🔴 Chapter 2🔴
NB: Church names in this book are totaly fictional oh 😂
I don't know if they exist
Chapter 2
A month later, on a Saturday, Amazing received a call from her mother very early in the judging while she was in bed. "I've done it oh! I've done it!" Her Mom ranted and she wondered what she must have done. "Good morning Mom" "Good morning" "What did you do?"
"What you could not do. I have done the assignment and as we speak, they said a man will come your way very soon, that you should not worry"
"Mom! Don't tell me you've been going to herbalist homes"
"Never oh! I habe never entered and I will never enter. It's a prayer house, we did a few assignment, they requested for you cloth" "My cloth?" She asked sitting up, "Mom, you gave my clothes to complete strangers"
"Shebi it's for your good. When you don't want to bring husband home, as a good mother than I am, a good mother...." She trailed off sobbing and Amazing rolled her eyes.
Who is this woman deceiving? Of course she knew it was fake tears! She hissed within, it was just emotional blackmail because she already calculated her reaction and she knew it wouldn't have been funny. She needs to get all of her clothes away from the village!
"Because i want to help my daughter oh" The sobbing became persistent and louder and she exhaled, "Mom it's okay. It's okay but I don't like all these things, they look wrong!"
"It's for your good. They said they will bring a man to you next week, they said he will come and he'll come and see your parents and pay something on your head. Ada mma! Adaigha mmi, (First daughter), you need to be open minded. He'll come your way very soon!"
"Okay Ma."
'The wait will soon be over ehn, Kedu! Have faith" "Yes Mom" she replied, it was the first time her mother used a calm tone on her after how many years. She wasn't nagging and it felt nice, if only she could see this version the more.
"Have a good day Mom, I have an incoming call from the office"
"You too"
She picked up a call from Zainab. "Hey" "Good morning Ma" "Good morning" "Sorry to wake you" "You didn't actually, I was awake. What's up?" "I just want to remind you of your meeting with Sir AdeboWale Jones"
"Ma, you can't afford to skip today's meeting. You've spent the rest of the year skipping meetings with him, it's going to look as if you're dissing him intentionally. He wants to have a one on one discussion with you. What are you really scared of?"
Amazing shut her eyes, she knew the man far as when she was in secondary school when she had a fight with his son, she's not sure if the man will remember her. She just can't forget the look the man gave her that day as though she committed the worst crime.
"I'll see him on Monday morning"
"Morning Monday will be fine for me"
"Mondays are always busy for you" "I'll see him before getting to the office, how about that?"
Zainab exhaled, "I'll call his secretary to reschedule then. Please Ma, Monday" "I won't forget, thank you" she hung up then she tried Murphy's number once again.
Amazing drove into the church compound then she parked her car. She wore a red round neck top on a grey sweat pant. She had promised the youth coordinator that she'll show up for youth clean up. Her general Overseer also requested to see her too so she could get some fliers to be pasted on her company notice board for the coming Sunday service program!
There were couple of youths already gathered, She could hear them praying from outside the building. "Sister Amazing!" Pastor Mrs Coker called her from afar then she waved. Amazing smiled walking up to her.
"Mummy good morning Ma"
"Good morning my dear. How are you?" "I'm fine" "I can see you came for the clean up too just like I did" "I thought it was for the youth Ma" "Am I old? I'm so very much a youth" she replied and Amazing chuckled, "Of course you are Ma"
"Daddy and I were talking about you"
Amazing raised a brow, why will they be talking about her? Maybe they were having a conversation about her pathetic single life, probably throwing in a few prayer points on her behalf.
It's like everyone is carrying her problem on their heads!
"He's in the office. You should see him"
"Yes" she replied walking away and Amazing exhaled making her way into his office. She knew he was going to start speaking in parables and riddles again and she does not have the strength for it.
"Daddy good morning Sir"
"Good morning my dear, you can have your seat" he answered and she did. Then he began searching his table for something, he raised some books up hissing severally. "I wonder where my wife kept this thing" he stopped looking for it then he smiled at her.
"Its the program chart for upper Sunday service, you are to take the exhortation"
Amazing cleared her throat, "Daddy I can't do that" "Why?" I... I.." She trailed off thinking of a lie, "My....." "Your....?" "Its Sister Blessing's wedding next week and I'll be following her to her Portharcourt for family thing. I already agreed to it"
"Really?" He asked and she rolled her eyes, "No. Daddy, exhortation? That's for pastors now, I can't exhort, how am I suppose to exhort when I'm facing problems" "You think we Pastors don't face problems too? Our problems are not even far from us, most times the devil uses our children against us but what should we do? The ministry will still move, people need hope and the hope is in the word that's why we speak it to the hearing of people"
"Daddy I can't, I'm sorry but I can't"
Pastor Tunde laughed, "Sister AmazingGrace! Always shirking responsibilities. Its youth and singles meet and grit week, I hope you're ready for it" "Yes" "You're handling the business section" "I'm quite aware, business is my forte, if it's that one I'm not scared of talking from now to the next year"
"Look at her mouth!"
Monday morning
Amazing got out of her room dressed in a white and black stripe gown. She found Ema in the living room, her legs folded eating cereal from a bowl so she examined her cloth again.
"How do I look?" She asked, "Like a fucking zebra" Ema answered and Amazing gasped. "Ah han, is it that bad?" "No it's not, I've never liked this your gown, just confessing"
She blinked on hearing the confession, to think she has been wearing this gown the whole year !
"Wow Peace..... Thank you very much. Let me change up then"
"It looks good on you though, it's your style, it looks good on you. If I mistakenly wear this, someone might just take me to the zoo because i was mistaken to be a zebra"
Amazing groaned, "You're making me feel bad" "You look great" Ema blew kisses at her then she chuckled. "Peace, you need to stop sulking over Kunle" "It's not so easy" "I can imagine but Babe, you need to get your ass out there and return back to your job, full time"
"I've been fired"
"What? When?"
"On friday. The boss said he didn't understand me any longer then he fired me. I know I said I was going to stay for a week and it has turned into a month, just endure with me"
Amazing laughed, "I knew it was going to exceed a week before. Besides I'm not complaining, it's my foodstuff that's going missing" she replied and Ema laughed. "I don't understand how you're not growing fat from eating so much"
"Blame it on the body. Where are you going to?"
"Zenith bank?"
"No, Zenith Media, Mr Jones wants to see me but I don't want to go"
"I don't want to run into that.... Bamidele Jones"
Ema laughed, "Seriously? You still haven't forgiven him for what happened. Babes, that's like since secondary school." She said and Amazing rolled her eyes.
"So Saint Amazing also keeps grudges" "Its not that... You don't understand, you guys were not there when his father gave me that look like..... I don't even if the man still remembers me. I don't even know how we managed to meet again, now he has become quite a consistent client and I just need to see him, I've been avoiding him for too long"
Bamidele barged into the uncompleted church building, he was clad in a vintage shirt, buttoned up and tucked into a carton color trousers. He would have looked official except for his hair that were dyed dark green.
A woman walked up to him on sighting him, "Where's your Pastor?" He asked and a woman shrugged, "Brother, is everything okay?" "I already warned you guys to reduce the volume of your speakers but instead you've decided to increase it shey? Is it until I destroy the speakers?"
"Calm down Sir"
"Where's your Pastor?"
"He's not around at the moment"
"When he comes the hell back, tell him to put the speakers down before I do cause if I come back here again, it won't be funny and I'm damn serious about it!" He snapped leaving and the lady exhaled.
Efua walked into Sir Jones office. She wore a white shirt tucked into a red skirt. "I got the email you sent to me, I think I preferred the nostalgia presentation so did the brewery" he replied and she smiled. "It's unique and i must commend the creator, who is it? Mr. Olamide, Vincent or you?"
"Its Bamidele Sir"
He lifted his eyes, "My Bamidele?" "Yes Sir" "When last did he come to work to be included in this?" "He emailed it to me and I helped him present it" "When did we start accepting things by proxy?"
"No offense Sir but what does it matter who it came from? They loved it right? Accept it and acknowledge the creator"
Sir Jones hissed, "Where is the stupid Bamidele now? Is he even coming?" "He said he'll be coming, I'm sure he'll be here any moment from now Sir."
The intercom buzzed and he answered it, "Sir, Miss Amazinggrace Essien is here" "Send her in" "I'll take my leave Sir" Efua chipped and he gave a gentle nod, "If he comes, make sure he sees me immediately" "I will Sir"
Amazing walked into the Sir Jones office and Efua turned towards her, her gaze fell on her gown and Amazing felt uncomfortable, maybe the lady before her was picturing her as a zebra, those were the initial thoughts that came to her mind that moment.
She cussed Ema for putting that thought in her head!
"Good morning" she greeted Efua, "Good morning" She responded half-heartedly now walking out of the office. A smile curled up Sir Jones cheeks on seeing her face. Finally! "Good morning Mr Jones" "Please call me Sir Jones" he answered and he could see her raise her brow like what's the difference?
"For some strange reasons, I've always preferred Sir to Mr or any other title. Some people might say it sounds like the title of a butler or a gateman but I'm that simple. Please have your seat dear"
"Thank you Sir" she replied sitting on the leather swivel chair just across from him. "We finally meet after all the avoidance"
Amazing laughed nervously. How in the world did he know?
"I wasn't avoiding you Sir" "Really?" he asked giving her a look and she exhaled, "Sometimes"
Sir Jones laughed. "Thank you for the honesty my dear. Your face looks familiar, you have one of those faces" he said and she shrugged not sure whether to dive into the topic. "So, our mid year award party is coming up and we need your best idea for a party"
"Mid year award party? I thought award parties are usually held towards the end of the year"
Sir Jones smiled, "When i got to realize the psychology behind awards, I decided to take mine up the notch. When you award people in the middle of the year, people tend to improve on their efforts for the remaining year to earn the end of the year award. Everyone wants to win employee of the year"
"Wow.... That makes a lot of sense, it definitely gives rise to competition which however enhances efficiency. Its brilliant Sir" "You think so?" "I do"
"Coming from a business tycoon, that comment means a whole lot"
Amazing raised her brow, "A business tycoon?" She asked and he smiled, "I read your opportunity series, book one, book two. Book two was my favourite though, my favourite quote was when you said, throw the hook in and fish for opportunities and then you made reference to Luke 5 :4"
A smile curled up her cheek. "How..... I don't know, how did you come across my book?" "My daughter is a fan, she goes to your church, her name is Yewande Stevens" "Oh. It's a big church, I might not know her that well but I really do wish to meet her. Is it going to be a cocktail party?"
"I want your best ideas, what do you suggest?"
Efua walked into Bamidele's office, the first thing she did was stare at his hair, "What did you do to your hair?" "Do you like it?" He asked and she laughed. "Your father will kill you" "The man can bite if he likes, its what I felt like doing and I decided to roll with the spirit"
"Your father wants you in his office ASAP"
He groaned then he hissed, "I don't even want that man's wahala this morning. I hope I'm not in trouble" he wondered out loud watching her unbutton her shirt, "Well, maybe not with him but you are with me" she replied and he chuckled.
Bamidele walked into the office to see his father listening attentively to Amazing. She turned her head at him then she looked away and almost hissed. Funny how one thinks the past is buried only to see an old face and the anger comes setting in.
"Effy said you wanted to see me"
His gaze fell on his hair, "So you cannot greet? And what's that thing on your hair" "It's....." He trailed off looking at Amazing. He knew his father was definitely going to start acting irrational and he wouldn't like a stranger present when it happens.
"Madam, can you leave my father and I alone"
Amazing rose up, "She's not going anywhere, seat" he demanded and she did. "Madam, please leave, shebi I've added please" "You're not going anywhere, what right do you have to send my guests away? Its already bad enough that you had the guts to resume with this rubbish you called dye. O sha fe so mi lenu (You just want yo hear me complain). If I don't complain about you a single day, your day won't be fulfilled so let me fulfil you day Bamidele"
Bamidele scoffed, abi you're the one whose day won't be fulfilled without giving one complain or the other about me!
Amazing cleared her throat, she didn't want to be in between the crossfire between father and son, agreed already doing enough with her friends! She knew that was her cue to leave.
"Sir, I think I should leave"
"So its now that you want to leave abi?" He asked and she scoffed. "You will be nice to her! Are you on drugs? You must be on drugs on something" "The drugs you gave me shey?"
"You come into my office carrying the garden of Eden on your head. You call it swag, ah you don't even know how you look like, you look like those clowns that always paint their hair during independence day, if it was even independence day, I wouldn't have said anything. You are representing Nigeria on your hair, didn't you have access to white dye? You could have made it complete now, green and white. Nonsense! I've always said it, I pity your life cause I don't know where it's heading to"
"Must you always complain? With you it's always one complain or the other right? My eardrums are almost busting from your frequent stupid complains, if its not about my dress, it's my tattoo, if its not my tatoo, its my earrings or my hair. Wo fi sepe fun yin ni? (Are you cursed?) What is it gan?"
Amazing scoffed, "Jeez! That's uncalled for? You're speaking to your father, not just any man!" "Please who invited this Zebra into our conversation?"
"Bamidele! You will apologize to her this instant"
"I'll apologize to no one! I don't owe anyone any fucking apology! Why did you call me in here at first? To insult me or what? See, I'm out of here, the less I see your face, the better I feel and you wonder why I don't come to work" he hissed leaving the office and Amazing exhaled rolling her eyes.
Same arrogant Bamidele Jones! The 'garden of Eden on your head' part made her want to laugh but then she felt bad for him too, all those insults on one man's head.
If they were recording points for abuses, Sir Jones will be declared winner.
The man can abuse sha!
"I'm sorry about that"
"It's okay Sir"
Not like she was expecting anything less! At least the guy should have grown from being as immature as he was that year! Na wa oh!
"Have you eaten your Yummy Yem bread today?" Yemisi watched a video of herself on Instagram. "Its your perfect Agege bread, yes ke, i have the recipe with a little bit of Yemisi spice in it, its totally Yummy Yem. If you haven't placed your order, what are you waiting for? If you want it delivered to your shops, place your orders,this babe and her bakery is at your service" she exhaled then she lifted her head to a fair woman standing right above her.
She gasped in fear and the woman smiled, "Did I startle you?" "Uh.... Yeah a bit. Good morning Ma, what do you want?"
"What do I want?" She asked then she laughed maniacally, "We have everything we want already, we have you all where we want you to be even though you all try to pretend about it, you're unhappy and miserable" she smirked and Yemisi rose up in fear, "Excuse you?" She asked and her worker walked in.
"Aunty Yemisi, who are you talking to?" She asked, "Is it nor this wo.." Yemisi turned to see no one there. "It's.... There was one woman"
"What woman? I've been looking at you from the show glass Ma, I was even worried when you started talking to yourself, there was no one there"
Yemisi arced her brow, but .... But.... She clearly saw the fair woman.
How is that possible? Was she day dreaming or something?

The fair woman👆
Amazing got into her office to see a fair woman on the chair then she arced her brow in shock. "Who are you and what are you doing in my office? How did you get in?"
"Where else? Of course through the door"
"I just unlocked the door" she called her secretary on her phone, "Come in here right now" "There's really no need to fret" "What are you doing here?"
"Making sure everything is in order"
"What's in order"
"Your life, I just want to make sure it's where we want it to be" "I don't understand"
She laughed and the secretary walked in. "Ma, I hope there's no problem?" "Who let this woman into my office?" She asked turning towards the chair but there was no one there.
"Who Ma?"
Amazing blinked, "I...I thought....." She cleared her throat, "You can go, I thought ..." She trailed off then she watched her leave. She sat on her chair, she had confusion plastered on her face.
"It has to be my mind playing tricks on me, it's definitely my mind!"
Smart Academy
"What makes the confederal system different from the federal is the loosed center" Benefit explained to her SS2 students, "The federal system has a strong center, that's why secession is almost impossible in countries like that. For example, if Nigeria had a weak center, a state like Lagos can decide to secede from Nigeria, even Ikeja can also decide that they want to be on their own" she joked and everyone laughed, her gaze slowly moved to the door where she sighted the fair woman lean against the door.
She looked down at her lesson note then back at the door only to find no one there, she arced her brow. "Excuse me students" she said looking out of the classroom but she found no one.
She walked down the empty hallway where a student walked up to her. "What are you doing loitering about during classes?" "I have a note for you Ma" "From who?"
The boy turned back, "A woman, she said I should give it to Miss Benefit"
Ema downed a drink, she was in tears as her good moments with Kunle crossed her mind. "We were so good together Kunle. Why? Damn you, damn you!" She cried pouring another drink then she heard a knock on the door.
She rose up staggering then she walked up to the door. She opened the door seeing a man "Good morning, I have a message for you" "For me?" "Yes for you" "From who?"
"A fair woman I saw down the stairs" he passed a wrapped note to her then he walked away. She unravelled the paper reading the content.
You're where you should be, you don't deserve happiness Ema and I'm not sorry about Kunle. You deserved it!
She scanned through and the note dropped from her hand.
She tightened her fist then she scoffed assuming the letter came from Kunle's ex- Britney. "Because you're using another hand writing you think I won't know you're the one. I'm going to your place right now and i'm going fuck you up bitch, I swear to God!" She snapped then she staggered again.
"After I make some coffee and have some sleep"
Hosanna Faith Ministry
🎶You come from royalty
An aristocratic dynasty
The goal of the enemy
Is that you don't know who you are
There's power when you speak
Be mindful of words you release
I know that life has challenged you
But the King in me speaks to the King in you
You were born to rule there is a King in you🎶
The choiristers ministered as Amazing climbed up on the stage picking up the microphone. Aboh's eyes lingered on her, he wondered who the woman was to have drawn his attention. She looked beautiful in the black palazzo trousers which she paired on a blue chiffon top.
They ended the song and she smiled nodding towards their direction then she cleared her throat. "That was a wonderful one Hosanna's vessels. That song ministered deep into my spirit and it actually does go with the topic I prepared for so... God bless you and give you all more inspiration" she said and everyone chorused "Amen".
She turned towards the crowd with a smile on her face, "Father thank you for the privilege to speak this moment, let my word not come out ordinarily but let be mixed with fire so the youths can better their lives through it. Amen."
"Today I'm all about business, before Pastor Tony dives into more relationship advise, i want to give you all business advice. The other day I was telling Daddy that it's my forte and he said, see your mouth" she paused and everyone laughed.
"Business is an important aspect of any relationship, daddy correct me if I'm wrong. Money is that substance that fuels any relationship" she got interrupted by applause from the ladies.
"The ladies will love that one but personally i think it's not all about the money. If you're dating a guy that doesn't work, I say this with sight and hearing experience, it's going to be frustrating but if he has something doing, no matter how little it is, there's bound to be some sort of joy that's why I'm focusing on the topic that says, Don't sit still and do nothing! Look for that opportunity and do something. It's a mouthful but I'm quite positive you'll enjoy it"
Bamidele, Kwame, Murphy and Dare took turns playing snooker. Kwame held a stick in his hands while he watched Bamidele shoot his shot. "The man just feels the need to complain every damn time" . He made his shot and he smiled, "Maybe I should just change career"
"Dude, you don't even have a career" Dare replied and Murphy laughed.
"Careful Cabu, I have a stick in my hand and I'm not scared to use it"
Kwame chuckled, it was his turn to shoot so he began lining up the shot, all eyes were now on him, "Easy on the eyes guys, its quite intimidating" he chuckled on remembering Yemmy's look when he demanded for her phone number.
"What's funny?" Bamidele asked, "The stupid bet!" He snapped. "Dude you lost, don't sweat it!"
"Dare, first, i escaped death narrowly and then you made drive around Lagos in your cab and you made me lose a number that day. If I was our cruising in my car, I'm sure she would have considered giving me her number"
"Listen to yourself, dude forget about the girl. If she didn't give you her number because she thinks you're a Cabu driver, then she's not worth it" Bamidele replied and they all stared at him in shock.
Did Bamidele just make sense?
"As you take make sense now, the thing shock us"
Bamidele raised his stick at Dare and he ran away from him. "Dude forget the babe and concentrate on other fishes" Murphy advised, "See that's where the problem lies, I can't. I've been thinking of this girl, she's real. She was just being honest" "Because she thinks you're a cab driver" "The only thing I know about her is the bakery name and I already searched on Instagram" "Don't tell me you're following her"
"I'm not. I don't want to look like a stalker but she promised she'll give me her number when next we see. I've been searching for this girl everywhere. I'm this close to going to the bakery. For the past two weeks, I drive in my car aimlessly searching for her."
"Na so love dey start oh" Dare teased and Bamidele laughed, "No be wetin I tell am the other day?"
Bamidele heard the church speaker blare again then he dropped the stick. "These guys are really starting to piss me off!" "What?" "This church! How can they be hosting programmes everyday. Are they the only ones that love God?"
Dare laughed. "All these end time churches" "I complained to the head Pastor but he's been indifferent about it when I strike they won't like it!" "Dude, just dey your dey. No go do pass yourself abeg, this is God's business. You just have to adjust"
"Adjust as how?Everything just dey vex me. My Dad, my mom, this church, I'm even angry at the whole world. Life just doesn't make sense, they make me tired of life, the only thing that keeps me going are...."
"Women" Murphy concluded, "You got it right, Women"
Amazing walked towards the car and Aboh ran after her. "Hello" he waved at her and she turned to the Tall handsome stranger "Hello, do I know you?" "No" he laughed. "Not exactly, my cousin forced me to come for this meeting, frankly I didn't want to but coming here today, I really don't regret it"
"Oh, that's good"
"My favorite part was when you spoke, you were pretty amazing and I was blessed" "Thank you for the compliment"
"My name is Aboh Anthony" "AmazingGrace Essien" she answered, He smiled, "No wonder you were amazing, the name says it all"
They both shook hands and she laughed while he kept on staring dreamingly at her. "Essien? Are you Ghanaian? I've been trying to denote an accent" "No. I'm actually mixed, my mother is an Igbo woman while my father hail from Akwa Ibom"
"Aboh, Benue right?" "Yes. How do you know?"
"My best friends, they are from Benue"
"Brother Aboh!" His cousin yelled and he lifted a finger up, "Give me a second! Urgh! I'm sorry, I promised to drive her back home" He groaned then he smiled, "Don't take this the wrong way but can I get your contact?" He stretched out his phone to her. "Sure, no problem" She got his phone dialing his contact. "When else can I see you?" He asked and she raised her brow at him.
Mister man, aren't you too forward? We're just meeting for the first time and you already want to see me again? Men! She almost rolled her eyes.
"I know this makes me look forward but I'm taking your advice and jumping at this opportunity before it eludes me" he replied and she giggled. "Wow, good one" she commented and they both laughed.
"Um..... There it is" she handed the phone to him and she smiled watching him stare at him, he didn't feel like leaving, he has never felt this drawn to a woman in his life.
Amazing cleared her throat. "You told her you were only going to take a second, it's more than five minutes now" she said and he laughed. "I'm thinking of when I'll get to see you again" "So I guess your coming to the church is just a one time thing"
"I have my church"
"No one is asking you to leave your church. Tomorrow's movie night, I'll be coming, you can see me then" "Wow, that sounds like blackmail" "It isn't, it's me presenting a better offer within such a short period of time, besides I can't be seeing strangers anyhow"
"And I'll be stupid not to accept this opportunity. What time?"
"6 pm"
"I'll be here only if I'll be seating beside you" "Wow" she laughed looking away, this guy has guts sha, it's hot, she was even beginning to feel hot sef.
She exhaled maybe the heat can escape, "Um..... Okay.... See you tomorrow then" "See you tomorrow"
Amazing walked into her living room only to hear Benefit shouting at Ema while wiping her injured face with a towel. "Madam, are you the only one?" "Stop shouting at me abeg!" "You're even shouting at someone who's helping you, I could have just left you there"
"What happened?" Amazing drew near, " Peace what happened to your face" "Ask her maybe you'll get a reasonable reply from her, you won't imagine the shock on my face when one of my student's parents called me to tell me that my twin sister has been beaten up"
"Yes. I'm even shocked she even recognized her, now I'm embarrassed. How do you think she'll rate me now when my twin sister is causing havoc around town"
Ema scoffed, "That's the only thing you care about right? Look at my face and the only thing you care about is the embarrassment" "Ema what happened?"
Ema shut her eyes, "That shit, that.... That fucking whore, Kunle's ex, Silvia, she sent me a message and I went to teach her a fucking lesson but she didn't play it fair, she had some thugs beat me up." "Oh my God" Amazing gasped.
"I'm so sorry"
"She was just denying the whole thing but I know she sent it. I swear I'll beat that tramp the next time we meet"
"Abeg stop making mouth jhoor! You'll beat the tramp, you could have been dead if I didn't come there"
"Maybe you have left me for dead!"
"Maybe I should have!"
"Will you two shut the hell up?" Amazing snapped, "You're twins for crying out loud, same blood run in your system, stop acting like enemies. For the benefit of peace, stop this nonsense and for once agree to something"
"Are you angry already?"
"Good night!" She snapped leaving and Ema pursed her lips, "See, you've made her angry" "Me?" Benefit asked, "How is it me?"
"You're always nagging, always angry at me. Always blaming me even when I'm not wrong, do you even care about me?"
Benefit wiped her face, "Ouch" Ema groaned, "If I don't care about you I wouldn't have rushed to get you, I wouldn't be doing this either. You're always screwing up, and I'm tired of it"
"You're always the perfectionist and it's annoying"
"You want me to be a screw up like you"
"Benefit I already apologized for screwing up" "And I've forgiven you. You just keep on screwing the more"
"At least i try to have fun once in a while"
"Benefit laughed, "And I don't" "Benefit you're boring, sometimes I find it hard to believe we're twin" "Are you sure they didn't mix us up and my twin is out there somewhere?" Benefit asked and they both laughed.
"We really need to stop acting like fucking enemies"
"You need to stop swearing too"
"I'm still heart broken Bee....." She cried and Benefit hugged her. "Shhhh, it's okay, it's going to be okay"
Amazing who was listening in to their conversation smiled walking away into her room. She remembered Aboh and a smile appeared on her cheeks.
Such a fine gentleman, he's good looking and handsome not like some people! What If the case ends up being like Murphy? The guy hasn't even called her yet!
She remembered what her mom said about a man coming her way and the smile appeared back. Could Aboh be the man?
She suddenly frowned on remembering Bamidele then she hissed out loud.
"God forgive me for this but I still hate that guy!" She frowned at how quickly she was being put into a bad mood because of him!
Her phone rang afterwards so she picked up the call, "Evening Blessing" "Hey Babe" "How was your day? How's is the village and the village people?" "Fine, the craziest thing happened to me today" "What?" "She was about to dive into the gist of how she met a fair woman who ended up disappearing all of the sudden but then she brushed the thought off.
What if its the stress that's making her see things that's not there? They all had the same experience but no one felt the need to bother the other person about it.
"Nothing jare! Ignore me. So how was your own day? I saw the live video of the programme" she groaned frustrated she wasn't available for the programme she has been looking forward to attend. You did well Amazing,the way you controlled the nerves "
Amazing laughed, "Thank you. Guess what?" "What?" "So I met someone today" "Abeg, let me lean back for this gist, how's he like?"
Bamidele's phone rang so early in the morning, he blindly searched for it then a girl passed the phone to him. He swiped it placing it against his ear, "Hello" "Morning Bamidele" Yewande greeted and he smiled.
"Hey big sis"
"Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked and he groaned, "God! Happy birthday to you" "It's not my birthday"
"Oh. Seriously?"
"Nuel is six today"
Bamidele almost hissed, he couldn't believe his sister called up so early in the morning because of her son's birthday.
"Why did you make it sound that way?"
"What way?"
"Like it's not important to you"
"It's so early in the morning and that stubborn boy doesn't like me"
"I'm not stubborn!" Nuel's voice resounded and Bamidele shut his eyes, shit! He didn't even know the phone was on loud speaker.
"You didn't tell me the phone was on loud speaker" "How was I supposed to know you'll say that." "Give the phone to him" "He has gone"
"Whatever, abi did I lie? He's stubborn"
"Well that stubborn boy requested that i call to remind you of his birthday. He assumed you'll forget, all he wanted was for his Uncle to wish him a happy birthday and what did he get"
"I'll try to fix it"
"Do it"
"Wait .... How can I fix it?"
"Figure a way out"she snapped hanging up and he groaned calling Kwame, "Kwams, good morning"he greeted, "Good morning, what's up with the early call?" "So it's Nuel's birthday and big sis called,I didn't know the phone was on loud speaker"
"Let me guess, you ruined it for the guy"
"He's angry and I'm supposed to make it up to him. What do kids like?" "Dude, should I remind you that I don't have kids"
"I don't know what to do, you know this boy now, if I don't make it up to him, he'll hold grudges against me forever! What should I do? Should I get him a cake?" "The mother must have done that already...... Wait, on second thought, get him a cake. Don't worry, I'll order for the cake personally"
"Why.... Wait.... Guy, don't tell me you're thinking what I'm thinking. I can order cake anywhere and have it delivered"
"Please just let me help you deliver the cake, I'll get the cake, you don't even have to pay. At least now I have an excuse to see her" "Guy..... How pretty is she?"
"Mind your business"
Yummy Yem Bakeries
Yemisi's brought out freshly baked meatpie from the oven then she sniffed them, "That's the smell of perfection. Ah Yemisi, you are an epitome of.....I don't know the English I can even use to describe it. See as meatpie is tan san san-ing . Her phone rang so she rushed to pick up the call.
"Amazing dear, bawo ni?"
"I'm good, so there's this client whose wedding will be held next month. She needs a cake for her bridal shower and wedding. I got you the gig"
"Seriously? How much is she paying?"
"I'm sorry I might have to keep it to myself for security reasons" she answered and Yemisi smiled, "That's sweet of you, thank you very much. I love you to the moon and back and the moon again" "You're welcome and I love you too" she answered hanging up and Yemisi smiled and exhaled in appreciation.
Amazing has always been a part of her success story, she wouldn't be where she is if she didn't get business ideas and motivation from her and she keeps giving her gigs! Even though some cut usually goes back to her, she still very much get effort.
"Miss Yemisi" someone called out and she laughed recognizing the voice, it was one of her troublesome customers!
This one will come and price rubbish now! For high standard cake!
She got out smiling at the woman, "I brought business oh and I came prepared In case your want to start calling high price"
Kwame walked into the bakery, he was dressed in the most simplest way, he had a navy blue top on a black jean trousers. He didn't want to come off as someone from a wealthy home, he still wanted to play the role of a cab driver to test Bamidele's theory!
He glanced at her then at the sales personnel close to the door. "Welcome to Yummy Yem, of what service can we be to you?" "Huh...." He trailed off staring at Yemisi who was lost in her conversation with the customer, "I need a cake"
"Do you have a preference?"
"There's a preference?"
"Yes Sir"
"Can I talk to the owner of the place?"
"Huh.....There she is" She pointed at Yemisi and he slowly walked towards her. Yemisi gasped in surprise on seeing him then she returned back to arguing with the customer.
"Aunty Chioma, I no dey do twenty thousand naira cake again"
"No worry, we go deal with this matter, no be now" she said turning towards Kwame. "I go give you call" she said walking away.
"How come you're here? Are you stalking me?" "No. Why will i do that?" "How?...." "It's my best friend's nephew's birthday so I decided to get him a cake"
"Your friend's nephew's birthday?" She scoffed and he laughed, "You probably think I'm lying" he wanted to bring his phone to show him one of the pictures he has taken with Nuel but he had second thoughts since it was the lastest IPhone at that moment.
"You decided to get a cake in no other place than this place. Are you sure you're not a serial killer?"
"I'm not a..... serial killer neither am I stalking you, its his birthday and I'm helping a friend out, he kind of said some pretty nasty thing to the boy on phone without his knowledge because he wasn't aware the phone was on loudspeaker"
Yemisi laughed, "Wow, you're trying too hard to make me believe you" "I'm not lying, I swear" "I know you're not, at least I have sense to discern that you're saying the truth" she answered and he exhaled in relief.
"Thank God!"
"His old is he?"
"Huh..... Six"
Yemisi laughed in mockery, "Seriously? You're even thinking of the age". Kwame cringed in embarrassment, then he scratched his head. "Nuel turned five last year, he's six this year. I've not actually been in the boy's life for a while" "Why?" "Work has been strenuous" "Wow.... Do you drive from 6 to 10 pm?"
"Something like that"
"There's nothing like there's no time for this, there's always time for everything. It just depends on you and how much you're willing to sacrifice" she answered then she cleared her throat, "Pardon me, I sound I'm beginning to sound like one of those motivational speakers shey?"
"Kind of, its not bad. You're not exactly wrong"
"What's his preference? Before you'll ask me what preference entails, does he like vanilla flavour, banana flavour, coconut, lemon, chocolate"
"I honestly ....don't know. What do you prefer?" He asked and she walked towards a show glass. She cut up little slices of the cakes into a plate then she dropped it on the countertop in front of him.
"What's this?"
"Taste samples. On this plate we have cakes with just vanilla, mixed flavour, chocolate banana cake, cakes without nutmeg because of allergies, I call it nutmegless cake. I use nutmegs a lot but I've seen a whole lot of request so I try to be versatile and finally, there's Yemisi's flavour, my personal favourite"
"I'm not a cake guy I... avoid sugar"
"You're not going to have diabetes today today because of you tasted cake, just have a taste" "I don't think I..."
She picked the cake up against his lips, "I don't think that's necess...." She dipped it in and he chewed it, "Hm" he moaned in delight, the softness, the spongy feel and the taste, gawd the taste! "Hm...." That's good" "Shey?" She asked then she picked another placing it against his lips and he slowly bit it, this time he shut his eyes.
"Whoa.... That's amazing. That's..." He opened it, "That's different" "Yes and its my favourite,
Yemisi's flavour, cake with PhD degree in Harvard" She answered eating the remains then she licked her finger, Kwame laughed staring at her, everything suddenly moved on slow motion as she licked her fingers.
He suddenly felt hot!
Yemisi cleared her throat, "What do you want then? Have you made your choice or you'll like to taste more?" "Are you kidding me? I'll take your favourite, do you have more from where that came from?" "Have you seen someone take suya for free after having the first bite for free? You'll pay nooni"
Kwame chuckled, "Wow.... You're really something" "What kind of frosting do you want? Let me not bother asking you, what cartoon figure does he like?" "PJ mask" "We only have Sophia the first available right now, since you didn't place an order before hand, our hands are tied. Do you want it or we can just go with a plain cake? I can just quickly inscribe Nuel is six on it"
"Sounds fine. Thank you"
"Give me fifteen minutes, I won't want to delay your business for the day, your cab must be outside"
He cleared his throat, "Yes it is. While you're coming out, remember you owe me your contact. You promised you'll give it to me the next time we meet, promise is a debt you have to pay"
Yemisi almost rolled her eyes, she knew she had been pushed to a tight corner, there was no wiggling out of this one! Why did she even make such a promise sef? She didn't even imagine meeting him ever again!
"Give me fifteen minutes" "For the cake and the number"
"Fifteen minutes"
"The cake and the..."
"Oga yes, the cake and the number. Geez! You're quite persistent"
He flashed a winning smile, "You have no idea"
Yewande opened up the door for Bamidele who walked in with a man pulling a large carton in. He was on a call with someone. "Babe, just hang in there, I'll be with your shortly, I stepped out for a bit" he waited for the caller to speak while Yewande directed the delivery man where to keep the box.
"Come on, don't be whinning my head anyhow" he laughed, "I'll be there with you, yeah, bye" he hung up. "Bammy" Yewande called out and his phone rang again, "Hold that thought" he picked up, "Hey Babe" he paused and the girl announced she was heading to his house.
"You can't do that, I already told you, you can't just come in unannounced, I'm not your boyfriend"
"Seriously Bammy?"
"Yes seriously Racheal, I'm not at home and I already have plans"
"What about tomorrow?"
"I'm not available" "When will you be?" "I'll let you know"
"No strings Rachy, we already spoke about this, I don't do strings and I can see you getting stringy already, see if gotta go, I'm with my sister" "Really Bammy? You can just say you're with your hoes. I'll call you back" she replied and he hung up hissing loudly.
Yewande only looked at him then she threw her face away. She doesn't even know when hell change from being a freaking Casanova! Will it kill him to finally settle with a woman? "What?" Bamidele asked when he noticed the look. "Nothing" "What where you about to say?" He asked and she shrugged, "Nothing that's more important than your call"
"I'm sorry big sis, I had to pick the call"
Yewande kept quiet and then he went behind her tickling her and she laughed slapping his arm, "Stop it!" "Oya talk now, anything, just let it out. I won't be shocked, I've heard all sorts from you guys, nothing shocks me any longer"
She laughed.
"I wanted to say you look like crap"
Bamidele gasped then he laughed afterwards, "Wow, look at what I tickled someone for? That one shock me sha" "I'm serious. You had to dye your hair green, what's the revolution?" "Dad said I'm carrying Nigeria on my head" "This one is not even. Nigeria, its every country with green on it, it only proves one thing"
"Ah! My mind is telling me to sit down for this cause I won't be able to handle it"
"It only proves your unfaithfulness" "To Nigeria?" "To everyone especially women! Your inability to stay true to your heart and to all the women around you."
Bamidele clapped his hands, "Wow, it's amazing, I don't know how you and Dad usually come up with this yabbing" "Its not yabbing, it's the truth. Bamidele you're getting old" "Who's getting old? Are you really looking at me?"
"You're thirty 33 years old"
"Sis, I don't even look 29, I'm still looking hot 25, I'm catching cruise with this baby boy look" "How long will you catch the cruise? How long till you settle down? Bamidele you need to calm down"
"I haven't even started and you're telling me to calm down. Like how?" He scratched the brim of his nose real quick then he plunged his hands into his pocket. "Life is a freaking fast lane and this baby boy ain't ready to slow down yet"
Yewande scoffed, "Well keep on driving now, I just hope you don't end up having a major accident someday. I'll look into your eyes and tell you, I told you so" she laughed, "And you know me sweetie, I won't sugarcoat it"
Bamidele smiled. "Because you're heartless, you all are heartless, attacking me like you're all being paid to do so, like you guys lives depend on how much you abuse Bamidele. I love you sis but I have to.." He clicked his tongue, "Fashi out of this place. The gift is for Nuel, I hope he loves it"
"Just wait for him to come, the school bus will be here any moment from now"
"I have business to attend to"
She folded her hands, "I know you're going to meet a woman so what are you sugarcoating?" She moved over to the drawer close to the door, she picked up a church flier then she walked up to him stretching it out to him.
"What's this?" He scanned through the flier, Hosana Faith Ministry singles meet and grit. What the fuck is he suppose to do with this?
"There's this meet and greet meeting we have in church. Come, maybe God will make you find a potential woman there"
Bamidele laughed, "Is there anything like a potential woman?" He asked unconsciously and she raised a brow at him, she felt insulted. What about her? "All these women want is money and good sex, nothing more potential than that"
She slapped his arm and he chuckled, "You're actually the only potential woman I've met" "Awwwwn, you just managed to buy my heart with that. But seriously Bammy, I think you should show up"
"No thank you. If I hear another church noise again, I might go mad so.... I'll pass. Thanks for offering anyways" he answered handing her the flier and she rejected it. "Keep it"
"I'll throw it away oh or I'll give it to all these roadside akara women"
"You can even use it to wipe your ass if you like. I'm not accepting it back. It's called aggressive evangelism"
Bamidele laughed, "No be small, I hope Kwams already delivered the cake" "Yes" "Bye sis"
Before the movie night, she assumed a whole list of movie picks, It'll either be God's calling or War room or one room, my guess wasn't wrong, they played "War room", Pastor Tunde's favourite movie, the man doesn't joke with it.
She has watched the movie about ten times but she hasn't been able to get over it.
There's always that scene you're anticipating. Like when Elizabeth chanted, "Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” scene and the scene where Mrs Clara shouted victoriously that the devil has been kicked in the butt.
Or the closing scene with the husband been romantic!
They both quietly watched the movie, at some emotional point, she unconsciously leaned against his shoulder. She wanted to pull back but he pulled her in. "I'm not complaining" he muttered and she smiled. She was in that position till the movie ended.
Then Pastor Tunde stepped on the altar, "I know that people will already be tired of me and this movie" he teased and everyone who got the joke busted into small laughter. "I feel that every couple at some point in time needs to watch this no matter how much you've played the movie, you need to always return back to replay it again. There are always lessons! I repeat there are lessons to be learnt. My advise for you all, whether you're dating or courting, whatever it's called this days. When you're both in a relationship where you put God first, that ship can never wreck! If it wrecks, its to the glory of God, then it's God trying to tell you that the person you think is your own, isn't exactly for you but whatever relationship it is, be it marriage or courtship, put God first!" He advised then he opened the floor for questions and contributions.
Aboh rose up giving his opinions on it even quoting bible scriptures to back up his claims. Maybe that was when he began to take my breath a away! There's just something about eloquence in men that catches her fancy.
Yemisi's phone rang while she was working in shop baking cupcakes for delivery the following morning. She picked up and yawned on answering the call, "Forgive me manners, good evening, who am I speaking to?"
"Hey" he said and she rolled her eyes.
"It's you"
Kwame laughed, "Wow, you sound elated to hear my voice" he said sarcastically and he she chuckled softly, "Well I was hoping that the Paper I used in writing my number gets lost before you can dialed it" "I would have definitely come back again to get it"
"I'll just say I don't have more papers"
"I'll give you all the book in the world"
"I'll tell you that I don't have the strength to write"
"Then I'll ask you to call it out while I write"
Yemisi cleared her throat, "I'll tell you I have sore throat" she argued and he laughed, "I give up" he replied and she joined in afterwards! "I know you have trust issues but do you want to head out one of these days, let's say to watch a movie or a dinner date, I do clean up pretty nicely so don't worry, I won't be smelling like cab"
She laughed, "Who said you smell like cab, you smell nice anyways" she complimented and he kept quiet. "Is that a compliment?" "Don't let it get into your head or give you hope"
"I'm feeling hopeful already"
Yemmy scoffed, "Oga kwantinue, you'll fall in love and break leg!" She replied and he laughed. "Where are you?" "At work" "Its past eight, shouldn't you be resting?" "Oga, the hustle is real! Just like you cruise around Lagos driving your cab, this is my hustle. Most times, no matter how stressed out I am, I just have to keep pushing.
"I'm sorry about that"
She laughed, "What are you sorry for? I'm not, I love my job!" "Thank you for the cake earlier on" he chipped in and she smiled, "You paid for it oh" "Still... I got feedbacks, Nuel loved it!" "I'm glad he did" she answered with a smile.
"Are you free next week?"
"Are you being honest or you're just creating excuses to avoid this cab driver"
"If you keep adding cab driver to everything, you'll only sound weird! So Oga stop it! I'm not trying to avoid you, next week is my girlfriend's wedding. My next week is packed with a lot of arrangements, from my hair to dress and the rest....!"
"And work"
"Exactly... And work" she chipped in and he chuckled. "I think you should take a rest, no hustle deserves you being broken down completely!" "Well there's no vacation for me yet, I have a lot I'm working towards. Good night Kwame, I have to return back to work"
"Good night Yemmy. It was nice hearing your voice once again" he concluded ending the call and she exhaled saving it as "Baba Ghana"
Aboh walked Amazing to her car, "So, do I finally get to have that date with you?" He asked and she laughed. "I don't know you that well" "Just give me a chance, I'm not going to beat about the bush; you're likeable and I like you and I'll really like to know you more"
Amazing smiled giggled, "When?" She asked and he exhaled in relief. "Thank you, you have no idea how honoured I am right now. So I guess I'll be seeing you soon then "Yes" she gave a nod and he smiled.
"Next Saturday?"
She shook her head, her Saturday was booked i for Blessing's wedding, Saturday has never been a free time for her. "It's my best friend's wedding, besides Saturdays are usually like my busy day, I'm an event planner so.....I'm free all other days of the week except some Fridays and Saturdays."
"I'll call you. Goodnight Amazing"
"Good night"
Amazing entered into her room with a double mind, she regretted giving excuses for her business.Are you sure I haven't pushed him away? She asked herself, "I should have just kept my mouth shut!" She snapped sinking into the bed. Her phone rang in her bag, she reached for it, shocked to see it was Aboh.
"Hello Aboh?" She said with a hint of surprise, this was followed by a chuckle, "There's just something soothing about your voice and the way you call my name" he said to her and she chuckled. "Now you're just teasing me"
"I'm not teasing you Amazing, I'm being sincere"
"You called, why?"
"I remembered how pretty you look so I thought I should remind you once again."
She blushed, this guy should not make her head bust with so much good comments on her, Oga easy on the compliment oh!
"Thank you" she cleared her throat, "Are you back home?"
"Yes dear. Good night and sweet dreams dear"
"Good night Aboh"
"Say the name again"
Amazing laughed, "Now you're been silly" "Please, just say it again" "Sweet dreams Aboh" "I'll definitely have one!" He answered ending the call and she smiled widely exhaling. "God is this for real?I really don't want to raise my hop unnecessarily" She looked up then she laid in bed.
Aboh dropped the phone smiling, "I think I just found myself a wife"
What's your take on today's update?
You all must be thinking, what the hell is happening?
Who the hell is this fair woman? 😂
Who wants to guess?
The plot is just only building 😏
Many more will be unfolding 😬😬
What do you think about Aboh?
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