🔴Chapter 15🔴
Good morning all!!!
Another Chapter is up again! You know how we do it now, don't stop voting and making comments.
The love has been massive!!!!💕❤❤❤
I love you all!!!
Chapter 15
Yemisi waited after the program to see the Prophet of the house. After waiting on the long queue she finally entered into the office to see him. She exhaled in relief on seeing him. "Finally! When the usher said we might have to reschedule, I almost went mad"
Prophet Isaiah laughed then he asked her to have her seat and she did. "Good afternoon Sir" "Good afternoon the doubting Thomasina" he teased and she laughed. "First, I just want to say that I don't regret coming here. At first, I was skeptical but now....."
"Who directed you here?"
"My sales girl, Ngozi." She replied and he laughed. "That's not important, it's your problem that we need to deal with now before it starts taking lives"
"God forbid! Oya, what should we do?"
"First... Your prophet offering, very important"
"Okay Sir..." She answered bringing out her phone, "Can I get your account number"
"After my session. I hope it will be worth it cause this your problem carry weight. Who you're dealing with is an angry ghost and we'll need to go through some processes."
"Like what?"
"You'll first apologize to her parents"
"Hey!" Yemisi placed her hands on her head. "Where are we going to find them?" "Make calls! That's why we have social media! Don't ask me oh, that's not my job. I'll go with you guys to where she was buried where I'll pray with you there and then you'll all bath with the sand from her grave"
"Yes. Are you surprise?"
"Yes. You're a powerful man of God, you can just pray and ask God to help us on our behalf"
"Somethings are better left unquestioned, that's the directive I received. If you don't want to do it fine! Live with your problem, it's not my business but I can assure you that someone will die very soon"
Yemisi snapped her fingers continuously, "I reject it one million and twenty times. God forbid. God forbid it!" "Are you going to do it or not?" "I'll talk with my friends"
"Are you not tired of your dress wearing out and fading? We all need dresses that can survive the test of time and seasons. With Canvas print you can be rest assured you'll get the best, long lasing and simply Amazing" he concluded his presentation with a smile now staring at the clients who had positive response to It. Soon they applauded him.
"I don't have his phone number, I can't call him, I can't do shit and it's so fucking annoying" Ema complained rolling a ball of Eba then she dipped it into a soup. "Wait oh.... Fisayo stared suspiciously as her, "Wait ..... Are you sure you don't like him?"
Ema scoffed, "What? Fuck you! I should have just kept it to myself" "I was going to ask you the same question too" Amazing swallowed her Eba, "Fuck you too Amazing"
"It looks that way. It's not everyday we see you complain about not seeing someone"
"He paid my bills and you guys know how I hate owing people! I can't sleep well knowing i'm owing someone i might never see. When i see him, first, I'll slap him to stupor and then bring the world down on his stupid bald head!"
Fisayo laughed, "He has bald head sha" "Exactly! He's not my type" "Kunle was not your type too" Fisayo added and she frowned. "Why did you have to bring him up here?" "I was just trying to make a point"
"Fuck your point!" She snapped then she exhaled wiping her tears, "I don't like Dare period! He's just some guy I'm feeling indebted to now"
"Sorry for bringing up Kunle"
"It's okay" she replied sniffing, "But It will be crazy if you like him, I mean he's Bamidele's friend" Fisayo chipped in and Amazing glanced at her. "What does Bamidele have to do with this topic"
"Ah Han, why is every just misquoting me? I was just trying to say that Bamidele is a bad boy and he might be but Dare doesn't look like a bad person"
"Okay...." Amazing muttered and Fisayo laughed, "Amazing baby! All your antenna just open when you heard Bamidele" "What do you mean by that?" "The obvious! I know it's hard to forget about first love"
"I don't like Bamidele Jones"
"You don't even sound convincing" Ema replied and Amazing scoffed, "Just like I wasn't convinced you don't like Dare. Bammy is the worst guy to want to take a relationship leap with. He prides in how much of a bad boy is he, I'm not saying he doesn't have his good side, he does. He's hot, Charming, sweet but all the same he's not a choice. I haven't even seen him in a while so why are we even talking about him?"
Yemisi walked in, "Hey guy!" "Hey" "What's up? Are you all eating Eba and soup on the floor?" "No, we're eating it in the sky, iboro to fa iku iya gba" "Ah...." Yemisi clapped her hands, "Well play" "I love you too honey bunch" Fisayo said blowing kisses at her.
"Hey.... What's up? Where are the rest? I told you guys I'll be coming from the shop that everyone should gather"
"Blessing had evening service"
"Nene, Uche, Benefit kor?"
Ema raised her phone, "Benefit is on her way. In fact she said she's on the street, Jeff is the one dropping her off" "Okay...." "How was your meeting with the Prophet? I believe that's why you called for this meeting"
"Let the others come. It's pretty serious"
"Give us small gist now" Fisayo requested but she disagreed. "What were you guys talking about before I walked in. It must have been interesting" "We were talking about Amazing liking Bamidele and Ema liking Dare"
Yemisi chuckled faintly, "Funny thing, Bamidele asked of you yesterday when he came to the shop" "To do what?" Amazing's eyes sparkled, "Not like interested, I just want to know"
Fisayo raised her nose in disbelief.
"Dare and him were running errands for a friend of theirs who was planning to propose to his girlfriend" she sat on the edge of the chair, "Something like that sha so he asked of you"
"And... What did you tell him?"
"I told him you're fine and Dare also asked of you Ema; you didn't tell you guys are now friends" "We're not friends.... I've been looking for this guy sef. Can I get Bamidele's number so I can get Dare's number from there?" she requested then she shook her head, "That sounds like I'm desperate"
"I have his number if you want" Yemisi answered and Ema sighed, "Dude, I love you"
"You sef dude!" she snapped and Benefit walked in with Uche. "Good Evening sisters" Benefits greeted waving her hands happily while Uche made her way in sitting on the chair.
"Good evening" they all replied. "Good evening Uche" Amazing greeted since she seemed to be in a bad mood. "Hm" she responded and Fisayo scoffed, "Shebi someone is greeting you"
"Didn't I respond?"
"Response kee you there! Is that you respond in your village? You walk in here without greeting anyone which is rude by the way and now someone had the decency to greet you and the least you could say was hm... Wow Uche, nkan se o (something is wrong with you)"
"Fisayo this doesn't concern you, it's not your business, even Amazing isn't making a mountain out of this mole"
"Oh I'm making it my business baby cause I found it damn annoying, yes! Odun mi! (It pained me) O dun mi gan ni."
"You guys should better stop fixing Impromptu meetings as if we don't have better things to do with our life"
Fisayo clapped her hands in wonder "Wait oh, are you the only one going through a lot? We all are going through a lot so don't carry your own a lot as if it's bigger than ours meanwhile you're not going through anything. Have you been peeing on your body? No! Have you been the one waking up in the middle of the road? No! Have you been the one with google map inscription on your back, no! The one who had to undergo fibroid operation or the whose fiance called off her wedding? No! Your life is perfect but you don't appreciate it because everything good makes you jealous! You're never happy about anyone's success and you had better change"
Amazing shut her eyes in guilt, "Fisayo...." "Jo fimisile jare! (Please leave me alone). Lets tell her the truth, truth hurts" "See who's talking about truth, a shameless prostitute. You want truth, why don't you preach the truth to yourself, apparently, you need it more than me"
Ema scoffed alongside Fisayo who instantly washed her hands in a bowl , "Uche now! That's just fucked up! Why will you say that?" "Shebi she's the one that wants to preach truth now" "You shouldn't have said that! You just called her a prostitute" Amazing snapped, "She spoke to me first!"
"It wasn't as bad as calling her a prostitute, Uche haba! Apologize"
Tears suddenly filled her eys glands but she managed to blink it it in. She didn't mean to sound harsh, she only wanted to prove to Fisayo, she had bad mouth than her.
Fisayo looked away fighting tears from pouring down. Damn it was a tug of war! It finally made way down her cheek so she wiped it off sniffling then she chuckled, "Can we just get this meeting over with so some people can go back to the hole they crawled out from"
"Next time you guys fix any impromptu meeting, I won't be attending. Period!"
"No one wanted you anyway, your bad energy is getting out of hand"
"Aswear" Fisayo agreed then she turned towards Amazing, "Is Nene coming?" "No" Amazing replied washing her hands.
"Benefit is here so, what happened"
"So... This prophet is real, he's the real deal. He said things that only I could have known of"
"So what did he say?"
"He spoke about our problem and the cause and the possible solution to it"
Ema and Fisayo sighed in relief, "Thank God! What is it?" Fisayo asked,"You guys are not interested I knowing the cause" "As long as there's a solution, who fucking cares?"
"What's the cause?" Amazing asked and Yemisi exhaled staring at everyone of them. "Why are you being dramatic now? Soro soke! (Speak out)" Fisayo grumbled.
"I knew it!" Benefit shut her eyes in fear.
"Benefit chill! We all led to her death one way or the other so she's angry and we need to pacify her ghost or else someone will die soon"
"God forbid!" Amazing snapped her fingers, "What are we to do? Maybe that was why Pastor Tunde asked us to fast" "So, forget Pastor Tunde, Prophet Isaiah didn't tell us to fast, rather he requested for prophet offering which I sent but we'll all have to do our quota and that we go to get grave to apologize, after that, we'll take sand from the grave side and bathe with it"
"God forbid!" Amazing screamed, "What kind of prophet it that?" "A real one, I know bathing with grave sand sounds bizzare, it threw me off at first but right now, I'm not looking at how bizzarre it sounds but the authenticity of the man in question"
U he scoffed,"How sure are we he's authentic? I mean not as if there's a yardstick to measure that. Why is everything happening now? A prophet pops up from nowhere just when we're trying to move away from who amongst is responsible for this shit and it so happened that the suspicion happened to be the same thing we spoke of that day when it was just the eight of us! This is a diversion from the reality of the situation here, someone among us is responsible!"
"Ugh!" Yemisi groaned, "How did the Pastor manage to know my friends? To know secret things! To know Tolani? Is that planned too? Or what? Are you saying Ngozi is working hand in hand in with the Pastor? Or hand in hand with the fair woman? Reason it now!"
"All this doesn't sit well with me so if you all want to go around deceiving yourselves, feel free but you see me Uchechi Lewis, I'll never bathe with such water and I won't go to any stupid graveside to apologize to anyone cause I don't believe this hoax!" she snapped rising up, "Good night everyone!" She snapped walking away and Yemisi scoffed, "Uche, this isn't the time to be stubborn, he said if we don't do this ehn, someone will die, we need to stick to each other more than ever"
Uche scoffed then she walked out.
"Let think deeply on this matter"
"I'm not bathing with grave sand, maybe apologize at her grave stone, fine! Cause we did cause her death but I won't go to the length of.... No now!" Amazing grimaced shaking her head.
"I'll do it, I'll gladly do it cause more than ever I want my life on track. I'll be getting married soon!"
As tempting as the offer was, Amazing knew she had to stand on her new agreement in the faith. "I'll continue the fast, let our faith not waver, this is what Pastor Tunde was saying, let's seek God's face"
"Is it Babalawo that gave us this remedy? It's a man of God" Yemisi argued now staring at the rest who were confused in their own thought. "Ema, Fisayo, Benefit? Come on girls"
Benefit shrugged in uncertainty, "I'm just confused and scared, everything is just ringing in my head, what Uche said, what if it's true?" "Uche does not have sense period!" Fisayo snapped, "Don't start harbouring fear, if we do this.... We can be free for life" Yemisi concluded and she exhaled.
"Okay...where are we going to find her grave?"
Uche walked into the sitting room holding on to her key. Her head was aching her. The sitting room was dark so she leaned against the door busting into tears. "I'm tired of this hate! I'm tired!" She wiped them off, "They're not worth your tears Uche just ignore them and whatever they have to say" she reassured herself before turning on the light to find her boyfriend Izu in the seated in the living room.
He had a bottle of drink in his hand, "Do you know what the time is?" He asked and she rolled her eyes, "I still have eyes Izu, I'm sure if I asked you the time, you probably won't know it from being drunk" she snapped and he rose up scoffing. He felt insulted.
"You came in late today like a girlfriend without courtesy and respect for her man" "I went to see my friends" "I already warned you to stop, they make you take long"
"I can't even if I want to!"
"Why? Are you a lesbian? Is that what you are?"
"I can't because they're like my sisters! I find more happiness with them than with you! Are you satisfied with my reply? Good night then!"
"You have a way of wounding my pride every damn time" he complained moving close to her.
"Who? Me or yourself? Izu please get your drunk self out of my way let me pass abeg..." "I'm not drunk"
"Please!" She pushed him off, "You're drunk! You stink too! I had a bad day,I don't want you adding to my bad day!"
"Take it back"
"Take what back?"
"Say that I'm not drunk"
Uche scoffed, "You are drunk! You're nothing but a fucking hopeless drunk of a boyfriend and I'm sure you can't even see my fingers if I raise them up"
"I can see your face alright!" He snapped punching her on the face and she fell to the floor touching her face, "Izu!" She screamed, then he threw the bottle on the floor close to her and it broke with the pieces scattered all over.
"You said you'll never do it again"
Izu unzipped his trousers, "I'll teach you a lesson today, is it because of those your lesbian friends?" He asked and she tried crawling her way out only to pierce her hand on the glass pieces.
"Argh! " she cried out in pain . Just then, he held her legs and pulled her close, then he mounted on her. "Izu, don't do this!" She screamed faced down, "Please, I cast that demon out now, please don't do this again."
Izu paid deaf ears to her plea. He lifting her gown and pushing her head on the floor, "When I'm done with you, you'll never go back again!"
Uche cried in pain while bathing, she was feeling pains all over. She sat down sobbing uncontrollably. How long does she have to go through this? Is it until she dies? Izu was never a monster but about nine months ago he changed, he started getting angry over unnecessary things, he started hitting her but whenever he does, he'll come back to his senses the following morning to apologize and she has been letting it go. She has been hiding it under her make up!
Just when she decided to end things, she heard about Kunle's situation. Then she assumed the madness responsible for everyone's problem was responsible for Izu's madness, so she became dogged about staying with Izu until the whole thing becomes sorted out.
She has endured his sexual assualt for too long, she feared it might take her life anytime soon if she doesn't do anything about it.
"I'm sorry" Izu apologized and she scoffed, "I'm never going to do it again... I don't know what came over me" he added now kneeling close to her, then he noticed a bottle pierced in her skin, "Shit" he gasped now holding on the tips then he pulled it out.
Uche screamed now covering his lips then she stared at him, her eyes red from crying too much. "Shh, I'm sorry" he apologize hugging her.
Fisayo walked into her room, looking around for the fair woman. "Okay.... Clear!" She opened her wardrobe pick out a pink gown placing it on the bed. Then she closed it.
Suddenly she felt a gust of wind in the room but the windows weren't opened so she wondered where the wind came from. Fear gripped her as a horror movie scene flashed through her mind.
Everything always begin with a wind! Abi which evil wind will be blowing when the window is locked? It is the AC? That one is not AC oh! You better start singing one powerful gospel song now.
"In the morning, early in the morning, in the morning, I will rise and praise the Lord" she made her way towards the door of the bathroom when she heard a sound.
She turned back to see the wardrobe opened, "Ah Han, kilo se wardrobe yii?" She asked shutting it back. Just when she moved away it slowly opened up making a creaking sound.
Suddenly she heard the tap running and then it dawned on her that there was definitely something in that room. Her heart thumped in fear. All she wanted was to bathe, change up and go to the spa!
Suddenly she heard footsteps and voices of someone cackling, "Oh fisayo!" The voice whispered and she instantly took to her heel!
Dare with a little vegetable oil scattered some diced onions in the pan. While these sizzled, he quickly sliced thick rings of tomato. Once the onions became brown, he added the tomatoes, watching it all fry all the right way. This was followed by canned sardines then he added a little water to it, then covered it to sizzle properly.
His phone rang so he left the kitchen into the living room to pick up the call. He can't be too safe, if you're counting those Nigerians who don't like picking calls when the gas is on, he's top one on the list!
"Hello good morning, who am I on to?" he asked hoping it wasn't a customer who needs an early ride. "Baba stop sounding like customer care, it's me" Ema snapped to his shock.
"At least you still remember my voice" "How did you get my number?" "Long story cut short, I got it from Fisayo, I meant Yemisi, apparently I've been looking everywhere for you"
Dare smiled, "Why?" "Where are you so I can come over, we have unfinished business" "Huh..... I'll send an address or where are you? I'll ask one of my guys to come pick you up. Do you have transport fare?"
Ema scoffed,her heart broke in pieces! She has never felt more pathetic. "Fuck you!" "What did i do?" "Just send the fucking address!" She snapped angrily hanging the call then she grunted angrily.
"Ugh!" She groaned.
Dare stared at his phone, "What did I say now?" He asked typing the address afterwhich he sent it to the number then he hissed plunging his phone into his pocket. "Girls" he shook his head, You can never understand them"
Fisayo knocked on Bassey's door but Kommie opened up instead. "You!" She gasped in surprise, "How... How..." She muttered and Kommie smiled, "Come in I'll explain" she replied and Fisayo shook her head in fear, "Are you an agent of the fair lady? Did they send you to me?"
"Huh? I'm not an agent, you can call Bassey that not me. What's fair lady? Is it an organization?" She asked and Fisayo shook her head then she walked in exhaling loud.
Get a grip of yourself girl!
"Okay....." She muttered, now looking around the room.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm just a bit shaken, I um...I lost my keys, I forgot my keys.... so I can't really go into my house so I decided to come here. Is he your boyfriend? Kommie I'm sorry, i know you must be shocked seeing me here but it's not what it looks like"
Kommie cringed her nose then she laughed out loud, "I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his little sister" "Oh." "Yes. That man is my brother" "Oh. I didn't want any jealous girlfriend on my neck. Where's that your Jugdy brother?"
"Ah I see you've met his judgy side?"
"Yes, so he has sides like that"
"Economizing sides, stingy side, overprotective side, Humourous side, business minded side, sweet side, romantic side"
"Yes. Have your seat"
"No. I just want to bathe, dress up and then go to the spa. I'll find something of mine that will fit you"
Fisayo gasped placing her hands on her chest, "Thank you. You and your brother are quite hospitable. Where is that one sef?" "He's not back from vigilante duty"
"By this time?" She asked, it was already past seven! "Yes and me too, I'll be going home anytime from now."
"Yes. My mother's birthday is this Friday"
"Wow....that's sweet"
"Will you come?"
"Huh? Why?"
"Its just a harmless invitation"
"I can't. I'm sorry, I'll be crowded with people I don't know shit about so.... Sorry I can't" "If you change your mind, feel free to call me"
Dare opened up the door to Ema with a smile only to get a slap on his cheek. "What the hell was that for?" He asked and she instantly felt guilty for it. She thought slapping him will make herself feel better, why does she feel worse?
He looked clueless, his palm still against his burning cheeks, "That's for paying my bills and making me feel pathetic about it" she snapped.
"I paid your bill and I got a slap because of it, wow.. I never knew I signed up for some bonanza" he muttered sarcastically now dropping the hands, "I made sardine spaghetti, at least come in and eat, something to calm your raging hormones"
"Are you planning on poisoning me?"
"No" he replied opening the door wide and she walked in with guilt stamped to her chest. Dare reminds him of Kunle each day, the patience, the concern in his eyes, even when she pushes him away, that resilience will always be there!
He went into the kitchen and she also followed him in. She quietly watched him serve her food while the guilt eat deep into her, she better apologizes before she chokes on his food. "I'm sorry for this slap" she apologize and he lifted his head and his lips curved in a half smile, "I told you not to pay it" "I had to" "I don't like when people make me feel sorry about myself like using words like, do you have transport? Have you eaten? I may be going through stuff right now but I'll definitely pass through this"
"I'm sorry too" he apologize and she rubbed her neck, "For what?" "For anything i might do that may annoy you again. If circumstances come, i'll pay your bills over and over again so you can choose to slap me to stupor but I won't stop doing what I feel is right" he confessed and she bit her lips exhaling loudly.
"Why is everywhere suddenly hot?" She asked and Dare shrugged looking at the window, "The window is opened now" "True...." she nodded looking at her food then she picked up her fork and, with a scooping motion, she gathered a small number of strands between the tines of the fork. She lifted it into her mouth then she munched it.
"Hm.." She shut her eyes, "This is so great, this is heaven. How do guys know how to cook? Your fried rice the other day was nice too, I can't even cook like this" "Really?" "Yes. I'm a horrible cook and Kunle knew that already. The guy was practically managing me"
Why are you telling him? Did he ask you?
"I'm more of a cook things by myself guy. It's all thanks to Mom, that woman ehn! She practically made it mandatory for everyone of us to learn how to cook. There's no one in my family that doesn't know how to cook"
"Your mom is definitely Mom of the year"
Dare laughed, "I called her that yesterday, if you hear the crazy things she said to me her own son ehn! You'll think she adopted me" "My own mother ehn.... She left my Dad when we were little so it has just been Dad and my step Mom. We didn't exactly go along. I practically grew up as a guy and..... " she stalled.
"I'm sorry"
"It's nothing. I can't wait to have a less pathetic life, a good job, a good home, a good husband, children everywhere. I don't mind having ten of them"
"Ten ke? That's too much now, in this economy?"
"Not ten exactly but you get my point bah?"
Dare nodded, "Somehow. See ehn, I think you're jinxed somehow, judging from how your life came crashing down. What you need right now is God more than ever" "I'm not a devoted Christian, even this fast that I'm fasting...." She trailed off looking at the spaghetti in front of her.
Oh shit, the fast!
"Fuck! I'm fasting or was fasting" she blurted out now punching Dare on the arm, "Ouch! Ema now!" "I can't even do a simple fast and now that Yemisi said..." She trailed off looking into his eyes, "Said what?" He asked and she trailed off.
"She said nothing...."
"It's personal. I really don't want to talk about it" "Whenever you want to, just know I'm one call away"
Ema tried to breathe but found instead the start of debilitating hiccups. "I'll get you water" "Thank...you."
Amazing sat in her office, she sensed a heavy leading to pray for her friends so she bowed her head in prayer in her office. "God, I don't know why you're putting this in my heart at this time of the day but I'm yeilding to it and I'm asking for help. Help me protect my friends, each and every one of them wherever they are. Don't let the plans of the enemies come true in their lives, help them to love you truly. Help them seek your ways only! And for those whose ways are not according to your purpose, Don't stop insisting on them and don't stop insisting on me, Fisayo, Nene, Uche, Ema, Benefit, Blessing, Yemisi and Bamidele." She blurted out.
"I don't know why I had to add Bamidele to this, I guess you want me to pray for him. Don't stop insisting on him, help him be a better version of himself. Help him fight the battle of flesh and help us as well fight this battle. This I ask in Jesus name"
"Amen!" Anya replied and she jerked from her seat in fear. "Oh I'm sorry. Did I scare you?"
"What are you doing here?"
"I was bored, I needed a chat mate alright"
"Get out!"
"You think you can get out if this by what? Starving yourself to death?" She cackled, "I'll like to see you try. There are foods to eat you know, there's no point doing this to yourself for what reason exactly? So you can what? Fight against us? That will what? One against all of us"
"One with God is majority"
"Awwwn that's so sweet"
"Greater is he that is in me than your powers joined together"
"Awwwn? Is that suppose to make me poof?" she mocked then she looked around in observation, "Bu.... But I'm still here" she chipped in the she scoffed, " I feel your fears, they're stinking off you like a rotten mango! What can you do?"
Amazing exhaled angrily, "Get out of my office and don't come back again! Get out in Jesus name!" She screamed and she vanished. Amazing sat down placing her hands on her chest. "Gosh!"
Fisayo stepped out into the living room dressed in a off shoulder free gown that stopped half way on her laps. She overheard Bassey on a call, he seemed to be in a hot argument with the person at the other end.
"No I'm not coming with a date!" He snapped, "Will you just drop this topic? Tara is not an option, I don't like her."He paused waiting for the person to respond.
"Marriage is not compulsory Mom, I'm taking my time to find the right person. Don't impose this on me. Good day Mom" he exhaled turning back to see Fisayo who looked away instantly so that it doesn't look like she has been eavesdropping.
She pointed at the curtains, "Your curtains look nice" "Its the same as the other day" "Are you sure? It... It looks shinier, if that word exist" she replied and he laughed clearing his throat.
"Have much of my conversation did you eavesdrop into?"
Fisayo scoffed, "Excuse you? I don't eavesdrop into other people's conversation" "Then why are you acting funny after I caught you?" "I'm just admiring the curtains from the bottom of my heart ni"
"How much?"
"From the part where you told your mom that you won't be coming with a date"
Bassey chuckled then she exhaled and rolled her eyes, "It wasn't intentional. Where's Kommie?" "She just left, the dress looks nice on you"
"Thanks. It's kind of tight too but when are beggars ever choosers"
"She said you forgot your key"
"Oh" he stalled nodding in understanding, "It's not what you think" "You don't owe me any explanation" "It's Amazing's place. She's my best friend in the world. Why am I explaining myself? I don't owe you any explanation!"
Bassey nods in agreement, "True. Are you hungry?" "Yes!" She replied then she gritted her teeth on remembering the fast. "Shit! No. I'm hungry but I can't eat because of.... I'm fasting"
Bassey's eyes doubled in size, "Wow" "Yes" "Why are you surprise?" "You don't strike me as a spiritual person enough to fast, I mean to someone who doesn't go to church. Are you sure you're not watching your weight?" "I'm not, I'm just doing the fast because I want help out of...." She trailed off.
"My life problems, I mean everyone has a problem right" "Wanna share?" "I want a better life"
"What's your definition of a better life?"
"Pry much? What's your business with my life? Who died and made you caretaker over me" "I'm just being my brother's keeper... Or sister's keeper"
"Well you can go and find your sister cause the last time I checked, my mother gave birth to only me and my siblings"
Bassey laughed, "I'm just interested in you" "In who? Me? Sorry dear, I'm not doing relationship for now" "Not..." He broke out laughing again. "Not in that way ...... I'm just interested in your personality. I can tell you're really secretive. First you were sleepwalking and now you forgot your keys. Are you just forgetful or Fisayo Ogundele has something she's hiding"
"How is it your business? How is my life your business? Just because I walked in here to use your bathroom doesn't you give you the license to.... Wait? How in the world did you know my surname? I didn't mention it that day"
"You did."
"And you just what? Have an habit of keeping people's name?"
"Like I said, I'm interested in you. I love making sure people are okay"
Fisayo clapped her hands, "Kaare! 007 Inspector Bassio Bond" "What is it that makes a beautiful woman sleep walk? My sister saw you the other day" "And what is it that makes a hot man like you a street vigilant and how come do you live in this estate, how do you manage to pay your rent? And don't you have a job? Your mates have gone to work already!" She pulled a stool close now sitting on it.
"That's a lot of question"
"Answer it"
"I asked first"
"I'll answer when you answer mine"
Bassey smiled moving close to her, "Fair enough...." He said looking down at her. "Okay, um.... Um, I told you already, the series of robbery made me. I care about human life, my Dad is a policeman who has spent his life protecting people's life ; I guess I got that from watching him. My job, I'm into estate management. Why I live in this fancy house, you asked that the other day but I didn't respond. It's my house and I don't have to pay a dime for it"
"Yes Ma," he plunged his two hands into his pocket hiding a smile. Fisayo gasped in shock, why do they always get that was when he makes his confession? Or is he too young to own a building in this Lagos?
"Now your question" "Wait... You own this building" "Yes" "You're the landlord..." "Yes" "Is it just this building or there are others" "Can we move on to your question, I've answered mine"
"No... Are you sure you're not doing blood money?"
"I wont fall for this. Answer my question. No, I'm not a ritualist"
"Okay..." She exhaled, trying to remember the question, "Oh!" she finally remembered, "I sleep walk because.... It's not sleep walk perse.... Its more complicated. I'm going through spiritual battles that I can't get out of" "Spiritual battles?" "Yes, you know we have different kinds of battles, we have Ogun idile (family battles), Ogun lat'odo ore (Battles from friends), ogun ateyi (Battles from past mistakes), ogun afowofa (self-caused battles), Ogun tele mi wale... (The battles that follows one from home)"
"Where does yours fall?"
"I don't know, in between, Ogun ore, ateyi and afowofa. The truth is we don't really know for sure!"
"Why am I telling you this? It's personal! Ah!" She snapped her fingers, "Ogun has tele mi dele (Battle has followed me home)"
"Isn't that your surname?" He asked and she nodded, "Shey you get it now?" She asked then she watched him stare at her quietly. She wondered what he could be thinking of.
"You must think I'm weird"
"Weird? No! Your personality is a mixture of crazy and funny. There's always one battle in every family, some families don't live more than 40, some 25, some end up getting married to more than one wife, having unstable relationship. There's this ancient Aunty we all termed to be a witch one time. There's always one in every family but why do you think you're facing spiritual battles, something must have made reach such conclusion"
Fisayo scratched her hair, "I didn't forget my key" "What?" "I... I lied, I went into my room so I can bathe but the wardrobe that I closed suddenly opened on it's own" "That's crazy, how will...." "I'm serious" "It opened, and then the tao turned on, on its own! i feel like I'm being haunted by a ghost!"
"Must be an angry ex boyfriend" he joked and she slapped his belly, "Stop it! The wardrobe opened like in horror movies, twice! I had to run 4-40. I mean I left my phone, purse, everything!"
"Maybe it's your mind messing with you"
"I... It's, you don't..." She stuttered, how will she even start explaining the fair lady and the shit they've been experiencing? "You won't understand"
"I'll follow you home"
"No!" She shook her head violently, "I'm not going back, I'm scared" "Come" he muttered now holding her hands and she grudgingly rose up from the chair. "I'll be there with you, every step of the way. I'll be there to shield you from the ghost. Feel free to call me the ghost buster"he laughed and she rolled her eyes.
"It's not funny." She pouts, what if the fair woman appears? What if she kills him or do something bad to the both of them? She'll just die of guilt if anything happens to him!
"May we not be unfortunate oh. What if..... What if the ghost appears what will you do?"
"We'll know who the faster runner is then" he answered laughing hard and she stared in awe, "Wow, quite reassuring. I feel safe" "At least I'll end up believing you . See, I'm sure it's your mind that's playing tricks with you. Let's go"
Fisayo let out a heavy breath, "Okay"
A dark complexioned lady walked into Uche's house, she had a butterfly gown on. She scoffed quite disappointed at Uche's level of disregard for security. Then she quietly made her way into her room where Uche was clad in a pink top and black shorts. "How can you just leave the door opened like that? What if a thieve walks in?" She asked and Uche turned her face away.
"Mercy, what are you doing here?"
"To see you concerning my owambe now. I have a house party to plan and I need all kinds of varieties on the table and you'll give me Yemisi's contact so I can"
"Ogini, what's wrong with this one?"
"Get out of my house, I don't want to see anyone"
Mercy scoffed, "Is this one ordinary at all?" she moved to get front getting a view of her bruised skin then she gasped in fear, "Jesus! Uche what happened to your skin? Did Izu do this to you? Isi gini? (Why?), Open your mouth and talk now"
"Leave me alone Mercy!"
"I'm not going unless you tell me what's going on? You don't know who your helper can be, just let me know so I can see if I can figure something out"
Bassey made his way into Fisayo's room while she followed keenly behind him. He turned his head at her laughing. "Wow.... You're really scared" "I don't want to die" "You won't. I'm here, I'll protect you"
"Ko shi lo!" she snapped making him laugh, "That's my room" she pointed at the opened door then they made way into the room where the wardrobe was perfectly closed.
"See! The wardrobe is closed"
"Se mi o loju ni? (Don't I have eyes). Shebi I can see it now"
Bassey laughed still annoying Fisayo the more. "They say what an elder sees sitting down, even if you climb an iroko tree you won't be able to see it. I know what I'm saying, you don't understand that's why you're laughing. If your eyes have seen half the things I've seen ehn, you'll won't laugh this way."
He suddenly bowed his head, "Forgive my insolence Elder Fisayo" he apologized playfully looking around the room, "See! The coast is clear, can i go now?" "No!" She screamed, "I'll just pack a few stuff, please just stay here"
"A few stuff? Are you leaving"
"You don't understand, I have to stay in a place where I can feel sane, I'm slowly losing my sanity and it's not good for me. Just stay with me, I promise I won't take long"
Bassey nodded then he sat on her bed looking around the room while she slowly opened the wardrobe. "What do you do for a living?" He asked but she hesitated, "I'm not answering that"
"The question and answer game is over"
"I'll like to know. I've often been accused of being judge mental. For the first time, i don't want to judge, I want an answer. What do you do for a living?"
Fisayo exhaled bringing some clothes out, "What do you think?" She asked fighting her tears, "I think you're an Aristo babe but I beg to be corrected" "Sorry fine boy, you're not far from the actually truth"
"Its my damn business Bassey! Please don't pry into what doesn't concern you!" She turned her head enough for him to see how angry she was. "Sometimes in life we make choices we're not proud of...." Tears rolled down her eyes so she turned her gaze back to the clothes hanging in the wardrobe.
"See, I'm grateful you're here but if you know you're here to ask stupid questions, just get the hell out already" she snapped then she turned back at him, "I was joking oh. If you leave I'll swear for you and your generation! Please don't leave" she begged wiping her tears off.
"I won't and I'm sorry"
A smile curved her lips then she bowed her head in appreciation, "Thank you" she sniffled picking another cloth.
Pastor Tunde entered into Amazing's office, "Thank you for coming Sir" Amazing rose up, "With that distress call? I had to rush here. Are you okay?" "Yes Sir. Have you seat" she requested and he did.
"What happened?"
Amazing made herself comfortable on the seat. "Before she appeared, let me start from Yemisi who went to meet a prophet concerning this. The Prophet said Tolani is responsible" "Who is Tolani?" "A secondary school girl whose death we were responsible for. It wasn't intentional, they didn't want to be her friend because she hated my friends but she wanted to be my friend but I couldn't keep up with her craziness so I just let go and then she committed suicide afterwards."
"The prophet said this"
"Yes and also ... We need to apologize at her gravestone and bathe with sand from her gravestone"
"No!" He snapped shaking his head irritatingly, "That's extreme! That can't be from God!"
"A few of us are reconsidering it"
"No! My mind doesn't sit well with the idea, I think it's preposterous!"
"Exactly! Are you sure that Prophet has a calling? Send me the name of the church let me do my investigation. It can't be true, for what we know, it might just be a good trap from the enemy"
Uche pointed at her black eye, "He did this again but I know he's not the one doing it. I'm so sure of it" "Even though, he's definitely going to kill you at this rate" "He's my soul mate Mercy, my own and I know it! But this people, whoever we have offended, they're bent on destroying us, destroying our happiness. Now they're coming up with this ghost story but I'm so sure it's someone amongst us. One green snake in the green grass"
"Okay..." Mercy paused in thought.
"I know someone"
"Another fake prophet?"
"A medium and she's not fake. If truly this girl called Tolani is responsible for it, you'll all do the bidding of this prophet but if what the Prophet said is a lie, you'll know cause in your very own eyes,Tolani will appear and tell you"
"You can't be serious"
Mercy hissed, "See this one oh! I've seen it happen, no be "them say, them say". People in this Lagos use it especially when their parents die unexpectedly without leaving a will, they communicate with them from beyond and claim their wealth."
"Iya Alagbo was real but this person manage to kill her when she was about revealing the truth to us. I don't want another woman to end up or even you for wanting to involve yourself"
"Babe! Abegi! I don't walk ordinarily oh, ana m ebu juju agaghari (i walk with juju) I walk with powers so I no fear anybody Mama Ina nu? (Are you listening?) You gerrit? Anybody try anyhow we go show them any how. So no just fear for me. Do you want to do this or not?"
What do you guys think of today's chapter?
Are you guys confused😕? Don't worry, it'll be clear soon! 😂
Is something tragic going to happen ?
Me: I pray not oh😬
Spoiler alert: Next episode is going to be more romantic, are you guys ready for this? The long awaited meeting with Bamidele is coming 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
There'll also be a kiss💋 but from which character?🤔
All in the next Chapter!😁
Vote and comment oh!!! Its a morale booster!
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