🔴Chapter 21🔴

A new chapter is up!!!!! 💃💃

I might drop another one tomorrow so anticipate or........ wait till Wednesday😅


Chapter 21



Benefit jerked up from her slumber, was she really raped or was it just a dream?  She asked herself,  it didn't feel like one from the way she felt underneath. Her friends were even staring at with fear and concern inscribed in their eyes.  Amazing had tears all over her face. The more she tried cleaning them off, the more they poured down.

"How did you guys find me? That guy Micheal,  he drugged me and raped me" "He has been rushed to the clinic,  Ema broke his head with a bottle" Uche answered as though it was a comsolation for the rape.

Benefit cried,  "I'm no longer a virgin,  Nene are you happy now? Does it make you happy now?"  "Why are you calling my name? Was I the one that planned it with him?" "Oh shut up! Can't you feel the slightest remorse? It's your fault that I'm in this shit! It's your fault we all came to this place!" 

Nene rolled her eyes,  she felt guilty but didn't want to show it. She handed a plate of salt to her,  "Lick it" "Lick what?" "The salt now,  we don't know if he released in you,  we won't want you to get pregnant so lick plenty of the salt,  you'll lick lime too."

Benefit pushed the plate away an it fell on the ground, "It's your own headache oh."  "Better own up to what you did!" "What do you want? A written apology or an oral one? It's a party,  you could have been smart,  everyone of you could have been smart! How can someone you don't know give you drink to drink and you drank it! Are you stupid or are you stupid?"

Benefit charged towards her and Amazing held her back,  "Let go of me!" "What can you do?" "Via,  if you say another word,  I'll be the one to slap you and you know I don't bluff!" Uche snapped,  " Ah han! You're very stupid! You're an idiot who doesn't have sense, a mumu beyond redemption,  she got raped,  it's on us. Every one of us,  Benefit and Ema are the youngest,  Benefit is fragile,  we should have protected her"

Amazing inched close to Benefit,  "I'm sorry for taking my eyes off you" "My life is over" she sobbed while Amazing embraced her.  "Trust me,  your life is not over! Some people got raped at 12 and they're still fine till now. You'll be fine" Fisayo replied and Benefit shot a glare at her.

"Really? Is that all you can say?"

Fisayo left the room out of guilt,  the whole thing was bringing bad memories!


Benefit vomits while bathing in bathroom,  she squats to control her dizziness then she scooped a bowl of water splashing it on her face.

She leaned her head on the desk while struggling to write her exam then Amazing who was seated at the extreme on the same column as her creased her brow in worry,  "Are you okay?" She managed to ask while observing the invigilators.

"Yes" she mouthed then she added,  "Malaria" "Oh,  take drugs" Amazing replied and she nodded in agreement. "Later" "Benefit!" Fisayo whispered turning her head to the back,  "No. 3 in theory, sit up lemme copy your work,  sit up jhoor!"


Bassey slipped his hands into his pocket to bring out his phone then he picked the call. "Good afternoon Dad" "Good afternoon Son. How are you?" "Very well and you?" "I'm fine. How's Fisayo?" "Fisayo is fine"

"Awwwn," she whispered blushing then she placed her palm on her chest,  "He cares about me. Good afternoon Sir!!" She screamed making Bassey flinch,  "You're embarrassing me" he snapped playfully now putting it on loud speaker.

"Good afternoon Fisayo dear,  how are you doing?"

"I'm good Sir,  I hope you're taking good care of yourself" "I am" "And Mom too" "Definitely. Funny thing,  you're just the person I wanted to speak to"

Fisayo creased his brow now looking at Bassey then she mouthed,  "Why?" " I don't know " he mouthed back then she cleared her throat. "I'm all ears Sir" "We found your friend" "Sir?"

"Your friend Uche,  she has been found"

Fisayo rose up in shock,  "Where?"


Uche laid still in bed,  the beep of the heart monitor resonates, the sounds of life clinging to this world while her mother friends stood in circle staring at her. They were not allowed to sit on the bed. The nurses were really strict about visitors sitting on the bed.

"See wetin them do my pikin, them turn my pikin into vegetable.  Them fit try but them no go suceed,  them no go suceed in Jesus name"

"Amen!" Everyone chorused. 

"Doctor,  what are the possibilities of her getting back on her feet?" Amazing asked but the doctor shrugged,  "I can't say but for now but she's out of danger. We'll able to make further conclusions she comes out of coma"

"How long will she stay in coma?"

"I don't know,  I can't say."

"Uche is a fighter,  she'll fight for her life" Tears ran down Fisayo's eyes,  "Wo,  Alaye!" She tapped Uche's leg,  " You better come back and start disturbing our lives again oh!Who will be digging at me? Or using my word against me? You better stand up oh. You're annoying but still,  we can't lose you" she sobbed and Yemisi hugged her.

"Calm down"

"Let's hold hands together and pray,  let's pray a prayer of agreement. We'll speak,  we'll all speak life into Uchechi Lewis" Amazing held Blessing's hand,  "We're going speak against every utterances of the enemy and evil hands working against her. Cause He said it in his word that we shall not die, he said with long life shall he satisfy us and show us Salvation. Salvation is near for you Uche,  you won't die"

Benefit sobbed, "She won't" she repeated then she ran out and Blessing signalled Amazing to go,  "We'll continue" she volunteered and Amazing went out to the hall where Benefit leaned against the wall crying.

"Hey B"

"I can't bear seeing her that way.... I just can't"

Amazing hugged her,  "She'll be fine dear,  at least we found her,  let's be happy about that,  it's only a matter of time till she wakes up" she patted while Benefit frowned.



After the examination, Benefit suspected she was pregnant,  she didn't want to reveal it to anyone but there was one person she knew she could tell that wouldn't be all that angry with her,  her biological mother.  So she requested for a trip to Makurdi to visit her mother.

Ema didn't agree since she wanted to stay in Lagos with the girls so Benefit travelled alone. "You're welcome to my humble abode,  it's not as  big as your Aunty's house but it's manageable" "It's a boys quarter Mom" "Ehn... Boys quarter,  at least i'm not living under the bridge"

Benefit laughed,  "At least" "I won't be staying for too long though" "Why?" "I..." She shrugged not sure whether to disclose it to her. She scooped a tray containing closed food then she walked towards her.  "I have just a single rule in this house,  the gateman likes anything in skirt so don't get close to him,  you're not permitted to go to the other house,  they're the owner of the house. The woman is a witch"

Benefit laughed in disbelief,  "That's the craziest thing I've ever heard" "I see her in my dreams every night,  at night,  you'll see birds will gather on the roof,  strange footsteps at night. The only reason I'm still here Is because I haven't gotten enough money to rent an apartment"

"Are you serious?"

"I'm serious Benefit,  stay clear from that witch,  stay clear. Sorry about the journey" she dropped a tray containing of Okoho soup and pounded yam on a side stool. "I made Okoho soup,  how long has it been ehn? 10 years?"


"How's your father and your step mom?" She quickly changed the topic,  "They're fine" "That makes the both of us" "That's a lie,  you miss him"

"Your father and I were never legally married,  fine i miss him but what does it matter?  How's Ema? She doesn't like coming to my place" "Well.... She's fine"

Agnes smiled,  "My children are big girls already,  soon you'll be in the university and i'll" "How do you know when you're pregnant?" She interrupted her now avoiding contact with her. "Benefit?" Her mother moved close to her placing both hands against her cheek.

"What have you done?"

"Nothing" "I expect this from Ema not you! You're not like this" "I was raped Mommy! I was raped and throughout the exam it was looking as if I'm pregnant. I haven't seen my period too,  that was why I asked the question."

There was a dead silent afterwards,  her mother sat with her, "When did this happen? When.... How?" She asked trying to keep her cool,  her mother had her kind of patience. She trusts her to keep calm.

"A week before waec"   "Does your father know about this?" "No" "What about peace?" "Peace knows"

"I'll take you to the clinic,  we'll conduct test"

"If it's positive,  what will I do?"

"You'll keep it,  what else?"

"I can't do that!" "You must be out of your mind if you think i'll support abortion."

Benefit cried,  "I can't have a baby at this age! I'm not you!" She snapped and Agnes nodded hurt by her words but she brushed it off,  definitely one of those teenager's storm moments! "I'm sorry" "It's okay.... I get your point,  I gave birth when I was a teenager too,  you're probably scared the same thing will happen to you"

"I have dreams, I want to further my education" "I'm not going to be a party to abortion,  if this the test comes out positive,  you'll carry the pregnancy,  after giving birth,  you'll give the baby out or I'll help you take care of the child"

"How will we hide it from Dad,  from Ema?"

"Leave it to me,  we'll tell them you want to continue your studies in Makurdi,  full stop. No much explantion than that,  afterall I am your mother"  "Help me abort it"

"You'll be fine, I promise you dear,  you'll be fine"


Fisayo rushed into the living room with some popcorn. "Anybody that plays Uche's video without me present will not celebrate Christmas with Chicken!" She screamed and Yemisi laughed,  "Let me play it. Thank God I prefer Turkey"

"The turkey you will want to kill will run away on Christmas eve,  it's Eja dindin (fried fish) you'll use to do Christmas,  Eja dindin and puff puff"

"Eyen na daa (That's better),   I'll use Eja Titus to ni grade, (Titus fish with grade) and puff puff,  do you know much the sell flour now? You? You'll use Eja Kpanla 50 50 naira to soak garri"

"Were! Somebody cannot play with you" Fisayo snapped and Amazing shook her head,  she didn't even want to involve herself.

"Uche would have probably joined in this argument" Blessing assumed,  "Or Nene." Benefit added,  "We should have waited for her" she pouted and Fisayo rolled her eyes,  "Till when? This video is long overdue,  let's just watch it,  we'll send her own to her"

Amazing played it on the screen and Uche appeared on the television screen,  "It's your annoying sister Uche, I know I can be annoying, trust me if I want  to use an hour to do a video diary of how annoying I am, it wont be enough."

"24 hours sef" Fisayo answered.

"I can hear Fisayo saying 24 hours already" she laughed to herself so did everyone in the room.

"Aje ni girl yii (This girl is a witch) Aje! (Witch)"

"You're asking me how I know? Because I know you already, even more than I know some of my family members. You guys are the sisters I never had. " Tears ran down her eyes as well as everyone's eyes.

"I've always been the pessimistic one but over the years I grew bitter. I just wanted to get married like every normal person, age was not my side. I was angry that you guys thought I was the one responsible for this shit because you thought i  haven't been through enough shit."  Uche raised her arm focusing on the bottle mark, she returned the camera back. "This madness turned my own Izu into a woman beater, I have scars to show for it. That's why I don't take off my make up, to hide them! So yes guys, I was going through shit but I wasn't good at speaking about it."

Amazing gasped, everyone seemed in shock,  of course except Benefit,  "I was ashame to! A whole uche! Well, because of what Yemisi said about that prophet...I decided to go on a quest to find out the truth whether we're being haunted by a ghost or not. They know already and I'm quite aware that if i find out the truth, they'll kill me but I'll find a way to let you before I die" She paused then she busted into tears, "I really don't' want to die yet, I want to get married to Izu" she wiped the tears off now exhaling.

"That's why I' m making this video dairy. Amazing dear.... Our glue from day one, without you there wouldn't have been us"

Benefit leaned on Amazing and she ran her fingers through her hair,  "Mummy Amazing" Fisayo chipped in,  "Mummy GO" Yemisi added.

"I swear,  we would have gone our separate ways! I'm sorry for the times i've insulted you indirectly! I love and celebrate your wisdom, your courage, the way you love God! I pray you find the man of your dreams, that man that'll make you happy" she paused.

"Blessing I'm sorry for being jealous when you... When you announced your wedding, I was angry, pissed and I said some pretty nasty things. I've called you ugly, but you're not ugly, okay fine, you're not the prettiest either"

Blessing laughed wiping her tears,  "Typical Uche!"

"But Blessing you have a heart of gold, hey! I admire your strength, I admire you as a whole! And Yemisi, I love your simplicity,  your agility,  your industrous mindset. I think you're lucky you found Kwam,  if there's any guy that can stay with a lady that pees on her body,  babe... That man is a keeper and I just want to say your man is a keeper. He's handsome too,  I remember that smile during your engagement party,  I pray I see that smile again but it's not possible but I wish you more smile and more happy moment I  future when all this craziness pass"


"And to Fisayo,  first,  I am sorry for calling you a prostitute. It was unnecessary and I was really angry that day. I've been going through beatings and most likely getting forced by a man I love. I'm sorry but I still think you should change your career and try something productive,  I know you're useless but I'm sure if you look deep,  deep,  deep, 'bottomless pit' deep down inside,  you'll find out you have some hidden talent that doesn't involve hopping on a man for money"

Everyone broke out in laughter,  "Uche is a mean bitch" "Although,  I've always been a fan of your free spirit,  your vibes, nothing bothers you,  keep on being indestructable,   unstoppable but stop prostituting,  keep your heads up and settle with someone. Goodluck on that and to you Benefit,  I know we.... If there's any one I told about Izu's character,  it's her. I've got a confession to make, I wrote possible names of who might be the person fighting against us,  it was Blessing,  Nene and you were third on that list"

Fisayo laughed,  "Can Benefit hurt a fly?" "It's quite understandable, we were all throwing blames,  I suspected Nene too" Benefit answered sniffing. "You and your fucking emotions"  Ema snapped and she wiped her nose with an handkerchief.

"Permit me to be emotional jhoor"


" WAEC Releases May/June 2004 WASSCE Results, Withholds 102,315" the reporter on televison announced but Benefit turned off the television.
What does it matter when she's pregnant?

Benefit walked into a pharmacy frowning at the sales guy there. "You said drinking lime and potash was going to work,  nothing happened,  I didn't bleed" "Maybe the baby doesn't want to leave" "Does It look like I'm laughing?"

"Does it look like I'm joking too? See,  let me be sincere with you. The superstition is that,  sometimes when people try to get rid of babies and the don't go,  maybe the baby is not meant to go anywhere"

"I'm just a teenager"

"Am I the one that sent you have sex?" He snapped and she threw a lime at him,  "You're stupid! Say any more stupid word and I swear I'll kill you!" She snapped,  "You think you're Fisayo or Nene that will get away with rubbish. I am not sane right now,  I am not in the right frame of mind. I am angry, demented and I'm just looking for the right person to transfer it to,  don't try me" she gave him a stern warning.

The attendant blinked his eyes in fear, one could see the anger in her eyes,  her eyes were red from crying. "Toh,  what do you want?" "Abortion pills" "You say you no get money"

"I'll give you"


"I live just close to you. I'll pay you tomorrow" she answered and he hesitated  "You fit take this thing make e no work sef" "Just give It to me" "If I give you,  no tell them say na me sell am give you oh?"

"You're wasting time! I want to do this before mum comes back from work"

Benefit took her time to grind potash and alum on the floor of the living room using a stone then she pours into a glass of squeezed lime then she poured plenty of salt in it. "Now I'm here suffering but you guys are there enjoying,  you have no idea what I'm going through" she complained in tears.

Then she dropped the drugs in it,  "When I get myself out of this mess,  i won't follow you guys anymore,  not Amazing,  not Nene,  not Uche,  not,  Fisayo or Yemisi or even Ema! It's because of you guys I got pregnant and now you're not going through my pains,  is this fair? Is it?" She continued now gulping the whole mixture . She almost vomited but she controlled herself. The taste was horrible! The lime didn't even cover up,  the salt was too much too!

After twenty minutes, she was still battling with vomiting. By this time,  she was already holding a bottle of water. That was when she felt her first pain. It pieced her inside,  it wasn't even her stomach,  it was somewhere around her chest. She screamed loudly then she covered her lips to muffle the pain.

"You're going to be fine Benefit,  it shows it's working,  it's working" she muffled a scream. This time she picked up her mother's pillow placing her lips on it.

This was followed by a lot of bleeding from her private part,  the pain became unbearable that she couldn't bear it any longer. She screamed at the top of her voice,  she was now finding it difficult to breathe.

After her mother got back from work,  she sighted Anya getting into the car,  she was giving the security instructions to follow.  "Good evening Ma" she greeted and she smiled,  "Good evening to you too. That reminds me,  the pretty girl with you,  Is she your daughter?" She asked and Agnes fought rolling her eyes.

She didn't want to have any relationship with the woman. "Yes" "Wow,  she reminds me of myself when i was little. My regards to her" "Yes Ma" she answered rushing towards her boys quarter. She entered into the room to the sight of blood on different corner of the room. Her daughter was cold on the floor,  the cup she drank from was explantion enough that her daughter had tried committing abortion.  She carried her daughter in her arms bringing her out in tears.

Anya was already driving out stopped the car, stepped out and requested they put her in the car so she can be rushed to the hospital. "I thought you were going out" "I'm not heartless enough to see this kind of thing and drive away" she opened up her back door and Agnes carried her in.

The doctor walked up to Agnes with a worried look,  "Madam,  your daughter lost a lot of blood,  she's still losing blood from the abortion" "Even if she needs a blood transfusion,  I'll cover the payment,  do whatever you can to save her" Anya said from behind and the doctor turned towards her.

"Even If It means removing her womb?"

Benefit couldn't take the news of her losing her womb from the abortion, days she stayed without eating,  all she did was cry and wish she had died during the process. "What's the essence of living when you know something is missing in you. I feel like my while existence as a woman has been taken away from me because of one tiny mistake I made and it's their fault"

"Did they tie your legs to the party?" Her mother asked and she frowned,  "I didn't want Aunty Nora thinking Nene is a liar!" "Shey I told you to keep the baby but you did what you had in mind right? Who's fault Is it that you're blaming your friends?"

"Mummy leave me alone"

"I don't know who you are anymore Benefit,  this two months with you has been something else! You're becoming bitter,  this is not the daughter I raised" "You gave birth to her,  you didn't raise her " Benefit snapped and her mother slapped her on the cheek.

Just when Agnes realized what she just did,  she stormed out of the hospital room in order not to exert more anger on her.

Anya walked in holding on to a bag containing beverages. "Your mother looks angry" "I made her angry" "That's not fair. That woman has been through a lot these past few days,  it hasn't been easy on her,  on me either"

Benefit shrugged,  "I'm sorry." "It's your mother you should be apologizing to" she dropped the bag now sitting on her bed. "Why are you being nice to me?" "Why do you ask?"

"Mom said you've been the one paying my hospital bills,  initially she told me you're a witch but you've managed to change her mind. Thank you" "So witches are not nice"

"Yes. Trust me,  what I want more than anything now is to be initiated into one"


Benefit cried,  "I can't give birth again,  out of everyone in our circle,  I won't be able to give birth again and it's their fault I went to that party,  i would have been at home,  Amazing promised to protect me but she didn't,  Fisayo.... She was supposed to drink that spiked drink but she ended up introducing that man to me that raped me. Nene,  she's the cause of all this,  and that he stupid bad mouth,  she never accepts her wrong! Flash forward to ten years later,  everyone will start giving birth and me.... And me Benefit,  I won't be able to have a family,  I won't be able to get married"

"You're exaggerating,  you can get married and maybe adopt. Who knows.... Technology would have gone far in putting that in place" "And they too? Will they use technology? No! They'll give birth the normal way" she laughed hysterically. "They'll carry their baby nine good months.... Nine ...." She exhaled.

"God I hate them right now,  all seven of them,  even my twin sister, i was never jealous of them,  never!  Now I am jealous of them,  jealous of the opportunity they have to a good and prospective relationship. I'm jealous of the womb they have"

Anya held her hands,  "The path of revenge is a no go area,  there's always no turning back,  this emotions you're building,  if you don't quench them,  you'll be like one of those women they call witches,  even when they're not. It's not too late to go back"

"Go back to what? Being the happy and well behaved Benefit that everyone knows?" She asked then she scoffed,  "There's nothing to go back to"

"So.... If you have a chance to do something against them,  what will that be?"

"I'll make them suffer like I am"

"You'll make them get raped?"

"Rape? The rape wasn't what annoyed me as much as the pregnancy did! I was angry but not like I am now. I'll make them suffer,  I'll destroy their relationship,  I'll darken every gilnmer of hope they have to finding a good relationship and I'll make sure none of them ever give birth"

"So,  what if you find a witch that's willing to initiate you,  what would your response be?"

"Yes. I'll do it" "Are you sure cause there'll be no turning back"

"Where can I find one?"

Anya smirked and Benefit arced her brow in realization,  "Let's just say your mother's first conclusion was right,  I am a witch"


Bible Study team along with Amazing and Pastor Tunde gathered in Bammy's house.  "Our reading this evening will be taken from Luke 11: 33-36" Brother Philip called out and everyone flipped their Bibles in search of the place.

"Luke Is in Old testament" Pastor Tunde joked and Bamidele gave a sarcastic laughter,  Amazing was the first to read,  that's my baby! He said within staring dreamily at her until Pastor Tunde slapped his arm.  “No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. 34,  Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness. See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. 36 Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.”

"So Brother Bamidele what do you think this scripture Is talking about?" Pastor Tunde asked and he shrugged,  "I don't know" he answered looking closely into his bible. "I'm sure the holyspirit is opening your eyes to things,  look closely"

Bamidele exhaled read it twice while fweling uncomfortable that people were waiting for him to speak, "I'm still booting" "Let me just say a thing or two before Bamidele speaks" Amazing volunteered lifting her finger then she dropped it. "Huh.... While reading this I remembered the scripture in Isaiah 60 that spoke about darkness covering the earth and gross darkness covering the people. The darkness in man and the world manifest in so many ways,  we see people going out of the original state God wants us to be in,  but God is telling us that we are the light of the world,  a city set upon the hilltop that cannot be hidden,  therefore he has deposited the light in us,  the illumination we have as Christians,  the testimonies we have gotten from fellowshipping with God. However we are not to hid the light but shine it brightly for the world to see through envagelism"

Bamidele wrote on his notepad as she spoke,  "Thank you Amazing,  brother Bamidele....." "Huh...." He smiled,  a bit shy to speak,  "First I want to start by commending Amazing for that wonderful explanation,  it was like a message and I'll like to talk about the verse 34 in my own way,  if you agree with me,  most thoughts we concieve,  either murderous,  evil,  seductive,  sexual,  it starts from what we see,  we've watched movies where people kill to get out of situations,  imagine being stucked in that situation then those sights you've beheld begin begin to play out as thoughts to trick you into commiting murder or let's say you go to church just after watching pornography, the next fat Lady you see talking to a slim man will make you begin to craft out dirty things."

"Hmm" Pastor Tunde nods,  "What this part is telling us is that,  we should be mindful of what we watch,  or the content we feed our eyes with cause they can as well cover the light we have received through repentance." he paused.

"Good one Brother Bamidele,  good one. Brother Philip?"

Dare swiped through Ema's gallery when he stumbled on another beautiful picture of hers.

"Wow,  this is pretty" "Thank you. " she answered moving to his back then she kissed him on the head. "Oh. That was the day I did this mega presentation ehn,  I was so confident the clients will like it"  she rubbed his smooth head while explaining.

He swiped again.


"This was the award night. I won the most productive employee of the year"

"Wow,  you were that good?" "Yep yep until I came falling off the food chain. Now sharks are eating me for breakfast,  lunch and dinner" "Hey. It's gonna be fine,  okay? I'm sure you're going to get called by a company soon. Maybe nooderish"

"Fuck you!" She slapped his shiny head and he twisted and grabbed her around the waist and hauled her onto his lap,  his full- blown arousal pressed against the fly of his jeans. "Oh my" She gasped looking down.

"Ignore it. Your beautiful face already did the magic,  just ignore it"

"What if I don't want to ignore it?"

Dare shook his head,  "You're still recuperating" "Was I sick?" She asked biting her lips but he ignored her swiping to the next picture which was her and Kunle. "This should be Kunle"

Ema grabbed the phone forcefully,  "Shit! I thought I deleted everything" "Why will you do that? I've been searching for his pictures" "Because of you,  it's a new relationship,  nobody likes to see the picture of a lover's ex so I moved them all to my google drive"

"Fine,  you're right but whether I like it or not,  this man was part of your life and from what you said,  he wasn't a bad person. He doesn't deserve been completely ridden off like that,  come on now"

Ema pouted like a baby,  "You don't think it's disturbing" "Except you're the one disturbed by it,  fine. I don't have any problem with it" Dare shifted, and she met his eyes. She traced his lower lip with her thumb. "Gosh you drive me crazy Dare with your sesitivity" "You drive me crazy with all of you,  to think I'm dating a very smart woman. I feel unqualified like my CV won't cut"

"You're one hot cab man Baby, and I'm actually the unqualified one"  She said as she took his mouth in a hard, demanding kiss. He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes as she tugged at his top, pulling it over his head then she pulled hers too.

She wasn't wearing bra,  not like she liked them anyways!

Dare's nostrils flared as he took in the sight of her in the dim light, and he trailed his fingertips down her neck, leaving her breathless. She held her breath in anticipation.

Ema woke up smiling,  she stared at the ceiling biting her lower lips. "Best night ever! Don't you think so Baby?" She asked but there was no response,  "Baby?" She asked now turning towards Dare who was soaked in his own blood.

"Jesus!! Dare? No" she cried,  "Not again" she struggled to lift him now getting her body stained,  "Wake up Dare!!! Wake up,  I know you're not dead! Wake up!"  She screamed waking up from her sleep.

"Dare!" She screamed and Dare held her down,  "Babe it's fine!" He said softly but she kept on breathing in and out trying to catch her breathe. "I had a dream,  you died"

Dare laughed,  "It's just a dream"  "I was so scared" "Don't be" he ran his fingers around her jaw then he lifted it up. "Morning beautiful" "Good morning" she answered then he pointed at the breakfast on the bed  close to her.

"I made toast and tea"

Ema blushed,  "Thank you" "Mind giving me your CV?" "What do you want to use it for?" She asked,  "To wipe my bumbum after poking" "Fuck you!" She snapped and he laughed pointing his fingers at him,  "You seriously need to curb this f word,  imagine giving birth to a child in an environment where her mother uses foul words"

Ema bite the toast,  "Sorry" she apologized munching on it.  "Don't let me forget it,  I'll be leaving now"

Zenith Media

Dare appeared in Sir Jones office the following morning. "How's business?" Sir Jones asked and Dare smiled,  "Going great Sir,  we are expaning Sir,  God is helping us"  "Good! At first when you decided to do this Job,  I was hesitant about the success but I can see you're doing great even with competitors."

"Thank you Sir"

"When should we be expecting a wedding card from you? Kwame Is already planning his or you're going to be like Dare who wants to sleep with all the girls in Lagos before he finally takes his life serious"

Dare laughed,  this man should really make his middle name 'Savage'! "Very soon,  we're still getting to know each other" "Hmmmmn,  should i call 911,  someone looks in love"  he teased and Dare laughed. "Yeah... She's the reason why I came" he dropped the file on the desk.

"I'm not going to beat about the bush Sir. My girlfriend needs a job,  that's her CV. She's an amazing marketer. I don't need to see her in action to know how amazing she is"

Sir Jones picked it the he opened it,  "She's  hot tempered and finds it hard to deal around situations that seems to be against her,  especially when she's innocent but still she's hard working and efficient. She'll be happy if she gets this job,  I'm not begging you to give her the job,  just give her a try"

Ngozi held a camera to Yemisi's face who was pointing at a three step cake with four of her apprentice. "As you guys can see here,  the three step cake has been made,  look at how beautiful It came out. If this was a customer's cake,  the bride would most certainly be satisfied cause I'm sure as hell satisfied with the result. I know what you guys are thinking right now; it's not even a customer's cake and it's this perfect,  what if it was? That's what we do at Yummy Yem baby! We make cakes that did BSC,  masters and PHD in Harvard. Perfection and customers satisfaction is our goal" she winked giving Ngozi eye signal and she stopped the video.

"It's so nice Ma" Ngozi commented while the apprentice took several pictures of their own cake. "What's left is for me to have another branch that I'll call Yummy Yen Academy,  this place is getring tight"

"Amen oh!" Ayo and Ngozi shouted then Yemisi spotted Kwame behind,  "Awwwn,  my boo is here" she announced and everyone left the kitchen. "Is it just me or you look hotter this afternoon?" She moved close pulling him by the tie.

"Are you pulling my legs?"

"No. You look delicious,  I just want to eat your lips" she kissed him but he pulled back looking down at her,  "Okay... What happened? My lips has always been irresitable. What did I do? Did i add too much salt today?" She asked and he clasped his palms,  "Dr Gabriel called me,  you had an appointment with him,  I know you're somewhat forgetful but you avoided it intentionally and I can boldly say that because I called you to remind you of it this morning.... Twice"

Yemisi shut her eyes,  "Guilty as charged! I'm sorry" "I am sorry too,  I know you're embarrassed about this but it's for your sake. I'm trying to help out,  if it's urinal inconsistency,  he'll know what you can do to help you control it"

"The only thing they'll suggest is that I wear some adult pampers,  nothing more"

"Go for a test"

"They probably won't see anything!"

Kwame rolled her eyes,  "There goes the pessimistic side of you! This is not the Yemisi I dated,  all you just have to do is take a leap and" "They won't see anything!" "Why will you" "Cause it's a spiritual battle!" She answered and he staggered back.

"What? You sound like mom right now"

"Yes because it's the truth! We are all being fought against,  all eight of us! Kwame,  let me make this clearer to you, I think we offended someone in the past that's looking forward to making us suffer, each and every one of us, from Kunle's death to Amazing's fibroid to this thing I'm going through,  it's all the handiwork of the fair lady"


Benefit opened her eyes at exactly 11: 50 pm,  she walked towards her bag bringing out a leaf,  she opened it and a foul smell hit her,  it was a raw snail. Anya's warning crossed her mind.

"Be sure you want to do it before you eat it,  you eating the meal we prepared is the first step of initiation,  there's no turning back once you eat,  no cause for regret. You can back out if you want to"

"But I .... I already know your secret,  will you kill me?"

"You'll leave Benue and never come back again. I'm ready to put my foot in for you,  just be sure it's what you want"

Benefit exhaled,  "I want them to suffer too" she blurted out eating the snail. She wanted to vomit but she kept a straight face, it was just like when she swallowed those mixture. She laid on the bed shutting her eyes. She didn't even realize when she slept off.

Shortly after, she laid on the floor while every member  surrounded her in a coven welcome dance.

How was today's chapter? 😎

Can you guys guess how Michael died? 🤔

Some interesting events will be happening in the next episode...

Are you guys really for it?


E go choke oh! 😁

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