"

"You can feel sensation on the leg shey? I'm sure with physiotherapy you'll be back on your feet in no time. Don't worry about me Nene, I'll be fine"

"God I'm so turned on right now and I can't even jump you and kiss you."

Somto leaned in kissed his wife softly on her lips gently, tentatively. Her eyes closed as she allowed this and his arms tightened around her as he pressed more firmly against her lips. Hers opened and she felt her small tongue dart into his mouth. She deepened the kiss running her fingers across his back and he pulled back catching his breathe,  "How much have you missed me?"

"Let me show you" She pulled him sucking his bottom lips and he smiled,  "I miss you too"  "Who were you calling vegetable Princess?" She asked and he laughed,  "So you heard all those things? You didn't hear the asanwa,  all the Tomato Jos" "You didn't say tomato Jos"

"Even as a vegetable you looked hot"

"Don't spark up something we can't achieve" She gave him a look and he captured her lips in his mouth.

The nurse reappeared clearing his throat then she hissed,  "Can't you knock?" "Baby,   it's a hospital” " I'm sorry oh. I just came to do a routine check up on you Ma" "Do and go, I want to return back to kissing my husband"

Somto hissed, "Is the hospital a place to kiss?" He asked the same question in the woman's mind. "Ma, your case is a miracle,  it's like watching a creative miracle but the problem is that, I don't recall being told a pastor came in to pray for her. You are really serving a living God. Hold on to your God well oh. Her mental status has reverted to normal. She has resumed talking normally."

Uche rolled her eyes while a nurse checked her blood pressure,  "So how have you been paying since I stayed that long" "You told me your password when you appeared to me in your dream" "Eweh!!! Mama has killed me and my business"

Izu laughed, "Chill, no one touched your money. It's been me and your friends all the way they've been supportive" "Awwwn,  thank you. I miss those fishes!" She smiled feeling emotional then she slapped the nurses' arm.

"It's a human being's hand you're malhandling like that" She hissed returning back to being cute,  "The only person that didn't show up was erm Benefit" "Mummy, don't call that witch's name. All I want right now is to see the look on her face when she finds out that her plan didn't work"

The nurse unstrap the sphygmomanometer off her hand recording her blood pressure on a notepad.

"Shebi i said I'm fine,  I just want to go back home" "Miss Lewis, we have to run a full test on you" The nurse replie and she scoffed,  "Ogini now, for what?" "We need to monitor your brain activity, we were expecting maybe brain malfunctioning"

Uche blinked,  "Maybe it's your brain that..." She trailed off lifting two fingers up,  "Aunty how many fingers do I have up?" "Two"

She lifted five,  "And now?" "Five" "Orrh! So eyes is not paining you, you can see my fingers but you can't see that I'm alright" She snapped and her mother pinched her. "Mummy!"

The owner of the hospital walked in and Izu smiled,  "Uche meet,  Dr. M he's the owner of the clinic, he was the one who made sure we found you" "Awwn. Good afternoon Sir"

"Good afternoon dear. When I got informed of this,  I personally had to drop all I was doing and come see for myself. Are you sure you're okay Ma?" "100 %, I don't feel pains anywhere. I believe I'm sane, scratch that,  I know that I'm sane"

"Wow. This is a miracle"

"Sir,  I'll like to leave"

"We can't do that without proper check up"

"I want to see someone that's not in this hospital" "Oh. A sick family relative?" "Something like that,  I'm not promising I'll come back but if God touches my heart,  fine"

Amazing got out of the toilet complaining inaudibly, "I hate days when I get easily irritated because of my period, " You just missed a call from Sister Glory" Yemisi noted and Amazing grabbed her phone dailing the number.

"Good afternoon Ma"

"Good afternoon oh, there is fire on the mountain oh"

Amazing's heart jumped,  what Is it again??? "I just got back from the market,  I don't think I took up to three hours in that market oh when I saw crow around  I asked what happened and they said fire entered into Benefit's flat, they said they had to break down the door to stop the fire,  lo and behold,  what did they find? Juju things!!" She screamed.

"I say I have pictures here, it's not them say matter,  this is real. I suspected Benefit that night,  something was just telling me that there was something strange and spiritual, not knowing that our innocent Benefit. Can do that kind of thing. Hei! Looks can deceive oh"

Amazing kept quiet,  "This one that you're quiet... Wait you knew? You knew and you didn't care to let her neighbour know,  Amazing I'm your friend and church member" "What will you have done?"

"Keep my children away. This Is the same person that buys things for my children, Nnam de diongo ke ndito mi inieghe ifot? (How am I sure my children have not being initiated?) She busted into Ibibio then she hissed,  " Mbok,  don't be offended. I had my guess thanks to the call you made that day. "

"Just tell her not to come home, people are preparing to persecute her verbally and physically" "I don't think she'll be coming home"

"Ntagha? (Why?)"

"Everything is under control,  it's a long story Ma,  I'm sorry for not informing but God has everything under control"

Agnes laid in bed sleeping in bed beside her was Ema sitting on a chair with Dare. His phone rang for the umpteenth time,  "Just go and meet your Mom, she must be worried" "I can't leave you"

"I'm fine. Mom is out of danger, at least answer her call"

Dare walked outside returning the call back to her mother,  "Oluwadamilare,  shebi it's what is in your mind you'll do. I told you" "Mom I'm sorry for ignoring you. I'm fine" "Are you sure?" "Yes Mom"

"Rev Banji has gone already, although he'll stop by for dinner in two weeks as per your father's friend now. Are you still coming?" "No. Ema's mother was in an accident, I need to stay back"

"Ehya,  is it the fair beauty the mammy water from the exhibition?"


"I hope you know what you're doing like this,  you'll be climbing tree that is higher than you"

Dare rolled his eyes, " Don't you know she's my girlfriend already " "Hm hm,  shebi I now have monitoring eyes that I use to know what my children do. You're a very secretive person Dare, I know like the back of my palms"

"Well she's my girlfriend,  we've been dating for weeks now"

"Well... Hilary was also your girlfriend and you guy dated like what two years?" She asked and Dare laughed,  "Good point" "Exactly." "What do you expect me to do Mom, i love her, even more than I ever liked Hilary"

"Girls like that.. I'm not saying anything oh,  but she's too fine oh,  awon slay Queen"

"And me I'm not fine"

"You're my son"

Dare laughed,  "No,  don't avoid the question,  answer" "There's network problem" "No oh! Answer,  I'm not fine abi?" You are. It was Hilary's loss anyway. My boy, you're a child, you're a child that any mother will beat her chest and yes,  I have given birth to a son. You're generous, your heart is pure,  you hold nothing against anyone. Right from when you were a baby,  so the whole summary of this sermon is that...The last thing I want is my son facing some disappointment because someone thinks he's not good enough when he is. If she says no, it's her loss. The right one will come"

"She's the one I want"

His mother exhaled,  "I pray God grants you your heart." "Eh hen! Now you're acting a mother should!" "What have I been acting like?" She asked and he waved his phone in the air now placing it against his ears,  "Network,  I... I can't hear what you're saying,  i'll call back" He hung up smiling.

Fisayo, Yemisi and Amazing sighted Uche walk towards them with Izu and her mother. Their hearts flutter with joy on seeing her,  "I'm sorry for coming late, I had to take a quick bathe,  brush my teeth and then" Before she could complete her sentence, they jumped excitedly on her.

"Thank you Jesus" Amazing muttered in tears, "Awwwn we miss you" "I wish I can say I miss you all as much as you miss me, cause it feels like just yesterday when the accident happened"

"You have started again. Oya go back to coma" Fisayo snapped,  "God forbid! It's you that will go back to coma" "God forbid! I've had my share,  Benefit made me mad"

"You've always been mad now" She laughed running away and Fisayo took off her slippers,  "You think I can't chase you?"

Uche walked up to her wrapping her arms around her neck,  "My point is...." She paused and everyone kept quiet to listen to her,  "She should have more creative" She laughed and Fisayo slapped her on the buttock.


"So what other damage did she do?"

"I had cancer of the bladder"

"Jeez! That explains the pee,  Ema? Nene kor? Where are they?" She asked turning towards Amazing,  "Well,  Ema is fine,  Nene is fine too but she can't walk, even after everyone got better, she's still needs to use a wheel chair and undergo therapy"

Uche's eyes watered,  "Benefit is a bitch! Nene is going to hate herself. We all know she cares about her looks" "She's fine,  she'll be fine. Where is she?"

They both entered into Nene's ward,  her eyes twinkled happily on seeing Uche,  "And the dead came back to life" "Yes oh!" She walked in with sympathy on her face,  "No one should pity me oh,  I'll slap your face if I see any sad look"

Uche laughed,   "Madam how will you slap me? Even if I run,  you won't be able to chase after me" "She will chair after you" Yemisi answered and Nene laughed,  "Wow girls. Uche how was your spirit walk?" "I came back with legs"

Yemisi laughed,  "Good one. Nene on the wheels" "Bring it on" 

Amazing raised her hands,  "Don't be mean guys, Nene on the wheels makes you stand out Nene. I'm sure you'll scale through this,  it'll roll over soon" She chipped in and everyone laughed.

"Amazing with low key savage. Go on,  I would have done worse so you guys should enjoy while it last. Are we going to see Benefit or not? Who knows if she's dead,  she's not shouting again"

"Who cares?" Uche asked.

Agnes opened her eyes, "Ema! Dare!" She screamed and Dare held her hands,  "Hey Ma" "Ema,  how is she? Is she fine?" "Yes" He smiled,  "We were unharmed" "Thank God! The rest?"

"They are fine"

"And Benefit?"

"She.... Uh... So..."

"Don't beat about the bush"

The girls marched together and walked into the small room where Benefit was. She looked pale,  a shadow of her former self, her complexion had darken within hours and the cloth she wore was almost as though she borrowed it from someone. By this time she was too weak to scream.

They all went there with the mentality of gloating but ended up feeling pity on her. Her eyes scattered around,  from Amazing to Nene and the rest. There goes her plan of killing them.

"Did you all come to gloat and spit on me?"

"Yes" Amazing replied,  "Of course you deserve it but we're not as heartless and selfish as you are. Whether you agree or not, this person on this bed used to be someone we cared about"

"Someone we loved" Nene chipped in followed by Yemisi,  "Cherished" "Pampered" Blessing added,  "Vouched for" Ema chipped in,  "Told our secrets to" Uche added and Fisayo shook her head in tears,  "Someone we played with, someone we called a sister. Personally I thought I'll be happy seeing you this roasted but I'm not."

"Well you should be cause I wouldn't have spared any of your lives. I would have enjoyed killing everyone of you"

"Ewu! Look at the idiot we're pitying sef" Uche charged towards her and Yemisi held her back, "She's just looking for how to provoke us"


"My own question is why am I still on the wheel chair?" "Why don't you ask God? Or tell Amazing to ask God, isn't she God's PA? He did this tome, why don't you ask him?" She replied weakly but there were a lot of venom in her response.

"At least you now believe in God" Amazing chipped in and she laughed sarcastically.

"Maybe you did something Benefit"

"Or Maybe you didn't deserve it or there's a lesson you need to learn for instance, loving your husband for being a good man. The worst punishment he got was having a woman like you, that was why I didn't bother touching him all these while the man was suffering already over a bitch he loves so..." She paused and Nene cried.

"Fuck you!"

"You're not grateful you're alive, you don't deserve to live Nene. How did I plan your death again?... Yes! Somto was supposed to push you off the stairs, your head banging on the floor was supposed to be the end of you. And if Somto had gotten arrested after that, it would have been like toppings on a cake"

Nene cried.

"Instead you're all alive, i lost the war and my mother is dead"

"Mom isn't dead" Ema answered and Benefit arced her brow in shock,  "For real?" "Yes"

Benefit shut her eyes in tears, it was the best news she ever heard. "Can I see her? Please,  please,  if that's the last thing I do" She requested and Ema scoffed,  "She was badly hurt,  she lost a lot of blood"

Agnes walked in while Dare ran away. He didn't want to set his eyes on her,  he didn't want anything to keep him awake at night.

"I just want to see her before I go, I'm so close"

"You can" Agnes replied and they all turned towards her, "Can you all leave me alone with my daughter?" She requested and they all left the room except Ema. "Mom,  you're not okay?"

"I'll be fine" she replied then she watched Ema go.

Afterwards she sat on the bed placing her daughter's head on her lap, her face contorted in pain,  even though she didn't  groaned out. "How are you?" She asked and Benefit scoffed,  "I should be the one asking you" "I'm doing fine as you can see. How are we going to say this to your father?"

"Don't tell him, you guys shouldn't tell him all the truth. Come up with something"

"Mom, I'm sorry about the knife, i didn't mean it"

"It was the only thing I could do or think of that moment. Revenge is never the way out, it belongs to God, you could have just left everything into God's hand. You could have kept the pregnancy, your son or daughter could have been thirteen by now,  he would have been a big boy! I'm sorry for involving you with Ochanya in the first place."

"It's not your fault?"

"I feel it's mine"

"Your body is cold"

Benefit scoffed,  "Yet it burns inside me,  it burns" "That's what you get when you mess with God" "Aren't you going to support me?" "No. I won't stop telling you the truth Benefit, because I love you. You killed your own Aunt,  you hurt your friends,  this wasn't what I wanted for you." She paused when she notice her daughter didn't move but her eyes were opened.

"Will the witches bury your body?" She asked but there was no response still. Her fingers made way down her nose, where she affirmed her that her daughter had gone beyond.

Tears streamed down her eyes as she used her palms in closing Benefit's eyes. It's every mother's dream to live old and get buried by her children but when the table turns? "I hope you can rest now"

Bamidele and Amazing went over to Jeff's place afterwards, they left the girls at the hospital. Bamidele waited outside the house while Amazing walked in where she broke the news of Benefit's death and explained everything to him.

"When Adetutu told me,  it all made sense,  initially I assumed maybe it was juju she used on me,  not knowing it's witchcraft. I thought what we had was real"

"Truthfully It was, Benefit loved you. I shouldn't be taking her side but what she felt for you and Adetutu was real, things just took a wrong turn, her motives and all.. I'm sorry Adetutu had to get hurt"

"She's fine now. She's at the neighbour's house, I can't wait for school to close, we both need a long vacation. I'm never falling in love again"

Amazing arced her brow,  "That's too much" "Once bitten, twice shy. I put my daughter at risk because of love,  to hell with love, I'm not doing again. I'm sure God will bring the right one your way someday, don't make Benefit make you close up you heart to love. Please"


Bamidele pulled his car over at Amazing's house then he heard her groan in pain,  "What?" "Nothing" "Are you sure,  didn't sound like nothing" "It was just menstrual cramps,  nothing serious"

"Are you sure?"  He seemed worried,  "Should I get you something?"

"I've been feeling it all day"


"Why Is it so hard to believe?" "You've been going around as though it's nothing" "Because it's nothing. I've felt worst pain! From when my fibroid journey began to when I got surgery,  the stitches and the scar. It's not easy being a woman"

Bamidele's eyes popped in utter shock,  "Women are strong oh" "You can say that again." She laughed at his look then she exhaled in relief,  "Thank God this is over!" "Abi"

"Thank you BamBam" "For what?"

"Come on,  don't be modest! For being with me and praying for us every step of the way,  for yielding to God's call in your life,  if you hadn't yielded, through who would God have spoken through"

"Through a lot of means, he doesn't run out of channels to use. I'm just happy I didn't pick up his call late,  let's thank God and not me,  I didn't make that water acidic, God did! To him be all the glory. You should have a rest,  it's been a long day" "Yeah" She replied, "There goes our plan of having a movie date tonight"

"We'll have many more"

"Let's just spend some minutes together, watch a Christian movie and chill"

"I need the rest too, truthfully and i haven't really had that personal time with God throughout the whole day. As much as hanging out with you sounds cool and all. I choose God" He replied laughing and she laughed too.

"You make me look carnal"

"Sorry... It's not you Babe,  it's me"

Amazing laughed rolling her eyes,  "You're silly, you're really silly. Good night then" "Good night dear" He answered stretching his hands at her then she leaned in hugging him.

"Thank you"

Fisayo leaned against Bassey on the couch,  "She was now looking like one roasted corn. You know agbado now, when they've roast it, you won't know the old complexion again"

Bassey laughed,  "Serves her right" "True sha,  I felt this pity for her and Ema. Her mother was hurt and she just lost her twin. It's all too much on her. I know how it feels to have a family member do shit on you,  whether you like it or not,  they're still family. My cousins are still my cousins,  even if i'm having my wedding tomorrow, I'll still invite them even though I almost had what would have been their brother when I was twelve"

"How is she going to let her father know? I'm just curious"

Fisayo shrugged,  "He knows already, the are burying her this night. Since we waited for her to disappear like her counterpart did and she didn't. They can't come and keep her in the hospital, by the time I and the girls  left the hospital, her body was decaying fast. The important thing is that we are free to be whatever we want, without getting to worry about one fair woman or lady" "True!"

"I can now go back to my house now"

"Now this is over, what do you want to do?" He asked and she chuckles,  "Get my God given life on track cause you see this life I now have? It's like a ... What do you guys call that time in football?" "Extra time?" "Exactly, I plan on using it to change my life, I'll start a clothing line, It's fashion line, I'm not sewing oh,  I can't even sew to save my life," She paused and they both laughed.

"How do you intend to do this?"

Fisayo gave it a thought then she chuckled,  "Why do I feel like I'm in a business interview and you're the investor I'm trying to sell my business idea to?" "I might just be an investor,  call me investor Bassey"

She laughed throwing her head backwards,  "Well baby, I'll run sales of clothes, I can hire people to sew,  if I like.  Fashion is the only thing I'm good at so... I'll do that and I'll also  influence other people's life, those in my old line of business,  i'll try to advise ladies from prostituting,  whether it's runs or street hustle, all na prostitution,  if possible,  i'll take people off the job,  I'm not talking about everyone cause ti ba fe se yen, (if I want to do that) it's gonna take a huge capital and this girl ain't got that kind of capital"

Bassey laughed.

"Not all of them will want to stop,  I know that for sure cause I didn't want to either. I didn't dream of it, I was getting invites left,  right, center,  I was at the peak of my life,  travelling in and out of the country as if I'm dating the president himself" She laughed,  "But,  I'm sure a few will consider and if I can touch those few,  I believe they can also reach out to other people" She explained.

Bassey smiled,  "Okay...." "It's stupid right? You're probably thinking? Where did this girl get this idea from? Does she think it's feasible?" "I believe an average human can achieve anything he or she sets her mind on,  nothing should be too big or tall to dream about that can actually touch the sky. The sky should always be our starting point. I'm a landlord not because my father willed a land to me,  I had landed properties in Akwa Ibom but if I didn't take the step of buying this land when it was up for sales, I wouldn't be doing this now. Life is all about risk and passion,  if you have the passion, take the risk,  as long as it's a reasonable risk and then watch everything fall in place, I'm talking too much right?"

Fisayo disagreed,  "No. It's a good kind o too much" "A  good kind of..." He trailed off laughing,  "Do you believe in me?" "Even better Ma, I want to be an investor in this your business so that when you blow,  I can benefit from it" He tickled her under the armpit and she laughed shaking her head,  "Oh my God Is that an indirect way of saying you'll give me money?"

"Did it work?"

"No! That's cheesy,  even for you!"

"See it as an investment for our children and their generation"

Fisayo laughed,  "Wow" "Still cheesy?" "Yes,  still cheesy but cute" She answered kissing him on the lips then she leaned against him,  "Just do it for our children, see it as a life long investment, not for me,  for our children. Let them grow up to see their mother doing what she has passion for"

Blessing stared at the laptop monitor for a long time while listening to her husband's phone call. He ended the call throwing the phone on the bed. "What happened?" "They were just complaining about me missing work, the HR was just ranting about me getting fired"

"Jesus! I reject it in Jesus name"

"It's not as if i didn't report it, I did, I even told Sesan to.... Nna,  the guy is usually like that"

Blessing frowned, "We can't afford to lose our job now" She said and he laughed easing back to lie down  then he braced himself above her. "You  just said our job" "I'm jobless now,  it's our job now" She replied and he laughed.

"I won't lose it,  I'll just talk to him like I always do. Hopefully,  he'll be reasonable" He said lifting the laptop off her laps to the bed then he pulled her by the leg till her laps were spread apart underneath him.   "What are you doing?" "What does it look like? I'm trying to get my wife's attention"

"After this call?"


"After everything that happened today?" "We're supposed to celebrate,  she won't think twice about killing you but here you are wanting us to mourn over her, we all mourn in different ways.  Well this is my own way of mourning" He kissed her mouth and sucked on her bottom lip then she bit her lips. She clutched his arms and kissed him back. 

His tongue slid against the seam of her lips and she opened and hummed in satisfaction. Still he cupped her face, holding her firmly as she welcomed him into her mouth.



Trembling with excitement and uncertainty,  Bamidele rolled off his bed and fell to his knees. Bending his head, folding his hands over his bed, praying then he eagerly awaited his instructions, anxiously.

And God told him.

Jeremy plunged his hands in his pocket arguing with the HR guy,  Tom,  "Guy,  something happened that was why I had to avoid work" "I hope you know that you had a duty"

"I gave it to Sesan to help me out"

"Well newsflash he didn't do it"

"Because you told him not to. I already spoke to Sesan already,  can we just pretend this didn't happen and I'll go back to my business and you'll go back to yours okay?"

"Well,  it's not me you'll discuss this with. It's the Boss you'll take it on with, it was his deliveries that were delayed"

Jeff shook his head,  "HR,  It's only God that can deliver you oh" "This job is not for Pastors, go and preach"  "Pastors no dey chop shey?" "The boss is in his office. Dey here dey ask question"

The CEO scowled at Jeff,  "Sir I can explain" "Explain what? How I was embarrassed because of the delay? I don't have this kind of time" "I had family issues?" "How many children do you have?"

"Just my wife and I but we plan on having one soon"

"What's your excuse then?" He asked flipping his records, while he exhaled, "None that will be appealing and I can't start lying"

 "Jeremy Nwachukwu right?"

"Yes Sir"

"You'll be let off from your job"

"Please Sir"

"You'll be paid severance package for the month" His eyes fell on his qualification, "You studied Accounting?" "Yes Sir" "What are you doing here as a driver"

"I applied for an accounting job five years ago but I wasn't selected so I was advised to stay and wait till there are other openings, I've been applying but nothing Sir"

"Wow. You've been doing a job you're under qualified for for the past years. Wow..... Why didn't you check elsewhere?"

Jeremy shrugged,  "So Sir,  I don't want to leave yet, the job still helps me,  It pays the bills"

The man gave it a thought then he exhaled,  "Well I'm sorry Mr Nwachukwu,  If only Tom didn't bring this to me.... I'm sorry you've been fired from being a driver"

His eyes closed in disappointment.

"To the position of an accountant" A grin spread across the side of his lips.

Jeremy's eyes opened widely in shock, "It's a new opening, you're lucky. The previous one was fired just yesterday for being caught diverting funds. He's currently in jail,  his family has been calling my phone to beg. How can you divert 5 million and expect no one to notice cause we're manufacturing money here. I see here,  you're a Pastor,  i hope you won't loot funds to your church"

"God forbid Sir"

"Good! Congratulations,  you have the job"

Just like that? What God cannot do......

The boss called for the HR who was rushed in to usher Jeremy out of the company,  "Sir should I show him out?" "Out of where? The only place you should be showing  him is his new office,  Mr Nwachukwu here is the new accountant that will be replacing Ola,  how can you have somebody like him and not hire him? You should congratulate him"


"Congratulate him"

Jeremy stretched his hands at him,  his lips widened in grin, he was enjoying the moment.  "Congratulations.... Mr Nwachukwu" "Don't mention Sir" He said tapping his palm.

"Don't mention"

Fisayo went into the supermarket to get sanitary pads when she overheard some girls whispering loudly. "Na she now,  na she be the mad woman. Look the video come look her face"

She pretended as though she wasn't listening so she picked two sanitary pad dropping it on the shopping cart. She wheeled it forward to where the girls were and they both ran away from her as though she had fleas.

Abi even though they think she's mad,  is madness communicable? Mtchew!


She picked some provisions and then made way to the counter, from the look on the cashier's face, she has been well informed.

She removed the provisions from the cart to the counter top. "Are you sure you can pay? I'll need you to get a guarantor" "For what again? I have my card here" She removed the card showing It to her.

"Is it working?"

"Will I be here if it's not working? What the hell is going on? What's all this? Is this professional at all"

"It's not everyday mad people come into the store to get things" She snapped and Fisayo scoffed. Her eyes were watering already,  "You know what fuck it! You guy can take your stuff,  you've just lost a customer" She snapped leaving the mal then she got into her car busting into tears.

"How am I going to move around with my life when people already have this mad image of me? God this wasn't the haooy ending I wanted, i need my happy ending. If I get affected by this,  it'll still look as though Benefit won,  please turn this around. Please?" She begged then she remembered how she had chastised Nene for complaining and her legs when she life.

Her phone rings and she plunged her hands into her bag bringing out her phone. "Hello" She said after placing it against her ears,  "Bawo lara? (How are you?)" "I'm fine" "Please oh,  be fine oh. Cause I thought they would have called you by now to mock at you"

"Tani? (Who?)"

"Mummy Iyanu,  unfortunately her daughter couldn't control her mouth. She told her mother about yesterday, she called in to send her condolence as though you died. Well, I didn't pay attention, I didn't even know where to start from, I only told her God had taken over"

Fisayo felt tears trickle down,  "Okay..." "Ma ronu...(Dont think), avoid her call or her daughter's call. Don't answer any call for today"

"Okay Mom" She ended the call and called Amazing,  "Good morning dear" "Good morning" Her voice broke in between,  "Are you okay?" "No! I'm not, some people recognizes me and they think I might run mad any moment. This is isn't good for business"

"Calm down"

Fisayo cried out, almost as though being told to calm down forced tears from her eyes."The worst thing is that they don't understand shit! How are they going to know what happened? We can't even tell the world or can we?"

Amazing shrugged,  "I'll think of it,  make some calls and then we'll have a conference call on this issue okay?" "I'm not okay Amazing, I'm not, this is supposed to be my happy ending"

"Who is this person and what have you done to my Fisayo? The Fisayo I know is not a cry baby,  she's been through hell and still smiles and joke over it. You're a strong woman, don't let this break you. I always thought you were unbreakable"

Fisayo wiped her tears,  "It's the period" "You too?" "Not yet" She snuffles,  "Shebi I was going to get pad when...." She trailed off,  "You're right Amazing, Fisayo doesn't completely break down in crisis. She picks it up and make a joke about it,  I am beautiful and strong and won't let this get to me"

"That's the Fissy Fisayo I grew up with"

Fisayo exhaled wiping every tears,  "Thanks" "You're welcome,  let me make some calls,  I'll give you feedback" She chipped in ending the call and Fisayo took a long breath,  "You're beautiful,  sane and Strong"

The result of Uche's test came in with positive news, the doctor couldn't stop taking about how rapid her recovery was. Hence she was formally discharged and sent home. The recommended rest though.

Uche entered into Izu's house with the sweet aroma of goat meat peppersoup all up in her nose. "Mama I've missed you so much!" She screamed and her mother got out of the kitchen cleaning her hands.  "Don't get used to it cause just like I told Mummy Fisayo and Nene's mom at the hospital,  I'll be going this week"

"Who will pamper me?"

"Your husband will pamper you"

"Who dash me husband?" She asked turning towards Izu who rushed pulled out a phone pack from the drawer in the living room. "Someone that has not even seen my village"

He walked up to her stretching the pack to her,  "Since your phone got spoilt, I just thought i should get another one for you" "That's so thoughtful of you. I'll check it later,  let me first of all devour this goat meat Mom is cooking"

"Open it first jhoor"

Uche arced her brow getting suspicious,  Why does he want her to open it? "Goat meat first" "See the phone first!" Her mother shouted and she frowned. "Someone will get you a gift and you won't open it first"

"Baby I'm hungry." She complained then she hissed, "Shebi it's just phone now, let me open it so that you guys can be happy" She opened up the pack and a ring fell down on the floor.

"What's ..." She trailed off seeing Izu go down on one knee while picking up the ring,  it wasn't exactly as he planned,  if Uche didn't have to open it like her hands were made of iron. 

  "Oh my God!" She walked away shutting her eyes in shock then she turned her face back at him,  "I knew there was something wrong when you guys kept insisting that I open immediately,  I just didn't think..." She trailed off busting into tears.

"Jesus...Uche get a grip of yourself! She muttered turning towards her mother,  "Mummy you knew!"

"That's why we're celebrating now."

Uche wiped her tears now walking close to him, "Baby..."  "I remember how we met, how I used the most cheesy pick up line because it was on a Friday and my second name was Friday, been given birth to on a Friday, I just assumed you were the missing piece to complete every day of my life"

Uche laughed,  "It worked" "I couldn't believe it either. I wasn't wrong dear,  you're the missing piece I need to spend the rest of my days on earth. You're my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,  Thursday,  Saturday and Sunday,  let me just be your Friday. Sorry I'm not proposing on a Friday,  I couldn't wait. This proposal is long overdue"

Uche laughed,  "Yes I'll be" She answered and he inserted the ring in her finger. "Mama I'm sorry but... I have to do this"  She leaned in kissing him on the lips while her mother went back into the kitchen wiping her tears.

"Thank you Jesus,  thank you"

Runs Babe that was used to do ritual runs mad and recovers again.

Fisayo scoffed In bed, she didn't bother reading the details.  "What won't we see in this Naija?" She asked,  these people have really dig up things about her,  is this picture not from instagram??? Fear bloggers! How did the find out her IG? Kai!

"But mehn... Fisayo you're fine oh,  omo to dun! I'm crushing on me,  I can dash ten people my fine and still be fine" She complimented then she saw a message from Izu on whatsapp.  She clicked on it seeing a picture of Uche's fingers with a ring on it.

Fisayo screamed happily then she responded to the message.

I'm literarily dancing right now? When? How? 

He got me a phone and in it was the ring. It fell and the rest is history

Awwwn, just when I thought there wasn't anymore unique way of proposing, boom! Babes, I'm so happy for you! Have you tried to observe him and see if he's not a beast in reality?

He's not! I know Friday so well,  Benefit made him a monster

He will not want to try it. We'll call boys for him.


How did it happen? Explain to me word for word

Blessing got out of the building where the test was conducted rolling her eyes while she listened in to a woman's lamentation. "Person don suffer go school finish, manage to pass maths them come dey set maths question make person answer. Na God go punish these people!"

"Them force you?" Another asked.

Blessing picked her phone to call her husband,  she promised to call after the test. Apart from that,  she wanted to know if resolved the issue with his HR. "Hey Baby,  what's up?" "I'm good,  how was your test?"

"Uh.... Fine,  I tried my best and left the rest for God. How about stuff? Were you able to talk to him?"  "They fired me"

"Jesus.... Oh my God. I hope you're not thinking about it,  it's going to be fine. We'll be fine" "Yes we will,  because i got fired as a driver and I got hired as the finance accountant"

Blessing hissed, "Stop whinning me" "I promise you my love,  I'm not." "How... How? Jesus! I don't even know what to as or start from" "I'm kind under briefing right now, when I get home,  I'll tell you everything. This is the beginning of great things dear, wind of favour is coming our way"

A quick breeze blew against her face then she smiled claiming it as an answer to his prayer,  "Amen"

Suddenly she saw a message from Uche

I'm engage!!!!

"Jesus! Thank you Jesus"

And she agreed to be his Monday, Tuesday, Wedneday,  Thursday,  Saturday and Sunday, ..... Soon to be Mrs Friday Izuchukwu 💐 Congrats love😘💃

Fisayo posted then her next slide reads...

Meanwhile on the the mid day news, my reaction to Nigerians cruising about me.

Me: 😂😂😎 Baby girl still popping ✌

She sent it on her Facebook feeds too!

Uche is off the market oh!!!! 🍾💃 All road leads to Anambra very soon!

Amazing posts!


Agnes dumped the pancakes Ema made into the dustbin while frowning at her. "What can you cook?" "I can boil white rice, mummy don't worry, I'll order for food. Where's my phone sef? Let me make an order before going to work, I need to meet up with our team for like three hours"

"On a Saturday, it's not going to be favourable when you start having children" "It's just three hours"

"What will cook for your children? Let's leave children, husband. It's bad"

"Mum there's YouTube. Dare knows I can't cook" "My problem is that you don't want to learn. All those days I stayed" "Mom, I go to work and I come back tired, cut me some slack"

"Sorry I'm not holding a knife neither do i have any slack to share to you. I'm a bloody hardworking woman"

Ema laughed,  "Good line" "This is not funny,  it was funny and we laughed over it the first time but now reality is dawning on you" "I'm not getting married tomorrow now. I'll Learn or use the internet"

"And you couldn't get a simple pan cake recipe right"

Ema found her phone now clicking on an app,  "What kind of food do you want?" "I'll cook" "The doctor said you should rest! Don't stress yourself Mom, I'll learn how to cook someday"

"I'll be leaving soon"

"No until you're completely healed" She snapped and a message popped up from Dare and she blushed.

How are you?


Your Mom

Ema sent a voicenote,  So  made pancakes for her, long story made short,  the pancakes ended up in the trash. She said it tasted like trash. She only drank the tea


On the bright side you didn't add salt to the tea

Fuck you!

Why didn't you settle with noodles,  you know to make that one

She has been eating noodles,  she got tired and I decided to surprise her

😂. At least we know how that turned out

And I used youtube oh,  I guess I'm not just a natural cook like you

Ehya. Are you free later today? I wanted to show you that my friend's house i've been working on


So I can get your opinion now, see if you'll like it. We really did a whole lot on it

I have a meeting at work. Drop an address,  I'll meet you when I'm done.

Super,  it's even closer from that side

"Baby you're trending oh" Bassey said to her holding a cup of warm tea. He was referring to an edited video of her responding to the reporter outside the hospital.

The 'I am just just recovering from madness part' has been trending on tiktokSome people had already added beats to suit while some were using her conversation with the reporter as voice overs.

Bassey handed a cup of tea to her,  "Trending that cannot give me money" She complained then she heard a beep on her phone this was followed by a call from her brother.

"Hey Sis"

"Hey Sis? Excuse you?"

"Sorry... What time Is It on your time zone?" "Ma bi mi (Ask me)" "Good morning Ma" "That's a proper African greeting I can respond to. Good morning Tanimola,  how are you?"

"I'm fine. Did see the alert? I just sent some money to you"

"I don't understand,  did I ask you for money"

"Can you just make it less awkward for me?"

"Awkward? Tani I'm your big sister, how old are you again? I'm the one in the awkward situation here. Did I ask for money?"

"You didn't. Mum told us you're starting a business"

"Did she put you guys up to this? Oh God"

"No. Maybe, kinda but what does it matter?"

"I'm your big sister"

"Yes,  we know. Ati gbo ma,  ese pupo (We've heard ma,  thanks a lot) for a being a big sister"

"I dare you to say that fully in Yoruba"

Tanimola laughed,  "Calm down, don't get ahead of yourself. My point is,  you've sacrifice a whole lot to see us here" "I didn't do it because I needed something in return. I wanted the best for you two"

"I know Sis,  After Aunty Bukola died,  you became a mother figure to us. After all,  it's the yoruba that says, he who is ungrateful for an act of kindness done to him is like a thief that carts away with one's belongings. This is my own way of appreciating you for being a second mother to us"

Fisayo fanned her eyes,  "Who's cutting onions?" She asked and he laughed,  "I'm not really good at this whole thing,  I'm still building myself as a Christian but I know God will bless you mightily"


"Owo e o ni kan isale apo"

"Sure,  thanks"

Ema knocked on the gate and the security opened up,  "Is this number 27?" "Yes Ma, na you be the one way Boss say him go come. You be Emmanuella shey?" "Ema, it's Ema,  there's long version on it, it's just Ema"

"Welcome Ma," he opened the door wide and she looked at the whole duplex,  "Where?" "Downstairs,  just knock,  him dey inside"

Ema knocked and he opened up looking at her dressing. "Cooperate woman,  opoor!" "Shut up!" She shoved her shoulder against his then she gasped at the whole ambience in the living room,  "This is so" She observed the room, it was lit by one massive, crystal chandelier, hanging in the center of the high ceiling,  the dim ambiance gave a rather romantic setting while a Johnny Drille's song played softly from the speakers.

She look at the yellow throw pillow on the couch gasping loud,  "It's like you recreated the whole thing in that picture, This is so me and it's so nice I'm so jealous right now. Are you sure your guy's girlfriend will like it?" She asked and he smiled.

"It doesn't matter as long as my girlfriend likes it"

"I like it but you know girls now,  they'll prefer this pillow to be pink, the chair maybe blue or lemon"

"Okay I know you're going to hit me for this,  i lied, it's our new place"


"I'm shocked you didn't even sniff the lie in it,  how can I be renovating my friend's house and be there like 247"

Ema punched her fist against his chest then she leaned against it in tears,  "Hey! I'm sorry I lied" "Two years Dare, did you make yourself go bankrupt" "I'm a big man" "In business, you think of the state of" "Hm hm, madam, right now,  my priority is God first, you,  my family and business"

"Business is important"

"You're important too! See the place is close to your work place, I considered a whole lot before paying, I sought advise from Kwame, Bamidele and Murphy,  although Murphy was indifferent, who cares sha but they love the place. It came with two years,  I had to pay. It's spacious,  I can imagine our babies running around already" He explained wiping her tears.

"Am I even fit to be someone's mother, I can cook,  Mom kept on complaining"

"We'll both father and mother our children, I know you have the tendency to act like a guy and I have womanly skills, don't worry,  we'll do it and as time passes,  you'll pick up"

He grabbed her hand, happy he managed to make her smile then she bit her bottom lip,  "I love you" "I love you" He replied dragging her close and she kissed him running her hand over his chest and shoulder.

Dare picked her up in one quick motion so that her legs wrapped around his body before his mouth pressed against hers. She moaned into his mouth as he deepened the kiss, and grazed her teeth along his bottom lip.

"Let's check the rest of the house"

"I'm particularly interested in our room" She answered coming down then she unbuttoned her shirt while a sly look spread across her face. He smiled running his palm over his head then he bit her lips while she took off her bra afterwards walking away.


Uche scratched her hair after doing her make up. She was looking for a way to tell him she would be hanging out with the girls that night. Having being used to the old Izu who gets provoked at the slightest information about seeing them.

She was nervous to inform him.

She walked up to Izu who was working on the laptop. "Babe" "Hm?" He replied tearing his gaze from the screen then he he smiled at how beautiful she looked in that dress that green dress,  she has always looked good on green.   "You look stunning"


"Is this dress up for me?"

Uche sucks her teeth,  "Oh please! You're not that special" "En hen?" He asked chuckling and she laughed leaning close. "I'm hanging out with the girls"


Uche exhaled,  "I won't take long,  sometimes we don't plan how long we take. We just get in the thick of the conversation and forget time itself" "Why are you telling me?" He asked and she gave him a look.

Then he patted his lap for her seat on and she climbed on. "Babe,  I'm sorry for all the times I acted like a monster towards you,  I wasn't myself. I don't even remember all I did,  I can't erase the scars on your body but I won't stop apologizing for it. You said it already, that was Benefit,  have I been violent since...?" "No, I was just thinking maybe it's because I haven't gone out yet"

"Hey! They are your friends and truthfully I have to get used to seeing them all over my face and sharing them with my wife" "Heys! Who are you calling wife,  be careful there! kpachara anya (be careful) who are you calling wife,  have you seen my people?" She asked and he laughed wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Very soon. I won't be shocked if Fisayo comes in one day to spend the night because she had a fight with her husband"

Uche laughed, "I'm just assuming" "Looks like something that can happen sha but it's not my house she'll come to, maybe Amazing's house or Yemisi. It's Bamidele that should be worried about that. Just try and make me angry, one week straight in Amazing's place, receiving love and care from my Sugar Queen"

Izu scoffed,  "God forbid. One full week without me?" "What's there? If you can't show me love and care, my sugar queen will. Just saying this sounds weird. I remember when you accused me of being a lesbian"

"Jesus! I did?"

"You were drunk. My point is, I'll be gone a week and I won't miss you"

"Lies. You'll miss all of me"

"Of all what? What do you have that I can't find outside?" She teased and he kissed her and she returned the kiss stroking her tongue against his. She could barely breathe as he angled his head to kiss her more deeply then he grabbed her ass and she moaned withdrawing.

"You win! I definitely can't a man that can make me melt in seconds like you do. I'm going out and you're doing this kind of wickedness. God is watching you"

With a disappointing groan, he withdrew to nip at her lower lip. "Safe journey, I'll be where you left me. Bye dear, enjoy your meeting. What do you guys talk about?"

"Very important things"

"Name of cars, name of cars, name of cars,  name of cars,  name of cars that we know. Benz" Fisayo started passing the baton to Yemisi,  "Honda" "Toyota" Blessing shouted,  "Ferrari" Ema chipped in,  "Ferra" Amazing shut her eyes knowing she already lost the game.

Uche laughed munching on cookies then she sipped on the red non alcoholic wine,  "God is fighting my battles,  I didn't know what to say either. Everything has sapa from my head" "It's not fair,  Ema read my mind" "Baba accept defeat jhoor! There's range rover, there's Royce rolls,  there's Sienna"

"My mind is not here jhoor"

The door bell rang and Amazing rushed to open the door.

"Name of African countries name of African countries, I'm do gonna enjoy this one" Fisayo smiled,  "Countries, not state, that we know, Egypt" "Cameroon" "Dubia" Blessing answered,   "Hm hm,  Russia!" Fisayo snapped,  "I wanted to say,  Djibouti"

"Hmm, Uncle Dimeji ni, let's move to the next menu on the list"

Somto who just pushed his wife in stared at the ladies in shock. It's not everyday he sees mature women act like kids,  "Is this what you guys do?" He asked and Nene looked up at him in laughter.

It was the face for her. "Good night dear" "Good night" She smiled waving him goodbye.

Fisayo screamed on seeing Nene,   "Our Alaga ijoko is here!" "Alaga ijoko? Really Fisayo?" "Yes now, the owner of the chair that sits on the chair,  because you're our chair lady now,  you get?" She asked and Nene laughed giving her the middle finger.

"Name of bitches, name of bitches that we know, Fisayo"

"Nene" Fisayo snapped and the both laughed.

Amazing raised her hands and exhaled tiredly,   "Let's dive into our purpose for being here?" Why are you carrying your face? Where is your mind?" Yemisi asked and her lips curled into a sad smile.

"I miss Bamidele"

"Awn. You'll see him next week now,"

"I want to see him now " "You guys don't kiss or do anything intimate, and yet you miss him, what is it do you miss exactly?" Fisayo asked  and Amazing chuckled,  "I miss talking to him in person, praying with him, it's not the same"

"What will happen when God sends him on a mission to Niger?" Blessing asked,  "I'll follow him on whatever mission, if Gods him, he's also sending me"

"Baba, you guys should do and get married abeg!"

Yemisi smiled,  "If we all get married and get pregnant at the same time frame as me. Let's all have a photoshoot, eight of us, sorry... Seven of us!" "Awwwwn,  that will be nice" Amazing agreed.

"Except me" Nene raised her hands, "No one will be exempted from the picture, even though you're one month pregnant"

"Sounds like we have a plan"

Amazing pick up her phone going through her note,  "First on our list is this, I have to express my disappointment in you girls. Going to back to sex after what we all went through together"

Ema laughed lifting her hands and her leg,  "I'm guilty" "I wasn't there when you guys arrived at the final conclusion on that matter. I was in coma, and when he proposed, my body needed the warmth and I had to show him appreciation in different styles"

Amazing frowned at Uche  "I'll keep quiet now"  "I'm kissing my fiance, Kwame and I decided to wait so,  our wedding is just there now so what's the rush" "I am not guilty oh" Fisayo answered,  "I mean, we've been kissing,  it's hungering me but I wasn't joking when I said I needed a break. For now, we're just getting to be with each other without the motive of, we're definitely going to have sex or he's going to go down on me,  i mean all those thoughts. I'm kind of facing my demons"

"I just said I should express my disappointment sha. Next is our interview,  I managed to talk to Modele Bankole in person and she scheduled us for a live interview on Monday evening, I had to pull a lot of strings to get us this interview and I'm not a guitarist" She paused and everyone laughed.

"Miss Guitarist,  did you pay?"

"Of course I did, she had to pull strings too,  send a few apologies to some guests. This is for Fisayo. I wanted to find out if it's fine by everyone" She turned towards Blessing,  "I don't have interviews yet but I can cancel for the interview, we need to let people know what happened especially for Fisayo who wants to start up a business. Bad publicity of her being mad won't be good for her"

"Exactly! So, all road leads to the studio on Monday. Fine?"

"Yes Mummy"

"Silly girls. So that settled,  we'll give Uche the floor" She stretched her hands at her then she took her seat close to Blessing. 

Uche rose up holding on to a glass of wine, "Are you hands too busy that they can't celebrate this African Queen" She snapped and everyone clapped. "Thank you,  first I want to thank God for life,  I am alive to see us gather again" She paused fighting her tears.

"I don't want to cry" She fanned her eyes and struggled to blink the tears in. "Where I should have been in coma, I'm here celebrating with heaven's gift to me. God bless 2003 when our paths crossed,  without you guys, I would have been bittered self-centered bitch"

"You're still a bitch" Ema snapped and she laughed,  "I'm not proud of it baby but it could have been worst. For sticking to me till the end, I want to say God will never stop supporting you all"


"So on the wedding matter,  I'm thinking a little bit of every kind of food, we'll have Ghanaian local meal,  I'll hire my girl Portia. Yoruba local delicacies up and down. Amala,  Ewedu,  gbegiri and lots of assorted and barbecue,  even pepper soup,  hei!"

"Let the meat not be as small as Blessing's wedding meat" Fisayo shouted now wrapping her arm around Blessing's neck,   "Sorry but walahi,  eran yen kere,  I misplaced it in my amala" She answered and everyone laughed.

"It was a low budget wedding, you guys had high expectation because you thought the guy has a big post in the oil company he works in"

Everyone laughed as they reminiscenced on those old moments. "Who is this?" Fisayo rose up to do a role play of Nene,  "Did you just say oil company? Like Petrol,  like diesel like Mobile like shell?"

The whole room thundered in eye tearing laughter.

Nene covered her face In shame,  "You all were guilty too. See me thinking I was coming to see oil moguls around" "And then Fisayo said something at the Thanksgiving that made me realize that some people codedly have bad mouth,  Nene's own is just too pronounced." Uche paused snapping her fingers then she continued,  "What did she say sef? She said,  even though the guy works in filing station gan and invited people,  people should have at least showed up with cars. That there was no car in the wedding,  mad girl!"

"But wait oh... The wedding venue was lit,  who paid for it?" Ema asked and everyone turned towards Amazing,  "Awwwn" "Why are you all staring ...?"

Nene exhaled looking at everyone laugh over it,  "Blessing I'm sorry" She apologized and Blessing raised her brow in wonder,  "Why?" "All those times I body shamed you,  you and Amazing have been my day 1 friends and you don't deserve the way I treated you, I just felt better than everyone like..... " She trailed off in tears.

"I'm really sorry"

"I think I'm also on this table" Uche dropped the glass of wine in her hand,  "Blessing the day you announced your wedding,  I said some pretty mean things"

"Guys... We are over this already." She motioned towards Nene then she knelt before her wiping her tears off, "Nene,  you've always had bad mouth so i guess you get used to it as time passes, I was pissed at some point,  especially when you mocked me for being barren"

"Maybe that's why God is punishing me."

"Babe, I don't hold anything against you. I love you dear,  I love you all" "I love you too"

"You may kiss the bride" Ema screamed and Blessing ran after her.

"Can we.. Let's go back to the wedding preparation oh!" Amazing yelled hearing Ema's painful scream and laughter from the room. "Daughters of the most high! Urgh! You guys have started again"

Yewande untied her towel after bathing,   "It's worst that women have to go through menstral cramps but go through ovulation cramps too? That's just unacceptable!"

Saviour laughed in bed staring at his naked wife,  "And also child labour pain,  you forgot to mention that one" "Urgh!" She groaned wearing a robe. I've only had one experience now! But that one is acceptable sha! What I'll give to experience it again" "Mehn, i remember that day like it happened yesterday. I almost had a nerve breakdown! I didn't even know what to do,  I didn't get myself until I heard the baby cry and the nurse came out saying,  congratulations Mr Stevens,  congratulations" Saviour laughed.

"Mehn, that was the time I realized I had just boxers on"

Yewande laughed, "When you came in I was like, was that what you wore,  as if we didn't leave the house at the same time" She jumped in bed and Saviour smiled watching her shut her eyes.

"Is that sleep?"

"I'm so tired! I don't want to be apart of the Nuel's school exco again. They are pushing everything to me, they added me to the Christmas party planning committee"

"Are you sure you want to sleep?" He asked as his teeth nibble on her earlobe,  he knows that's his weak point. "Babe, I'm tired and my lower abdomen hurts" "I respect that fact but what if this is the devil's strategy to make you snooze from what's supposed to happen?"

"Whaaat?" Her voice got high pitch,  she just couldn't believe the man right now. "I'm serious, I just feel like tonight's the night"

Yewande rolled her eyes,  "How am I sure this isn't the man in you speaking?" "I'm serious?" "I don't want to be disappointed again" "Let's have faith besides that,  I mean I've been staring, drooling at you and preparing my muscles for what's to come and you just lay down to disappoint me,  you're not even wearing anything"

She laughed moving closer to him rubbing her hands on his chest,  "Now I know this is coming from the flesh". Saviour rubs his thumb in small circles on the bare skin of her arms,  " I just have a good feeling that's all but you're right,  you're tired and you should sleep. Good night " He kissed her forehead in attempt to lay down and she laughed pulling him back.

"Finish what you started"

"No, you're tired and I'm being inconsiderate"

"Don't make me beg" She replied, her eyes were begging already so he buried his lips on her neck, nibbling and kissing his way up to her earlobe and she bit her lips.


Amazing propped her chin in the palm of her right hand while on a video call with Bamidele. "Beautiful morning Beautiful" "Good morning handsome" She laughed covering her face,  "Look at my face and my hair."

"You look natural and beautiful"

She blushed glancing away,  "Oya,  enough whinning. How are you?" "I'm good baby, last night I was with small group of worshippers I met in church here and we spent the evening dividing the word,  it was mindblowing."


"You don't look good, are you sick?"

"Someone's just missing you, shey you left me alone in Nigeria" "Do you want to come?"

"I'm just joking"

"I'm not joking about missing you though. My consolation is that you'll be back soon"

"Ish... I might be coming in the wedding week"

"Why? Shey it's just a week, you're supposed to be back this thursday." "I was asked to wait for an event. I didn't want to be disrespectful"  "Oh"

"What's up with you,  how far that stuff with Modele"

"Oh" She paused with a smile,  "It's this evening,  I'm so nervous,  I don't know how the while will respond to our story"

Yemisi got led out of the car by Kwame. She had a black blindfold tied across her eyes,  "What's the big surprise that you had to get me out of my shop so early. I had a delivery to make" "Ngozi is doing that already"

"Still. The girl has tried for me"

He had a document in his other hand,  "He led her to a building then he untied the blindfold. Yemisi looked around,  " Okay... What's the surprise?" She asks and he chuckled at how cute she was being.

"You've always talked about having a bigger space and having Yummy Yems academy start for real so I decided to get you a space big enough to contain more than fifty students at least.

Yemisi covered her face,  "This is too much... How much is the rent,  as I'm looking at the building like this,  the rent should be like I milla a year" "It's yours" "What?" "I bought the whole beautiful building. It's close to the house when we get married, instead of paying rent every years,  I needed something permanent that will be like an headquarters of Yummy Yem in Nigeria"

Yemisi cried,  " My God Kwame... I'm speechless" "See it as a pre wedding gift" He smiled handing the documents to her. "This is more than I ever asked for and I didn't even ask" "You deserve it. So what do you want for the wedding?" He asked and she gasped.

"Are you kidding me? Baby, you're the best present I ever! All I want is you. Thank you" She busted into tears and he embraced her.


At the studio, Modele Bankole sat in the middle of the girls smiling the crowds getting ready set for the show.

"We're starting on 3, 2,..." The crew man counted down " 1"

"Good evening everyone,  it's Modele coming to you live again. It's another heated moment in the studio all over again. First off,  I want to use this medium to appreciate you all, we just reached 1 million subscribers guys!!! It's all thanks to you. I can't begin to overemphasize how much I appreciate my fanbase,  the love has been massive. So this morning I'm back with another juicy story from the horse's lips. You know what I always say,  if you can't stand the heat?

Get out of the kitchen!!!! The crowd replied.

" These are women that withstood the heat. When I got the call from AmazingGrace Essien,  you might not know her cause she doesn't like being in front of the camera,  she's an event planner,  you see my wedding four years ago, from the ambience, to the lighting to the whole concept, it's on her. She's the behind the scene brain behind it, funny thing is that she doesn't talk much about it. No be by noise oh! This lady dey work magic"

Everyone clapped and she waved.

"So she said she and her friends had something they had to tell to the world. So on the heated seat today we have, Mrs Nene Richards, she's a core business analyst, she runs programmes and tutorial.  Blessing Nwachukwu, she's a wife and manager of her home hoping to get a job soon. You think managing a home is easy until you start planning food." She paused and everyone laughed.

"Hardest job ever! We have Yemisi who is the CEO of Yummy Yems cakes and all, she makes a mean Agege bread, according to her?"

"Bread that went to Harvard"

"Exactly the snacks tonight is courtesy of her company. I'm not trying to sell anyone's product oh, it's just an introduction. So Ema is a marketting guru, on her resume, i heard she can convince clients for Africa"

"She can convince someone to buy shit sef" Fisayo chipped in and everyone laughed,  "I'm talking about poo, igbe" "Urgh! I think the get it" Ema laughed,  "No,  I want to stress your important"

"No one asked for it"

"Well,  the last is Fisayo" "Ah,  aunty you will not be angry,  they will not spoil your own,  don't spoil my own. I am not the last in Jesus name"

"Sorry Ma." She apologize bowing her head and the whole crowd laughed. "This Fisayo Ogundele, I'm sure we all know her, she's the creator of I am just recovering from madness that has been trending on twitter, instagram, facebook, tiktok"

"Nigerians joke with everything and I was going through a lot"

"Everything na cruise oh. Anyways,  back to the story of the day,  these ladies have been through a lot and they have decided to let us know so we can learn a thing or two from it. This is a story of wickedness"

"This one is not wickedness,  it's wickednesses cause girl yen buru gan! In my life kanipe someone told me,  your friend will betray you, ma a ti fun ni blow,  I'll rush him blow,  left,  right,  center,  under,  I will now hold the person's mouth and use padlock to tie the person's ete (lips),  never again for the person to open his smelly mouth. Olorun,  that's what I would have done"

Modele laughed,  "Jo nitori Olorun,  Let me do my job in peace." "Sorry.. I just wanted to clarify the level of wickedness. Continue Ma"

"Thank you. I'm sure you'll all be shocked as much as I was, this is purely unscripted. Over to you Amazing"

"Okay... So we all know the day it rained blood right? That was the day we all were supposed to die as ordained by someone we all trusted. We used to be eight in number...." She trailed off.

"There was this time in our secondary school we went for a party. It wasn't a wedding party,  it was organized by someone's boyfriend"

Ema pointed at Nene and she laughed,  "What? Those were the wild times" "Fear secondary school,  they are doing thing, they'll pretend to be good. Parents, the fear of your children is the beginning to wisdom on how to take care of them"

"Gbam! Fisayo don't drop quote" Blessing chipped in and the crowd laughed.

"This is the craziest interview I've ever done!"

Fisayo agreed,  "Because you have craze here, "

Blessing pointed at her and Ema,  while Nene pointed at Yemisi and Uche at Nene. "You have sense,"

They pointed at Blessing and Amazing.

"We have those that are managing to have sense and those that have no sense at all"

Everyone pointed at her and the whole crowd laughed and clapped.

Modele threw her head backwards,  "Where did I get this people from?"

How was today's chapter?😁

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Who felt bad for Benefit?🤔

The next chapter might be the last....

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