🔴Chapter 30🔴
In Chapter 26 when I asked you guys to guess how many chapter was left
Me: Three chapter🤣😂😂😂
Four chapters after.... 🙈🙈
Let'a dive in!
But fess. ....
Vote .... My silent readers ehn.... Be breaking my heart 💔💔💔 It won't kill you to vote oh, my views and vote be looking like improper ratio.
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The rest 156 people kor?😭😭. Thank you for reading just vote so I can more motivated🙏
Chapter 30
Bamidele knelt before the bed praying intensively. The top he wore was soaked in sweat but it didn't bother him, what concerned was the joy he was getting, the fulfilment, the breakthrough in the spirit.
Jeremiah watched Blessing wandered off in thought in the living room. Tears dropped fast and she wiped It off immediately. He sat close to her and cleared his throat. It we enough to pull her out of that pensive mood. "If you tell me you're crying about Benefit, I'll just hand you a divorce paper" He joked and she laughed.
"Pastor that wants to divorce his wife"
Jeremy laughed, "She's not worth crying over" he complained and she showed her a video of their wedding. "I remember this time, isn't this the part where Fisayo"
Fisayo screamed, "Jeremy please don't take it easy on our friend, give her hot hot. I want me a god daughter very soon. Blessing give him styles oh!"
Blessing covered her face in shame, "Fisayo!!"
Jeremy laughed stopping the video, "Why are you crying?" "I wanted to get pregnant but .... Now that my womb is tied somewhere" "I release it in Jesus name. You guys should just prepare your friend's coffin cause if she doesn't return what rightfully belongs to you, she'll die. What am I saying? She'll definitely die, let her just try me. You know that I've always said that I'm not comfortable with all your friends"
"This is the 87th time you're saying it Baby, you can as well put it on a bill board and hang it in the room so you don't have to say It the 88th time"
"I'll print tracts too and paste it all over the house" He added letting out a hiss and she rolled her eyes, "What's paining me is that you guys still feel pity for this witch. I can see the obituary heading, gone too soon. Not for me sha, my own will be glorious exit "
"Baby, she was our friend" "That will die soon If she doesn't repent"
"You do know you're late for work right?"
"Are you trying to chase me? I have church plans, wanna come with?"
"Why? It's not as if you have anything to do"
Blessing gasped and her husband laughed, "Okay before you blast me, I didnt mean it that way" "I don't blame you, it's myself I blame for being jobless" She answered and he climbed on the chair lowering his face at her. "I meant, you'll be bored"
"Yes! Because I'm jobless" She feigned angry, of course she knew he didn't mean Is that way.
"m nọ na nsogbu oh (i'm in trouble oh). Jesus what will I do redeem myself"
"Even the blood of Jesus cannot redeem you from this one"
Jeremy laughed moving his lips close to her, "What are you doing?" "I'm giving you the kiss of Jeremy" "Getat!" She laughed and they both kissed. "I didn't mean it" "I know. I was just messing with you"
"Are you coming?"
"No. This jobless girl has plans with the girls"
Jeremy slapped his face, women sha! Always dragging things!
"Can you believe we've not made plans for our clothing and the wedding is already around the corner. Jesus! I haven't even gotten the Aso-ebi for you"
Jeremy laughed, "Nigerians have spoilt the whole meaning of this Aso-ebi. Isn't it suppose to be for family only?" He asked and she laughed, "Don't try to use wayo and escape, you're paying" "Duh? Will I let my jobless wife pay before? I have compassion now, igbo men care for their wives"
Blessing gasped and quickly kissed her running off and she hissed rising up. "Just run away cause if this Ekwere girl catch you ehn"
Agnes knocked on Benefit's door, while Ema stood afar off. "Benefit dear! Please open up" She paused knocking harder, "Benefit! Just open up, it's your me, please open up"
"I don't think she's around" Agnes yelled coming out of her own flat and they both turned towards her, "We haven't seen her since her since Tuesday morning" "Are you sure of this?" Agnes asked and she nodded, "Yes I am."
Ema picked her phone calling Jeff on the phone, "Hey Jeff" "Hey Ema" "How are you and Ade" "Fine, we're fine" "And my sister, is she there?" "No" "Are you sure?" "What reason will I have to lie?" "Where is she, do you happen to have any idea where we can find her, we're worried, we've not seen her"
"Lies! You guys don't care about her, you don't care about me neither do you care about my daughter the only thing you're interested in is your hate for my love"
Ema scoffed, "Did she tell you that?" "Don't call my number again Ema, you're nothing but a fucking pretender" He snapped and Ema laughed in hurt, she felt bad for the poor guy! Benefit has used his head completely!
Welcome to AG event company where w bring your wedding ideas to life. Do you have an event in mind? Weddings, Burial, cocktails party? bridal Shower, Baby shower, AG company is the right place to be.
The advert played on and on on the television in the board as Amazing engaged in a phone call with a client. She had her black and white stripe gown on.
"My secretary will fill you in with all you need" "I called personally for a reason. I'm planning in advance"
"Define advance"
"Febuary. So how much does your services cost?"
"My secretary"
"Let's talk woman to woman"
"Okay. It depends, on a average, event planning for 200 guests costs ₦500,000 for weddings, if you'll be the one to pick the venue" "Jesus!!!"
Amazing shut her eyes witholding her tears, "What's your budget?" "You did a friend's friends wedding. I think Nene wed Somto, that's her name, Nene... and ever since then, I just knew you're my dream planner" "What's your budget"
"No budget but I want to start planning. So if the crowd is more than 500. You'll be saying one million like that oh. Hei! My blood pressure! So how much if you'll be the one picking venues and taking care of meals?"
Amazing laughed, "Miss Lola, i won't want your blood pressure rising higher so I'll tell you this, when you and your fiance draw up a budget, call me so we can talk better okay?" "Who said getting married Is easy? Bye Ma"
Amazing laughed silently, "Okay Ma" She replied dropping her phone on the table.
Yemisi and Kwame walked in and Yemisi laughed on seeing her. "You and this your popular gown" "It's Amazing how you guys always end up making this gown your concern. Good morning Kwame"
Amazing crossed her leg while she watched Fisayo and Yemisi argue over a style on the magazine. "Do I still need to be here?" Kwame asked and Amazing shook her head. "Thank God!" He muttered, scampered over to Yemisi giving her a kiss on her forehead before leaving.
"Me I like this style. I have a screen shot of it, I sent to you guys whatsapp"
"So that everyone will look like one mother gagoo"
"Pele, mother gagu kor, mother goose ni. Look at this, how chic can this get? It's so classic, we'll literally be the real bridal trains"
"So we'll be holding each other's tail from the bride to the entire train" Blessing paused then she scoffed, "I'd rather repeat my wedding dress"
Fisayo gasped placing her palm against her chest, "Ouch" "Yes. It's that bad" "You should kukuma ask her if she's the bride" Amazing chipped in and Fisayo rolled her eyes.
"Even if fashion slaps all of you on the face you guys won't know. That's why Amazing will still go ahead and wear this her zebra cloth anytime. I won't be shocked if she still wears it on your wedding day"
Amazing looked at her dress watching everyone laugh. "Let's all vex and burn the cloth once and for all" "If don't like the cloth, you might want to hit your head on the wall, there are different parts just choose one" She snapped and everyone busted into fits of laughter again.
"Wow Amazing"
"Just know that you'll pay for damages if you break my wall, thank God you have money" She chipped and Fisayo hissed zooming another picture.
"How classy will this look? Let's look at this one now"
"We are all sewing different styles okay?" Amazing announced then she groaned in frustration writing on a notepad, "You guys should not frustrate my work"
"Who will be my Chief then?" Yemisi inquired, "Amazing?" "I was Blessing and Nene's Chief, let another person do it, abi am I the only one here?"
"Bamidele is the best man, it'll only be romantic if you do it"
"No offense but let me rest"
Ema shook her head, "I can't do all those girly things you guys do. I'll wipe your make up off instead of wiping your sweat. Baba, I'd rather be giving vibes from the train."
Everyone turned towards Fisayo, "No offense Yemisi, I think you should let Shope do it" "My thoughts exactly" Blessing said and Yemisi smiled. "Yei! Shope will kill me, she'll say I made her my last resort"
"Trust me dear, it's the right thing to do, I'm sure Benefit will agree to..." Amazing trailed off when the reality of the situation hit her, everyone felt the effect too as the silence became glaring, Fisayo had to break it. "It's God that will punish that bitch" She rose up, "I can't believe I just called her into our conversation"
"You're not the only guilty party, I get angry at myself whenever it crosses my mind to say hi to her" Blessing confessed and Fisayo scoffed, "I wonder where the bitch at right now, what is she planning like this."
"Last night was quiet" Yemisi noted and Ema agreed, "I literally slept on Dare's body yesterday" "Ema! You're suppose to abstain" Amazing complained watching her roll her eyes, "Baba Chill! We didn't have sex, I just slept on his body. There was no bad dream and when Mom and I went over to check up on her at the house, she wasn't home. I even had to leave mom there"
"How will she get back home?" Amazing asked, "If you hear as she was bragging to Dare about knowing everywhere in Lagos" "Mother in law and Son in law bonding"
Ema rolled her eyes again, "How is she holding up with the whole drama?" "She's really sad. Thank God we finally made up today but this I'm jittery because Benefit might just pull up one surprise." "Abi. This whole shit still feels like a fucking dream though" Fisayo confessed.
"Where is she gan?"
"Who cares?" Yemisi asked, "She can disappear till next year for all I care, I have a wedding plan at hand"
Ema creased her brow in thought, "Dare told me a video that surfaced yesterday about a lady that went to the beach but ended up disappearing into thin air" Ema brought out her phone, "You think it's Benefit?"
"I haven't played the video" She played it and everyone gathered around her. They quietly watched it.
"It looks like Benefit, look at the structure" Ema pointed out, "Did you garlic?" Fisayo asked, "Dare added it to the egg sauce" "Don't speak" "Fuck you"
"Are you sure? This is Benefit"
"I'll see my twin sister and not know her"
"The video is not exactly clear, all the sharing and sharing has reduced the video quality" Fisayo complained and Amazing exhaled, "It's her hair, too. Look at that wig"
"True" Yemisi agreed.
"What will she be doing inside water?" Fisayo asked, "Wait, let me go and ask the river goddess after I will come and tell you" Yemisi answered and then she hissed. Fisayo raised her brow at her, "Really? We're not sure if she's the one sef"
"Should I play the guy's part again?? he said she was saying something, people saw her saying something then she disappeared. Benefit has a plan guys"
"And I have a wedding to plan" Yemisi complained stomping her feet angrily then she ran a hand through her hair, and everyone in the room gazed at her. She was on the brink of a meltdown.
The topic was clearly overwhelming her. "Babe..." Amazing walked up to her holding her hands, "Take a deep breathe and chill. Your wedding will be a success okay?"
Yemisi nodded, "I remember when I always tell Benefit to chill when she's having that her stupid panic heart attack. Girl yen gba wa sha! (That girl deceived us!)" Tears returned to her eyes. Amazing threw open her arms giving her a hug.
"Uche was supposed to be my chef
Pastor Tunde stepped into Bamidele's house looking around the house as though looking for someone. "Are you sure you're alone?" He asked and Bamidele nodded, "Yes Sir" "Are you sure?" He asked again and Bamidele arced his brow, "Sir, I don't do that any longer, I'm alone" "You are not alone. I felt the presence of God all the way from the front porch, the heat emitting from the activity you were engaged in. It's heavy in this house, were you calling down heaven?"
Bamidele laughed, "I was praying" "Good" He nodded patting him on the back, "Press more. The more you press more, the more you unlock unimaginable realms, the more you become one with God. Some young believers usually end up slipping, but just like Jesus did for Peter, I pray for you every time."
"Thank you Sir. Please have you seat"
Pastor Tunde sat down, "Sorry for interrupting" "I wouldn't have gotten up if God didn't want me to" He replied sitting close to him, "Do you want drinks? I don't think I have any soft drink in the house yet. Maybe water"
"I'm fine Bamidele. I was in the neighbourhood, the other estate before this one when it popped in my spirit to see you, I asked God why but he didn't tell me why "
Bamidele chuckled, "Anything you might want to tell me?" "So while praying, i saw myself learning again, like a school just in the midst of persons, some were mature, really mature, I think He wants me to go to Bible School. This doesn't mean that I'll be a Pastor right?"
Pastor Tunde laughed, "Well... It doesn't but.... You're still in the moulding process, let me not decieve you, we all are. For now, you're filling the office of an evangelist" "How's Bible School like?"
"Why don't you see for yourself? How is Amazing doing? How's your relationship?" "Fine Sir. I don't know if it's in my place to do this but Aboh tried getting Amazing back last night" "Oh. How?" "He sent a scam message to her, she went with me. I didn't follow her in though, w had a fight afterwards but of course we reconciled"
"You two are not intimate are you?"
Bamidele laughed, "No! We are not! We're not even kissing Sir" "Doesn't it bother the two of you, someone raised the topic during a meeting we had, you both live on the same street" "Amazing and have a pact we plan on keeping till marriage"
"Are you not bothered? I want you to speak from the bad boy perspective"
Bamidele laughed again then he cleared his throat. "Amazing is a full package, hot and all but God has been helping me kill the thoughts created by my flesh , she comes here and I stop by at her place too, we pray together, nothing happens" "Now that you have Bible school in mind, why don't you take the next move and get married first"
"I don't have that kind of money as it is right now to start anything."
"Who cares about big wedding, choose a day of the week, come and I'll join the two of you in the presence of God, His ministers and your family"
"Amazing doesn't deserve that, she deserves the world at her feet, she deserves to be treated like a queen that she is. She deserves a loud wedding so that all those that mocked her can finally see for themselves that God has done something big but as it is, I have no job, he hasn't given me the go ahead to work with Dad still. I don't want everything to be on Amazing. I don't know how God is going to do it but... I trust he'll make a way"
Pastor Tunde exhaled, "I'm not the kind of Pastor that is of the superfluous view that weddings must be elaborate and loud. It's the marriage you need money for, not the wedding. You two need to seal it before temptation comes in"
Bamidele threw his head backwards laughing then he heard his phone ring from the room. "God Is helping us Sir. If you'll excuse me Sir, I can hear my phone ring" He said leaving the sitting room into his room where the phone screen light went off.
The phone rang back almost immediately so he gently picked it up staring at the caller ID.
Stella Olupeju.....
She was one of the company's client over years ago. He was working hand in hand with the worked in as a Senior executive, their relationship was more of pleasure then business. They had sexual attachment but Stella became too attached so he had to end it with her.
"What the..." He trailed off having second thoughts about answering the call. Before the call ended, he answered it shutting his eyes in shame. "I thought you were not going to pick up" "Why? I'm not that bad"
"Do you even know who is speaking?"
"Stella Olupeju"
"Ahhh I see someone didn't delete my contact" "I don't delete contacts, call it a bad habit" "Well, it's Stella Ralph now, I'm married"
Bamidele exhaled in relief, "Thank God!" "What did you think? That I called you to what, warm my bed or what? Bamidele I'm past that" "Me too. Why did you call then?" "My husband needed someone professional for the brand. You can be unserious if you want to but this brand requires extensive market research and someone that best identify potential customers’ buying patterns and preferences.. someone that knows what appeals to the large audience, that knows what the larger audience wants, someone with the best idea for his next big deal and I recommended you, there are a hundred more choices I would have made, companies I could have called but I chose you. I don't know why I did, judging from the way we left off, you would have been the last person on my mind but I chose you"
Bamidele scoffed, "I already quit the job" "So I heard. Just call it a contract, I'll forward the deeds and project to you, I don't know why I have this confidence you can do this. All you just have to do is give a talk to my husband and his team over a video call. Steal his interest like you know how to, then you'll have yourself a paid trip to South Africa."
"Just like that"
"This is something big Bamidele, with your idea, we can bring this brand to the limelight. We're talking six figure payment here Bamidele"
"I'm not going to get down with you Stella, I don't do that any longer"
"Don't insult me Bamidele, don't! I am happily married with a child, well what's your own excuse?" "I'm a born again Christian in love with a girl that means the world to me. I'm sorry if you felt insulted. I just wanted to be sure"
"Are you in or not?"
"As long as the product isn't condoms or anything that can encourage social vices" He added and she scoffed, "It's not Bamidele. Weren't you the chief of condoms, till the point I thought you produce one in your home"
Bamidele laughed nervously, "What part of I'm born again didn't you get?" "Whatever, just give me an answer" "Let me consult God first"
"Whaaaat?" One could hear the shock in her voice, he almost choked from laughter. "I'll get back to you"
"Okay" She replied then she hung up leaving him speechless. Bamidele blinked his eyes, "God is this from you? I don't want to jump at this from my human perspective" He paused when he remembered he left Pastor Tunde in the sitting room.
By the time he went back in, Pastor Tunde was already standing looking through some tracts he found by the side stool. "I'm sorry for taking long" "You wouldn't have if it wasn't important"
"Someone unexpected just called me"
"Who? Benefit?"
Bamidele creased his brow, why will Benefit call him? "No!" He snapped then he laughed. "No, it's an old business and sexual partner" "Oh" "She didn't call me for what you're thinking" "I wasn't thinking anything son, I just said oh"
"She contracted me for a job, I'm supposed to spend a week in South Africa. Six figure payments, it's crazy. Who does that?" "Wow, that's unexpected, just when we were talking about God's provision" "Do you think he wants this? I haven't prayed about it yet"
"Do you think God wants us to be without jobs? I'm not saying this because of the pay. The only thing that matters is that you walk in his will, and he'll direct your every steps. That's God for you, Exodus 23:25, But you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water."
Sophie walked up Murphy after a photoshoot, "Let's talk Murph, model to model, Is it true?" She asked and Murphy smiled, "Yes I got the deal" "Who's talking about your stupid deal?" "You said model to model" "Of course I wasn't refering to that! I'm talking about Kwame and his wedding in December. Regina has been posting it everywhere, YemKwam Forever
"Yes "
"Is he insane? So he's going to get married to that cow. Why don't you guys help me talk to him. Pretty please" "We're not close anymore" "I don't understand" "Well Bamidele now a born again Christian"
"I thought I was the only mad one, has everyone gone mad?"
"Beats me too."
Amazing got a message from Bamidele on her way from work at about 8:12 pm. She and her team had to work late, she was exhausted so she called him to cancel. "Can we cancel" "Why?" he asked and she groaned, "I'm exhausted, I'm stuck in traffic"
"It won't take long
"Okay dear"
Mrs Ogundele walked into Fisayo's room folding her hands, she was chatting with a fashion designer. "We have a visitor" "Who?" She asked, "I'm busy" "Okay, i'll tell your boyfriend that you're busy "
She rose up instantly smiling, "Mommy! You didn't mention him!" She snapped looking into the mirror, her corn row weave still looked neat so she ran into the living room smiling.
He was sitting comfortably on the chair, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" She jumped on the couch giving him a stern look. "Good evening to you too" "Hm hm, good evening can wait. You know you just can't pull those kind of stunts. What if something happens to you?"
"Nothing will happen"
"You can't be so sure" "Ouch. At least show some sort of excitement, look at see finish"
Fisayo giggled placing her laps on his thighs, "I am excited. It's evening and Benefit is unusually quiet. So... How was your day? How's your girlfriend?"
Bassey groaned, "Don't remind me! She's the second reason why I'm here, she won't let me be! I know I'm irresistible and all but how hard can it be for her to understand that I'm in love with you?"
Bamidele held Amazing's tired hands smiling at her dress, "Are you also going to say something bad about the dress again?" "Why do you like it?" "I repeat clothes a lot" "The hottest thing about this dress is that If you were this to road side, zebra crossing sign got nothing on you cause people will stop and stare at you, this your dress can cause traffic"
Amazing giggled, "Did you call me here to whine me?" "It's a surprise. Guess what?" He asked and she shrugged, "The last time I checked, people don't propose twice so... I don't think I can guess"
"You'll be surprised" He answered to her shock, "You're not proposing again are you?" "No." He laughed at her reaction. Why will he propose twice? "Do you think it'll be too early to see your parents?" "Why do you want to see my parents?"
"To know if your dad has dimples" He snapped and she laughed, "Sorry, i know the question sounds stupid but there can be a 101 reason you might want to see him"
"No. 1 will be to officially ask for his daughter's hand in marriage, clear all the marriage rites and all"
Amazing gasped then she chuckled, "Wow... Wow... That sounds sweet, really it does but our wedding list is kind of on the high side and I know your financial condition now Bamidele. Trust me it won't be a big deal to sponsor the whole thing that's if you want it that way" "God that's why i love you" Bamidele bit his lips and she chuckled too.
"I love you too"
"But no, you won't sponsor the whole thing. Someone called me up for a job, an ex business partner and lover" "Oookay" "It's not a sex related deal"
"I'm sure it isn't for you.... What about her?"
"It's not. I made it clear, she was insulted. Stella forwarded the deeds to me to go through, it's real and it's a whole lot of money."
"Wow... Just like that"
"It came as a shock to me. So i might be going to South Africa for a week to get the job done, except of course you don't want me to" "Why will I do that?" She asked and he smiled running his fingers through her hair.
"Thank you. December sounds fine to see your parents"
"Yes, I'll finally take a tour around the city of Akwa Ibom, we'll spend the Christmas there. We can have the wedding in January" "Why don't we wait first till Febuary ending or preferably March"
"My... uterine walls...they won't accommodate any baby yet until six month, that's February ending." "I guess I'll start shooting my shots on our first night to prove something to the devil"
Amazing gasped, "Jesus BamBam!" "Yes Ma! I'll get you pregnant, the first night by God's grace and shame the devil" "Bam Bam!" "Don't you see what the devil is doing? He's planting negative reports in your mind"
"The implication if i get pregnant that early is that the baby might not survive! I've read these things, i might miscarry and then they'll have to clean my women after removing the dead baby, my womb isn't ready for all those stress. People will start counting for us, they don't know anything, they'll be counting down from when you got married to nine months later. They'll be expecting us to give birth like September" "Who cares?" "I care!" She shouted walking off but he held her hands.
"Your mom wants grandchildren"
"Weren't you going to get married to Aboh?"
"We had an understanding, but you're talking about shooting your shot on the first night. You're not suppose to ......" She trailed off then she whispered, "Ejaculate until maybe March, or April, now you're threatening me with it"
Bamidele laughed from how uncomfortable she felt about saying 'ejaculate'. "How am I threatening you?" "It feels like you're putting my baby's life on the line already" " Didn't you preach about faith?"
"I did! No matter what happens, nothing will change the way I feel about God but I also believe in storms too and I'm open minded to them, I feel we will overcome but let's just follow what the doctors say"
"Who's report will you believe?"
"God's report"
Bamidele smiled, "Exactly. Leave me to water and plant, let God give the increase" He answered and Amazing shut her eyes laughing, "Jesus BamBam, you didn't just use that scripture that way...." She shook her head placing her hands akimbo on her waist.
"You're dirty minded."
"Says someone who wanted to kiss me yesterday"
Amazing laughed in shame, "I think we should see a specialist first" "Why consult a specialist when we have God who is an impossibility specialist" He said sitting down and she knelt down leaning on his lap, "Let's just take the necessary step then, go for compatibility test" "We are compatible, we're God's divine plan" "I know, we still need to go. Those are requirements, I don't even know your blood group"
"Okay! It's O positive by the way. But guess what again?"
"God spoke to me about going Bible school"
Amazing gasped, tears welled up in her eyes, she was more emotional about this than her marriage plans, "This is great" "So you're happy about this and not our wedding plans" "At least with Bible school my uterine walls are not being threatened"
Bamidele was overjoyed seeing Estelle and Toju in church, Toju didn't stay till the end the service. He felt like he could literally hear angels celebrate over Estelle being in church that day. He couldn't wait to introduce and deliver her into Amazing's hands, "Amazing wil help you grow, she's a woman who has scaled through a whole lot, if there's any one that can help you grow and mentor you, it should be her"
Before Amazing could say a word, Bamidele left the two of them together. "Why do I feel like I've just been set up?" "Uncle Bamidele speaks highly of you" "Uncle Bamidele?" "The guy is 13 years older than me, what am I suppose to call him. It's either Pastor Bamidele but he says he's not a Pastor so.... It's Uncle Bamidele for me"
"What about your parents?"
"I'm an orphan, I'm sort of on my own. Although I live with a friend" "This young?" "Life hasn't been fair but Uncle Bamidele has been trying to cajoule me into falling deeper in love with Jesus"
"He's lovable, he loves us despite our fault, he sees the very best in us and all he wants Is so that we can become the best version of ourselves to His glory. When you get to know Him better, you're going to be floating in cloud nine"
"Wow... I can't wait for him to completely sweep me off my feet then"
Amazing held her by the hand, "All you have to do is open your heart let him lead you. What can you do for God? You need to get busy for him" "I sing" "Perfect, join the choir then, let the light of God shine in you and through you. You have a bright future sweetie, I know you're used to being in charge of your life but God has a message for you. You just have to take your hands off the steering and let God take this wheel just this once. Okay?"
Estelle nodded giving her a weird look, "I'm scared" "It's okay to be scared, proverbs, 3 verses 5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
"He will?" "Yes" "Even if it means quitting my job as a bar tender?"
"Do you want to?"
"Uncle Bamidele advised me to, he said something about not putting new wine in old wineskin. He said returning daily to the club will corrupt any spiritual content i consume and the truth is that, my job is just as important to me and my daily tips keeps me going"
Amazing smiled, "There's an opening in my company, you might want to check it out tomorrow" "For an interview?" "No. To check out the job, if you'll like it"
"Are you..." Estelle moved back then she moved close to her, "Are you being serious?" "You're in luck, you just have to be serious-minded"
Estelle embraced her tightly then she lets go of her, apologizing for the hug, "Why? You don't know me" "I don't know" "I think I'll call you my fairy god mother. Thank you Ma, thank you so much." She appreciated then she exhaled.
"Wait.. This one that I'm excited like this, What do you do for a living?"
2:30 am
Benefit's head thrust out of the sea water until the water was midriff. The sky rumbled and lightening flashed making her smirk knowing the lightening and thunder was an effect caused by her.
Seven days she spent under sea.
Seven days she died....
After seven days she resurrected to complete her mission and she had a month to do that. ........
One month and she planned on making it worth the while!
She walked out of the water to shore, the tail of her gown flowed out behind her, billowing and snapping in the gusting wind. She closed her eyes, tipped her face up, tried sniffing the air. "Feels good to be back! I'm sure you've all miss me" She laughed out loud and it suddenly began to rain.
Jeff heard sounds in the kitchen so he quickly ran to the kitchen with a mop stick in his hands, the kitchen light was turned on meanwhile he had turned all lights off before retiring for the night.
He walked into the kitchen raising the mop stick only to see Benefit eating bread like a hungry thief. "Jeez!" He gasped then he sighed in relief. "I thought it was a thief"
"And that would have killed a thief?" He asked and he chuckled. "Depending on how much energy I exert on it." "You better save the energy for something else baby" She bit her lips and he smiled dropping the mop on the floor then he moved closer to her kissing on the lips and she kissed him back.
"Gosh I've missed you"
"Me too. Sorry I left, I didn't know I'll be gone for so long" "Where were you and why are you wet? Did you enter into the rain?" He asked and she sucked her lower lips now planting a kiss on his lips, "It doesn't matter. I'm here"
"Your sister called, I know she's just pretending, they are all pretending" "Exactly. I love you baby" "I love you too" He replied nibbling her neck and she shut her eyes moaning.
Jeff's eyes sparked in awe, then the muscles in his neck grew taut and his rhythm stuttered. Benefit's mouth fell open and climax took over, coarsely racking through her body. With a low growl, he froze and crashed in bed.
"Let's get married already" He suggested tiredly, "We have a baby on the way" "Babe, I have plans. I might not end up with you" "Don't say stupid things. We have a baby" "They're not stupid things Jeff, you won't understand cause you're not in the right mind frame. You can't react sensibly to issues because I have control over your mind"
"I don't care"
Benefit cried, "A sane person will not say that" "I don't understand what you're saying" "You'll understand after I leave" she ran her fingers across his face as her discussion with the river spirit voiced over her head.
"You can have another request because I dont want to see you destroy your life over revenge. 5 years of your life in happiness with with the love of your life with a child" "That's not possible"
"We can make it possible, you'll have 5 good years and we'll have the rest. You can forget revenge and pick up your life, leave the state or country if you have to, five years and you'll know how it feels to be a mother"
"Then I'll have to leave my children, once again Jeff will suffer again, i can't do that to him. And what we have now is not love, I have him tied down and Adetutu suffers because of me. How can be happy she she's suffering, how can I call that love? One month is all I ask to complete my mission, the witches have abandoned me and you know we are stronger by number. At least I know after I die, everything will return to normal, Adetutu will be fine again"
Benefit sat on Adetutu's bed staring at her with tears pouring down her eyes. "Hey there, it's going to be fine soon, you're going to be fine" She clasped her fingers all over her hand.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for all this to happen, I wish we could be one big happy family but this happened and I'm sorry but you'll be fine. Take care of daddy when I'm gone, help him heal" She begged kissing her on the forehead.
Fisayo twirled In bed from having a bad dream, chickens were chasing after her, she squirmed tiredlessly then she gasped opening her eyes. "God!" She exhaled sitring up, "I'm tired of these stupid dreams!" She muttered staring at her mother who was sleeping beside her. For a moment she wondered what her mother was doing beside her.
She slept in the room alone. When did she come in? She thought then she heard chicken crows from outside the room.
Thunder struck, It was raining heavily.
"What the?" She paused in thought then she dragged her phone checking the time, it was just 3:30 am, the sound of chicken and chicks became loud and then she blinked her eyes in fear.
Is she still dreaming? Or living in her nightmare? Shouldn't she wake her mother like this?
Thunder struck again.....
She rose from the bed, opened her door walking into the corridors, "The Lord is my shepherd....I shall not want" Her heart thumped with each step she took. "The Lord is my Shepherd i shall not die, I did not kukuma know everything. Okay Fisayo do you remember another Chapter. For God so loved the word, hei! All the battle scripture that you downloaded, so you cannot remember one. The Lord is my Shepherd, my enemies will not see me, the Lord Is my Shepherd, my own will not spoil, the Lord is my Shepherd Chickens..."She trailed off on seeing Chickens staring towards her direction.
"Chickens!" She screamed running back into the room and they chased after her as though she had stolen their chicks. Fisayo screamed entering into the room where she locked the door twice in fear. "Jesus help me" She muttered.
"Ah han Fisayo kilo se le?" She heard her mother's voice then she exhaled in relief walking up to her, "Thank God, I was scared, I saw..." She trailed off staring at her mom in doubt then she scoffed, something seemed off, she couldn't out her fingers around it. "Mom when did you come into the room?" "When you were sleeping"
Fisayo's mother knocked on the door, "Fisayo!" She called out and Fisayo moved back in fear, "Am I dreaming or what? What's going on here?" She moved back shaking her head.
"Fisayo, it's me, your Mom"
"You're not my mother"
She transformed into Benefit now covering her lips. "I could have almost fooled you" "Benefit" "You're all dead" She snapped and Fisayo ran towards the door opening in and her mother ran in. Y
"What happened? Are you okay?"
"Mummy, I'm not sleeping in this house"
"I don't understand what happened? I heard you screaming, I'm sure the whole neighbourhood heard you" "I'm not sleeping in this house Mom"
"It's not even four yet"
"Mom. Benefit was here"
"Why will Benefit be here? How is it possible? Did you invite her? Is she not you guys friend?"
Fisayo cried, "God forbid! She's the one responsible for all our problems! And she's here, she said we're all dead." "How is that possible? Same Benefit from secondary school, university, gentle Benefit? If you say it's Ema, I wouldn't be too surprise, we all know that girl yen ni skoor skoor lori but Benefit. Even if it's prophet that told you, you will not use cane and flog the man! You cannot say that"
"Anipe she's the one! You can't even begin to imagine my shock when I found out too. She's the one"
"And you didn't care to let me know"
"Mom... We didn't want to raise any alarm or make you guys afraid, Se o di igba ti e ba ni BP? A kò wose fún yín ní (Is it until you guys end up having BP issues? We were just considerate). The truth is we didn't tell any of our parents because we know how you guy cared and took us as your own. At some point in time, we've all had relationship with everyone's parents, except Ema and Benefit but e get point ti mo n try lati arrive at shey? (You get point right?). We planned on telling you all when we have all this sorted out"
"Benefit? Jesus.... This is shocking"
"She killed Aunty Bukola"
Mrs Ogundele shut her eyes in pain, tears streamed down her eyes, "Wh.....Why?" "Mom it's a long story from our careless secondary school days. See Mom, i don't think we're safe. We can't sleep in this house," "Where will we go to?" "Anywhere but here" "Will you sleep in my room instead." "I'm scared for us, she said we're dead"
Mrs Ogundele snapped her fingers backward, "Mo ko! Eleda mi ko! (I reject it! My creator rejects it). Then she patted her daughter on the back, "I'm here" "Are you a prophetess?" She asked and her mother hissed, "I need to call Amazing, let her put me in prayer"
"Fi omo lomo sile, (leave her alone), by this time?"
Fisayo cried looking around and her mother held her by the hand. "If she wants to kill me, let her pass through me first" "No! I don't want anything happening to you. I'll hate myself"
"Let's go to my room" She suggested, "Then you can tell me that long story"
5:55 am
The original harmonette of Jesus laid his hands on me blasted from Bamidele's room while he brushed his teeth in the bathroom. His phone phone buzzed out loud, his phone was connected to the bluetooth so he quickly spat into the sink rushing into the room to answer the call with the toot brush in his hand.
"Morning beautiful" He said softly and Amazing chuckled too, "Good morning handsome. How was your night?" "I thank God, and yours?" "It was fine. Have you packed your things for tomorrow's journey or are you still waiting for me help you pack?"
"I won't mind"
"Until you get to South Africa and see skirts in it"
Bamidele laughed, "You don't want me to go just admit you're missing me already" "One week is too much, I won't even get to see your face" "We'll chat via video chat" "You know it's different" She pouts and Bamidele smiled.
"I'll miss you too, just say the word and I'll just forget everything"
Amazing laughed, "May God bless your going and coming, may his hands go with you, may his favour continually follow you like perfume, men will look down at you with eyes of favour because whosoever God has blessed..."
"No man can curse"
"Bamidele Jones, you're blessed on all sides"
"In the morning you're blessed, in the night you're blessed, in Nigeria and all over the world, you're blessed. I come against any casting down, Baby, you're lifted up high above your peers"
"Amen! Are you not supposed to save the prayer for tomorrow. Hei! It's tomorrow I'm travelling oh" "I'll pray today, I'll pray tomorrow and the rest of my life. I'll miss you" She complained witholding her tears.
"Are you crying?"
Amazing wiped her tears, "How will I cope when you go to Bible school" "It'll be a part time programme. Babe, i'm not dying, you're not dying. Stop talking as though you won't see me again, you'll make me cry now"
"I'm sorry I'm just really emotional, maybe it's my period"
"Are you free for the day? I won't mind stealing you for the entire day" "I can't make any promises yet. I have a busy schedule planned out today" " What about a movie date this night" "Awwwwn. Really?" "Yeah. Are you up for It? six till Mama come calling?" "I love the sound of that. " She replied.
"See you later Baby"
"You too"
Kwame came in after a minute, "Hey kwams, what's up?" "Hey, I'm fine" He replied but he knew he didn't sound fine. He's definitely far from fine! "You don't sound fine" "It's um Yemisi..... She has been admitted in the hospital, her condition got worst. She was bleeding"
"Jesus... The baby?"
"I don't know. Thank God her mother came into the room just in time to rush her to the hospital. I'm scared, she was almost lifeless when I saw her"
"She'll be fine"
"Can you let Amazing know.... My hands are kind of shaking, I can't think straight" "Just pray, there's nothing God can't do" "Where was God when all this was happening?"
"Dude! Don't say that"
"It's the truth Bamidele, we've been praying about this. All we want Is to be happy, Is that too much to ask from God?? Is it too much???"
Amazing's phone rang in bed, she wondered why Fisayo's Mom will be calling so early in the morning. "Good morning Ma" "Is Fisayo there?" "No Ma, she told me she'll be sleeping over at your place"
Or did she go over to Bassey's house? This girl sha!
"Yes she did. Something happened at night so we slept together in the room, I watched my Fisayo sleep, shebi now I'm awake and she's not beside me. I've searched the whole room, toilet she's not here. The door was opened that was why I said I should call you"
"I'll call Bassey. Ma'am calm down. I'm sure she's fine"
Fisayo walked around the street displaying lunacy while people walking ran away from her her. "Did i carry your chick that you're chasing after me? Mo ro go oh! Cause I don't understand how you'll be pursuing me anyhow" She clapped her hands turning back at the angry and puffed up chicken that no one could see.
"Abi Se mo gboko lowo eleyii ni? ( did I steal this chicken's husband?)" She asked the Chicken who now picked it's pace running after her and she scurried speedily then her mother sighted her from afar. "Fisayo!" She screamed and Fisayo turned back and a car ran into her.
The force pushed her across the road side and her mother rushed towards her, "Omo mi! (My child), help me oh!!!! Jesus, Fisayo, God come and help me!!" She cried out and neighbours rushed to the scene.
Amazing's phone rang and her heart raced in fear, it better be a good news this time. She picked up the call only to hear Agnes crying from the other end of the phone. "Good morning Ma. What happened?"
"Benefit came in... Ema drowned"
"I... I don't..." She stuttered, "I don't understand, Ema drowned how? Was she in the beach or something?" "No.... It's all Benefit's idea... I couldn't stop her."
"How is... How Is she? Whe.. Where... Where can I see her?"
Agnes screamed, "My baby Is dead! My baby is dead oh!"
Amazing's phone fell off her hands to the floor and Bamidele walked up to her, "Amazing?" He asked, "This can't be real..... What's going on? God this wasn't your promise, Ema has to wake up"
"Ema too??"
"Yes. I can't even pray, I've lose will Bamidele, I'm lost my will. Why he Is making this happen? My friends are dying, Fisayo is dead!"
"They said Dare fell on nails" Bamidele cried, "What in the world... today of all days. God! Show your face!"
Nurses ran towards the ICU where Yemisi was and Amazing and Bamidele joined them only to see the doctor covering her face with a bed sheet. She turned towards Kwame shaking her head, "I'm sorry"
"No!!!!" Amazing cried out running into the room then she leaned against the dead body, "Yemisi, don't go yet. We still have wedding plans go crying out loud. Wake up Yemisi, wake the hell up?"
The whole room freezes and Benefit walked, "I just entered right in time for another funeral." She said and Amazing raised her bead frowning at her, "How dare you come in here?" "It's everyone's funeral today Amazing, we are all dying. That's the plan"
"Where's Blessing?"
"Dead too"
"It's a lie"
"We are all going to end miserably, no one will be more miserable than the other" "God won't allow it"
"Where was your God Amazing when I made you have fibroids, where was your God when I destroyed Ema's life, where was your God when I took Blessing's womb? Where was that your God when I made Nene paralytic, when I broke her legs from limbs to limbs, or when I almost killed Uche or when I gave Yemisi cancer she never had or when I turned Fisayo's life around and made her mad. Where was your stupid God when I was raped? Where was he? Sleeping?"
"No. Even the worst things happen to make us stronger, if you had been patient, you could have turned things around! You could have been a great woman but we'll never know that will we?"
"Your God has proved powerless Amazing once again, I win and you lose."
Bamidele sat up breathing fast, his eyes were wet, he had been crying from his sleep. "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" he whispered wiping his tears off, "I reject it" He snapped his fingers then he went down on his knees praying.
Afterwards he turned on his bluetooth playing a song on his phone.
The orginal gospel Harmonette of Jesus laid his hands on me...
🎶... That Jesus was coming that week, he was blind, sick and old but the old man sat by the road I heard him cry🎶
Bamidele gently walked into the bathroom, did a number one then he started brushing his teeth.
His phone buzzed from the speaker so he spat into the sink rushing into the room to answer the call with the tooth brush in his hand.
"Morning beautiful" He said softly looking at the toothbrush in his hand, why does it look like he has seen this happen somewhere. It's not every day he picks calls with toothbrush in his hand.
Amazing chuckled, "Good morning handsome. How was your night?" She asked and he trailed off thinking about the dream he had that him crying. "I thank God, and yours?" "It was fine. Have you packed your things for tomorrow's journey or are you still waiting for me help you pack?"
"I won't mind" He replied now creasing hi brow in suspicion, why does the whole discussion feel like a freaking déjà vu????
"Until you get to South Africa and see skirts in it"
Bamidele laughed, "You don't want me to go just admit you're missing me already" "One week is too much, I won't even get to see your face" "We'll chat via video chat" "You know it's different" She pouts and Bamidele smiled.
"I'll miss you too, just say the word and I'll just forget everything"
Amazing laughed, "May God bless your going and coming, may his hands go with you, may his favour continually follow you like perfume, men will look down at you with eyes of favour because whosoever God has blessed..."
"No man can curse..." He replied now shutting his eyes, "Why do I feel like you've said this to me before? I'm having a déjà vu kind of feeling"
"It's totally normal. It happens to me sometimes"
"This one is really weird"
"It's okay. Where was i before i was interupted?"
"You were praying for me"
"Exactly. Bamidele Jones, you're blessed on all sides"
"In the morning you're blessed, in the night you're blessed, in Nigeria and all over the world you're blessed, i come against any casting down, Baby, you're lifted up high above your peers"
"Amen! Are you not supposed to save the prayer for tomorrow. Hei! It's tomorrow I'm travelling oh" "I'll pray today, I'll pray tomorrow and the rest of my life. I'll miss you" She complained witholding her tears.
"Are you crying?"
Amazing wiped her tears, "How will I cope when you go to Bible school" "It'll be a part time programme. Babe, i'm not dying, you're not dying. Stop talking as though you won't see me again, you'll make me cry now" He paused shutting his eyes as the memory of Benefit walking into the ICU flashed in his head.
"I'm sorry I'm just really emotional, maybe it's my period"
"Are you free for the day? I won't mind stealing you for the entire day" "I can't make any promises yet. I have a busy schedule planned out today" " What about a movie date this night" "Awwwwn. Really?" "Yeah. Are you up for It? 6pm till Mama comes calling?" "I love the sound of that. " She replied, "See you later BamBam"
"You too"
"This is strange... It's like the exact thing we said in the dream. Then Kwame called"
Kwame's call came in almost immediately and he answered it his heart beating fast. God let it not be about Yemisi.... Let it not be about Yemisi
"Hey kwams, what's up?" He cleared his throat trying not to sound nervous, "Hey, I'm fine"
His voice didn't sound good too.
"You don't sound fine" "It's um Yemisi....."
"She has been admitted in the hospital, her condition got worst. She was bleeding"
"Fuck!" Bamidele cussed unconsciously.
What do you guys think of today's
Circumstances that will make even a broda cuss🤣
Spoiler Alert: It's happening in the next chapter ooo, get your torches, your kerosene and arsenals, we're burning a witch down 😡
Me: Or are we?
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