🔴Chapter 19🔴

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PS: This chapter is seriously unedited


Chapter 19



Fisayo scattered her eyes in search of Bassey. "Where are you?" She asked with her phone still placed against her ear, "I'm still waiting for you" "How hard is it to find a handsome guy dressed in a blue shirt and black trousers?" He asked from behind shoving the phone in his pocket. Then she turned her head at him rolling her eyes.

"I told you to come through this door"

"I used the other door, sorry." He apologized pointing to her phone which was still against her ears, "You can drop the call, I'm here"

Fisayo ended the call then her eyes lingered on the the customer bag in her hand with Chicken Republic on it. "Tell me you brought food" "Food? No I just like walking around with bags that carries Chicken republic inscription on it!" He answered saracstically.

Fisayo hugged him with joy, "I would have kissed you if you were really my boyfriend. Thank you so much!" "You're welcome. Just helping a damsel in distress. You look stressed out!"

"Shey? I'm getting black already right? The stress is killing my complexion" "You're still very fair and beautiful"

Fisayo blushed, "Ori mi wu sha (my head is swelling" she muttered then she colle ted the bag from him and Bassey smiled shoving his hands into his pocket. "Any information from her?" "None" "How's her mom doing?"

"Still crying"

"I can't imagine how she feels"

"Hey Fisayo" Izu stopped by also holding a bag containing food, "Hey! You brought food, that's thoughtful of you" "Yeah... How is she?" "She's fine, she thinks you have used her daughter for ritual"


"Don't take it personal. Right now she's accusing everybody, even God" Fisayo answered now pointing to Bassey, "Izu meet my... Friend and fake Boyfriend Bassey Nkanbe" "Ekanem"

"Bassey meet Izuchukwu or Fryo, any one you choose he's Uche's boyfriend" she introduced and they both shook hands. " Guy, I'm sorry about your girlfriend. Just remain postive"

"Yes i will. Thanks" he appreciated making his way to the ward. "Have you guys reported to the police? I can just call Dad"

"Your Mom already did. Thank you, that's sweet of you. I just hope the police finds her quickly, Uche is a pain in the ass, she called me a prostitute. I can't count the number of times we have fought but I can't stand the thought of something bad happening to her. She's still my sister an I'll just go mad if she..." Fisayo sobbed, "If she dies without me reconciling with her"

Bassey hugged her while she sobbed quietly, "Shh, hey... It's fine okay, nothing bad will happen to her, i'm sure she'll be fine. If Dad sets his mind to help you find her, i'm sure my now, news must be flying through police station in Lagos concerning this case" he lifted her chin up then he wiped her tears off.

"You're one damsel in distress you know that? You're lucky prince charming came to save the day"

Fisayo laughed while he wiped the tears completely, this time using his pocket handkerchief. "Is that sanitary?" She asked and he laughed poking her nose, "Look at her ungrateful lips, is that sanitary?" He mimicked and she giggled.

"And when I was excited about the thought of being pregnant, they were looking at me as I was commiting a grave sin. Are you not the being romantic with a guy now?" Nene asked and Fisay rolled her eyes, "I wasn't being Romantic"

Nene shook her head, "I am not against this, Babe, I even advise it cause what we need at this point in time in someone to get us out of this mood we're in" she replied moving close to the both of them, "And a good sex to clear the head"

Bassey cleared his throat while Fisayo scoffed, "I hope you're not here because you're enjoying the sex only" "He's Bassey, the fake Boyfriend I told you girls about. He brought food" "Oh. How thoughtful of you. I guessed who he is already, I know the gist and I'm sure you're doing one or two with him"


"What? Why are you making me feel bad?" She asked looking at Bassey, "Fisayo has never introduced us formally to any Boyfriend and as it stands like this, she's already catching feelings. You better not break her heart cause we're all itching to wear her asoebi but Fisayo has never been interested in relationship"

"Really?" Bassey asked and Nene nodded, "Her relationship is.... Well complicated but you better not be out for the sex only"

Fisayo scoffed, "You don't even know anything o ko lanu soro kpala kpala," "Look at this one, I'm even trying to sell the market for you" "Who asked for your help? We all know you're nothing but selfish, you can shove your help down your mouth"

"Wow.... Just because i tried helping" "You just wanted to make me look bad! Like I go around having sex with people What if he was a stranger? Would have said that said that? Like I would have slept with a stranger" "When has that ever stopped you?" Nene whispered then she walked away.

Tears ran down her eyes then she turned her head at her direction, "Nene if you have something against me say it to my face rather than" "Shhh" Bassey held her back. "No! Let me say my mind"

"Shhh" he held her hands towards a chair for her to sit on it, "She's not worth it, trust me"

Fisayo busted into tears, "Did you hear what she said about me? Like I go around sleeping with men. Fine I had sex with men but it was business base. Not like go around sleeping with five men in a week!"

"It's okay"

"God where did I meet this unfortunate human being?" "I was going to ask the same question. Aren't you all supposed to be friends" "Yes. We've been friends since... SS3. Nene hated me at first because she didn't want anyone joining their clique, it was just Amazing, Nene and Blessing. So when she heard I wasn't a virgin, she welcomed me with arms wide opened. "

Bassey arced his brow in shock, "You weren't?" He asked unconsiously and she gave a nod bowing her head in shame, "Uh... Then she was making it compulsory for us to lose our virginity that year but I already lost mine long ago...tipe!" She scoffed and her eyes got heavy again.

"Jeez!" She finally lifted her head bringing out the plate. "I'm just getting emotional anyhow, it's like my period is close" She opened it smiling, "This looks nice," she grasped the plastic spoon and ate a spoonful of fried rice then she nodded in approval.

"It's nice, join me"

"Thanks" Bassey cleared his throat, "I'm fine" "Fine kor" she scooped another spoon then she forced it into his lips. He chewed on the food just staring at her.

He had questions but he obviously didn't want to push her away like he did that night. "What?" She asked with a hint of shame, "I don't know why Fisayo but I'm interested in your life"

"It's filled with more ugly sides than good"

"I want to know all the ugly sides, whenever you're comfortable about it" he confessed then he watched her eat the food. "What if it's the usual cliche story of a prostitute?"

"I'll like to hear your own side"

"Okay. I grew up in a family of four, I was the second born, my elder sister, Bukola, I call her Aunty Bukky, and my brother Tanimola and sister Mide. Bukola was so much fun than I am....She was my world"


"I lost her and it automatically made me the big sister" "I'm sorry" "It's fine. I was a sturbborn girl growing up! I just hope my children don't take after me. I was sturbborn! I was very pretty as a child, mo fine gani! People stop and stare when I pass, they'll be like who's this chinese baby?"

Bassey laughed, "You're exagerrating right?" "Ah! Stay there! I was pretty, then there was this Uncle of mine, I and my siblings loved visiting his house. He'll buy biscuits, dankwa, balewa, goody goody, all sorts and we felt loved but my elder sister was against it. She warned us, warned my Mom but my ojukokoro did not make me stop. Then one day, this man I called my Uncle...." She trailed off and Bassey shut his eyes, he already knew how the story ended! "My father's brother, the audacity! The guts he had to rape his own niece! I was just 12! I almost went mad, he did it and gave me lots of sweet that I should keep quiet, that if I open my mouth no one will believe me and even if they do, they'll laugh at me for life. I realized how traumatize I'll feel so I left"

"Without the sweet"

"Am I mad? I took the sweet oh" she joked chuckling in between her tears. "I couldn't cry in the open, I was sad, my sister noticed by just couldn't tell her. Three months later Mom realized I was pregnant, I didn't even know, she wanted to kill me on the verge of almost being setenced to beating from the palms of my African mother, I revealed the truth to her and my sister but she didn't believe until my sister explained her encounter with him. The stupid man also raped her, that was why she kept warning us! She criticised me, she was like shebi mo kilo fun e, (I thought I warned you), you're too stubborn. Mom told my father, we couldn't press charges because of course everyone will know so we decided to keep shut"

"And the pregnancy?"

"He died during delivery" "You kept it?" "Yes! All the woli my mother met said I should not abort if I don't want to lose my womb so we had not option. I couldn't even push, I fainted and the only thing I remember was waking to ask about my baby they said he didn't survive it"

Bassey arced his brow, he had opinions, "What if" "Hm hm, there's no twist to the story, this is not Superstory. He died! I felt relieved, I carried him or her for nine month but.... I wouldn't want to.." "I understand. So you guys just left the man"

"We seperated, we went our way, I stayed in hiding through out the whole pregnancy but Aunty Bukky had him arrested after she became wealthy"

"Was that the driving force of your .... Career?"

"No! Before the wealth came, My sister was literarily our bread winner or as I'll call it burden bearer. She was carrying the responsibility of the whole house, she was doing the night business and then she hit gold and things literarily became good. We moved to Lagos, two years later, my siblings moved to UK to complete their studies, Tani was about entering into secondary school so it made sense for the both of them to go there but me, I was about starting SS3, Mom enrolled me into Glory Age, the standard was good and all.... I was supposed to go after secondary school.. But then afterwards Bukola got sick and died. I was still getting my papers ready to travel. So, things became hard, so hard, I begged m sister's friends, they tried their best but... They got tired, our house rent was there, my siblings. I had no choice, I decided to join them. It's not an excuse but I did, I did what Aunty Bukola was avoiding, she wanted the best, I swear I never had sex, after my Uncle forced, even when Nene asked me if I was in secondary school, I just answered based on the fact that I got raped at 12. The first time I had sex ever! Was my first job, it gave me money that I needed, so i took it as a job. I paid my school fees with it, paid my siblings fees with it and I travelled abroad with it, i've been to different cities"

"You could have gotten a job after secondary school"

"I studied Sociology and I got my first job but the pay was just 50k. I almost went mad! I locked my certificate and I continued my job" she laughed to herself then she stared at Bassey who wore a serious face.

Fisayo cleared her throat, "That's the ugly life of Fisayo Ogundele, I can't even begin to imagine the thoughts probably running through your mind right now. I don't know why I mentioned it to you, only Amazing knows the truth, i've never ever....." She trailed off but he kept quiet still.

He was still processing the information. "Say something at least" "Like what?" "I'm disappointed, I'm not shocked... Anything, don't just keep quiet" "I.... I..." He shrugged and she nodded pushing the food away.

"I think you should leave"


"Oga take your food and leave!" "Fisayo calm down" "Shebi you wanted to hear my story, now that you know you're staring at me like I'm trash as if you never knew the job in the first place" "Fisayo I wasn't"

"Oga come and be going. I don't want to make a scene, come and do and be going!"

Bassey held the bag so she dragged it back, "You have mind, you still want to carry the food, you still want to... Oya leave the food and go!" She shouted loudly this time so he raised his hands in surrender, now taking his leave.

12:10 pm

Amazing sat in Pastor Tunde's office staring at him, "Say something Sir. What does the dream mean? Is it my head creating things? He asked me out but I haven't given a response yet"

"Have you prayed about the dream?"

"Pastor Tunde stop beating about the bush. If you know something just tell me" "I already told you but maybe i didn't put it in a rather more comprehensive word. I saw the two of you working hand in hand together, doing ministry together. It might be as partners but it's up to you figure it out"

"Where Is he at the moment?"

"The children's hall"

A mature Pastors walked in bowing his head towards Pastor Tunde, "Pastors are ready Sir" "Great then! Amazing, please come with us"

A policeman looked through the Uche's bag, "How can you check someon'e purse and not see a close relative's number. Not even one!" At least there was one from the driver and from there we'll be able to locate his family so they can take his corpse"

"Abi" the director answered while the other policeman shrugged, "And his drivers license is complete oh" he said out loud, he didn't even realize when he did!

"Why will you be checking a dead's man driving license?"

"To know if it's complete now"

"So if it wasn't up to date, would you have arrested the corpse? I don't understand you policemen at times"

The superior hissed in embarrassment, "This one is a lost cause, can we move on Sir" "Yes Sir so...What are we going to the do about the lady?"

Bamidele sat in a the children's corner trembling and mumbling tongues. All the kids have been driven away except Nuel. All attempts to stop him has been futile.

"Daddy, is he fine?" Nuel asked his father who only shrugged, "I don't know. Normally, when this happens, they stop" "Is God punishing him again? Did he do something wrong?" He asked and Pastor Tunde shook his head from behind.

"No my boy. God is not punishing him, on the contrary God is working on him, what you see there is a man drunk with wine" he answered then he signalled to Amazing who just walked in.

Her gaze instantly fell on Bamidele and she was moved with joy and compassion. "Sister Amazing will pray from him" "What?" She asked in shock, "Shouldn't this be done by a Pastor?"

"It's prophetic, you're going to hold his hands, pray for him"

"What am I supposed to say?"

"The Holyspirit will tell you what to say"

Amazing moved close to him, she knelt down then she held on to his hands. "Lord I thank you for your son Bamidele Jones, I thank you for coming into him and accepting him as your beloved, Oh thank you God!" She busted into tongues, "Hear the word of the living God Bamidele Jones for the word of God says any man who is in Christ is a new creature, old things have passed away and all things have become new; Bamidele Jones, I declare a new beginning for you"

"Amen" Everyone chorused.

"Go and not be a slave to sin no more! This journey you have began will be a fruitful one! I hear the Lord say he's going to make you like a tree planted by the river side, Bamidele, you will flourish!"


"Your feet are being made beautiful to preach the gospel. The Lord is giving you strength to start this journey receive in Jesus name"


"My God! The Lord bless you and make you great! The Lord will make your ministry great, I see the Lord making you a light in this generation, a light for all men to see! A light in the East, West, north and South. Men will see you and glorify God in heaven!"


"Generations, far and near will be blessed through you"


"You will not fail God, your family will not fail God, your generation will not fail God. Just like Joshua took a stand and said, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord, Bamidele Jones, as for you and your family, you will serve the Lord."

"Amen" Bamidele responded in tears then he fell weakly against her and she patted him on the back. "You will not fail God! You won't!"

Pastor Tunde and the other Pastors stepped in to crown the prayer.

Fisayo sat in Mama's ward with a sad expression plastered all over her face. "You've been sad ever since you walked in" Benefit noted and she looked away, "It's nothing I'm fine"

"Are you sure?" Yemisi asked and she gave a nod.


"I'm just tired of life okay? I'm thinking about Uche, I'm thinking about Mama, I'm thinking of future. For the first time girls, I'm left to think if I have a future cause I want one. With what is going on, can we have one? Can I have one?" She asked in tears.

Jeff and Adetutu walked into Mama's ward catching Benefit's attention. Fisayo quickly wiped her tears off. "Our husband, good afternoon oh" "Good afternoon Fisayo, Yemisi. Hey Babe" He called out and Adetutu ran to hug Benefit who was seated on a chair. "I miss you so much, the weekend has been so boring without you"

"Sorry" she apologizeemd then she turned towards Mama who was already asleep. "Ade and I came to drag you home" "I can't afford to leave yet. It'll look bad"

Jeff groaned disappointingly, "Another night without seeing your face, another night of torture" he groaned again then she winced feeling bad. "It's way beyond me dear" "You can go B... We'll stay" Yemisi volunteered, putting a smile on Benefit's face.

"Thanks guys. I owe you one" she picked her bags staring at Uche's mother. "You guys watch over her oh, she doesn't deserve all this problem"

"We will. Now go before we change our minds" Fisayo threatened making her run out of the room with Jeff.

"The guy is so in love, I smell marriage already, I'll be getting married, Benefit too." Yemisi paused staring at Fisayo who sank into a bad mood almost immediately. "If you like this Bassey guy... Why don't you shoot your shot?"

"Do I look like someone a person can date?"

"Are you not human?"

"My past, all of it"

"You can drop it, you won't be the first or last. You only live once oh" "What about the fair witch? Are we supposed to jeopardize the life of the ones we love in pursuit of happiness?" Ema asked walking into the room, she overheard their conversation.

Yemisi shrug, "Life and love itself is a risk and there are risk worth taking. I might be an 'Atonle' at night but Kwame makes me happy, I have happiness and peace when I'm with him and for me..... That's all that matters"

Nuel laughed as Bamidele watched a video of himself pushing ushers away meanwhile clashing into chair. "Was it this bad?" He asked now laughing at himself while Nuel dragged the phone from him.

"Delete it"

"They're memories. I'll show it to your children and grandchildren"

Amazing apporached and Nuel walked away, "Hey" "Hey" she replied leaning against his car. "My mind is blank, I can't remember what happened, I hope I didn't push you too" "No. I have to admit I was shocked when you went out and when you spoke in tongues, I had to clean my eyes to be sure it was you"

Bamidele shut his eyes in shame, "Urgh! It's like being caught unfresh" he described and she laughed covering her lips, "I remember my first time, it was during my university days, I ended up pushing ten chairs down, I broke a chair but I woke up feeling no pain. It was refreshing. How do you feel now?"

"I don't know.... Light, like some burden have been taken off me."

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. we come unto Him we shall find rest unto our souls. Matthew 11:28 to 30"

"At first I tried to control it, trying to fight it, trying to be in control of my body but once again God showed me he's more powerful than I am. I can't fight him any longer, I don't want to do it any more. For the first time in a long time I feel better about myself"

Amazing exhaled, "God has chosen you for something great Bamidele" "What?" Bamidele scoffed, "No offense to God but I don't want to be a Pastor" "It might not necessarily be that but I know God has something in stock for the both of us and as crazy as it sounds, we'll never know unless we try it so i'm saying Yes"


"Bammy I feel you're God's will for me so I'm saying yes to God's will"

Bamidele nodded, "Is this a Christian way of asking me out?" He asked and she scoffed, "I'm saying yes to your proposal" "Proposal that expired yesterday, the offer was good while it lasts" he answered so she slapped his arm.

"I'm serious. You were doing shakara before, I knew there was something between us but you were not spiritually sensitive to notice" "Ahhh.... So that's all you can say" Amazing stood akimbo.

"Fine then! Let's be spiritually insensitive together" she snapped turning to leave when he held her hands laughing, "I was just joking, just joking" he shouted and she rolled her eyes.

"Brother Bamidele, what do you want?"

Bamidele blinked his eyes in disgust, did she just call him brother Bamidele??? God forbid, may it never get to that level. He laughed afterwards, "Don't.. Don't ever call me that, ever! What I want is a partner, a life partner who will be a mentor, a coach and I found one in you Amazing. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, every day I bless the day we crossed path. Will you accept this imperfect and unworthy guy?"

"I'll go home and pray about it" she gave a typical Christian girl response waiting to see his response. "Are you kidding me right now? You just called me God's will, the only thing left is a change of name from Bamidele to Godswill"

Amazing laughed, "What are you saying?" "Stop pulling my legs now, here I was planning on posting 'happiest man in the world' on my status and you're here falling my hands." "Just kidding, it's a yes"

Bamidele giggled taking out his phone, "Oya smile" "What are you doing?" "Something i've never done in my life" "Please don't post my picture, I don't like pictures Bammy. I need to be at the clinic too" she pouted now looking around in a shy manner.

Bamidele took pictures of her anyways. She did a quick unaware pose, "Is It fine?" "I don't like pictures but she's the one asking, is it fine?"

"Oh shut up" she laughed and he captured every moment.

Uche's Mom was soon discharged so Amazing took her directly to her house even when she demanded to go back to Uche's place in order to wait for her. Amazing thought it would be better for her to stay with her so she can monitor her.

Amazing dropped a tray containing two plates of white rice, stew and chicken on the dinning table. Mama Uche exhaled jolting out of her thought then she hissed, "Thank you my daughter. God bless you"

Amazing pulled her portion just in front of her. "How did she know this spiritualist that helped her?" "Mama I don't know" "And you also don't know what you guys did that made this person angry"

"We don't know" she answered, she had no idea it was one of them, they actually left that part out. "Uche does not have patience... I'll always advise her. What about her temper? How am I sure she didn't say something bad to get her enemies angry ehn? What kind of rubbish is this? Where will I enter?"

"Mama it's going to be fine. Let's have faith. With our faith we can move this mountain, Uche will be fine"

"Where are the rest?"

Amazing shrugged, "Normally Fisayo and Ema usually sleep here, I'm guessing they'll be coming later" "Okay..." She paused staring at the food, "They're doing man things abi?" She asked and Amazing laughed.

"Mama! No! They're not even dating"

"And you? No tell me say you dey wait because of that mumu way cancel wedding. See ehn.... A man that's capable of doing that kind of thing no be human being oh so move on! If you see one, grab it! No go talk say, e too early. Age no dey any of una side, you hear? Nene don get belle now, before you know, all of una go follow"

Amazing gave a gentle nod, "Yes Ma." "Make e follow oh, cause if I know Nene well, she go too do shakara with that belle" she added and Amazing laughter, there was lie about what she said. "I just happy say no be she and Uche marry first, ah! I know children way I get. I just dey pity Blessing, make God do give her pikin abeg! E no easy!

"The food will get cold, let's pray Ma"
"Okay, my pikin pray"

A frazzled Ema knocked on Dare's door. For a moment she began to question her reason for being there. Why was she here? What was she trying to prove? That she had the courage or what? Ema are you drunk or what? What if the fair woman turns on Dare and kill him just like he killed Kunle?

Forget it Ema, fairy tales is not just for you! She concluded walking away then Dare opened up to see her leaving. "Ema?" He called out and she turned her head.

"Good evening Dare"

"Good evening. Why were you leaving?"

Ema shrugged, "I had second thoughts" "About what?" "Coming here" "Wow.... Am I that bad? I mean first you haven't been answering my calls and now... If I did o say anything wrong that night, the least you could was leave me with some explanation. It was just like Hilary all over again but at least with Hilary, i got an explanation"

She sighed shutting her eyes, "I'm sorry" "I'm sorry too for.... For pulling that move on you. I've been beating myself up over it" "It's not you Dare, it's me" she replied then she rolled her eyes, "I can't believe I just fucking dished that cliche quote"

"I think it's me"

"It's not... Dare you're a good guy, i'm the questionable one here" "I'm not complaining"

"I have something to tell you Dare" "Okay... Come in" he answered letting her in then he closed the door. "I hope all is well"

"You're going to need a chair for this"


"Just sit" she demanded and he quickly pulled a stool sitting on it. "What?" "Right now... What I wanna tell you is a story of how Kunle really died"

"Oh.. Kay"

Ema exhaled turning her back at him, "God I hope I'm not making a mistake"

Fisayo knocked on Bassey's door. By the time he opened up, she was resting her head against the wall, from being tipsy. She looked up at him, he was clad in a blue strip pyjamas. She looked a bit drunk and angry; not like it surprised him. After what happened earlier on, he deserved a slap on the face.

To think she drove all the way here in that state!

"From the anger in your eyes, you probably wouldn't want to speak to me right now"

She just inhales a slow breath and gives her head the slightest disappointed shake while clenching her fist. "I don't even know why I'm here" she paused and he smiled, she didn't sound as drunk as he thought she might be.

"I am so angry with you, I had to come and see you face to face because it's your fault oh. I'm almost drunk because of you, I risked my life coming here because I know that I won't be able to sleep without offloading all i have in mind and also listening to your opinion. How could you just keep quiet that way? What did you have in mind to say? Say it! I'm loosed right? I'm shameless, you're disappointed"

"No! Quite the contrary. After my mother, i think you're the strongest woman I've ever met. I think it's amazing how someone will manage to go through all these experiences and still live life like they've gone through nothing. You even say it like it's nothing."

A smile crept through her lips, "You.. You.... think so?" "I know so." He replied letting her in then he shut the door after her. " I'm sorry for pushing you into confessing" "You were disappointed right? Just be truthful" "Yes I was, not at you, just at myself"

"I don't understand"

"I was just feeling sorry for myself. I kept quiet because at that moment, I was just thinking to myself, God, how did I get myself into this mess" "What mess?" "Falling in love with you" he revealed to her surprise then he nudged forward.

"So I'm the mess bah?"

Bassey laughed with another nudge forward, their face were almost touching, "You know what I mean" he answered pressing his lips against hers and she kissed him back. "God, I've been dreaming of doing that again" "Me too" Fisayo confessed running her fingers across his chest then she resumed and ended the kiss, "Are doing this?"

"Doing what? Moving this fake relationship to something a real?" "Hm him" she nodded and he smiled, "I'm a 35 years old man, i'm not here to play" he kissed her but she withdrew in fear.

"I'm a mess, my past.. I have this guy that stays abroad, I go there to meet him, he's basically the last guy I had sex with. He's my cash mugu"

"Do you wanna drop him and start on a clean slate? It all depends on you, do you still want him or..."

"Of course not! He's not even a choice. I was just interested in what had to offer" "And me?" "I'll still be hung over you even if you were a vigilante, I'll be your sugar cash mommy" she joked provoking him to laughter.

"You'll need to drop that life"

"You'll give me that chance? I'm not worth it, I've done surgery, my hips are not real, my butt, I was thinking of going for a breast surgery but I've not touched it"

"They are perfect."

Fisayo blushed, "You think so? Are you saying this with your full chest?" "Yes. Clean slate?" He asked, "Clean slate" she replied then he rolled his eyes, "Can I kiss my girlfriend in peace now?" He asked resuming the kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth as though he couldn't get enough. A groan rumbled deep in his chest and he pushed her to the wall.

Soon she felt Bassey's palm slide down her back, and in one powerful movement he scooped her up in his hands. She automatically tightened her legs around his waist and hooked her arms around his neck.

Fisayo soon began to unbutton his pyjamas then he shook her head dropping her gracefully. "I'm not going to be that guy" he shook his head, "Let's take it slowly okay?" and she arced her brow in shock.

"Whoa... That's a first"

"Are you hungry let me warm you something to eat?" "Yes. Thank you, maybe while you're doing that, I'll tell you a story about the fair woman"

"The what?"

"Fair woman"

"She has been making our life miserable ever since. Uche is missing because of her" "I know I said your situation looked spiritual but I just didn't expect this"

"It's the truth! She's after our life. The other day you asked me out. She was by the car, telling me to say no. I can never be happy, that was why I ran." Away from Dare's examining eyes, the tears began to fall uncontrollably.

Dare rose up then he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close, "Hey, don't cry. Happiness is free, no one can steal your joy if you don't want them to, even the devil can't." "I don't want to lose you" "You won't"

Ema sobbed and he hugged her tightly, "I dey gallant! I'll be fine, we'll both be fine"

Akwa Ibom


5:45 am

Mrs Essien sat on the bed staring her husband who was snoring away. She tapped him loudly on the arm and he hissed, "Can you just leave me alone, it's not morning yet" "Wake up! I can't be the only one having bad dreams and you will be enjoying sleep, Ette wake up" she tapped him again until he was fully seated.

"Is this what you want? Now I'm awake, are you happy?"

"No! I've been having nightmare back to back"

"You're always having nightmare back to back and it's because of all those churches that fill your mind with fear"

"My husband I'm scared for our daughter. The first one was in the hospital, she was doing surgery again, I asked what surgery, they said it's fibroid again. The one they were doing was that one that removes people's womb, something hyrestomy, I no know how the doctor pronounce am for my dream. I screamed out of my sleep but you didn't hear me, now the dream did not annoy me again, it was the fact you didn't hear me when I screamed.

Mr Essien chuckled, " I'm sorry" "I prayed and I slept, then next dream, I saw Amazing smiling, happy, giving that her relationship smile then I saw a man with her, the green leaves around that place started withering, everywhere went up in flames and I woke up again. I was like, what kind of stupid dream is this? I think it was when I was praying that I slept off. The last one, i sha noticed the business everywhere, I was dressed, checking here and there to make sure things were in order. I didn't know what was going on until I entered into my daughter's room and saw her on wedding gown that I knew it was her wedding day. She was smiling and my heart was red. Suddenly the dream jumped to where the Pastor was saying, if anybody does not agree with the wedding, speak now or forever remain silent. My dear, that was how a woman marched in, said it's over her dead body that Amazing will get married and be happy. That was how I woke up" She exhaled heavily, "I'm scared. What did I do to your village people that they want to make my daughter to be happy? What?"

Mr Essien hissed, "Not again with my village people" Who will be responsible for this mischief? First it was fibroid, then they attacked her chances of giving birth, her wedding" "That wedding was not a tragedy, it was God's divine mandate cause I wouldn't have wished that man on m daughter. She wasn't even in love wit him"

"Still! Shameful things are happening around her. Are you sure you've not participated in forbidden weddings where you collected things you're not rightfully entiltled to and your people are using it against my daughter "

"It's not from my family! Instead of arguing about this, let's pray for God in his infinite mercy to overturn all this dream!"

Mrs Essien busted into tears, "Amazing has suffered, she cannot keep suffering, she can't!"

Bamidele closed his bible with a big smile on his face. He grabbed his phone scrolling to his whatsapp where he updated his status

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."- Mathew 11:28....

He erased it thinking of what his friends might think then he scoffed.

Screw what they think!

He typed it once again then he sent the status to be viewed by all. Afterwards he posted a picture of Amazing from the previous day.

God is slowly directing my footstep🙇🙇🙇. My other half, just the smile I need to complete my day.❤❤❤❤💕💖💖

Messages began to troop into his phone.

Murphy: What the fuck? Are you shitting me right now? You're posting Bible verses already? What are you going to do next? Speak in tongues and preach the gospel?

Jesus is coming soon... I hope you know😎

Fuck you

Fuck you too.... He typed then he erased it.

Bless you!

Messages still kept popping in

Geezy J: (Matthew 11:28) 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Funny! Which time you turn Pastor?

Tade : E don tay when you come club oh

Sheggzy: Abeg which SU hacked Bamidele account?🕵🕵🕵🕵

How far? Bams, na you? 👀

Ana: Who's this babe?




Babe by the pool: Are my eyes on fire or you just posted a woman's picture for the first time????

Big ass Cyndy: Is this Bamidele?

A message popped in from Aboh so he clicked on it out of curiousity.

Monkey coat: Good morning

Good morning....

Monkey coat: Why do you have Amazing's picture on your status and what do you mean by your other half? And those filthy love emojis.

Bamidele wanted to give a response but something within counselled him to ignore him.


Don't you ignore me!


Aboh flung his phone across the room and it ended on the couch. "Can you imagine?" He asked and Phyna turned towards him, "Imagine what?" She asked picking the phone up, "That stupid Bamidele posted a picture of Amazing. Are the already dating!"

Phyna chuckled, "Impossible, she wouldn't dare!" "Why did you say that" "Don't ask. Besides I like him, Is it that she doesn't like the life of her loved ones or she's itching to die?" "What are you saying?" "You won't understand"

"And you Madam, what are you still doing till this moment? Are you not suppose to leave yet?"

"Don't chase me out of your house oh cause if I want to still do whatever I was sent to do, I would do it from Benue an do It effectively! I'll just appear at my convenient time and do it!" "You're always talking like a witch! The only reason I'm condoning you Is because you're family" he snapped walking away.

Phyna dialed a number then she placed her phone against her ears. "Bamidele posted a picture of Amazing, are they dating?" "Yes. Amazing is dating, Fisayo is dating, Ema is dating. They're happy too" "An you're going to allow it"

"Uche's death is tragedy enough, and another tragedy is coming...."

"Another tragedy?"

"Yes. Let me just let them feel happy for a bit, it's the least I can do before I strike again"

Cyndy clapped her hands in surprise, "Hey!! Wetin Musa no go see for gate. Abeg make una see wetin Bamidele post for whatsapp?" She called on her friend now passing her phone to her. "Last night he ended his status with fear God, now it's word for today ... I don't understand"

"Bamidele doesn't post girls picture, abi is it not the same Bamidele that doesn't believe in love?" "You no see wetin I dey see?" "The Babe fine sha"

"It's not the fine. No be Bamidele again? Abeg na game him dey play. Once him fuck the girl him go push am go corner"

Bamidele isn't that kind of person and you know. He's straight forward, if he wants you, he'll just go straight to the point. He's not like that Mumu Murphy" "Change is constant.
What if the girl is playing hard to get, this has to be a Christian girl now! Maybe him just dey play him game. You sef reason am!"

Amazing swing her legs to the side of the bed and press her palm to her forehead. "Good morning Dad" "Adiagha, good morning. Idem mfo? (How are you?)" "Idioko (Not bad" "Are you sure?" He asked and she chuckled, "Yes" "Your mother has reasons to think otherwise"

"Dad I'm fine. Just that Uche is missing"

"What? What happened to her?" "We're not sure, she went out but didn't come back" "Is police aware or are they asking you to wait till 2days after?"

"It has been reported already"

"I believe she's okay"

"I pray so too, I just have this conviction in my spirit that she's alive. Apart from that, Dad I'm fine. I've not felt this okay in..." She stretched her legs yawning, "In a long time. My heart is at peace wit the decision have made"

"Decision? I might not see your face to face but you have your love sound"

Amazing laughed, "Which one is love sound again?" She asked and they both laughed. "Are you dating again?" "Dad! Jesus! How can you be there and know what's going on here? I'm suspecting you're a monitoring spirit" she joked causing her father to laugh harder.

"Is him? Bamidele? No pressure dear, it's just a question"

"Yes Dad." "I hope you didn't rush into this one. Did you take time to ask God if he's the right one and I hope you didn't make the decision out of love."

"For the first time in a long time, I'm at peace with God and myself, he's God's will but he needs to be polished an I see the Holy spirit helping him already" "Sometimes, God brings two opposite people together, just like your Mom and I"

Mrs Essien dragged the phone from her husband, "So it's only you father that you can tell that you're dating. Something that should be woman to woman conversation" Amazing pulled the phone away from my ear to salvage her eardrum.

🎶Today is bright, is bright and fair oh happy day, a day of joy, the day is bright, is bright and fair, oh happy of joy🎶

Mrs Jones danced towards Mr Jones who was having a cup of tea and toast on the dinning table. "What's giving you joy?" He asked and she showed him Bamidele's post. "Hm, she looks pretty in that picture. Is it new?"

She hissed, "It's on Bamidele's whatsapp status, it's even on instagram, facebook, name it!" "Sharp guy.... Trying to squeeze his way into her heart" "Except he's not trying, they're already dating. I called Bamidele, but he didn't give me a response so I called Yewande and she confirmed it. It happened yesterday...." She scrolled to her videos.

"She also said Bamidele spoke in tongues yesterday" "It's a lie" "I knew you will have doubt, thank God the took a video of it" she dropped the phone on the table while the video of Bamidele pushing ushers played.

Mr Jones raised his brow, "How... Are you sure isn't just him doing son theatrics...." "Does this looks like theatrics to you? Be sincere oh, from the bottom of your heart, does this look like acting?"

"It now depends on Bamidele himself, I don't want to see Amazing hurt, she's like a daughter to me. I just hope she's not making a mistake" "I have never been sure of anything in my life. I can bet my possession on it that those two are meant to be together. Be happy for him, we might have a wedding to prepare very soon. I can't wait"

Mr Jones laughed, "Slow down, the just started. We still need to watch that boy's behaviour, somebody that cannot apologize to his own father, is that one marriageable?"

Fisayo watched Bassey dress in a shirt, grey trousers and grey suit. "You said you've never seen me go to work. Here i am" he announced and she pouted, "You're leaving me alone" "I'm sorry. Are you sure, you can stay alone?"


"And you won't be scared of the fair woman coming in?" He asked and she threw a towel at him, "You're still taking this as a joke, it's not a joke! The fair woman is real and she's the reason why I wake up outside the house every now and then"

Bassey smiled, "Okay.... I have a business deal to close, I won't take long" he bent down planting a kiss on her lips. "Goodbye Sugar" he said then he walked out of the room.

Fisayo quickly scrolled to facebook clicking on one of those live online prayer broadcast.

Bamidele entered into his office to see CeCe seated on the table, legs crossed. She had a short red gown on. "Good morning Sir" she greeted. He arced his brow in surprise, how in the world did she get into his office?

"I got a spare key" she amswered as though reading his mind.

"From who?"

"It doesn't matter. All that matters right now is, its about to be a good morning" she pulled down her gown halfway revealing her black bra. "What are you doing?" "My fantasy. I mean what does it look like? Come on, I already turned off the cameras. No one watching us"

"Leave my office"

"I won't. I've heard your tale Bamidele Jones, am I not sexy enough?" She asked and he walked out of the office, shutting the door.

Dare stepped out of the bathroom in towel singing and dancing while staring at Ema who was laying in bed, "Small girl close your eyes, big man wants to change" he joked and she laughed biting her lips. "If you try me I'll drag you towel down let this small girl see what what she has not seen before"

"Try it and I'll scream rape"

"Good thing I'm the mood to rape somebody" she jumped on the bed dragging the hem of his towel but he held it in place laughing hard. "Rape oh! Rape oh!"

Her phone rang so she quickly scrolled to see a message from Nene.

Celebration at my house, by 6pm pronto! Feel free to bring a plus one"-

For what? She asked within then she put a call through to her. "Hey. I just saw your message. What are you celebrating" "My pregnancy, abi is it not worth celebrating?"

Ema laughed, "What the fuck? You can't b serious now, who does that?" "Nene! Feel free to come with a plus, i'm wondering who you'll come with since you don't have any friend apart from us" Nene joked.

"I'll be coming with my boyfriend"

"Who dashed you one?"

"Fuck you! I accepted Dare's proposal last night" "It's a lie! Bring him tonight"

"Fine!" She snapped ending the call then she groaned looking at Dare, "Urgh!!!! This girl is so annoying." "Who?" "Nene, she's always feeling as though she's better than everybody." "She's your friend right?"

"Our relationship is like that, it's complicated. If you ask me, I'll say she's the parasite behind our miseries but I don't know.... She's throwing a party to celebrate her pregnancy"

"Say what?"

"Exactly what you heard. She said she knows that I have no friends to come with since I only have the seven of u as friends"

Dare laughed, "That's wicked" " It's so annoying, if you won't be too busy, will you come along with me to a party so that she can see that I have someone in my life" "So you just want to spite her abi?" He asked bending his head towards her face, "No, I just want to prove a point"

"Prove a point huh?" He asked and she kissed him. "Yes"

Yemisi was designing a cake when Ngozi walked in. "Good morning Ma!" She screamed happily hugging her from behind and she laughed. "Good morning, someone seems to be in a good mood" "Why won't I be? The wedding went well, the way God just opened way, wedding that we didn't have hope for, money was coming, left and right. It can only be God"

"Awwwn. I saw your pictures, sorry I didn't comment, my weeekend was not so good"

"Ah han why not? I hope you and future hubby are not fighting"

Yemisi shook her head, "No. Is It not the stupid Prophet you connected me to, never again! Please that man is fake never believe him again" "Which man?" "The prophet, prophet Isaiah" "Prophet Isaiah kor, Prophet Ezekiel ni. I don't do those prophet things, I have my own church, ask Ayo"

"Wait.... You didn't come here"

"Ever since you gave me the week off, I haven't showed up, I've been in Enugu, I just got back yesterday"

Yemisi felt weak to her bones so she took her seat, "Jesus!" It finally made sense to her, it was all planned out as a diversion! Who can be responsible, the suspense was beginning to kill her!

A message popped on her phone, it was a message from Nene

Celebration at my house, by 6pm pronto! Feel free to bring a plus

Aboh walked up to Zainab, "Where is Amazing, I want to see her like right now" "I'm sorry Sir, you can't do that" "Why?" "Orders from above besides she's not in" "By this time? It's past 8" "You can sit down and wait there but if Miss Amazing frowns at me, I won't be happy with you"

Aboh turned his head to door, Amazing just walked in, she looked young and beautiful. "Amazing!" He called out with a smile. "You look beautiful this morning" "What are you doing here?" "I.... wanted to see you"

"I already warned you Aboh, if you want me to get a restraining order against you, I will!"

"What's it with you and that.... That Bamidele?"

"What I do with my life is none of your business"

Aboh scoffed, "Don't tell me you two are already an item?" "Aboh leave my company" "It's true.... Wait you're.... God! What kind of woman are you? It hasn't been one month sef! It's like you were even waiting for me to call off the wedding"

"Excuse you?"

"Don't act like the offended one here Amazing, I'm the one who is offended. It's like a woman getting hooked up two weeks after her husband died, even the husband in the grave will not be happy. You didn't even allow the situation to get cold you just jumped into his arms. I know you're desperate, but I never knew you were that loosed"

Amazing slapped him on the face attracting workers and client's attention. "What was I suppose to do, sob over you for the rest of my life" "You could have found someone better to replace me not that rude idiot! Half of me is better than him, you're just wasting your time. You better come back to me now that I'm being nice, I want you back."

"I'd rather be with Bamidele than being with you. He might not be perfect but I know he's twice a better man than you. Get out!" "I just pity you, I really pity you oh!" He moved close whispering, "Do you think anybody will want to stay with someone that has 10% percent chance of getting pregnant."

Amazing raised her hands again but he held it down instead, "You're joking! You're dreaming and you need to wake from this Euphoria, If you're ready, after he dumps you, you know the number you can call" "Aboh, don't ever come close to me, ever!"

"I'll be waiting cause I know you'll call" he snapped turning his back to leave when she screamed, "Don't hold your breathe!"

After fifteen minutes of waiting, Bamidele finally walked into Pastor Tunde's office. It was counselling day! "Brother Bamidele, welcome" "Thank you Sir" "How are you this morning? Aren't you going to work today?" "I'm just coming from work?"

"Okay..... Did anything wrong happen?"

"I think I just sinned, I don't know, I feel like I've just sinned and I don't know how to respond to it."

Pastor Tunde kept quiet and observed him, "How am I going to tell Amazing? She'll be pissed right?" "I won't know if you don't let me know what you did"

Bamidele rolled his eyes, "Why did this have to happen? It's a new relationship and I didn't want to mess things up" "Stop beating about the bush brother Bamidele an tell me what happened"

"So I walked into the office bumping into this chick in the tech department. She was on my desk sitting seductively then she tried enticing me, she told me the cameras were off and then she pulled down her cloth, she had a black bra on and everything was just ...." Bamidele shuddered while Pastor Tunde cleared his throat, "What happened next?"

"What would have happened? I told her to leave. It feel scarred inside like I've sinned against God" he explained and Pastor Tunde laughed throwing his head backward. "And see me thinking you fell for her tricks"

"No... Wait, you thought?... I wouldn't do that to Amazing. No way, the only person who's nakedness I want to see is Amazing" he blurted out and Pastor Tunde glared at him, "Of course after our wedding, she already made It clear but it's not easy"

"He'll make it easy"

"How do you overcome these temptation? Why am I still picturing it Isn't the Holy ghost suppose to erase it?" "After Jesus' baptism, after the spirit descended on him, the spirit led him to the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Even I myself, I get tempted, I've had scenarios, a lot of it!"

"How do you do it?"

"No one is above temptation but you can overcome it through how much of the word you digest, how much purpose you've found about your life in relation to God's purpose for you life. They'll come in their numbers to make you fall. Oh I tell you this that the devil is pretty much not pleased about this step you've taken but I know that God will help you"

Bamidele exhaled, "Amazing might get pissed off" "She'll understand." "You think?" "I know. Have you gotten baptize before?" "No" "We'll start your baptism class this Sunday by 7:00 am" "Jesus! 7?" "Don't feel ashame when you find yourself surrounded by children"


"Yes. I hope you're studying the word" "I've been meditating on the word 'rest', what God meant when he said he'll give us rest when we come to him. What's the rest? I hope he comes this night to teach me." He smiled and Pastor Tunde smiled, "Even if you want him to teach you now, he will. Don't forget our home Bible study every Thursday"

"Yes Sir"

Somto walked into the kitchen to see Chefs cooking then he scoffed walking out in anger. "Nene!" He shouted, "Nene!" He yelled again and she walked up to him dressed in a gold slit gown, "Babe, why are you shouting my name like that? And why are you calling me by my name? We have people in the house"

"Is that gown new?"

"Yes. Awww, you noticed. I just got it today"


"For the party now"

"The . ...... Party? You didn't tell me it was a party, you said it was a minor celebration among friends" "En hen, does it look big?"

"The chefs you hired, those are not your friends oh"

"And so?"

"And so? My account is the one suffering from it. Those balloons downstairs, the banner with 'I'm expecting a baby' on it "How much does one balloon cost? Is It up to 20 naira that you're shouting"

"In my life, I've never heard of someone celebrating early pregnancy, I've heard of baby shower, yes! Not early pregnancy. When did you just find out and you're throwing a party? Tufi-ah! I've never heard! In the olden days women hide their pregnancies until it becomes big for the world to see"

Nene frowned, "Village headmaster, thank you very much" "Wow... So I'm the village headmaster, wow" "Somto, don't make me mad, if I want to follow this pregnancy hormones, you will not like what I will say. Do you know how many people have been trying to get pregnant and you tell me....thst I shouldn't be happy" she busted into tears so he moved close to him.

"Hey" he wrapped his arms around her, "Don't do that. I'm not saying you shouldn't be happy. Be happy, but all this is not necessary is just like you're trying to mock those that don't have"

"It's just an expression"

"No matter what happens, make sure you don't mock anyone tonight"

"I promise" she responded them she kissed his lips. "You're going to be a father Baby, I'm so happy" she shrieks making him giggle. "Okay.... I know you're going to be mad about this one too but..... I kind of.. Invited about twenty or more people and...I ... I .. Ordered for a live band"

"Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Nene!"

🎶 Iyawo Abibeji B'Oluwa Ba fe
Iyawo Abibeji B'Oluwa Ba fe 🎶

Kwame sipped a glass of wine watching the girls dance and scream to the high life music. "I have never seen someone throw a party celebrating being pregnant" Dare said laughing and Bamidele laughed too. "I was just thinking the same thing"

"Same here" Kwame agreed, "You guys are complaining, I'm the husband stuck in between this! Imagine my shock when she told me" Somto complained and the guys laughed, "Take heart guy" Bamidele tapped his back.

"Making the woman happy is the main thing" Jeff pointed out, "No doubt it is, but guy.... Let's be honest, this party is unnecessary. I'm happy that i'll soon be a father and all but Imagine that I'll have to pay for the live band, they're not small band oh. My account is crying and the baby has not come"

"This better not trend oh before our wives will start disturbing us, baby! We want a pre baby shower" Dare noted, "Imagine someone like Ema that wants ten children, ten pre baby shower. Mad oh!" He added and the guys busted into another round of laughter.

Somto hissed, "That was how someone started Baby shower and the whole world followed suit" "This one is not a trend, it won't last now" Bassey added and Kwame raised his brow.


"This party doesn't concern men. I don't know why we're here" Bamidele complained. "I'm only here because I'm the father of the baby" Somto shrugged provoking laughter from Dare, "This guy sef, you na cruise. I'm only here because Ema wanted to spite your wife. She thought she'll be coming alone. As at when she passed the information, she didn't know we were already dating"

"You too?" Bassey asked, "Same thing happened to Fisayo" he added and they all laughed.

"Nene is just hyper excited about the pregnancy, i just hope she doesn't say anything or else... Is it Ema I'll hold back from punching her or Yemisi or Fisayo?" He turned towards Bassey, "It's amazing that I pity. This your woman Bamidele, she keeps on separating fight everytime! Nene will come and complain but of course, I know the wife I married"

Bassey raised a glass of wine up, "Let's toast to the warriors we're dating" "To the warriors we're dating" they all answered sipping their drink.

"Women and their wahala" Dare added, "They should just learn a day from we men. See as we are talking to ourselves like we've known each other since Adam met Eve"

"Na una wey wan follow woman now" Murphy answered and Bamidele hissed.

🎶Iya Beji!! Iya beji🎶 Yemisi and Fisayo chorused while Nene danced rubbing her finger all over her belly. "Yemisi! Yemisi!!" Fisayo switched then she called on Amazing to dance.
Amazing danced her best. When she noticed Bamidele and the guys laughing she stopped now walking up to him.

"Are you guys laughing at me? I can't even dance to save my life" she joked breathing fast then she exhaled then she noticed Bamidele staring intently at her.


"Guys, excuse me while I steal my babe for the night" he said holding her away. "If i was held captive and and you're asked to dance to save my life, I swear they'll just kill me" he joked then she laughed slapping his chest.

"It's nice that you guys are bonding" "Exactly what we were saying, girls need to submit themselves and learn from us"

Amazing smiled, "Pride! You guys can also learn from us too. Thanks for coming with me" "It's nothing" he replied staring at her, "Do you have something you wanna tell me?" "This tech girl at work tried seducing me, she pulled her gown... I didn't do anything with her, I swear, I looked.... But I didn't do anything"



"It's fine"

Bamidele exhaled in relief, "Whoa! Are you sure? I've been feeling bad. I had to see Pastor Tunde" "I'm sure they're going to be more temptation than that and I have to prepare myself mentally for it, I mean i'm dating Bamidele Jones, the women's man. The only thing you can do is overcome it, you can fall.... But you ability to rise matters"

Bamidele shook his head, "I don't ever want to fall. The only person I want to see naked, I only person I want to take that journey with is you. Let the temptation come, if it isn't AmazingGrace Essien, this guy downstairs isn't moving" he confessed leaving her to open her mouth in shock.

Who can be crazy enough to say that except Bamidele Jones?????

"There's no Christian way to put it but that's my stand. Should I have her reported and fired?"

Amazing cringed her forehead, "Hmm...... That's tempting" she replied then Nene called everyone's attention. "Good evening everyone! Focus on the future mother here which is me" she laughed nervously.

"I want to start by asking Jeremy to pray concerning this party. I didn't invite a Pastor but thank God we have a Pastor in the house. Give It up!" She annouced and everyone clapped.

Jeremy stepped up prayed a bit before returning back to his wife. "As we'll have it, we've invited God so.... Let me just give a celebrant speech then I'll hand it over to my husband to continue" Nene cleared her throat. "My wedding after came after several weddings, I remember attending some but.... Wow... Here I am, pregnant"

Blessing turned towards her husband who gave her a look, "Calm down" he whispered so she exhaled.

"Pardon me, I want to thank God for, what he's doing in the life of my friends, just yesterday morning they were single, three of them, single! But now they're dating again, Fisayo moved from fake relationship to a real relationship, Ema who lost Kunle of blessed memory"

Ema tightened her fist while Dare held her, "It's nothing, shun am! She's just talking" "She's not. I already said it, this babe is a bitch"

"She found herself another person, although I hope he gets a better job"

"Nene!" Somto tapped her, "What?" She whispered then she returned to staring at the crowd.

"Benefit found love in the hopeless place, Yemisi did too and my best friend in the world AmazingGrace, sh found her High school love again and I just want to say I heart you guy for turning up for me. An every on here too! You're all special, please celebrate yourself" she requested and they all did.

"That's enough, that enough. So.... God now decided to give me this good news at this time when things are not that okay. He said, he gave me something to use in consoling myself. A lot of persons have been married for years, months without having a baby, some will never have one, some have few chances of giving birth, some lost theirs, some have lost their wombs from countless abortions, but he counted me worthy"

Blessing walked out and Amazing held her back, "Hey, calm down" "Calm down? Are you listening to what she's saying? About you, me" "We'll wait and speak to her afterwards" "Wait? Why don't we do it now?" She screamed attracting attention.

"What's going on?" Nene asked and Blessing scoffed, "You think we're fools? That we don't know you're talking to us?"

"How? Did I mention names?"

"Oh... Some have been married for months without having a child. Sounds like me and the one about the one that has little chance, Is that not Amazing? "

"What about the ones that have lost theirs?" Ema asked, "Or the ones that have gone through series of abortion? Is that not you're referring to?" Fisayo asked then she scoffs, "For your information, I've not gone for abortion before, abi are you the one that carried me to do the abortion ni?"

"And there are some people that will never have children in this gathering an you know but you'll still say it out of spite. What's wrong with you?" Benefit screamed then Somto exhaled, "Ladies.... I'm sorry" he apologized but all fell to deaf ears as Ema, Blessing, Benefit, Fisayo and Yemisi dragged their dates out of the house.

"I'm sorry"

"For what? Honey, why are you apologizing.... You guys don't like me, it's obvious! You guys like reading meaning to every word I say."

"Because we know you Nene" Amazing finally spoke up. "Those words were not testimonies, you said it to hurt us. It's not fair Nene, it's not. More than twelve years and I've been trying to hold us together, I'm done! if Blessing and the rest choose not to forgive you, I promise, I won't do a thing" She snapped and Bamidele held her hands walking out of the house.

"Who begged you to beg? I think you guys are just jealous of me! I'm the only one with the perfect life! Be jealous! So much to having friends, abeg let the party continue"

"Which party? You're joking!"

Amazing entered into Bamidele's car, slammed the door angrily then she leaned against the dashboard. "Sorry" he apologized and she lifted her head with a wry smile. "It's not your fault" "No. I was apologizing to the car, it didn't do anything wrong to you" he laughed and she laughed too.

"Nene is just annoying. You think after how many years she'll change but no, she's still the same insensitive, selfish woman!" She wiped some tears off.

"Don't let it ruin your mood"

"How can she say that and still deny it?"

"Life comes in phases, turn by turn. She might be the pregnant one now, tomorrow's another person's turn. Let her shine her shine, when you'll carry mine, you'll shine your own shine"

Amazing laughed, "What's shine your shine?" She asked covering her lips, "There's this advert i'm working on and an idea just popped into my head" "You're using me to shine" "The Bible said we should be light of the world right? Well, you light up my world" he complimented making her blush.

This guy!

Nene watched her husband arrange the bed while she folded her hands giving him a stern look. "Why didn't you take my side at the party?" She asked but he kept quiet arranging the room. "Answer me" "Nene, I don't have strength for your trouble"

"You embarrassed me today"

"You embarassed yourself with all those horrible things you said. You're nothing but an hypocrite Nene"

Nene gasped, "Me?" She asked but he laid in bed instead. "Answer me or you won't sleep tonight". " There are more than three bedroom in this house. There's nothing I haven't don't for you Nene, I support you always but this time I'm done! You're wrong, admit it!" He snapped leaving the room but she followed him instead.

"Come back here!" She yelled but he quickly rushed into a room shutting the door. "Somto!" She banged the door.

Suddenly she saw someone passed by quickly. It looked like the person who a red dress. "Anyone there?" She asked walking towards the direction where she heard footsteps in the living room.

"Somto! I think there's someone in the house" her fear was a stranglehold around her neck and her heartbeat amplified into her ears. "Somto!" She yelled but he refused answering; perhaps it was just some gimmick to make him open the door. Beside he made sure he locked the doors!

Nene climbed down, "Who's there?" She asked now looking into the kitchen then she climbed up the stairs. Almost at the peak, she heard a cackle down stairs then she gasped, "Is it.... Jesus! the fair lady" she muttered when she felt a hand push her down the stair.

Benefit smirked walking down the stairs to where she was knocked out cold. "Think again Nene, it's not the fair woman, it's me, Benefit" she watched her bleed from underneathe then she dusted her palms. "Benefit you're such a wonderful person, you're welcome Amazing, Fisayo, Ema and Blessing." She giggled then it quickly changed into a frown.

"Now we're even"

How was today's chapter?

E shock una???

I can hear some asking how??? A whole Benefit???

E go clear soon!

Vote oh⭐!!!!!!

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