🔴Chapter 29🔴

Good evening everyone!!!!

Happy Weekdays!😁

How ya doing?😎

Me: I'm doing this all over again, it's mentally draining. The editing might not be good at all, there might be errors, cause i saw a lot yesterday and i was thanking God for it. You might see interchange of Yemisi for Fisayo, Yewande for Yemisi. (Don't ask me why, I was shocked when I saw it too. I'm really not taking my time to edit like yesterday.)

Bear with me guys!!!

So I just want take some time to thank everyone for the support they've shown from day 1 of Choke point, this is not official but I just sat down thinking and I realized that if I don't have people like you reading and dropping comments, I probably won't write and grow.

Thank you all for being apart of my growth!

If you followed me from Ebony story, say hi 👋😂🤣.. Mehn, some people have been loyal oh, from Solomon to Bisola to Benedicta to ejoryiborho..... I can't really list all again. (I'm doing this again)

And to all those that knew me from wattpad ehn!!! I love you guys!!! You all are my motivators, without you guys I probably won't be be typing.

(What I said was sweeter and longer than this. Just manage it for me, it's really not coming back)

Thank you all

I love you!!!!


Chapter 29


Yemisi got out of the toilet then she sat on her bed in order to rest for a while, in between the whole gyration and joy from seeing her siblings, she felt dizzy but she wasn't going to make her family notice. "My joy in this whole is the fact that you're getting married before me" Shope confessed shaking her buttocks before Yemisi who gasped from hearing it.

"O te le twerk! (You can't even twerk) Remove your stiff bum bum from my face" She pushed her away laughing. "Don't tell me you've been delaying you wedding because me cause I remember vividly, you got engaged months before me"

"No I'm not! Folarin doesn't have plans yet. He said something about putting things together, you know that he's the first son now so....." Shope trailed off then he exhaled, "Who cares right now, all that matters now is the woman of the moment,"

"The woman of the moment" Sholape repeated, "Our beautiful sister" "Our beautiful sister"

"The ebony Queen"

"O tito now (It's okay), you're dragging it baby"

"Our bride to me, OluwaYemisi Ojo, Omo Mummy Tosin, soon to be Oluwayemisi Acquah"

Yemisi crossed her leg, "It's actually pronounced as Acquah" She corrected and they all jumped in excitement and she ended up busted out in tears, "Eweh oh! Awwwn, don't cry" Shope and Sholape climbed the bed embracing her. "Don't get me wrong guys...It's called tears of joy, you guys don't understand. I haven't felt this way in a long time"

Tosin entered into the room folding his hands, "So you haven't stopped this your behaviour, cry cry baby" He teased and their mother walked in also. "Mommy is this who we are giving out for marriage? This big baby"

Yemisi pouted, "I'm not a baby, although I'm his baby" She pushed her tongue out and He laughed shaking his head, "Siior! Wahala for who no get baby. I hope you have changed from this your careless behaviour, always forgetting thing and keeping things carelessly. Especially when she's playing candy crush"

Yemisi laughed. She hasn't played the game in a while sef, her problem has overwhelm her! It's enough to distract her!

"Ah! Me I told Kwame oh, I kukuma told the young man but let's thank God for it sha, it's this same forgetfulness that made her meet her man"

Shope arced her brow, "Really? Sis, you've not given me the whole 'how you met him story oh" "Don't worry, you'll hear it someday on my you tube channel."

Mrs Ojo frowned, "Ti gbogbo yin ba duro sibi,ta lo ma gun'yan fún yín? Ọmọ òdò ti e gba sise abi?(If you all stay here, who will pound yam for you guys? The housemaid you guys employed? You're not serious.) Abi is it your poor cousins you will leave it for?"

Sholape and Shope walked out as well as Tosin.

Mrs Ojo sat on the bed exhaling, "Bawo ni awon ore e to ku? Won o ti so nkankan nipa aso won, boya won ma mu awo orisirisi, o tie ti mu eni to ma je chief bridesmaid e (How are the rest of your friends doing? They've not said anything about their clothes, whether they'll pick different colors, you have not even said who your Chief bridesmaid will be)"

Yemisi clasped her palm over her lips, "Jesu, ooto ni o (Jesus, that's true)" "Igbeyawo ti sumo o, ki le n to? (The wedding is soon oh, what are you guys thinking about)"

"Mommy give us a break, week in week out, we're always in the hospital or servicing one emergency or the other and we also have our jobs, I don't think Amazing has even been to her workplace five times this month. It's been from one thing to the other, you won't blame us"

"What is really going on" Mrs Ojo gestured pressing her clasped fist against an open one. "Kini nkan to n sele gan? (What is really going on?). Is there something I should know? I'm your mother oh, you don't look okay, if I must be honest"

Yemisi exhaled, "Mom" "What is it? Soro jare! (Talk), is there anything I should know" "I'm two month pregnant" She revealed and her mother arced her brow, "Two? Yemisi!" "You don't sound excited" "Yes! So I'm supoose to be excited about premarital sex, you should kukuma say I should clap for you, Je ki n patewo fun e ki n si ki o ku orire pelu (Let me clap for you and congratulate you)"

Yemisi closed her lips laughing, " Be laughing rubbish there. You're two months pregnant and you have the mind to tell me" "I'm sorry, it just happened, I didn't even know until the doctor confirmed it on Monday" "And I'm just finding out today?"

"Eweh! Mummy Tosin, shebi you're the one that said I had mind to tell you. African mothers sha!" "Shebi you sef, you're on the journey to motherhood, your child will still call you an African mother too"

Yemisi laughed touching her belly, "I know this is unexpected but this pregnancy Is the best news I've heard all week. I'm sorry if" "So you and Benefit are now pregnant shey?" Mrs Ojo asked and Yemisi shrugged.

Story for the gods!

"When are they coming sef?" She asked about her Uncle in order to avoid the topic. She didn't feel like telling her, even though she'll end ul telling her at last, this wasn't the right time.

"They should be here before twelve, the sienna left early. Dress up" "For what now? Am I naked before?" "I knew you were going to come anyhow, I was even expecting you to come with apron as per the baker that you are but at least, o try wo something nice"

Yemisi laughed sarcastically, "I'm actually putting on Amazing's cloth, I didn't even go home" "That was why I asked Sholape to make a dress for you" "Is this my traditional wedding?"

"No! Your Uncles are coming, look nice, let them know you're not suffering in Lagos. O tie wo make up! (You didn't wear make up)"

"Your husband is here oh!" Shope's voice echoed and Yemisi smiled, "Oya dress up" "Let me urinate first" She answered running into the toilet.

"You better don't fall!"

Aboh sat still trying to absorb all Amazing just explained to him. Irrespective of the fact he insulted her the last time she saw him, she sstill felt a need to clarify the whole thing to him.

Poor guy!

"How do you feel?" She asked and he scoffed, "I feel like abandoning her body in this hospital" He answered sincerely and she chuckled. It sounded insensitive but it was funny at the same time too. "I still don't understand why they wasted time calling an ambulance, someone who's body they should have taken to cemetery or throw in one bush or lagoon like that"

Amazing scoffed, "That's the most insensitive thing I've ever heard" She snapped and a whole lot of insensitive statements he has made flashed through her mind, from when he called off their wedding to after he challenged her over Bamidele proposing to her.

Maybe insensitivity has been deeply Injected into his blood stream.

"For a witch?" He shouted then he reduced his voice, "A witch? In my place we call it Ohe, it's annoying that you still have sympathy for the devil's agent herself."

It's annoying I still have sympathy for you too! She said within while faking a smile. Maybe being nice is a curse she has to live with!

"What at you going to do now?" Amazing asked, "What's your next line of action. I mean Phyna's body" "I don't know. These witches, they're suppose to take her body, it's not in our place to bury her body. That's the truth, I'm just thinking of how I'll start paying money to transport her body back to Benue. What crime did I commit ehn, Amazing, what crime did I commit? I've always been a good guy, letting family members visit me. I wonder how many more are witches"


"It's the truth!"

"Can't you bury her here?"

"Bury who? There are processes oh, you don't just bury a witch like that; so I've heard. I'm just confused right now, how am I going to call her mother or family?"

"It's going to be fine Aboh. It'll be fine" She assured patting him on the back then she walked up to Bamidele, "How Is he?" "Still shaken? To think we're rejoicing about this with the whole reality that he had been living with a witch"

Bamidele laughed and Amazing slapped his arm, "What?" He asked holding her hands and she laughed, "Don't make me laugh he's just here" She complained and Bamidele eyes met wit Aboh.

"Don't look in his direction! Urgh!" She groaned but he rolled his eyes, "Is he looking?" She asked and he laughed, "How do you expect me to have an answer for that if I don't look at him"

"Is he looking?"

"Yes. But looking at it, you also dined and lived with a witch maybe even more years than he did" "You're right."

"I pity him though, the guy has this pathetic expression on his face, he lost his cousin and the most Amazing woman any man would ever wish for" Bamidele answered kissing the palm of her hand and she blushed shyly at his remark.

"You're literarily swelling with pride"

"It's not easy to be this Amazing" She answered and they both laughed.

Suddenly nurses began to scream, bolting left and right while passerby wondered what has happened? Did someone die?

"What happened?" Aboh asked one the nurse, "Na the woman way burn oh, them say she disappear oh, na on top the matter we dey run so oh"

Yemisi got out dressed in a butter colored gown with gold prints over it. Sholape walked up to her to admire the gown, "Awwwn, this looks good. I can't wait for the wedding, I know that the eight of you will just be giving us gbas gbos from different corner, killing us with fashion, beauty and style. Especially Aunty Fisayo"

Yemisi laughed in French within, something that they've not sat down to discuss! They're not even in the right frame of mind for it!

"Abi. I hope the make up on my face isn't too much, I wanted It to be light as possible, I think Shope's foundation are lighter than mine"

"You look sweet Baby. I was worried at first about using your usual measurement," She returned back to discussing about the dress Yemisi wore. "I thought you must have added weight"

"It's perfect dear. Thank you" She answered looking at Kwame from the corner of her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll send you my Aza"

Kwame was busy discussing with Mr Ojo and Tosin. He glanced at her quickly and gave her a lightning-fast wink while pretending to be fully attentive.

The Madam in yellow has stolen his full attention.

This guy sef! Yemisi laughed, who winks at a girl when discussing with elder? Only a werey like him! Look at how he's distracting her now, he looked handsome in the black senator with a dot of gold on it.


Hei God! Is this who you're getting married to like this? Our children will be gorgeous! They might not be fair oh, unless via miracle, after all what God cannot do does not exist. But mehn, even if they come out black, they'll be shinny, cute and good looking.

The whole thing looked surreal! If only Benefit can just let them be! She finally remembered Benefit and her mood turned sour!

Sholape turned back at Kwame, "Opoor! It's plenry... Everything that I've just said, o ja sa san (it's all in vain). Someone has obviously stolen your attention" "Add my heart, brain and sense too" She added and the both laughed.

"I heard Uncle Bolaji and the rest will be lounging in the hotel for like days"

"And who will be paying their bills?"

"Your boo now"

Yemisi frowned, if he knew Kwame very well, the hotel they'll be lounging into won't be the daily 5k a night kind of hotel and they'll be coming back again for the wedding oh.

"Why didn't they tell me?" "I just heard, you can confirm it from Mummy or your husband"

Yemisi walked over to the men flashing a smile, "The three important men in my life are having a conversation. Can I interupt?" She asked and her father dragged her close, "Sure. Who's importanter?" Her father asked and she laughed awkwardly staring at her dad.

Why will this old man put her in this kind of situation?

"Dad, what's importanter?"

She thought she could maneuver her way from the topic but her old man was quite persistent.

"You know what I mean jare? Who's more important" "You all are important" "I insist"

Hehehe... Who will she choose now? Of course her Dad and brother are important to her too but If there's a world she doesn't want to live in, it's one without Kwame in it. This guy gave light to her very existence!

He is a man sent from heaven! God personally packaged him for her!

"Daddy! Ah han! Well, since you insist" she stalled looking at the expectant faces of the three of them. "There's one man I left out and he's the essence of my being"

Kwame arced his brow waiting to know where this was heading. "It's God. God is the most important man in my life" She answered and everyone laughed.

Nice Safe!

"This woman is a crook!" Her father snapped and Tosin smiled, "Aren't all women?" He asked while Kwame's eyes trail over her dress hungrily, his eyeball then rested on her face so she bite down on her lip in an effort to control emotions that were springing up.

Mr Ojo socked him in the shoulder and they all laughed. He then walked away with Tosin.

Yemisi laughed, "Brother Tosin will freak out if he finds out I'm pregnant" "Really?" "Yes. I mean all those time when I was little, the man was overly protective, it wasn't until he went to the university that I finally gained independence. Mom freaked out already" "Jesus... Really?" He asked scared. "Don't worry, o de gbon! (You're trembling). She won't beat you know, and brother Tosin will be scared of all your muscles so you have nothing to worry about" she leaned forward to him and he smiled looking down at her.

"Are you seriously trying to tempt me when you know I can't kiss you here" "Kinda, i couldn't help but notice you couldn't take your eyes off me" "Because you look gorgeous, i love the dress"

"Sholape made it"

"You know what I'll love more, taking it off you" He confessed and she laughed hard, "You this dirty minded man! May God deliver you"

"From you cause you're one temptation I can't get off my way"

"Awwwn. Be throwing punchlines"

Kwame laughed then h exhaled, "How are you this morning? How's your health?" "I'm not dying if that's what you're asking. Can we not talk about sad topics? I've been smiling, I almost forgot I have a problem If not that I keep urinating every now and then"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm fine. That reminds me, what's this I'm hearing about you paying the hotel bills for my Uncles" "Yes... I was going to tell you, your mother might have slipped about the inconvenience some of them may face, especially the ones from Ado Ekiti" he paused pronouncing the Ado Ekiti wrongly.

"Esope?" She asked contorting her face in a funny way and he laughed knowing full well that she was mocking him, "Whatever, so I... volunteered to do it" "Is it a cheap hotel?" "Really babe, really?" "I'll foot some of the bills" "Why bother, am I complaining? Take a look at me Babe, take a good look at me, am I cheap? Do I look cheap?" He asked and she folded her hands.

"You have pride"

"All for you baby, I'll take you to the moon if I have the resources"

Fisayo leaned against him, "It's too much"

Kwame laughed, "What??? I haven't even done anything compared to...." He trailed off, Compared to the girls he dated in the past! "I want to do more for you Baby. I wanted to even discuss about this idea but I need your permission. I already called Mom today, but if it's okay by you. What do you think if your Uncles staying for maybe three more days, so my parents can come and see a good number of your family before the actual wedding?"

Yemisi exhaled, "Benefit, she... Might" "Do nothing, Nuel is fine. We need to stop being busy and focus on us, our wedding"

She became emotional all of the sudden, tears poured down from her eyes down her cheek, "How did I become so lucky? I looked around Nigeria and couldn't find anyone that could fill that void in my heart. I dated a lot of men but God said, no oh, your future husband is not from here oh. Your future husband is a Ghanaian and I didn't even have to go to Ghana to look for him, he found me here in Nigeria"

"We found each other" He answered wiping her tears. "I love you Babe" "I love you too"

Mason sat in his friends living room editing his video. He exhaled looking at his video on the screen of his laptop, "I know this video Isn't really clear, you can't see the lady's face but I can assure you that it wasn't edited to suit the news. I'm not posting this to get polularity, nah! I'm doing this because I'm fucking scared and I don't know what the hell happened? I saw the lady coming, she looked pretty hot, beautiful damsel like one of those karachika or ogbanje bitches. I tried to woo the babe but she didn't even look at me. Babe no give me attention, she just walked into the beach water like she was walking into her father's sitting room. She said some shit, people around said they didnt freak out cause they saw me holding the phone and automatically thought we were creating a skill. The next thing that happened had me like fuck! She vanished, just like that, this babe vanished, my phone.... My phone fell into the water but thank God it was close to shore and it didn't really get soaked. My point is.... I wouldn't have had the video. Just take a look at this video"


Ema walked into the bar and Paul smiled on seeing her. She pushed out a stool then she sat on it. "This one that you're here today, I thought you've forgotten this address" "I repented" "Bless your soul sister Ema" he teased and she chuckled.

"What brought a sister out from her convent into this sinful arena?"

"I just needed to clear my head. I'm really sad and disappointed in life itself"

"Aren't we all? Look at me now, I wanted to have six packs and be a Lawyer" He replied and she chuckled, "I'm still managing my one pack and bar job. What's up, are you still mopping about this time? Is it him?"

Ema shook her head, "Who? Kunle? No, not exactly" "Is it that guy that keeps giving you horrible jobs?" "No" "Your joblessness?" "No! I have a job, a good job" "Okay... What happened over the years?" "It hasn't even been three months" "My point exactly!"

"Did you meet Angel Gabriel himself?"

"Or you signed a deal with the devil, knowing you Ema, it's definitely a deal with the devil"

"Fuck you!"

"Just what i was waiting to hear. Repent kor? Repentance ni"

Ema laughed, "Fuck you! I'll break your head oh" "What is it? Is it your Horrible and sour love life?" "Dare is all but horrible, God gave me more than I asked for. He's the best" "Okay wait.... Dare... Why does that name sound familiar? Wait the guy that paid your bills?"


"Girl you're such a ....." He clicked his tongue, "You didn't even kiss and tell. You didn't tell me you found him and I went the whole of Lagos searching for him so that Ema can stop feeling like she owes someone" "Of course you did! Rubbish!" She snapped and he laughed then he watched her blush.

"Oh my God! Look at that smile, Is it Cupid you met? Tell me, I promise not to give his address to anyone."

"You're mad"

"God when oh" He chipped in and she chuckled. "Ema is happy, you deserve the best. I've always known this day will come"


"No! Truthfully I've always thought you'll grow old and alone. I said the person that will marry you will have to get ready to be a punching bag. You better send me invite when he proposes oh."

If Benefit doesn't do anything stupid!

"I'm glad you're happy, I should probably hug you but I'm on the clock. So that leaves us with the million dollar question, why are you here?"

Ema exhaled, "Well I just found out my twin sister Is not just a bitch but a witch" She confessed and he laughed throwing his head backward, "Tell me something I don't know. You and this your twin war. Anyhow, one drink on the house, are you in for it Sister Ema?"

Ema lifted a finger, "Just one"

Dare drove along listening to a conversation from his client behind him. "I say na so everybody take run from the hospital, shebi naim dey pulse news so now"

He laughed within knowing he heard the story from Bamidele. "What's going on in this world?" "I think Today is one spiritual day oh, what about the one that happened this morning at the beach."

"Is it the Mammy water news?"

"Exactly Tonia!"

"I don't believe that one for what we know that video must have been edited"

"Edited? I say something way me I use my eyes see. I didn't see it perse, I was on the beach when I saw people running out of the water, babe na so I carry the two legs way God give me run like who mad. It's not only that guy that saw it, other people saw the girl too. That was all the evidence I needed"

"What Is this world turning into"

"Horror movie my dear! My body still dey vibrate. We'll stop here"

Dare pulled up in front of a house, "That will be 4, 200" he said and the girl gasped, she didn't expect the money to be that high now!

"Eweh!" Tonia complained, "All this uber drivers, una owner go build sky scaper one day oh"

Dare laughed, of course he's the owner! Has he started building a sky scraper? No! "Babe, we go spilt the money oh. Sir, do you accept transfer?"

"Yep" He replied turning his head towards the back seat then Tonia chuckle on seeing his face, "Why does you face look familiar?" She asked and Dare shrugged, "Do I look like Tupac? People say I look like tupac" He asked and the two girls laughed.

"It's true oh"

"No! Eh hen!" She snapped her fingers, "My memory cannot fail me, you're the guy that girl served breakfast now! Abi Babe, you no remember that guy way propose for in front of cinema way the girl come dey talk say, she get boyfriend"

"Oooookay!" She emphasized then they both spent sometime laughing, "Ehya... I'm Sorry we're laughing, we spent weeks laughing over this" "It's fine, I get that every time"

The girls were out in minutes then Dare quickly searched Pulse news for recent publication. He scrolled till he saw an headline that sounded like what they were talking about.

The existence of Mermaids proven in this era. He scrolled down to the video then he played it.

Ema called Dare almost immediately, "Good evening Babe" "Good evening" "Someone just said I look like Tupac" He joked and she laughed, "Maybe if you were a rapper" "Have you heard me rap before?" He asked and she laughed.

"Mom said she's in Ogun State"

Dare eyes popped open, "Wow, the driver is really fast oh, to think she was in Ore was it three hours ago? Give or take if she doesn't meet traffic in Mowe, kai! the traffic along that long bridge It's always something else. She should be home by maybe 10"

"I don't think this is a good idea any longer" "What?" "Calling Mom to talk to Benefit, I mean all this is her fault" "Oh my God Ema, that's not fair. How is it her fault? Was she here when everything happened?"

"But I'm sure if she didn't leave Dad, if we were a family, if Benefit wasn't living with Aunt Nora, none of this would have happened. I wouldn't have turned out this fucked up. And Aunt Nora would have still been alive."

"That woman is just as innocent as we all are. You can't start throwing blames because you feel like it! Drop the hate, this is a woman you haven't seen in a long time, no just any woman, your Mom!"

"I'll go wait for her"

"Why will you so that when you're dating an uber driver"

Ema paused shaking her head, "You don't have to" "Maybe we should have dinner somewhere, if there's time and just chill till she's close by" "Uh..... Babe, we don't even know what Benefit might have planned out, I really don't want to take the risk"

"It's my risk okay?"

Mrs Jones stared at her phone longing to call her daughter to check on her and her family. The only problem was that she already called her ten minutes ago. She doesn't want to appear too protective but the issue was making her jittery. She then turned towards her husband beside her who was going through his mails on his laptop.

"That's what you have PAs for"

"This one is a personal mail" "Shouldn't we call Yewande" "You called her one minute ago" "No oh, it's ten seconds ago"

"You should understand where I'm getting at. You've been calling too much" "Our grandson just escaped being burnt by..... Even if I call every five minutes, it's not enough"

"I think it's better you pack your things to their place"


"I was just being sarcastic, of course that will be silly"

"There is something going on my dear. You know that moment when you know something I wrong but you can't just wrap your fingers around it."

"You think our daughter is hiding something?"

"Didn't you hear that the body disappeared?" "It's just an enemy's attempt on the life of our grandson, it might be from my end or your or the street they live in but they found the person dead anyways, so what does that tell you?"

"That God is working"


Yewande, Saviour and Nuel stood in circle praying in the room. "We come against every evil divination against this family and our loves in the name of Jesus"


Amazing sat in bed reading her bible when she saw the light of her phone go on and off. She knew it was a message but she hated being distracted when studying. Judging from the situation of things and emergencies, she felt the need to check what it is.

It better be MTN! She doesn't want any distraction or scare again!

She scrolled down seeing a message from Aboh

Amazing, I think I'm seeing things, I can't process my thoughts. I can't live this way, i might kill myself before tomorrow morning.

"Jesus!" She screamed, she quickly changed into a grey gown then she rushed out of the room, "Fisayo I'm heading out, I'll be back let's say in two hours"

"Who and you will stay in this house, abi Is it You and who?" Her voice trembled as she asked, "Just two hours" "Anything can happen to me in two hours, I'll follow you"

"I was planning on meeting Bamidele to go with me"

"Is it a date? Don't worry, we'll go together, i'll be the third leg" "It's not a date Fisayo" She stomped her feet on the floor then she rushed off and Fisayo screamed, "Let me go and wear my slippers now! See, if you go, you'll meet me here at your front porch and I'll beef you more than Benefit!"

Amazing hissed shaking her head, "Oya do, I'm waiting"

Shortly after, she knocked on Bamidele's door and he opened up. His lips curled into a smile on seeing her, "Did you miss you steps?" He asked and she shook her head showing her the text message.

"Aboh sent that to me"

"Okay... We'll pray for him then!"

"Bam!" She stomped her feet pouting like a baby, "What? Shouldn't we pray for him?" "What if he commits suicide?"

"Wow because of a cousin he doesn't give a shit about."

"How can you say that?"

"Because I'm a guy and I've been there, the whole casanova life. I've not done this though,
this is really beneath me. Did you see him shed a tear at the hospital? No! Thinking of it now, it's all clear to me to me. I feel like the Holy spirit is opening my eyes to something now. I think he was just trying to gain sympathy from you at the hospital." "Bam. This guy knows I'm engaged"

"Babe, I know a sham message when I see one. See, this is just like putting on distress call where there's no fire. It's like calling 911 when your life isn't even in danger"

Amazing scoffed, "And you know just by looking at the message" "Apart from using my bad boy senses, Babe, God has clearly given us the spirit to discern. This message is clearly full of shit"

She grabbed the phone from him angrily, "And it's not because you don't like him" "I see God helping my heart" He said placed his palm upon his chest, withholding his laughter "Amen. If God had so much distrust for you like you do for Aboh, if God didn't give you a chance"

"Okay let's go before you turn it into a Sunday sermon" He teased laughing, "Are we using your car or mine?"

Bamidele pulled up in front of Aboh's house and Amazing pushed the door of the car open, "Let's go in together" "No" "Why? You can talk to him, God has given you the gift" "If he sees me, he won't do or express himself the way he wants to"

Amazing rolled her eyes rushing out of the car. "Do you think it's wise to let her go alone?" Fisayo asked and Bamidele turned back at her, "Don't get me wrong, I trust my best friend but" "I trust her too, I just want her eyes to be open. I can bet on anything that this is a scam call"

She knocked on door and Aboh opened up smiling at her, "Hey" "Hey" She replied entering into his sitting room and he shut the door after her. "How are you doing? Don't ever send me message that looks like that ever! Do you know how worried I was" she turned towards him and he scratched his head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worried. Have your seat"

"No. What happened, you said you were seeing things and..."

Aboh exhaled, "I'm going out of my mind Amazing, I think I'm going insane" "You've not exactly been the best person on my talking list but in as much as God can still forgive us, i'm here, talk to me" She begged and he held her hands, "Thank you for coming. I'm eternally grateful for this. This was one of the many reasons I fell in love with you"

Huh? Say what? Amazing arced her brow, is he doing what he thinks he's doing right now?

"You still have the nicest smile"

"What's going on, I came to discuss the message not my smile"

"It's your face that I'm seeing" he replied and Amazing swallowed hard, she shut her eyes to control her anger then she opened it. "What did you say?" "When I saw you with that guy this afternoon, it just made me angry and quite honestly, it opened my eyes"

"So I came all the way for this?"


"Babe? Are you being serious right now Aboh, who's your Babe?" She asked now lifting her finger to show him the run on it, "Do I have to remind you that I'm engaged" "Not like it's the first time; I engaged you at first and then he did"

"Wow, so you can also reengage me"


Amazing slapped him on the cheek, "So you can engage me like I'm some baton to be passed down" "That wasn't what I meant" He grimaced rubbing his cheek to nurse the pain, "What did you mean then? So seeing me with my fiance finally opened your eyes, now you realize you were blind. So when you called me here, what did you think was going to happen?"

"I thought I'll be able to convince you into cuddling and kissing like we used to. I miss you girl and I know you miss me too"

Amazing slapped him on the face again, "Miss kill you there!" She snapped looking up to the ceiling as though trying to get permission from God to hit him again. "See, don't hit me again, what is it?" "What will you do? Aboh, will you hit me back? I'll hit you if you keep saying rubbish. If there's anyone I should be kissing, it's Bamidele and I'm not even kissing him. I'll be out of my mind to kiss you. Have you forgotten all you've done to me? Or what you said when you came to my office that day or do I still need to remind you?"

"I'm sorry. I spoke out of turns"

"Upon all this, i still looked upon you with mercy and you deceived me. Oh my God, Bamidele was right. My fiance is outside waiting for me in the car"

"Didn't he trust you?"

"I asked him to come along"

"Why? You couldn't trust yourself with me, I know you like me"

"Iew! I look back everyday and I don't know what I saw in you. It only makes me realize how desperate I was that time enough to settle for anything" She spat in disgust.

"Do you think that stupid guy is good for you?"

"If you say anything negative about my BamBam I swear, I'll slap you real good, if you think those ones I gave are slaps then you haven't seen the one that comes from a protective fiancée. I'll offload every anger on you! And I've got a truckload of it!"


Amazing swing her finger at him, "If you call me Babe again Aboh.. I should have just listened to BamBam" She hissed batting her eyes at him but he knelt down instead.

"Please come back to me Amazing, I'll treat you right" he stretched his hands and she moved back angrily, "If you touch me, Aboh if you touch me. Why am I still here?" She rolled her eyes walking away then she paused turning towards him, "Let this be the last time you text me or call me. I'm blocking you this instant!" She snapped walking out of the house in shame.

How will she let Bamidele know? The guy is just going to gloat and say 'I told so'

She watched him engage in a conversation with Fisayo, they seemed deeep in it. He was even laughing! So she angrily entered the from seat then she slammed the door, "Let's go" "Ah han?" Fisayo asked, "Kilode?" "That was quick" he asked noticing the angry look.

"Did he give you bitterleaf to eat ni? I don't understand this face" Fisayo pressed on and Bamidele cleared his throat. "How was it? How is he? Did you have to read him bed time stories or sing lullabies for him?" He asked withholding his laughter.

"You won't believe this guy... Aboh is hopeless!" She snapped and he laughed looking out the window, his shoulders shuddered with vigour as he couldn't help himself from laughing.

"Ah! That idiot, the wedding he cancelled I didn't do anything, wo, the way I'll abuse him ehn, o ma fe sunkún" She pushed the car open, "Abi he does not know that I've gone mad before"

"Don't go, I already dealt with him"

"Tell me you at least gave him one slap"

"Two good slap, I would have given him a third one If I wasn't so scared he'll lose that he'll lose his mind" She answered so Fisayo shut the door. "That guy needs help"

"Like!" She hissed staring at Bamidele who was still laughing.

"Stop laughing!" She pinched him and he turned towards her pushing his tongue out, "I told you so" "Real mature BamBam, real mature" "I told you already, I know a sham message when I see one. I and the Holy ghost, we are like five and six" He pressed two fingers together.

"What did he say?"

"He said he wants me back, when he saw me this morning, his eyes opened and I reminded him that I was engaged and he said it wasn't a first that he can reengage me. Can you imagine? Then he said he thought we could kiss cuddle like we used to"

Bamidele arced his brow, "Wait, you guys kissed and cuddled?" He asked and her eyes popped opened, "Was that all you heard?" "It's just a harmless question"

"Yes we did. But it wasn't pronounced cause deep down, I wasn't completely okay with it. I don't even make the move. Why are you asking?"

"Why is It making you uncomfortable? I have my past, I'm not trying to criticize you"

"I'm just angry that despite all he has done that I can still feel sympathy for him and the idiot, God forgive me, he had the nerves to say that I brought you here because I couldn't trust myself around him and that he knows that I miss and like him. He's clearly insane"

"Do you?" Bamidele asked and Fisayo scratched her hair, "Bamidele..." She trailed off and Amazing scoffed, "Are we... Are we really doing this right now?" "You haven't answered the question"

Amazing waved her hands in defeat, "Let's just go home" "Babe" "Bamidele" "Bamidele? Wow" "Please, don't even say a word, don't even say anything till we get home, even after we get home let's just go home, you'll go to your own house and I'll go to mine. Fine?"


"Just drive! Please?" She begged and he drove off knowing he messed up.

"I don't like involving myself in couples fight but"

"Fisayo" Amazing called out and she swallowed hard, "I should have kukuma stayed at home"

Bamidele pulled up his car in front of Amazing's house and Fisayo pushed her head in between them. "You guys had better reconcile before entering into your houses or else I'll open the bible and show you that place that speaks about forgiveness" She threatened walking out of the car.

As though she knows the place sef

"She's right Babe. We can't end the night like this, even the Bible talked about not allowing the sunset on our anger. I'm sorry I asked that stupid question, there's no justification for it. I just thought it was silly running to the rescue of someone you claim you don't like in the night all because of one distress call, If you don't actually like him" He paused then she exhaled tiredly.

"I don't like him BamBam" She answered , her eyes prickled with unshed tears. "I'm in love with one big head called Bamidele Jones! How could you have said that? The .... Whatever feeling I had for that... doesn't stand what I feel for you and you know it. I was really hurt"

"I'm sorry, I was just jealous" He apologized, "Can you forgive this big head?" He asked and she chuckled faintly, "All the kisses we had" "Shh" "Let me speak Baby, it doesn't even compare to the first one we had"

Bamidele laughed, "Did he suck that much? How bad can a man be at kissing?" He asked watching her laugh, "You're special" She replied grabbing his hand then he ran his fingers across the ring on her finger. "I'm just angry because I trust too much, I'll just stop trusting people"

"Shhh, don't" His fingers lightly stroke her cheek, "It's one of the amazing qualities God gave you, it's one of your strength and weakness. I think what's important is discernment, you're special Amazing, I can't blame Monkey coat though, if I was in the same shoe I'll do the same. You don't realize the worth of a thing unless you lose it. I don't want to ever lose you"

His heated stare coaxed a different kind of warmth that spread over her. So she moved her face close to his and he smiled biting his lips then he shook his head. Despite his best efforts to not grin, his traitorous lips curved upward on their own and laughter busted out.

It sounded like a mock laughter.

"Till the wedding day, I hope you know you're the one being carnal right now" He accused and she laughed pushing the door of the car open.

"Where are you going to?"

"To bury my face in shame"

"Without telling me good night?"

"Good night. And thank you for everything and respecting this decision" "Sure. I know it's difficult dating a hot guy like me. Don't think too much on it, just ask the Holy spirit to help you through"

Amazing arced her brow throwing a piece of rumpled paper she found on him then he laughed, "Too much?" He asked watching her walk away. "Good night Bambam" "Good night Babe"

11:16 pm

Dare drove along the road, "You guys didn't have to stress yourself," "It's no bother Ma" Dare answered, "Ema, is he your friend? He looks like a nice guy" she assumed from how he welcomed her and carried her bag from the park.

"Ema, your mom is talking to you"

"I know.. He's not my friend, he's my boyfriend"

Agnes smiled, "That is so wonderful, the only one I knew about was..." She trailed off, "What's your name dear?" "Oluwadamilare Ma" "Dare! Omo ilu wo ni e?" "Lagos State Ma"

"Ema you didn't mention it to me oh"

Dare glanced back at Ema then back to the road, "Ema, don't be rude" "All of the sudden I don't feel like talking to her"

"Ema! What's that now?" Dare asked turning back at the both of them then quickly at the road. "Did I do something wrong?" Agnes asked a clueless expression on her face as she directed this look to her. "Maybe I made a mistake calling you to come to Lagos, all this is your fault in the first place"

"Excuse you?"

"If you didn't leave Dad, if you didn't leave us, if we were still a family, if Benefit wasn't living with Aunt Nora, none of this would have happened. I wouldn't have turned out this fucked up, and Aunt Nora would have still be alive"

Agnes shook her head, "So it's my fault" "Yes, you left" "I left? Ema just don't say anything that will make me angry. You might be older but I'm still your mother. If you're looking for who to transfer your anger on, i'm also looking for who to transfer my own anger on, if you think you're hurt by your sister's betrayal, I'm also hurt too. She's my daughter, I carried you both in my womb. Have you given birth before? No! I was fifteen when I had the two of us, it wasn't an easy birth. Don't worry when you give birth you'll understand how it feels when your children disrespects you."

"Whose fault is it?"

"That's not fair Ema, it's not fair at all" Dare snapped and Agnes rolled her eyes, "It's clear that you've had something to drink cause I can smell it from your mouth. Can you just be reasonable and wait till we get home away from your Boyfriend before acting up? Dare, I'm sorry you had to witness this. You guys didn't have to stress yourself coming down, you could have given me an address" "You won't know the way Ma"

"Iwo pelu tani? Who? Is it me that will not know Lagos? Lagos that I used to trek from erm this place to Mongoro those days"

"Everything has changed, Lagos has changed Ma"

"Yes, but if I follow my instinct and good memory, I can get to any place so far I was there that year. The last time I came Aunty Nora was still... At least she allows me stay but not everyone was always excited about seeing me, except Benefit" She answered. This was followed by a long silence.

"I think you guys should chill at my place, it's closer. Today, you now take your things over to Ema's place"

Dare slept in the living room. He left his bedroom for Ema and her mother to sleep in. Ema walked in while he was struggling to sleep, she pulled his small center table close to him. He opened up one of his eyes in her direction.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't sleep"

"Baby, it's late, it's almost after one" "I thought i'd pray myself to bed. It didn't work" "Why?" He asked shutting his eyes, "Because of this thing called guilt" "Okay"

"Babe!" She lifted her legs placing it on his tummy and he laughed rubbing her feet. "This scene reminds me of Mom trying to get Daddy's attention at night. You female specie are the same" he hissed and she laughed. "I'm listening to you, i'm just tired" Dare answered and she exhaled.

"Are you angry at me?"

"See... whatever you have against your mother, I don't know how it started, I really don't want to intefer but....." "It started when she abandoned us for a step mother to take control. It's not like my step mother is bad like that, I just hated the fact we woke up one day to find out she already disappeared from the house"

"Have you asked her why?"

"Yes! I asked. Only for her to call once in five months or six months until we got a phone in the university, she started calling but by that time, I didn't need her call, little by little maturity set in and I started returning her call at least once in a month"

Dare laughed, "Once in a month? That's wicked" "At least twice" "Do you speak calmly without being Ema" he asked and she shook her head climbing on him and he arced his brow giving her an unsure look, "I thought we're not..." "We're not doing anything"

"Your Mom won't know that... See, I don't want to look like one Oniranu in front of your mother"

Ema leaned against his chest and he adjusted his sleeping position to accomodate her and for his comfort. "I just wish...I wish everything was normal, I wish I had a normal life"

"I probably wouldn't have met you"

"True. I'm angry, scared, uncertain" "Your mom doesn't deserve you transferring the anger on her. Benefit made her choice, even the Bible spoke about choice. What about those that had great family but ended up being serial killers, do you think upbringing had anything to do with it? I'm sure before they had their first kill, they probably would have had conversation between the good and bad that lies inside them but they made the choice to kill. They live by feeding their conscience with... with poison therefore killing their own conscience. That was what your sister did, she made her own choice, your mom didn't make it for her. No! Just like Bamidele made a choice to turn from being a bad boy, Amazing didn't make that choice for him oh. He did!"

Agnes who had stepped in the middle of their conversation smiled, impressed with Dare's advice.

Ema broke into tears, "I'm sorry" "I'm not the one you should apologize to" He answered eyes still shut then he exhaled, "Good night Babe" "Baba you're angry with me"

Dare kissed her on the forehead, "Please sleep, I love you" "I'm not sleepy. Let's talk, till I fall asleep" she begged and he opened his eyes. "So some girls were talking about a video that surfaced online, a video of a lady that disappeared"

"Are you sure It's not fake"

"The face of the person didn't show, she's fair"

"Wait you think it's Benefit?" "I don't know, maybe she went back to her marine kingdom" "She's a witch"

"Maybe water carried her" He joked and Ema laughed, "The bitch is still my sister" "It doesn't stop a good Nigerian from praying for his enemies to die, even though it's a family member. I'm not praying for her to die sha, I'm just praying for her to be out of the way so we can be happy"


Ema held a tray of fried plantain and eggs frowning, Dare had asked her to take the food into the room. "Please" She begged and he flung a towel over his shoulder. "Go!"

She stomped her feet before walking into the room happy to see her mother still sleeping. "Thank God" She whispered dropping it on the cabinet. Her mother opened her eyes, "Good morning Ema" She greeted before Ema could escape then she quickly pulled her phone to check the time, 6:11 am

"Good morning"

"You're rather up early" "Dare has to prepare for work" "Oh. How was your night?" "Fine" "Mine wasn't, even with how tired I was, I couldn't sleep. I had a dream that people were coming to burnt you sister and I kept on pleading and pleading, they were ready to burn me too, that was how I woke up"

Ema exhaled, "I don't know what to say." "Me too, this thing I making my BP go high, touch my temperature, it's like a burning gas" "Sorry. Do you want drugs?" "Do you have?" "I'll ask Dare"

"Thank you. I see you made breakfast, thank you but I'm shocked oh. Benefit said you don't know how to cook anything" "Dare made it" "So it's true"

"It's not my fault" She answered and she nodded. "Yeah, I guess it's my fault like every other thing"

Ema rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry" "You know you're kind of right" "No. I'm sorry about those things I said" "I didn't leave you guys Ema" "Can you just let us just um.... Apologize and pretend"

"Pretend what? I'm tired of you guys blaming me and making me look like I'm the bad one while your father spread his arms wit pride as though he's not the one at fault. I thought he will have the decency to tell you guys but he didn't so here it is Ema, I didn't leave you guys"

"You did"

"Your grandmother chased me away, she sent me off because she found a replacement for you father. A more educated replacement"

Ema raised her brow, "Grandma did that?" "Yes! This was how it happened, I was the little girl they brought from the village so her life can be better in Lagos. I was ten years old, i will be the first to wake up and the last to sleep. At that age, i was running errands to distance that I shouldn't, that was how why I picked up Yoruba so fast. You father and I got really close when I turned fifteen, he was my best friend, my tutor, my confidant. I stupidly fell in love and one thing led to another and I got pregnant. Your grandmother didn't find out till it was seven months"

Ema widened her eyes, "How?" "My small stature helped me and I kept wearing cardigan. The day she found out, you two felt it, the beating I received from that woman, if not for God, I would have lost the pregnancy." Agnes laughed.

"It was beyond abortion, even if it wasn't, even if it meant raising you two alone, I wouldn't have mind"

Ema blushed, "Really?" "Yes! But your grandmother sent my packing, I had no choice, she threatened to throw me in prison where I won't see you two again" "She did all that? I can't believe I cried during her burial" Ema said in regret and they both laughed out loud.

Dare smiled on hearing them, Ema's mother's laughter was the loudest. "Cute" He muttered biting an apple.

"Mom, you tried, you even came for the burial"

"It was in Benue so what would have been my excuse? The woman took me to school, at least I owe some gratitude to her. I wanted to fight for you guys but on second thought I was like nah! You guys will have better opportunities being there" She confessed holding her daughter's hands.

"There's no day that I don't miss my babies"

Ema cried, "There was no one to sing us to bed again, no one to kiss us goodnight, no one to love us genuinely" "I'm sorry" "No mother to teach me how to cook"

"Ema, there's YouTube"

"You're right, I'm lazy"

Agnes laughed wiping he tears off, "Does he know?" "Yes. Thank God he's a world class cook" "Hmm! So you're going to remain lazy, congratulations" "It's not like that"

"You're lucky to find a man like him, I overheard all the sweet things he was saying this morning. He has a good head on his neck" "You were eavesdropping" "No! I just overheard him trying to spoonfeed you with wisdom"

Ema smiled, "I don't know what I did to deserve him. Initially I thought I won't get over Kunle but when he came, it swept me off my feet. There are some things Kunle can't force me to do ever! With him, it's easy"

"That's a husband you need to hold tight, not like some people that just folded their hands and allowed their mother pull the plug"

Ema laughed, "Why didn't you remarry?" "I lost interest, I'm still broken and I didn't want anything diverting my focus from my two girls. I knew if I had children.... My focus will be on my new family, I couldn't risk it."

"What? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. You did that and all I ever did was repay you will hate. I'm sorry" "It's fine" Agnes answered with a faint smile, "You'll take me to Benefit's place so I can check on her. Maybe I can talk her into changing her mind"

"Let's say you succeeded in talking to her, what will you do about her witchcraft? Personally, I can never ever forgive her!"

Amazing stepped out the bathroom with a towel wrapped across her chest then she heard her cell phone ringing from the bed. She checked the screen, anticipating to see Yemisi or Kwame cause they had wedding plans.

The weren't going to allow Benefit ruin the wedding plan like she has been doing! They don't even want to know what she's planning at the moment, but one thing she's happy about is the fact they've decided not to let it bother them.

Look at her, she hasn't made any clothing plans for the wedding, a whole event planner like her! Wonders that never cease was her case!

Besides, she also needed to go to work and some sites to supervise.

She scoffed on seeing the caller ID, Aboh calling, "I was suppose to block this last night. God help me, this guy wants to tempt me into saying things that I don't want to say, help me Lord" She rolled her eyes answering the call.

"Didn't I warn you to"

"Before you hang up, I saw something in Phyna room's and I was wondering" "You think you can deceive me again, once bitten" "This time I'm serious, it looks devilish" "It probably looks like you"


"Aboh, i'm not your Pastor, go and get your Pastor and stop calling me!" She snapping hanging up then she blocked his number.

Bamidele walked into the living room with his bell and Bible after two hours of aggressive evangelism. He dropped the bell and bible on the center table in the living room, strode into the kitchen, got water to drink then he heard his phone ring. He slides his hands into his pocket and brought out the phone.

It was no one other than 'Monkey Coat'

Bamidele looked up at the ceiling, "Should I pick or ignore?" He asked ignoring it at first. The next time the call came in, he picked up waiting to hear from his end.

"What's your plan?"

"Good morning" he greeted since the guy had no curtsy.

"What's good about the morning?" "Oh. Sorry it's a good morning for me, I probably can't say the same for you judging from the slaps you received last night" "She told you?"

"I was well informed"

Aboh hissed mimicking him, "I was well informed" "I totally get why you're crying over this Aboh, I do. If I lose someone like Amazing, i probably will feel worst than you do"

"Did i say anything about losing anyone? I haven't lost Amazing. She likes me and I'm sure one day she'll realize what mistake she's making and come back to me. Isn't that what she keeps doing?"

Bamidele scoffed, he wanted to snap back at him but he felt something strong restrain himself. "I mean during our time, when we were dating, we kissed, doesn't that tell you something? I'm special and you're just a nonsense specie she's using to heal her broken heart."

Bamidele rolled his eyes, Is this guy even mature? So petty!

"You're not saying anything cause you probably know I'm right."

Bamidele smiled finally getting a go ahead to speak, "Let me tell you something Aboh, the day the dog walked up to the elephant to ask, 'Are you sure you're pregnant? We became pregnant on the same date, I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant. What's going on?'. That moment, It seemed like she was mocking the elephant. Just like you feel you're mocking me now but do you know what the elephant said? I'm going to direct it to you right now and I want you to get the picture. What I and Amazing are carrying is not a puppy dog relationship or a dog's pregnancy but rather an elephant. Elephants only give birth to one in two years. But when the baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. When the baby crosses the road, human beings stop and watch in admiration. That's what we carry so if I'm not kissing her today, it's fine by me, we have the whom of our life to do that when w get married. What we carry is divine, she's God's plan for me and I believe I'm God's plan for her. What about you Aboh, have you sat down to hear from God? God has plans for each and everyone of us no matter how annoying or self-centered we are "

Aboh ended the call angrily then he threw the phone on the bed. "Damn it! What audacity, comparing my relationship to a puppy!" He hissed, "Rubbish entity! Who is he preaching for? Did he give his life to Christ before me? Nonsense! Damn it!"

His plans to annoy Bamidele just backfired!

What do you guys think about today's Chapter?

Do I hear someone ask where Benefit is? 🤣😂 She dey hibernate

I wrote something else after these two question but I can't remember now😭🤣😂.Chai! The thing drain me!

Have a lovely day guys!!!!

Vote and give me some joy!

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