🔴 Chapter 11🔴
So I promised Soulomorn that I was going to stay awake at midnight so I can post yesterday but I didn't 🤣😂. I slept like a log of wood!
Solomon, here's the update oh 😂
Guys don't forget to vote, silent readers!!!!!! Motivate me now!
🌟🌟 🌟
Chapter 11
Kwame drove Yemisi to the airport, the drive back was a quiet one, the most quiet moment they've ever spent together. There has never been a quiet momentsm with them, there's always something to talk about.
Yemisi was quiet, still ashamed from what had happened that morning. She hoped to catch her flight before it leaves, since she had to stay back to wash the duvet, even though Kwame suggested she leave it that way.
"How will you tell the dry cleaner that there's a big baby in the house?" She snapped at him, "Jo nitori Olorun, I just want to wash this thing, don't even try to stop me cause the anger that I'm feeling now, I'll just transfer it to you. How about we leave things the way they are and you let me do what I want"
How in the world did a grown ass woman like her lose control to the extent of urinating on the bed? Can this be her own punishment? Ema lost her Kunle and her baby, Amazing and her fibroids, can it be? Or maybe it was a mistake on her part?
Yemisi scoffed, mistake ke? Fine, there's always that time when you're urinating in your dream and you're also close to urinating physically, there's that tendency to rush into the toilet. In her own case, she comfortably urinated in bed as though her ass was on the toilet seat!
This better be a one time thing!
Yemisi looked over at the love of her life driving through the busy road. She felt bad for transfering anger at him, its not like he's the one that urinated on her body, the reverse was the case and she's vexing anyhow!
When he looked over at her she threw her glance out the window now staring at aan selling handkerchief. "This is the most boring drive I've ever had with you. You're not always quiet" "So I'm a talkative" she replied, still not looking at him.
"In a good way, you're an interesting talkative"
Yemisi laughed, "Just because you added interesting doesn't make it okay. A talkative is still a talkative, you can add atonle (one who urinates on her body) to the title" she replied and he creased his brow, "Wait.... Atonle means....." He trailed off finally getting a grasp of it.
"Come on, that's not fair"
Yemisi cried, "It's the truth. I peed on me body and the bed and on your body too" she replied, she was beginning to have a running nose so she wiped her nose clean with her palm. "Most of it was on your body, it was just a little that...."
She rolled her eyes glaring at him, "What's your point?" "My point is.... There's no point, I was just trying to be funny. Babe, It was a mistake and I don't care about it. It doesn't change the way I feel about you. I still love you. Let's just try to see the good side in this" "What good side?" "Its something we'll remember and laugh over, trust me" he held her hands and she exhaled then she chuckled.
"You're right. I swear, I don't know how it happened"
"Shhhh" he replied returning his hands back to the steering. "I just hope we're on time to catch the flight"
Her phone rang in her bag, she quickly brought it out. It was Special, "Hello Spec, how far? I'll be there before you say jack Robinson. I'm on my way to the airport" "Don't bother coming. Thank God you haven't even taken the flight"
"Aboh cancelled the wedding"
"Ah! I am angry in my spirit, kanipe I was the one that was there. I would have given him the beating of his life. In his entire life, he won't try that rubbish again" Fisayo snapped, "The guy must refund my money!" Uche snapped, "Thank God I know where he works"
"Abi let's gather boys and beat sense into his head?" Fisayo asked and Yemisi scoffed, "See guys, that guy is senseless, no amount of beating can give him what he doesn't have. I'm just angry, Amazing feels awful, even though we're here for her, she doesn't want to see us. She's seriously avoiding us"
"I don't blame her" Nene replied, "Anyone in her shoe will feel that way. Imagine a situation where my husband had cancelled our wedding days before the actual wedding. All the invitations we've sent out, the aso-ebi people already bought and sown"
"And some people will even borrow money to buy asoebi so that it will not look like it's their own that's worst!" Yemisi added and Fisayo nodded, "Gbese (debts)"
"Not just that, we have more than a thousand Souvenirs with their faces, we already printed jotters and the programme for the traditional wedding." Special added then she exhaled. "I never saw this coming"
Fisayo scoffed, "It's only witch that will see it coming." "Babes" Nene called out and all attention and all eyes on her, "Once again, we are going to show up for Amazing, we can't let her go through this alone. What's your best suggestion to turn this around?"
Benefit lifted her hands, "Remember when we were basically single and we'll all buy ice cream only to sit and bitch about men. I know we're all dating but can we do that again? For Amazing's sake?"
While Amazing sobbed on her pillows, she heard a knock on the door. "What?" She shouted angrily, "I don't want to see anyone!" "it's me Benefit" she replied, "What do you want? I don't want to see anyone" "When I got back, special kind of dropped something of mine in your room, I hope you don't mind opening up for me check it?" She asked and Amazing paused in thought.
If it was Yemisi or the rest, she wouldn't have believed, what reason will Benefit have to lie?
She lifted herself off the bed then she grudgingly walked up to the door unlocking it. The moment she did, all the girls barged inside all walking in with shopping bags while Benefit remain fixed to the floor with guilt smeared on her face.
"You lied"
She clasped her palm, "I'm sorry, it was necessary" she replied and Amazing turned her back at them, they've already made themselves comfortable in bed. "Guys, I said I want to be alone, what part of being alone didn't you get?" She asked and Fisayo laughed, "Ah sioor, in your mind, you want to be alone" Fisayo raised her nose at her, "Well we don't want you to be alone"
Amazing cried, "Guys, I want to cry alone" "We want to cry with you too" Yemisi replied, "Me I don't have tears to cry but I can pretend cry for you baby" Fisayo added and a small chuckle escaped her lips then she rolled her eyes.
"What are you guys doing here? What do you want with me? See, I'm having headache right now and I just want to be alone" She snapped and they each brought out ice cream plates.
"You know how we usually take ice cream and bitch about men?" Benefit asked, Fisayo lifted her hands, "Me I'm single oh abeg!" "Your oyinbo boyfriend kor?" "The guy is just my ATM oh. I'm single and not searching, relationship is too much of headache, until they bring out some kind pain relief for relationship, like relationship panadol or panadol for heartbreak, then i can think of starting a relationship. For now, this Babe is okay with her runs"
Amazing sat on the bed chuckling, she opened the lid of the icecream plate then she began scooping a spoon of it into her mouth. "I need me some panadol for this heartbreak, It's a good business plan" "Ah, see as I'm bringing up business idea for free, Yemisi, you had better act fast on it" "Because they always use flour to panadol"
"You'll now use yeast to make it rise"
Yemisi rolled her eyes and Uche laughed, "Let's not be quick to judge our dear friend, at least she knows what yeast is used for" she teased and everyone busted into laughter, "I was going to say the same" Ema replied.
"Why do you all like attacking me? You're using me to catch cruise, even amazing is laughing"
Not like she didn't like it, in fact if they want to use her to catch cruise for the rest of the night set, as long as Amazing is smiling, she's okay. It's like she'll die!
Blessing shook her head, "Eh hen, you guys should not dare make this about you and your fights abeg. We're here to bitch about men." "You all are not single, two of you are even married" "Who cares? Men can be in considerate at times" "All men are dogs" Uche replied and everyone glared at her.
"I thought we were bitching about guys, I mean that Aboh is a dog, only a dog does this kind of act. I'm sure there's one bitch out there that he's already eyeing."
"Fucking Asshole" Ema snapped, "May he never drill a hole into a woman" "Ah!" Fisayo and Yemisi yelled and she gave them a 'what did I do?' look.
"Really Ema?" Benefit asked and she rolled her eyes, "I thought we were bitching"
"Yes bitching, not Epe, Epe yen ti poju, ah Han! (Not curse, the curse is way too extreme) Ema! you have swear for his testicles like that oh, his generation will feel it" Yemisi answered with a weird accent and everyone laughed then she cleared her throat.
"Let bitch, not curses"
"You know as I was seeing that guy, I thought he had sense, Oko ga,(He's just tall for nothing) Opolo (sense) he does not have, they have exchanged his brain for akara ten naira and they don't always sell akara ten naira again oh" she chipped in and Amazing chuckled, "It's not like he's fine sef" Blessing snapped, "He's fine sha" Amazing countered and everyone chuckled.
"True Sha, he's fine" Fisayo agreed, "With that his oil that he always pour on his hair, Micheal Jackson reincarnate!" Yemisi chipped in and everyone laughed.
"Maybe it's anointing oil gan, I don't know. It can't be anointing gan cause someone that use anointing oil, even if it's not the one that Pastor anoint, the person supposed to even have sense. This is one is just waste of anointing!"
"Aswear!" Everyone except Amazing yelled chuckling.
"I mean how can he just...." She stalled, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"He's obviously not worth the tears, take it from me" Nene advised and she exhaled, "How am I going to break the news, I can't go back to Lagos, I can't stay here, my wedding is in less than two days"
"Where will you stay?"
"Mom's place, that's the only place I can go to and it won't be weird"
Uche rolled her eyes, "What's the use? You'll still come back to the same problem. Except you change your church" "I cant do that" "Cause even if you stay back for three weeks, the moment you come back, people are still going to ask questions and whisper so...."
"Uche is right" Ema agreed, "I'm always right" "Shut up, but let's also understand that its necessary to distant yourself from your problem for a little while. Just like I went to my hometown to clear my head, if going to your Mom's place will help you clear your head, fine"
"It should. Can someone get me a bigger spoon, I want to eat ice cream, this one is even making me angry!"
"Let me go and bring cooking spoon" Fisayo rose up and Amazing laughed wiping her tears, "If you like bring spade" she snapped watching Fisayo leave.
"Thank you guys for showing up for me"
Nene rose up, "And together we say" "You're welcome" they all replied and she gave a wide smile.
Pastor Tunde dropped his phone on the chair on being told the wedding has been cancelled then he slowly took off his glasses. "Were on phone with sister Amazing?" His wife asked and he sighed, "i hope you told her I'll be coming tomorrow?"
"I didn't"
Pastor Mrs Coker placed her hands on her waist akimbo, "Why?" "It wasn't sister Amazing, it's her sister" "What happened? Your face is...." "Nkan ti sele (What happened?)" "What?" "Amazing's wedding.. has been cancelled" "What? The devil is liar! Honey I'm lost here, how? Kilode? Kilose? (What happened?)"
"Her fiancé, ex fiance just broke off the engagement. He said he can't continue when he's not sure she can give birth after the complication"
"He's very stupid!" She snapped and her husband eyes widened in shock. "Let's forget religion for a while, the man is a very stupid man! Two days to his traditional wedding and he's doing this. This is wickedness of the highest order! That is why I always advise ladies to seek the guidance of God before pursuing marriage" she hissed taking a seat close to her husband.
"How is she doing? How will she face the church"
"We will handle the church, let's just assume it's God's will"
Mrs Coker scoffed, "God's will? But this is embarrassing" "Even God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. Who are we to blame God? God has plan for Amazing, just like he has plans for Brother Bamidele" he paused chuckling and his wife creased her brow at him.
"You are laughing in this kind of situation"
"It's funny, I don't know but there's something about those two that I can't seem to put my fingers on. To think they're living in the same estate and they don't know, and they are both very stubborn. I don't know what God's plan is, I just hope he does it and take the glory"
Mrs Essien placed her hands over her head walking into her room like someone in trouble. "What's wrong with you?" "I'm just thinking, Amazing doesn't want to eat. I don't know what we're going to do about the souvenirs"
"We'll give it out to anyone who needs it or to charity. Anyone that suits you"
"I just.... I just got off the phone with...." She trailed off, "What's her name, what's her name sef" "Who?" "My sister"
Mrs Essien arced his brow, "Ego" "Yes, Ego.... And also, your sister," "Honey .... Don't think too much about this" "All the materials I sold....."
"Honey, if it's not meant to be it's not"
Mrs Essien sat on the bed weakly then she began crying, "It's..... It's all my fault, I can't just help but blame myself. And they said it's Pastor she'll get married to oh" "Who said? All those prophets?"
"I blame myself for putting pressure on her. It's my fault, I pushed her to a man that's not her own and I believed that man of God when he said she'll meet the Love of her life. I just used her clothes for nothing!"
Mrs Essien laid in bed, "Nothing" "You gave Amazing's cloth out?" "Wo, I'm having headache, don't add to it. My legs are weak, my heart is bleeding. Aboh hs removed our roof for rain to pour directly into our house. Assuming I didn't even sell Aso-ebi I would have talked. I can't wear the lace I bought cause the day I'll want to wear it to church, that's the day your sister will know that she'll want to wear it too."
Her husband laughed, "You had better not kill yourself, the guy responsible for this is out there living his life, you're the one swallowing paracetamol for his headache"
"If I die, just remember to put koboko next to me, my ghost will not let him rest"
He laughed hard this time, "What else do you want me to put close to you when you die?" He asked and she turned her head now batting her eyes at him, "You can't even reject it! Honey, I'm suspecting you oh" she snapped while he laughed.
"What did I do?"
Bamidele's resident
"Guys, I'm planning on proposing to Hilary, what do you guys think?" Dare asked and Murphy scoffed giving him an askance look. Why are his friends suddenly love sick or is there some love bug going around bitting people's ass?
He pointed his snooker stick at Dare, then he bends over the pool table trying to get a shot. "What's it with you guys? It's like this love fever of a thing is infectious oh, I better find myself another pal be before I get infected" he took a shot missing the hole by few inches and Bamidele laughed.
"It's affecting everyone except the both of us" Bamidele carried a bottle of whiskey from the wine bar, he dropped it on a stool then he noticed Murphy scoffed on disbelief, you that don't even realize you like a girl!
"Guy, I don't understand, what's it with that stupid look?"
Murphy scoffed again, "Guy, don't take this the wrong way but with this your new found fondness with that woman" "Guy! When you say the woman that way, you make it sound like she's that old. She isn't" "See!"
"We all know you like Amazing"
Bamidele scoffed completely disagreeing with his assumption. "I don't like her" "Sorry I believe the word you used is attachment" he replied and Dare laughed out loud. "Liking someone and being attached to someone are two different thing" he replied with all manner of seriousness and everyone turned towards him as though waiting for some sort of explanation.
"How are they different?" Dare asked and he blinked his eyes searching for explanation to give.
"See..... Attachment is..."
"Is.....?" Everyone asked now busting into laughter.
"The way you all are even looking at him, it's intimidating my reply sef."
"For me oh, you like her period!" Dare stated and Bamidele hissed, "You guys don't know anything, It's like you've smoked two wraps already before coming here" he replied and they kept on laughing. "They are two different things, I can't possibly like someone who's getting married in less than how many days"
Kwame scoffed, "Funny story, Aboh cancelled the wedding" "What?" Bamidele seemed shocked, "I don't understand, is he insane? Who cancels wedding that way? Like? Does he think we're in the western world? Why will he do that?"
"I don't know, he just cancelled it. Personally on a whole boss to employee mode, I've been trying to call him, he hasn't been picking up my calls, I don't even know how to reach him"
Dare rolled his eyes, "The guy must have dropped a reason now. I don't think any reasonable guy will do that for nothing" "No reason is enough for any man to do that to a woman! Was he blind all the while they were dating ? I mean didn't he see the reason! Why must he pull such stunt days before his wedding?"
"Exactly!" Kwame replied, "At least before I proposed to Yemisi, I was sure that I'm ready to deal with her, both the good and bad side, the bad side are not even much" "How sure are you the bad side isn't more than the good? For all we know, girls are damn pretenders" Murphy snapped and jKwame raised his stick up, "Becareful of what you say about my Yemisi, I have a stick in my hands and I'm not scared to use it" "Let's be sincere here, Yemisi is real and that Amazing Babe, shey I met her at Kwam's proposal party. She's not that bad, she's even the most mature one among the ladies there. She's pretty too"
"Abeg!" Murphy scoffed pouring himself a drink, "Dude, I know you wanted Sophie but let's be honest here, even Sophie is not even two yard worth of wife material, babe way no fit cook indomie! I for vex of na Sophie Kwams being decide to marry. Everyone has their spec in women like you do" he gave him a look.
"Let's just say the truth here, I be guy, we be guys, how person go just decide to call off wedding days before the wedding. Wetin the guy do bad! Let's just admit it"
Murphy shrugged, "Maybe he realized he didn't want to be with someone uptight and boring as she is" he replied and Bamidele scowled at him, "Guy shut up" "There might be a reason, I've practically being a date with this babe"
"The only reason you're angry is because she refused to have sex with you. Guy just shut up and stop being sentimental" Bamidele snapped and he scoffed again, "I'm not being sentimental, why are you taking this personal? So much for not liking her"
Bamidele walked towards him and Dare got in front of him pushing him away then he turned back glaring at Murph, "Murph, abeg shut up! Me sef go vex with you oh, everyone is holding stick here, before this place with turn into a freaking star war show, let's just chill" he begged then he exhaled.
" I never chop, I no get power to separate fight abeg! Bamidele, Wetin you cook?"
"You know where the kitchen is" Bamidele answered and the thought of the whole embarrassing situation became concentrated in his mind, so much it made him furious. He slammed the surface of the pool table, "Damn that punk! I knew there was something off about that idiot and it's not just the jerry curls! Urgh!" He groaned then he exhaled now turning towards Kwame, "How is she?" "I don't know, the girls are trying to cheer her up. I mean judging from the whole embarrassment of having to tell everyone to stay back, I don't know how she'll feel like"
"I can't imagine. Fuck!" He dropped the stick then he picked up his phone, "Excuse me" he muttered walking away.
"I've never seen Bamidele this way over anyone even his own father and he says he doesn't like her" Murphy commented loud enough for him to hear while Dare threw a familiar look at him, pleading for his silence.
Bamidele stopped turning towards him, "I care about her, that's attachment, I don't like her. For the first time Bamidele Jones finally cares about someone enough to want to know how she is and you're trying to make it look like I went against some stupid law? You know what Murph, screw it, if you're going to be bitchy, I'd suggest you leave my house before I get back cause anymore retorts from you and I swear to God, I'll punch you"
"For a woman?", Murphy scoffed, "You're changing Bamidele, I don't blame her, I blame this church you're going to. I love the old Bamidele any day. Just saying" he picked up a glass full of whiskey downing it all.
Bamidele left and Kwame glared at Murphy, "What's wrong with you? You're bitching about us falling in love, aren't you also in love with Efua?" "That's not the point, I'm not letting it take over my brain like you guys are"
"Maybe you're scared of being the only bad and single guy in the room, newsflash I like Bamidele the way he is now, he has more clarity and even if he falls in love with Amazing, it's no one's business. Don't make it yours"
Bamidele made his way into his room where he called Amazing number's severally, all to no avail. "Fuck!" He muttered leaning against the wall. Part of him was happy about the wedding being cancelled; he managed to convince himself it's because Aboh doesn't look trustworthy. Although a greater part of him was worried about Amazing's wellbeing.
The next morning
Zenith Media
Sir Jones glanced at the text message on his phone.
We are sorry to inform you that my wedding has been cancelled. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you for understanding.
"Oh my God" he gasped out.
Yemisi ran her hands through Amazing's hair, "Babe eat now, we'll soon leave. We can't stay here" "I get it, I really don't have the appetite"
Fisayo walked in with Uche laughing, "You guys will not believe what just happened. So Uche and k followed your brother, Thank you abi Ekom, whatever, your Mom knows how to give her children the weirdest name"
"Let her hear you!" Uche warned and Fisayo placed her palm over her lips, "My mouth will not koba me!"
"What were you saying?" Benefit asked, "Don't just start a gist and stop half way!"
"Amebo! They'll soon give you award for gist" she laughed, "Okay so I met a man in the mall, he laughed at me telling me that I have an accent when his accent was all over the place. Infa you ra beauriful, he even told me he lived around one yunction" she paused and everyone chuckled.
"Is that all the story?" Benefit asked and everyone laughed hard including Amazing, "I'm disappointed"
"Ishi! My flight leaves in the evening, Amazing you need to get yourself back. I heard your Mom complaining, just know that Aboh isn't starving himself oh"
A lady dropped a tray of native okoho soup and pounded yam then she walked away. "I don't have the appetite" "Are you not the one that decided to call the thing off? Did someone force you? Eat!"
Aboh washed his hands, he pinched the pounded yam, rolled it dipping it into the soup. "Hmmmm, this is nice. This is really nice" "I didn't make it, Aladi did" "A new maid?"
"No. She's one of my friend's daughter. She's helping me out since I fell off the stairs." She pointed at her bandaged legs. "And she's single"
Aboh coughed and frowned, "Mom, I'm not interested. I'm not even over Amazing" "Why did you break the wedding?" "Do you want me to lose my appetite for real?" "No. I'm just saying it in case you're looking for....."
"I'm not! Please, let me eat in peace"
Jones resident
"Amazing's wedding has been cancelled" Sir Jones announced while eating dinner with his wife. He rolled his amala now dipping into the plate of efo before him then he looked up at his wife who had a smile on her face.
"I just said Amazing's wedding has"
"I heard you the first time, I was just taking time to process the whole thing. Oh my God, I'm so happy"
Sir Jones scowled, when did his wife become this cruel, about didn't she hear the information well? "Did you hear what I said" "I did" "And you're smiling? When did you become inconsiderate?" "Oh please!" She waved her hands, "Do you know how disappointed I was when I saw the wedding card? My heart broke into two, I didn't even smile the way I'm smiling now"
"I can't believe you're happy over someone else's misfortune"
"Darling please, okay fine, I'm sorry, I feel bad for her, it's a sad news but.. " she busted out laughing, "I can't even hide my happiness. You have no idea how much I've been dreaming about the Bamidele and her"
Sir Jones scoffed, "She deserves better" "She also deserves better than a man that'll cancel his engagement on his wedding week. Bamidele is a lot of things but his respect for women is commendable." "And breaking of women's heart is not disrespect"
Mrs Jones laughed, "How many hearts did you break before meeting me?" She asked and he stalled, "I....I..." He stammered watching his wife laugh. "That year was different" "Hm hmmm. Anyways, i do pity her"
"Poor Amazing, how will she have the face to look at everyone? This is more or less like an embarrassment" "Like the way you embarrassed your own son!" "That's different, it was to teach him a lesson"
Mrs Jones raised her nose then she chuckled, "They say every disappointment is a blessing, when one door shuts, several opportunity comes. I better call her to tell her how happy I am about this news" "Honey!" "Just joking!" She waved her hand, "I'll play sad, very sad. If Bamidele can play his card well," she exhaled tiredly then she exhaled.
" I don't know what's wrong with all these children. They don't know something good even if it slaps them on the face"
"Are you going to force Bamidele to like her? Love comes from within, if I had been forced to get married, I wouldn't have loved you the way I do"
Mrs Jones shrugged washing her hands, "Just hearing that the coast is clear, I am more than ready to match match some people" "She's hurting, honey, you can't just intrude into people's affair. For crying out loud, your son was rude to her the other day"
She smiled rising up, "I'm having ideas already" she said picking up her phone. "What an elder sees standing on the bare floor, a child will not be able to see it even though he stands on kilamanjaro Itself"
"Who's the child now?" He asked and she laughed. "I know what I want for my son and what I see" she replied blowing kisses at him then she called Amazing's phone line.
The number you're trying to call is switched off
"The number has been switched off all day"
"Ehya. She must be avoiding questions"
Bamidele woke up that Saturday, originally scheduled for Amazing's church wedding! He wish he could forget but damn was it hard to do so! His heart wrinkled that morning at the thought of what she might be going through that moment.
He exhaled then he looked up to the room, "God, I.... I know I don't do this often. But I've got a request, trust me it's not a selfish one. I've always been making selfish request but this once, I just want to make a request on behalf of someone. Lest I forget, it's a beautiful day and I'm sure the rest of the day will be great so thank you for the great day, even if it's not good, I'll still thank you because I'm choiceless and you're God' he paused in thought then he chuckled, "I know I'm an asshole but you still kept me, still showed me mercy, I don't why but I guess you're the creative director of this firm called life. You direct the affairs of the heaven and earth, guess what? The award for the best CEO goes to you, thank you for being God over my life. I don't even know where this is coming from but I want you to know that I mean it, for the first time I mean this one God." He exhaled.
"Of course you know I mean it, you can see through my dark heart, I confess that I'm unworthy, I don't even know if you're listening but at least it's worth the try. So that asshole Aboh, forgive my language but I'm so pissed off. He called off the wedding and it's a big blow and embarrassment to her. I know how it feels to be embarrassed and it's not a nice feeling. I don't know what her state of mind is right now, so Pastor Tunde said something about the holy Spirit as a comforter the other day. Can you please give her the comfort she needs, wrap her in your arms, pat her in your own way and tell her everything will be fine. Heal her hear, this is ask oh God, in Jesus name. Amen" he prayed then he exhaled feeling light as though a weight has been lifted off his chest.
He smiled feeling happy about the prayer.
Amazing held her pill box in her hands, she wanted to take her dose for the night but she started harbouring suicidal thoughts. There was that part of her telling her to end it all, its not as if the life was worth living anyways.
What does she stand to gain from even being alive? Not until Aboh, she had ill luck with men! She had a horrible love life, what's there to live for again? She won't only have ill luck in men but she had to bear the thought of having to tell them she has ten percent chance of carrying a child in her womb.
Which man will accept that? Even her own fiancée who had promised heaven and earth deserted her just when he needed her the most! To think her mother had to do spiritual assignment to have him! Amazing, this life isn't worth living, why don't you just end it once and for all?
There was another voice in her trying hard to convince her to do otherwise, Don't be stupid Amazing, you have a lot to live for, eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard what God has in stock for you. What will you gain from killing yourself?
Amazing dropped the pills on the drawer then she got out of her room into the sitting room where her father, nieces and nephews were watching cartoons.
"Good morning Sir"
Mr Essien exhaled in relief, he could see underneath her red eyes that she had been crying but he was relieved to see her finally come out of her room. "Thank you're out"
"Can I get your car keys?"
"What do you want?"
"I just want to clear my head, get out of the house"
"You don't even know where you're going to."
"I'll be driving through the road, I'm not going to an express, it's just here" she replied and he picked the keys from the stool then he stretched it at her, "Thank you Dad"
"Dad, I don't want to talk about anything"
"Drive safely" he cautioned and she zoomed out of the house, got into the car then she drove off.
It was supposed to be your wedding day, you know, she heard the voice in her head say again.
You walking down the aisle to 🎶Here comes the bride, here comes the bride 🎶. You can't even turn on your phone because of the calls. You're pathetic, everything about you is pathetic!
"Shut up!" She slammed the steering, "I'm not pathetic!"
Just die already and end your miserable life! Die, die! Die!
Just as she made a you turn out of the street to the main road, a trailer carrying sand clashed into hers pushing her car into a pole.
"Jesus!!!!" Witnesses yelled. "She don die oh, this one no for survive am"
"Mommy the homework is a very difficult one and we'll have to take liked the whole weekend to do it. I, Blessing and Amazing" Nene said to Mrs Essien who kept on peering at her. "So you guys will take Friday, Saturday and Sunday to do one homework. All these teachers are heartless! That's how they'll be giving students questions they can't solve"
"Don't mind them Ma"
"This one that your Mom does not even have phone. How will I call her to know how you are"
"Mummy, she'll be fine, I promise to take care of her well"
Mrs Essien exhaled, "You're free to go then, Amazing is in the room"
Nene entered into Amazing's room then she squeaked, "Guess who's going to the party?" She whispered and Amazing's eyes widened in shock. "You can't be serious, how were you able to convince her?"
"Hello! It's me Nene now, don't you trust me again? I told her we have homework, get dressed let's go" they both squeaked and Special walked in and they both stopped now trying to act normal.
Amazing was seated on one of the seats in church where Pastors usually seat. Church service was going on and she began to wonder why the usher placed her to seat there.
She called on the attention of one of the ushers, "I'm in the wrong seat, this is Pastora seat" "I'm sorry, you're not. It's your rightful seat, I would know if you're not meant to be here. I'm the usher"
"I don't understand, I'm just a member. I seat somewhere" she turned back pointing at her usual spot."
"How long do you think you're going to keep sitting there. You're where you should be, enjoy the service" she said and she gasped.
"Sister Beatrice"
"Sister Amazing, do you have any issue?" She heard Pastor Tunde ask from the altar and everyone turned towards her, she wondered why Pastor Tunde made her the congregation focus, she almost bowed her head in shame.
"Is anything the matter" he asked again and she rose up, "This isn't my seat" "And you know that because?" "Because....... It's the ministers seat"
"You're where you should be"
"I.... Wait..." She shut her eyes recalling she was driving earlier on. "I wasn't here, I'm not even in Lagos, I was driving out of the street then..... Wait.... Then was a trailer. Am I in heaven? Did I make heaven? How is it possible? I'm not righteous, I blame God everytime!"
Pastor Tunde laughed leaning against the podium. "Thank God you know" "I even blamed him this morning when I woke this morning. How am i in heaven?"
"You're not dead"
"Have you heard of Choke point?"
"What are they?"
"I can't think of anything now"
"Well, write this down in your heart. They are points of natural congestion or blockage along two wider and important navigable passages. Every living organism experience choke points at some point in life. They are trials and test, it doesn't mean the world has ended. Some people will be so exaggerating to say, my life is over." He laughed, "It's not the end of the world, it seems like it but its not. Sometimes God let you go through it, remember Job?"
"How do you get out of this choke point?"
"They are many ways but the first is Wholeheartedly conforming to God's will. Why do you you keep running away from it?"
"I just want to go, my life is pathetic"
"Sorry Amazing, its not your time yet"
Amazing gasped out looking around to find herself in a hospital room. Her mother embraced her, thank God!" She exhaled in relief, "Amazing you will not kill me, what happened?"
"I lost control of the car, I didn't see the trailer coming. I was lost in thought" "Aboh is still very much alive, the guy must be on his way to Lagos, don't kill yourself over this issue. Everything will be fine, I'm not going to go all the way, doing all those stupid assignments to get you to marry. Amazing, at the right time, God will do it" she cried.
"Don't kill yourself with thoughts, see, you'll go to Akwa, you'll stay there for as long as you want with my sister. Take your time to heal, just know that we'll be here praying for you" she held her daughter's hands and she gave a nod now looking at her father.
"The car...."
"Badly damaged"
"I'm sorry."
"At least, you're okay. People said it's a miracle how you got out without a scratch, you blacked out. Do you feel any abdominal pains?"
"No. I'm fine"
Mr Essien exhaled, "This is truly a miracle"
Her phone rang instantly and her mother pulled the phone close to her, it was Pastor Tunde, she exhaled and picked up. "Daddy good morning" "Good morning dear. How are you?" "I'm .... I'm fine and you Sir?"
"I am hopeful. I suppose you're on your way to Lagos, I learnt you were given a message to preach to the whole church tomorrow"
"Who said so"
"God ministered to me"
She scoffed, "That's a lie... I wasn't...." She trailed off remembering choke points.
Write it in your heart.... She could hear the man's voice.
Shit! Could that be it?
"I suppose you now remember"
Amazing cried, "Daddy, I can't do that" "Do what?" He mother asked, "I'm being asked to preach in front of the church tomorrow" "Ah han? Why will he ask you to do that? Is he trying to embarrass you?"
"I am not trying to embarrass her" Pastor Tunde's voice resounded from the phone. "Today was supposed to be my wedding"
"It's not my demand, I'm just working as a messenger, obey before complains dear. God definitely has his reason for doing this, he can use this simple obedience to change your life"
She sobbed, "I can't I'm sorry but I can't"
Yemisi squat in the bathroom sobbing while washing the sheets,"Babe" Kwame called out, "What?" She asked blinking her tears in, "Let's talk" "When I'm done, please?" She begged and he exhaled walking out of the bathroom.
When the door shut close, she resumed crying.
Yemisi got out of the bathroom, the bed was already prepared with new sheets on it. "Yemisi" "I'll leave the house" "No one is asking you to leave. I don't want you to" "This is the fourth day Kwame and it's still the same thing"
"Maybe we'll need to see a doctor"
Yemisi sobbed, "I don't think it's a doctor's situation. I already told you" "That some angry spirit is doing this against you all? Let's see the doctor first. Please!"
"Now I've turned into Agbaya that's tonle, ah! Mo to jiya! (I have suffered) My life is over and I can't even communicate it to my friends, Amazing that I should have looked up to is hurting and I'm...." she continued sobbing and Kwame hugged her, "Shhhh, it's okay, it's going to be fine"
Efua walked into Bamidele's room, she grinned on hearing the shower. She quickly got rid of the gown she had on now getting into the bathroom. She snuck up on him wrapping her arms around him and he gasped turning his head.
"Shit!" He muttered on realising it was her then he turned off the shower.
Efua laughed, "Oh my God, I wish I can show you how your face looked like" "You scared the crap out of me" "Don't be scared" she whispered kissing his back, "It's just me" she muttered moving to his front now kissing his lips and he kissed her back then he withdrew.
"Nothing" he replied combing his hands through his hair then she resumed kissing his lips then he sucked on the bottom lip and he exhaled. "Can you just chill?" "Chill? Why? I want our first round to be in the bathroom, I want to have my first orgasm here"
"No orgasm tonight"
"Okay what's going on?"
"Its Saturday"
"Tomorrow's Sunday, I won't want God getting angry and cutting my dick off" "What the fuck are you talking about? Why will God cut your dick off? Why are you scared? Bamidele Jones never gets scared" "Bamidele Jones never gets scared yeah I get it. But I'm scared okay? You're not the one who got blind and deaf once, I am! I want to do things the right way. No sex on Saturdays leading to Sundays, we can have sex on week days. I'm not ready to provoke God"
"There are several others doing it, I haven't heard any come out to say their dicks were cut off"
Bamidele scoffed, "There are several others that insult and sue pastors even on social media, have you ever heard of any of them getting blind and deaf? Where is your argument?" He asked and Efua shook her head then she rolled her eyes.
"So I'm supposed to go"
"You don't have to leave, stay if you want but no sex"
Efua looked down at his flacid manhood, "You're not even turned on and I'm naked. Bammy, what's wrong with you?" "Because I took off the plug from the switch, there's nothing wrong with trying to becareful. If my dick gets cut off, I'm sure you'll be the first to run off to the next available guy, I mean not like you stuck by me when I was deaf"
Bamidele shrugged, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" "You did" "Yes I did." He shut his eyes then he opened it, "I'm sorry but I can't be too careful" he added and Efua laughed in hurt. "You know what Bammy? Good night!" She snapped walking out of the bathroom and he leaned against the wall sighing loudly then he looked down at his flacid manhood.
Pastor Tunde leaned against the podium, "Joy gives strength, bad news makes the heart faint. When the devil wants to attack our faith, he passes through the heart, puts fear in us. Don't give room to the forces that steals joy. No wonder the bible says, guide the heart with all diligence out of it are the issues of life. The devil is always going to test the faith of every believer. Your faith is either tempted or tested, the big question is when the temptation comes, will you overcome it?
Mrs Jones knocked on Bamidele's door and he opened up, " Mom?" "Why are surprised?" "What are you doing here?" He asked and she barged in. "So your mom cannot come visiting her son. So now I must drop a letter before hand or should I start filling visitation form"
Bamidele rolled his eyes, "That wasn't what I meant. Mom, you have start with all this your drama again" "Abi is there any girl around" "No. There's no girl, you know how I don't like people coming unannounced" he replied and his mother slapped his arm and he chuckled.
"How have you been?"
"I've been doing great, in the new company I now work in, no thanks to someone. How about you?"
Mrs Jones rolled her eyes, "I'm fine and your father is fine too" "Do I have one?" He asked and she slapped his arm again, "Mom, you're slapping a grown ass man" "A grown ass man that keep talking like a child" she hissed then she exhaled.
"Have you had lunch?"
"Yes, do you want some? I made rice and stew"
His mother smiled, "No, I don't think I've had the appetite to eat since I'm Wednesday" she exhaled turning her back at him, hoping to tickle his interest. "Why?" She asked and she returned her gaze back at him. "What can I say? You know Amazing right? From the party, the one you were rude to, we were going to attend her wedding on Saturday, were you aware of it"
"I was"
Because I've been chasing her!
"Well..." He cleared her throat, "I just know sha" "Have you even apologized for being rude" "Technically, I haven't really tendered an official apology but.... We've been talking"
"Really?" This woke up his mother's interest, "Not like it's my business but what have you been talking about? I hope you've not been insulting her" "No!"
"Bamidele Jones!"
Bamidele scoffed, "Okay I've been making advances at her, mom, don't even start complaining. You know me, I'm every girl's man" "She had a fiance, why will you do that?" "I was just trying to... Then she announced the date of the wedding in church"
Mrs Jones laughed, "It's a lie! You went to church! When?" "Look at this woman? I've been going to church for like weeks now, except of recent. They were not for the right reasons but.... " "Look at this child! I didn't get the memo, Walahi, Yewande left me out of this gist! Wow, so you went to Church for a woman. Do you like her?" She asked and he scoffed.
"Okay" she replied her hands raised up in the air, "Just sha know that it's woman that will kill you"
Bamidele laughed, "Be careful of the words you say mom, there's power in the tongue" "Halleuyah! Pastor Bamidele, wonders shall never end" she clapped her hands in awe while Bamidele laughed.
"Don't even say it as a joke!"
"Pastor Bamidele"
"Mom!" He snapped and she laughed then she folded her hands in worry. "I haven't been able to eat well since I heard the wedding was cancelled. I can't begin to imagine how she'll feel. Her number was switched off at first, then it started ringing but she has refused picking my calls"
Bamidele exhaled, "I feel bad for her too, she doesn't deserve it" "What she needs now is a friend, someone to reassure her that everything will be okay."
"She has friends"
"I know only two men that are capable of healing a broken heart. Two things that can make a broken heart mend, one is Jesus, the other is a good romantic man. I do hope she falls in love again! It's going to take a miracle"
"I just hope she finds the right man"
Mrs Jones gave a agreeing nod, "The right man can be anybody, even you" "It can't be" he laughed in disbelief. "I don't deserve her, mom look at me now. I'm Bamidele Jones, womanizer and world class kasanova, I'm just as messy as the idiot who just broke her heart. Why are you speaking this way? Wait.... Is there anything I need to know. From the first day you introduced me to her..... Were you trying to match make us or something"
Mrs Jones smiled, "I've been caught red handed, I'm guilty as charged" "She's not my type" "Orrh! Oshi, I sensed she's a good woman and judging from the fact you two knew each other way back, I just assumed it was fate"
"Way back, like how? Someone that I just got to know like how many months ago? When I entered Dad's office"
Mrs Jones creased her brow in confusion, "Wait.... When I introduced her at the award party, I thought you said you knew her" "As the event planner, yes. Is there something I'm supposed to know?" He asked and she chuckled.
"Wow.... Well, um.... Okay ..... Remember the girl who stabbed you with her pen?"
"The crazy psychopath? Wait .... she's.... shit!" He muttered shutting his eyes.
🎶Woman get busy
Jus shake dat booty non-stop
When da beat drops
Jus keep swingin' it
Get jiggy, get crunked up
Percolate anyting you want fi call it
Oscillate your hip and don't take pity
Me wah fi see you get live 'pon di riddim when me ryde🎶
Nene walked into the party dancing while Amazing and Blessing grudgingly walked behind. She turned towards the both of them then she scoffed. "What's wrong with you guys, why are you guys doing like this now. Don't embarrass me"
"Me I'm scared oh, if my aunt catches me, I'm not even scared of my mom like that, Amazing's mom will skin me and then soak me in pepper water"
"She doesn't know shit, you guys should not come and dull my spirit. Loosen up jhoor!" She swayed her hands dancing then she moved in front of a guy dancing shaking her buttocks in front of him.
Blessing raised her brow at Nene, "This one will carry belle" she commented and Amazing laughed, "Your mom will kill us oh" "She doesn't know. Let's just do this so that Queen Nene can let us rest"
Blessing shoved Amazing with her shoulder, "Abi you should say it's Bamidele that dragged you here" "What makes the Bamidele that I always see in school different from the one here? You're not serious oh"
Eighteen years old Bamidele rushed into a room while his cousin, Ranti followed him in. "What's wrong with you?" "I think throwing this party is a bad idea. What if Dad finds out? He'll ground me for life"
"Calm down, for all he knows, you're spending time with me. Bammy, this is your last year in secondary school, wise up! You can't just be playing bad boy when you know you're a"
Bamidele quickly covered his lips, "Shhhh" "A virgin" he whispered and no he scoffed, "I'm certainly not the only virgin" "Oh boy, It's your birthday and na your last year to chop the secondary school girls or else you'll look back on your secondary days and have regrets"
Bammy scoffed, "Other cousins will be like, if you want to be wise read, but your own definition of being wise is having sex and cousin of the year goes to go other than Ranti" he announced and Ranti laughed.
"You're supposed to be an adult"
"And you're supposed to lose your virginity tonight"
Bamidele punched him, "Stop shouting it out now! Let me just give you microphone now!" "Dude you're losing this thing today" he tapped him walking towards the door and Bamidele laughed.
"Wow, it's amazing how you're making my virginity your business
"It's my fucking business" he walked out of the room into party zone with Bamidele behind where people were screaming and dancing to Jazzman olofin and Ayuba's song.
🎶 It's bubbling, o ma bubble oh shuku shuku Bam Bam, eni to ba wu ko be🎶
"Everyone give it up for the birthday boy, Bamidele Jones!!!"
Girls screamed as he walked in looking at bunch of faces he recognized and those he didn't. Then his gaze stopped at Amazing, they both stared at each other then Ranti placed his arms against his shoulder.
"Who's ready for the game of truth and Dare?" He asked and almost everyone screamed in agreement.
"I dare you Amazing to ....." Nene grinned, "To go into a room with the celebrant and do something intimate with him"
The whole room jeered and Amazing glared at her, what's wrong with this girl, how will she ask me to do that kind of thing, she knew the repercussion of not doing the dare so she paused hoping she'll get the eye signal and change the whole thing. "You're free to show everyone your breast if you don't want to do it. I mean I said something intimate, it can be anything" she winked at her.
"It's fine if you don't want to do it" Bamidele replied, "It's not fine" Ranti shouted, "Thank God she kukuma have big breast, me I want to see breast oh"
Bamidele raised his brow at the big for nothing fellow in front of him. It's amazing how he doesn't have shame! If the babe doesn't want to do anything, she shouldn't be forced. He won't want to be accused of raping someone's daughter!
"I'll do it" she answered, "Do what?" Ranti asked, "Show us your breast or do the dare" "I'll do the dare" she replied rising up from the floor.
"Bamidele show her the room, you guys have fifteen minutes" he shouted and Bamidele climbed the stairs and Amazing followed behind. They both walked into the room and Amazing exhaled in fear.
Her thoughts were running wild! Shebi it's just being intimate? Intimate can be a simple kiss right? It doesn't necessarily have to be sex, could it be sex? What pant am i even wearing sef? She asked herself.
Bamidele sat down on the bed and she joined him. "It's okay if you don't want to do it" "Really?" "Yes. I'll make up one lie" "What kind of lie? I'll like to know?"
"You know" he shrugged, "I'll just tell them we kissed and touch" "You'll do that?" "Yes" he replied with a sly smile, "You seem surprised, I'm not that bad"
"Then why are you always acting like a bad boy in school?"
Bamidele smiled, "Wanna know a secret? It's just an act, I'm the head boy and girls like me, being a bad boy fits the portfolio perfectly" "Wow, you don't have to be who people want you to be, be yourself. I love being myself, although my being here is not entirely on me, I was just trying to satisfy my best friend but still I love being myself in whatever I do"
Bamidele scoffed and she arced a brow in interest, "What?" "Nothing" he replied and she tickled him, "Stop it!" He warned holding her hands, "I'm ticklish" "Oh. Sorry, I noticed you had that look like you want to say something but you withdrew" "I can't really be myself, I don't even know what I want. All I want is to make my father proud, that's basically all I care about. But the man ehn, his standards are high, he doesn't know this but he's my mentor. Don't let him know"
Amazing gestured as though zipping up her lips, "Your secret is safe with me." She replied and they both chuckled. Then he paused staring at her in fascination, "I've never said this to anyone, even that Agbaya cousin out there." He replied and she chuckled. "Wow. I'm getting to see a part of Bamidele we don't see regularly" "Everyone has that side"
"I think this side is sweet"
"People will just manipulate on it, the cruel nature of human beings will always make us prey on those vulnerable attributes" "I won't prey on it, I promise."
"You fight a lot in school, why?"
Amazing smiled, "I don't, I have a bad temper that I'm trying to control. Besides, I only fight the bad guys, those who try to prey on the weakness of girls, I'm a girl protector" "Are you a lesbian?" "No!" She scoffed.
"I don't believe you"
"I like you" she confessed, "I've been crushing on you since my first day in senior high." She smiled then she cleared her throat, "So, no, I'm not a.... I'm sorry for saying that" "It's nothing. I get it, I'm a fine boy" "Says who?" She asked and he chuckled both staring at each other, "Okay deny it, deny that I'm not a fine boy" he said to her leaning in his face towards hers and she gulped nervously.
His lips touched hers, softly, gently, she kissed him and he placed his palm on her cheeks then he held her gaze before they resumed kissing.
He ran his mouth down her neck and she sighed deeply, making a little noise of pleasure. Amazing touched his arms tentatively, running her fingers up to his shoulders and down over his back until she was now unbuttoning the shirt he wore.
"You don't have to do this. I've not done this before" "Neither have I" she replied then she exhaled, "You're right, let's go back. It's more than fifteen minutes already" she said but her body was reacting another way, part of her wanted more.
Bamidele lifted her chin up then he kissed her lips, "I've never felt his way about any girl" "Not even the senior girls" "No. I know I have a week before waec but... Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked kissing her lips and she nodded responding to the kiss with an approving moan.
"How was it?" Nene asked Amazing who was trying hard to contain her joy, "It was fine" she hastened her footstep as a car drove past them and Nene followed her. "Amazing is no longer a virgin, Blessing you're left"
"Why are you making it a must for us to lose our virginity because you lost yours? Abi is it a ritual?"
Nene rolled her eyes, "I'm trying to make your life better, don't be ungrateful" "I can't believe it girls, I'm Bamidele's girlfriend and it feels so good"
"You did what?" Ranti asked and Bamidele shrugged with a shy smile, "I asked her out" "Are you stupid? Are you trying to ruin your image, how the thing sweet you reach? You haven't even done it up to two times and you're already asking.... See, don't even make me angry. Girls are not for dating, they are dead weights when you date them, then you'll start giving explanation why you were standing by the toilet with another girl. You need to enjoy life, you just had a taste of the goodie and you're already tripping. Let me educate you guy, there are plenty more goodies in the candy shop. Why pick just one when you can choose many more. Don't limit yourself! You are more than this!"
Bamidele exhaled, "She's nice" "She's not nice" Obiora said from behind, "This girl is a bully" "You're the bully!" "No arguments, you're going to break up with her, that's all" "We just started dating, that will I tell?"
Bamidele exhaled running his hands through his hair, "Shit" "What?" "Remember my eighteen birthday when I went over to spend the night at Uncle's house" "You meant the party you guys threw"
"You knew?"
Mrs Jones scoffed, "We are not stupid, the only reason we let you guys go was because we trusted you. What happened?" "She was there...... We both lost out virginity to each other, she was my first and I was her first"
"What? Seriously? She assaulted you two days later, why?"
"I broke up with her, it was my first and practically the only willing relationship I've ever been in"
Mrs Jones sat down in shock, "Bamidele?" She called out then she scoffed. "Wow"
"Your boyfriend just walked in" Nene announced in school and Amazing turned towards Bamidele's direction, her virgin hair packed in afro. "Go and meet your boyfriend"
Amazing walked towards Bamidele, "Hey Bam" she called out, she was nervous. "Can I call you Bam? Or Bam Bam? I've been thinking of a pet name all weekend."
"Why will you be thinking of that?"
"Um.... Because we're dating"
"Who said so?"
"You did, Friday night"
"I lied"
"Yes. I lied, do you think I'm interested in you? See, I just said what I said out of turns..... I didn't mean it"
"But the.... The.... We spoke, we, we had that connection"
"We did nothing. We only had sex, nothing more"
Tears ran down her cheeks, "You don't mean it" "I do, I don't like you. For crying out loud, I'm a senior, what makes you think I'll stoop low to date you" he confessed and she busted out sobbing.
His heart broke from seeing her cry, he wanted to embrace her and apologize but he didn't want to fall Ranti's hands.
She turned back leaving and he dragged her back. Amazing impulsively stabbed him in the arm with her pen and he screamed out in pain.
What do you guys think of today's update 😏
Now we know what happened between Bammy and Amazing
More of the past coming up! 😎
More drama to come
Don't forget to vote! 🌟
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