🔴Chapter 17🔴

Good day guys!!!!!

Its another chapter. Wattpad and WPS has been giving me issues! Typing has been slow, the words come out slowly. I can't explain it! Let me know where there are errors. I'll try to correct it.

I've suffered😥🤧

It's another long one oh.....

Compensate me with love in the comment section ! Thank you💕


Chapter 17

Seriously unedited

Amazing broke the intense kiss then she gave Bamidele a slap on the cheek, after which she looked around to see if there were anyone around, lucky for her that section of the gallery was not at all crowded.  "How dare you?" She asked, "What if there were church members around? What would they have said?" She whispered when some people started  trooping in.

"Who cares? I'm kissing a woman i like, they can go fuck themselves!"


"I'm sorry. There might be an 'i' in 'Kiss' but we did it, I shot my shot but you won't deny kissing me back."

Amazing covered her palm on her face in shame,"God Amazing.... Why did you... I'm so disappointed in myself right now" she dropped the hands down.

"It's because you like me, can we just stop pretending? I like you too, we're two adults, let's just come out straight about how we feel"

Amazing scoffed, "Easy for you to say, like it worked the first time" she rolled her hands walking away but he held her back, "I'm sorry" "For which part?"  "We kissed Amazing and trust me it was the most beautiful kiss I've ever had"

"Oh please! Is that what you tell them only to have them in bed the next day? You have failed Bamidele Jones"

Bamidele still held her by the hand, "I'm not lying Amazing, these last few days without seeing you has been like hell and until I saw you walk in here that I realized that maybe my guys were right all along. I like you, I really do like you and i want to shout it on the rooftop. That kiss was the most beautiful kiss I've ever had, you know why dear? It came from a place I never knew existed, a place of love, a place of hope for Bamidele Jones, walking out of that bad boy life. Amazing I'm done! I want to start a life with you"

"Do you mean that with all your heart?"

"Yes. The kiss was just like the first time"

"What first time?"

"In secondary school, Mom told me and then the memories came flooding" 

Amazing scoffed, "Let go of my hand"  "Just listen to me" "Listen to what? You act in response to the guilt you feel? No! This thing you say you feel isn't love! Love was what i felt for you all those years, what I still stupidly feel for you but shattered every bit and I can never trust you"

Tears trickled down Bamidele's face, he could feel her hurt still fresh! "Amazing I'm sorry! I did it because of Remmy. He gave me some advise and I stupidly followed him! Amazing, every word I said to you that night was true. I was ready to make you my girlfriend but I wanted to make things right"

Amazing scoffed, "Bamidele you're opening dead wounds" "So they can heal the proper way" he knelt down clasping his hands, "I'm sorry for everything I've done, I've been a dick but I want a clean slate and I want to start that with you"

Everyone in the room gasped in surprise. They thought he wanted to propose.  When they brought out their phones Bamidele shook his head, "No cameras guys...... Im not proposing" he paused until they all dropped their phones.

"Like i said, I have losed screws that needs to be fixed and I feel you're the only one that can fix it. Help me Amazing, hold my hands and guide me through, I want to be in your life, I want to feel your pains, I want to feel your happiness, scratch that, I want to be your happiness"

Amazing sobbed covering her lips, Bamidele was being sincere, it was so damn obvious but when she thought of her problems, her 10% chance of ever giving birth, she only shook her head in tears.

"I can't be the one, find another person!" She replied running away. "Amazing!"

Yewande blushed from staring at the art work of a man in iron spring holding on to a torch.  "These are magnificent Mom" "I know. Most of it stole my breath at first instance"

"And the artists?"

Mrs Jones looked around then she whispered, "Quite honestly, I'm just doing charity art exhibition. Human beings are quite unpredictable, since I'm one showing it off, they can buy it for even a million naira. All these bourgeois class in Lagos. At the end of the exhibition, I'll showcase"

"Mrs Jones" Efua called out and she turned her head at her. "Efua darling, when did you show up? I hope you're enjoying the exhibition" "Wow" Efua scoffed, "Wow, how convenient to ask me that question when I didn't get an invite, you can imagine the disappointment I felt when I heard it from Murphy. Why didn't I get an invite?"

Yewande chuckled, "Calm down Efua, you're taking it personal" "Personal? Our families have been friends for how long now? I practically see you as a sister Wande! You watched me grow and now you tell me to calm down"

"Yes! This isn't something to beat yourself over! Must have been an oversight from Mom's angle"

"An oversight you say? How come that .... That Amazon got an invite and I didn't? I want an explanation, sorry,  i demand an explanation"

Yewande raised her brow, "Efua" "Oko mi" Mrs Jones silenced her daughter, she gave her a, 'I can handle it' look. "Efua, I am sorry for not inviting you, I'm sorry if you feel cheated but I had to do the needful. You're right, it wasn't an oversight. If you're not too blind to notice, you'll know my son no longer has interest in you but instead in Amazing"

Efua scoffed, "She's ugly, she's not even as rich as I am" "Dont you ever in your life, laye re!  Don't you ever call her ugly in my presence or else I'll give you a dirty slap."

Efua flinched, "Yes, can you create somebody? You think I'm joking about the slap? She's not as rich as you but at least she makes her own money. Her heart is so pure, she has a beautiful soul  that unless you purge your heart, you can never have! You think you deserve to be with my son? No oh! You're nothing but a spoilt brat, you two must have had history but that's history and should be left in the past. It's out with the old  and in with the new. Efua I wish you the best in life but my son isn't that man for you" she concluded and Efua walked away in tears.

Amazing walked up to Mrs Jones, her eyes were still heavy with tears even though she tried to conceal it. "I have to leave Ma" "Why?" "Something came up"

"Have you been crying?" Yewande asked and she exhaled shaking her head, "I'm sorry I have to go" she snapped running off and Mrs Jones hissed.

"What did Bamidele do now?"

Bassey walked Fisayo to the car, "Your mother's birthday was fun" she commented smiling. "For what it's worth, it was nice kissing you today. You're not that bad" "That bad? Really Fisayo?"

"I dont know, I really can't remember again" she replied and Bassey chuckled kissing her on the lips and she smiled returning the kiss then he wrapped his arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Do you remember now?"

"My mind is still a little fudgy" she replied and they both laughed staring into each other's eyes. "Just admit you'll miss my lips"  "Whatever....I'll give you a 8"

"Over what?"


"I still tried"

Fisayo turned around exhaling, her heart was on beating, she wasn't sure if it was out of fear or attraction. "My favorite Part was seeing Tara angry sha"

"When are we breaking up?"

"Wow... Do you want to break up so badly?"  "Not... For someone who chills with netflix, you know the truth about relationship like this, there's always strings that end up being one-sided and besides, we don't want to increase Mom's hope, it's not good for her health"

"Health?" Fisayo's eyes widened in shock, "Wait..... " she paused then she tried relating it to her previous discussion with Kommie that morning. "Is she okay?"

"Mom.... Has cancer" he looked away now wiping a tear off his face. "Jesus! I'm sorry, how? When? She doesn't look it...."

"She wears a wig and make up to cover it up. So Mom.... Years ago, she had breast cancer on her left, she did everything necessary they had to take it out because they said it was spreading fast. She started losing her hair. It was coming out in clumps and then it started coming out fast. It was traumatic! She had to start wearing    wigs. I cried.... We all did, but her strength gave us a reason to continue.  Fast forward after a year, they said there's another mold in the other part, i mean why didn't they detect it the first time?"  He tightened his fist blinking his tears and Fisayo held him by the hand.

"She doesn't have much time again that's why she wants me to get married so she can see her grandchild. She was really happy today, her heart will break if she finds out we're faking it"

Fisayo grimaced, "She doesn't have to find out" "What will we do when she starts planning a wedding?" "Let's just hope she doesn't. I'm sorry about your Mom"

Bassey shook his head then he wiped his tears,  "Lets change the topic, please" "To what?" "You! Let's talk about you. You're a fun topic" he answered and they both leaned on her car.

"What do you want to know about me?"

"Your career path.... Why you chose it" "I don't want to talk about it, before you know it, you'll start giving me advise,  judging me or telling me how to run my life" "I promise not to judge you"

"I'm sorry Baby.. I mean  Bassey, i can't. Good night!"


"Good night"

Mrs Jones marched to where her son was seated pouring himself a strong drink, "What did you do to Amazing" "Mom, not now.... I didn't do anything" he answered gulping the drink then he grimaced with a low groan.

"I don't believe It, couldn't you just do without screwing up"

"I kissed her, yes I screwed up but it wasn't intentional. Mehn I shouldn't have but I did anyway! So much for trying to express your feelings"

Dare opened his car trunk shoving  a painting that already been package into it.  Then he entered into the car, "I can't believe I didn't meet Amazing, she's not picking up my calls"

"Bamidele doesn't want to talk about it but I'm sure something bad happened" "If I find out he said something bad to her, I swear I'll punch in him the nuts?" He asked then he drove off.

"Is it everybody you want to be punching in the nuts?" He asked and driving out of the parking lot. "Where do you want to go to? Your house?" "Amazing's house, I can't sleep alone"

"Where's Amazing's house?"

Yemisi ran her fingers across Kwame's chest then she leaned on it planting a kiss on It. "That's how much I miss you" she confessed and Kwame smiled. "What do you think about a December wedding? This time I'm serious Yemisi. I want to do this right, I want to be less careful and of course I can't do that if we're not married"

"You can't do that because you know I'll kill you" she threatened but he laughed instead. "I want to build a family with you. I want to be legally married to you."

"When I give birth, my son will be doing 'Atonle' (Someone who pees unconsciously at night),  me too I'll be doing Atonle"

"Don't do that Yemisi; don't try to bring it into this. We'll manage it! It might just be urine incontinence, I already spoke to a doctor over there in the UK"

Yemisi gasped, "Without my permission" "She doesn't even know it's you. She said it might be urine incontinence and you have to come for a test. We'll manage it, we'll travel out of the country if we have to!  All I want is a yes from you and I'l set the plan on motion. Invitation cards will be printed, my bride has to look pretty so I'll do all in my power to achieve that. Dresses will be picked, what do they call it, aso-ebi" he pronounced it wrongly provoking a loud laughter from her.

"Aso Ebi, Mr Kwame Acquah, don't come and spoil my language. Oya say Aso Ebi"

"Aso Ebi" he still pronounced wrongly and Yemisi climbed on him, "This one just got personal, Oya Ah-Sho"

"Ah Sho.... What does it matter if I know the language or not. At least I know your love language her tickled her and she laughed falling back on the bed, "You're crazy! Cake is already settled"

Kwame disagreed, "You're not stressing yourself"  "And I'm not giving money to another baker, is my hand damaged? What happened to my girls"

"Alaroro (Stingy person)" He struggled to pronounce and Yemisi laughed, "Let me to my Alaroroism"

"What do you say? December?"

Yemisi propped her elbow on the pillow now placing her laps on his thigh, "Okay... Let's see what the universe has to say about it...." She feigned deep thought.


"Yes!" She replied and he locked his lips in hers, "Thank you"

Dare parked his car laughing to himself, "What?" "Bamidele's house is just right around that corner" he pointed and Ema gasped, "No kidding!"

"I swear! Apparently that Aboh guy found a house on this same street for him"

"Wow. Small world"

"You call it small world, I call it destiny"

Ema scoffed, "We all know Bamidele chases after everything on skirt. Amazing deserves better" "Bamidele is changing, I don't know that magic that's happening but I know Amazing has a great influence on him. The Bamidele now is not the one I knew, he really likes her"

"Weldone, campaign manager"

Dare laughed, "She said campaign manager. I didn't mean to sound that way, I was just laying down facts!" "It's okay. I'm just concerned about Amazing, her heart has been broken lots of times"

"I get it. She just got ditched on her wedding week, she won't want to take a risk with a renounced bad boy. Thank you for your company today"

Ema laughed, "Are you kidding me? You deserve the thank you. You bailed me out of jail, you made me have fun that I've not had in months! Today was awesome, where should I start from when you almost shit on your body or the art exhibition which was great by the way, and your mother? I'm literarily in love with her humour.  Dare I had so much fun than you can think of and it's awesome, you're awesome"

Dare smiled, "I'm glad you did. You should really smile often, it's great and I'm not awesome! Don't try to flatter me, if I was Hilary wouldn't have....."  He trailed off. "Oh screw her! She was a two timing bitch!"

"Maybe there's something wrong with me, something that repels girls"
Ema tipped his chin up forcing him to look at her, “Look at me! Don't make that bitch make you feel bad about yourself. If there's anything wrong with you, its the shape of your head" she paused laughing and he joined in.

"I don't understand how God shaped it but truthfully deep inside when I see you I see a good man with a big heart. Secretly I feel you're my knight in shining armor, always there when I need you the most. That's the hottest attribute any man can ever possess! Fuck the good looks, fuck the money! Any man that can do all to protect his woman is the real gee and you Dare, you're a real gee" she confessed with her lips inches away from his.

"What the hell am I doing? I'm sorry" she apologise feeling bad for almost kissing him, did he notice?

"Ever since Kunle..., you're the first guy I've ever been close to"

"I'm sorry too" he apologize, before she could think of what he was apologizing for, his hand slips behind my neck pressing her firmly into him as his lips cover hers passionately and urgently  communicating something he would be unable to communicate with words.

Ema surrender to his kisses for someone who was used to being domineering and the touch of his hand, making her melt into him.
Dare pulled back smiling at her and she dragged him back delving into round two, "Gosh, abeg calm down. Let me just be romantic and stare into your face for two minutes before"

Ema interrupted him with a kiss, "Wait now! Just two minutes and you want to chew my lips off. Na so e sweet you?" He asked and she pushed his head away.

"Go with your fucking lips, I don't need it"

Dare chuckled then he exhaled preparing a speech, "When Hilary said no to me, it broke me but I moved on. I honestly never had plans on starting anything but that night when I met you, Ema I don't think it was a coincidence. All these things, what if its fate, what if I was meant to meet you, what if I was meant to replace Kunle? No offense. Do you want to do this cause I'm down for it. I might not be the richest guy in the world but I have enough to start up a family"


"Sorry, let's start with a relationship first. Ema, will you like to start a relationship with me? We'll start with getting to know each other, getting you to stop getting angry every time!" He snapped and she laughed biting her lips.

"Thank God Mom likes you already, then we'll move to seeing your Mammy water people, getting married and having children"

"Ten children?"

Dare laughed, "The economy..." "Maybe I would have gotten a job by then, we'll have triplets, twins" "Okay fine, we'll have ten but I'll ship six of them to Mom's house" he answered and they both busted into laughter.

Ema bit her fingers, "That's so hot, you just turned on everything in me, you even pushed my mumu button. Urgh!" She ran her hands through her weavon, "I'm blushing like a school girl and it's your fault" she complained punching his arm then she touched her hot cheeks.

"Ouch" Dare groaned, "I'm sorry" Ema laughed scratching her neck,  "So if the relationship doesn't not work kor?"  "It'll be on records that Dare broke up with someone for the first time in his life" he answered and Ema laughed slapping his arm. "You're an idiot" "Well this idiot likes you"

"I don't date idiots"

"You don't have choice oh, you must date this one"

Ema laughed to the point of tears, "I don't know how my day moved from horrible to this but..... I just want to say thank God for meeting you. At least I can say the fast worked, it opened my eyes to the truth"

"To what truth?" She heard a voice ask, when she looked clearly she saw the fair woman at the windscreen behind Dare . "You think you can be happy? You've forgotten right? You don't deserve to be happy"

"I deserve to be happy" she replied and Dare smiled, "You deserve happiness and much more"

"He also deserves Happiness and much more but not you."

"What do you say? Will you be my girlfriend" Dare asked and Anya shook her head, "No! Do you want me to remind you of what will happen if you dare say yes"

Ema cried, "No. I can't Dare," "Why?" "You deserve better than a nut case!" "Well I like the nut case side of you too" "I don't deserve to be someone's wife, I don't want to hurt you" "Hey, I'm a mess too, we can both"

"No Dare, I'm sorry" she got out of the car then she made her way into Amazing's front porch. She leaned on the door busting into quiet sobs then she knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" She heard Amazing ask, "It's me! Open the damn door!" She snapped and Amazing opened up. "Welcome back." she said to Ema surprised to see her in tears.

"Are you crying?"

"What does it look like?" She snapped and Amazing raised her hands in surrender, "I'm sorry, is it the job?"  "I'm sorry, just don't ask me, I'm in a shitty mood" she apologize running in.

Mrs Ekanem took off her wig groaning while sitting on the bed. "Mom are you okay?" Kommie asked and she nodded with a smiled. "Today was fun" "As in ehn! What do you think about your brother's girlfriend?" She asked and Kommie shrugged.

"She's.... Fisayo is not bad, she's nice, an extrovert, fun to be with, funny" "Loud in a good way" "Exactly" "She makes your brother happy. That's what's important and i see the way he looks at her, do you think they're having sex already?"

"Mom! How am i suppose to know?" Kommie laughed, "Just one mistake, i need to see my Akpan's grand child before leaving this world"

"Mom! Ill leave oh"

"May they not use protection tonight so that fertilization will occur" "Jesus, Mom!"


Amazing roamed around the room with a big belly bump. "Bam bam have you seen my phone?" She asked walking with her legs wide apart. "Yes" Bamidele answered bringing out the phone from the bathroom.

He was completely suit up for Sunday service!

"You left it there"

"Thank you. Can you help me pick my handkerchief up, I can't bend" "You can't even see your knees" Bamidele teased and she laughed groaning in pain.

"Are you okay?"


"Are you sure? I can take you to the hospital now, I'll call Pastor Tunde to let him know that..." "I'm fine! You're just trying to avoid giving sermon today"

Bamidele laughed, "You're not lying sha" "The baby is not coming now, I'll be fine" "Are you sure?" He asked and she pressed her forehead against his, "Yeah. You're Bamidele freaking Jones, my husband and the father of my future children.  You'll do fine dear"

"God see motivation! God knows that I've never regretted the day you said yes to me. I'm the luckiest man on earth"

Amazing opened her eyes smiling when she realized it was a dream she exhaled in worry.

Can it be a confirmation or the power of her mind?

Bamidele went on his knees clasping his hands, "Good morning Jesus, I hope you had a great night watching over us cause I didn't have a great night but I'm pretty sure you being omniscient saw everything. I screwed upst night, I don't know I started saying those things but it pissed Amazing off and my heart needs mending Lord. I feel guilty, my guilt becomes worst everyday" tears poured down.

"I need to be free from this guilt, you died that we might be cleansed from guilt but I feel guilty for my past. I don't know if it's karma but everything has been replaying and I need you to help me wash this guilt off. Please, one more special request, help me touch Amazing's heart. I know I've been a douche but you more than everyone know that I'm not trying to okay a fast one on her. Dad, I like this girl to the point it shocks me. Help me heal her and touch her, today is a wonderful day already! This i pray in Jesus name"

Amazing clasped her hands kneeling in front of her bed in  prayer, "I confess my sin and i ask for mercy. Your daughter is confused more than ever. I don't want to end up hurt again, I don' trust Bamidele, what should I do?" She asked then she kept quiet.

For the first time in a long time, she he heard a voice deep within her, He's mine to use. He's my instrument, don't push him away, bring him close to me

She suddenly creased her brow, is this God?

Uche stepped out of the bathroom in towel only to find her phone ringing on the bed. She sat down and answered the call. "Her Mercy"

"She's around, I spoke to her this morning. She'll be expecting you" "Is it not too early? Besides I had an SOS text from Amazing"

Mercy scoffed, "She's back and I'm sure she'll have lots of people to attend to. I think you should go this morning so you can book an appointment" "Okay... Thank you for this"

"You're welcome. When you're done, come to my house straight forward so we can discuss the way forward Okwaya?" "Yes"

"My keys will be at the normal place, don't worry, you'll be safe here" "I've heard, thank you"

Benefit knocked on the door and Amazing opened up. "Hey, where are they?" "In the room, they're so devastated, your sister is the worst!" "What happened?" "They're not talking that was why I called  you all to help me intercede"

Ema leaned on Benefit, "What happened? Peace, you're keeping us in suspense, what happened?" "I don't feel like talking"

Yemisi climbed on Fisayo now tickling her, "Jesus! Oya I'll talk" "Talk now" "Will I talk with you on my body, I do guys, I don't do girls"

"Oluya!" She snapped climbing off her. "I'm not in the mood to talk again"

Amazing folded her hands frowning at the both of them, "I had my share of a shitty day yesterday. Bamidele and i kissed" "What???" Everyone asked in shock, "Yes! and I feel guilty for it, its against my value as a Christian"

"It's just a kiss" Yemisi chipped in and Amazing disagreed, "There's many more emotions that can spring from a kiss, I felt bad and then he asked me out. Bamidele asked me out, he apologize for what he did in secondary school"

"How did he find out?"

"I dont know"

Blessing asked, "What did you tell him?" "No! I told him that I can't" "But you're in love with him!" "What's love without trust? I really can't bring myself to fall into another heart breaking relationship"

"Just because Aboh failed doesn't mean every other relationship will fail" Yemisi advised, "Take me for instance, my relationship doesn't work because of the guys but Kwame is a different person" she added, she wanted to even chip in her wedding plan but the moment didn't seem right!

Benefit agreed, "Exactly! Take me for instance, I haven't had the best relationship too but now I have one and also a daughter i......" she trailed off, "A daughter I love with all my heart"

"I'm scared while I was praying this morning, I heard it clearly, God told me not to let him go" "Oshey Apostle Amazing!" Fisayo joked and Blessing slapped her lap.


"I'm not joking, at first i had this dream where we were married then i heard it while praying. I know what I heard, he said that is my instrument, draw him close to me but again I don't know if it's my head and emotion that's messing with me"

Fisayo laughed, "It's the wedding part for me, how were you able to tell that you guys were married, were you on top of him or...." "I was pregnant oh" "Inteeeeereeeeesting"  she replied and Amazing threw a pillow at her.

"This one is not well before" Yemisi chipped in and Blessing smiled turning towards Amazing. "If it's God, then it's God. Maybe he's the one for you or you have a part to play in his spiritual growth. I don't think any of this is a coincidence"

"Dare said the same thing" Ema finally spoke up tears pouring down her eyes, "Yesterday was great, I had a great time with Dare, at first I was arrested"

"Arrested?" Everyone asked and she nodded, "Yes. The employer wanted to fuck with me so i fucked with his nose. I punched him on the nose and then i got arrested"

"Served him good!" Yemisi snapped then she bit her nails, "Kai! I would have...."

"Well.... Dare bailed me out,  we had fun, we were even present at the exhibition, I didn't even remember to call Amazing, I was just lost in that euphoria for a moment. He dropped me off and we kissed, then he asked me out but.... She appeared... The fair woman"

"Jesus!" Yemisi screamed, "Is Dare okay?" "Yes. She gave me no choice, I turned down his proposal and then it dawned on me that I can never be happy"

"Shhhh" Benefit muttered rubbing her hair, "Don't say that" "Its the truth!" she screamed! "We are never going to be happy!" She turned her head at her sister, "She's going to destroy everyone's shot at being happy, even yours! Its only a matter of time"

Benefit pressed her palm upon her twin's cheek, "We'll fight this,we'll make it through this. Let's have faith" "I lost Kunle already, I'll kill myself if anything happens to Dare, I swear to God! I'll just die!"

"Stop saying stupid things, you won't die! I can't lose my twin, no one is dying okay? Not you, not me, not Amazing, not Fisayo, not Yemisi, none of us!"

"I just want to be happy" she leaned back and she continued running her hands through her hair, "You'll be happy sis, soon we'll look back at this event and laugh"

"I hope. Should I shock you guys.... Bammy lives in this estate" "What?" "Dare told me" "Where?" "I don't know exactly"

"Why? You want to go and continue from where you two left off?" Fisayo asked and she glared at her, "It's small joke now" "It wasn't funny"

"Sorry. so have I spoken about Bassey before?" Fisayo asked drawing everyone's attention. "Mine is a long one"

Amazing sat comfortably, "It's a Saturday, we're all ears" 

Nene walked in, "Sorry I'm late! I wasn't feeling too well, I had to spend more time in bed." "Welcome" they all replied and she looked around for Uche.

"Where's Uche?"

"She didn't show up"

Mercy walked into the living room dressed in a purple sequence gown on an onion gele. "You look pretty, shall I ask where you're going to?" Anya asked from the chair she sat on with her legs crossed. 

Mercy glanced at her in shock, "What are you doing here? How in the world did you get in?" "You call that thing a protective barrier?" She asked then she scoffed, "Okay fine, it was hard to crack a bit but here I am, some of us have been in this game before you. Or what is that thing you told my girl, when you chop your witch she dey primary school. Well when I got initiated, you weren't even born my dear, levels they say, dey for this thing and you know it"

"What do you want?"

"I came in peace, one of us delivered a message to us. It wasn't nice at all"

"You guys should just leave Uche alone, she hasn't done anything wrong" "That's what you think but she's just as guilty as the rest. I want you to stay clear from helping her, well that's if she survives today"

Mercy's eyes widened in shock, "What?" "Yes dear, you just bought your friend a ticket to hell" she replied, "Are you guys scared she'll find out the truth?"

"Scared? No, only person that should be scared is Uche after she finds out the truth. She won't survive it, that I can tell you. So would you rather see your friend for a few more months or you prefer her dying today, what's your choice?" She asked and Mercy quickly removed her phone from her bag dialing Uche's number.


Mercy sighed, "Thank God! Where are you?" "In a uber" "Turn back now, it's a trap" "Everything is going well" "That's what you think, they're planning on ending your life when you're coming back"

Uche kept quiet for a while, "So be it" "What? Do you want to die" "I already told you Mercy, I have to find out the truth, even if it's the last thing I do!"


"Goodbye Mercy" she said hanging up then Mercy turned back at Anya but she wasn't there.

Uche quickly set her phone camera in motion to take a video of herself. "Hey guys," she began and the driver turned his head at her then he returned his gaze to the road.

"It's your annoying sister Uche, I know I can be annoying, trust me if I want  to use an hour to do a video diary of how annoying I am, it wont be enough. I can hear Fisayo saying 24 hours already" she laughed to herself.

"You're asking me how I know? Because I know you already, even more than I know some of my family members. You guys are the sisters I never had. " Tears ran down her eyes.

"I've always been the pessimistic one but over the years I grew bitter. I just wanted to get married like every normal person, age was not my side. I was angry that you guys thought I was the one responsible for this shit because you thought i  haven't been through enough shit."  Uche raised her arm focusing on the bottle mark, she returned the camera back. "This madness turned my own Izu into a woman beater, I have scars to show for it. That's why I don't take off my make up, to hide them! So yes guys, I was going through shit but I wasn't good at speaking about it. I was ashame to! A whole uche! Well, because of what Yemisi said about that prophet...I decided to go on a quest to find out the truth whether we're being haunted by a ghost or not. They know already and I'm quite aware that if i find out the truth, they'll kill me but I'll find a way to let you before I die" She paused then she busted into tears, "I really don't' want to die yet, I want to get married to Izu" she wiped the tears off now exhaling.

"That's why I' m making this video dairy. Amazing dear.... Our glue from day one, without you there wouldn't have been us. I swear, we would have gone our separate ways! I'm sorry for the times i've insulted you indirectly! I love and celebrate your wisdom, your courage, the way you love God! I pray you find the man of your dreams, that man that'll make you happy" she paused.

"Blessing I'm sorry for being jealous when you... When you announced your wedding, I was angry, pissed and I said some pretty nasty things. I've called you ugly, but youre not ugly, okay fine, you're not the prettiest either but Blessing you have a heart of gold, hey! I admire your strength, I admire you as a whole!"

Bamidele opened the door in his sweaty shirt only to find Yewande and Nuel. "Uncle Bammy!" Nuel hugged him, "Easy there! What has mom been feeding you with?" He asked and Yewande chuckled. "What's going on? Is this some sort of intervention?" He asked and Yewande made her way into the sitting room.

"Good morning to you too Bamidele" she answered with a hint of sarcasm,  making him chuckle, "I'm sorry. Good morning big sis. Is this some sort of intervention?"

Yewande folded her hands frowning at him, "Why are you sweating?"  "I was exercising" "You have a gym in your house" "I installed some gym facilities, work hasn't been giving me that time i want so... Why don't i have it here, besides if i go to the gym, all the girls wanna swarm around me and .... I haven't been in my best Bamidele mood lately so....."

Yewande smiled within, seeing this new side of him was one of the things she has been praying for! 

"So work hasn't been giving you time ehn? If it was Zenith media, you wouldn't have said that. I remember you coming at will, sometimes you dont show up and you expect Dad to smile over it!"

Bamidele scoffed, "Lets not go there" "We are going there! Dad wasn't happy with the way you were living your life" "The man is just naturally mean" "You don't mean it! Don't worry when you become a father, you'll know how it feels"

Bamidele scoffed, "Are you cursing me?" "Oh, so you know that what you've been doing is not fair" "I won't treat my children the way Dad treated us." "With love! That was how he raised the both of us. He was more strict to me than even you, probably because you're the male son he wanted"

He arced his brow, "That's a lie!" "He spoilt you, Mom also did! When they started correcting you, you saw it like an act of hate but the truth is..... Only parents who love their children corrects them" Yewande pulled her son close. 

"They may not like it, but still we do it because it's a show of love. We dont want them making mistakes they'll end up regretting"

Bamidele lifted his hands, "Can we change the topic" "What happened between you and Amazing?"  "Wait.... So you drove all the way here to criticise me bah? Mom has left hundreds of missed calls already. She wants to know my next plan to apologize to her"

Her eyes lit with interest, "Is there any plan?" "None" "Why now? What really happened? I'm really interested. She was in tears last night"

Bamidele folded his hands, he scoffed in disbelief, then he hissed.  "Pretend like Mom didn't give you half the gist. I'm sure you already know i kissed her"  "Yes.... i do. That couldn't have pissed her off like that, did you say something?"

"No. Just confessions about i felt about the kiss i had with her and how i wanted her to be my girlfriend but she slapped me, that was after i kissed her. She was worried about what people would have said if they had caught her"

"Oh" Yewande scratched her head, "Some girls don't mind kissing guys while some do. I guess you now know the category which she falls in"

Bamidele exhaled, "How was i suppose to know? I've never met any girl who doesn't like kissing me? I mean, i've always seen myself as Bamidele Jones," he twitched his fingers, "I'm Bamidele Jones, the one who sends ladies heart racing at one wink, the only legit lady killer. I make being a bad boy look cool.... I was shocked last night"

"This your new lovy side is a shock for us too"

Bamidele chuckled softly, "She said she doesn't trust me" "Who will? Bamidele be sincere to yourself, who will want to take that chance with a guy who she knew as a Casanova? Should i remind you the number of girls that troop in and troop out of your house?"

"That's why i feel even more guilty. She hasn't been picking my calls"

"She'll come around soon, hopefully she will. You sef! Give her time, the babe just got out of a bad relationship, cut her some slack"

"I fucked up right? I should have waited but my adrenaline were pumping, my heart was just happy being beside her "

"Awwwwn, I've always known you'll fall in love someday, i'm just glad it's with an Amazing woman"

Bamidele blushed then he scratched his head then he pulled Nuel close, "Did you grow shorter?" he teased and Nuel scoffed clapping his hands, "You must think i feel bad" "Admit it, you feel bad"  "Yes i did but the good thing is that my growth just started, with Mom and Dad's gene, I'll grow taller than you but you Uncle Bamidele will still be short" he snapped running away but Bamidele laughed in pain.

"Just run away oh cause I'm coming for you and i promise to rub this sweaty shirt on your face"

"Iew!" He screamed then  Bamidele laughed, "This your son ehn... What's the other thing you came here for, you didn't only come here for this gist, i am so sure"  he snapped and Yewande  laughed in an uneasy manner, "You just caught me red handed"


"Can you help me baby sit your nephew"

Bamidele scoffed, "What? I can't" "Why?" "I might kill him before you come back" "That's a lie, you two go along pretty well" "Why do you want me to baby sit him?" He asked and Yewande exhaled in frustration.

"We're checking out the doctor today, i need a baby, i need another child so badly,  we want to try other means" "Is this his idea?"

"No! He doesn't feel the need, he said he'll meet me at the hospital. He's not in support of this but i want it" she busted into tears then she instantly wiped it off incase her son comes in again. "I'm sorry you have to go through this"

"Please help me"

Bamidele smiled, "Fine! Im doing this because i miss him" "Awwwn" Yewande hugged him planting kisses all over his face, "I have the best brother in the world"  "I'm not a kid" he complained sighting the big smile on her face.


"Thank you. Nuel dear! Mommy is leaving, come and say goodbye to me"

Amazing responded to the knock on her door to find a man holding a wrapped painting. "Delivery for Miss Essien" "That's me" "Great, please sign here Ma" he requested and she did then he pulled the painting in.

"Which one is this one again?" Fisayo asked then she watched the man leave and Amazing shut the door behind him.

She moved close to the painting pulling the note off it;

I'm not sorry for the kiss, your lips were the sweetest I've ever tasted and if I have another chance, I'll kiss you over and over again! What i'm sorry for is hurting you. I pray you give me a chance in your life.

PS: I know you loved the painting!

That Handsome guy, Bamidele Jones

Amazing gushed placing the note on her chest.

"Na them!" Fisayo screamed and she laughed sheepishly, "Fish!" She screamed then she exhaled, "God help me"

"You know what I think? From my heart of heart"


"It looks bizarre that you're moving on so soon from that Ode called Aboh, I just think you should just give this thing a shot. You already said it, God spoke to you directly about it"

"He didn't say I should date him"

"Even though! If God has faith in him and has not given up on him haba... Why should you?" She asked and Amazing scoffed then she smiled. "Sometimes you just amaze me with your wisdom"

Fisayo shrugged, "You're welcome" she answered and then she watched Amazing put on a slippers. "Whar are you doing?" "The only reasonable and romantic thing I can think of"

Fisayo laughed, "You don't even know his house" "I think I'll enjoy finding it, how hard can it be?"

"Madam we're here" The taxi driver said to her and Uche exhaled getting out of the car. "Can you please wait for me?" "What? I'll lose customers if I do"

"I'll pay you 40 k, i'm not joking about this" "You're lying" "I'll send you 20 now and the other twenty afterwards" she brought out her phone from her bag.

Within a minute, the money was transferred to his shock, "How are you sure I'll wait for you" "Let your conscience judge you" she answered knocking on a white gate and a man opened up.

"Who are you and what are you looking for?"

"Madam Eucharia"

"Do you have an appointment?" "Not yet but she's aware i'll be coming" "What's your name?"

"Uche Lewis"

The man gave a gentle nod then he let her in.  After which he led her into the beautiful sitting room but the thick smell of incense almost drove her out.

"Ugh!" She winced in disgust, "Sorry about the smell, it wards wandering ghost off" "Huh?" "Nothing to worry your pretty head over. Don't worry when you stay in here for more than ten minutes, your nose will definitely adapt"

"Who are you?" She asked and the lady smiled.

"I'm more or less like a receptionist, I handle, appointments, payments and all. What's your name?" She asked lifting a record book up.

"Uche Lewis. Do I have to wait?"

"No, Miss Mercy spoke on your behalf, she has been disturbing me. One celebrity scheduled for this time but he's not around at the moment. Who said over taking is not allowed?"

"Uncle Bammy?" Nuel called on to Bamidele who was bathing in the bathroom, "Yes?" He answered scrubbing his sponge over his neck. "Are you truly in love?" He asked and Bamidele wondered how he managed to conceive such topic in his mind.

"That's adult people topic"

"So you're not in love"

"Not love perse.... I like her"

"Is it not all the girls you like?" He snapped and Bamidele laughed, "See this one oh," he paused pushing his head out of the door, "I don't like her the same way i like other girls. Her case is just different"


"With other girls all i think of it....." He wanted to say sex but he knew Yewande will caution him if she was here, what will he now say in place of sex? If there any children term for sex?

"Beauty and body parts" he answered and Nuel creased his brain in thought, "Body parts? Oh, you mean adult things" "Ah han.... Don't say it be for your mother will accuse me of corrupting you" he snapped pushing his head back in then Nuel laughed.

"That means you're in love with her"

"It's too soon to jump into that conclusion."

"Will you two marry?"

Bamidele laughed, "It doesn't work that way. We'll have to date first, for the first time i wanted to officially date her but she's angry at me so..... there's no point" "Don't lose faith so soon!"

"What do you suggest i do?"

"See, in my previous class in school, there was this boy in our class that year" he started and Bamidele laughed. If anyone heard that conversation, they'll probably think it's a mature person from the way he added 'That year'.

"We became friends but he had this way of abusing people, soon i started abusing people too and Mom noticed. She flogged me till i regained my sense back but she said some things that struck me."

"Undiluted Wisdom! Oya shock me!" Bamidele teased but Nuel became shy, "I'm not saying it again" "Come on!" "My point is, she has a good influence on you. If you become close to her, she'll bring out the better Bamidele Jones so i want you to marry her"

Bamidele laughed, "That's funny? The question is.... Do i deserve her? Amazing is sweet, beautiful, she has a heart of gold, when she smiles, she sends all your goose bumps coming in full force. God she's just...... Amazing, I've been saying that since last week. I'll have to be the luckiest man on earth if such a woman says yes to a man like me"

"Sounds like you're in love to me"

"Ah.... Love guru, how do you know so much about love?" "You're acting and speaking like Dad so from your emotion, it's easy to tell"

Bamidele smiled then he whispered, "You're really wise" then he raised his voice, "She's angry with me anyways so it doesn't matter. Have you seen her angry? Im sure she'll be beefing me till 2027. Im about to turn on the shower now so don't bother talking to me" he turned on the shower and Nuel smiled.

The door bell rang immediately then he opened up to his shock, Amazing was standing there smiling. "Good morning Ma" he said jumping happily. "Hey" she smiled, he didn't understand why he was jumping. "Emmanuel right?" She asked and he nodded letting her in.

"How's your Mom?"

"She's fine, she went out and left me with Uncle Bamidele" "Oh, and what about your Dad?" "I suppose they're going out together, they're keeping their destination a secret, maybe it's a romantic afternoon date"

Amazing chuckled, "Maybe. How is studies?" "Fine, we just resumed so all the students have not resumed fully but the teachers have started work." "During our time, the first week of resumption is just to come and while away time, teachers don't bother doing anything, even till second week but then students were not as smart as they are now"

"Hold that thought" Nuel smiled running into the room, "Uncle Bammy!!!!!!" He screamed at Bammy who was out with a towel wrapped across his waist. "You have a visitor" "What did i say about opening doors for strangers?"

"Guess who?"


"No! Your future wife" he answered and Bamidele widened his eyes in awe. "Don't joke with me" "I'm serious Uncle Bammy, she's here!" He jumped happily running off into the sitting room where Amazing was admiring the interior decorations.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. I went to inform Uncle Bammy, he has been inside the bathroom for so long. He baths like a lady" he joked and she busted out laughing, "You don't mean it"

"Beats me too" he answered stretching his hands at the couch, "Pardon my manners, please have your seat Ma" he said and Amazing placed her palm on her chest, "Awwwn, you're such a gentle boy"

"I learned from Mom" he answered watching her sit then he joined her.

"Are you an angel? Cause it feels like God sent you here" he said and Amazing wondered why he said that, "Why?" "Uncle Bamidele and i were just talking about you"

"Uh . ... Interesting, what exactly?"

"He was talking about how he'll want you to be his future wife"

"Jesus Nuel!" Bamidele rushed out dressed in an orange top and a black jean. The orange top was worn inside out but he obviously didn't realize it. "Amazing, good morning" "Good morning Bamidele" she greeted rising up.

"I.... I didn't say that, don't listen to Nuel! He's lying"

"I'm not! It started with me asking him whether he's in love, then he replied saying he's not in love perse" he explained and Bamidele slapped his own face in embarrassment. "Oh so he's not in love"

"Yes that was what he said then he started saying all manner of sweet things about you. If you ask me," he paused now whispering, " He's in love, he's just in denial"

"That was why i didn't want to baby sit you"

"But i was the one that babysit you when you were blind, you're lucky you won't be taking to the toilet to do my business, i did adult things for you"

Bamidele creased his brow, "Oh, that's so.... Did you have to say it in front of her?" "I wore his clothes" "At least he now likes wearing clothes, your grandma told me that when he was little, he loved running around naked, shaking his pim pim pim all around"

Nuel laughed leaning against Amazing  who held him close chuckling too. "Pim pim pim!" He mimicked and Bamidele rolled his eyes, "You have spoilt it for me, oya scuttle" "I just helped your show oh, i allowed Aunty Amazing to know that you have been discussing about her. You can thank me later!" he snapped leaving then Amazing folded his hands.

"Don't believe him"

"Oh, i shouldn't believe you love me, Okay then!"

"Okay not that! Just.... I just find it embarrassing" "That you like me" "Not that! Ugh! The whole scenario is embarrassing, don't twist my words. I'm trying not to make you angry. I guess i have to be careful with my choice of words." he paused staring at her.

"You look beautiful"

"I'm not wearing make up"

"Even better" he answered, "So i look ugly with make up" "No... I mean,you look even better without it, not like make up makes you look bad"

Amazing laughed slapping his arm, "I was just pulling your legs" she replied and exhaled in relief. "Thank God! You had me going there" "Your clothes  are worn inside out" she pointed and he slapped his face again.

"Shit.... I was just nervous i guess"


"I made you angry yesterday and then i heard you're here. I wanted to confirm if it was true. Who gave you my address?" "We live on the same street"

Bamidele scoffed, "You're kidding me right?" "I'm serious" she answered and then he laughed, "So you're the other neighbour Pastor Tunde went to .... Jesus! This is the only thing your ex boyfriend did right, this and also calling off your wedding" he answered with utmost sincerity then he covered his palm over his lips.

"Shit! I'm sorry, I'm just expressing myself"

"I get it"

"Did you get the address from him?"

"No. The estate secretary, i simply asked him about the address of a guy who just parked in called Bamidele Jones" "Ah.... So he just gave you like that, what if you're a thief?"

"Do i look like a thief?"

"Yes! Should i mention the things you stole, it might sound cheesy but you stole a part of me that i used to be, you stole my peace, my happiness and worst, my heart. I don't know who i am again Amazing, I'm a man without a bearing"

Amazing smiled quietly staring at him, "I got your gift, thank you that was thoughtful of you"  "Is that why  you came?" "Yes and No. I've been hurt, a lot, I've also been searching for happiness, going on dates but none worked okay? Fisayo just made me realize that what if all these is not a coincidence? What if this was meant to happen?"

Bamidele smiled, "God bless Fisayo" he blurted out moving close then she chuckled stretching her hands at him,  "Wait..... God spoke....." She trailed off, she wanted to talk about the message she got from God but something inside her silenced her immediately.

"I don't want to get hurt"

"I'm not going to look at other ladies direction except yours. It might be hard to keep them away from me but I'll try. Amazing, I'll try all in my strength to make us work"

"Slow your horses, i haven't given you a yes. Let's start with being friends"

"Yes Babe, whatever you say Babe"

Amazing laughed, "Babe? That sounds like we're dating" "I'm saying it with faith attached to it" He blushed biting his lips then she rolled her eyes, "I don't do sex if you're thinking of it. I don't even know how someone like you will survive"

"No sex for a month or...."

"Till marriage! Do you still want to do?"

Bamidele scratched his head, "No one has ever died from not having sex so.... It might be hard but i think I'll survive" he answered moving his face close to hers, "I'm not kissing any guy again until my wedding day"

Bamidele gasped, "What?" "Yes! Till my wedding day, its my personal choice" "Are you trying to suffer me? Ill be staring at this sweet lips and not be able to chew on it? That's the highest punishment" "We must attain purity, i want to attain purity. You have a choice to turn back"

"I wont give up! It's too early to do that, i haven't even started the journey. I mean it's crazy, it's just a kiss but i'm trying respect your views."

"Okay...Uh....." She stammered, "Bamidele, there's something you should know, months ago, i had fibroid and..... I was disturbed, there were times i would get stained in public during my period so i had to.....  I had a surgery done. There were complications, i have 10 percent chances of giving birth"

Bamidele shook his head, "Why are you trying so hard to push me away?" "I'm not" "You are!"  "It's the truth, i had complications"  "I knew about it, i asked you about your health" "I wasn't sure how much information you had."

"Kwame told me everything. Okay...... Maybe you had complications. As long as there's a chance I'll take it even it's 1%, its fine, it's a chance" "Aboh said the same thing then he changed his mind! I'm not going to fall for that again" 

"Don't compare me to Aboh, I'm not him! I'm hotter than him" he joked making her wince then he chuckle, "You look at a whole fine guy like me and you're comparing me to him. Do i have jerry curls? No!" he added and she laughed.

"I promise not to be like him, I'll be the luckiest man if you end up being my future wife. Even with the 10% chance, i still feel i don't deserve you" he confessed lifting her chin up.

"I really wanna kiss you right now, i can't put my actions in word"


"Just this once"

"No" She shook her head then he kissed her on the forehead and she shut her eyes, he stared at her lips then he exhaled watching her open her eyes. "What have you done to me AmazingGrace Essien?"

Amazing gasped, "Someone knows my full name" "Hahaha very funny. Ever since Pastor announced you guys wedding Sister AmazingGrace Essien and Aboh Anthony, the name hasn't left my head. I was so angry! That was how he would have gotten married to my future wife" he teased and she scoffed,  "We're friend's remember"

"Will you be free for a date one of these days, let's say tomorrow evening?"  "Tomorrow? So fast" She chuckled with a shrug, "Oh... Okay, it better be worth it"

"It'll be. Come on, I'm Bamidele Jones, romance is in my blood. Just saying, on our wedding day...."

"How are you sure it'll be you?"

"I'm speaking by faith, where was i before i got interrupted" "I'm sorry Sir, you said on our wedding " "Yes. On our wedding day," "Uh huh?" "When they say kiss the bride," "Uh huh?" "I'll kiss you so good when they say stop, i won't, they'll need a bulldozer to tear us apart. I promise you that" he answered and they both laughed.

"Are you sure you want to do this, you have a choice to turn back"

"I'm Bamidele Jones, i don't give up, not especially now when my heart's in the hands of one Ole (thief) like that" he held her fingers, "I can give you your heart back" "I don't want it, i want to have yours completely" he confessed kissing her fingers, "I hope i can do this"

"That's fine"

"Great! You still owe me a house warming party."

"Jesus Bammy, don't you ever forget things?" "Are you hungry? Stay and eat, I'll make you and Nuel my legendary stirred fried noodles" "Can you cook?"

Bamidele scoffed, "You insult me! Have you ever heard of Chef Bammy? Ask Yewande! I'll have you chewing the plate"

"Surprise me!" Amazing said giggling and he winked at her, "I definitely will"

Uche walked into the seance room, the room reminded her of Iya Alagbo. The more she walked in the more flashes she had about that day. "You're welcome" Madam Eucharia said to her with a smile. She was seated in front of a round table; on it was match sticks, candles and a mystery book.

"Have your seat" she stretched her hands and she did. "I can sense fear, why are you afraid?"

"Of death"

"We'll all die one day"

"I don't want die yet"

"What do you want from me?"

"My best friend met a prophet and he revealed to her that i and my friends are being haunted by the ghost of a secondary school classmate but I don't believe it so i came here to confirm it"

Madam Eucharia stretched her hands at her and she held it tightly, "What's her name, her mother's name" "Tolani Daniels, i don't know her mother's name"

"The name of the school you both attended, the class and the year. There couldn't have been the same Tolani in that same class or was there?" "There wasn't"


"Tolani Daniels, SS3 Glory age academy 2003 if you can add health prefect to it"

"Great mother i greet you, oh great spirit i greet you. I call on the forces of the North, South, East and West spirit of the mothers and i ask that you don't out me to shame." she paused and wind howled in the room lifting some papers to the floor. 

Uche hardened for a second. She started to sweat. A sense of nausea washed over her as memories of fire at Iya Alagbo's place stemmed out from the corners of her  mind.

She swallowed hard and exhaled trying to conceal her uneasiness.

"Another one is here" she paused then she mumbled so words and hummed a little, "Tolani Daniels who schooled in Glory age academy with ...." She thought of her name again, "Uche Lewis in SS3 in 2003, we make demands for your presence this moment" she paused and the table top shook and Uche screamed in fear.

Madam Eucharia laughed, "Those are just theatrics, me using my legs. Tolani is here already" "What?" She scattered her eyes in search of her.

"What am i doing here?" She asked and Uche gasped in fear from hearing her voice. She stood up, "Oh my God Tolani, do you remember me?"

"No. Am i supposed to?"

Uche busted into tears, she didn't even need to ask any further question. The prophet was definitely lying, how can she be unto them and not know her.

"Do you know Amazing?" "Yes" "Have you ever tried inflicting her with pain as a ghost for what she did to you" "No! I have never, why will i? What she did hurt me but what i did was my fault not her fault"

Uche cried, "It's me Uche, eighteen years after and i just want to say im sorry" she apologize and the table shook angrily. "Okay stop it Ma, i get it, theatrics but I'm doing serious business now"

"That wasn't me"

"Tolani, I'm apologising"

"It wasn't her either and she just left" Madam Eucharia shook her head,  "Maybe your spirit mothers"  "It's not them. You don't worry, ill find out who it is, you'r safe. Nothing can come in unannounced" she answered rising up then she heard a loud echo in her head.

"Ah!" She screamed covering her ears, "What are you? You cant come into my house" she demanded looking around.

"You have a prisoner that belongs to us, let her out of your house or else we'll bring your house down" the voices echoed.

Madam Eucharia turned to Uche who was clueless, "You didn't tell me your full story. Who have you made angry that wants to destroy my home?" "That's what i want to find out, they plotted the whole prophet scene but i didn't believe it that's why I'm here"

Madam Eucharia placed her palms against her ears screaming, "Argh! You need to leave" "They'll kill me" "Leave my house" "You need to help me"

"I hope you're familiar with Jonah in the bible when there was a storm and a lot was cast. It was until Jonah was cast into the sea, those people had peace. I'm not going to risk my house for a woman i barely know so leave my house before i force you too. I've done my part, i don't need your money, go! Belinda!" She screamed and the receptionist walked in.

"See her out"

"I am begging you in the name of God"

Amazing ate the stirred fried Noodles while Bamidele sat anxiously awaiting her response. "What do you think?" "It's not sweet" Nuel answered and Bamidele frowned at him, "Lies!"

"I would have said he's right if i wasn't fasting. I don't want to lie but at the same time, I hate to boost your pride but, i think this is the best stirred fried noodles i've ever tasted"

Bamidele smiled, "Nailed it. In your face!" He snapped at Nuel who raised his nose at him.  Then Bamidele returned his gaze back to Amazing. " I told you, I'm a good cook, i give chicken republic a run for their money. You know i would have opened a restaurant but i don't want all these fast food blaming me for stealing their customers"

Amazing laughed, "Someone  will just feed your ego and boom! The whole room is smelling is like pride" "Cooking is my strong part. This was one of the tools i used in...." He trailed off, "They'll think I'm romantic and all but... It was just a gimmick. God i hate myself right now"

"Hey" Amazing placed her hands on his, "Don't say that" "I've been feeling guilty these days, i don't don't know how to take the guilt away" "Hey! it's hard to believe but you're becoming a better person. Soon the pain will go away, invite the Holy ghost, he'll guide you in all truth"

Bamidele smiled. "How do you invite him?" He asked and Amazing saw a flash of Uche with a frightened face. "Jesus!" She snapped out, "What's that?"

"I just.... I don't know what just happened.... Call it a trance or something. I just saw Uche.... She's one of my circle of friends, you'll know her. I just saw something like a flash that isn't good.... I dont know what it means but it looks bad " she picked up her phone, her hands were trembling so Bamidele held her hands.

"Babe chill.... Okay? Just calm down and make the call. She might just be okay"

"Okay.... Okay..."

Uche stepped out of the gate looking at the cloudy sky. Her only joy was that the driver was still there. She hopped into the car, "Drive as fast as possible"

The man drove off and her phone rang, "Amazing! Just the woman i wanted to call" "Are you okay?" "Yes. Have you seen my video?" "What video?"

"I sent a video to you, check it out"

"That's not important. Are you fine, i saw something.... I don't know what.  I just feel uneasy and i feel you're not fine"

"I went for a seance meeting Amazing"

"Jesus! What's wrong with all of you" "I spoke to Tolani, she's not the one making our life a living hell. It's one of us, i was right all along"

"What did you say? I didn't get that, the line is breaking"

"I said she's not the one"

"She's not the one? Is that what you're saying?"

"Yes and i was right, it was one of us"

"Uche, the line is breaking" she complained then it went dead.

"Uche?" Amazing asked then she turned towards Bamidele, "She ended the call" she tried the number again but the network provider responded with, 'the number you're trying to call is not available at the moment, please try again later'

"Its not available"

"Try again" Bamidele advised and she did all to no avail.

"Amazing? Amazing?" Uche dropped the phone then she felt a presence in the car. "You've always been the blabber mouth you know?" The voice echoed from the front seat and the driver halted immediately.

"Jesus! Where did you" he struggled with the door all to no avail. "Jesus!" He turned back at Uche, "What's going on? Which kain wahala be this?"

"Shut up! She demanded but the man trembled in fear.

Uche scoffed, "Even if you try to paint your voice, i know who you are. So It's being you all along.... I suspected it! You act like you have problems bigger than the whole world but you've been killing us slowly. What did we ever do to you?" She asked holding on to her phone, swiping to text messages.

"What is it you all didn't do to me? That's the right question! Don't try to play smart Uche" she tightened her fist and Uche gasped for air. Her phone dropped on the floor while she held her neck in struggle for breath.

"You know you could have avoided this but you had to pry" she stared at a trailer coming their direction.

"No... No no" the driver muttered, he tried starting the car all to no avail then he horned about three times. "Please I'm just a harmless driver" "You're a stupid greedy driver who deserves death. RIP Uche" she disappeared and Uche quickly grabbed her phone typing, "It's..." She looked up watching the trailer so close to them, "Shit" she muttered as it clashed into the car and everything went white.

How was today's chapter?

Bamidele and Amazing's love story💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 too bad a tragedy happened afterwards😫😭

Who's sad about this?

Does this mean Uche is dead?

Who's the culprit????? 😬😬😬

So guys.... I don't know when I'll post again oh.... Just have patience with me.

I have a test to write and i need to read.

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