🔴 Chapter 12🔴
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Chapter 12
Amazing got out of the taxi just in front of her house, the taxi man pulled her luggage out of the boots. "Amazing?" One of her neighbours called out to her and she quickly turned towards the woman's direction.
"Good morning Ma"
"Morning. Welcome back, the landlord asked about you about two weeks ago"
"He called later on and I explained the nature of things to him"
"Oh. I'm sorry about the wedding cancellation"
Amazing shrugged, "It's fine, thank you" "Welcome back once again" the lady added while the taxi wheeled the luggage to her. "Thank you" she replied and the man nodded entering into the cab then he drove off.
She held her handbag close, took a deep breathe before pulling the luggage toward her house. While she unlocked the door,She wondered how the house will look like, especially when Ema had already moved out into a new self contain apartment. She had already prepared her mind to do some major clean up since it hasn't been cleaned up in weeks.
The moment she walked in, she heard a loud, "Welcome Back!!!!" scream from her friends, six of them were present except Blessing who had Saturday church fasting and prayer she couldn't miss.
"Oh my God" She gasped touching her chest in fear, "I swear I was one step away from running out of the house. You guys scared me, I didn't even expect this"
"We just wanted to surprise you, at least the whole purpose of was actualize, you were surprised" Benefit stretched out her hands while Yemisi went into her kitchen, "I believe the real reaction is petrified" she replied and Benefit chuckled hugging her tightly. "Welcome back."
Fisayo cleared her throat, "Is it just me or Anambra made Amazing fresher?"
Yemisi brought out a cake then she raised song, "Welcome back welcome back welcome back" "Hey" Ema shouted clapping her hands meanwhile Amazing laughed. "Awwwn, feels so nice to be back"
Soon after the short welcome back party, Amazing went over to her company to check on how things were going. Zainab has been doing her best to keep her informed.
Just as she walked into the building, all eyes turned towards her, even those who were busy stopped and stared. It was a mixed look of pity, happiness, some were even unsure of how to feel.
The wedding planner whose wedding got cancelled! She plans people's wedding to perfection, but hers didn't even go as planned.
"Good day everyone" she greeted, "Good afternoon Ma" "We're sorry Ma, good afternoon" the receptionist added then she quietly made her way to her office.
Not like she didn't expect the look! Many more people are definitely going to give her the look, especially in church!
She rolled her eyes looking around her office, Zainab has definitely been having bit cleaned up. She smiled and settled on the chair, she has really missed working!
"Welcome back Ma" Zainab said on entering into her office.
"Thank you, how are you?"
"I'm very well Ma, you should have taken a weekend rest and just resume work on Monday. There's no need to stress yourself Ma"
"Was I sick?" She asked with raised brow which left Zainab speechless, "No Ma.... That wasn't what I meant. You just got back from Anambra, you're supposed to rest"
"I've missed working, Are there no events today?"
"There is, I already sent a team, they're taking care of it Ma. I can't conman kee myself"
"Good job. Thank you for being there"
"Its nothing Ma, I'm just glad you're to take this from me cause I don't know how you do it and balance your normal life, three weeks and I emaciated"
Amazing chuckled and Zainab sat just across from her, "Were you doing everything yourself?" "How will I do? These guys, you'll need a speak to them, they won't listen, they'll be grumbling and complaining. I missed you like mad Ma, everyone has, people have been calling!"
"Call for emergency meeting, I'll like to address everyone thank you."
She needed to set somethings straight! Those sorry looks have to end! Her wedding was cancelled, she didn't want people staring pathetically at her.
"Okay Ma, but some are on off duty oh"
"I'll speak to those available"
Zainab got out then she dialed Mrs Jone's number. "Good morning Ma" "Good morning Zainab" "You said I should inform you when Miss Essien gets back, well she's back Ma"
"Oh my God! That's the best news I've heard all day. Thank you very much dear"
Murphy watched Efua dip her fork into her chicken as though stabbing it. "What's it? Are you going to eat or not?" "I really don't have the appetite. What's it with Bamidele? He hasn't been himself of late ever since that stupid incident.... Urgh!"
Murphy rolled his eyes, "Can we not speak about Bamidele right now? I just want to eat in peace" "There's no way you're eating in peace" "How am I supposed to know what's wrong with him"
"You're his damn friend! Duh! Who else should I ask. What's wrong with him? His head is longer in the game, he wasn't even turned on with me naked. I know I fucked up real badly when I said those things but I was just being myself but this is way past that."
"Well, your precious Bamidele is in love"
Efua scoffed, "That's impossible, with who? Me?" "No. That Christian girls the one I went to that date with. Amazing" he replied and she scoffed.
"That's impossible." "He calls it an attachment. We almost fought over"
"Bamidele can't be in love, even if he wants to be, it has to be with me!"
"Well, your precious Bamidele likes another person. I don't see why you're still hung up on him"
"Ever since I was little, I've had this crush on Bamidele, when my parents were leaving. I stayed behind, not because I love the country, no. It was because of Bamidele Jones, it has always been him, getting married to him has always been my dream, getting married to him, not to you so the earlier you get over me, the better. I mean what will Bamidele do when he finds out his best friend is in love with his future wife, moi. If I don't get Bamidele, no one else will"
Two hours later, Mrs Jones showed up in front of Amazing's office, she knocked before pushing the door open. She walked in with a smile on her face, "Good morning" she greeted and Amazing rose up quickly in guilt, she has been avoiding her calls for the past weeks!
"Good morning Ma, I didn't know you were coming"
"Seeing that you've been ignoring my calls, there was no way to tell you. When did you get back?"
"Today" she replied then she stretched her hands out to a seat, "Have you seat Ma" "Thank you dear" she replied sitting down. "I'm sorry for ignoring your calls Ma, I didn't want any sympathy from anyone. I didn't want to feel worst than I already did"
"Anyone in your shoe will feel that way. I understand. How do you feel now? I hope you're alright"
"Don't you worry dear. The right man will definitely come your way"
"Amen. What should I offer you?"
"Nothing. I'm fine, I only came to see how you are" "And you Ma, how's the family?"
"They are all fine, thank God! What you need is a distraction, I hope you had a little fun in Anambra"
"How?" Amazing was shocked, she wasn't supposed to know. "Well, Zainab let in me in, she has been my own little friend since you left. I hope you don't mind"
Amazing chuckled, "I don't. Thank you for the concern" "I care about you like you're my own daughter. Did you have fun?" "No" she shrugged, "I was just indoor most of the time, travelling in and out from Uyo to Anambra"
"You should make out time here in Lagos to go see a movie, take a walk in the park"
She shrugged, "I'm sure that man will come very soon. Sooner than you think" "I'm not holding my breathe Ma, quite honestly, I'm tired of disappointment. Aboh was my...." She trailed off.
"Every disappointment is a blessing. You don't wallow in the disappointment, you try to turn it all around. You are a beautiful, beautiful woman my dear" "Well men think differently. The dating market is not opened to me, people think I'm too old"
"Ah.... Its not all men that have eyes oh, some have but can't see the right thing even if it slaps them on the face! I'm sure the market hasn't closed for you here, in fact, it just opened! My art exhibition will be coming up next week, I'll like to see you there. I've got some really good paintings you can get for your home"
"I'll definitely make out time to come. Thank you Ma"
Bamidele opened his door to see Efua in a pink body con gown as and a big handbag in her hand. "Hey" she said and he rolled his eyes, "I thought you were angry at me" "Well I guess I can't stay angry at you for too long" she tapped on his cheek.
"I packed in a few stuff, I'll be sleeping over and then I'll leave for work tomorrow"
Bamidele shut the door staring at her, "What do you say we go into the room and I left you take off everything I have on? Or do you want to start now? Your choice." She bit her lips and he grinned.
Dare placed her hands over Hilary in the cinema while they watched a romantic comedy. "Awwwn, I'm so happy I finally got to watch this, I've been watching the trailer all week"
"I noticed"
Hilary smiled, "You did? Awwwn, thanks" she replied and he leaned in for a kiss, "Dare, we're in public" she laughed, "A peck on the cheek kor?" "Don't be crazy, you're funny oh"
Bamidele opened the door clad in boxers only and his mother walked in holding on to a food flask. "I brought home made Efo and Amala" she walked in. "Bam Bam!" Efua called out dressed in bra and panties.
"Good.... Oh my God, I didn't know. Good evening Ma" she greeted, "Good evening Efua, how are you?" "I'm fine Ma" "And your parents?" "They are fine Ma. Um .... Bam Bam, I'll be in the room" she whispered leaving and Mrs Jones scoffed.
"What is she doing here?"
"What else? Maybe she came for Bible study"
"Mom, you have to go" he grabbed the food flask from her. "So you can what? Sleep with her? This one is not wife oh. After what we discussed on.... Bamidele?"
"Mom.... Good night"
"I love you Mom"
"Whatever. Remember the art exhibition next week Friday" "What art exhibition? Mom I don't care about arts"
"Bamidele, it's on Friday, keep that in mind or else I won't forgive you"
"Good night" she added kissing him on the cheek.
Amazing approached a restaurant, Nene had called her so they can meet up and eat there. The first thought that crossed her mind was, why she will fix dinner without the girls? But she agreed to go anyways.
The last time she was here was on her blind date with Murphy. Why will she have to choose the same venue?
"I'm at the restaurant. Where are you?"
"Don't get angry. I'm not there"
"Well... It's a blind date"
"Whaaat? Nene, I just got back"
"I know but he's my colleague who knows you, remember that guy that i introduced you to, Somto the one whose wedding you planned one time. He asked of you and ever since he heard about what happened, he's been asking and ..... I had to do it!"
Amazing exhaled, "I don't even know the guy" "That's why it's called a blind date. Please just try to open up" she replied, "Stop licking your wounds leave it to heal and you'll heal by entertaining dates like this one"
Somto waved his hands and she hung up walking up to him. "Hey" she said waving at him then she sat down putting her phone in the black bag she held. "Good evening" she added, "Good evening Amazing, if we're introducing ourselves, my name is Somtochuckw Isreal"
"AmazingGrace Essien"
"How sweet the sound of that name" he laughed to himself, "Do you get the joke?" He asked and she faked a chuckle, "Yeah....."
The waiter walked over to them and they both placed their order. "You look good, yellow is your color" "You're not looking bad either"
"Thank you. My daughter picked the shirt for me, she said it fits me"
"Oh. You have a daughter" "Yeah" "That's cute, what's her name and how old is she?"
"Her name is Theresa Isreal, she is thirteen years old" "Thirteen?" "She's the daughter I had during my university days. Pretty, they are two actually, Jessica is ten years old"
"Oh. What about your wife?"
"She left me for someone else"
"Oh. I'm sorry about that"
"Its nothing, I heard about your ex fiance and how the guy messed up on your wedding week! I'm sorry about it"
"It's fine"
The man shook his head while the waiter dropped their order, "It's not fine, the man is an inconsiderate bastard who deserves to be arrested. A nincompoop to the core!" He poured the wine into the glasses, picked his spoon then he began eating.
"Thank you" she said to the waiter before he left.
"I'll forget about it"
"My regret is why I didn't do anything that month that we met, my cousin's wedding in April" "It was in May" Amazing replied fondling with the spoon, she didn't have the appetite but she managed to put a spoon of fried rice in her mouth. "May? I thought it was ...well, that doesn't matter. If I had made my move on you, perhaps now you would have been pregnant for me and we'll be expecting our son"
Amazing coughed, she reached out for the glass of wine then she sipped it. "Excuse me?" "Let's not act like children, I'm not going to beat about the bush either. I need to get married as quick as possible and I know you, Nene says you have a character to die for and I don't doubt it. You are qufe material, hundred yards and I'm ready to make you my wife. I won't be like that man that stopped half way. I am not a man that begins a project and stop half way, God forbid!"
"I want a son, I want children more children especially sons to inherit my properties. Theresa won't be able to do anything with my father's properties"
"Excuse me, because she's a woman?"
"Well.... That's the culture that has been, my father handed his properties to me, I will also do same."
"I had fibroid surgery, did Nene also tell you that?"
"No. I guess that's personal"
"I can't think of having children till after six months but now it's just less than five months left."
"What are the complications if you get pregnant before then?"
"The baby might not survive being that the uterine walls are not strong enough"
The man exhaled, "less than five months?" He gave it a thought, "And there were some complications, I have just ten percent chance of getting pregnant" "What? I don't understand, can you try to be clear?" "The chances that I can ever get pregnant is ten percent"
"Jesus!" He exclaimed, "Do you still want to get married to someone like me? Do you?"
The man bowed his head, "That one is hard oh. I.... I thought..." "I thought so too" she blinked her tears in then she pushed the seat backwards rising up. "Have a nice dinner" she replied walking out of the restaurant.
She dialed Nene's number instantly, "Let this be the last time you ever set me up on a blind date, next time I swear I won't be nice!" She snapped ending Tue call. Nene called back but she refused picking the call.
She busted into tears, she felt a fresh wound had been opened up when the old one was yet to heal!
Kwame walked into the house with a briefcase in her hand. "Babe, i'm home!" He announced then Yemisi got out of the kitchen, she was wearing an apron with maggi star on it. "Welcome back" she said to him then he dropped the briefcase pulled her in and she groaned.
"I smell like palm oil"
"Who cares?" He asked kissing her on the lips and she kissed him back running her finger on his chest. "Oko mi ka'abo (welcome my husband)"
"That sounds great. What's missing is our children rushing out to embrace me. I can't wait"
Yemisi exhaled, "Hey.... I have something to tell you but first, I'll let you have dinner first" "What?" "Dinner first" "What is it?" He asked and she shrugged, "I packed my stuff, I'll be leaving"
"Leaving where?"
"Leaving this place, I don't think I'll be sleeping over again"
"Don't pretend like you don't know the situation"
"What situation? It's not what we can't handle"
"For how long? It's been weeks, I'm tired and embarrassed, I feel like I've failed as a woman. I can't keep on dealing with this every night, the room smells like there's a six year old child living in the house. Six years old children don't even pee on the bed any longer! I can't control it and I'm tired" she sobbed walking away and he exhaled.
"Babe" he muttered.
"Fissy Baby, I don't know how to tell you this, I've been dying to say this to you, I am in love with you, darling you are pretty" Fisayo confessed to herself while staring into the mirror then she placed her palm on her chest.
Self glorification and adoration was something she was fond of doing, it doesn't hurt to be a narcissist right? Besides, it stops her from getting any job done on her face.
If she had appreciated the rest of her body, she wouldn't have had those surgeries!
"Ah! Wo bo se fine! Don't let anyone tell you less, see as your face is shinning. Fine girl no pimple" she winked at herself. "I don't need a man to tell me that, I'm in love with me" she kissed her own palm then she placed it against the mirror.
"Good night" she said to herself then she laid in bed, picked up her phone, scrolled through her Instagram page.
Ema sat in bar with a glass of drink in her hand, "Ema, you go pay this night" "Baba, calms. My plug dey come" "If him no come kor" "Put it on my tabs" "Your tabs is starting to look like a wedding list from Imo state" he replied and I'll call your sister" "If you dare, I'll plug your balls with my hands"
The bar guy rolled his eyes, "Babe, you'll put me in trouble" "I already told you, my plug is coming" "Shebi its been up to six weeks since you lost.." "Don't even complete it"
"Sorry, but .... Drinking won't solve a thing"
"If I need therapy, I know where I can fucking get one. Can i just fucking drink this in peace?" She asked and Nonso sat on a stool close to her and she smiled.
"My plug is here"
Nonso raised his brow, "What useless plug is that?" "You're paying for my drinks" "O...kay" he replied and the bar guy handed her bills to him. "What?" He asked, "Did you open a beer palor with the drinks you bought?"
"Is that what you have to say to a person who made you pass university"
"Ooooh, I am tired of this your emotional blackmail. Why do you bother yourself? It doesn't even work. See, I'm not paying more than two thousand naira. I'm not your girlfriend"
"I can't even be the unfortunate person dating you. You can't even afford me"
"You're broke"
Ema lifted her middle finger, "Fuck you" "Fuck you harder" he snapped and she rolled her eyes. "You're free to drop the two thousand" the bar guy added and Non so brought out his wallet.
"If you dare bring out that money, I'll stab that hand of yours so if you know what's good for you, put that useless purse back in your pocket"
"Wow.... Nice way to be grateful" he returned the purse back into the back of his pocket.
"How far the job?"
"Yes." He clapped his hands, "Have you heard of Noodrish?" "No" "It's a new noodle company" "Why haven't I heard of it?"
"That's the whole essence of its new. They need a marketer and I told them I know someone who is more than capable of doing it" "What kind of marketing, door to door?" She asked sarcastically then he notice him stall.
"Door to door, like for reals?"
"Its like Noodrish evangelism"
"We all know this one is going to fold up after three months just like the rest,why will I market a noodles that sounds like a porn site nuderish, like haba! Is it a noodles you wat when you're particularly nude"
"Its from the noodles now"
"I'm sure the noodles taste like crap!" "It's not like that...." He stalled looking away, "My sister's children couldn't even eat it" he confessed. "The guy is my friend"
"You've never had smart friends before so I don't blame you sha"
Nonso nodded, "That's why I'm sitting close to you" "Oh please! You're not my friend, you don't even have what it takes to be in that circle" "I don't need a broke friend" "A broke friend that can give good business advise is better than all your stupid rich friends. How much is the guy paying?"
"Ten thousand naira"
"Ten what?" She scoffed, "Ten thousand naira, bit it's for start oh, when the business booms, it will be increase" "Mad oh!" She replied with little or no enthusiasm. "When the business booms... It'll be like 12 k or 15 k"
"Mad oh, when will the business boom? 2000 and what 2050, so I'll earn 10k till 2050, I'm supposed to hope on 10 k, I'll use 10k to get married, to have children, send my children to school. Baba, abeg!"
"It's just the beginning"
"Baba, would have slapped you if not that I don't want you to lose the little sense you have"
The bar guy laughed, his reaction made Nonso scowl at him. "Sorry" he apologized and Ema sipped the remaining liquor in the glass. "First time seeing beggars choosing"
"Fuck you Nonso, and fuck all your entire household of beggars"
"Don't make me angry, I'm tired of coming through for you. That's how you'll insult me his I'll still show up anyway. I'm just trying to help you"
"Help?" She asked laughing to herself, "You don't even know the definition of help, you're nothing but a motherfucking selfish bitch! You've always been, you have a good job thanks to me"
"Abeg? Should i remind you how you got the job?I gave you this gig before I got fire from my place of work, you got this job because of me and you earn what? 150 k a month and you can't even pay this bill?"
"Old story, besides, you're not my responsibility"
Ema picked up a bottle of beer from another customer close to her then he poured it on his head, "Geez!" "You're a motherfucking ungrateful bastard!"
"Are you mad?"
Ema raised the bottle, "You don't have any fucking loyalty! Oga dismiss before I break your fucking head, you no say I no dey joke" she threatened and he moved back.
"Babe, how far now? Which one set?" the guy whose beer had been spilled called on her and she turned towards him, "Sorry. I'm sorry. Paul, replace him beer"
Paul gave her a look and she brought out a thousand naira from her pocket placing it on the surface of the bar counter.
Nonso rolled his eyes, standing away from her, "When you're done crying and when you're done getting your life back in order, I know you'll call me. Let's just hope it's not too late by then"
"Fuck you!" Ema rose up with the bottle in her hand then he ran off. She sat down on the bar stool busting into tears.
Dare and Hilary walked out of the cinema hand in hand. "Remember when you saw that proposal two months ago on Instagram and you made a joke that if someone can give you this kind of proposal, you'll be happy. I know you're a big fan of public proposals so...." He trailed off going on his knees then he brought out a ring.
"Hilary Bright Kalu, will you marry me?" He asked and she covered her face from the number of onlookers who were bringing out their cameras to capture the moment.
Hilary's heart thumped faster than normal, she didn't expect the proposal, not even in another two years! Why will he have to propose today? Its not like she likes him that way oh!
For crying out loud, she had her main boo already! Put simply, sideboo turned Mainboo! She and Dare had been dating for a year before she met Stanley and automatically made Dare a side boo.
She would have broken up with Dare but she needed him for her sanity, the guy knew how to show love, he was genuinely nice,a great listener and he had a way of making her laugh even in trying times! The guy was naturally funny!
What about the sex is better too even better than her main boo but financially, he can't really beat Stanley! He works in a oil firm!
Fine, the guy barely has time for her, always going for one business meetings and the other but... At least the money comes in weekly but Dare?
It's not as if he doesn't do his quota but if his money was what she wholely depend on, she wouldn't be looking this good and she won't even have had extra change to take care of her parents!
Her mother knows about her oil company boyfriend oh, the woman will literarily swear for her if she dare finds out she chose a cab driver over a rich guy!
She can't even do that! She wants a really loud wedding that Dare can't even afford.
Her mind wandered around those Amebos raising camera, every proposal in Nigeria usually trend on social media. What if Stanley sees this? She dare not say yes to Dare! But.... the guy will be embarrassed and the video will trend even more but at least, Stanley won't get angry!
She'll quickly call him after leaving this place and she'll tell him that her best friend popped up a surprise proposal, after all, he knows Dare as her best friend.
She'll just play the whole 'is it a crime to be best friend with a guy?" card.
If it will even work!
"Baby" he called out snapping her out of her thoughts. "Will you marry me? My hand don dey pain me,the ring don come dey heavy" he joked and she chuckled nervously.
"Ah, speech don enter, Baba na disappointment be this one!" On of the onlookers commented and Hilary clasped her fingers together. "See, I care about you. I really do, just not in that way"
"I...." He scoffed, "I don't understand" "What's there not to understand? Dare you're just my friend" "Friend? Wow...." He rose up moving close to her.
"Why are you saying this?" He whispered, We are all but friends and you know it. Is there someone else you're probably saying this for? There's another guy right? I'm not stupid, I'm the king of codes, you can't fool me, there's someone else right?" He asked and she wondered what she'll tell Stanley.
She'll just lie to him that Dare was only begging her to say yes in front of the cameras!
"There's someone else right?"
"Dare what do you expect me to do? Get married to you? You're a... A cab driver, even Bamidele calls you Cabu Cabu"
Dare scoffed, "I'm not a cab driver, it's my business idea. Okay, partially I am but I'm the boss of my business, I'm a CEO" "And he works in an oil company, two different things, I can't choose you over him." She paused moving backwards, "I'm sorry I can't, we're just friends" she said out loud now leaving the scene and Dare shut his eyes in regrets.
A lone tear managed to roll down and he quickly wiped it off, "Shit"
He soon made his way into a bar, sat on a bar stool, he looked beside him to see Ema laying her head on the bar counter. "What do you want?" Paul asked him and he exhaled.
"Something strong" he replied, "Coming right up" he replied tapping Ema with her credit card in his hands. "Babe, its still saying insufficient fund"
"Baba try it again" she replied and Dare turned towards her wondering why the voice sounded familiar.
"Are you expecting money or what? It's the third time and it's still saying insufficient fund." He dropped the card on the counter. "Should I call Benefit?"
Ema lifted up her head, "Baba, no try me oh. I'll roast you alive I swear" "What about Amazing?" "Do you have a death wish? I'm not a baby that someone needs to watch ober, I'm a grown ass woman and I can handle my own bills" she picked up her card dipping into her hand bag.
"Ema?" Dare asked and Ema turned towards him then she blinked her eyes, "You! Dare right?"
"Wow, you remembered my name?"
"Even if I'm a bit tipsy, I still have sharp memories. What are you doing here?" She asked, "I came to pick my sister from the school" he replied and she laughed, "Stupid question, I know, I was going to say stupid question before you gave me that stupid reply" she replied slapping his cheek playfully while Paul dropped Dare's order in front of him.
"You're a stupid guy"
Dare exhaled, "You can say that again" he held the glass sipping the drink. How could be so stupid to think a girl like Hilary could actually settle for him? The girl was way too good for him.
Ema noticed the sad look on his face then she began to wonder of what she said cause the look, "I didn't mean that. See, I'm... I love abusing people and most times I don't mean it"
"Baba leave me! Put it on my tabs"
"The boss is coming back tomorrow, what will happen when I'm to give account? The gbese (debt) is too much, he'll either deduct the ten k from my salary or he'll fire me and I'm not ready to lose my job yet"
Ema glared at him, "Should I give you microphone? So that you can announce it? Make it more public" "Babe, if you have cash in hand" "I don't even have transport fare! I gave my last shingbai to you! If you dey Thomas for the matter, come search me now!" She snapped then she shut her eyes in shame now turning towards Dare.
Tears almost rolled down her eyes so she turned towards Paul angrily, "Fuck you!" "I didn't know" "Shut up!" She snapped wiping her tears then she laughed out loud.
Dare handed his card over to Paul, "Her bills" he said and the guy quickly collected it. "What are you doing?" Ema asked, In matter of seconds he grabbed the POS machine ready to insert the card in.
"Baba if you put that card I swear to God, I'll break your head"
"You're always threatening everyone"
"Please give him back his card"
"I am willing to"
"No one asked you to" she pushed herself over the counter, then she grabbed the card handing it back to him, "No offense, but, no one asked for your help. I can sort my bills out, thank you"
Dare stared at the card in his hands, "There's no need to act independent" "This is not acting, I'll pay myself even if I have to sell my phone to do it. I mean I'm living way higher than my budget. Who uses iPhone in this economy when I can use Vivo or Itel" she replied laughing to herself.
"The offer is going oh, going... Going going" he added keeping the card back when he realized she was being serious.
Ema picked up his glass taking the drink then she grimaced. "Aren't you drunk enough" "No. I have high tolerance, my tolerance is taller than you are. Get yourself another drink, this one is mine, you look ugly. What's wrong with you?" She asked and he shrugged bringing out a ring, "I proposed to my girlfriend and she said no to me, in front of everyone"
"Fuck! That's fucked up mehn! Sorry"
Dare sniffled, "Don't tell me sorry, I'm going to cry" "Sorry" she repeated and he wiped his tears off. "I thought..... I thought she loved me, I didn't know she was double dating. Why do you girls like doing that?"
"Men do the same too but I don't. I have never done it. Did she tell you"
"I figured out and when I asked, she couldn't deny it." He sniffled wiping his tears. "She also said it's because I wasn't rich enough. The guy works in oil firm"
"She said that? What a bitch!"
"She's not a"
"A bitch, bitch that's who she is and the earlier it gets into your head, the better" "She's nice" "She could have said yes and then say no to you in private" "She didn't want to disappoint her boyfriend. She kept on saying it out loud that we're just friends"
"Bitch, bitch, bitch, that's who she is! She could have as well shot you in the head"
Dare shook his head, "I think I'm comfortable being alive" "You'll die of embarrassment. I'm sure you're going to end up being depressed" "Do I look like that kind of guy?" "No. I'm just speaking from heart ache experience. I have PhD in this thing oh. My life is a bloody mess, you either drink away your sorrow or you drink away your sorrow but it doesn't help" she laughed to herself.
"I also try not to talk about the issue, I sweep it off and act like my life is normal. Don't talk about her, she's your past"
"It's because I'm not fine right? I don't have hair"
Ema laughed, "Wow, I never noticed that until now. Papa Ajasco" she teased and he laughed, "Seriously?" "Just joking! I'm not joking about the Papa Ajasco part sha"
"Wow... She said she can't marry a cab driver"
"You're a cab driver?"
"Urgh! Whatever! Baba, I said you should not talk about her again! Aha han! One more word about her, one more word, I'll squeeze your balls"
"You can't do that"
"Try me" she threatened then she rolled her eyes. "So what about you? What brought you here?" "Well.... I came to meet a friend"
"I don't have any, it's a friend from Uni, he um.... He's an asshole whose head I almost broke, he ran out for his life" "Wow, are you always this violent"
Ema shrugged, "Just take it easy, before I forget..... I'm sorry, this should have been the first thing before anything. How's your baby?" He asked and her face contorted into a sad one. She had to with old tears from falling that moment.
She didn't understand why the night had to be shitty and emotional for her!
"I lost it"
"Shit..... I'm sorry"
"Its okay.... No, it's not but I try not to think of it. It was the only thing I had of Kunle, he planted his seeds in me and it didn't even grow to maturity. I woke up one morning from having a dream about being stabbed and then I woke up with blood everywhere" she laughed in hurt.
"It was really painful"
"Your village people are really hitting you hard with grenades"
"I'm trying to forget it, trying to let it go. My life has always been messy. I mean it didn't used to be" "Wanna talk about it?" He asked and Ema shrugged, "I um..... After I graduated from school top of my class"
"Wait what? Top of what?"
"What? You don't believe it, I graduated with a 3.92 CGPA. I was the highest. Nobody can try me oh, I had this good job, my pay was amazing I was earning 80k when I began. It was unbelievable then I got promoted and I became a Senior executive in the firm. I was young and brilliant. I was even helping people with jobs, at the age of 23 I was done with school. The punk who ran for his life was someone I also helped with a job"
"It's hard to believe"
"I don't blame you. I don't know what happened, how it happened. I got kicked down the food chain. I got fired for no reason, um... Everyone I've helped they just deserted me, my life became messed up, I can't keep a job any longer! Everyone has tried to help but nothing is working. Nothing! Thinking of it, hat was when my life started falling apart. That idiot Nonso had the guts to meet me so I can market for one noodrish noodles company"
"Which one is that one?"
"One new company"
"Company abi shop that will still close down"
"Same thing I said, that's not even the annoying part this pay is 10 k. For crying out loud, I have a certificate! I am so angry!" She gulped the whole drink then she exhaled loudly squeezing her face.
"One more shot"
"No more shot! How are you going to go back home?"
"Not like I'm planning to" she leaned on him, "I don't have transport, I'll crash here" "Where do you live? I'll uber you for free"
Ema grunted, she was already sleeping. "Ema!" "Calm down, don't shout. I'll show you my house" she rose up walking away then she fell on the floor and Dare shook his head now staring at her hand bag on the bar stool.
"She'll survive as you see her like that she's sleeping" Paul replied then Dare exhaled, "Do you have her address?" "Can you be trusted? Ema can take care of herself but she's drunk at the moment"
"I'll just drop her home and leave"
"I don't have her new address, you can ask her. I'm sure she'll tell you"
Dare removed his credit card from his purse then he stretched it out to him. "My bill and hers" "You barely have a bill, it's all hers." He answered and he chuckled turning back at Ema who was now curled up.
"Thank you for helping her. Ema is stubborn oh, she doesn't like receiving help from anyone. Besides, I don't have to worry about getting fired. I'll like to get your phone number and address if possible"
Ema staggered her way into the room then she crashed in bed shutting her eyes, "Come and lock on the door at least" Dare said to her, "Come in" "I have my house" "Please? I don't want to stay alone, please" She requested slowly falling asleep and Dare groaned in frustration.
He spread her bed sheet over her body before taking a seat on a one arm chair just close to the bed.
Fisayo laid on the bare floor by the road side in a red nighties. She was deeply asleep, she had unconsciously sleep walk to the road side. Three young men approached her, "Omo see fresh meat" one of them commented squaring before her them he rubbed her laps.
Fisayo blinked her eyes waking from the strange touch, if there was something she was sensitive of, is being touched by strange hands. She opened her eyes to the three guys grinning at her, that was when she realized the environment she was in!
She recognized the environment, it was somewhere in the estate where she lived in. And for crying out loud, what the fuck was she doing out there by that time and what was she doing on the floor.
The last thing she remembered doing was streaming through some Instagram pictures abi.... Is she still sleeping? These thoughts rummaged through her.
It has to be a dream!
"Babe you fine oh"
Tani o n pe ni Babe? Se mo jo egbe e ni? Mi o n sé egbe egbon re gan. E ma gba mi o.... ịyalaya re lo pe Babe! Ko ni da fun ịyalaya e fun nkan ti o sé nisin. O fi owo palapala, owo pala pala, owo oshi e pa mi lara. Sé ara mi jo awon ti o ma n fi owo kan . Se o ka mi mo awon sikirat ati Rashida ti o ma n fi owo pa Lara. (Who are you calling babe? Do I look like your mate? I'm not even your sister's mate! It's your grandmother you're calling Babe, it won't be well with your grandmother for that, ah han, you have guts oh, you took your filthy hands, rubbing it all over my beautiful body. Does this body look like the one you always touch? Oh, you think this body look like the siriki abi Rashida's own?) Ah! Wo, I'm starting to have headache because of you guys, let me just prepare to wake up from this dream cause I know it's definitely a dream."
"What dream?"
Fisayo scoffed, "Iwo okunrin yi, omo odun melo ni e? O ma laya gan o, ninu ala mi, o wa n bi emi pe ala wo. Sugbon sha, nkan ti mo ni lati sé nipe ki n yin ara mi ni ekanna ma de ji lori ibuson (You this boy, how old are you? You have guts, in my own dream, you are asking me what dream. Well sha, all I just have to do is pinch myself and I'll be in my sweet bed, away from all of your ugly face.) Look at all your faces, baabaa black sheep" she hissed pinching her own skin.
"Ouch" she groaned in pain still looking into the faces of the guys who were waiting for her to realize she wasn't dreaming before striking.
"Ah han.... Why am I still staring at your ugly faces, what kind of bad dream is this?" She pinched herself and this time they all laughed at her.
"Wo, this isn't a dream"
"How did I get here? I was ... I was sleeping in bed"
"Hm hm, ma bi mi (Be asking me)" another hissed. That was when Fisayo realized she was in trouble. "Erm.... Alaye, we can negotiate" "Negotiation fuck your mouth there!" Another shouted at her, he sounded like an ibo guy.
"Wo, Uchenna, hold your break there. Because I'm begging, do you know the kind of negotiation that I was about to make?" She asked turning towards the other guys who began to laugh.
"Shebi we are Black black black sheep. Let me sing it for her now. Black black black sheep, have you any wood, yes Ma'am, yes Ma, three black Kondo, one for your hm, one for your hm hm, one to close the big mouth that you get"
Fisayo grimaced, it was he first time hearing a naughty version of that poem and it irritated her! "The last part did not go at all, if you can arrange that part, walahi you can launch your album. I'll sponsor it"
The ibo guy laughed, "You be joke!" He snapped but she kept on staring at the other guys "Ka fi Obinna ni le awon omo Baba mi, Uncle, Baba Oko mi (Let's leave obinna out. My father's children, my husband's father,) please."
"You are joke"
"Iwo naa you are a joke! Your entire family and existence is a joke! Email gba mi oh ! Someone help me!" She screamed and two of the boys brought out knives.
"Ah, Obe? Shey e ma ta suya ni? (Do you sell suya?)"
"Shut up or we kill you!"
Fisayo screamed even more, "Ah, mogbe! (I'm in trouble!)" "Shhh!" They threatened, "See, let's just cooperate and no one has to die" "Oya carry her to the station" "Station wo? (What station?)" She asked breathing fast.
"Step away from the lady right now!" She heard a guy say then they all turned towards him and he shot his gun twice in the air and they all ran away and two men other men chased after them.
Fisayo turned towards the two men, one was fair and the other was dark,the fair one was the one with the gun. They both had a brown vest with 'street vigante on it'. Could they be her saviour or more hungry men getting ready to take turns at her?
Could this mean more trouble for her, these ones had guns oh!
"Miss are you okay?" The fair asked and she fell back to the floor sleeping. "Miss?" He called out tapping her cheeks softly all to no avail.
Fisayo slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a room. The smell wasn't hers, the room didn't even look like hers. Where the hell I am? She asked within, what was I doing last? Instagram, ehn en, after Instagram nkor?
Shit! Those suya guys with the knife and then those guys with the gun, Jesus! Those guys with the gun!
She jerked up! Now looking around the room, she quickly touched her breast and examined her body, she was still in tact, her body hasn't been used for ritual, she was still in her red nighties.
There was a loud sigh of relief then she looked around again.
Where the hell was she? She asked herself then she got down from the bed, out of the room and into the living room. She could hear sizzling sounds of someone cooking.
She made her way into the Kitchen, behold she saw a face she recognised briefly, where have seen . . oh the fair one with the gun. "Someone's finally awake" Bassey said with a smile.
"Good morning" he added, "Who are you and why are you keeping me here? Are you trying to use me for ritual?" She snapped and he busted out laughing.
"Madam slow your roll, look around, do i look like a ritualist?"
"E did not always show on the forehead"
"Do I look like a juju priest, if so, I must be the only good looking Juju priest in the world"
Fisayo raised her brow, what's this one feeling like?
"Is that was I deserve for saving your life last night?"
"Should I throw in a hug, a peck or a kiss?"
"That's called Hero worship and miss, you're being ungrateful" he added chuckling to himself. "My name is Bassey Ekanem"
"Wow, two names I can't pronounce"
Bassey laughed. "What's your name?" He asked and she shrugged, "Fisayo Ogundele, you can call me Fissy" "Seriously?" "What?" "You don't look like Fisayo?" "What do I look like Bimbo?" She asked and he laughed.
"You don't look like Bimbo either, " Maybe Cynthia, Mercy"
"Wow.... In other words, I look like a runs girl. Well play Sir"
Bassey laughed, "I didn't say that, slay queen maybe but Fisayo? Wow, interesting. Sorry, I won't call you Fissy, its sounds ridiculous" "Excuse you?" "Yes it is. Do you like spaghetti? I'm making spaghetti and egg sauce" "I'll pass to be on the safe side"
He opened the lid and the sweet smell filled smell filled the air. Fisayo felt her tummy rumble,she doesn't understand why the belly had to be covetous whenever the nose perceives something that should be delicious.
Fisayo cleared her throat. "What am I doing here?" "Well, my colleague and i saved your ass from those hoodlums" "Your colleague?" "The street vigilante now" "You're part of the vigilante? Vigilante that I know, don't live in fancy houses"
Bassey laughed, "Well, you're aware of the several break ins right?" He asked and she blinked her eyes cluelessly. "Haven't you been attending our Landlords tenants meeting?" He asked, "Of course, you don't. I would have remembered your face"
"Well, most of the time I'm not in always in Nigeria, I go on business trips around the world"
Bassey quietly observed her, "Ah, those kinds of business trips" "Excuse you?" She snapped and he chuckled knowing she was already angry. Fisayo kept quiet, "The nature of business trips I go for, are my my business, not yours"
"Noted Ma" he replied serving himself, "Where was I? Yeah, break ins, so we the....." He trailed off, "Tenants decided to rise up since we can't trust our own vigilantes any longer. The only thing they do is smoke, drink, sleep and they get bribed with a something as small as five hundred naira or satchet of orijin to snitch on us. We decided to take laws into our hands to protect our wives and kids from these guys"
"How do you have a gun?"
Bassey smiled, "Well, don't tell anyone but...." He whispered there after, "My other job is armed robbery, I rob banks in the day and then I protect the citizens at night"
Fisayo widened her eyes in surprise, "It's a superhero kind of thing" he added and she scoffed realizing it's all a joke then she sighed in relief, "Can you be serious?" She asked and he laughed.
"Did you actually believe that?" He asked and she rolled her eyes, "Okay ... The I got the gun for safety purpose, my Dad is an olopa. Its licenced though, as long as I don't use it to do any funny business. Are you satisfied now?"
"I'll still insist you eat, I suppose you'll want to go to church, I know for a fact that I have to be in church by 9. You?"
Fisayo looked away and he smiled, "Are you an eckist?" "No! When I was young I used to attend Cele church but I realized you can worship God even while watching netflix at home" "That's your regular Sunday right? Netflix and chill?"
"Wow, your judgemental"
"I guess I am. How did you end up outside?"
Fisayo shrugged, "I don't know. I was sleeping in bed streaming Instagram then I slept off" "Have you ever had cases of sleep walking?" "Never!" "After we saved you, you went back to sleep, we had no idea where you lived, they had to nominate me to bring you here" he replied laughing to himself on recalling the arguments that had ensued among the vigilantes, the question of who to trust with her rose up and everyone chose him.
"What's funny?"
"Nothing. Should I dish your food? I promise it's not poisoned"
"I'll manage it be be (like that)" she replied and he chuckled.
Dare held a tray with a plate on fried egg and sliced bread on it, besides it was a cup of cofee. He stared at Ema who was still sleeping, "Is this one still alive like this?" For crying out loud, it's Sunday and he needed to go back home then change for church, not to talk about the traffic he'll encounter!
Na second service sure pass!
He tapped Ema's leg and she kicked at him, "Leave me alone" she groaned, "Ema" "He called out and she opened her eyes staring at him. She didn't need to fret or ask him how he got there. She remembered everything that happened, how he had taken her home last night, perhaps he decided to stay because it was already late.
Her head ached, almost as though someone was drumming on it! Damn the hangovers!
"Why did you stay?"
"You asked me to remember?" "I don't remember that part" "I had no choice because you left the door open and I didn't want to leave you to those tragic risks"
"I don't have anything in my house"
"But you're a woman and that's more than enough for those stupid men! God forbid though!"
Ema exhaled, "Thank you" "You are welcome" he replied dropping the tray on the bed. "Normally you do breakfast in bed for your girlfriend but your own ehn!" He teased and she chuckled.
"What kind of woman are you? You don't have anything in the house, how do you cook?"
"I boil yam, there's yam in the kitchen with oil, all I just have to do is dry pepper and eat it. Simple!" "I had to go out to buy everything, thank God for this woman that managed to open her shop, Mama Rekiya"
Ema chuckled, "You already know her name" "You didn't even have groundnut Oil" "Well...." She trailed off then she laughed staring at the coffee, "I'm not a foodie. Why do I have coffee instead of tea?"
"For the headache. No pharmacy will open up by this time"
"I have pain relief" she replied opening the bread nylon, "Aren't you going to wash your hands?" He asked and she groaned, "I'm too tired to, it's my body" she took a slice of bread eating it.
"Germs and bacteria from the floor of that bar...."
"Fine!" She snapped pushing the whole bread into her mouth then she rose up angrily, "You're already chewing the bacteria"
"Is it your bacteria?"
"It cannot even be my bacteria" he snapped and she chuckled walking towards her bathroom then she turned back at him, "Thank you for dropping me home and for any other inconveniences"
"You're welcome" he replied and she went back in.
Murphy called him up so he picked up the call, "Guy, where are you?" "I'm... Somewhere, wetin happened?"
"You didn't tell me your proposal went sour yesterday" "I didn't feel like talking to anyone. Wait, how did you find out?"
"I came across a video this morning. It had your face on it, I forwarded it to you on WhatsApp. You haven't come online yet, what are you doing?"
Dare rubbed his forehead, "Nothing really, I go check the video, thanks for the heads up" "Shey I told you? These girls they're not worth the headache trust me! She has another guy shey? She was definitely fucking another person while fucking you too"
"Oga good night"
"It's morn.."
Dare hung up, he quickly went on WhatsApp to check the video. There were other messages from some of his guys. He downloaded the video, the quality wasn't all that good but it was quite manageable. The video reminded him of how the previous night played out.
His heart was shattered once again!
Tears ran down his face then he sniffled bowing his head in dejection. Ema snuck up behind him, "Why are you crying?" She asked grabbing his phone, "Don't..." He attempted to collect the phone but she moved back playing the video from the start.
"Are you crying because of the heart break or the bad video quality? I'm this close to tearing up"
"The bad video quality" he replied and they both laughed. "She's not worth the tears, trust me, if a woman can be this heartless, she's not worth the tears.
" I really don't get it, I feel sad, I feel like my world has fallen apart"
"What will your reaction be then if you had lost her to the evil hands of death and then you ended up losing your baby?" She asked and he wiped the tears off. "Its okay to cry but just know that it won't solve anything, it won't bring them back, it won't make her crawl back to you" she advised stretching the phone back at him.
Jeremy walked into the toilet to find Blessing on the toilet seat crying, loud gospel music was playing in the background, "Baby, are you okay?" He asked and she sobbed loudly, "It came again, my period came again! Jeremy, this is getting too much, we've been trying and trying!"
"Blessing it's okay. You're acting like I'm complaining about it"
"How long before you do? Something is happening but it's sad that no one is seeing it! Not even the Pastor! I'm getting frustrated dearie, your mother spoke about it last month. How long till.... How long till she starts pestering me?"
Fisayo entered into her compound wearing Bassey's shirt over the nightie. The security at the gate stared at her and she glared at him, "You, did you see me when I walked out of this gate at night?"
"No Madam"
"Where were you?"
"I dey duty now, nobody pass. In fact the door being dey locked until today."
Fisayo creased her brow, how the hell did she get out? She asked within.
Her neighbour who lived down the stairs gave her a judgy look and she batted her eyes at the woman before climbing up the stairs towards her door, she pressed the door knobs but it didn't bulge, it was locked.
How in the world did she get out of the house if the door was locked? This scared the crap out of her. It felt like she was lifted from the bed and placed on the road. What's going on? is this normal at all? Who wakes up in the middle of the road?
Or.... Can someone also messing with her? No way! No way!
"Okay... Fissy Baby, calm down, Fisayo..... I need you to calm down" she exhaled walking down the stairs back to the security.
"Abeg, e be like say i don forget my key for outside. You fit help me break the lock?" She asked and the man arced his brow at her, "Wo, ma fo ju oshi wo mi, (Dont look at me stupidly), just give yourself brain and help me"
Fisayo called for emergency meeting in her home, the moment Blessing arrived, "Amazing how was church?" Nene asked, "I didn't go" "Oh. Why?" She asked and Amazing glared at her. "Speak to me now" Nene begged and Uche arced her brow sensing something was up. "Okay ....was there a quarrel we missed?"
"I set her up on a date and now she's angry. She doesn't even want to let me know what happened"
Benefit rose up, "How can you be so inconsiderate to do that? She's just recuperating, you didn't even allow her rest" "You call caring about my friend inconsiderate, I see as it as my best quality. For crying out loud we were friends long before any of you joined. I know what's best for me?"
"What's best for me or what's best for you?" Amazing asked rising up, "All you've ever done is what's best for you! You act like you know what's best but newsflash Nene, you don't! I've kept quiet all these years, I let you make some decisions for me, last night was the last straw. Don't you ever, don't you ever set me up on another blind date. That's all I ask for"
Nene felt her eyes go heavy, "Okay..... At least let me know what happened?" "He wants a woman who will give him a son and I told him about my condition and as expected.... " tears poured down.
"I'm sorry" Nene replied, "I'm sure the right won't mind" Ema responded and Amazing wiped her tears.
"I'm done. I just want to accept the fact that maybe I'm meant to be alone" she continued to wipe her tears. "Fisayo, why did you call for this meeting?"
"Um..." Fisayo stood in front of everyone, "I think they have started pursuing me too oh" "Them dey always pursue before now? Is that not the essence of your kayamata?"
"it's not that one! I mean.... Shebi at first as you guys said, they wanted Blessing to get mad, them they gave Amazing fibroid, they killed Kunle and his baby, now I think they're after me too"
"Why?" Yemisi asked, "Have there been symptoms?"
"Last night I slept on my bed, but I woke up by the road side"
"Did you sleep walk?" Amazing asked, "No. How? My door was locked this morning when i checked. My key was inside, my phone.... Three guys almost raped me, I was almost raped until some vigilante saved my ass and I slept over in another person's house. I can't explain how it happened"
"We can't just jump into conclusion" Nene chipped in, "Well, it's okay to" Yemisi replied, "For almost a month now, every night when I sleep, I pee on my body, even on Kwame"
Every eyes widened in surprise, "And you didn't say anything. We're supposed to be friends" Amazing snapped, "You were dealing with your own shit, it was the same day your wedding was cancelled. I couldn't say it"
"Every night?"
"Every damn night! I even had to move out of Kwame's place last night" she replied busting into tears. "I'm so sorry" Amazing walked up to her embracing her from behind.
"I can't get pregnant" Blessing confessed, "No matter how hard I try, I can't"
"See! I have taken a stand cause I'm not going to stand and watch some motherfucking idiot mess with my life! How long before the rest of you guys get affected? How long? I'm never been the kind to take shit and I'm not going to take it. We have to see someone, Uche, how about that plug you were talking about?"
"I found out the person is really not that strong. What about your Kayamata plug?"
"I'll find someone strong then"
"Me I'm not doing anything diabolic" Blessing raised her hands, "We'll do the diabolic on everyone's behalf" Ema replied, "See, it's time we find out who the motherfucker is! Kunle died, trying to communicate that to me!"
"Wo, they ain't see nothing, they ain't seen nada! We'll show them that we are not here to play. Wo o ti po to, ko lo po si wa! Rubbish!"
On a tuesday evening, Fisayo drove in front while Amazing's car followed behind her. They stopped in front of a shop then everyone got of the car.
"Where are we?"
"We are going shopping"
"Shopping nibo?" Yemisi asked and she rolled her eyes, "This is our way out guys" "If it's something diabolic" Amazing trailed off, "It's not. They say the woman runs house fellowship and always see something very well"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes" she replied entering into the place and they followed. There was all form of dried leaves hanging from different corners. There were also herbal concoction on the shelf.
"Good afternoon oh" A young girl greeted bowing her head.
"Mummy Wa da? (Where's our Mom?" She asked and the girl pointed to the back door. "She has been waiting for you all"
"Ose jare" Fisayo replied walking through the white curtains and they rest followed.
Amazing stared at the room, the whole setting didn't look like a house fellowship theme, from the candles on the floor, big square table and the stuff on it, there was a big book and beads on the table.
"I'm out of here" "I'll join you" Blessing added, "Why?" The woman asked, "You're here already, what's the essence of going? Don't you want to find out the root of your problem?" She asked and Amazing scoffed.
"I'm a Christian"
"I'm not asking you to convert, I just want to help. Of course, I'm getting paid for this. You're curious, you want to know the cause of your misfortune with men! Why you had the Fibroid and why you also had the complication?" She asked and Amazing stared at her in shock.
"Well.... I am highly recommendable, feel free to recommend others"
"And you......" She moved closer to Blessing, "You can't get pregnant and it's frustrating, soon his parents are going to be on your neck and you want a way out right?"
Blessing exhaled, "Can you help?" She asked and the woman picked up eight candles placing it on the table top, each on different points. She lit all the candles smiling at all of them. "Everyone of you should stand in circle around the table, close your eyes and hold hands" she demanded and they did. Afterwards she joined them.
She began some incantation, and divinations while moaning and shaking her head. "You guys have offended some really powerful people, hmn!" She trembled, "They want to take you all out but first they want you to suffer, hm!" She shuddered.
"What did we do?" She asked, "Let me consult the....." She trailed off then she scoffed, "There is one particular person that's offended, it's just one person but they're taking the mission as theirs"
The woman laughed, "She's here, among us" she asked and everyone opened their eyes, "What?" They all asked in unison but the woman kept her eyes shut, "Yes. She's here" she replied then she opened her eyes, "Ah han, olaya oh (You have the guts) How were you able to pass the boundary?"
"Who?" They all stared at one another as strange wind blew across the whole room then they stared at the woman who was now struggling to speak but no words came out. She picked up a water drinking it all to avail, instead she spat it out blood.
"Jesus!" Amazing yelled in fear.
The woman slowly fell on the table and the candles tilted slowly burning the white table cloth, one of the candle on the floor tilted burning the curtain on the wall, when they saw jhoq quick the fire was, they all ran out of the room.
The sales girl rose up in shock, "Why are you all running?" She asked, she rushed in then zoomed out on seeing the whole room smoky. "In a oh! Ina oh! (Fire!" E ma gba mi oh! Aladu gbo e wa oh! (Help me, neighbors please come on)" she screamed attracting the attention of neighbors while the ladies stare at the smoky building.
What do you guys think of today's update?
Intense right?
What next? We'll find out in the next chapter! 😜
What's your take on Dare?🤔
What about Bassey?
I wonder who the mystery person is🤔
Don't forget to vote! 🌟
If you're looking for a good book to read, I recommend Playing house (A Lagos love story) by Iyero123
I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it!
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