🔴Chapter 14🔴
Hello wattpaders!!!!!!
Your girl is back oh, and this time, I'm back for real!💃🏽💃🏽
If you know somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody that was following Choke point that year, please ehn, biko, tell them that Choke point is back oh!!!! Or else I'll personally send the fair lady to remind them😂🤣🤣.
Na joke I dey joke oh😅🤓
Well, I'm so excited to be back and typing with my own phone. NYSC has finish it's job that remains😂. Please guys I want you all to show me love by making comments on this!
Even though it's just "Welcome back", I'll appreciate it and know that I'm loved so I can be gingered to write more. Shey you hear?
So sit back and relax guys.... The characters are back, Amazing is back, Yemisi, Fisayo, Ema, Blessing, Nene, Uche, Bams, Dare...... These guys are back.
Mbok (Please) drop your comments, it's a new chapter so .......
Chapter 14
Benefit took off her jacket showing the girls the lines on her skin. "Jeez!" Blessing yelled while Fisayo moved closer to her, "This people are wicked. Just one night and they did this kind of damage on your beautiful skin. Oku die, die oh (It remains a little) they would have drawn the whole map of Africa abi continental map on your body."
"This isn't a joke,"
"Who's joking before? Is it not illustration that I'm giving? Wickedness in high places is real"
"We need to find a way out" Benefit complained while Yemisi lifted her hand and all eyes turned towards her, "So I was chatting with Ngozi today and she gave me an address to a prophet's place. According to her, he's reliable"
"I'm not going anywhere" Amazing snapped, "I already spoke to Pastor Tunde, he said we should all take a week fast" "A week?" They all asked and she gave a gentle nod.
"Ah han, a week ke? Did we offend Jesus himself? " Fisayo asked then she rolled her eyes, "Isn't that too much? Even the ones that threw stones at him, they did not fast for a week, it's me that will now.. Wo ogbeni, drop that shit, mi o fast kan kan (at all) Aha Han how many is my body that I'll be reducing like.... Wo, you want my hips to fade ni? You kukuma know that its not original"
"Some people actually do fast for fourty days"
"Ni gba yen ko? (And so?) No, kukuma add forty nights because I'm Jesus Christ. So I'll fast for forty days because I'm praying for Nigeria, even with all the prayers everyone has been praying, what difference has it made?" "This one can make a difference in our lives" Amazing replied, "Pastor Tunde is right, it's high time we take our lives and relationship with God more seriously! I mean look at every one of us, we're all Christians, how many of us are practicing it? How many of us have that relationship with God?"
Fisayo clasped her fingers, "I know you're always angry when I say this but what has the relationship we have with God have to do with all this? If God loves you that much, you wouldn't have been affected"
"I allowed fear shake my faith, I'm still afraid but I'm trying to pick up my shattered faith. Pastor Tunde said there's something that will be revealed to us if we all do this fast"
"Can't you fast for us?" Ema asked scratching her brow while trying to avoid eye contact with Amazing who was now glaring at her, "Fasting by proxy" Fisayo chipped in then Ema bumped fist with her.
"You gerrit. You know how the bible spoke about sharing" Ema picked up and Fisayo agreed, "And also to love your neighbor as yourself" "Exactly so if you're fasting for yourself...." Ema looked at Fisayo so she can complete the sentence.
"You're indirectly fasting on our behalf! Simple!" she and Ema rose up dancing. "Omo wisdom no go kee us. That's what the bible will call intercessory fasting" she added finally and Ema bumped fist with her again and they both laughed at the whole philosophy.
"Wow.... You guys think it's funny right?" Amazing asked, "You're both catching cruise with it right?"
"Who's catching cruise here? We're very much affected as you are but this fasting thing is not my thing." Fisayo paused now changing her accent into a British accent, "I can't do it guys, I don't see myself starving" she chipped in and they all laughed for a bit.
"Ewe, it has entered British accent, that means she can't do it" Nene chipped in and Fisayo exhaled, "It hasn't really being funny. Last night I saw the fair woman in my room" she paused looking at the surprise on everyone's face, how come the troubles don't reflect in her lifestyle.
This girl can be going through a lot and no one will know!
"She threatened me not to ever find a way out again or else.... It was scary. I don't even know if I want to go back home or sleep on that bed again." Tears rolled down her eyes, "Guys, dont look at me as i am oh, I'm scared"
"It happened again right? You found yourself outside just like I also peed in bed today"
"Yes. I'm this close to leaving the country but she said even though I go, I'll find myself on a road in Nigeria, maybe third mainland bridge" she blinked her tears in then she fanned her eyes.
"Pastor Tunde said God had a message for us" Amazing announced, "What kind of message?" Fisayo asked, "He's requesting an audience with every one of us, according to him, God sent a message that we should all seek him truly, only then will we let him in to fight this battle, only then will he open our eyes to the truth. We need break through this darkness through fasting and praying. We have to do it together, if possible, we start tomorrow"
"I already have my heart set on the church programme tomorrow morning. You all can follow me"
"I need to get this over with, if you guys don't want to go with me, fine! if you guys don't want to go, I'll try my best to the do this fast on my own but let me try other means at least"
"How long are we fasting for?" Blessing asked and Amazing shrugged, "A week. We can stay together tonight"
"I'm married" Nene replied and Uche stared at her now raising a brow at her. "My husband won't even agree to it, I don't have any real reason to stay back but I promise to try and do the fast"
"I'll have to go back too" Blessing replied, "Same here" Yemisi raised her hands, "Me too" Benefit added and Amazing rolled her eyes.
"I don't mind staying, not like there's joy in that house anyway" Ema confessed, "Me too" Fisayo replied then Amazing stared at Uche. "You haven't said a word since" "Do witches fast?" She snapped still mad over the argument they had!
"Madam why are you dragging yourself back?" Nene asked and Uche rolled her eyes, "You're the one dragging yourself back"
"It's okay. Uche, are you staying?"
"Will you do the fast"
"I'll try"
Amazing rose up clasping her hands, "Fasting entails no sex so.... To our dearly beloved married couples, and dating couple, restrain from the fleshy needs during the period of this fast"
Nene scoffed, "So if I'm having a six to three pm fast, can't I have sex at midnight?" "The essence of the fast is starving the flesh. The reason why the enemies keep on winning is because of our low level of spirituality, there's a need to improve it!"
"No wahala now. Besides Nene, it's just a week now, I'm sure your baby can handle it" Fisayo shrugged, "Not like i have anyone I'm having sex with at the moment sef"
"No phones too"
FIsayo scoffed, "No, Kukuma kill me then now, no phones, fun kini? (For what?)"
"When you're fasting, you're denying yourself those things you find pleasure in. You can listen to gospel music but no WhatsApp chatting, nothing that will tempt you into watching what you're not supposed to watch"
"No porns?" Ema asked and Amazing nodded, "Yes, no ...porns, Facebook, no WhatsApp.... I already said that. It's just you chatting with God"
Fisayo laughed, "Me that I've lost God's number. The last time I logged into my prayer account, I think I forgot my password. I don't even remember it" she joked and everyone laughed.
"Thank God there's always a forget password option underneath His website. Follow the steps and he'll deliver your account into your hands"
"What if I'm no longer using the number or I changed my email"
Amazing rolled her eyes, "Let's just try our best. Please!"
Blessing sat on the bed and Jeremy took off her shoes, "They said husbands don't act romantic three to four months into their wedding but you Jer, you surprise me" she complimented and he laughed keeping the shoe. He laughed a little louder while thinking on what she just said, a deep, smooth sound that made her skin tingle, and then he climbed the bed, crawled behind her then leaned down with his hands resting on top of her shoulder. He then pressed his fingers her massaging her. "It's like you were reading my mind"
"You look tired"
"Life is tiring enough what do you expect? It's like the whole world is on me!" she rolled her eyes moaning as a result of the massage. "Stay there honey, just dig into that part, that's the whole world that's on my back"
Jeremy smiled now pressing deep, "You seem in a good mood" "Yes." "Hm... How was your day? Did something special happen?" "Yes. One thing" "What? I opened the door to see my beautiful wife after a long stressful day"
Blessing blushed, "This man , you sure know how to put a girl in the mood with all your tease, I'll hand that to you" "Who's teasing this one?" He asked and they both laughed. "I'm dead serious. You're the best thing that happened today and you're the best thing that has ever happened in my life"
"Awwwwn, too bad I can't produce children"
Jeremy took his hands off then he rolled his eyes. "We don't know that for sure" "So... The meeting amazing called for..." She stalled now facing him. "Whenever I hear meeting, for some reason, my heart will start beating. Feel it" he held her hands against his chest and she laughed.
"Thank God I can still put a smile on your face. See,I like our happy moments than the gloomy one, if you ask me , I don't even want to know but you'll tell me anyway right?" "She said Pastor Tunde said we should all fast for seven days"
Jeremy laughed, "What?" "Yes. What's funny there?" "Fisayo, Ema, Nene and Uche. Who will fast for them?" He asked and Blessing laughed then she frowned, "They're my friends, that's no fair at all" She responded and he raised his hands in surrender.
"Well... God forgive me oh but.... All of you? Did he say why?"
"To strengthen us, I mean Pastor Tunde said God will reveal somethings to us the last day. We'll start tomorrow" "I'll join you" "Really?" She asked placing her fingers on his cheek. "Yes" He responded kissing her palm.
"In the mean time, let's catch up on what we won't be doing during the fast" he chipped in, his mouth pressed against her shoulder, following the line of her collar and then lowering.
"Shower first"
"I don't mind"
"Baby!" She groaned in rebellion now succumbing to his touch.
11: 30 pm
Amazing heard a sound of kitchen utensils clanging, her heart leapt in fear, who must have entered the kitchen ? She asked within then she remembered she wasn't alone. She sighed in relief then she rose up in her cream night gown, walked out of the room into the kitchen where Fisayo and Ema we're eating and talking loudly.
"What are you guys doing?" She asked, "It's less than thirty minutes before 12, and we're trying to eat so that we don't get hungry. Shey you get?"
"When you try to eat much at night before you start a fast, that's even when you'll even get hungrier and unable to complete your fast, it's just a superstition though but it works like magic"
Ema chewed a sandwich, "Abeg, let's try and gather momentum first." She replied swiping her phone screen in order to check the time.
"Fifteen minutes left"
"Shebi fasting starts by 6, we are rugged it till then, let me see the baba nla ebi (Mighty hunger) that will worry my enemy" Fisayo bragged and Amazing walked up to the fridge then she took a bottled water from it.
"Good night guys and keep it down! Some of us are trying to get sleep!" She walked out of the kitchen while Fisayo licked her fingers.
"It's Eba and efo that I need right now. Efo gbigbona (hot vegetable soup), the one that when it enters, all your intestine will know that ah! Indeed something has entered!"
Dare slapped his face from engaging in a frustrating call with his mother, "That is how Mummy Ejiro came in this morning to show me the video again, I am tired oh. Is there no way to uninstall the video?"
"Mom, you don't uninstall videos"
"You know what I mean now, all these people should remove the video from their app, abi ewo ni oshi? (What's all this rubbish?). They should remove it before I'll disown you, Whenever they call me and they're like do you know what Dare did, I'll ask them, Dare who oh? Cause I don't know any Dare. I mean, everyone is just calling me to tell me the same thing. Why will you go and do public proposal in the first place?"
"I thought she liked me"
"Monkey no fine, Mama still like am" his mother replied and Dare arced his brow, "What does that mean? That I'm ugly?" "God forbid! I'm just saying.... You shouldn't have done the public proposal thing, you've just managed to embarrass yourself but look on the bright side, at least, people got to know you for something"
His mother busted into laughter, "Na my talk you dey mind? I didn't say anything oh"
"Shhh, shh" his mother feigned the popular network fluctuating sound.
"Network issue, I'll call you back"
"There's network jhoor" "I can't hear a word you're saying" "I'll send you cash today"
"Don't forget the one we discussed about oh."
"No network issue again bah? You heard that one"
"Shhh shh, you're breaking Dare"
Dare scoffed, "In the meantime, try not to commit suicide. If you want to, be sure to will your property to ..... You don't even have property sef, only cars"
"They are called investment and Mommy you're using scope to insult me and this insults are definitely not what I want right now"
"A mother will never insult her son, love you"
"You didn't tell me you love me back"
"Ah Han, are you my girlfriend" He asked her and she busted into a cackle, "I'm better, I'm your Mother, you came out from my wombs, it was my breast you sucked first before you started sucking others" "Jesus!"
"I lie? Tell me if I'm lying now? Ah! Wo, you better tell me you love me back, you know that I'm the only girlfriend you have for the main time" she mocked laughing and he scoffed.
"Wow mother of the year"
"Yes!" She paused busting into a song, " Iya ni wura ibiye biye, ti a ko le fowo ra. The kind of joy that will fill my heart when you finally get a true girl that likes you ehn.... I'll even borrow, Baba Ejiro's gun and shoot it in the air! I'll even hold carnival"
"Mom I don't want to hear this, don't make me have a bad day"
"You have vex like that, you will not have bad day in Jesus name! Mo ko loruko Jeeeesu! (I reject it in the name of Jesus). Affliction shall not rise again the tenth time"
"Yes "
Dare cringed in shock, "What's my first affliction?" "When you came into the world with a head like that" "Wow mom, other mother count their children's blessing, It's so nice that you're counting my affliction" he feigned a smiled and she laughed from the sarcasm in his voice.
"Don't commit suicide oh. I'll call back" "Don't call back, please" he begged then she laughed, "Carry your call and go! You have pride. Sha send me the money" she concluded ending the call.
A lady and a guy knocked on the windshield of the car and he looked up at them, "Hey, your name is Tommy right?" He pointed at the guy and he gave a gentle nod. "Hey, your face looks damn familiar" he paused and the girl close to the guy laughed.
"He's the guy from the proposal gone wrong video that has been trending"
"Whoa!" He covered his palm over his lips now chuckling and Dare bowed his head in shame.
How worst can the day go? Can't Nigerians just let go of things and pretend it didn't happen?
"Hey Bam" Amazing called out, she was nervous. "Can I call you Bam? Or Bam Bam? I've been thinking of a pet name all weekend."
"Why will you be thinking of that?"
"Um.... Because we're dating"
"Who said so?"
"You did, Friday night"
"I lied"
"Yes. I lied, do you think I'm interested in you? See, I just said what I said out of turns..... I didn't mean it"
"But the.... The.... We spoke, we, we had that connection"
"We did nothing. We only had sex, nothing more"
Tears ran down her cheeks, "You don't mean it" "I do, I don't like you. For crying out loud, I'm a senior, what makes you think I'll stoop low to date you"
Bamidele blinked out of his flashback then he exhaled staring at his laptop screen. He was in his office and had almost forgotten what he was working on. "Shit!" He muttered sucking his teeth. How long was he lost in thought? For crying out loud he had a presentation that day.
Ever since his mother revealed the whole truth to him, everything seized to be normal, he has been thinking about her than usual,most times he's guilty with that mixed excitement of seeing her again.
This time he promised to apologize for everything! And this time for real!
Cecelia, the only tech girl in the company walked in almost immediately, she had a emerald shirt tucked into a leather skirt that hugged every part of her buttocks. "Morning Bammy" she greeted making him shift his attention from the laptop screen.
"Morning Cece, hope no problem?"
"I just wanted to find out if everything is okay. The WiFi..." She trailed off biting her lips from lusting after his gorgeous look. "It's fine Cece" "I'm glad." She replied smiling sheepishly at him.
Bamidele recognized that smile, oh no! Mumu don fall! He said within! For several days now, she has been at his beck and call, doing everything to satisfy him, even without his request.
The best way to handle babes like her is to ignore them! In time, they'll get the information loud and clear that you're not just interested in them!
"I like your vintage shirt, vintage looks hot on you" "Thanks" he replied returning back to his power point.
"Why do I feel like you don't like me?"
"What?" Bamidele blurted out in shock, he raised his head staring at the young woman in front of him. Where did that come from? Wait oh, Is this babe trying to blackmail him emotionally or what?
"Where did you get that idea from?"
"I feel like you're trying to ignore me. I'm a woman, I know when a guy is trying to avoid me?"
Bamidele scoffed, "What? I mean...." He trailed off, guilty as charged! "I'm trying to meet up with a deadline here and I have a presentation I'm sure you're aware of that's why I'm ignoring you. I really don't want to mix business with pleasures or conversations"
"Wow.... So I'm a talkative bah?"
Bamidele groaned within, where is this girl getting all this insinuation from? Girls and emotional blackmails ehn!
"I didn't say so Cece."
"You don't think I'm beautiful, or sexy?" She moved closer to him now placing her hands on the desk with her cleavages on exposure. "I.... Uh...." He stammered trying to look away.
"I think you're an amazing person, I mean you're the only female in the tech department. That's..... Amazing" he replied then he smiled, I just said
Amazing! He said within
"I guess my time in states paid off"
Bamidele arced his brow in shock, she just pulled him out of his happy thought with that response. Did she just say states? Wait, so this babe studied in the United States. She doesn't look it, her accent is more Nigerian than those who schooled here.
"Wow... You studied in the US?"
"No. Benin Republic" she replied seductively biting her lower lips then Bamidele busted into laughter. She had him going sha! Very funny!
"I need to go back to work now"
Cece pouted, "Awwwn, just when the gist was getting interesting" she paused and Bamidele creased his forehead in confusion.
Interesting what? Is this girl whinning him? Who's deceiving this one now? She's obviously deceiving herself!
From his study of ladies, this one will not take up to a week before she starts making real advances at her. On a norm, he wouldn't mind the advances, quite the contrary, she would have been in his bed ages ago! But now..... She's the least on his mind!
Amazing tops the priority chart! Not like he's doing it intentionally, he just can't help not thinking about her!
Cece cleared her throat, "I'll leave now but If you do need some company, I'm more than available to do the job and besides, I can make a diversion with the CCTV cameras, specifically, I'll turn off the one in your office and no one will know that anything is happening in here"
Bamidele blinked his eyes twice, completely mesmerized! Whoa! Look at him giving her a week! Not like he hasn't seen worst girls than this sha! On a normal day, he would have jumped at the offer but today it sounded bizzare to him.
What the hell!
This is sex on a platter of gold oh! One of his favorite: office sex!
The whole thought of it now looked childish to him so he waved the thought off. "I won't be needing any company, thank you Cece" He snapped sounding really blunt and she noticed. "Are you angry?"
"No I'm not. Babe, just leave make I face my work" he added and she exhaled walking towards the door disappointingly. Finally she turned towards him again. "The offer is still very much up as long as I'm here. Whatever you need, just know I'm just a call away"
I need you to leave, can you do that? Thank you, He requested within and then she left the office leaving him to sigh in relief.
Yemisi got out of a taxi that stopped her directly opposite the church. "Miracle Rain ministeries; the Solution temple" then she slammed the door staring at the big church. Highlife music, she can literarily hear victor uwaifo's Joromi instrumental.
🎶Who dey do am so? Na my God dey do am so, tese these, na my God day do am...tese tese🎶
The church sound was amazing, she walked into the building where there was congregation of people vibrating prayerfully while an usher lead her to a seat.
"In Jesus name we have prayed" The prophet of the house, Prophet Isaiah echoed deeply and the church chorused, "Ameeen!!!!".
"There's a woman here, I see a woman in the room, In this room right now. Your name is Abbey, Abiodun. For clarity sake, I see you confused, you don't know whether to come out or not. Well..." He paused walking into the crowd where he stopped close to her.
"Come out daughter, God has finally decided to visit you"
She walked out confused, "Okay..... Is your name Abiodun or not?" He asked and one if the male protocols rushed to her holding a microphone. "Yes it is" "Okay.... You're still confused, i enter into a compound, with a black gate, there are flowers around, the building painted white and blue, I enter into a sitting room with peach colored couch or is sofa they call it these days. Whose house it is?" he asked the woman who was in deep shock.
"My boyfriend's house" she replied then one of the lead choristers broke into a chorus, "🎶I have confidence in you🎶 but the Prophet stopped him before he could continue.
"Do you know me?"
"Have we had any encounter before?"
"No! That's why I'm shocked"
The man grinned, "I say na God dey do am but na me dey see am!!!!" He patted his chest boastfully.
Yemisi just sat watching the whole thing, for all she knows, it might have been staged!
"What does 35 signify to you?"
The woman stalled, "My age" "All your life, I see you struggling with relationship" he waved his hands left and right, "From Obi to Uchendu to Tola to Ahmed to this one you're dating now, Timothy. Even this one will still not stay but he's doing well and the relationship is going well but as I'm looking at it, it won't go well"
The woman fell on her knees, "Biko it must go well! Prophet I'll do anything, I'm tired!" "Your problem is not far from the woman that carried you in your womb"
"Jesus!!!" She screamed placing her hands on her head, "Did I mention any name?" "No!" Everyone chorused. "Before they'll say I mentioned someone's name"
"God help me"
"He'll help you but it's going to be drastic. We'll talk after service" he replied laughing to himself, "I say na God dey do am but na me they see am."
🎶Oya what is your name, favor is my name, favor is my name🎶
Fisayo stared at her phone which was on the drawer. She felt like grabbing the phone so she could stream through Instagram but she couldn't so she shut her eyes, she didn't even have gospel music on her phone.
"Just close your eyes Fissy, it'll be over before you know it. Sleep the boredom off, you're fasting, how hard can it be?"
She trailed off sleeping off .
Someone knocked on the door and Nene quickly opened up to find a lady with Deeliva on it. "Who the hell are you?" "I'm from..." She paused looking at the tag, "Don't you know Deeliva?" "Is it a name of a church? See ehn.... I have my church"
"No Ma" she replied laughing, "It's an Online express delivery service." "Oh. See, I don't work with all these small small delivery service"
"We deliver things efficiently and we're always on time, if you want us to appear at your door right now, we will"
"I'm a Jumia girl"
"I was asked to deliver this to you"
"What's that and by who?"
"We don't pry Ma'am, it's one of our strength"
Nene rolled her eyes, grabbing the package. "Signature ma'am" The delivery girl demanded and she signed on her form. She walked in shutting the door with her leg. She took out a note reading it out loud.
"To my love from the luckiest man in the world. Awwwwwn, i love you too Babe" she shrugged opening up the box; It was fries and chicken!
"OMG, just what I wanted. Screw the fast."
Prophet Isaiah walked around the house peering into the eager faces of half the congregation who had one problem or the other they wanted solutions to. "Somebody is doubting, my radar is sensing doubt but God wants to intervene in someone's life so.... " he walked around stopping by Yemisi's spot.
"You, you have doubts. You want to know if I'm fake or not."
Yemisi raised her brow at him, Oga leave me to be spectating, I'm okay where I am. She said within while looking away. "God did not call you to be a spectator" he replied then she quickly glanced at him blinking her eyes in surprise.
But she didn't say it out loud! Did... Did this man just read her thought?
"Okay, doubting Thomasina, what do you have to do with the name Ojo?"
"That's..that's my surname" she replied and a loud sound of applause followed.
"That's right Yemisi Ojo, I see you with a baking pan, flour and a mixer. Does that me anything to you?" "Yes, I'm a baker" she replied and another thunderous clap followed.
"Follow me" he requested and she blindly did. It was her first time standing close to such a personality. She has only been seeing them on TV and quite frankly, she has never believed in many of them. "Follow me" he repeated and she scoffed within, before nko? I'll follow you wherever you go oh.
I go follow you dey go oh
Follow you dey go oh!
Fisayo opened her eyes some minutes later, she yawned stretching her hands in the air then she glanced at the time. It was just 10:14. "Wait oh...... When I slept, it was 10:04, I wake up an hour later to find out it's still 10:14. So, all the while that I've slept, it has only been for 10 minutes, all the years that I've slept. Oda naa (Its fine), what the universe is trying to say is that I've only slept for ten minutes. Issoryt! Fisayo, wo ti ba ti e je! (They've ruined you)" she grumbled shaking her legs.
"Temi ba mi! (I'm finished). I can't do this! I need my phond at least, if im not eating, my phone should be keeping my mind busy! I need to Tik Tok, I need to see people's post, what if I'm missing an important information online." she exhaled, "You can do this Fisayo, believe in yourself, don't be negative. You can do this"
Ema stepped out of the room rolling her eyes, "I am bored to my brains, my life is pathetic enough to be without a phone or food, i can't do this!" "Me too!" Fisayo cried, this was followed by a knock on the door.
Amazing entered into the kitchen with grocery bags to find Fisayo and Ema munching on fried chicken. It was just past 11! "What are you guys doing?" "We're making each other's hair, abi what doesn't look like?"
"It's not even twelve yet"
"Really" They both asked avoiding her glare. "You guys are shameless and unbelievable" "Trust me, we receive the award with honour" Ema replied to her shock, "Dude, we were about to die, be grateful you came to meet breathing, beautiful and hot ladies"
"It's all in your mind. See me thinking you'll break fast by 12 and i through the stress of getting food stuff for you guys to cook but no, you guys ordered food" she yelled pointing at the carton package.
"We didn't order for this oh, we thought you did. We didn't even eat the second one, they sent two from deliver delivery service"
"I didn't place any order, maybe it was a wrong delivery." "No. She said Amazing Essien, the last time i checked, that's stilk your name"
"Was there any note?"
"Who can it be from?" She creased her brow, "This is suspicious"
Fisayo dropped the chicken now wiping her mouth with the sevette. "I hope I'm not eating Ebo from those witches (sacrifice)" "Geez!" Ema snapped, "Scared much? I'm sure it's from Aboh, that was why it didn't come with a note"
Amazing scoffed, "I might have to put a restraining order on that man. What rubbish?" She snapped while Fisayo sighed in relief, "Aya mi fe ge (My heart almost divided in two. I thought it's Ebo oh (sacrifice). Ehn, Amazing dear, there's still fried chicken"
"I cast and bind you!" Amazing replied and they both laughed at her. "It's not funny guys... Pastor Tunde said seven days" "I read online that it doesn't matter the time you break the fast rather, it's the heart that matters" Ema gesticulated with her knuckles against her chest.
She sighed in frustration with her hands akimbo to her waist, if she had a cane, she would have rained beating on them like they're kids!
"Did you guys at least praybefore eating?"
Fisayo and Ema looked into each other's eyes in guilt, "Oops" Ema replied and Fisayo clasped her hands now shutting her eyes. "Bless this food" she recited and Ema joined in, "Oh Lord for Christ sake, amen, Mummy come and eat, Daddy come and eat, Satan go away amen"
"Your problem is not far from that lady's situation. I see you longing for marriage and I see you currently in a relationship but the enemies don't want it to be so" Prophet Isaiah pointed out and she nodded.
"I see eight of you, friends like sisters all going through a mess"
"Yes Sir, you're right"
He paused chuckling then he continued waving his hands left and right. "Your problem is not far from 2003, I see 2003. Did any incident occur that year" "I was just transferred to another school, that was the year ourfriendship started. Nothing important happened"
"I'm seeing a name, TOLANI, does it ring a bell?"
"Tolani, she was amazing's friend before she.... Before she died. She died, that was what happened that year,Tolani died"
Glory Age acedemy
"Amazing Grace!" Tolani called out to Amazing who was walking with Uche, Nene, Fisayo, Yemisi, Ema, Blessing and Benefit. Amazing rolled her eyes, Tola had been disturbing her over her new found friendship. She just won't accept these guys have something good inside them. She has been acting erratic and it was beginning to piss her off.
"Abeg leave that mad girl jhoor" Nene yelled and Amazing glared at her, "What did I say about calling her names?" She asked now walking up to her.
"What is it again Tolani?"
"You're making a big mistake following those girls , academically, you'll go down, spiritually, you won't grow. You'll just end up being loosed"
"You speak as though you don't know me Tolani! If you do, you'll know all these can't happen, we're going for our study class now, we even hold study class after school. See, we're trying to help ourselves here."
"Nene and Uche? Those two witches, help you?"
"It's you that's the witch!" Nene yelled, "You've been acting like a mad person all these week, let me put you in your place!"
"Nene, it's okay" Yemisi advised and she waved in disagreement, "Don't okay me at all! What is it sef? Is she the only one that can act mad? Me I can act mad too, my own madness sef na born come! Which one sef?"
"She's not a good person"
"With you no one is a good person! You choose to see the evil in every man but I AmazingGrace Essien, I see good and there are good in these girls."
Benefit moved closer, "They are not bad at all Tolani, we are not. Fine, there are slight differences in ideologies but we can help ourselves out, that's the essence of friendship; helping each other's weaknesses!"
"Exactly! There's a room for you too Tolani"
"She's not invited oh, this boat is full"
Amazing glared at her and she looked away now complaining to Fisayo. "You're welcome to join the group, we'll need your intelligence and your ability to know everything that's happening in school, our number one Amebo!"
Tolani tightened her fingers, "Nice speech Amazing, you almost had me going there but I'd rather die than be with them as friends" "Okay. It's your choice"
"Please Amazing, I need a friend" Tears ran down her eyes, "I'm so lonely"
"Well, you've made your choice Tolani, there's nothing I can do about this"
"You guys will regret your action, you'll regret not following my advise. You will and then your eyes will become so clear why I tried to kick against this friendship. Good day!" She snapped leaving and Amazing sighed.
Yemisi covered her face in her palms. "It was the year Tolani died" "Exactly! and ever since then her spirit made it a business to see that none of you prosper just as you cut her life short"
Yemisi shut her eyes in tears, their suspicion was right! It finally made sense to her why the woman said the culprit was present with them. "Oh God, we didn't, it wasnt intentional" "She died anyways"
"What ..what are we going to do? It wasn't our fault she decided to commit suicide"
"She doesn't see it that way, she has been following you all. She does not want to give you peace of mind but I hear the Lord say, if I be a man of God.... your time of deliverance has come"
"Ameeeen!" She chorused along with the church, "You have come to solution ground today, the problem will be solved"
Phyna sat on the chair behind watching the whole scence then she walked out of the church.
Amazing and the Head boy, Ademola Reiner walked into the Proprietress' office during break time. It wasn't her usual countenance, she seemed very sad so she wondered what must have happened to trigger the mood. "Good day Ma" they both greeted and she nodded in return.
"Have your seat"
They both did now looking at each other, "Hope no problem Ma" Amazing asked now laughing nervously. "Has there been any complaint?"
"None that I know of. See, I called you two here for a reason, a tragic news came to my desk this morning and I deemed it fit to tell you since you're both authorities too in school and she was the health prefect and you Amazing, you were close to her"
"You know she's asthmatic right?"
"Yes Ma, did she have an attack? I didn't see her today"
"Hmn.... Tolani was found dead in her room this morning, beside her was a bottle of otapiapia. She committed suicide, upon the palm oil they gave her to drink, nothing was enough to revive her. But erm.... I don't know why such a bright child will be insensitive to do that without considering her parents, her friends or all the money that has been spent on her right from primary education up to this moment. What a waste"
Amazing went completely blank, "Jesus!" She muttered,her eyes scattered the whole office in guilt.
What do you guys think of this Chapter?
Do you believe the Prophet?
What was Phyna doing there?🤔
Which character did you miss the most? 😂🤣🤣🤣
Me: Fisayo and all !!!! 😂🤣🤣
Let me know your feedbacks to encourage me post another Chapter.
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