🔴Chapter 24🔴
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Chapter 24
Word for today
But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one - 2 Thess 3:3
Bamidele typed when he heard the bell ringing, he grimaced then he sent it to his status. "Chill... I'm coming"
Bassey entered into the room after spending some time in the gym. He noticed Fisayo wasn't in the room, so he made way into the bathroom. He hasn't been able to sleep after the bad experience he had. He took off his towel, turned on the shower and stepped in.
His fingers ran through his neck, almost as though he was looking for a marking or something. The pain was very much there. He couldn't help but relive the dream over again! Then he remembered how he had laughed when Fisayo revealed the whole fair woman story to him.
He buried his head in shame then he rememberer her threat. What could the have done to make someone so vengeful????
Fisayo entered into the bathroom clutching a towel she tied across her chest and he turned his head, "I'm bathing, I'll be done in jiffy" "I want to bathe too" "Now?" He asked and she nodded.
Bassey chuckled within, he knew she was looking for drama that will only lessen the tension from the previous night. She hung the towel, allowed her gaze to flicker over his body before slowly inching back up to his face.
The water poured down on them while his eyes bored into hers. "I'm sorry" she apologized, "I warned you before we started this relationship. You...." She stopped the shower from running then she spat some water out of her mouth. "How do people speak during shower? People always do trick in movies. All my eyes are paining me" she complained and he laughed within.
"Where was i sef? You knew my past, but you obviously defied all the forces trying to pull us away. I told you already, that my life Is a mess but you said you wanted to start on a clean slate. You told me it was with your full chest but now your chest has deflated, your heart is in your mouth, your feets are shaking, the liver you used in saying that thing that night Is no longer there, even your whole body. I'm not sure whether you want this or not. I totally understand if you want to break up with me now. It will break my heart in millions of pieces. For crying out loud, you have given me love portion and I probably won't get over It in months or years, or never. I probably won't date any guy in years"
"Will you go back to...." He trailed off and her heart leapt, this one that he's asking like this, it could only mean he's considering it. Fisayo assumed she was so close to eating her first breakfast!
"To what? The same shit that made me lose my first real relationship? I'm even angry at prostitution sef" she busted into tears, "Uche... Amazing and Yemisi was right all along.... The end result of this is Katakata, I should have stopped. I guess i'll get Amazing to find me a job, just when I thought you're the last man I'll be having sex with" she leaned against his chest "Or maybe I should rededicate my life to God, go to the convent and become a nun"
Bassey laughed quietly then he nudged her chin up with a serious look. "Being a nun will not be a bad idea" "You think so?" She asked and he nodded, "Yeah, I'm sorry Fisayo....." He trailed off watching her sob then he wiped her tears off, "I'm sorry but I love you too much to see you cry. I was just teasing you" he laughed out loud and she gasped.
"I'm sorry what? I... I thought you were angry"
"I was.... Last night. I was just being angry, worried about the future and jealous too but the truth is I signed up for this and your response to that question kind of sent my dead heart kicking again" he raised her hands to his bare chest.
Fisayo embraced him tightly and then he smiled running his hands through her weaves. "Where were you? You weren't in when I came in" "Don't worry I wasn't with that big head Tyrone! I went to the beach" she answered and he lowered his lips upon hers kissing her sending shiver down her spine. With his free hands, he turned on the shower.
Ema stretched a cup of water to Dare who was still coughing. He grabbed the cup gulping all the water while she watched. "Are you okay? What happened?" "I.... " he exhaled handing the cup back to her then he slept on the bed. "It was just a dream" "That was what you said but you still kept on coughing. What happened to you? What did you dream of? Was it.... Bad, did you see someone? Was it the fair lady?"
"No. It was you, I was in the room then you climbed on me strangling me. You tried talking me into leaving you, you said you don't deserve happiness, you said you only bring harm to those you love. You said you can never bring me happiness, then you warned me to leave or I'll die. You told me all these while strangling me. That was when you woke me up"
Ema shook her head, "It wasn't me. It was her!" "I know" She's at it again. Dare, she's at it again, you have to leave me. We can never be" "Wow... Look at how quick you are to just let go of what we have"
"She will destroy it! She'll kill you like she killed Kunle"
"So what do you want me to do? Leave you? I can't do that, don't even suggest it cause I won't agree to it! I'll never agree to it" Dare pressed his forehead against hers and Ema sobbed, "I don't want to lose you Dare, I don't!"
Amazing heard her phone ring from her sleep, she managed to answer the call from Yemisi, "Hello?" She began only to hear Yemisi sobbing, "Amazing we're in trouble" "What? God forbid! We're not in trouble. Don't say negative things"
"I'm only saying what Is happening right now. I urinated on the bed again"
"Oh my God!" She slapped her face, "It's going to be well" "Kwame was attacked last night too, they came into his dream, they warned him and strangled him. I'm scared Amazing"
"Is he alright?"
"Yes. There are finger marks on his neck, like someone slapped him on the neck"
Amazing shut her eyes, "Oh my God, this is serious. Did you pray last night?" She asked and Yemisi rolled her eyes, "You haven't asked me that question in like..... How long now? Wha does it matter?"
"Are you serious Yemisi? Of everything we've gone through, you can actually ask that"
Yemisi rolled her eyes, "I didn't call to hear that Amazing. I'm scared" "Trust God. Let's just trust him okay? It's going to be fine. It's going to be fine dear, I'll come over" she added seeing another call from Ema, "Ema is calling me, end the call so I can pick up" she requested and Yemisi did.
"Hey Ema, good morning" she greeted not expecting to hear Ema crying. "Jesus Ema, are you okay?" "No." "Is... Dare okay?" "No. They came into his dream and they strangled him"
"Blood of Jesus!!" She snapped her fingers, "The devil is liar" "They warned him to leave me but he doesn't want to. Should I?" She asked and Amazing quickly thought of Bamidele.
Oh mY God Bamidele! She thought within when she heard the faint sound of bell ringing, knowing he was the one, she exhaled in relief.
"You're not saying anything"
"I said should I leave?"
Amazing shook her head, "No. The devil is a liar, this same thing happened to Yemisi and Kwame" "What about Fisayo?" "I don't know... She hasn't called, this should be last nine to ten am there. If it had happened to Bassey, she would have called."
"What about Bamidele?"
"I don't think so.... I heard him ringing his bell a while ago. He's evangelizing" "Just call to make sure they're okay. I'll call Benefit"
"Okay" she answered and she exhaled looking up, "I don't know what's going on but one thing I know is that you're in control" she picked up her bible to Mark 4:38-40.
Kwame answered a call from his mother while Yemisi paced around the bathroom waiting for Benefit to answer the call. "Good morning Mom" "Good morning." "How are you? How was your night?"
"Fine and yours? Are you okay?" She asked and he scratched his brow, "Yes Ma, why... Why wouldn't I be?"
"I had a dream Kwame and you were not fine... I woke up with this intuition that you're not fine. Are you sure you're fine"
Kwame shut his eyes, he didn't want to make his family worried, besides he didn't want a situation where he'll be advised to stay away from Yemisi. "Mom I'm fine, you can ask Yemisi, we're fine. Nothing strange is going on"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Mom"
"Okay. How is she? When are we supposed to come see her family officially? Time is going, before you know it, december will show it's beautiful face"
"I can't wait"
"Of course I'm okay" Nene snapped at Yemisi, "Didn't you want me to be okay before?" She snapped, "I just wanted to ask. There's no point being rude. How's your husband?"
"He's doing great, he just escaped for work. I call it an escape because it's like he's so excited about my mom being here almost like Christmas came early" "Haven't you being the one pushing him away? Or is he suppose to be happy with how crappy you treat him?" Yemisi retorted to Nene's annoyance.
"I don't understand"
Yemisi rolled her eyes, "You're just annoying, I regret calling you" "Wait.... What happened? Why are you worried?" "The fair woman attacked Kwame and Dare" "Are they okay?" "Yes... I just got off the phone with Ema"
"Is she alright?" "Yes but what do you care?" "Would you chill?" "Now you want me to chill"
"What about Blessing or her husband? Are they alright?" "I don't know, I haven't called" "Benefit too?" "I haven't"
"Okay. Just let me know any recent development, thank you" "No wahala. How's your leg?"
Fisayo moaned, welcoming Bassey who was thrusting into her. She took my pleasure, moaning his name. , another orgasm rushing up too quickly. I faltered, her senses overwhelmed.
Her phone rang but the sound was beginning to compete with the moans. They both heard It but couldn't stop, not when they were so close!
Amazing hissed ending the call aftet the second time "Is this one still sleeping or what?" She rolled her eyes, then she called Benefit. "Good morning dear" "Hey Amazing, good morning. How are you?" "I'm fine dear and you?"
"Never been more better. Are you fine?"
"Yes. Is Jeff fine?" "Yea.... I spoke to him this morning, I didn't exactly sleep over at his place, I needed to do some school work and my materials were here so I slept over. I'm sure he's fine, why did you ask? Did anything happen?"
Amazing exhaled, "Don't freak out, I know you'll start freaking out and being scared but I assure you that everything will be fine" "What happened?" "Kwame and Dare got attacked"
"Oh my..... How did it happen?"
"In their dreams" "This is scary.... What about Fisayo and Bassey? Have you called them, what about Blessing?" "I did but she didn't pick up her phone"
"What if something bad had happened?"
"And Bamidele?"
"He's fine. I heard him ring his bell. Let's just trust in God Benefit, you don't have to be scared. This battle they're bringing, we'll win and there's nothing they can do about it.
Benefit frowned, " Are you sure? " she feigned a scared tone, "I'm sure. God assured me during my prayer this morning but it all depends on us. Let's meet this evening, the usual time" "Where?" "My house" she answered and she rolled her eyes.
"Okay.... That's fine. I'll see you there" she added ending the call then she threw her phone away angrily and it landed on the floor breaking the screen. "Ugh!" She groaned in anger. "All we have to do is trust in God. God assured me during this morning orayer" she mimicked Amazing and Phyna laughed.
"And what's funny?"
"If we had just killed all of them from the beginning all these wouldn't be happening"
"The whole essence of this is that they suffer before death takes them. That was the plan"
Every member in the room began to murmur.
"What will you do now about Amazing And Bamidele" Phyna asked, "Since they now have angels guarding them day and night?"
"Not for long" Benefit answered and Anya scoffed, "You can't do anything Benefit, anyone that steps into fire will definitely get burnt. He's untouchable" "Not for too long. Not if he loses his concecration" he said turning towards Phyna"
Phyna rolled her eyes, "I can't do it" "Do what?" "I don't want to get burnt" "You can lure him, I thought you liked him, wouldn't you like to have a piece of him?" "Yes. When he wasn't burning for God, now.... What if something happens to me?"
"Nothing will happen to you."
"I'm not operating from home. I left my life at home to Lagos and honestly it hasn't been so interesting with that cousin I have. I can't die on a mission that's not mine. If things go awry, i'll back off"
"Back off? We are powerful witches, w can't die! I mean what happened to taking one's revenge upon ourselves. How many time have I taken revenge that's not mine on everyone's behalf? I just started mine fully this year and you all are not going to back off okay? Even if it takes another year before they all die, you'll all stick by me. That was the deal"
Phyna turned towards Anya, "Ochanya, say something" "You all should leave Benefit and I alone" she demanded and everyone vanished. "I didn't want to say this in front of them but Phyna is right. They all have to go in two weeks"
Benefit rolled her eyes, "That wasn't my plan" "Things are not going according to your plans any longer. Except you do what you're suppose to do now, Blessing was open now we can only tamper with the womb and not her life because of her husband. Amazing is now out of bounds, seems like just yesterday when we could mess with her thoughts. Now that the others are open, do what you're suppose to do, Fisayo is like an open wound like now, you can tear it even more open till it rots, Yemisi, you can take her out like" she snapped her fingers once.
"Ema too, Nene, she suspects you and Blessing and it's only a matter of time before she tells the others. Deal with the now and we can worry about Amazing and Blessing later"
Benefit hesitated and Anya scoffed, "Except.... You don't want to kill them yet. You're growing soft.... You still feel attached to them" "No! I don't! If I felt attached, wouldn't Fisayo had died in that plane crash? Would Uche be where she is? Would I have pushed Nene?" She asked tears drizzled down her eyes.
"The only thing I'm avoiding is killing the men they're with. Kwame is a good guy, they're all good people who fell in love with the wrong people, just like Jeff fell in lov with me!" "But you killed Kunle"
"Yes I did!" Flashes from the hospital after Kunle's accident flashed into her mind. Her shock when she found out he survived the crash.
"Thank God our husband is awake" Fisayo announced, "I hope you're okay Kunle, we were really worried" Benefit said moving close to him by this time he could see the fear In his eyes, she tightened her fist as a medium of taking control of his speech and senses.
Benefit shut her eyes then she opened them staring at Anya. "I haven't lost focus if that's what you think. I just dont want another collateral damage" "Fisayo is still very much enjoying her holiday, I can hear the moans from all the way here"
"Why don't you pay her another visit"
Bassey and Fisayo were now breathing hard. The only thing that ran through his mind that moment was how much Fisayo had grown on him and how he couldn't leave her for anything. He turned and gathered her in his arms.
They laid there together for long moments, just breathing. "I don't want this vacation to end just yet" she comfessed laughing and he laughed too, "Me too"
He kissed her head and she nestled in closer. He doesn't have the slightest trace of regret about reconciling with her. Fisayo finally noticed finger marks across his neck then she ran her fingertips across, "That's weird, I'm just noticing this. What's this?"
"Like finger mark"
"Oh...." Bassey trailed off, "Are you sure it's finger?" "Yes" "It's nothing to worry your head over"
Fisayo stretched her hands picking up her towel, then she walked into the bathroom. She sat on the toilet seat urinating then she rose up staring into the mirror. "Hey pretty" she began then she saw Anya behind her.
"Did someone call for me?" She asked and Fisayo gasped, "Jesus!" she screamed, "Wow... It's amazing when that name comes out from lips of fornicators, adulterers and murderers, especially when get scared"
Fisayo turned towards the door and it got shut. "Help!!!" She screamed but it all fell on deaf ears. "Don't strain yourself, it won't help you. He can't hear you" "Iya wa.... Mummy wa, What do you want?" "You went against our deal, you travelled. I thought we agreed"
"I'm sorry. It was the devil" she said kneeling down and clasping her palms together. "The devil?" "No... It's me... I just needed the vacation away from the whole madness. I'm tired of all this! What's the point, if you want kill someone, just kill the person at once"
Anya moved close while she moved to the back, "Is that what you want?" She aske and Fisayo shook her head, "No! I want to live and get married, and have children" "Wow.... You want that yet another person suffers because you guys"
"Let the person stop being a coward, let her come upfront and let I know what we did. Maybe we can all apologize to her, is it our fault? We dont know who we made angry and the person is getting nore angry, abeg who is it paining? Me or her? Whoever she is let her..." She moved back in fear, "Let her come out, abi ...." She trailed off.
"Do you want to run mad?"
"No" "i think this vacation has really gotten into you and your boyfriend's senses. I warned your boyfriend" "What?" "Didn't you see the warning on his neck. He's proving to be sturbborn, tears will flow soon and we all know whose burial we'll be planning for"
Fisayo swallowed, "What do you want?"
"You have today to leave this place. Remember what I said about you waking up to find yourself on third mainland bridge?" She asked and Fisayo's heart raced in fear. "Try me" she added then she vanished.
Fisayo rushed into the room and Bassey raised his brow at him, she looks like she has just seen a ghost. "Are you okay?" "Why didn't you tell me you saw the fair woman?" She snapped and he sat up arcing his brow in surprise.
"She just told me" she snapped opening the wardrobe then she pulled her luggage out then she lifts it on to the bed, "What are you doing?" "I'm harvesting plaintain, what does it look like?" She snapped walking back to the wardrobe where she fumbled with the clothes on the hanger then she closed her eyes as though realizing the her tone was harsh.
" You better get your things now before everything gets ugly. If I'm you I'll leave without me, let me not come and koba (put you in trouble) you"
By now Bassey had walked up to her wrapping his arms around her, "I'm not going anywhere" "Why didn't you tell me?" "She just came into my dream, I didn't think it was important. I didn't want you to get worried"
"She'll kill you, my Ogun (battles) should not affect your life" "I'm not falling for her threat" "I don't want you to die, I don't want to be the one that'll cause your downfall"
"I'm not going to fall for her threats Sugar, I've fallen deep in love to fall for her threat. We can't give up yet. We can't, we'll find away out. I'm not the most dedicated Christian but I believe when we get to Nigeria and meet a Pastor, we'll get by. We can't just throw we have away just like that" he said kissing her on the neck and Fisayo shut her eyes.
"I knew you were a damsel in distress when I met you." he continually kissed her, "Fisayo Ogundele, I think that your surname is in dire need of a change.... Ekanem for a change"
Fisayo gasped, "Is that a proposal?" "Depends" he answered and she laughed, "Wow... So you're attaching a condition to your proposal. I pity the Mumu that's dating you" she answered and they both laughed.
Bassey lets go of her and her towel almost fell down if not that she clutched it in place, "Asewo!" She snapped tapping his arms playfully and he laughed covering her lips, "It wasn't intentional"
"Issa lie! It's asewo that' s..." Her phone rang so she walked up to the top of the cupboard where it was. It was Amazing! She cleared her throat then she quickly picked it up. "Amazing?"
"Didn't you see my missed call? This is the third time. Are you okay?" She asked and Fisay shook her head, "I just saw Fair woman" "Jesus! This means she appeared to you, Kwame and Dare had a dream"
"Same with Bassey. This is serious, she told me to come back"
"I think that's the reasonable thing to do, we need to fast and pray about this. I don't mind if I have to force you guys!" She threatened and Fisayo shrugged, "Bassey doesn't want to leave" she answered and Bassey kissed her on the neck.
"Good morning Amazing!"
"Bassey" she paused and Fisayo placed it on loud speaker. "Bassey, are you okay? I heard about what happened and I just want to say I'm sorry" "I'll survive, it's just a scratch"
"You two need to be prayerful, I know you two are on a vacation and doing things, more than ever, this is the time to chill for a bit and fight this battle" "O already told Fisayo, " Once we get to Nigeria, we'll meet my Pastor, cause Fisayo doesn't have a Pastor"
"You need to leave"
"Aren't we suppose to leave bodly as Christians, For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind, first Timothy"
"Yet you've chosen to be blind to 1 corinthians 6 verses 18 which clearly states that we flee fornication. Yes you're right trying to exercise your fearlessness in Christ. I commend you but see Bassey, the weapon of our warefare are not carnal. We cannot be carnal and expect to battle what is going on. We need to he spirit and put on the whole armour of God, not pheremones and condoms" she snapped then she exhaled.
"I'm not judging you guys but... May God help you guy and give you understanding" she added then Fisayo turned her head at him. "What do we do?"
Zenith Media
Ema walked into the firm very late from having been stucked in traffic for hours. "You're late" Efua yelled and her heart jumped in fear, since her two weeks of luck was already gone, she feared she might get fired like she did at her old company.
"I.. I was stucked in traffic"
Efua scoffed, "And that's excuse enough?" She asked, "You think because you're friends with Amazing you can come whenever you like" "Okay... How do you know I'm Amazing's friend"
"I've gone through your history book, I know all I need to know about you. You think you can come whenever you like and get away with it? Just like your trashy girlfriend's relationship with my future husband Bamidele Jones, your days here are so numbered" she snapped walking away and Ema tightened her fist in order to contain her anger.
What is she feeling like sef? Calling Amazing trash? The only reason she kept quiet was because she didn't want to lose get job yet.
Bamidele walked into Amazing's sitting room and she shut the door after him. "I made stirred fried spaghetti, do you want to eat?" "No...." "Water?" "No!" He replied smiling, "I'm on fast. I'm sorry" "It's okay" she answered, "You look happy to be fasting"
Bamidele laughed, "It's not that.... It's just that the journey has been funny. I picked water to drink after I got back from the street and he told me to drop it. Knowing that he's there communicating with you every step of the way, knowing you're not alone, knowing he's leading you is the best feeling ever! It's like there's this emptiness in me that has been filled up with a large portion of him and I want him to fill me up even more. Am I making sense?"
Amazing nodded.
"But you didn't call me to hear that right? Is everything fine? I was surprise when I got your message. You're supposed to go to work "
"I .... What I want to say is important. Quite honestly, I should have mentioned it when we started this relationship but I didn't" she exhaled stretching her hands to the couch and they both sat.
"Uh..... Where should I start from.... Okay, remember my surgery... No first let me start with Ema or...." She exhaled again, "My sickness and every bad experiences in our lives, the eight of us, has been as a result of someone who we have offended. We went to a woman once, a traditionalist and she...."
Bamidele arced his brow in surprise, it was more of a judgemental look, like 'a whole you?' look. "I wasn't aware of where we were going to until we got there. I could have turned back but then I was desperate, I wanted a way out of the mess we were in so.... She told us the person was there"
"Among you guy?"
"That was what we thought! She couldn't tell us, she died the got burnt. It caused an argument at first then we found out it was a ghost. Uche went to find out....."
Bamidele exhaled, "Hence the reason she's that way" "Exactly." "We're all going through a lot, I have ten % chances of giving birth, Blessing can't give birth, Ema lost Kunle and her baby, Fisayo wakes up to find herself on the road side, Nene just experienced hers, she was free for a long time, they just attacked her out of nowhere, Benefit gets scratched every night, and Yemisi..... I can't even talk about her own.... It's too embarassing"
"All because you offended someone... You guys can't remember?"
"It doesn't make sense for 8 people to unianimously offend someone, it's okay for one person to be offended like when I threw Pastor Osagiede into prison but I'm sure the church prayed some heavy prayers and God took it upon himself to make sure he resets my brain."
"What are you saying?"
"Maybe it's not you all that offended this person, she's just doing it because you're all friends. Maybe there's an entity that's fighting for her and I'm sure it's devilish but what's the person's gain?"
"She doesn't want us to be happy generally."
"Benefit is making us have a change of mind, and she had a point. She doesn't want to imagine that one of us could be responsible, I don't want to either. With being together all these years, we've shared our pains, happiness, I don't know what to do, I just want God to show me a what to do. The last time Pastor Tunde asked us to fast, they didn't, you made me break my fast early too but I completed it and for two weeks now we've been living without the sad news until today they appeared in Kwame, Dare and Bassey's dream, did you see anyone in your dream?"
Bamidele shook his head, "No. I slept soundly, I woke up prayed and studied and I slept back for maybe thirty minutes before going out to preach. I had the most peaceful night ever!" He smiled then he thought of Kwame, "Are the alright?"
"Yes. She left a scar on Kwame and Dare's neck"
Bamidele scoffed then he tightened his fist, angry in his spirit about his friends getting attacked. "This is serious Amazing" "I know, that was why I called you." "I trust in God, we cannot be moved by these strange powers, they don't have any hold on us, you know why?" He slipped out his phone from his pocket, "The word God gave me for today, I've never come across it but I assumed there was a reason for it. As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. 2 And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith. 3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. This is a promise from God. We can't afford to panic, we need to pray for everyone of these guys, including us.
"We can't lose guard. We just can't" she added then he stretched his hands at her and she grabbed it shutting her eyes.
Later in the day
Yemisi sat on the stool from feeling tired, she took a breath in and out but she couldn't seem to catch her breath. "Are you okay?" Her students asked and she nodded, "I'm fine... I'm just a bit weak" she felt like urinating so she rushed into the toilet, pulled down her trousers then she sat on the toilet feeling discomfort as she peed.
"Jesus!" She cried in pain. It was as though someone mixed pepper in her urinary tracts. She whimpered feeling the peppery pain even after urinating. "Jesus... What the hell is happening to me?"
Fisayo placed her laps over Bassey's thighs while the watched a documentary on the television screen "Fisayo Bassey has a nice ring to it than Ekanem" she pronounced wrongly and he laughed, "Ekanem" "What does Bassey mean?" "God" "Oh.... And Eka..."
"Motherhood is sweet"
Fisayo chuckled, "That word itself is scam on it's own" "Why?" "Motherhood is hard, from delivery" "You were 12, you didn't have the strength then" "It's still scary when I think of it. Let's switch roles"
He chuckled looking into her face, "I'm scared to sleep" she confessed, "I dont know what to expect or where i'll find myself when I wake up"
Nene hissed walking slowly out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in her hands, "Shit, I brought my toothbrush out. Urgh!" She threw it on the cabinet. "I'm not going back" "You should rest your leg, the physiotherapy is working but you still have to do what the doctor say. " Somto warned, "See I'm fine, I'm not crippled or stupid as some people think I am. They pushed me off the stairs and expect me to chew and eat their lies like one palatable food, no! The food is not sweet"
"Which food?"
"Have you not being listening?"
"I don't understand a thing" "Because you don't have sense Somto! If you have sense you'll add to plus two together" she slowly mounted on the bed then groaned from the slight pain on her thigh.
"Sorry. Take it easy" he replied giving her a warm smile, "How can the attack Kwame, Dare and Bassey in the dream but they didn't attack Jeremy and Jeff... They didn't also attack Amazing but Amazing is out of the equation, it doesn't add up"
"They attacked them? Who? Thieves?" "No! That's why we have issues a lot, you don't listen Somto, you don't ...." She hissed but his smile didn't, "Call me names now... I think I'm getting used to this name calling"
"Don't look at me like that?"
"Like how?"
"Like that now..."
Somto laughed, "I'm just looking at my wife, have I committed any crime. Is it making you feel somehow? Be sincere now?" "Like how?" She asked and he laughed motioning towards her ears, "Horny" he whispered and she bit her lips laughing. His whispera and head upon her face was a turn on for her already but she won't want to give him a green light before she gets pregnant again so she pushed his head away.
"You're very foolish, you know. Just say you're the one feeling that way let's rest. Don't try to pin it on me. I've not even recovered and you want to climb back on, are you not inconsiderate?" "I'm not ..." Somto laughed, "You want us to go back to having sex and then I'll get pregnant and lose it again. I need time abeg"
"I dont want sex Baby. I'll give you all the time you want. It's been long we talked as couples, it's been long we flirt and I miss it. There's this lady that came with the investor, she was flirting with me at work and I was like, your own na small, have you met my wife"
Nene laughed, "You told her?" "Yes now, I didn't want to give a green flag before someone will star tempting me" he replied and she laughed. "Is she pretty?" "Yeah, she's fair too" he replied knowing it will make her angry.
"Let me just get better, I'll break her legs. Don't you wear you ring at work?" "I never take it off"
"What a bitch!"
Somto was enjoying her jealous tantrums. At least something he can get to talk to his wife like normal couples do!
"How was your day?"
Nene rolled her eyes, "I don't feel like talking abeg. Will you even listen, how many will you listen to before you fall asleep?" "Try me now" he answered pleading with his eyes.
"Goodnight Somto" she shoved the bedsheet over her then she turned her back at him.
Dare lean low over the table with the snooker cue, "I've missed playing this game at your place oh" he made a diversion from the story he was telling. "I've missed that your house oh"
"You were talking about your dream before you diverted again" Bamidele frowned.
Dare hissed, "Maybe I don't want to dwell on it" "I'm trying to add things up" "It was my girlfriend strangling me unlike Kwame's own oh. I don't want to even remember it" he confessed. "She said all manner of thing about herself, she was advising and threatening me to leave her"
"Just like the girl in my dream did"
"So their aim is to destroy you guys relationship, the question is why? And who's responsible?"
"That's the billion dollar question" Kwame sighed tiredly, "I think the person is nothing but a damnn coward, what does she think this is? Some freaking horror movie? People deserve to live their lives without fear"
"That was why I called you guys here so we can talk this out. I cannot be preaching to others when my friends are here doing the exact opposite. What you guys need now is God's intervention, you guys need to come to God naked and unashame" he suggested and Dare moved close to him then he placed his palm on his neck to feel his temperature.
"What are you doing?"
"I think there was a reason why God gave Adam and Eve fig ankara dress to wear, the nakedness was disturbing"
Bamidele slapped his face, "Mumu! Not that kind of nakedness! God forgive me! I meant, you approaching God as a sinner and .... Let me not sugarcoat this thing. You guys need to consecrate one another for this battle"
Dare and Kwame looked confused.
"You guys need to abstain from sex, fast and pray about this. Period!" That's what God told me" he answered and they both laughed at him.
Close to five minutes the two still kept on laughing, "He said God told him" Dare wiped some tears off the side of his eyes then he resumed laughing now staring at Bamidele who had a stern look on his face.
Kwame ceased his laughter, "You can't be serious" "You mean of everything I've experienced, I'll lie about God. Do I want to go dumb? I fear God more than that. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and wisdom is profitable to direct"
"No sex?"
"Yes, full consecration, we'll pray to God and we'll see as time progresses"
Dare blinked still perplexed, "When did you start hearing from God?" "Beats me too" Bamidele smiled, "My righteousness Is like filthy rags before him yet he counted me worthy of a conversation. God has redeemed me, welcome him into your life."
Kwame looked as if he was about to argue, then he reconsidered.
"We need to pray against this battle." Dare lifted his Bible and notebook. "I searched some warfare scriptures"
"Exactly. Just like the girls are not leaving Amazing's house tonight.... You guys are stuck here too!"
"Good evening everyone" Amazing waved at her Blessing and Ema, "Are we the only ones present for the meeting?" "Yes... I wanted to call earlier on but I just thought since we're here to pray" "Pray?" Ema asked, "Sorry I didn't get the memo"
"Now you have"
"Where's Benefit?"
"She called in sick, She's....." She trailed off staring at Blessing, she wasn't comfortable announcing Benefit's pregnancy. "She's pregnant" "Wow.... My twin is pregnant and I got to find out from another person."
"She just found out, don't take it personal"
"Benefit doesn't look pregnant" Blessing argued, "It's our small stature, I didn't look pregnant as well" Ema supported her sister and Blessing shrugged, "I'm just surprised, there was no sign at all"
"Well.... She confirmed it her pregnancy'
Yemisi walked into the living room crashing on the couch then she leaned against Blessing, "You're running high temperature, are you sure you're fine" "Yes. It started today in shop" She wanted to dive into the whole painful urination but she didn't want to give them further cause for worry.
"I'll be fine, just that I've been crying a lot today."
Amazing got angry, "The devil is a bastard Yemisi, we'll scale through this whether he likes it not okay. The reason why I called is so that we can embark on this prayer journey starting tonight" She said with a clap of her hands, "Bamidele and I saw this while praying and we made an agreement. This was what Pastor Tunde told us to do in the first place, this was what God wanted from us all along to pray as friends"
"We are not complete"
"We don't need the crowd, I already asked Benefit to pray and I'm sure she's on it as we speak. We're going to be the intercessors over this issue, they will come to shoot guns at us but we're going to be gate keepers. You know what a security at the gate do?"
"They determine who goes in and goes out" Ema answered and Amazing snapped her fingers once, "Exactly. We won't bury any of our friends and boyfriends, tonight we'll pray and disturb the camp of the enemies because they struck already and we don't want them to strike again. Can we be on our feet?"
Yemisi shook her head, she felt like her head was going to fall off. "Yemisi lead us in worship" "Oshey! Ex Choir Director" Ema hailed and Yemisi rolled her eyes, "Were!" She snapped slapping her arm playfully then she cupped her palm over her lips realizing she just abused Ema.
"I just abused someone in Amazing's temple"
Ema laughed, "You just said temple" she winked and Yemisi gasped, "Tabernacle. Gosh, you're so dirty! This girl is a mess, let's just find the next dustbin to dump her inside" she laughed meeting Amazing's serious face.
"Guys.... Not now"
"Sorry" They both apologized then Yemisi cleared her throat before singing,
🎶Jehovah is your name, mighty warrior great in battle, Jehovah is your name"
Benefit grinded some substance mumbling words and incantation best understood by her. "You're right Amazing, I'm praying here too, I'm an intercessor in my own domain" she said lifting the black and flat calabash up.
"I invoke shadows that brings sleep, i invoke shadows that causes weakness, impotence and confusion" she blew the powders.
"Mom?" Adetutu asked, shock plastered all over her face. Benefit thought she was asleep, for crying out loud she personally put Jeff to sleep, how could she be careless enough to leave Adetutu out?
Ema, who was walking around praying suddenly had her seat feeling sleepy. Yemisi nodded her head praying inaudibly until she fell asleep. Amazing blinked her eyes now turning towards Blessing whose tempo was already down.
"In Jesus name we pray" She ended the prayer looking around, "Is is just me or we're beginning to feel sleepy at the same time?" She asked and Blessing agreed with a nod, "It's heavy on me too"
Amazing laughed now turning towards Ema who was already asleep. "They're trying to make us sleep Blessing, this is real before, the question is are we going to allow it?"
"No! We'll expell it"
Bassey opened up his eyes to a ceiling that didn't look like the one at the hotel, he sat up looking around the room, "Wait oh" he rubbed his eyes, hoping this was nothing but a bad dream. Then he took another bleak look around. It wasn't a dream, he was inside his own room!
A minute ago he was sleeping with his girlfriend in an hotel room in Bahamas. Flash forward to the present, he was now awake all alone in bed in his room!!!
Shit! He cussed under his breathe, this warefare is real! He didn't think of his documents or phone or clothing, the only thing he could worry about was Fisayo. Where in the world is his girlfriend? "
5:35 am
Fisayo who was dressed in a peach nighties and shorts was curved on the pedestrian lane on third mainland bridge. Three guys and two ladies who were jogging as at that time quickly slowed down on seeing what looked like someone lying down on the road. "Please let's go or turn back, It might he a trap" one of the girls suggested but the guys marched forward.
"Or a mad person!"
"She doesn't look mad" One of the guys answered, "She looks like ......someone that just ...left her bed" "And what? She'll just come over to the bridge to sleep. Please lets leave before her gang will jump us now"
The guy tapped her, "Hello lady" he called out and she blinked her eyes then she stared at him, "Who are you?" She moved back then the guy raised his hands up, "Hey, I'm not going to harm you. My friends and I were having our morning jog when we saw you lying here. What are you doing here?"
"I was...." She stood now looking around, "Is this not third mainland bridge?" "Yes" The answered and she laughed, "And she said it oh, she said it, she said it, she....said it" she laughed leaning on the guy.
"She said.... What?"
"That I will wake up and see myself on third mainland bridge. I was in Ba...hamas. Bahamas Bahamas" she said turning the Bahamas into a song. "From Bahamas to Bridge, from Bahamas to Bridge" she danced jumping around and the guy held held her.
"You'll fall off the bridge"
"Let me kukuma die now. Is that not what she wants?"
"God Tolu! She's a mad woman, let's go"
"It's like it's fresh madness" Another guy suggested and the other girl agreed, "Shey? Ehya... Probably all these girls that follow Aristos and yahoo guys. Ehya, they've use her destiny to win cash"
"You guys should let me think abeg!" Tolu shouted, some people jogging that morning passed now bringing out phone to capture the moment.
"We need to help her" "Help her what? We are newly weds oh, we don't want any mad people"
"We need to help her get across the bridge, she might jump off the bridge or get knocked down"
"And so?"
He tightened his fist moving over to his wife, "Something is telling me to help her, stop being heartless, I didn't get married to this version of you!" He snapped shutting her up.
Fisayo looked around laughing, "Who are you guys?" She asked then she pointed at herself, "Who are me? Who are me? Bahamas to Bridge, Bahamas to Bridge! Hey!" She clapped her hands, "Shebi the say I cannot do anything, very soon I'll bring out my single, Bahamas to bridge" she danced walking away and Tolu grabbed her hands.
"Ole ole oh! He wants to steal my thing oh! Ole oh!!" She ran and two of the guys grabbed her.
What do you guys think about today's Chapter?🤧
In the midst of the whole 'Fisayo' drama, i was really emotional writing the last scene😥😥💔💔
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Love you guys!!!
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