🔴Chapter 22🔴
Good evening ya'll. I just finished cooking, I never had the chance sha but here it is....
🔴NB: Before you read..... Please Vote and motivate me. The reduction in vote is quite disappointing!
Chapter 22
"The final phase of your initiation is to end the life of someone you love"
Benefit arced her brow in surprise then she turned towards Anya, "You.... But.... You didn't mention it" "You have no time, make a choice, 10, 9, 8, " "Wait.... Let me think" "Your mother " A woman suggested but she disagreed, "No!"
"5, 4, 3, 2"
"Aunt Nora!" She chose shutting her eyes in pain, "Wait.... I... Aunt Nora took us in when we couldn't stand our step mother"
"Or your father"
"No! Aunt Nora, she's not married, she doesn't have children."
If her father dies because of this, everyone's father will have to go too!
"Aunt Nora"
Anya moves close to her handing a knife to her, "Do I have to do it myself?" "It's the sacrifice, we've all had to give up one thing or the other for this"
Benefit watched as her hands trembled in fear.
Zenith Media
Sir Jones looked through Ema's CV, having the contact of her former employee, he decided to give the woman a call. "Hello Sir, good morning Sir Jones" "Good morning Mrs Alakija" "How are you Sir and the family" "We are all fine and yours? How is business?"
"Hmmm, business is going well Sir, we're still learning from you Sir"
Sir Jones laughed taking pleasure in the flattery.
"To what honour do I owe the call this morning?"
"I'm calling comcerning one of your old empoyees, Ema Oloche. Does the name ring a bell?"
"Of course it does. She was one of out finest marketer," "Why was she fired? Or was it a personal choice?"
"She.... Cause a trouble that cost us a whole lot, she allowed her hot temper get the better of her, some properties were destroyed and the company had to pay for repairs and all. Although she said she had no idea how the properties got damaged but it was her word against the HR so.... We had to let her off. Apart from that, she's a fine worker, diligent and she delivers everytime! Did she apply?"
Sir Jones cleared his throat, "That will be all, Mrs Alakija, thank you for your time" "You're welcome Sir"
Ema sat on the bed with her legs folded and a laptop on her lap. She was submitting applications online when her phone rang. She picked instantly. "Good morning, who am i unto" "My name is Elizabeth calling from Zenith media. I just called to inform you that your has been received, your interview is scheduled for tomorrow by 8"
"Huh?" She blurted out in shock, "That's .... That's impossible. I didn't even apply, I think there's a mistake somewhere" "I'm sorry I didn't ask, am I speaking to Miss Ema Oloche?"
"Yes but I didn't apply"
"Guess you must have a guidance angel cause this directive came directly from Sir Jones, your interview is scheduled for tomorrow by 8" "Okay... Thanks" "Have a nice day ahead Ma"
"You too" Ema hung up then she placed the phone on her chest in shock. Who could have.... She trailed off when she remembered what Dare said that morning. "Fuck" she muttered dialing his number, "Hey Babe, can you call back? I'm kind of driving"
"Sorry. I just got called by Zenith Media" "Oh.... Okay.... Congratulations"
"You did it right?"
"I didn't do anything, I just put in a few word"
Tears trickled down her cheeks, "The interview is tomorrow by 8" "Are you crying?" "Yes! I'm usually not emotional but I am now, i'm emotional, turned on and I just want to kiss you so bad right now"
Dare smiled, "Hold that thought Baby, we'll talk when i get home." "Yeah"
The following week
Fisayo propped her elbow against a pillow staring at Bassey who was sleeping, she has been awake checking to see if anything bad will happen to him. Bassey finally opened his eyes and a wide smile curved his lips. "If I continually wake up to this kind of sweetness, I might end up having Jedi Jedi" he joked and this provoked a laughter from her.
"Get away jare!"
"Morning Sugar" "Good morning" She looked at him intensely keeping him in wonder. "What's up?" "I've been watching you for the past two hours to make sure you're still breathing"
"Wow. You've forgotten so soon right? You're suppose to be the princess in distress" "Not when it comes to the fair woman"
Bassey laughed rolling his eyes, "Again with the fair woman" "I wish the fair woman can just appear to you, even if it's for five seconds, but I won't wish that upon my worst enemy!" "I'm alive, I'm fine, I'm happy cause I have a woman I love close to me"
Fisayo exhaled, "You know those scenes in horror movies where everything suddenly starts to get on track until something bad happens!" "Yes...." "That's the way I feel. One week gone and strangely, everything has been going well. Isn't it suspicious?"
"Maybe the fair woman has gone on vacation"
"You're not serious" Fisayo laughed then he wrapped his arms across her waist pulled her close. "Do you want to go on a vacation?" "Vacation?" "I think you need one, a vacation away from this fair woman fright"
"I think a Bahamas tour will do the magic"
Bassey laughed, "Close one.....I was going to say Badagry" he replied and she frowned, "Ah han? Close ke? What concerns Paris with cotonou?" "They speak French" "Ah! You didn't even say Tanzania or Mongolia! Badagry? Ah! So you don't have falue for our relationship abi?" She switched to her deep Yoruba accent, "Common farlue, farlue (value) you don't get for me! Badagry loun loun, Oma laya oh (You'reheartless). Oya now, when we get to Badagry what will we do?"
"We'll go to the museum, slave port, you'll time to learn about Nigeria, " Nitoripe mo jo Omo Ghana shey, i look like a ghananayan shey?, abi is it Ghanian or what do you call a peson from Ghana?" She asked and he choked on his laughter, "You're a clown"
"That's why you want to take me to Badagry right?"
"I was just kidding. Anywhere you want, even if it's the Bahamas, name it"
Fisayo blushed, "Are you serious? I know you're an economist and all" "Anything to get this fair woman's thought off your head" he answered then he slips his lips against hers before opening her mouth with his tongue. She moans and pull his body down tightly against hers. He sucks on her lower lips then he lowered himself into the bed sheet.
“‘God, Bass....’ She arched against him and then he set about doing things to her that almost made her black out.
Bamidele knocked on Amazing's door in tears scaring the life out of her, "What happened? Are you okay?" She asked but he stormed in anyways. She shut the door while a hundred things ran through her mind. Then she walked back to a fridgetting Bamidele, "Are you okay?" She asked but he kept quiet pacing left and right.
"Bam Bam? Are you okay?" She asked and he exhaled, "You won't believe what God is asking me to do" "Okay..... " She paused now clasping her hands, "If it's truly God telling you to do this... I'm sure the strength to do it has been made available"
"At first he asks me to leave my job and now.... I can't do this, it's too much"
Amazing placed her palm on her chest in fear, "Okay.... What is it?" "He's demanding that I apologize to my father" he finally answered and she hissed, "Is that all?" "Yes. It's too much to ask" "Too much for God to ask? Wow... That's just pride speaking, there's this portion in Proverbs that spoke about when pride comes, then disgrace comes, but with humility comes wisdom. God detests all the proud of heart. They will not go unpunished"
"I didn't mean it that way, okay fine I meant it that way. You know Dad now, the moment I go there, the old man will say something that will make me angry"
"You're not going to answer. It's long overdue" she held his hands and he exhaled, "How... How will I start?" He apologized, "By inviting them for dinner" She suggested with a smile and he scoffed, "Dad won't come" "Except Yewande is the one inviting him for dinner, you can use her place. I'll go there and cook. Fisayo and Ema haven't been coming home these days, even Uche's Mom so.... I can spare the evening"
Bamidele smiled, "You'll do that for me?" "I'll do anything to get you to apologize to your Dad" "Will you kiss me?" He asked she gave him a stern look, placing her hands akimbo, "I cast that dirty thought out in the name of Jesus" she blew air against his face and he feigned some staggering effect as though falling under anointing.
Amazing laughed then she exhaled, "What should we cook?" She asked and he laughed, "Babe, are you seriously asking me that? Awwn, feels like we're married already" "Just say something! This feels weird, I've never done this before"
"Not even to Monkey coat Aboh"
Amazing laughed, "Not even to him" she answered and he jumped in joy, "Yes! We can do Egusi and semo, that's Daddy's favourite," "Ahh, you even know his favourite" "With lots of meat part in it. Since we'll be doing in Yewande's place..."
"That mean we'll have to cook rice, something like fried and jollof rice by the side"
"I don't want to stress you"
"Stress who? Won't you be in the kitchen too?"
Bamidele laughed bringing out his phone from his pocket, "I'll abandon you and my sister in the kitchen. Let me... Let me make some transfer to you" "I think it's best you save your money dear, remember you're jobless" she teased running away and he pursued her grabbing her by her waist and she laughed uncontrollably to the point of weakness.
"Let's give Yewande a call first"
Mrs Jones grinned while speaking to Amazing about their plans, "Are you sure that stubborn boy won't mess the whole thing up?" She asked, "The stubborn boy can hear you!" Bamidele screamed. "I'm sure he won't mess it up, I'm vouching on the Holyspirit to tame his mouth"
"Don't worry, I'll let Daddy Yewande in on it"
"Don't tell him Bamidele will be there too"
"Of course I won't, it will be our little secret" she giggled then she hung up. "What's the secret?" Sir Jones asked and she cleared her throat, "Yewande invited us to dinner, she's throwing a small house dinner with friends and family." "If Bamidele goes, I'll just stay back before I'll hurt Yewande again, she's going through a lot. I won't want to bother her with squabbles between her brother and I"
"That's where the secret comes in. Bamidele is not coming"
Sir Jones arced his brow, "That's strange" "Yewande will never host anything without her brother" "She's doesn't want his headache too" "And you guys say he's changing, Wow.... That's very reassuring. Are you sure Amazing is safe in that relationship? If Bamidele hurts that girl, I won't ever forgive him!"
"Yes Sir!"
Somto carried Nene in his arms then he placed her on the wheel chair. "Did you see what that nurse wore last week?" He tried raising a topic but she kept quiet still. They haven't had any reasonable conversation in a week. His efforts has been futile. "I don't understand why nurses wear short gowns around, whether they're trying to seduce sick patients" he laughed to his own joke while his wife sat still with a hardened face.
He laughed nervously then he rolled his eyes, "Honey, it's been a week, we need to talk" "About what exactly? How you cause this? How I have to be carried around, why you have to bathe me everyday"
"Not like it's the first time I'm bathing you" he teased and touched her lap and she slapped his hands off, "Sorry" he exhaled battling with tears. "Will you stop this? I've apologize a million times. I'm sorry Baby, I love you"
"Let's just go to the hospital please! Shey I should have been going for antenatals but instead I'm going to check if my bone is right and you think it'll be easy for me to forgive you"
"I didn't push you"
"You didn't but you pushed me away, I would have been in the room with you if we didn't argue that night!" She cried then she wiped the tears off. "I'm Sorry, Honey I'm so sorry" "Just pass me my earrings and perfume, I dont want to speak to you"
"Are you deaf? Pass me my earrings and perfume!"
Shortly after Bassey left for work, Fisayo wanted to see Amazing and the girls but she was too tired to move, besides some of the girls were already at work so she decided to do a conference video call. Firstly she called them on phone to come online.
“Hello?” She manage to mumble into the phone.
“Fisayo, where the fuck are you? That doesn't look like your house" "It's Bassey's house." She yawned swinging her legs over the side of the bed.
"Good morning girls" She croak, "Good morning, what's up with your voice. Are you down with something?" "Yes. It's called Satisfaction, Bassey was just giving me back to back"
"We're not interested in knowing that part" Amazing yelled and she laughed, "I'm useless right now, I can't do nothing" "Fisayo!" She warned then she rolled her eyes.
"I cant hear what you guys are saying oh, the network is bad" Blessing complained.
"When I said you should be using MTN, you said no oh, it's other network you want to be using!" Fisayo snapped, "You're crazy!" "But you heard that one oh"
"I'm outside the school now and I also heard the part where you said you had sex with Bassey. Isn't it too early?"
"Shhhh. I can't hear what you're saying" Fisayo feigned network interference, "We can all see you!" The screamed almost at the same time but different frequencies.
"I have a class in ten minutes. Why did you call for a conference call?" Benefit asked, "I can't see Nene here, didn't you involve her" "Someone that isn't even speaking to her own husband, abeg! Let's forget about her for a moment. So diving into why i called, Okay..... Don't you guys find it strange that a week has gone without us experiencing shit or seeing the fair lady. Am I the only one?"
"No" Everyone answered.
"I haven't peed in bed"
"I haven't gotten any markings either" Benefit added and Fisayo smiled, "I've been going to my house, although I haven't slept over but, everything seems calm. Should we be scared?" "Maybe our spirit koko's prayer has finally worked. The fasting paid off and drove all the bad spirit away"
"True" Ema answered cause I've been having a swell time, I was put in charge of a project. No one has trusted me with anything in my life, Sir Jones asked me to head this social media advertising project." "How? Turns out Dare through Bamidele, through one of the employee called Martins, dug about my past project and kind of informed Sir Jones, he kind of took this leap of faith, in less than a week. I haven't had this much luck in forever"
"Awwwn. Congratulations Sis"
"Thanks. May the fair lady never come out again"
"Amen to that" Benefit answered chuckling to herself, if only they knew!
Yemisi sighted Kwame just after ending the conference call with her girls. She laughed adjusting the cap she wore then she returned her gaze back to all the apprentice who were coating the cake with butter icing. Kwame wrapped his arms around her and she giggled.
"You know I'm begining to think you're really jobless. Maybe you should come and take a baking class to shake the joblessness off"
Kwame laughed, "Wow. So .. seeing my girlfriend is being jobless huh?" "Not when you've seen her this morning" "Well I can't have enough of your face" he leaned in to kiss her but she cleared her throat reminding her of the apprentice who were watching them.
"I'm taking you out."
"What? Where?"
"It's a surprise"
"What kind of surprise?"
"What's it with African ladies and surprises? It's a surprise, just follow me"
Yemisi suddenly became anxious, "What letter does it start and end with? Just give me a clue, even if I get it right, I'll still act surprise" she promised and he laughed hard, "Well.... It starts with I and ends wit U, I love you Babe. I'll be outside waiting"
"Ngozi!" She called out taking off her apron then she called Amazing, "Has Kwame called you?" She asked, "Why will Kwame call me?" "He's acting suspicious, where are you?" "I'm in the market with Bamidele"
Yemisi blinked, "What are you two doing in the market?" "It's a long story. What's it with Kwame?" "He said he has a surprise for me, I just assumed maybe he has something planned out with you guys" "Don't be nervous, it's going to be fine. Just chill, I'm sure he has everything all figured out!"
Yemisi smiled, "Okay... You had better not be In on this plan" "I'm not" she answered and she ended the call.
Amazing dropped the phone in her handbag looking at Bamidele who was on a call with Kwame. "We're still in the market, hold your horses jhoor! She'll be there before you know it" "I want everything to be perfect and on point"
"Don't worry. Congratulations on the next step man. More...." he trailed off staring at a preacher's bell in the market. "More what?" "Achievement. Bye man"
"Thanks" he exhaled then he ended the call.
Amazing walked past him over to a man that sells all kinds of vegetables. "Aboki good afternoon" "Customer, you don come again" "Yes oh" "Which one you want today?" "Um...." She trailed off turning back at Bamidele who was still staring at the woman's bell.
"Any family battle that doesn't want you all to succeed that said until they die before you can suceed, oya we bring them down in Jesus name!!!" She screamed and some of the market women chorused 'amen.'
"Bam Bam!" She called out now walking up to him, "Are you okay?" She asked and he blinked twice now pointing at the bell, "What?" "He's asking me to get a bell"
Amazing gasped and Bamidele covered his palm on his face then he laughed, "Bamidele Jones! Wow, I already said it, it's only a matter of time and now he wants me to get a bell. Is God punishing me for everything I've done?" He asked and she laughed.
"The first day you decide to use the bell, keep a video, I certainly don't want to miss it"
Bamidele frowned, "Babe, I'm being serious" "I'm being serious too"
Sammie entered into an hospital room where Nene was kept for evaluation. Somto stepped out to avoid his wife's piercing look. Sammie walked towards Nene laughing to himself, he had a notepad in his hands.
You have got to be kidding me? So this Mrs Nene Richards I'm suppose to meet is the same Nene from secondary school. Wow! This life definitely has no balance!
"Mrs Richards?" He called out looking at Nene, "Wait.... You're really Mrs Richards?" He asked and she scoffed. "Wait.... Sammie? Wait..... How in the world are you here? What are you doing here?"
"I'm pretty sure the lab coat must have sold me out. I'm an orthopedic doctor" "Orthopedic" "In lay man's term, bone doctor" "You're stupid, of course I knew that! You don't look like one"
Sammie laughed, "Shey? I look like a gynaecologist, at least I've always had passion for it!"
"That's so gross! Get out of this room"
"Your mind is still full of dirt Nene, my response stemmed out of a pure mind"
Nene scoffed, "Pure my foot! What are you here for?" "To check up on you and inform you about Dr Brandy, he handed over to me," "There's no way I'm letting my ex treat me" "I wasn't exactly your ex, we never dated Nene," "Wow"
Nene couldn't believe the idiot!
" Wait?" He smirked, "You didn't think.... we were just in for the sex. You were always the bad girl"
"Shhh" she warned him looking around the room as though there was some hidden camera somewhere. "If you say that in front of my husband, I'll be really upset with you"
Sammie laughed, "I'm more scared of Ema, Amazing and Uche than you" he answered and they both laughed. "Do you still hear from them?" He asked and she scoffed, "We are still together, stuck like paper on glue"
"You guys are childish jare!"
Nene slapped his arm and he laughed, "How are they?" "They're fine" "And Benefit? I can't forget her name ever!" "She's fine" "Are you sure? Is she still in this country or what?"
"Where does she want to go to again?"
Sammie laughed, "Typical Nene! I'm sure because you're still in Nigeria, you feel like the whole world should still be in Nigeria" "Tha.... That's...." She stuttered, "That wasn't what I meant" "Lie lie! Anyhow sha, I was asking because about 78% of rape victims get traumatized by rape, 14% of them almost commit sucide to avoid the repeating trauma."
"Okay what rape are you talking about?" Nene asked and Sammie looked back and then at her then he scoffed afterwards, shouldn't the word 'rape' had jogged her memory of what happened that night?
"The rape.... I mean Benefit, that night"
"Oh" she paused in thought, "Oh my God" she almost fogot! "I completely forgot!" "Wow Nene, you're the worst!"
"Not that! Even the victim doesn't remember, ever since that stuff happened, Benefit has been cool with us, at first she was angry and sad about losing her virginity but then she blended in so well with us, we wrote waec together before she travelled to Benue. She's that mature"
Sammie arced his brow, "Wow.... If I'm her ehn, I'll just diss you guys forever! The whole bad gang that forced her to come to the party in the first place" "Benefit didn't...." She trailed off in thought, "On the contrary she became even more closer to us"
"Wow, I guess i just assumed she'll be offended that's all. Some friends you guys got there"
Nene's eyes flickered in thought as his words rang into his head, I guess I just assumee she'll be offended that's all!
Iya Alagbo's words suddenly ring in her head, there's one person that's offended, it's just one person but they're taking the mission as theirs.
"What about the guy that raped her, what's thst is stupid name?"
Sammie scoffed, "Michael died like since!" "How? Ema didn't hit him hard" "It wasn't the hit..." "What happened to him?" "We don't know the full story, all we heard is that he died that same year. The found his body in his house."
Benefit climbed on Michael's body sitting on his crotch now running her fingers on his bare chest and he slowly opened his eyes to see the girl he raped on a red seductive gown. A lot of question ran through his mind but the pressing one was, how the hell did she enter into the room?
"What are you doing here?" He asked and she laughed, "What else would I be doing here? I came to see you" she winked at him now feeling his arousal directly against her.
"Look at you all excited already, like the dog you are"
Michael laughed nervously, "Hey... See, about what happened the other day" "Are you sorry for it? Don't be cause I'm not, in fact I liked it" she rocked him slowly and he grinned, "I knew it, that was why I didn't take it easy with you, I knew you were a bitch." He grabbed her by the waist, " So what part did you like?"
"The part where I lost my fucking innocence!" She screamed tightening her fist and he made choking noises, feeling almost as though he was being strangled without a single hand being laid on him.
Must be some sort of witchcraft!
"Let me tell you a short story about a girl that got raped a week before waec. She got pregnant, and after several trial she finally suceeded in doing abortion but she lost her womb In this process. I should kill you right now with my hands, I should just zap the life out of you now but no, it'll be too easy" she unclenched her fist leaving him to cough and catch his breath.
"Was my grip too tight? Sorry"
"You're a fucking witch that's what you are" he continued coughing still then she rose up, "Well... Yes I am and it's your fault, you turned an innocent girl into a witch. This witch as you see, will make sure that thing" she point to his manhood, that thing never enters into another woman again.
She opened the door and three men walked in, "These men are going to give you the treat of your life, just like you gave me"
Michael scoffed, "This has got to be a dream, it can't be real" he slapped himself, perhaps he'l wake up to realize everything was a dream. "This is as real as the rape, these men are going to rape you and I'm going to enjoy watching"
Michael knelt down, "I'm sorry Benefit, you can't do that. It's the devil" "Here he goes, blaming the poor devil, well Michael, Go to hell!"
Kwame led Yemisi who had a blindfold on into a studio stepped into the studio, camera were flashing while another man took a video of the moment. "Baby now.... Quit with the suspense, where are we?" "Just a little while"
"Are you proposing again?"
"Why will I propose again?"
"Are you sure I'm dressed well for this surprise" "You look hot in anything Babe" "You say that all the time! Just give me a clue now"
Kwame took off the blindfold then Yemisi looked around the studio, "What are we doing in a photo studio? And it's not just any photo studio, it's Hot Shot" She asked and he bit his lips laughing out loud. "I can see Amazing's hands written over this!" "We're here for our pre-wedding photoshoot"
Yemisi moved back covering her lips while the videographer kept the camera fixed on her. "Oh my God, Babe...." She walked away shyly and he laughed bringing his tongue out. "Surprise!!!" He announced and she instantly busted into tears. She moved close and he chuckled still.
"I love you Yemisi Ojo and I seriously can't wait for you to be my wife and the mother of my children." I wish we can get married tomorrow" "Shey? Now how will I take prewedding photoshoot looking like this?"
"I had someone make your dresses. If they don't fit, she'll amend it" "You had this all figured out" "And the award for the best boyfriend, goes to...."
"In your mind"
Kwame noticed Amazing coming from the corner of his eyes then he laughed, "Let me officially introduce you to the wedding planner that will be handling our wedding activity from now till december" he said and Yemisi shook her head, she has never pictured anyone who isn't Amazing planning her wedding.
She was beginning to look confused, "I... I don't understand..." "I know what you're thinking, but this event planner is top notch" "Top notch or not, Babe, I want Amazing"
"Awwwn. My girl has loyalty" Amazing walked up to her and Yemisi glanced at her then she raised her nose in disbelief, "Madam you lied through your teeth, you said you had no idea what the surprise was and liars are liable to go to hell. A whole Mummy GO like you!"
"And you, the future Mrs Kwame" Amazing said embracing her tightly, "Congratulations sis" "Thank you" she muttered then she sobbed without control, "Yemisi"
"I'm just happy, I'm so happy"
Bamidele chopped the spring onions while Amazing fried chicken, the oil popped and she moved back severally, "Becareful Babe" he shouted now chopping the bell peper and green beans meanwhile staring at her. Her sister was complaining about why they good foodstuffs themselves.
Amazing wiped her sweat with her elbow while watching the chicken fry to browness. She flashed a quick smile and he blew kisses at her. She laughed glancing back at the chicken.
"We won't want to eat fingers in this food oh, Oga concentrate" Saviour said from behind, swishing his cold drink around in his mouth. "Madam is not running away"
"You know that moment when you look at someone you just spoke to a while ago and your heart still beats when they look at you even two hours later?" He answered and age buried a smile underneathe a serious face. "I told you already Bammy, what you need is a woman that can set you straight and God brought her your way. It's Amazing how a whole you managed to fall in love"
"Is wasn't easy oh, it takes a woman whose name is Amazing to do that. They dragged this stubborn horse to the river and I couldn't help but drink this water"
"It's only a woman that can get you to apologize to your Dad"
"Its God.... With the help of a woman" he answered and everyone laughed. When he was done slicin, Bamidele put the neatly chopped pieces in a shiny silver bowl. He bowed his head and presented the bowl to Yewande.
Amazing groaned in pain from the oil that exploded on her hand while removing the already cripsy chicken. Bamidele ran towards her examining her hand, "Where is it?" 'I'm fine. Stop being dramatic," "I don't want you having any scar" he answered remembering the surgery she had, "Anymore scar" he rephrased and turned off the gas.
"I'm fine!"
"Na wa for who no get love" Yewande commented and her husband laughed, "I swear. When did you guys realize you both like each other?" He asked to their surprise.
Bamidele shruuged, "It still baffles me till date how I moved from trying to play with her to getting this serious. It wasn't until I heard about her wedding with Aboh that I knew there was something special about her. I was angry and jealous, even though I didn't want to admit it. Then he broke it off and I became happy again, I knew she'll be heart broken and i wanted to be the man that gets to comfort her, I wanted my arms to be her next comfort spot. I hated myself for having this feeling but I couldn't help, the reality was slowly dawning on me. I would never have imagined it being you"
Amazing cleared her throat, "There was this time I said, God forgive me but I hate you" "Remember when I said.....who invited this zebra into our conversation?" He asked and she laughed, "Your father then said you were carrying Nigeria on your head"
Bamidele laughed, "That man has always been mean. I don't know how I'm going to stand him this evening" he dropped a dirty bowl and spoon into the sink. "The man has no chills" "It's comments like that that gets Dad angry. Bamidele, you had better not screw this up" Yewande warned.
Amazing stepped out of the room, she had a red sleeveless gown on. Bamidele who was struggling with buttoning his sleeves stopped and stared at her. He brought out his phone then he took several shots of her. "It's an old cloth oh" "It's my first time seeing it and I love it" he moved close to her raising his sleeves up and he helped him with it.
"Why are you on long sleeve? It's a dinner, not a board meeting"
Bamidele rolled his eyes, "It's still him that will call me a cultist if I'm not dressed well. I don't want any issue so.... Let me dress as though I'm going to a board meeting for peace to reign" "You're nervous" "I am.... Let's just get this over with"
Yewande opened the door greeted her parents and they exchanged pleasantries. Her parents walked in, holding two gifts, "We came bearing gifts, courtesy of your father" "Awww. Thank you" she hugged her father, "You look handsome" "I know" he whispered and they both chuckled.
"Granma an Grandpa!" Nuel ran towards them. Sir Jones handed his gift to him, "Thank you for being my first" he ran his fingers through his hair and he laughed in return. Mrs Jones held Yemisi away, "Dad you can go to the dinning, I'll be there shortly"
When she was sure she was at a reasonable distance, she stopped. "What did the doctor say?" "Well, the did whatever the needed to do." "Any signs?" "It's too early. We're just waiting, I'm tired of being poked on and on from test and all. I just don't want to believe I'm barren, this same womb housed Emmanuel, after the two miscarriage, nothing has entered and I'm tired Mom"
"Olorun ma se (God will do it). I did't mean to make you anxious or anything. What I'm confident in is that, the one that gave you Emmanuel, is more than able to give you another, Okay?"
Bamidele walked into the dinning room and his father hissed, "What is this one doing here?" He asked and Bamidele scoffed, "Am I in the wrong section?" He asked turning towards Yewande and his wife. Amazing walked in at this moment too.
"No My dear... I lied, Bamidele was invited"
Sir Jones rose up, "I am not ready for any disastrous dinner so.... I guess I'll call it a night" "Sir Jones...." Amazing trailed off, "Wow Dad," Bamidele clapped his hands....
Real mature, one will think you're sixty already until they look closely to notice you have the mind of a six years old! He ranted deep down then he dropped his hands leaving Amazing to handle the situation.
"He's clapping his hands, he wants to say something bad, look at his eyes"
"I'm not going to say anything to you Sir"
"Ah.... I see, oti ye mi (I now understand). Silence Is the best answer for a fool. I'm now a fool. Hsve you heard your son?"
"I didn't say anything"
Amazing clasped her fingers, "Sir Jones, this was a joint plan to have dinner as a family, we are a family and I'll soon be apart of this family! This feud, whatever It is, it has to end! We are having this dinner and with all due respect Sir, no one is leaving until the purpose of this meeting is achieved. Even if it means locking the door and throwing away the keys"
Somto tuned to various TV channels that usually interest Nene but she had no interest in none of it. "Do you want me to change it to netflix, just name it. I made dinner" "Who said I'm hungry? Do I look hungry" "Honey, you're emanciating, you longer eat. I'll call your mom oh, maybe I'll send someone to get her here"
"Are you crazy? Are you trying to kill her? A woman that has high BP issues already. If you call my mother, I'll never ever forgive you"
The door bell rings and he quickly walked up to the door, he opened it now staring at the driver and Nene's mother. "Mama good evening" he greeted bowing his head. "Good evening my son" she walked in and he shut the door.
"How was the flight?"
"It was fine, thank you. Now where is that woman?" She asked and Nene who heard her mother's voice wheeled the chair to confirm her suspicion.
"You called my Mom"
"Are you plain stupid or what? Why will you call my mom? How many times have I told you that I don't want to see me like this? You want her BP to rise?"
"Ewo! Chikanene, is It your husband you're insulting like that?" "Mommy, don't butt in into this matter, he knows what he did" "He knows what he did, somebody that paid my flight" "How much is flight that he paid? I warned him not to involve you"
"Me your mother, Chinelo Merdeces Gregory?"
"Mummy don't butt in"
Mrs Chinelo charged towards her with a raised hand while Somto held her back, "Mama please" he begged turning towards Nene who was already covering her face in defense. "Is this what you've been going through Somto?"
"I thought if you come, you can help me. She hasn't been eating and I'm worried"
"How am I suppose to eat after I lost my baby?"
Her mother raised her brow in shock no turning towards her daughter. "You lost it?" She asked, "Didn't he tell you?" "He did not! He just told me to come and see you and help you out, he didn't mention anything. I was shocked when I saw you on a wheel chair but the way you acted, I couldn't even ask. Why will you be speaking to your husband that way? Have I ever spoken to your father like that?"
Nene rolled her eyes, "Is that the question you should be asking me? Some spiritual invisible person pushed me off the stairs and i lost my baby, I broke my legs and I'm on a wheel chair mom" "If being in a wheel chair cannot tame your stupid mouth, what do I want to ask you? I'm sure it's self caused, I'm sure it's somebody you've offended. Aren't you my daughter? I know you so well, miss talkative, your mouth is always running like tap with control. I don't know where I went wrong with this child, I don't blame you, I blame myself and your father for always giving you everything you want."
Nene cried batting her eyes at Somto, "Thank you very much!"
"Amazing dear" Sir Jones called out, "Sir? " "A wonderful woman like yoursf deserves a man who will treat you like his world, a man who will respect you, not one person we all know. A man that doesn't respect his parents"
Mrs Jones practically choked on her tiny piece of chicken. She drank glassful of water now glaring at her husband.
Amazing cleared her throat, "Bamidele is not the same Bamidele we knew. He's a changed man, you see a man that doesn't respect his parents but I see a man God is working on" "How are you sure he's not pretending? How are you sure he won't leave when he's satisfied or tired of you? I don't like playing this card but I think your sense of judgement when choosing men is very poor. First, your ex fiance, now this boy"
Amazing stuttered. She couldn't argue this one, this man was bringing up strong points. "The other times I never sought God's permission, Bamidele is my future, he has a calling and it's my place to see that he achieves it." She stretched her hands to him and he held it tight.
"What are your intentions with Amazing?" Sir Jones directed at Bamidele who exhaled staring at her, "Good intentions, I don't plan on hurting her if that's what you think" He cut off a piece of the chicken on my plate and took a cautious bite, the questions were making him lose appetite.
"You see this girl called Amazing, she's like a daughter to me, if you break her heart cause I know you're up to no good"
"What are you going to do? Disown me? Take away my rights? What are you going to do that you haven't done already? What is it with you oldman? Fine, I know I've had my share of wrongs but you have yours too" "You're the highest share holder. My only wrong was training you to be a mannerless menace to the society."
"Wow.... Sounds like you're speaking out of grudges. So much for a reconciliatory dinner, I'm sorry Sir fi being the son who filled your life with so much disappointment. Mom, Yewande, Amazing, Saviour, Nuel, I'm sorry but I just lost my appetite" he quickly, pressed his napkin to his mouth then he left.
Sir Jones raised his brow, "Reconciliation dinner?" He asked and Amazing nodded. "He wanted to use the opportunity to apologize for everything but i guess it's over"
Mrs Jones exhaled as tears found it's way from her eyes to the table then she sniffles. "Mom" Yewande called out but she wiped her tears, "It's been over 16 years now, 16years since I had a peaceful home, 16 years Wale, 16!"
"You know the disappointments! You know how many times he almost got expelled from school"
"Grandpa, Uncle Bammy is different now, give him a chance.
Mrs Chinelo stared at Nene closely, " Husband na one oh, you're lucky you have someone like him. How long did you say again has it been since he stopped going to work to take care of you. If you lose your home, that's it oh. All these characters, it'll take a man that loves his wife to the moon and back to endure this rubbish. See, I'm giving you my advise, I know we already spoilt you from small and if only I can turn the hands of time but it's impossible so.... Madam, madam, madam" she dragged Nene's ear after the third 'Madam'.
"If you know what's good for you, you'll treat your husband with respect"
"I'm angry"
"Sorry but he didn't push you. You just need to be prayerful and stop offending people. I'll pray with you a a mother, I pray always, maybe that's why they didn't break your neck"
"Will you shut up? Ifukwa gi? (Have you seen yourself?) See what you've caused your own self, only God knows the enemy you have offend" "I didn't do anything"
"You don't mean it. Even me your mother, you have offended me. You better change for good before you clock 40, don't think it's far, it's around the corner. You'll just wake up one day and find out you're 40 and you know what they say about a fool at 40, I na anu (Do you hear?). Change your ways!!!! You had mind to insult your best friends, ha!"
Somto walked into the room with a package from Deeliva, "I'm sorry for interrupting this meeting but.... Honey you have a package from deeliva" "If this is your way of trying to warm up to me by getting me a gift, it won't work" "I didn't order it"
"But.... it's the delivery service you've been using all these while"
Somto shook his head, "No. I have never made any order from this delivery service in my life" he amswered and Nene pointed at the package, "Jesus!!! Throw it away! It's them, it's them! They're trying to kill me and I've eaten it like three times"
Somto scoffed, "Honey don't be irrational, it might be a friend" "Throw it away!!! Throw the damn thing away!!!!! Throw it!"
Sir Jones entered into the room to find Bamidele laying in bed. "What are you doing here? Are you here to continue cause I don't have the strength" he complained and Sir Jones sat just close to him. "Right from the start I wanted a large family but I ended up having two children. Have I ever spoken about the day you were born?"
Bamidele shook his head, "Are you going to go into the history of how I disappointed you" "Yes. Now listen. It was on a Sunday, your mother was in the choir that year"
Bamidele raised his brow in shock, "Mom was in the choir" "It was where she was doing praise, I noticed her face changed. Yewande was just dancing with other children. That was how the water broke on the altar, the drummer stopped drumming, everyone freezes"
"You're exaggerating" Bamidele laughed and he hissed, "See this one, go and ask your mother now. I lost m senses, I didn't know what to do again, I was never good at the whole birth experience. During Yewande's time, I was a mess, I was still a mess. We rushed your mother to the hospital, she was trying to be strong, coming in and out of contractions. At about three o clock, the nurse who was a church member, announced that my wife had given birth but she cannot congratulate me if the placenta doesn't come out. It took another one hour for the placenta to come out, she had a tear. That's why I get angry when you insult that woman, she doesn't deserve the disrespect"
Bamidele sat up and his father smiled on remembering something else, "It was until after everything that I remembered I forgot Yewande in church all this while" he chipped in making his son laugh. "Your mother almost killed me. Two days later, you developed some problems with you breathing, your mom was superstitious, they said the devil doesn't want you to follow us home because you were going to be a light. They turned the hospital into a prayer house, you got better on the seventh day and on the eight day on yout naming, we were discharged. Your mother imposed that i named you Bamidele. I was so happy, a proud father to a son that I love so much"
"What changed?"
"You changed?"
Bamidele scoffed, "Me? Or you! You started nagging me for no reason" "I started nagging you because I didn't want your life to get ruined! I look at you and I don't see the same boy I watched grow. It all started when I started warning you against that rotten nephew of mine called Ranti but you felt like I hated you. That was were it started from! Then you had admission and started acting more and more like a spoilt brat, even when I employed you. I know I have been harsh in my own way but i thought I was doing it for your good! All I wanted was a son I can be proud of" he complained in tears and Bamidele shut his eyes.
"I haven't been a good son and I know no amount of apology will cut so.... I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry Dad" he apologized embracing him tightly and he patted his back then he withdrew looking into his face, "What do you say you come back to work and take back your place? That's If you want"
Bamidele, "I already resigned from there" "Perfect then! See you at work on Monday?" "No. I can't do anything if Go doesn't give me directives, he told me to resign but I don't know the next phase" he answered and Sir Jones watched him with his mouth agape in shock.
Bamidele laughed, "I know, it beats me too how I moved from that Bamidele to this. I don't know how long I'll be jobless but sure the same God that spoke to me will provide." "Wow.... And Amazing?" "I'm not faking it Dad, I love Amazing and while I'm figuring my life out..... She's the one I want to make my wife and the mother to my children" he confessed to his father's amusement.
"And when you've had enough of her, won't the bad boy in you drive her out"
Bamidele chuckled, "We're not even having sex, we're no crossing that bridge till marriage and I respect her decision. Bamidele is officially celibate till marriage, so help me God" he placed his palm against his chest as a symbol of promise.
"A whole you? Bamidele? Eweh!" he whistled and his son laughed hard, his father just said eweh!
Nene picked her phone from the bed, she wanted to call Amazing to inform her about what the package from an unknown person but pride didn't make her. "They're out for my life" "No one is out for your life" Somto snapped, the whole hysteria was beginning to make him uneasy.
"If they're out for your life wouldn't you have died from eating all the too they've been sending? Will somebody be out for your life and still put vitamins in your food? No! For all we know, it can be your friends, you can ask them tomorrow"
"Leave me alone, I thought you were going into the bathroom to bathe? "
"Thank God your mom Is around so I can resume work tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be more happy not seeing my ugly face!" He scuttled into the bathroom leaving her to her hysteria.
"Uche knew something, that was why they killed her, she probably saw the person" she paused remembering the video Amazing messaged to her. "The video" She swiped her phone to her whatsapp.
Bamidele and Sir Jones stepped out with his father's arms all over his shoulder. "My son is back!" He screamed and everyone turned towards them in relief. "Finally" Amazing sighed placing her hands on her chest. "You know I've always thought, it's only the police that will end up ending him and putting him in prison for life but I underestimated the hand of God. Can you guy believe my own son is in love. We better call 911 for this emergency. My own son? In love?"
Bamidele moved over to Amazing now holding her by the hand. "I think it's better you call the police instead, this woman has stolen my heart completely" he commented and she leaned she blushed looking down shyly. "Your parents are here, I'm blushing like a fool" she flipped her hair and everyone laughed at her.
Sir Jones smiled, "Congratulations son. I wouldn't have wished for a better daughter in law." He added and Amazing smiled, she had a leading to pray. "Let's pray" she and Bamidele said at the same time and they stopped to gaze at each other then the laughed.
"Let my future wife do the prayer, this baby is still learning"
Amazing instructed they all hold their hands in circle and the did. "God, I thank for being God in our lives, i bless you for provision and protection. I thank you for what transpired tonight cause I know and I'm sure you're set to do great and mighty things through this family. We ask that tonight marks a day we'll look back and never forget"
"A day of unity, we cancel every spirit of strife and confusion in Jesus name. We ask that you imprint the fruit of your spirit in our hearts, let this imprint never cease in Jesus name"
"I've got a confession to make, I wrote possible names of who might be the person fighting against us, it was Blessing, Nene and you were third on that list" Uche said in her video diary confession then Nene paused the video remembering how she had suspected Uche of being the culprit. She remembered when she called her the bad egg but Uche's response played in her mind.
It's always the least expected!
"It's obviously not me, it's either Blessing, or Benefit, what if it's Benefit?"
What do you guys think about the Chapter?
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🔴 Nene. Do you think it's wise for her to dig into this?
🔴 The reunion
🔴 Benefit's revenge on Michael
More incoming!!!! 😎
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