🔴 Chapter 13🔴

Sorry it came late! Nepa knows how to cramp my style!

Chapter 13


Police Station

"Ki lo se le si Iya Alagbo? (What happened to the woman that sells agbo) " A man asked and the sales girls tried to catch her breathe from crying for too long. She couldn't get the sight of her boss being pulled out of the the shop after they had managed to put out the fire.

"Fara bale, (Calm down). I want you to calm down and explain the whole thing to me, what happened?"

"She was expecting some visitors, they went into see her then they started running out like they were being chased by masquerade. I asked them what happened and they said.... They didn't even say anything. When I went into to see what had happened, I saw fire and i noticed the whole room was smoky and I ran out and started shouting for help"

The man exhaled.

"My name is Officer Seun Emmanuel, I am more like to his little town's sheriff and also....a friend to the woman who just lost her life in that tragic fire accident"

Amazing exhaled, "Okay, my friends, we um... We came here.... The truth is I didn't really know why I came. I thought I was coming to see a Christian personality until I walked in. She took my interest and I stayed. She wanted to help us find out the person behind our problems that was when she started actng all funny"

"She started saying somethings and... She was about to tell us who the person was before she died" Nene explained during her interrogation.

"In order words you all killed her"

"Excuse you?" Nene asked then she scoffed.

"In order words, you all killed her"

"I know I'm a bloody civilian in your domain but Oga, Fuck you!" Ema snapped.

"What happened to Iya Alagbo?" The police officer asked Benefit whose hands were trembling. "Do I seriously need to recount it?" She asked and the man nodded. "We have to get everyone's statement"

Benefit busted into tears, "We didn't do anything okay? We... We just wanted help before it gets to us" "What?" "I don't know, we don't know. Its scary, Sir it's scary. I'm scared of what might happen. I'm really scared"

The man passed her an handkerchief, "What are you scared of?" "She said we've offended someone..." She scoffed, "The point is, we didn't kill her, maybe it's the person we......" "Like Power pass power situation"

"I don't know. All I know is that we didn't start the fire, i and my friends are innocent"

What happened in there with Iya Alagbo?" The man asked and Uche scoffed, "Iya who?" Uche asked, "Iya Alagbo, the woman whose death you all caused" "Oh, so that's her name and two, don't make stupid assumptions you don't know shit about"

"Mind the way you speak to a police officer"

Uche slammed the table, "I'll speak to you all however way I want!" She exhaled loudy, "You're all the same, look at you already assuming we killed the woman, where's our murder weapon? Did we strangle her? Were we the one who put on the fire? Or did we throw the woman in? No, the woman acted like she had powers when she didn't."

"What happened?"

"Do I seriously need to talk? I thought you already made your assumption"

"Amazing and Benefits, those are the only two responsible person I've spoken to, if it's up to me, you'll sleep in jail tonight"

Seun stared at Fisayo, "You had better give yourself brain, I hope you're not like the other one that has face like witch. My name is Seun Emmanuel, What's your name?" "Fisayo Ogundele" "What happened in there with Iya Alagbo?"

"I believe my friends have given you the full gist already'


"Sir why don't we speak in a language we understand" "Yoruba?" "Rara Sir, in the langue language of Money. What happened in there was an accident we didn't see coming and I feel it's all my fault but we're not throwing blames on anyone, I don't know about you but I'm not so what's your price to sweep this under the rug? My friends are tired, so are we, it's been a long day and we need rest"

The man scoffed, "Trying to bribe an officer of the law" "Name your price and I'll sign you a bloody cheque, right now or do you prefer a transfer?"

Everyone quietly walked towards the car and then Benefit scoffed, "Are we seriously going to keep our mouth shut about what happened in there? Why aren't talking about it?" "Because it's stupid that's why!" Ema snapped.

"How can she say someone among us is responsible for our problems? I don't want to believe it. Who will it be?"

"Who is most likely to be the bad egg amongst us?" Nene asked and everyone stared at Uche. "Wow.... Wow.... Why aren't I surprised? One thing I've learnt from horror movies is that the most obvious person is not always the antagonist. Its always the least expected person" Uche replied looking at everyone.

"Why would I want to work against you all? What will I stand to gain?"

"You're never happy about anyone's success" Fisayo snapped, "And you haven't gone through shitty experiences"

Uche scoffed, "What makes you so sure? Some people don't like talking about their problems, besides I'm not the only that hasn't been through shit, Benefit is there and also Nene"

"Don't even call my name! Do I look like witch to you?" Nene asked and Benefit nodded, "I agree with Uche, she has a point, we haven't been through anything, apart from past mishaps, our relationship is going smoothly"

"Are you praying for something bad to happen?" Nene asked and she shook their head. "No! God forbid! I just want to say that I'm out of the option. I can promise you all that I'm not the one. I don't have anything against anyone, the woman clearly said that we've offended the person. No one has offended me"

Uche scoffed, "Are you sure?" She asked and Benefit clapped her hands, "Now you're beginning to offend me. I've had my share of bad relationship days!" "But you never seem to tell us the reason for your break up, the only thing you do is act like a cry baby about it"

"Uche!" Ema,Amazing, Yemisi and Blessing snapped but Uche shrugged instead.

Benefit blinked her tears in, "How dare you?" She asked as tears poured out, "You think I've always been happy? You think.... Uche you're very stupid!"

"Let's just take it easy" Yemisi raised her hands, "We're grown up women shouting in someone's community. Let's keep it down"

"Keep what down? It can anyone of us, even you!"

Yemisi hissed, "It's like you're drunk. So I'll turn myself Ato n le because of what? Abeg don't even make me angry" "What if it's Fisayo?" "Wo, if you don't want thunder to strike you and your foolish mouth or you don't want to use canal to gba Canada (You don't want to get to Canada through a canal) just keep my mouth from that bitter leaf lip cause it's not me that Koba your entire family. I brought you guys here to get help. For crying out loud, I slept outside on the street and almost got raped! I brought you guys here didn't I? I even paid to get us out of the mess"

"Why is everyone taking it personal? At first you all blamed me"

"No one blamed you, we all looked at you"

"Where's the difference? It's funny how quick my so called friends are quick to judge me. Well i'm not the one trying to kill you guys or whatever! My best guess is Nene, I mean we all forgot her birthday when she left her first year in the university. She was angry with everyone of us"

"Not angry enough to want to kill you guys or inflict you with sickness! Maybe it's Blessing! I mean she's one person we've all picked on,"

"That's true. Good point Nene"

Blessing scoffed, "Me?" "It can't be Blessing" Amazing disagreed, "It's always someone we don't even expect." Uche continued, "She was possessed once. First, we don't know what she was involved in before she got possessed. Let's ask her now! What did you do in your village that made you possessed? Or maybe there's a diety you worship for a fact we have one in my family. For what we know, she might still be very much possessed" "Nene, you're very stupid!" Blessing charged towards her and Yemisi held her back.

"Ignore her."

"She's not worth it" Blessing snapped, "She's just calling everyone's name so that they can all appear as guilty parties. Do you have something to hide?" Benefit asked Uche laughed hysterically. "You mean like the shrine I keep at home where I do crazy stuff like making list of people that will experience tragedy soon. Like how I made Amazing have fibroid or how I made Ema lose Kunle and her baby cause I'm Uche the heartless witch! I'm even relative to the fair woman"

"Is that a confession?" Nene asked, "Yes. She's my mother's sister, bitch!"

Nene moved towards her and Ema held her back, "As much as I'll love to see her get punched, I think we should chill. This is coming from me so.... Let's just exercise patience"

"We all saw the fair woman right?" Amazing asked and everyone nodded. "Yes" Benefit responded, "So, it's not possible that the fair woman appeared to all of us and one of us ends up being responsible for this rubbish"

"Except one of lied" Uche snapped, "What's wrong with you Uche?" Ema asked, "No be una start fight, make I continue now"

Yemisi exhaled, "This problem comes in one after the other, Blessing was first then Amazing and then Ema"

"Ema was first" Amazing noted, "The night Kunle sent her out. Then Blessing came next"

"Followed by me, when I escaped the flight that could have ended my life" Fisayp paused glaring at Uche then she continued, "So how could it have been me?"

Amazing scoffed, "How quick we are to turn against each other just because this thing. We've been together, through thick and thing. Let's just calm down and think this through" "Amazing is right" Benefit agreed, "We are all panicking right now, that's why we're speaking out of turns. If we are not, i am panicking but if we all just... Calm down" she took a deep breath, "Calm down and think this through like Amazing said" she exhaled catching her breathe again.


"Madam chill!" Yemisi snapped then she exhaled, "We all heard the woman say that that the person was among us shey?" Nene asked, "What if ..." She trailed off, "What if.... what the woman meant was that the presence of the person was in the room and not us?"

Benefit creased her brow, "Remember what she said in Yoruba when she asked how the person wss able to pass the boundary? Did she look towards any particular direction?" "No!" Everyone answered, "I don't know" Yemisi shrugged, "I wasn't really looking"

"What if this person is just following us? Like a ghost, can it be a ghost?" Nene asked Fisayo scoffed, "Ghost ke? How can we offend one person and the ghost of the person will now be after all of us. Haba, that one is American horror movie"

"Whose ghost can it be?" Blessing asked and everyone kept quiet, "Tolani" Benefit replied and everyone shook their head, "No! It can't be! We.... It wasn't us.... We didn't kill her!" Ema shouted.

"It was our fault she's dead sha" Uche replied and Amazing exhaled, "It wasn't" "Whether you all choose to admit it or not, it's our fault and I won't be shocked if its her ghost that's after us but I think the woman wasn't high of Agbo when she said the person is among us, person is not ghost. It might be one of us"

Nene scoffed, "We have moved away from that part, you're still going back. How will one person have that power to do all that damage? At least if its one of us it's juju that we'll use. Won't we go and consult our Babalawo first? How can someone look at a powerful woman like that in the eyes and make her choke on her words" "If it's Tolani or whoever it Is.... We need to find a way out" Benefit complained.

"I don't want anything happening to me. We don't know who's next, me or Nene or Uche"

"I'm sure it's going to be Uche" Nene snapped, "Why won't you make it Uche?"

"Will you all shut up! This is a serious matter, if we're being haunted by a ghost, this is the time we need to get serious and seek God's face. We obviously can't win this battle on our own" Amazing yelled and everyone looked away.

"What's the difference Amazing? You've been going to church all along" "Will you all stop saying that?" Blessing snapped, "Because we go to Church regularly, you think we're not prone to have troubles? I almost went mad, who helped me, if not God, my wedding wouldn't have been successful. Maybe we're all going about this the wrong way. I feel there's more to this thing and maybe we should all go see a Pastor. It might be Jeremy's Pastor or Pastor Tunde"

"I have my own Pastor and I'll definitely go see him" Nene stated and Blessing raised her hands, "Fine, but let's all try and meet our spiritual fathers and try to find a way out" "I'll go meet my Dibia or better still I'll go to my altar and pray to the gods of wickedness since I'm a wicked person. Abeg! Let's just go already, my ears are already full from listening to all these rubbish talk"



Glory Age Academy

"This is a new session, you all are in your final year and as you know you'll be writing your waec. It's only the stupid ones that will play with this year. If you like focus on boys, it'll be at your own detriment. After you've written Waec like three times, that's when you'll understand what life is really all about. Make hay while the sun shines because as you lay your bed, so you'll lie on it" The proprietress announced.

Fisayo walked in and all heads turned towards her, "Sorry for being late, I didn't realize there was a general meeting for senior secondary until I was directed here" "Come in dear, everyone say hi to Fisayo Ogundele, she's one of the many new students you all will be seeing this session. AmazingGrace?" She called out and Amazing rose up.


"I guess you have yourself a new friend"

"There's no room for more" Nene whispered and Blessing tapped her.

Nene angrily watched Blessing laugh with Fisayo then she walked up to the both of them. "What's funny?" "She is, Fisayo is hilarious"

"There's no room for friendship here, this boat is full. Anymore friends on this ship will be lead to a ship wreck"

"Ki la gbe, ki le ju? It's not as if I'm fat that the ship will now wreck"

"What's your name?" Nene asked, "Fisayo but you can call me first Baby"

"Are you a virgin?"

Fisayo scoffed, "I don't even know the meaning of that one oh, I doubt if I was even given birth to as a virgin" she replied and Nene smiled clapping her hands, "Okay..... I like you already"

Amazing!" Tolani called out chasing after her along with Benefit. Amazing halted turning her head at them, "What?" She asked and then Tolani brought out her inhaler taking a deep breath.

"You're the head girl" Tolani confessed, "That's a lie" "Why do you think I'm lying? I saw the list personally. Why will I make this kind of thing up?" "She's not lying about it. I saw it too, I'm the health prefect, Ademola Reiner is the head boy"

"Wow, I thought with my bad behaviour months ago...."

"You don't have a bad behaviour" Benefit smiled, "I don't think you do. You're the nicest person in school" "Thank you" "You're welcome" Tolani replied

"Yes. You're not a bad person but what I think is your problem is that girl you follow, Nunu or what's her name?"


"Yes. She's your problem and the better you get rid of her, the better. Leave her and be our friends"

"Tolani!" Benefit snapped and Tolani rolled her eyes, "What? Am I lying? We are smart, with us, your future is guaranteed. It's definite we'll go to university but with her...... I don't even think you have any chances of passing WAEC. Nene is dumb, well, Blessing is okay but Nene is dumb and she's a snob too. She's not as rich as I am but she snobs like her life depends on it"

"That's my friend you're talking about"

"Trust me on this one Gracie, I can call you grace right? Trust me, just break off your friendship, it's a shipwreck already and come to the winning side. You won't regret it" she smiled walking away and Amazing scoffed.

"Please ignore Tolani, she has this tendency of overreacting"

"So that's her name"

"Yeah." "I don't like her"

Benefit laughed nervously, "Do you remember me?" "Of course I do, i one of the Oloche twin, I helped you last term"

Benefit gasped, she felt like a celebrity, "Ho...... How?" "We all know that our biology teacher doesn't hesitate to talk about the infamous fraternal twin in our combine class" "No one cares, everyone just act like we're invisible and I get bullied by those guys"

"If anyone ever bully you, just beck on me okay? What's your name again?" "Benefit Oloche"
The proprietress gave her a signal to come over and she did. "Excuse me"

Yemisi sat in the reception room tapping her fingers on the long wooden stool. "Don't worry, you are going to enjoy this school" "She's not happy that we're changing her so late and she had to leave her old friends in Ado-Ekiti" Mrs Ojo complained.

"Don't worry Ma, I'm sure she'll mix up fine. She looks like a bright students so I'm going to connect her to a very bright student in school, the brightest! She's even the school prefect but no one knows yet sha oh" she whispered and Mrs Ojo chuckled while Amazing walked into the room then she walked closer.

"Ma, Yemisi dear" she called out holding on to Amazing's arm, "This is AmazingGrace Essien, she is the best student in school oh. As you see her like this, if she's representing the school, its first we'll carry so. This is Yemisi, she came all the way from Ekiti State. Yemisi, I hope with the records you have in your old school,you can pick up easily and be one of the best"

Amazing bent her knees slightly, "Good afternoon Ma" then waved at Yemisi, soon the two adults left them alone. "It's break time shey? Don't you have friends to play with?"

"I do, Blessing and Nene, I don't mind making more friends. It's been the three of us for a while." "I hope they won't mind" "Nene..... Might mind but you'll love blessing."

Yemisi smiled, "I heard you're going to be the head girl" "Jeez! You too?" "The proprietress said it oh, it's supposed to be a secret. I just thought you should know"

"Thanks, call me AmazingGrace"

"Amazing is okay, You can call me Yemmy" "Yemisi is okay. I love calling people by their full names, if your name is longer than this, I'll choose it, like Oluwayemisi"

Yemisi laughed, "Don't even try it" she threatened and they both laughed.


Yemisi sighted Kwame sitting by her front door. The joy she felt ehn! He was just the right person she needed that very moment. She needed to embrace him, or maybe stay in his arms forever as a consolation for all the stress!

"What are you doing here?" She asked and he rose up smiling at her. He noticed she looked stressed out, for crying out, she haven't had a good sleep in in a while coupled with the stress from work!

"I wanted to see your pretty face, I needed something to light up my world. You weren't at the bakery, I feel like I've been in the dark and right now.... It feels good to finally see a light, my light"

Yemisi chuckled, "I'm not even fair in complexion" "I wouldn't have fallen in love with you if you were fair" he moved closer while she arced her brow in surprise, "I never knew you had a spec. Sophie is fair"

"I guess that explains why I'm not in love with her. Trust me, it's not even in the complexion" he ran his hands on her cheeks. "I'm in love with you because until I met you, I was in the dark. I never knew what true love meant, you light up my world Babe" He stood in front of her staring into her eyes, slowly moving his face closer and closer, holding her eyes to his. She knew he was leaning in for a kiss so she laughed looking around.

"We're outside" she said opening up the door and they both entered into the house. He quickly grabbed her by the waist kissing her neck and she busted out giggling like a school girl.

"Did you miss me that much? How long has it been? Two hours?"

Kwame scoffed, "Seriously? You left since on Sunday. Bring your bags back, I miss you, I miss your scent around the house" he sniffed her neck making her laugh.

"Gosh, you're a dog!"

"A dog that misses you" he kissed her neck and she exhaled turning her face towards him then her lips touched his, softly, gently, still holding his gaze. She licked his lower lip slowly with the tip of her tongue, pressed his mouth to her then he a smile curved his lips as he kissed her back with joy. His tongue searched for hers, found it and caressed it.

He slid his hand up her neck and buried his fingers in her hair, kissing her more deeply. With both eyes closed, they both exhaled loudly.

"Action speaks louder" he replied and she giggled biting her lower lips. "I really do miss you but....."

"But nothing. Let's not make this thing an issue, I'm not making it an issue, don't make it one on my behalf. I don't ever want to be in the dark again!"

"Babe.... I'm not comfortable with you inhaling the odor of"

"Shhhh" he placed his fingers across her lips. "I don't mind, don't ever feel uncomfortable with me, never! Sleep comfortably, you don't have to be too conscious"

"I'm not even planning on sleeping at all. Each time I see myself urinating, i'm going to do a vigil tonight"

"I assumed you'll say that so I brought sleeping pills"

Yemisi shook her head, "I don't need it. I don't want to sleep, sleeping is the last thing on my mind right now." She replied and he scoffed within knowing he had to find a way to administer the sleeping pills without her knowledge.

She smiled then she folded her hands, "I'm glad you're here, I could really use your company" "Why? Is everything okay?" he asked and she shook her head.

"What happened?"

Yemisi exhaled sitting on her chair then Kwame joined her.

Fisayo got into her bed room to find Anya seated in bed with her legs crossed. She gasped in fear, "Ah! Fair woman!" She wanted to run out but she couldn't; her legs were glued to the ground. "Wh.. Wha.. What are you doing here?" She asked, her lips trembling and Anya chuckled.

"Don't be rude. Is that how you treat a guest?"

"Guest ke? Abi visitor?"

"Oh, I'm not here to stay. I'm a guest you can't get rid of until you die"

"I don't want that kind of guest. Mo fo Olorun oba be yin, I don't always so guest, even my Mummy knows that I"

"You don't have to want it, I honestly don't care what you want, it's insignificant" she rose up walking towards her, " So... You guys wanted to find a way out of this hole. You had the guts to take them there"

Fisayo legs trembled, "I'm sorry" "Shut up" she snapped, "Yes Ma" she replied pressing her lips together, she shut her eyes in fear as she approached her, she assumed the woman had come to finally kill her.

"I should kill you now, right here"

"Please Ma, Mummy wa, your royal Majesty, Mama Oko mi, I use God to beg you, i don't want to die, please I don't want to die" she begged with her eyes shut then she slowly felt pee run down her laps to the floor.

Anya laughed staring at the floor, "There's no way out of this mess you and your friends are in. Even if you try to leave the country, you'll still meet the same fate. You might even wake up in the middle of third mainland bridge; such a pitiful way to die. It's like a maze, the more you try to get out of it, the more angry it makes me. That's why Kunle had to go. It's your fault that woman is dead" She whispered into her ears. "Next time you try to find another way out of this, I won't be this lenient" she added vanishing.

When she realized the silence in the room, Fisayo opened up her eyes then she sighed in relief after which she busted into tears.

Amazing knelt down before she bed, "God, i don't know what's going on? I know I've been stubborn and.... I just want some kind of clarity. What's going on? Who's doing all this? What should I do?" She asked then she kept quiet as though waiting for some sort of answer.

Ema stood outside the bar and Paul walked up to her, "Madam, what's up?" "What are you doing outside?" "I had to give my babe something as the responsible boyfriend that I am" he bragged and Ema chuckled softly then she scratched her hair.

"Is Dare around?"

"No. I don't think he's going to come, he's not a regular person"

"I just want to thank him for paying my bills, I'm feeling bad. The mumu didn't even drop his call line!"

Paul laughed, "Wow, what a grateful tone. You're still calling him Mumu" "He should have dropped a number, even though I forgot to ask. The truth is, I didn't even need his number until I found out he paid the bills."

"You want the usual let me go and serve you?" "No. I'm not even here to drink" "Ah!" He gasped, "So you're sober now?" "No dummy! I'm not in a good mood" she pouted and he exhaled.

"When will you ever be in a good mood?" He asked and she shrugged, "I don't know" she busted into tears, "I really don't know" she added wiping her tears off. "One shot of your usual on me"

Ema scoffed, "Now i feel pathetic" "Why?" "You're not that generous" "Thank God you know" he replied and they both laughed entering into the bar.

Uche wiped her tears off her face butore tears flowed down, "Idiots! All of them! Stupid people, I can't believe they're making me.... I hate you guys so much!" She pushed her make up kits off the dresser table.

Then she stared at the names she wrote on a piece of paper;




The moment she heard the door creak, she folded the paper then she pushed them into the drawer. "Why are you late?" She heard her boyfriend ask, "I didn't see you either when I got back" she turned her back at him, "I took the keys from the flower pot, I wanted you to wait outside"

"I had my spare key"

"You . ." He stretched his fingers at him, "You could have waited"

Uche scoffed, "Izu, you're drunk, you should find a place to sleep abeg" "You're lucky I'm....." He trailed off scratching his eyes then he fell on the bed hitting his head on the wooden edge.

She hissed batting her eyes at him.


Amazing held a flower walking towards a coffin, there were people mourning while walking around the coffin. It was a lying in state session. She approached the coffin now staring at the burnt body or Iya Alagbo.

She looked away then she felt a hand pull her her the black shirt she wore. Oh my..." "It's your fault" she groaned tightening her grip so much it began to choke her.

"Jesus" she screamed then she gasped out of her nightmare.

She sat up panting then she rubbed her neck, "God help me" she exhaled looking around the room. She picked her phone to check the time, it was already 5:45 am!

Jeff bit his lower lips staring deeply at Benefit, "Let's get married real quick" "Why the rush?" "Tutu wants it, and i want it too. I want us to embark on having kids" he growled against her neck and she laughed.

"That tickles" she said pushing him backwards. "Babe, there are things going on right now in my life and personally I think we should wait. I won't want to hurt you in the process. Let's just take things slowly"

"I don't want to. I want to see your parents and get married to you. I don't want to do this under my daughter's watch. What am I passing down to her? Nothing good obviously!" He groaned and she nodded understanding where he was coming from.

"I have to get ready for school"

"Sure" he replied planting a quick kiss on her lips then she sat up naked picking her phone from the side drawer.

Jeff noticed red lines across her back. "Jesus Christ!" He screamed and she gasped in fear turning towards him, "What was that for?" "Your back" "What's wrong with my back?"

Jeff knelt down on the bed now pressing her back then she groaned, "Ouch, what's that?" "Shit, they are marks. Didn't you feel pains" "Not until you touched it. What kind of mark is it?"

"I don't know but I'm to make an assumption, it's like one of those markings you see in movies, from witches"

6:35 am

"Madam, madam" A man tapped Fisayo's arm but she still laid by the road side sleeping. "Wake up oh!" She heard then she jerked up looking around. Some onlookers were already staring at her and one of them was taking videos already.

"Shit" she muttered to herself.

"Yesterday na so them see her for street dey sleep, day before yesterday na so."

"No be so them dey do so that them go fit make money. I no go pass money ritual or witch"

"Is that the help you're supposed to render? Nigerians! All you can do is make assumptions and take videos" Kommie yelled stretching her hands lifting Fisayo up. The nylon of toothpaste and pads dropped on the floor so she quickly picked it up.

"Sorry" Fisayo mouthed while trying to look away from the camera.

"Ritualist, it's not by force live in an estate"

Fisayo thought of different ways out of the mess, if that video goes out, it'll be more or less like social suicide for her. She has been lucky financially, fine, her kayamata games have been paying but if news gets out about her engaging in rituals,people will definitely believe it.

Her mom will develope heart attack instantly! She won't even be able to go visiting, everyone will tag her as one! Fisayo think of a way out, think oh.... Think. . ... She paused then an idea popped into her head.

Then she laughed staring at the guy taking the video, "You've all been pranked!" She screamed clapping her hands. "I am not a ritualist, did I use your mother for ritual, abi mo lo, aburo e (Or I used your little ones). With this level of thinking in Nigeria, we can't be developed. This is a misunderstanding,we are running a television and web show and I'm the host, today's show is titled it's called April fool in November"

"Where your camera people?"

"Who needs camera crew so early in the morning, we've planted cameras at the top of some of the buildings here, like the CCTV cameras, all we just have to do is edit it and then show it to the whole world."

Everyone looked confused that moment with their brows creased. "It's true guys." Kommie added to Fisayo's surprise, she had no idea who the young lady was but she was grateful for her support. She doesn't know of the girl will end up asking for something in return. Dje brushed that thought off, she'll deal with that aspect once she deals with this pokenosers!

Kommie waved her hands, "April fool guys, you've all been fooled." "You've all been fooled" Fisayo yelled waving her hands too then she dropped them. "I wish you all can see your faces right now" she laughed nervously."

"Sometimes we don't have to jump into conclusions, let's ask questions first."

One of the men hissed leaving, "You stupid celebrities and your ways of looking for popularity" "Bye Sir!" Fisayo yelled, "The moral lesson is that we shouldn't jump into conclusions before asking questions" she added and Kommie smiled, "Ask question first, conclusions later" she replied.

One by one they all went their way then Fisayo pulled the guy with the camera close. "Please delete that video" "Why? This is good news, it will trend" "You can't put that news on someone's site before we put it on our you tube channel. It will reduce our views" Kommie answered the guy and Fisayo stared at her, surprise she was still carrying on with the act.

"It will trend still"

"Is that what you guys care about? Trending news, no matter how explicit and inconsiderate they are"

"How much do you want to have that video deleted?" Fisayo asked and the guy smiled. "Can you pay ten k?" "For what?" Kommie hissed, "Done" Fisayo replied and she gasped staring at her.

"Just like that?"

"My money"

"My phone is not with me, sweetie" she turned towards Kommie, "Can you help me do a transfer instead? I promise I'll give you back" she begged and Kommie brought out her phone batting her eyes at the guy, "You won't make heaven"

"Your phone"

"Money never enter"

"Don't touch your phone, let me know that you're not copying the file."

Yemisi opened her eyes in bed surprised that Kwame wasn't sleeping close to her. She heard the tap running in the bathroom so she assumed he was bathing.

She consciously checked the sheets, it wasn't the one from the previous night. "Kwame" she muttered rising up to the bathroom where Kwame was squeezing the bed sheets.

"Babe... You shouldn't have"

"You shouldn't have what?"

"You shouldn't have done that" "Why?" "It's embarrassing" she replied in tears so he dropped the bed sheet in a pail now walking up to her, "I decide what's embarrassing, not you. I thought we already agreed on that?"

"We didn't agree on anything, at least I didn't. This is my urine, do you know how badly urine smells? Even a baby's urine start smelling when they start eating real food, how many much more me"

"I guess there's a reason why I call you Baby" he replied forcing a chuckle out of her, "It's fine. This is a message to you, Babe, I'm here to stay. I'm here to clean after your mess, don't try to push me away. I don't mind cleaning after you, I honestly don't."

"What if you get tired?"

"If I get tired, all I just need to do is remind myself of how much you mean to me cause you do mean everything to me. I pray never to get tired of loving you, I pray for strength"

Yemisi sniffled and he kissed her on the forehead. "How come I didn't feel you take the bed sheet off?" "I kind of gave you sleeping pills"

"What?" She asked then she laughed. "It was necessary"

Amazing got out of the bathroom to her phone ringing, seeing that the caller was Benefit, she answered the call. " Benefit dear, how are you doing this morning? I hope you're not still shaken from the whole thing?" She asked. This was followed by a quiet sob, "Benefit? Are you okay?" Amazing became scared.

"No. Something happened this morning"

"What's that?"

"I woke up...... It felt like a normal romantic morning with Jeff until..... He noticed some lines on my back like bruises. When I went in to take my bathe, the pain came rushing as if the water made it worst. It felt as though there was salt in the water"

"I'm sorry"

"I've been trying to call you"

"I was in the bathroom, is Jeff okay?"

"Thank God he is, what about you?" "I'm fine" "Have you heard from the others?"

"Only Nene and Blessing. I called Fisayo but she didn't pick up, Uche hasn't been picking up either." "I hope they're okay"

"Why are you helping me?" Fisayo asked Kommie shortly after the issue had been sorted, "I just saw people criticising you and judging you, I had been the judge." "Thank you. And thank you for covering up" she chipped in laughing.

"I was in shock when you took on the role even till the end"

"Why were lying on the floor?" She asked and Fisayo shrugged, "I can't explain it, if I do, you won't believe it anyways. Thank you for the money, I promise to pay back in interest. I live on the estate, just follow me"

"I was sent on an errand. You can have it transferred to my account." She answered handing her phone to Fisayo. Input your number here, I'll send you a text" "You trust me that much?"

"My brother lives here, I'll have him trail your ass if you don't give me back my money" she threatened and Fisayo laughed. "I don't kukuma know how to owe somebody" she said struggling with her laughter. "My name is Comfort, you can call me Kommie"

"Fisayo, you can call me Fissy, or Fissy Baby"

"I better get home"

"Thank you once again"

Amazing wore her earrings in preparation to head to work when heard her phone ring, she glanced at the caller ID then she hissed and rolled her eyes. She didn't understand why Aboh had to be relentless!

Why in the world would he be calling her? The guy has been trying for a month now. She exhaled looking into the mirror.

"Don't let this bother you Amazing, don't let it bother you"

Her phone rang again so she rolled her eyes glancing at the caller ID again. It was Mrs Jones, "Oh my.." she trailed quickly answering the call. "Good morning Ma" "Good morning dear. I'm using this medium to remind you of Friday"

Amazing chuckled, "Yes, I know what you're probably thinking, is this woman sane at all? Calling me this early for something so insignificant" "It's not insignificant, I won't forget it"

"Thank you"

"There's no need...." She trailed off on hearing a knock on the door so she walked out of the room towards the door. "There's no need to thanks me Ma, It'll be an honour to be there. I have to go now, there's someone at the door"

"Have a lovely day Amazing"

"You too Ma" she replied then she hung up now holding on to the door knob. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Aboh"

Amazing scoffed then she opened up, "What are you doing here?" "I heard you came back so I came to see you" he explained and she tried to shut the door against him but he pressed his palm against it.


"Don't make me break your hands Aboh, don't ....push me"

"Just listen to me"

"Give me a reason why I should? One reason"

"I haven't been able to sleep well these past few weeks. It feels like years and you ignoring my calls haven't made it easy on me. I'm sorry and I feel guilty about what happened, I just want you to know that I love you but"

"But nothing! Aboh, you said you didn't want me and I'm trying to forget the hurt, the embarrassment I faced from family and friends, the embarrassment I'm still going through. You have the nerves coming back here again, it's like rubbing salt to the heart you stabbed."

"I'm sorry"

"And that's supposed to what? Make me feel better? Take the shame away Aboh?" "You have ten percent chance of getting pregnant and we can't even try to get pregnant until six months later. Of it doesn't work, I'll be wasting my time"

Amazing shut her eyes, "I see you came to remind me of my ten percent chance" "No, don't misunderstand me" "Get lost Aboh" "Amazing"

"Get lost!" She slammed the door against his face. "Amazing!" He called out and she opened up back, "If you're still here by the time I'm about to leave for work, I'll have you reported to the police for disturbance of my peace and trust me if I want to take this serious, I might end up putting a restraining order against you so if you know what's good for you, you'll get the hell off my front porch or I'll make you pay literarily" she snapped slamming the door.

Aboh exhaled, "Wow..... She's angry. I've never seen her that angry"

Kommie walked into Bassey's living room exhaling loudly. "Who runs out of toothpaste in his own house?" She complained and Bassey laughed, "I didn't run out of toothpaste, If you had taken time to open up the toothpaste, you would have had more than enough. That paste in there can last me till tomorrow evening. That's when I can admittedly say that I've run out of toothpaste"

Kommie gasped, "Your economy is worst than mine! You're supposed to have back up toothpaste. This is..... you need a wife, a wife would have all this under control."

Bassey scoffed, "What does having a wife have to do with any of this?" "It has everything to do with all of this. Mom is planning on introducing you to your future wife if you don't show her one this Friday"

He scoffed, "And I'm supposed to accept this person?" "It's Tara" "The woman wants you married before you turn thirty five" "What I do with my life is entirely my choice, I'll marry when I see i find the right person. I'm still searching, girls are complicated creature of God, you really can't understand them. So, of I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with someone, it has to be a person that's worth it, the perfect woman"

Kommie smiled, "Good luck on finding your prefect woman." "Why did you take so long to get here? Just to get ordinary toothpaste, you took an hour and half" "I had an encounter" "I see.... Who's the man that stopped you? It was one Aristo shey? We have a lot of them in this estate"

"It wasn't any Aristo, i had to help a woman, she was lying on the road and you know Nigerians now, people were already taking videos and assuming she's a ritualist because according to them, she was there the previous day"

"Wait.... She's fair"


"Has a nice shape, very pretty" He asked with a smile and she gave a nod.

"Yes. You know her?" "Yeah..... We met, I and our vigilante group managed to save her from being rape. Apparently, she had no idea how she got to the road side that morning. It's suspicious to think the same thing happened again"

"She doesn't look like a bad person"

"I didn't say she is, it's just suspicious. She's not a bad person but she's arrogant too, I didn't even get a thank you for saving her ass and to think she spent the whole night or should I call it morning in this house"

Kommie smiled at him, "Why do I smell gist? Did something happen?
Scratch that, what happened?" "No! Was something supposed to happen? I'll never take advantage of a helpless woman! Nothing happened, I saved her life, brought her in and she couldn't even say thank you for it."

Amazing stood at the waiting session in church. Wednesdays are usually counselling days so she waited in line to see Pastor Tunde. "I'm sorry about the wedding disappointment" A woman sitting close to her said, "Every disappointment is a blessing. I'm sure the man was not the right one. Imagine how you would have gotten married to the man and he ends up being a cheat or a woman beater, molesting you and physically abusing you, morning, noon and night"

She bowed he head in shame, "Wo, don't be ashame, some people without knowledge of God's time will say rubbish, they will even abuse you but pay no mind, ma da won loun! (Don't listen to them)"

"Thank you Ma. I guess I expect some people to blame me for it" "Me, I'm not blaming you. You're a good woman now, assuming my son is of a marriageable age, I will say I have found wife for him but the boy is only 23 years old" she confessed making her laugh a bit.

"Wo, forget that thing. Life is deeper than you see, you just need to be prayerful, o tan! (That's all)"

When it got to her turn, a male protocol walked up to her, "You can go in now"

Amazing smiled walking into the office and Pastor Tunde smiled. "Should I blow trumpets, cause right now, I feel like blowing one" "Is it judgement day?"

"Feels like one. But quite the contrary, this one is to celebrate your coming here. Was this how the father of the prodigal son felt like? Oh! If I feel this way, I wonder how God does when we turn from our wrong ways back to him" he paused laughing and Amazing smiled.

"You got back last week but you didn't come to church and I'm sure it wasn't because of you were too tired"

A chuckle got out of her lips, "Daddy...." "Excuses?" "No. I didn't want to go through the process of everyone feeling sorry for me. I hate my life right now" "You don't have to"

"Daddy..... I... I really need to talk to you.... My friends and I ... We made a realization, there's this fair lady that appeared to us one time and we've been having crazy experiences; bad luck" she busted into tears.

He passed tore out a tissue from a tissue box then handed it to her. "Thank you Sir. Something happened yesterday, my friend took us out to a place, she said it wasn't diabolic but when we got there....." She trailed off for him make his own conclusions.


"The woman saw things..... that I went through. I wanted to turn back but I was tempted, while she was doing all she did. She said the person responsible for our miseries was there among us. What we don't know is if the person is following us or... It's one of my friends. There's this girl we made angry in secondary and she died, maybe it's her ghost"

Pastor Tunde laughed, "Daddy it's not funny" "Sorry. I'm sorry, continue" "I don't want to believe it's my friends. I trust those ladies"

Pastor Tunde smiled shutting his eyes then he exhaled, "I'll need to have a meeting with all of your friends, here in church. How about that?" "Okay" she replied then she watched him tap on the desk while nodding his head.

"God has a message....Your friends, they're not spiritual right? How's their spiritual life?"

"They're the kind that don't mind staying back from church services, except blessing" "Ah, Blessing.... I've missed that woman. She called the other day, well that's not the koko.... Its because of their lack of spirituality that makes them vulnerable"

"And me?"

"Lack of obedience to God and your inability to be sensitive to spiritual things. There are times I sleep at night and then I get that feeling to wake up and pray, I do it. It's crazy but I do, sometimes I do till past six in the morning, on my knees. Obedience is key! You were dedicated with a wavering faith and without obedience. Every time God asks you for something, you do otherwise. How then can he use you? You have potentials, God wants to use you but you keep on shirking away from the obvious."

Amazing exhaled, "I'm scared, all these things.... Fisayo is waking up every morning by the road side, Yemisi is urinating on her body like a baby. Our life is a mess" "Your life is not a mess, stop saying stupid things for the devil to monopolize on. Speak positively!"

"I'm tired, I want God to speak to me, I asked him to last night but he didn't"

"You all need to go for a week fast, that's seven days"


"Haven't you done more?"

"Not me.... My friends"

"Good! What are the importance of fast?"

"To.... Deprive the flesh of its needs and feed the spirit. The main aim of fasting is for spiritual growth" "Exactly! That's exactly what you all need now! Kill the flesh and enhance the spirit so you can all be ready to battle this. Seek him truly and at the end of it, God is telling me, he'll reveal something to all of you, something must break"

Amazing creased her brow, "Okay..... Okay. That's just all?" "Yes, preferably if you all can do it together and maybe pray together" "Oh. Okay ... Thank you Sir, I feel more relieved"

"My dear you need to stop being stubborn and for once obey God and then watch him shape your life and lead you into your destiny place"

"Thank you Sir" she replied then she rolled her eyes, "Aboh came this morning, I don't know what he wanted but I told him off" "Thats how people do when they realize they've lost gems, don't worry, when this is over, your song shall be.... When the strife of over, I shall wear a crown"

Yemisi punched some figures on the calculator while Dare and Bamidele waited for her, "That will be a total of a hundred and let's say fifty thousand naira but based on who you guys are now, i'll give you discount"

"For just a cake" Dare asked before Bamidele could say anything, he was going to comment on her using the word 'let's say' but this big head hs already start spilling!

"And shipping cost" Yemisi replied and Dare chuckled. "Is it coming from river Niger?" He asked and she laughed. "You this guy sef, no it's coming from the Mediterranean sea, don't you know I have a branch there, I'm baking cakes for the marine kingdoms"

"Do you also give them discount?" He asked and she hissed shaking her head, "Oga, what's your own? It's a proposal cake"

He busted into laughter, "Because it's a proposal cake you can add price to it" "What kind of Alaroro (stinginess) is this? Did you study it or what?"

"My guy is proposing to his girl"

"I still don't know why you guys even try, not like the last one someone did worked out fine" Bamidele commented and Dare sucked his lips in shame knowing Bamidele was referring to him.

Yemisi laughed out hard, "Bammy, that's not fair" she sucked her lips too, "It's no funny either" she busted out laughing then she pouted staring at Dare, "Sorry, I'm fully on your side, I don't agree with this mean man oh. God, that's so mean"

"Proposal is so overrated in Nigeria, people are just finding unique ways to propose to their babes, abeg, it's turning into a competition and we the men forget that not all these girls are worth proposing to, like Hilary"

Dare rolled his eyes, "Mr philosopher, I've had enough of your sage wisdom, can we move on." "Adding Sage and wisdom together, na wa oh" "Na Calvin proposal cake bring this one now" he hissed now staring at Yemisi, "Where were we?"

"Marine business. It's customers like you that does not always allow people like us to blow. You'll just be pricing sha. Oya what's your last price?"

Dare smiled with interest, "Look at this idiot, he's smiling like a fish" Bamidele pointed at him and his smile waned down. "Dare, do you reduce cost on your ride? You want to destroy someone's business" "She's the one that said last price now"

Bamidele laughed now looking at Yemisi, "Okay, no one will be talking about last price here. Let me teach you Business 101, you don't put a last price on something that has value, take it from me. When you know the value of something, you leave the price the way it is, whether it's half a million or million for the cake, you don't reduce it, ever! The person who values your product will definitely get to you, that's how you'll blow. Rich people love costly things, if some hear you say 150 thousand, they'll leave to the next shop that's costly even though your product is good. Some will take advantage of you like our stingy brother here" he slapped Dare's forehead.

"Ouch. Dude!"

"You're better than this, your cake tastes amazing and I've tasted a lot of cake" "Dude! I know you don't have boundaries That's someone's girlfriend you're talking to"

"What did I say?"

"You can't look at someone's girlfriend in the eyes and tell her, I've tasted a lot of cakes but your cakes tastes amazing, Haba!"

"Jesus Dare!" Yemisi chuckled, "He's the one that said it now, now not me"

Bamidele laughed, "And I wasn't even thinking in that direction, and they say Bamidele Jones is the corrupt one he said Yemisi laughed out loud then she exhaled. "Thank you for your lecture Prof Bamidele Jones, asepe you have sense" "Ouch." He smiled plunging his hands into his pocket. "At your service. You should increase the price, I'm sure Calvin will be more than capable to pay"

Dare smiled, "True sha, no be am carry him babe go cruise for hatch two weeks ago." "I even had to post it on my status that if you see this guy, bill him so my dear Yemisi, Bill the motherfucker"

Yemisi cringed, "You guys should tell him something and then relay it to me" "Half a million?" "Abeg! I'm looking for customers, don't use pricy Igbale (broom) to chase my customers away"

Bamidele laughed, " You're welcome " "To what? Ehn, Uncle, on this matter, we wee fight oh" "We'll call you" "Thank you. You remind me so much of Amazing, she gives me this sort of advice but I really don't put it much to work because I'm scared. She does the pricing for me when she plugs me into one deal"

Bamidele heard the name and a smile curled up his lips, ever since he got the shocking revelation, he has been drowning in guilt. He knew he fucked up that year but this time.... He felt worst! He felt like his last was slapping him right in the face.

Perhaps it's the man upstairs trying to teach him another lesson but what can it be?

As much as he wanted to see her face after a long time, he didn't want to maybe out of shame. To think she recognised him and didn't say shit! Bamidele hissed within now staring at Yemisi who was still saying something. Probably about Amazing "

"How is she?" He asked with so much emotion in his voice then he cleared his throat to make it look like a normal thing. "I meant Amazing" "She's fine. She's fine."

"Okay. That's good to hear" he replied while Dare gave him a familiar look. "I should be going" he said walking off and Dare laughed, "We'll talk with Calvin, definitely" "Thank you " "How is Ema?" He asked and Yemisi pulled back raising her brow at him.

"Is she okay?"

"Excuse me? I didn't realize you're the baby sitter"

"No be only baby sitter, na father." "Apart from the party, I didn't realize you two were on the chit chat level" "We weren't, we met at the bar. She was drunk. Mehn, that your friend can drink, she called me Papa Ajasco" "And she'll tell you that I have high tolerance" Yemisi made her voice high pitch.

"Tolerance oshi, then she'll end up sleeping on the floor, I always tell her that one day, she'll sleep in a ditch and she will not know"

Dare laughed, "Let's not pray for the worst abeg! She's okay right?" "Yes Daddy abi it's Papa Ajasco "Hahaha very .... Very funny" he snapped staring into his phone and she laughed covering her lips. "Sorry" "Say me well to her. I have to meet a client. Goodbye"


Bamidele clashed into Ngozi on her way out then he stared at her strangely. There was something enigmatic about her, he really couldn't put his fingers around it. "Hello hottie" she said with a smile and she moved away for her to pass.

She bit her fingers before walking past her. "In someone's bakery you're still toasting girl. Your shame no get limit" "Idiot!" Bamidele lashed out then he laughed looking at the girl.

"What? You like her that much? What about Amazing?"

"Guy, just shut up for a bit. I don't like her, there's just something weird about that girl. Some kind of vibe I don't like." He muttered then he walked out of the bakery.

Ngozi walked up to Yemisi with a smile, "This one that you're smiling today like this, did you win lottery?" "Lottery kwa? No, I'm just happy. Who's that hot guy that just went out"

"The one without hair"

Ngozi rolled her eyes, "No" "Oh, you mean the other one? Bamidele Jones" "Oh. He's really hot" she complimented and Yemisi chuckled, "He's a bad boy sha oh but the funny thing is that.... I think he's eyeing Amazing, for some strange reason".

Ngozi frowned, "So I don't have a chance" "See, I've already told you already, he's a bad boy so anything that happens is at the expense of your soft heart"

"I can handle myself, I'm a big girl"

Yemisi clapped her hands, "This one that you're talking like this today. What are you doing here sef? I thought you said you had your cousin's wedding to prepare for? You guys were going to the market today now"

"Oh" she paused, "Yes we were but I came because I was running evangelism stuff" she took out a fier from her handbag then she handed it to her. "My church" "I thought you attend the redeemed church close to your house" "Which kind of .... This is my church, the prophet of the house is a very powerful man, they're holding a seven days convention. A November to remember, miracles raining like dominoes! Yesterday ehn, this man was just seeing things and healing people. It was amazing!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I saw it myself, I'm a living testimony. The guy that sat close to me had issues with his erection for seven years because a girl tied his stuff on a tree, he finally had one! Don't ask me how oh" she chuckled and Yemisi laughed too.

"You are not okay oh"

"I'm just doing evangelism, not as if you have problem. If I bring five people, I'll get a price and it's that price I'm looking for oh"

Yemisi smiled, "Something happened yesterday and I can't say it. I don't want shit happening" "What kind of shit that God can't solve? Bring it to his table, it's not as if I'm saying you should go to an herbalist home. It's a church, tomorrow's service holds in the morning from 8-12. You can make out time, or not. It's your choice sha, no one is forcing you"

Yemisi stared at the flier, "I'll try my best" "I'm sure you won't regret it" "Thank you. My price is sure oh. That reminds me, I have to go and meet up with my cousin. Bye" she waved her hands leaving with a grin on her face then she stared into her a mirror and Phina reflected.

"Have a lovely day ahead!"

"You too!" She shouted and she walked out of the building while Ayomikun walked in looking startled. "Was that Ngozi?" "Yes.... What?"

"Nothing.... It's just strange"

"What's strange?"

Ayomikun shrugged shaking her head, "Nothing, I guess it's my mind. Ignore me!" "Have you made the deliveries?" "Yes Ma"

What do you guys think of today's update? 😬🤪

I hope you enjoyed it.

The next chapter promises to be more romantic! 😍 💃💃

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