🔴Chapter 16🔴

Hello everyone!!!! It's another chapter again!!!

Heads up: its a long one!!!!

The image above is Theresa Edem playing a new character called "Tara". Meanwhile, I've updated the cast list for Dare's Mom😂


Chapter 16

Seriously Unedited

Thursday evening

Mercy dropped a call from a friend then she quickly reached Uche. "Good morning my dear" "Good morning, I tried that medium's number again, it's not reachable" "Exactly why I called. She's not in the country at the moment. She traveled but good news is she'll be back very soon. As soon as she touches Nigerian, I'll know and get it across to you okay?"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" she replied ending the call then she heard the bell ring. She walked towards the door seeing Phyna who was dressed in a orange polo that with the inscription 'Deeliva' on it. "Good evening to you" "Ah.... Good evening. What are you doing at my door step?"

"I walk for Deeliva and we have a package just for you"

"From who?"

"It's a surprise Ma"

"Oh. That's weird, I've never heard of Deliver before? Enlighten me" "Oh, it's an online express delivery service" "You guess work online only?" "No, online and offline from our head office. We deliver things efficiently and we're always on time. If you want us to appear at our door, we will"

Mercy laughed, "Like you just appeared at my door okwaya?" "Yes" "Deeliva kee you there!" She snapped at her and Phyna raised her brow, "I dont understand" "I don't understand kill you there! Ana m'anu! (What a story!) Bia bia bia Oh, you think I'm a fool right? Because I'm engaging in stupid conversation with you, you think I'm stupid right? Ewu Gambia! Ekwensu!(Gambia goat)"

"Excuse you?"

"Excuse you too! Excuse you and your entire family! You think I don't know what you are? Take a good look at me, my name is Mercy Okoye, daughter of the Anambra soil. Do I look like a monkey? Okay, since you think I look like a monkey, lets monkey it together now. What are you doing here? They sent you right?" She asked but Phyna kept quiet staring at her, trying to decipher who she was.

"Ogini? Answer, cat got your tongue?"

"Butt out of Uche's issue"

Mercy laughed, "Why don't you come in let's talk about this like civil people." Phyna moved close then she looked up at the decorative bulb which had little leaves in it. "Nice try"

"You can't even enter!" she hissed and scoffed, "For where? Try am now! See, I don't have time to waste on you so I'll advise you get out of my front porch" "Uche is our business and you're meddling into what doesn't concern you"

"What did she do? What did they do? Haven't they suffered enough? You're not even a ghost! And they said a ghost is after them, if you're a ghost I'll know"

"This will become very ugly"

"Don't threaten me small girl, leave my house. I am not the one that gave you witchcraft oh. When they gave me my own witch to chop, you were still in primary school, nwa ọhụrụ (a baby) tata," she demonstrated.

"So I'll advise you leave my house now cause all I'm doing is trying to help my friend, not like I'm trying to help all of them so ngwanu, come and be going oh, osiso (quickly)"

"Don't say we didn't warn you"

"Oo oo oh, are you deaf? Which side of the ear do you always use to hear let me speak into it. Please, while you're leaving, sweep the badluck you've sprinked on my front porch O si so! (Quickly). Thank you" she slammed the door exhaling angrily. "What audacity!" She shouted calling Uche on the phone.

"Hello dear, hm!... You won't believe what happened right now"

Friday morning

5:30 am

Amazing walked into her other room where Fisayo and Ema was sleeping. She had a bible in her hand ans was about to have her morning devotion. "Fisayo, Ema" she tapped the both of them and they both groaned sorrowfully- they went through the same thing the previous morning.

"Let's just pray"

"Wo, go! We'll pray on our own" Fisayo complained, "I promise I'll pray"

"I'm not going anywhere until you guys get up lazy ass up for morning devotion. Ema!" She slapped her buttocks so she jerked up glaring at Amazing.

"As long your eyes don't shoot darts, I'm fine by it"

Fisayo hissed still laying on the pillow, "Oya start, I'm all ears" "You have to sit, you'll end up sleeping off and we'll be going through this process again!"

"Ugh! Which one is your own gan? Who told you I want to pray?" She asked sleepily and Amazing tapped her arm, "Get up! Ema is already awake" "Oys give me one minute,let me just close my eyes for.... For one...." She trailed off.

Amazing had no option but to slap her on the arm. "Ah!" She sat up rubbing her arms while glaring at her. "Remind me not to sleep here again" "I'll like to see you sleep in your house"

"You know I can't and I need my beauty sleep"

"You guys don't know what's upon us. We need to gear up, this battle is not for the swift, it's not by who can outsmart them, it's by God that we can win but you guys are not even ready"

"Oya let's start now"

"Good morning ladies, there is a need to thank God for making us wake up to see this day"

"Me i did not wake up oh" Fisayo grumbled, "They woke me up" she pouted and Amazing laughed. "Well the word for today Is coming from Deuteronomy 11:9 "

Yemisi's phone rang out loud while she laid in bed sleeping, she located the phone and slightly answered and placed on her ears. "Hey Babe, good morning" "Good morning wifey"

"Awwwn, I still have your engagement ring in my hand oh"

"I know"

"No oh my husband, just trying to jog your memory" she replied playfully and they both laughed. "I miss you here, how is the business trip going? Did you meet with Mr Douglas?"

"You still remember?"

"I was paying keen attention. Did you look at girls?"

Kwame laughed, "Why won't i look at girls? Don't I have eyes?" "Ah.... Did you receive license from me to look?" "I'm sorry Ma I didn't, you forgot to issue me the license" he responded sarcastically and she laughed quietly.

"I didn't look at them that way. I mean they're white"

Yemisi laughed, "You're a racist!" "I'm not, they're not you my chocolate cream " "Hmmmmn, you have better not look cause I'll just pack your things in one Ghana must go bag and let the bag send the information"

Kwame laughed, "Oh.... Who's being a racist now? I still wonder why you guys will produce a bag and call it Ghana must go, that's the forefront of tribalism" he argued and she laughed uncontrollably.

"Do and come back. I miss your face"

"Just my face?" He asked in a soothing voice and she busted out laughing, "You're so naughty! You need Jesus!" She snapped at him making him chuckle.

"I'll be back in Nigeria in no time, it's a two way journey. I'll back before you know it. Did it happen again?" He asked referring to the urine, "Yes, I think by past three or so...."

"It'll be over soon"

"I know" Yemisi replied with hope that once she follows the Prophet's instruction, her problems will disappear. "See you when you get back. I love you"

"I love you the most" he concluded hanging up, leaving her to sigh dreamily. A number called almost immediately,"Hey good morning, any news?" "None. Someone directed me a place but apparently she was wrong. Should I keep searching? I'm tired oh"

"Just for this week, please. Thank you"

Bamidele who had just stepped out of the bathroom in towel stared into the mirror smiling. "Who has seen a Fine boy this morning" he complimented huming and dancing to a tune.

His phone rang then he picked it up, "Good morning Mom" "Good morning Bamidele, how are you?" "I'm fine Mom, did you call to nag" "I didn't call to nag.... I called to remind of my art exhibition" "Is it today?" He asked intentionally in order to annoy his mother.

"Bamidele!" She screamed then he laughed throwing his head backwards, "I thought it was next week" "So if I didn't call, you wouldn't have come"

"Just kidding"

"Its a lie"

"Mom I was just kidding, I was trying to pull your legs"

"You're only trying to redeem yourself jor!" His mother pressed on even though she knew his earlier response was sincere. She need to push his guilt button and manipulate her way through emotional blackmail to make him come by all means.

"You know other children will put their parents events in mind"

Bamidele rolled his eyes, here we go again!

"They'll support and come for the event but my own son, he doesn't even the decency to remember my own art ...." Her voice began to fade slowly, "Exhibition" she feigned tears.

"You're not crying are you?"

"What do you expect me to do? my heart is breaking"

"Mom, I said I was just pulling your legs. I literally added the exhibition to my to do list. You know me Mom, I don't lie"

There was a brief silence on the phone, "I promise I'll be there" "Eh hen, you promise?" Her voice sounded completely normal and he laughed within knowing his mother so played him.

"Yes... I promise" he responded, "God bless you my dear, I'll see you there and give my blessings. Bye!" She chipped then she ended the call.

Uche opened up her eyes to see the fair woman staring at her, she gasped in fear, "What are you doing here?" she turned towards Izu, "Izu!" "He won't hear you, its your dream"

"What do you want?"

"You're barking up the wrong tree" "I think I'm barking up the right tree,if not, you won't be here. Are you here to warn me like you warned Fisayo? Just because she was barking up the right tree. You feel threatened right?"

"You're going to get hurt"

"Aren't you guys going to kill us anyway? I need my freedom and I'm tired of being afraid of your guys." "Lives will be at stake, you might live longer.

"Oh and live knowing im at your mercy. I'd rather die trying to find a way out! You hear me? I'd rather die!" She screamed waking up from her sleep.

Amazing brought out a heap of clothes into the living room giving Fisayo and Ema what to think of. "Do you want to give this out?" Ema asked and she shook her head, "No"

"Abi you want to go and sell it ni? No more five hundred naira, e sha fun 200, na mumu dey go boutique" Fisayo announced playfully and Amazing raised her brow at her.

"I was just catching cruise now"

"I'm looking for something to wear to the art exhibition this evening"

"What art exhibition?" Ema and Fisayo asked in surprise.

"Wait.... Didn't I mention it?"

"You didn't"

"I must have mentioned it once or twice in one of our conversation"

"I say you didn't mention it se!"


"Yes oh"

"Well.... Mrs Jones invited me to her art exhibition today"

"Mrs Jones.... Like Bamidele Jones?" Ema asked and Amazing gave a nod. "Okay now! Will Bamidele be there?" Fisayo snapped and she frowned.

"I don't like this. What's my business whether he comes or not?"

"Isn't that why you're confused on what to wear"

"You guys should not make me feel uncomfortable. I brought my clothes out because I need you guys help"

Amazing held out a long gold gown showing it to the both, "Can i wear this?" "I'm not the most fashionable person so...." Ema raised her hand, "Count me out" she answered then her phone rang.

Nonso calling.....

She hissed, rolled her eyes then she walked away to pick the call. "You have twenty seconds, better make it count!" "You'll say good morning at least" "Good morning kill you there!"

"Look at who I'm trying to help"

"2 seconds left"

"There's a Job opening"

"Where another noodles company?"

"No. Yutech, its a tech company, they need your job description and I spoke to someone we're both familiar with. A senior colleague we both knew in school. The interview is by 10 today, o already sent an email to you, there you'll find the address. You don't have to apply. Just dress well and look good"

Ema smiled, "Thank you" "You're welcome. I hope I made good use of my twenty seconds" "Fuck off" she snapped and he ended the call looking at the ceiling.

"Okay.... Looks like a good day"

Fisayo curled up on the couch changing moving from one channel to another. "My enemy wants to die of bored. God I am so bored" she complained for the hundredth time.

Ema stepped out clad in a navy blue shirt gown and a red belt across her waist. She had a file in her hands. "I'm ready! How do I look?" She asked and Fisayo smiled, "Awwwwn,I haven't seen you look this good in forever"

"Fuck you! So I don't look good on a norm ehn?"

"Not this good. You, you'll be fasting and you'll still be telling somebody fuck you. If I'm God, I won't forgive you"

Ema chuckled, "Mad oh. Thank God you're not God cause if you're God ehn, the whole world will be unserious" "Ouch" "Did it sting" "Die (a little)" she whispered and they both laughed.

"Awwwwn. I'm bored Ema"

"Watch Netflix now, is that not your go to option?"

"Urgh! It's like I've watched all the films in this life.... I'm tired, this is not life." "I have to go now, I won't want to miss the interview" "Wait for me, I'll head out with you. I'll drop you somewhere close, I can't stay in this house alone before the TV will start misbehaving because no one is around"

"Babe I'm late"

"Five minutes and I'll be out. I love you! " she stood up walking towards the room. "I'm just waiting because of free ride oh, not because of love! Ishi!" She answered laughing then she exhaled in excitement on her job opportunity.

Fisayo parked in front of Yutech then she watched Ema go, "Break some legs! Not literarily sha!" "Thanks" she blushed walking in. "God I hope this one works this time" she muttered then she tapped on the steering, "What should I do now... Where can I go to?" she asked herself while a man tried to while a man horned from behind trying to reverse in order to drive out of the parking space.

"Wo, you better not scratch my car oh. Someone's car will not be fine ni because you're in Lagos? Oga... If you scratch that my car, Ma ko gbagbe wipe mo n gba awe ma si foju e ri mabo ( I'll just forget that I'm fasting and I'll come out and show you pepper.) Kukuma wait let me drive out in peace" she begged but the man successfully drove out.

A call came in from Kommie almost immediately. "Hey Kommie" "Good morning Fisayo" "Good morning, how are you , how was your night?" "Horrible! We had to start preparing food for family members that came at night. It was quite a number. How are you?"

"I'm bored. I was just thinking of what to do"

"Wow. You can come to Mom's birthday party, my brother will be there"

"Uh...." She looked at her dress, "I'm wearing polo and jean"

"It doesn't matter, I'm sure you won't be the only one that will be underdressed"

Fisayo rolled her eyes, "Fine! where's the address?"

Ema sat still in the lobby waiting in a long queue of people who were waiting for the interview. "This Nigerian system is just rigged" she heard a guy complain turning towards her.

Guy, I don't want to talk...

"You know why? You'll finish school under academic stress, I know that for a fact cause I schooled in UniIlorin. I graduated best in my class, I served in Bombe and now getting a job is hard. Imagine the queue waiting for the interview. I heard they selected 20 people and there's like how many slot? 3 slots. This country na scam! So there's that slim possibility that I might not get the job but I've been going for these interviews nevertheless because it's better than being couped up in the house and slowly losing your sanity." he complained but Ema didnt respond.

Not as if the guy wasn't right oh but she didn't want the guy's negative energy to infect her.

"Only two people have gone in oh"

"Ema Oloche" A lady called out and she lifted hereft hand widening her eyes in shock likewise everyone in the room. They were shocked to hear her name. Some have been waiting since eight!

"Wow" the guy muttered, "You have long legs oh"

"Look at what we are saying?" A mature man complained, "Now tell me , how will Nigeria get better? No, tell me now! How? It's a man know man system before you know, we might all be wasting time. They already have people preserved for the position"

Ema decided to hurry up before the angry job seekers decide to eat her raw. She walked into the office finally remembering the Senior colleague Non so was talking about. It was a student from Computer engineering, one time SUG president.

His sister was in the same department as her. She remembered how she'll canvas for vote that year. "Comrade Kenny " "Call me K" he said chuckling then he asked her to have her seat.

Emma did. "Are you comfortable?" "Yeah! Sure" "How have you been?" "I'm ...." Emma trailed off thinking of all her life ordeal,of course she's not going to dump it on the poor guy! Its not as if they used to talk ver well that year.

"I've been good, except jobless"

"That's about to end now"

Ema smiled, "I know this is business but... How's your sister Abbey?" "Married with two children now" "I know. I've been seeing it on her status, I was asking generally"

"I just like to brag about it" he answered and Ema chuckled faintly.

Back to business please!

Kehinde cleared his throat adjusting his neck tie. "So, what are your qualifications?" "They are in my CV, they have been updated" "This is a special interview, I want to hear it from the horses mouth"

"I studied Marketing in the University of Lagos"

"You served right?"

"Yes, Osun State"

"Work experience?"

"I have five years experience"

"Can you market yourself?"

Ema smiled, "Piece of cake" "Wow, you're so confidence" "This is what I love" "Okay.... How badly do you want this job" "What kind of question is this K, you know I want this. I'm sure thst big mouth Nonso must have given you gist"

"He did. So.... Can you market your body for this job?" He asked and she raised her brow, "Excuse you? If if you're joking stop, I don't find this funny"

"Do you see me laughing?"

"Do I see you...." She trailed off then she scoffed, "Wow Kehinde" "Yes! See, this is love for you. Do you think I'm going to what? Hand this over to you on a platter of gold? I mean for what now?"

"I thought it was because of the role we played during the SUG election."

"I don't dwell in the past. Those who dwell there don't grow so.... You see this establishment? It's not because I dwelled in the past but because I took the bull by the horn, damn all consequences and did what I had to do. You think I'll just dash you the work?" Kehinde laughed.

"Sorry dear, you did not pray well"

Ema scoffed, "So you're not planning on giving this job to people that merit it?" "Any woman who can satisfy me here" "There are men out there too, men who have left their homes..."

"So? Didnt you meet them here? But you're in my office right? That's life for you dear, it's scratch my back and I'll scratch yours"

"Oh fuck you and your scratch my back principles"

"I'll definitely love to fuck you too"

Ema tightened her fist rising up from the chair, "Kehinde you're a punk! A fucking pervert! How can you?" "What sef?" Are you a kid? I heard you had someone before, what's his name sex? Is it Kunle or what?"

"Shut your mouth Kehinde"

Kehinde rose up leaning on the desk, "That'll be Mister kehinde! You don't deserve to call me K or my name. Why are you acting like a child sef, just to let me see what's underneath you're shaking like butterfly as if someone has not seen it before. You'll like oh, that I promise you ehn... Come on Ema, that year, I've always liked your small body" he confessed but she punch him on on his nose.

"Shit!" He groaned in pain covering his nose with palm, "Are you mad?" He asked and she hissed walking out of the office. Blood streamed out of one part of his nose so he quickly called the security to hold her off.

"Please call off the interview, my head....headache.....my nose.... I need to see a doctor"

Fisayo drove into the compound with Kommie waving at her as she parked her car. She stepped out walking towards her, "Awwwn, you located it with ease" "Is there anywhere in this Lagos that I don't know?" "You're welcome" she hugged her.

"I'm promising that you won't be bored. My family is a nut case!"

Tara walked up to Kommie, "Hey, is he not here yet?" "No." "He's not picking up my calls or anyone's call" "I'm sure he'll be here, Bassey doesn't go back on his promise" "If you say"

"Tara I want you to meet someone"

Fisayo smiled swinging her hair in preparation for the introduction Meanwhile, Tara looked at her from head to toe, "Definitely not someone important" she snapped walking away and Fisayo gasped, "Wow.... Is she one of the nutcases? I'm sure she must be charting that list!"

Kommie clasped her hand, "I'm sorry about what just happened. Don't be offended" "Me I'm already offended, look at how she looks like ika ọwọ (finger) that I can just break. Is she a family member?" "No."

"That means I can abuse her all I want. Who is she?"

"Bassey's ex girlfriend"

"Wait.... He dated that kind of person?" "Well.... Bassey makes poor choices atimes. Tara was the other girlfriend he publicized but she ended up choking the life out of him so he ended it" "There was another one he publicized"

"Like I said.... Poor choices"

"Where is he then?"

Kommie exhaled, "He said he's on his way but i wont be shocked if he doesn't come" "Why?" "Mom wants him to come with his girlfriend, it's her desire for him to get married and have children but... Bassey is as single as the fullstop on the letter i."

"Why do all African parents act that way?"

"It's the heritage they keep handing down oh. Now she wants to force Tara on him today if he doesn't come with a girlfriend"

Fisayo scoffed, "Is that legal?" "No but..... She doesn't want to die without seeing her grandchildren" "Die? is she okay?" Fisayo asked and Kommie opened her lips in confusion.

Where will she start?

"Fisayo?" Bassey asked and she turned towards him, he had a black cap on. "Talk about the devil" "I was beginning to think i was seeing ghost" "It's you that died yesterday" she snapped and he laughed.

"That's just a simple analogy"

"Analogy oshi! Is ghost analogy?"

"Yes. So what have you guys been saying about me? You said talk about the devil..... I'm sure you guys must have been talking about me" He asked facing Fisayo only, "We were talking about your poor choice of girlfriends"

Bassey scoffed, "Wow" "Yes. I met your ex girlfriend, she's a bitch by the way and i already hate her" "Already?" "Yes. Do you have any idea what she said to me?"


"Good afternoon Brother, thanks for noticing me" Kommie replied sarcastically and then he chuckled, "Sorry, i forgot"

"Ehn! Why wont you forget? You've seen Fisayo now, i've turned invisible"

Bassey glared at her, "Seriously Kommie?"

Did she have to say that in front of her?

"Why are you getting angry? From a pro analogist, you should know It's just an analogy" Fisayo replied, "You came here and you didn't even notice your sister, if i'm the one i'll be angry and jealous too"

Kommie pouted with an innocent look now hiding behind Fisayo but they both understood what she meant by her previous statement!

"I'll go see Mom" He chipped in and Kommie smiled now facing Fisayo,
"Fisayo, i'm sure you'll like to meet Mom. She's fun to be with, she's sweet and she'll like to meet you too"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. She won't bite"

Ema held on the jail bar, "I have a right to call my lawyer! I shouldn't be here! I should be in a detention room! Oga police!" she screamed while the other inmates hissed.

"Babe make we hear word"

"Police! Guys! It's not fair! How much is that stupid Kenny paying you guys?" she asked and a police woman walked up to her. "No dey make noise here!"

"I have a right to call my lawyer but you guys have not given me the opportunity to and...."

"Do you know the gravity of what you did? That man has been rushed to the hospital!" "Oh please! I'm sure he was faking it. It was just one punch! I mean he wanted me to sleep with him! I felt insulted"

"You for don go! E for kee you? No!"

"Please let me call someone at least"

"No oh. I no fit do that one" she answered leaving, "I can't stay here in my condition, i'm pregnant!" she lied then she looked up the dirty ceiling covered in cobwebs.

God forgive me!

The policewoman turned in surprise, "You carry belle go find trouble" "It's the hormone" "Oya.... Just one person, i go call one person for you. Give me your Oga number" she requested and Ema fell into deep thoughts.

Oga? Should she feign as a single Mom?

"Quick now!"

"E dey my phone.... His name is Dare" she answered then she watched the woman walk away.

What if Dare blows her cover? Shit! She should have told her she's a single Mother.

Mrs Ekanem walked up to a lady who was eating a plate of rice, "Are you satisfied? Cause if you're not, there's enough to go round" she said leaving the lady then Tara met her. "Bassey's not here and i'm running of patience"

"It's this same impatience that threw him off the last time. Do you think want to chase him away? I thought you said you're more mature now?"

"I am!"

"Then show it in the way you act and talk to people! Men are not blind, when they see those little virtues, they go after it. Marriage is not a joke, you'll have to stay with someone you know you're going to last with not someone you want to endure"

Tara blinked her eyes, "Are you changing your mind" "I didn't say i am but if you act unruly and he ends up disagreeing, will i tie his hands to date you? No! I obviously won't be able to do that"

🎶Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you , happy birthday hapoy birthday, hapoy birthday to you!!!🎶

Kommie, Fisayo and Bassey sang.
Bassey looked down at Fisayo, "What part are you singing?" he whispered, "What part bawo? I didn't realize i was in choir rehearsals" "You were suppose to sing the Alto, i was supoose to sing Bass" "Hm Hm, bass kor, Basira ni. Kaare (wehdone) baddest music producer, don jazzy in the making. Shebi it's until you embarass me in front of your mom that your mind will rest" she exhaled now walking up to her.

"Good morning Ma, Happy birthday to you" she said hugging her and Mrs Ekanem smiled, "Awwwwn, thank you."

Bassey and Kommie followed suit.

"I'm glad you're here Bassey, i was beginning to lose faith. People have been asking of you"

"I couldn't miss the party for anything"

"I'm sorry for the nonsense that i sang, i don't know how to sing very well" "At all"

Fisayo slapped his belly, "I'm a pro, i don't like showing myself" she answered causing everyone to laugh except Tara.

Mrs Ekanem cleared her throat, "I didn't notice the flat notes dear, i think you all sounded beautiful. What matters is that it was done in love"

Fisayo smiled, "I'm glad. Kommie your mom is a babe and more!" "I know!"

"Um.... Now the whole family is here...." Tara trailed off, "Can the stranger here please excuse us? We have things to discuss" she requested and Fisayo scoffed within.

"Who's your friend?" Mrs Ekanem asked interested to know who she was. "This is...." "Fisayo Ogundele ma'am, i'm Bassey's girlfriend" she bit her lips now leaning on his arm while Kommie swallowed hard.

What the??????

Bassey stared down at her with his eyes arced, "He doesn't like talking about me but Baby i think it's time you let them know we're dating"

Mrs Ekanem cleared her throat, she took a glance at Tara and then at Fisayo. How did things suddenly get awkward? "Bassey dear, when were you going to tell me?"

"Not anytime soon"


"I...." He trailed off, "I didn't want to publicize another failed relationship" "Babe, It's not going to be a failed relationship. I hate it when you speak, just because your past relationship sucked doesn't mean ours will" she exhaled and he stared at her unbelievably.

She'll definitely make it in the movie industry! She sure knows how to play a sweet girlfriend. Almost had him going.

"I'm sorry"

"Apology accepted"

"Why don't we go inside let me show you around the house?" Bassey suggested and they both walked away.

Tara tightened her fist, "What just happened right now?" she asked turning towards Kommie, "And you didn't even have the decency to tell me?" "I was going to introduce her the other time but"

"Save it!" she snapped walking away and Kommie rolled her eyes, "Awkward"

"Tell me about it! Oya give me gist, when did he start dating?"

"I don't know oh"

"You can't say you've been staying with him and you haven't seen him with her"

Kommie rolled her eyes, "I heard she spent the night there like one but there was this morning she came in.... I think you'll get the whole history better from the two couples"

"Am i speaking with Mr Oloche?" The policewoman asked and Dare blinked his eyes in surprise. "Hm?" "Mr Oloche? I'm using your wife's number to call, she said your name is Dare"


"Although i don't understand why a Yoruba man will be bearing Oloche" "Uh.... We have not completed family things yet"


"Yes. I'm Dare Martins, why are you calling with Ema's phone?"

"She was arrested"

"Huh? Why?"

"You'll have to appear at the station for that story and also to bail her or else she'll just sleep here"

Bassey grabbed Fisayo's hand and dragged her to the left through a doorway. The moment they walked in, he registered there were some family members, they both greeted them and walked past into a hall way where no one was room then he folded his hands frowning at her "What was that all about?"

"I'm sorry, i don't know what came over me. Kommie told me your Mom expected you to come with a girlfriend or she'll pair you up with that girl i already hate. When she said that thing, i just got angry, i felt you deserve a fake girlfriend than being stuck with someone like her for the rest of your life. I'm sorry" she apologized rubbing her arm.

Bassey flashed a smile, "Wait..... You did it for me?" "Yes and also my hate for that obnoxious exgirlfriend of yours, that was my fuel too" "That's sweet and all but how am i going to get Mom to know it's all a lie?" "You won't! Just tell her we broke up, full stop"

He winced, "You don't know mom like i do. It's going to be hard"

Fisayo sighted Tara coming so she placed her hands on his chest, "Doesn't matter, we'll get through it as couples" she replied then she pressed a kiss against his lips, Bassey was taken by surprise so he looked sideways only to notice Tara who zoomed off in anger.

Fisayo laughed covering her lips, "I'm sorry for pulling that stunt. Now I've just broken my fast without eating" "You broke your fast the moment you lied! Who are you deceiving?"

"But did you see the look on her face? Priceless!" "Did you have to kiss me?" "Please! Take it as a honour, i'm a good kisser, i won't say for you. Your mouth didn't stink, i'll hand that to you sha" she walked away laughing to herself.

She knew she had pushed a button.

Bassey scoffed, "My mouth never stinks!" "Are you still going to show me around or not?"

Ema stepped out into the police station reception, "This your wife na trouble maker" "How i go do? She don use love portion cook for me" Dare answered and Ema almost laughed from his response.

"If no be say i don do small thing on top her head, i for don send her go her Mama house"

Wow.... He was really selling the whole thing! She requested for her bag then she began a search to know if anything was missing!

"E nor too late" A policeman yelled and the woman shook her head, "She don get belle oh. Na the belle naim make me pity her sef"

"Thank you" Dare answered squeezing five hundred naira into the woman's palm, "Abeg help me manage am" "We sef dey here"

"Another time" He answered then he had a second thought, "God forbid another time" he replied and everyone laughed. "I no carry cash"

"POS dey oh"

Dare laughed nervously, bunch of theives! "Abeg, i don pay bail already even though them say free. Make i carry my wife go, she needs rest" "Better tell her make she dey try calm down"

"Honey you don hear?" he asked stretching his hands, "Lets go dear"

They both stepped into the car quietly, not saying anything to each other. "Thank you for playing along. I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess i lied that i was pregnant to attract sympathy but she ended requesting for my husband's number"

"I was shocked when i recieved the call, i had to play along"

"Thank you"

"Honey it was nothing" he replied and Ema pushed him, "Stop it! I feel stupid. How much was the bail?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"So i can pay back. I hate owing"

"So you going to pay back all the debts you owe me? Who asked you to?"

"I hate owing! How many times will i say it for it to stick into your head?"

"Don't yell at me Ema!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just.... I'm just angry!" she snapped busting out in tears. "The police said you broke a man's nose, he said they had to rush him to the hospital. I even over heard a call when she had while i was waiting"

"Serves him right"

"What happened?" "I got called for an interview, i swear when i see Nonso, I'll knee him in the nuts! He linked me with this guy we knew in the university. I went there for an interview and requested sex from me."

"What an idiot"

"Exactly, i needed to punch him and it greatly satisfied me"

"Look at where you landed. You get angry too easily and its bad. I'm not saying what he did was right, he deserved the punch, if i wss there, i would have punched him too but.... Truth be told dear... Maturity isn't in how quick you are to respond to stimuli but rather It's in how quick you are to think things through and how slow you are to respond to anger."

Ema's eyes suddenly got cloudy, "You don't know shit about me or what i'be been through" "I don't all about you and i know you've been through shit but one thing i can say is that you're one of the strongest woman i've ever met. You can be better than this"

"You didn't tell me you're also into motivational speaking" She giggled wiping her tears off her face. Dare smiled then he drove off. "Where do you want to go to?"

"The bar, I need something strong"

"No drinking again! It's not good for the baby" he replied and they both laughed for minutes. "I'm serious Ema, you're not drinking! Not on my watch."

The birthday party was buzzing with news about Bassey's new girlfriend. People had already added jara to the news already; they said they were already planning on getting married.
"I'm shocked seeing that my son brought a Yoruba girl home" Mr Ekanem chipped in and Fisayo almost gasped, Are Yoruba people not humans? What's is with parents and tribalism gan???? "Don't get my husband wrong Fisayo, we don't have anything against Yoruba people but he did when he was young"

Fisayo arced her brow at her fake boyfriend, "I see.... My people must hear this. Mr Man oya explain yourself" "I... It's..." He stammered watching his mother laugh uncontrollably. "Let the people that did the amebo explain it now."

"This is fuel in a relationship that's fresh and hot. Boo boo, better start talking"

Mrs Ekanem raised her hands in surrender, then she dropped it. "I'm not trying to add fuel into this relationship. Just that, Bassey's first girlfriend was a Yoruba girl who broke his heart, haven't you heard of it?"

"He doesn't really like talking about it."

"I can imagine why, what's her name again? Juwon, he prefers calling her juju"

"Ahhhhh, and me I don't have pet name oh"

Mrs Ekanem frowned, "He has not given you a pet name?" "No oh" "Bassey! Your father taught you more than that! My husband is the most romantic man I've ever seen." She leaned against him.

"Akpan, Every woman deserves a good pet name"

Fisayo folded her hands feigning anger, "You had better go back and learn under your father's tutelage cause I'm pretty sure you didn't learn a thing about romance"

Who's this one putting on drama for? Bassey laughed within. Incredible!

"Hey! Your girlfriend is angry already, apologize now" Mrs Ekanen tapped his arm and he exhaled.

"I call her baby"

Fisayo pouted like a baby now playing with her finger, "But she had a pet name, that means she was really special and I'm not special" "Eweh! Bassey please pet her now"

Bassey pulled her close, "I'll figure something out okay? I'm sorry" he apologize and she nodded sheepishly.

"Awwwn she's shy"

"This one is a trouble maker, don't be deceived oh, she's just pretending for you guys" Bassey poked her nose then Fisayo held him by the shoulder then she forcefully jumped on his back.
He laughed throwing his head backwards. "This girl ehn! You better not break my back" he muttered so she got down leaning on his shoulder.

"I hope you don't break my son's heart like Juwon did oh, my son does not work well with break up"

Bassey frowned giving his mother a look! He obviously doesn't like her talking about that part of his relationship. It's not even as if this current relationship is real! Wahala be like....

"I won't be breaking his heart, I love your son"

Mr Ekanem plunged his hands into HUD pocket, "So.... Now you know why I said I didn't think he'll be getting married to a Yoruba woman"

Bassey scoffed, "We didn't say anything about getting married" "Are you a small boy? Any relationship you're in should be leading to marriage" "Mom! Not in front of her" "If you get married to her, will it be a bad thing? She's a good lady, we'll meet her kinsmen and then open our arms to her"

Bassey chuckled, "Let's look on the bright side we'll only be paying like 5000 k or less for her dowry" he joked and she frowned, "Ewo lo si? (What's this rubbish about?)" "You guys don't pay much compared to akwa ibom women, it's your owambe that takes most of the money. Is it not just one bottle of palm oil...." He teased meeting her glare, "Just kidding" He laughed running away while Fisayo chased after him.

Mrs Ekanem could not help being cracked up. It wasnt so hard to see these couples love each other. "Fisayo don't stop until you get him oh! Defend your tribe and honour!" "Yes Mummy!" She screamed now catching up to him.

"Fisayo wait"

"Fisayo What? Take back what you just said"

"Take back what?" He asked but she tickled him in returned and he laughed, "Stop it now" "Stop what? Now take back what you said about the Yoruba wedding"
Bassey raised his hands in the air in defeat, "Alright alright I take it back, Jesus I take it back now.... Gosh you're so relentless!"

"That will teach you never to mess with my tribe"

"Sincere apologies to the defender of the Yoruba nation" he said, looking down at her with a smile. "You just called my Mom, mummy, wow, you're really selling this girlfriend thing"

"I know right? It shows that I'm a potential daughter-in-law. My future mother in law will be so lucky to have me" "Ahh.... Be whinning yourself now" he replied and they both laughed exhaling at the same time.

"My mom is already seeing you as a potential wife when all this is..." He paused now whispering, "Fake. How are we going to get past today?"

"We will...." She reached for his shirt buttoning a part. "As long as we work together baby"

Tara stood afar off burning with anger, "Must they do like this to show they're dating? I think you should call your brother to order cause they're children here!" She snapped leaving and Bassey's sister, Imoh rolled her eyes.

"Is Aunty Tara jealous because Uncle Bassey and his new gurlfriend?" Her seven years old daughter asked.

While Dare drove his car on the road, Ema noticed he was sweating prifysely and he looked uneasy. "Are you okay?" "No... I'm pressed" "Stop the car and piss outside, it's not hard for you guys"

"I want to poo.... Like poo poo, you get? See as I'm sweating. Abeg help me wipe my sweat" he begged and she held the towel wiping his face. "I'm sweating in AC, only shit can do this shit to you" he exhaled.

"I don die! English don finish for my mouth! Ema, have you ever been in this situation before? The shit is...." He tightened his grip on the steering. "Dare be a man.... Be a man"

When he bumped into a traffic, he fought back tears from falling down Hus cheeks. "Mumu drive oh!" He yelled, "Sorry" Ema muttered.

"It's not your fault, it's Nigeria I blame" he snapped and Ema wondered why he was blaming Nigeria, "What did Nigeria do?" "I don't know! I just need to blame someone, my anus has been stressed enough. I've been holding this thing since.... The head of the shit is almost out"

Ema grimaced then she laughed, "Head of the shit? I'm sorry, I've just been restraining myself from laughing. Why don't you stop at any bank? Go in and do your business, that's what I do"

Dare nodded, "God, you're a wise woman!" He pulled over then he rushed into the bank then into the toilet.

Shortly after a man knocked on the door, "Is anyone there?" "Yes!" "What are you doing?" "I dey withdraw money, how much you want make I withdraw for you?" "No oh, me na deposit I wan deposit money, I get my own yansh I go deposit am myself. Idiot! Simple I dey shit naim hard you to talk."

"No be you dey ask Mumu question, shebi you see me for ATM machine shey?"

"Were! (Mad man) You no get business with bank you go dey enter dey use their toilet"

4: 13 pm

Dare walked into his sitting room dressed in a white turtle neck tucked into a pair of Ankara trousers. "I'll leave the keys with you, there's food if you want. I really don't want to stay away from this art exhibition. Mrs Jones personally invited us."

"It's fine"

"How do I look?" He asked twirling and she laughed, "Nice ass for someone who drives on the clock. I was expecting it to be flat" "The cloth not my yansh"

"It's nice for a change. Say hi to Amazing for me"

"Do you want to come?" "What? I look like crap and I smell like prison threw up on me"

"You look beautiful in that gown, sorry i didn't mention it earlier. I could use your company, so will Amazing. Let's go"

Art Exhibition

Bamidele's dress

Amazing's dress☝🏽

Bamidele stepped into the arena dressed In a adire top and trousers. He wanted to appear in something that screamed art itself! He watched his mother whispering into the ears of one of the security guards, beside her was his father and an old faces he swore he must have seen before; perhaps at the party.

Just after he walked up to them, the guard walked up away. "Good evening to the most beautiful Mom in history" "Awwwn" she placed her palm on her chest, "Flatter much?"

"Are you kidding me? If I didn't know better I would have said you're 30, at least I know where I got my young looks from"

"Thirty naa kere (Thirty is too small) , call me sweet 19" she teased and everyone laughed.

"Good evening everyone" he bowed his head to his dad and the woman. "I hope you're all having a lovely evening"

Mr Jones scoffed, "Me I'm everyone shebI?" he asked painfully. He didn't even know when it slipped out, he wanted to be civil about the whole thing but I guess he must have been pained beyond endurance!


"Daddy Yewande, let's not cause a scene like the other day" An old woman noted, "Please, Oya Bamidele, apologize to your father greet him properly"

"I didn't do anything"

"Ah.... O mbe lara re (it's in you) Oya greet him properly"

"Good evening Sir, hope you're having a lovely evening?"

Mr Jones looked around, "Is he greeting me?" He asked and Mrs Jones rolled her eyes while her son clapped, "Wow.... Real mature Dad, well play" "If you guys cause a scene in this party, Daddy Yewande, you'll find somewhere else to spend the night and you Bamidele, you'll hate me oh" she threatened.

"Will you two put on a good smile for everyone to see"

Mr Jones and Bamidele faked a smile, "Perfect" "Bamidele let me introduce you to my your father's elder aunt. Iya Tunji Oshogbo, she has this popular adire shop there in Osun State. She flew all the way from the US because of this exhibition"

"Oh, good evening Ma, I don't usually remember family member's face. I'm sorry"

"No problem, how are you?"

"Are there no young people in this party? Or did I come too early?"

"I thought I was looking 30"

"Mom you know what I mean, beautiful ladies"

Amazing walked in and Mrs Bamidele smiled, "One just walked in" she muttered making Bamidele turn his head towards her. A smile curled up his cheek while his heart thumped as she approached them.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Jones" she greeted hugging the both of them then she bent her knees to greet the others.

"Good evening Bamidele" she greeted and he stretched his arms for a hug. "What are you doing?" "Come on, it's only fair you hug me too"

"Stop embarrassing yourself Bammy, I wasn't going to hug you"

"Not even in your thought?"

Amazing shook her head then he dropped his hand, "This is the second ela I've received this evening" "Are you trying to play the victim card on me?" "No oh! Why should I? I don't play games that way, I win fair and square"

"Who's playing games with you?" Mr Jones asked and he scoffed, "I was actually talking to Amazing Sir, I don't understand old people these days, they think they can butt in everyone's life because they're old" he laughed nervously meeting Amazing's frown.

"You guys are lucky that I wore a shock absorber underneath this cloth so bring on your best arsenals, I'm prepared! I promise not to be shocked" he yelled clasping his palms.

"Let's focus on more important people Aunty mi, meet AmazingGrace Essien, she's an excellent event planner, a good woman to the core, you know that there's a difference between a good woman to the core and a good woman to some extent"

"Of course"

"She's a good woman to the core" he paused and Amazing blushed folding her hands while shaking her head, "He's just exaggerating"

"Wo leave her, she's just trying to be humble, and when the school said she graduated in character and learning, that's exactly the undiluted truth! She's highly reliable"

"Ehn hen"

"Humble, respectful, strong, wise, well trained by her parents I'll say. I've never regretted the day I came in contact with her"

"All these good qualities on one woman?" Iya Tunji asked and Mrs Jones gave her a familiar look, "Oh" she smiled patting Amazing on the back. "You're a woman indded! Welcome my daughter, you're welcome. I've only heard good things about you. Ose my dear, Olorun yoo bukun fun o (God bless you)"


"Olorun yo fi alubarika si ise owo re, , Ọlọrun a Yàn fún e, a sì fi ibukún sí ibujoko re. Oke oke ni o ma lo titi lialia (God bless the work of your hands, may the Lord bless your future home, higher and higher will you go in Jesus name)"

"Amen. Thank you Ma"

"Bamidele you should learn from her oh, take dressing! Women like this are rare in this world. Erm, Amazing, don't mind the way he is oh, he has always been an onijogbon right from primary school. When other children will be wearing clothes, Bamidele will go naked around the house, you'll be chasing him with clothes"

Amazing laughed covering his lips, "For real?" "That's obviously made up, I didn't do that" "Gbenu dake jor! (Shut up)" "Mom.... Please defend my honour here" "It's true, even after putting on the cloth again, you'll take off shaking your pim pim pim everywhere" Mrs Jones demonstrated making Amazing laugh even more.

Bamidele slapped his face. "Amazing, don't believe this pure propaganda against me" "The elders have spoken" "There are still more embarrassing stories from where it came from"

"That's it Amazing, let's go"

"I'm interested"

"We came for an exhibition not an history class on how Bamidele went naked as a child so.... Can we just leave before I die of embarrassment? In other words, Can I literarily steal you for the night?" he asked stretching his hands and then she felt breathless for a moment.

She finally breathe out through her lips in a sigh, "Okay..." She held his hands and they both walked away.

"That was damn smooth." Iya Tunji smiled and Mrs Jones smiled. "If Bamidele breaks Amazing's heart, I won't be happy" "Let's hope he doesn't, Bamidele is different now and he obviously likes her"

"Let's put an highlight on the obviously! Let's just pray that the bad boy in him does not take over cause I'll fly down to Lagos any day for their wedding!"

Bamidele exhaled, "African parents just have this mentality that they can just embarrass you any day?" "My mom is the worst! This one is not even embarrassing, I find it cute when I see children running from dressing up, especially those ones that will take off their clothes and shake their pim pim pim" she sucked her lips now avoiding contact with him.

Bamidele scoffed then he clapped his hands, "Well played" he muttered then she broke out laughing. He stood still heart racing from just seeing her laugh. It was almost as though he'll have a heart attack that moment from too much sweetness!

She was also melting his insides with her laugh.

People were beginning to troop in but he cared less, his eyes was only on her. "You look beautiful tonight" "You're not looking bad" "God I hate that comment" he confessed and she laughed.

"It's cliche"

"And should be left in the 80's to die and never rise up. So me that decided to stress myself and look through my vocabulary to give you a compliment, the least you can say is, you don't look bad yourself" he shrugged.

Amazing chuckles, "Stress? You said beautiful, is that like a big grammar now?" "You too say something simple too, like you're handsome, you're hot, good looking"

"Fine!" She exhaled, "You're looking handsome"

Bamidele grinned, "I know I am, that's what I do mehn... Never to be caught unfresh" he bit his lips and she laughed shaking her head, "You're a mess! You have pride too"

"I know" he paused and they both caught each other's gaze. "Let's check the arts" "Yes. Let's.... Do so"

Fisayo wrapped her arms around Bassey's shoulder with a smile on her face, she had his cap on. "Mom is gone" "I know but your family members are around. If you were to give me a pet name, what will it be?"



"I've never used it before and soothes your personality, you're too sweet but when you're in excess one can end up having diabetes" "So I'm excess bah?"


"Tell me about Juwon or should i say juju"

Bassey exhaled, "Okay.... We dated in secondary school but she decided to break things off when she got admitted into Ambrose Ali university. I wanted to continue but she didn't want the long distance relationship so..... Yeah, she broke it off leaving me heart broken"


"It's fine! I'm over it"

"That explains why you don't like talking about it" she replied sarcastically and he laughed pulling the cap a bit off her head. "The cap looks better on you than it did on me"
"You want to remove my wig ni?"
"Would it be a bad thing? Come on you're pretty without the wig on" "Se le whine mi? Abi o ti mo ti yo? (Is this one whining me or he's drunk?)" She snapped deepening her voice playfully and he laughed. "You this Agbero, do you have to be vawulent?"

"Vawulence is the way, wo, you better behave before I will sha you igo" she chipped in piercing her finger nails on his belly and he moved back from being scratched.

"I think you just successfully shad (break) my intestine " he confessed and she covered her lips busting into laughing with her head leaning against his chest. "I'm sorry. I was just joking" she replied looking up at him.

"Can't you take a simple joke?"

"I'll ask my bleeding intestine" He replied watching her laugh then he removed the cap forcefully, "I think it's this cap that's bring the whole agbero character"

"My hair!" She pouted and he carefully aligned the parting of her wig then his fingers played with her ears. "Stop it, that's ticklish" "Oh really?" He continued and she shut up her eyes laughing.

"Don't start what you can't finish, we're not exactly dating before you'll wake up the sleeping dragon" she whispered bringing him back to reality. "I know but I'm not the one who has been kissing you all day. How many times have you kissed me now? Thrice?"

She could feel the heat of his gaze holding her in place but there was a confidence and intensity in the way. She was unable to look away from his mouth, that teasing smirk on his face that made her had the sudden urge to bite.

But Tara wasn't close, why will she be having this urge now? Fine, he's sexy and all but.... What the hell?????? Fisayo control yourself!

"Bassey" Tara called out and she took the opportunity to kiss his lips once again then she laughed. "I seriously don't understand why I can't resist this lip" she commented now staring at Tara who was fuming with anger.

Urgh! Pele oh, you will sha vex and die!

"I'll like to talk to Bassey now"

"Baby?" She turned towards him as though seeking for permission. "It's fine, you can leave us for a while" "Awwwwn" she pouted, "I'll miss you, I'm missing you already" she added and he smiled in return.

"One more kiss for the road" she kissed him quickly before walking off. "I'm missing you already!" She screamed and he winked at her. "I'm missing you too!"

"Oh please! Can she just leave already!"

"That's my girlfriend you're talking to" he defended unconsciously as though the whole thing was real.

"And so? Bassey, I thought.. Trust me when I say that I have no idea what's going on here. When did this happen? How come I never knew about her? You haven't even posted her on WhatsApp or Facebook"

"I don't do that"

"Spare me that crap! What do you see in her sef? She's over bleached, i'm the real African queen. She ? She looks like all those Lagos big time runs lady"

"Wow, let me still remind you she's my girlfriend and I won't take that insult from you"

Tara tightened her fist, "Aya kami tem afang? What about nsung Ikpong, atama aditang, ekpang ah? Or any of our local delicacy? (Will she able to cook Afang, what about pounded cocoyam?)" "I'm not with her for those reason, honestly I don't care what she cooks, I don't care if she doesn't know how to cook, all I'm interested in is the heart. Fisayo is a sweet heart, though she has this tendency to over react and be all dramatic, she's funny too, playful, nice"

Fisayo who was standing behind the wall close to them, bit her lip and smiled on hearing all this.

"I'm also all of this, Ima mmi (my love)"

"I'm not your Ima"

"Don't be too sure Bassey, let's see how long this relationship with this Yoruba girl will last." She snapped and Fisayo quickly walked to the scene pouting and stretching her hands, "Bassey baby, sugar pie, I've missed you already" she hugged him wrapping her arms around him and Tara scoffed batting her eyes at her.

Shioor! She raised her nose within.

"Baby, did you miss me?" She asked moving her lips close to his and he grinned kissing her for the first time that day and she angrily left them alone.

Fisayo's left arm rested against his chest as she deepened the kiss and he cleared his throat. "She's gone" "Oh." She paused dropping her hand. "Thank God, good riddance to bad rubbish" "Come on, you've only met her once and you hate her this much"

"I don't have to meet her twice to know her personality. Did you hear what she said to me earlier on? Wo, she does not know who she has jam"

Amazing stared at a beautiful 3D painting of a woman laughing while backing her baby and hawking. She stared quietly for about five minutes while Bamidele observed her. "You like it?" "Like? I love it!"

"I'm not an art fan, I've never been. I don't understand what's going on here"

"This is a woman in her prime, a hustler, she has a baby and probably other children, things are not going well but she's happy. This just speaks directly to me, happiness is one of the only of of the only value that comes without a price, its free. In the midst of trying times, one should always find something that will make him or her happy"

Bamidele stared in wonder, "Wow... So much words from one painting" "Yes" she exhaled with a smile then they moved to another. "I'll buy this" "Okay...." He trailed off looking at the painting again.

"I don't want to swell your already bloated head" "Please do" "I love the adire (tie and dye dress) you're wearing" "Wow, I just wanted to appear in something artistic, something that screams art"

"At least you didn't show up looking like Nigerian flag" she snapped reminding him of when his father embarrassed him, "Oh God!" He laughed, "That was the most embarrassing day of my life! My Dad is a character!"

"You too! The spoke you spoke to him the other time...."

"He started it when I came in"

"Whose caused it? Think before answering" "I did but it wasn't my fault.... Technically it was but.... I was just trying to avoid him and his wahala"

"He's still your father, you owe him that respect. No matter what"

Bamidele exhaled, "I haven't spoken to him in a long while" "Why?" "Same reason, I'm trying to avoid problems" "I assume you haven't formally apologized to him" "I haven't formally apologize to anyone. Let me start with you, Amazing I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"First, what I said to you that day at the office when I lashed at you. The first time we....." "Oh" Amazing smiled, "Okay.... So what's the second?" "Every other time I lashed at you, it's like I have some loses screws in there that needs to be fixed" "You. And the third?"

"I'll like to get us drinks so we can talk more about it, just stay here"

"I want to check others"

"Okay then , I'll find you. It won't be hard, I'll just look for the prettiest woman in the gallery" he teased leaving and she blushed like a little girl.

"Get it together Amazing, he's just toying with you"

Just as Dare walked through the gallery, he immediately sighted his mother who instantly walked up to him. "Dare so you came without telling me" "Oo oo ooh" he complained.

"Who is this mermaid that you brought today?" She asked, "Ema meet this stranger" "It's your mother that's a stranger, sorry I'm your mother, it's your father that's a stranger"

"Meet my Mom" he stretched his hands then he whispered into Ema's ears, "My worst nightmare"

Ema chuckle, "Ah! That's how he'll be whispering in their ears las las they'll still say no to him on public television" she teased making Ema laugh and Dare frowned.

"I like your Mom! Good evening Ma, my name is Ema Oloche"

"Oloche, Idoma right?"

"Yes Ma"

"Abo le? (How are you?)"

"Nho loyi (I'm fine).

Dare stared in shock, how? When did she know how to speak Idoma? this woman will never cease to surprise him!

"Where did he get you from? The pacific ocean cause you look like all these emere (mermaid)"

"I don't know if that's a compliment"

"All I'm saying is that you're too pretty" "Thank you Ma" "Dare does not always date his type, his eyes is always on beautiful girls. I'm his mother" she tapped her chest, "I gave birth to him and I love him for who he is but you see other girls.. They don't"

"Mom, we are not dating! She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend"

"Oh..." she paused, "The way I'm looking at you Dare, it's like you already like her" she folded her hands now turning towards Ema, "Ah, he's liking you already oh"

Dare slapped his face in embarrassment. Who invited this woman??? "Oh... Dare you better shoot your shot now and as for you..." She pointed at Ema, "If you know you don't like him, dont be scared to tell him off. He'll understand, I'm sure he must be used to disappointment already"

Chai! Dare screamed within. "You two have a lovely evening, see you around"

Dare slapped his face, he had no option but to laugh, "Just ignore my Mom, she knows how to play expensively"

Bamidele held two glasses of red wine when Efua bumped into him. "What are you doing here?" "I came to see why I wasn't invited to this exhibition. I saw that church girl there" "So? I have to go and meet that 'church girl' as you called her. Technically, she's my date for the night"

Efua scoffed. "Bamidele let's talk" "What have we been doing? I already said it's over, it's over!" "I'm sorry" "I'm sorry but I won't be having this conversation with you again" he snapped sighting Amazing with Murphy.

He got so angry! Why did he leave in the first place?

"I'm back" he replied staring at Murphy, "What are you doing here?" "I was keeping this pretty lady company?" "Her date is here, you can leave now thank you"

"I was just"

"Murf... Scuttle" he said firmly and he backed away.

"I didn't get the memo you were my date"

"Now you know" he answered and she laughed, it's the confidence for her! Then he handed the drink to her, "I hope its not alcoholic"

"It's not"

What if the drink has been spiked????

"Thank you" she muttered drinking from it, for some reason she trusted him. "I hope Murphy didn't say anything mean to you" "He didn't, he just said that I look pretty, that's all"

He was beginning to sound like a jealous overprotective boyfriend!

Soon they began to walk around, "Isn't he your friend?" "Yes but we had this argument" "About me. Is it because of the date we had and what he did" "Much more than that, lately I really can't stand people talking trash about you"

"I'm used to being trashed"

"I'm sorry, I can't apologize enough"

"Apology accepted. You don't have to feel guilty about what you did, you're taking a new step and that's all that matters"

Bamidele frowned, "I'm sorry about your wedding too, you just disappeared that way without considering how I'll feel. You didn't tell me, you didn't return my calls, I was sick and worried but you didn't care" he confessed and she felt her heart flutter.

Abi was there love portion in the wine?

"You didn't care too"

"Are you sure? " he lifted her palms placing it on his chest. "Do you feel it? I'm still trying to heal from the heart break. Just when I was shooting my shot"

"Don't play the victim card here, I was the victim, I was the one who had to call off her wedding on her wedding week" Amazing blinked her eyes and Bamidele nudged her chin.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, I've always known that Aboh was a no-good. For what it's worth, I was happy with the break up at least I have a chance shooting my shot with you!"

Amazing scoffed, "Which shot are you shooting and at who?" "The prettiest woman in the room" His gaze dipped over her body appreciatively, "In your dreams"

He inched toward her, "Tell me you didn't miss me and my craziness" "I didn't miss you and your craziness" "Lies, look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't miss me" he cupped the side of her head then he tilted her face toward his. "I dare you to tell me you don't miss me too."

Amazing muttered some inaudible words, "I didn't get that..." he grinned and she stammered. "Yeah...I thought as much" he replied with his lips parting against hers. She opened her own mouth with a small gasp, kissing him back.

What next guys???? Guess the next action? 😂

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Have a blessed day guys!!😘

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