🔴 Chapter 10🔴
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Chapter 10
"Are you guys aware Kwame is planning on proposing to Yemisi?" Phina asked, "The guy already bought a ring" "Of course i do. Nothing eludes me" Anya replied with a smile, "Everyone's practically living a fairy tale"
"Why don't we give this fairy tale a sad ending already. The whole love thing is already making me sick! How can they be happy when others can't be as happy as they are? Huh? How?" She scoffed raising up her hands, "I'm ready to burst the bubbles they're practically flying on!"
"There's no point interrupting their happiness, she doesn't want it yet. She still wants them to feel happy, tragedy lurks around the corner. They'll wish they were dead!"
Yemisi knocked on Kwame's gate and a man opened up, "Good evening Ma" he smiled bowing his head abs she smiled, "Is Kwame in? I've been trying to call him, his number is switched off"
"No Ma. He isn't in, Mr Acquah is out of town" he replied and she scoffed, "Excuse me? Out of town? Without informing me?"
"You said his number was switched off right?"
"Yes but he could have told me" she exhaled, "Wait. .. Are you sure about this?" "Yes Ma, I personally carried the luggages into the car and I drove him to the airport. " Where did he say he was going to?"
"I didn't ask. Something came up"
Yemisi scoffed within, and he couldn't tell me. How can he keep something that urgent away from her then she hissed out loud. "Ma, you can come in" "No. What's the use? What time did he leave?"
"In the day, like 2pm"
"Wow.... Kwame wow. You know what? Good night Ibro, I'll be going now"
"But Ma"
Yemisi rolled her eyes, "Good night" she muttered leaving then she shut her eyes in regrets on realizing she was being selfish. What could have been so damn urgent to have him leaving the country without her knowledge.
At least he could have called with the office line! What is she even saying sef? His phone number is never switched off! Maybe it's because she's been calling the wrong line. Abi .... Did something happened ni? She asked within then she shook the thoughts off.
God forbid! She'll just die from heart attack!
She called his number again all to no avail then a call came in from Amazing. "Hey dear" "Hey" she sounded down, "Are you okay? That doesn't sound like a happy voice" "Because its not a happy voice. Amazing I'm sad, I'm worst than sad!" She pouted, "What happened? Is everything okay? Is it business?"
"Then what?"
"I'm in front of Kwame's gate, his gateman just informed me that he traveled. Can you believe it? Kwame travelled without my knowledge. I am so angry in my spirit!" "Have you confirmed that?"
"How? His number is not going through"
"Have you called his other lines? I don't think Kwame will leave the country without informing you"
"I don't think so too but the man just confirmed he dropped him off at the airport. I'm worried, Kwame would have called me but seeing that he hasn't and his number is switched off... I'm angry and worried at the same time." "Okay, calm down Yemmy"
"What if there was a problem? Oh my God" she placed her free hand on her head, "Ah mogbe!" "Shhh, put yourself together dear, where are you? I'll come get you"
"I'm in front of his gate. What am I going to do now? I'll die if anything happens to him! My village people, they are at it again!" "What you need is a distraction, don't worry, I'll come pick you up, maybe then we can get um.... Get dinner
Yemisi groaned, she didn't want to be a bother to her, for crying out loud, she's still recuperating!
"No" "Why?" "I don't want to stress you. I really don't want to stress you" "And who says I'm stressed? I Also need the distraction too so no, you're not stressing me. I'll be there in a bit"
"Thank you"
"Surprise!!!!" Everyone yelled as Uche walked into a free room in the restaurant, she was dressed in a emerald green dress. This was followed by loud hisses from every lips in the room.
"Ouch. What was that for?"
Kwame lifted his hands, "No offense but we thought it was Yemisi" "Someone should be on the look out now"
"We heard your footstep, I thought you said you weren't coming" Nene asked, "I couldn't miss this for anything in the world" she replied looking around at the faces of everyone present including Yemisi's parents then she looked around the room.
The will you marry me banner that hung across the room and all the balloon decoration."Like i said, i can't miss this for anything in the world. Good evening everyone, good evening Mr and Mrs Ojo"
"Good evening dear" they both replied then Mrs Ojo gave Nene a look, "Let's just call Yemisi and find out were she is"
"She'll suspect we're on to something." Kwame replied, "That's why we're counting on Amazing to bring her here without her suspecting anything."
They heard a footstep approach the room, as soon a lady walked in, everyone who were about to scream 'Surprise!' swallowed their words and hissed. It was only one of the restaurant servers.
"Should I serve the small chops? I mean since everyone is still waiting?"
Ema raised her hands, "I'll like to have one, thank you" "Sure" Kwame replied and she smiled walking away. "The last time I sent a text to Amazing, she said she'll be there in thirty minutes, that's like fourty five minutes ago" Nene replied, "Boya it's traffic" Fisayo replied.
"Where's Benefit, i don't see her here"
"She had one of her meetings with Jeff"
Yemisi got of Amazing's car in front of a restaurant then she groaned, "I don't even know what my reaction will be if I find out he travelled without informing me" "I'm pretty sure he has a reason for it. My ears are literally paining me, stop complaining"
"Kwame will definitely know how to calm me"
"Ouch" Amazing replied laughing out loud and Yemisi chuckled, "Well, no offense but he has the right tools" she winked at her and Amazing gasped shaking her head.
"You're messed up, I hope you know that" She moved to the front while Yemisi followed her behind.
"Are you sure we will not call Amazing like this, they are taking too long"
"Mummy she'll be here in no time"
Uche smiled, "So how much did it cost to book this room for the proposal?" She asked and Ema rolled her eyes then she walked up to Kwame, "Ignore her, dont let her infect you, she's always miserable" she whispered and Kwame exhaled.
"Anything that you want to say, say it let me hear don't whisper"
"I'm not scared of you oh, forget my body and the fact that I'm pregnant, babe I can still beat you blue black, just by thinking of it, I don't even have to lay a hand on you"
Dare whispered to Kwame, "I'll place my bet on the dark one" and Kwame glared at him.
"O to oh!" Mrs Ojo yelled, "You have started again shebi? The same old secondary school character, I even thought you guys are more mature now. If you don't respect that today is my daughter, your best friend's day, at least respect the fact that his friends are here. Its a good day"
"But Mummy, its not my fault"
"If you two argue once again, I'll use one hand to slap one person from one corner and the other hand to slap another person, just try me and see. You two will just be arguing and arguing, are you sharing husband or what? Answer me"
"No Ma" Ema replied walking up to her, "I'm sorry Ma, is that a new earring? I really love it" she complimented and Mrs Omo rolled her eyes, "Are you trying to bribe me?"
"Yes. Is it working?" She asked and they both laughed. Then Uche approached her, "I'm sorry Ma" she apologized looking away" "Who are you frowning face for?"
"Mummy, this is my real face, I'm not frowning"
"You did not reject this kind of ugly face" she snapped and Ema laughed, "What do you find funny?" "The ugly face" "Shut up"
"Can't you take a simple joke Uche? What's wrong with you?" She rolled her eyes walking off and Uche exhaled loudly. "What is wrong with you Uche? Are you okay?"
For starters, she hated being called 'Ushe' with that Yoruba intonation! But she knew the woman opposite her will just slap her if she gives such reply.
"Um.... Mummy, I'm just going through stuffs in my life"
"Talk to someone about it then! You have your friends. You guys have been friends since when? I can't even remember, you always support one another. You can't just say that..."
"I can't really talk about. I think the right response should be that I don't want to talk about it. Not to Amazing, not to Yemisi, I'm okay the way I am. Thank you Ma"
Ema poured herself a drink, she raised it just close to her lips then she had second thoughts whether to have a drink or not. She has been advised to lay off drinking because of the baby she gulped the whole thing.
Just a drink won't hurt, abeg! Besides, she needed not badly. Uche's matter is turning into something to worry about, there was always a time when they have arguments but it surface everytime! It's like she has been possessed by something.
"That's not healthy for a pregnant woman oh"
Ema glared at him, "How is it your fucking business, pry much? I don't even see a belly bump" "You made the public announcement when you were in the WWE fighting ring." He replied and she creased her brow while chuckling, "I was getting ready for the fight, ask Kwame, I already placed my bet on the black one"
"Uche? You would have lost"
"You with your tiny body?"
Ema tightened her fist punching his arm and he groaned, "Ouch, that one pain now" "I just wanted to test how tiny my hands are" she replied and he hissed. "He pain on" "Suck it up! Are you not a man!" She complained and he looked down at her.
"As you short like this, you get big mouth oh"
"So I've been told. What are you doing here? Are you trying to toast a pregnant woman?"
Dare scoffed, "I have a girlfriend" he brought out his phone scrolling through it for her picture, "What are you doing?" "Showing you proof" "You don't have...." She trailed off and he finally showed her the picture.
"That's her. We've been dating for two years"
"Wow, congrats"
"Thanks. Besides, I won't think of toasting a pregnant woman, especially a wrestler at that haba now, your husband might just be John Cena" he teased and she chuckled, the chuckled was grim as it made her remember Kunle.
"Your husband must be around, where is he?"
"Six feet under the ground" she replied then she gave it a thought, "I don't think they dug the grave up to six feet but what I'm sure of it that he's under the ground or in the ground. Whatever grammar, abeg! I'm nor a grammarian" she pourer another drink and he exhaled in realisation.
"I'm sorry I asked, I didn't know"
She sipped it now rolling her eyes, "Its not like I walk around with a name tag. I wasn't even married to Kunle, I was just..... Engage by words, the crazy guy didn't even give me a ring" she exhaled laughing to herself.
"What happened to him?"
"He got hit by a tanker, he survived but he died again"
"That's some final destination shit there"
Ema chuckled raising the glass then he grabbed it from her. "No more drinking. The baby will not complaining but when he comes out looking ugly, you'll say he looks like his father. You won't even remember this drink"
She laughed covering her lips, "It's just one and half drink, see I need it" "You are a young widow to be" "Widow what?" She blurted out and he laughed, "Widow to be, gotten from bride to be, you were going to be Kunle's bride right? Shey you get my point?"
She shook her head laughing, "That's very stupid" "As long as you get my point. Bottom line is, drinking is bad for the baby, think of the him or her, don't be a selfish mother" "I'm not selfish" "Are you sure?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.
"It's just one and half drink, I haven't even completed the drink"
Dare gulped the drink, "I'll be your monitoring your spirit intake today. Feel free to call me monitoring spirit" he joked and she laughed out loud, that actually came from her chest.
She hissed rolling her eyes, this one is a clown oh! Anyways it felt nice talking to him.
Murphy talking to Nene, "So you don't have friends that are single." "No, I don't have friends that only wants a damn one night stand Murphy, you have a problem! Sort it out! Remember the last date I set up with Amazing but you screwed up"
Murphy rolled his eyes, "When will you start taking life seriously?" "Wow Nene, I think I should start calling you Mom" he teased laughing and she slapped his arm. "Ishi!" "
"Guys!!!" Amazing called out staring at everyone chatting way and going about their business. They all stopped staring at her and Yemisi who was behind now staring everyone in the room Kwame.
She wondered why her parents were present in the room, and Kwame? Didn't Ibro say something about dropping him off at the airport? What the hell is going on? She didn't even take note of the banner.
"What's going on here?" Yemisi asked and everyone screamed "Surprise!!!!"
Yemisi gasped, she was in total shock, did she forget her own birthday? Or something?
"I don't understand what's going on, your number has been switched off and..." She trailed off as she watched Kwame go on his knees, "I don't think there's any better time to do this." He began and she gasped turning back then she placed her palm on her chest.
Its a damn proposal and she was freaking the hell out!
She returned her gaze back at him, it sounded like he was about to start a speech so she exhaled watching him smile , "I'm not going to wait till a year or six months before I do this. Yemisi I love you, and I'm sure I want to spend the rest of life waking up close to you, seeing your beautiful face when I wake up, cliché right but it's as plain as that. When I saved your number as my wifey, It wasn't out of impulse, it was because I saw something right from the first day we met. It was fate, you're my destiny and I don't want to ever live in a world without you that's why I ask this question, of course I know what your reply will be"
"Don't be cocky jhoor!" She laughed and he chuckled, "Will you marry me?" He asked and she chuckled.
"What if I now say No?" She asked and everyone laughed including Kwame. "You love me too much to say no" "Are you sure?"
"Baba say yes jare! What's all this shakara for?" Ema asked and Yemisi laughed, "Wait oh, on top my proposal oh" "So what? We all know you love him, even the guy knows, just say yes so we can cut the cake and celebrate jhoor" she hissed and Yemisi laughed looking down at Kwame.
"Yes I will marry you Babe" she replied and he rose up slipping the ring into her finger then a round of applause broke out and he kissed her on her forehead out of respect for her mother.
Her mother and father walked up to them smiling, "Congratulations Yemisi" Her father began and she quickly hugged him then she embraced her mother afterwards. "Finally" she muttered pulling away.
"Now that marriage will soon come, all this your careless behaviour must stop" she snapped turning towards Kwame, "She is very careless and forgetful! I hope you know that Kwame"
Yemisi rolled her eyes while Kwame laughed at the display. Of course he knows about it! God bless that day she was forgetful! If she hadn't been,their relationship wouldn't have gone far.He wouldn't have even taken note of the name of her bakery!
"She's my daughter, I know her very well! I know what she can do! She is so forgetful, she can play game and forget what she wants to do" "Mummy!" Her husband snapped.
"Is this the right place to complain?"
Yemisi soon began embracing her friends, "You guys knew about this and you didn't even let me know" "Congrats Yemisi, congratulatioms" Nene said yo her and she smiled.
Amazing walked up to Kwame, "Hey" "I can't thank you enough" "Its nothing, it's my job" "And I'm not even paying you and I should" "Please don't. Yemisi is my best friend, you two deserve each other" "Thank you"
"What about Bamidele, I noticed..." She cleared her throat, "I noticed he's not here"
Kwame nodded, "He.... Had to sit this one out" "Why? Because of me?" She asked and he stalled. "It's because of me right?" "Amazing... It's..." "Did I do something wrong, I feel like maybe I did something wrong. Up until on Sunday, we've been conversing on phone then he stopped answering my calls"
"I really don't know what to say"
"He didn't have to miss standing by his best friend, the only decent thing he could have done is have the decency to pick up the phone and tell me what I did wrong" she scoffed walking up to the girls and Kwame exhaled.
Benefit leaned against Jeff's body just after coming down from another orgasm. They both took time to catch their breaths. "Are you sure about...." He trailed off and she smiled, "I mean I wanna have children, lot of it" "I'm safe" she responded then she leaned down to kiss his lips. Her breasts pressed against his chest. He went ahead to put his arms around her waist. They both continue to hold each other tightly, kissing over and over.
"I'll never let you go Bee, I promise I won't see you differently, I won't stop loving you"
Benefit laughed, "Why are you saying this" "Since you don't want to talk about what your exes did.... I mean, it's only convenient to make assumptions. I won't break your heart like they did" his hands holding onto the sides of her face, he kissed her bottom lips and she shuddered.
I kissed down his chest, "Did Tutu stay away because of us, did you see the sex coming?" "No. I didn't, apparently she did. She looked me in the eyes and she said, Daddy don't worry, today I'll leave the house for you and Miss Oloche and I'll come back on Sunday evening. When she even did, I didn't see us making love, I guess we couldn't deny the moment"
"I guess so" she chipped in, "Technically, we have the whole weekend to ourselves, since she'll be back on Sunday evening" "I thought you had lesson notes to make"
"Screw the lesson note! What I want for the weekend is you" she confessed and they both resumed kissing again.
Amazing exhaled loudly on entering into her room, its been a hectic day and she her stitches were beginning to itch so she took off the jacket she took off her black flat shoes then she laid in bed tiredly.
Her agenda was take off her clothes and then zoom off into the bathroom but she was too damn tired to do that. Her mind drifted off to Bamidele and his constant refusal to pick her calls.
She hissed out loud then she rolled her eyes, she didn't even understand why she was even thinking of the guy! Not like she wanted his number in the first place, I mean he literarily begged to have her number! Now he's the one doing shakara, does he take it as some sort of game?
Doing something wrong was even out of the question. She's always the one condoning his flirts! It only shows his Immaturity, he should at least have the decency to talk to her about it.
Whatever the 'it' is, she hissed again.
"Amazing, you have far more important things to be thinking of instead of Bamidele, he's not even worth the stress. Remember you have a wedding plan to think of?" She asked out loud then her thoughts instantly switched away from Bamidele to her wedding plans, the traditional wedding was scheduled to be held in Akwa Ibom on a Thursday while her church wedding will be held on Saturday.
This is everything she ever wanted, getting married but she was really struggling to be happy with herself. Maybe its the aftermaths of the wedding she's scared of.
Waiting six months before she conceives, what if she doesn't? She asked herself then she heard the birds cooed outside of the house, this was followed by foot steps on the floor just outside the door.
"Who's there?" She asked sitting up, she felt like there was someone in the room with her.
Turn on your spiritual radar, turn on your spiritual radar, she heard Jeremy's voice say to her.
She suddenly felt her head swell up, the environment suddenly became tensed and she then came the fear. "Who are you? What are you and what do you want from me?"
She kept quiet as though she was expecting some form of response from the presence in the room. "Who are you? I command you to show yourself in Jesus name!" She screamed and Ema walked in holding a mop with her belly big from all the clothes stuffed into it.
"What's going on?" She asked looking around with the mop up in the air. "I heard you shouting, I thought someone broke into your room" she dropped her hands down.
Amazing's eyes instantly fell on her belly, "What do you have in your belly?" "That's not important right now. Are you okay?" "I thought I heard footsteps" "Where? In here?" "Outside" "Maybe it was mine, sorry I scared you. You look like fuck! Did you think it was a ghost?"
"I don't know what I thought it was.... I guess it's all in my head" she replied staring at her belly. "How old do you think you are?" "I was rehearsing how I'll look like in the next five months and I was also having a little me time with Junior"..
"Yes, as in Kunle Junior. Good night Babe"
"Good night Ema"
Ema walked out of the room into her room where she dropped the mop by the door then she stared into the mirror. "Hello Junior, I know right? I was scared too. I thought someone broke in but it's alright, we're alright" she rubbed her fake bump.
"I hope you end up looking like your Dad"
Ema woke from her unconsciousness to find herself tied against a pole in front of her was Anya grinning at her. "Ema love" she ran her hands on her cheeks and she instantly became scared.
"Who are you?"
"Who I am doesn't matter, don't be scared. I won't hurt you"
"Untie me right now" "I can't do that"
"It's a dream right? This is a fucking dream and very soon I'm going to wake up from it" "Are you sure it's a dream? This looks real"
"The last thing I remember was laying on the bed, you can't possibly make me believe it's not a dream. Who are you and what do you want from me? You already took Kunle away"
"Because he was a persistent bastard you weren't supposed to get pregnant on our watch but you did" She replied moving close to her, "What do you want from me?"
"The baby" Anya replied stabbing her with a knife and she gasped out of her sleep, she felt pains in her belly then she pushed the bed sheet to find where she laid soaked in blood.
"Arghh!!!!!" She screamed.
Kwame cradled Yemisi tightly, and let his lips flow over her face then she suddenly busted into laughter on remembering how the security's pretense. *Ibro is such an actor! Everyone is! The way Amazing acted so normal, I didn't even suspect a thing "
"I possibly couldn't have left the country without letting the half of me know. I love you" he confessed and she lifted her fingers now staring at the ring in her fingers. "It's really beautiful. So one day I'm going to be Mrs Yemisi Acquah" "And mother to my children, how many will you love to have? I love large families" "Three is okay"
"I was thinking like five"
Yemisi laughed in disbelief then she widened her eyes when she realize he wasn't joking, "Iwo pelu tani? (You and who?) Look at this one?Whose vagina will the baby come out from? Five children? Omo marun, you should have kukuma said ten children. Ah han In this economy of today, you want to turn me into mother of all nations"
Kwame laughed, "Who's complaining about the economy? The economy is not affecting everybody like that, I'll love a large family. I want to have children everywhere so when this one is dragging my leg, the other is pulling my nose"
"When the other one is pulling your ears, the other is pulling your beard while the other one will be tickling you"
Kwame smiled, "Now you get my point, you can see the big picture right?" "I was just whining you" she snapped and they both bursted into laughter while he ran his fingers across her face. "I love you Babe, I'm literarily jazzed" "And i love you too"
Her phone rang so she stretched her hands to get the phone then she checked the caller ID, "Why will Amazing be calling by past three?" She asked answering the call. "Hey, what's up? Is everything okay?" she asked and Amazing exhaled.
"Ema had to be rushed to the hospital, she was bleeding"
"Oh my God, is she okay?"
"She's fine but she lost the baby"
Yemisi shut her eyes and tears poured down her cheeks, another devastating news. Is she the only one?
Benefit wrapped her hands around Ema, "I'm so sorry about the baby" "You shouldn't have come, I just cut off your time with Jeff, you could be having morning sex now" "When my twin is suffering. Not like I like you that much sha but....I know you must be so damn devastated"
Ema cried looking at her friends, "They finally killed my baby, they came in my dreams guys and they killed my...." "We're sorry" Nene replied, "Maybe if it's for the best" she added and Amazing glared at her.
"I swear anyone that says shit to me will get it good from me."
"How did it happen?" Uche asked, "I saw myself tied and I saw this really fair woman, she stabbed me in the belly"
"A fair woman?" Amazing asked, "Yeah, mature, beautiful, you won't even think she's a bad person" "Is she without blemish spotless, head shaped like pear"
Ema nodded, "How......." "There was this day I walked into the office and I found her there, when the secretary walked in, she disappeared" she explained and Blessing exhaled, "That's strange, a fair woman also appeared to me at work"
"She appeared to me at the Bakery, she said she has us where I'm supposed to be, that we might pretend about it but we're unhappy. I didn't understand but she disappeared, my workers didn't even see her, I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me"
"Same here” Fisayo replied, "I saw her at the school then someone gave me a note" Benefit paused, "What did the note say?" Uche asked and then she stalled in thought, "She has me where I'm supposed to be, almost the same thing with Yemisi." She groaned, "What the hell is going on? Why will she be appearing to everyone, she appeared to everyone right?" She asked turning towards Nene and Uche"
"Of course she did! I was in the office, my pen fell, after I picked it up, I saw her seated opposite me with this smile on her face then she disappeared. I don't know that woman from Adam" Nene replied, "I also saw her, she said I can never be happy"
"What the fuck is going on?"
"I second that question Ema, what the fuck is happening?" Fisayo asked, "It's either we meet one strong Pastor or we meet one Woli Agba or Babalawo, anyone, I'm ready for"
"God forbid!" Blessing snapped, "I'm a Christian, I won't be evily yoked with anything diabolic"
"This is a serious matter, we all saw this same fair woman whom we don't know shit about. Kunle went diabolical because of her and it worked" "For how long?" Uche asked, "All juju has expiry date, finding a way out is common sense, but it has to be something that will last, like something that will kill the woman. Just saying"
Blessing exhaled, "We all need to be careful and prayerful. God is the only way out" "I can't agree more" Amazing agreed, "We all need to pray this one out" "Me I don't have that kind of power for prayer, it won't be a bad thing if you guys pray for me"
Benefit covered her palm over her face, "Guys, this is really scary. What do they want from us? Huh? What?" She asked, "She doesn't want us to be happy" Uche replied, "You seem so sure of it"
"Because she said it to me that day. I think we should find a way out and I'm not talking about meeting a Pastor, we all know God is slow in wrath, I'll try to find out from my friends someone that can actually help us out real quick. Either that or we dismiss it"
Zenith Media
Amazing walked into Sir Jones office with a smile on her face. "Good morning Sir" she greeted, Efua's face changed on seeing her. "Good morning" she greeted her almost immediately and Efua arced her brow at her.
"Good morning" she replied half heartedly before leaving the office.
What's wrong with this one? She asked within, she was getting a whole lot of negative vibe from her, not like she's that familiar with her, she didn't get why all of the sudden she was carrying face like marshed feaces. Abi am i sharing husband with her?
Girls sha!
"Good morning Amazing, please have your seat"
"Thank you Sir" she sat down slowly, "How are you Sir, how is the family?" "Fine, we are all fine and you?" "I'm fine Sir, the family is doing great. I don't think we've spoken much"
"Yeah.... Not since...." She trailed off, "The award night" Sir Jones completed, "I'll once again apologize for what that boy did"
"Your son"
"Son wo?" Sir Jones scoffed, "Somebody that I've already disowned, haven't you heard? I only have a child, my daughter Yewande" "And your son Bamidele"
Sir Jones shook his head, "No. Rara, he's no son if mine. I have taken too much insult from him way too much. Let him find himself a father cause I'm not ready to father a spoilt brat like him. Why are you even supporting him? He abused you"
"Well he did, but we started speaking of recent and then he stopped picking my calls"
Sir Jones knocked on the desk, "See what I'm talking about? Bamidele will not change, I have waited years for him to change but..... Maybe I just have to get used to the fact he's still the same disappointment." He blinked his tears in and then he scoffed then he exhaled.
"Why are you here today? I hope all is well'"
Amazing brought out an invitation card from her bag then she stretched it out to him. "My wedding is coming up next week, I'm using this medium to invite you. I'll really love it if you can grace my wedding with your presence"
Sir Jones smiled, "Congratulations must definitely be in order! He is indeed a lucky man" "Thank you Sir"
Amazing clasped her hands on entering into Pastor Tunde's office. "Good day Pastor" "I already told the protocol that I won't be seeing much people today so you have to make it real fast. You know what? Will you be at home after now? Mummy and I will be making a stop around that your estate, it's funny that one of our members stay there too. I promise to stop by after my meeting with him. Would you like to follow me? We can all pray for him"
Bamidele heard the door bell ring then he opened it only to find Pastor Tunde by the door. "Good afternoon Brother Bamidele" he called out and Bamidele smiled. "Good afternoon Sir. Please come in Sir" he invited him in and he walked in smiling.
"Please have your seat Sir" he requested and Pastor Tunde did. "Thank you Son" "What do you want to drink? I have varieties in my wine bar, I have water, I have beer, I gave spirit and wine"
"Thank you but I'll pass on the offer, God bless you Son"
"To what pleasure so I owe this visit?"
"I noticed you were absent"
Bamidele scoffed, "In a big church? How can you notice me? I'm insignificant, I'm not even a member, I'm just an insignificant number" "Well, now you know you're not insignificant cause i noticed you. I wonder what happened"
Bamidele scoffed. "I guess I lost interest" "Why?" "Pastor, if i must be honest with you" "Please be" "The only reason I was consistent in church was because...." He trailed off covering his face in shame. "I..." He exhaled dropping his hands.
"I was chasing someone, a girl"
"Ahhh, I see"
"Exactly.... I just wanted to see her face"
"What happened next?"
Bamidele scoffed, "She's getting married and it's annoying that i ever thought i can get her"
Tunde nodded knowing fully well who the person was, "I guess you're talking about sister Amazing" he assumed and he gave a nod. "Just because she's getting married shouldn't stop you from coming to church" "Weirdly, it kind of hurts, between the two of us, men to men, i've never ever felt hurt about losing a girl to any man. I've never been attached to any woman and suddenly I feel attached to someone I've never kissed, someone I've never asked out on a date, another man's woman, I didn't think I had the strength to see. I've been avoiding her calls"
"So you like her"
Bamidele scoffed, "It's an attachment, let's not give it a name." "Don't feel bad about it, Amazing has a good soul. She's beautiful too, she's likeable, its normal to feel ....attached" "Not for Bamidele Jones, I don't get attached"
"There's always a first time for everything son. So, does that mean you won't be coming to church again because of your .... attachment" "I don't know. Not like I'm important sef" "You're important in God's eyes, God is interested in you"
"Why? The other Pastor said the same thing, I hope its not what I'm thinking" "What are you thinking?" "Saviour said something about being a Pastor. Look at me now, I'm nor saying it's a bad thing but look at me now. I'm not even Pastor material, I have faults, I still fornicate, I covet, I watch porn, I break hearts"
"There's no sin, God can't forgive"
Bamidele scoffed, "Are you agreeing to the fact that" "No. No one said anything about you being a Pastor" he replied then he exhaled in relief. "Thank God! Please, I don't know shit about the word of God"
"I never knew shit about the word of God too, those days in school and my time in the cult. I cared less about Jesus until I received the revelation" Pastor Tunde smiled and Bamidele felt his heart race in fear.
"Now you're scaring me"
Pastor grinned leaning comfortably I on the chair, "Even with your two eyes, without revelation Bamidele, you're still blind and deaf cause you can't truly hear from God without it. I shall take my leave now, there's one of out church member around this street I'll like to see before I leave." He smiled rising up, "Will I see you in church next week or during the week?" "I think I'll be fine watching the live stream for now. Thank you Sir"
"If ever you change your mind, God is ready when you are. Let's pray brother Bamidele"
Amazing handed the Pastor's wife a glass of Juice and cookies. "Thank you dear. You must be seriously preparing for your wedding. I think the aso ebi material is so nice, who picked it?" "My friend Nene"
"You must have eyes for good things"
Pastor Tunde knocked and walked into the house. "This house and it's occupants are blessed in Jesus name" "Amen!" Amazing yelled, "Daddy please have your seat"
He say close to his wife, "How's the church member? Was he or she sick?" "He's not sick, he's finding it hard to embrace the doctrine of the word of God. He's not a devout, but you sister Amazing can help win a soul"
Amazing shrugged, "In between my work and everything...." "Excuses, excuses everytime" "Daddy" "What's bothering you?" He changed the topic and she exhaled. "There was this time i saw a fair woman who later disappeared, turns out my friends saw the same thing. We're scared"
"He has not given us the spirit of fear" Pastor Tunde noted and his wife nodded. "Two nights ago, I felt something in the room and then outside, that night my friend Ema who leaves with me was attacked in her dreams. The woman stabbed her and when she woke, she was bleeding and she lost her baby"
"Is she married?"
"No. Her fiancee was killed by this woman too, Daddy it's getting serious. Why will someone be after us, we haven't done anything wrong? I think there's something in the house"
He sighed turning towards his wife then he glanced back at Amazing. "There's nothing in the house right now Amazing, they're probably trying to scare you. The enemies derives joy when you're afraid. Have your prayer life increased?" "I don't know, I've been praying since I got out of the hospital." "Why don't you try praying with your friends"
"I don't think they'll be interested Sir, except Blessing. "
"That's how they're able to attack you all, there's no strong barrier, you guys need to build a strong wall through prayers. Where's this Ema?"
"In Benue, she said she needed some time to think life through"
"Well, you need to call your friends in order, help them build their faith in God. How often do they go to church? What's their relationship with God? It all depends on you Amazing then I'll do my part"
Amazing's took a break from work on her wedding week. She had to sit back and allow her planning crew do the rest wedding plans. Some already travelled down to Akwa Ibom state with her to see to the perfection of the traditional wedding.
They've been staying since the weekends so hotel bills and the rest have been on her! Although those were the least of her worries.
She was rather preoccupied with everything being perfect, she didn't want complains, her mother wanted to show everyone the definition of a real party with excess drinks, food and sourvenirs.
Her mother had plans to throw a typical Lagos Owambe party in Uyo.
The morning was so warm sleeping in Kwame's so much that Yemisi didn't want to wake up. She had plans that morning to take a flight to Akwa Ibom to meet Amazing and the rest. She heard they were cruising already.
Kwame was sleeping soundly, peacefully, and beautifully, she didn't want to interrupt him. The sound of alarm began to invade Ibom beginning to invade their tranquility so she rolled her eyes ending the alarm on her phone.
After which she kissed him on the lips and he groaned slowly opening his eyes. "You're molesting me in my sleep" he accused and she laughed out loud, "Who's molesting this one" "Improper sexual actions without consent, that's molestation" he replied and she laughed.
"Awwwn, I'm dating a dictionary"
"A hot dictionary" he responded and she continued laughing, "Your lips were just calling my name and I just couldn't resist it" she mounted on him and she smiled kissing his lips and he kissed her too.
"Opps, I need to pee"
Kwame held her back and she laughed, "Stop it! I'll wee on my body oh" she slapped his chest then she quickly slipped from the bed into the bathroom where she sat on the toilet seat sighing in relief.
"Thank God!" She muttered turning back to roll a piece of tissue paper.
"Babe!!!" She heard Kwame's voice call out so she quietly listened, it wasn't coming from the room then where was it coming from?
"Yemisi!!" He called out again then she realized she was dreaming, "Shit!" She muttered jerking up from her sleep to find Kwame looking at her in shock.
The duvet she laid on was wet so she looked down at the mess on the bed unbelievably, "Oh my...." She covered her lips in shame.
"What happened?" Kwame asked, "You were laughing in your sleep and then this"
She couldn't say a word, she didn't even realize she was dreaming!
Akwa Ibom
"When are you going to do it?" Aboh's mother asked and he kept quiet, "I don't know Mom" "You told us to stay away and we have but are you going to suffer the poor girl and...."
"Mom it's okay! I said I'll tell her on my own terms. Do you think it's easy, do you think I haven't tried to say it to her but I'm scared, Amazing is a sweet girl."
"Why are you doing this to her then?"
"I already explained it to you Mom, see, don't let me explain twice cause the first one was annoying enough. I don't want to take chances, I'm scared. Don't bother me this morning, I'm not in a good mood." He snapped ending the call then he sat down on the hotel bed now covering his face.
That morning, Aboh called for a family meeting. It was strictly a family meeting, out of bounds to friends.
Amazing wondered what the aim of the meeting was as they quietly watched him fumble with his words, "I um.... I...." he stammered for the third time. "What's going on Aboh?" Amazing asked, "I don't know how to say this"
"What? Are your parents not coming?"
"They're not"
"Because I told them not to." "Why will you do that?"
Aboh cleared his throat, "I just.... I've been looking for a way to say this but it's been hard, I don't expect you to take it easily but....." He exhaled, "I can't go through with the wedding"
"What?" Amazing asked rising up, "Ah!" Mom rose up with her hands on her head, "Wo ti get mi! "They've gotten me" She yelled moving closer to him, "My son, the devil is a liar! Can't you reconsider?"
"No. I'm sorry, I won't be able to.... Babe, you know I love you and I'll do anything for you but this? I've thought of it and I've come to realize that I can't do it. I'm sorry"
"You do realize it's just two days to the traditional wedding right?" Mrs Essien asked and he gave a nod, "And I have come to a realization that the wife I'm getting married to may not be able to have children. What's the essence of marriage if I can't have children?" He asked breaking Amazing's heart into pieces that she can't pick up.
How can he say that? She gave him an option at the hospital but he chose to stay! She didn't even force him! Why will he bring her this far only to throw this bomb just two days before her traditional wedding.
She couldn't even say a word, all she could do was cry and hope to God to do something to change his mind.
"You already paid the dowry to the last kobo"
"I'm not demanding for refunds Sir"
Special rose up, hoping she can intervene, "This is bad Aboh" She paused, It's shameful, what about ger friends and families from Lagos that are already here? It's Tuesday for crying out loud!" "Then you'll tell those that haven't come yet to stay back"
"Easy for you to say, your family members are not here yet!"
"Don't make me out to be the bad person here! If you were in my shoes what will you do?"
"What stupid shoe?" Special asked, "You havent even tested the shoe and you're saying it itches. What stupid shoe? I've been quiet since you started spilling this rubbish! How do you know she won't have children? How? You're just making vain assumptions"
"Oh so I'm expected to do what? Dive into the river first and then see how deep it goes"
"Yen yen yen yen yen, that's all I'm hearing right now, rubbish! Say something reasonable. You can even drown in the river and I don't care"
"Special, its okay!" Amazing yelled, "Its not!" She answered, "No it's not! This was supposed to be your big break! Your happy ending and this guy is ruining it! I want you to get married and also have children like me!" She replied in tears Amazing cried.
Amazing pathetically moved close to Aboh, she was hoping to negotiate with him, reach some form of compromise, the shame will be too much on her parents. "We can still do this, this doesn't have to happen, we'll have the wedding. God can still do some miracles" "Miracles? Amazing, you're a dedicated Christian, you serve God like your existence depends on it, you don't miss communion. If Miracles existed, God would have healed you of that fibroid no, God wouldn't have allowed you have the Fibroid in the first place. So dear, I don't believe and I'm not ready to take that leap and end up without a child"
"It is your sister that will end up without a child!" Mrs Essien snapped, "Not my daughter! How dare you come into my house to spill such insult, you dey mad? Abi, abi this Jerry curl for your hair, no dey make you think? Are you okay?" She snapped and Aboh scoffed.
"And I'm begging the guy, his head is swelling. What do you have to offer my daughter, don't think for a second you're the one managing my daughter, my daughter is managing you. Even we the family, we are managing you, right from the day of saw you with that useless hair, I knew something was wrong. I couldn't put my fingers on it until today, you don't have brain, your hair has occupied it!"
"Eka Amazing"
"Honey, leave me let me talk to this idiot. Are you listening to the rubbish this boy had been saying?"
"Are you sure? Cause I'm not seeing any manly reaction."
"What should I do? Hit his head with a shovel? Beat him up? Cut him into pieces with a Cutlass, tie him up? He has already made his choice, if he says he doesn't want to go through with the marriage, who are we to counter it?"
"Thank you for understanding Sir"
Mr Essien scoffed, "I only understand it's good riddance to bad rubbish. As disgraceful as this is, I prefer my daughter single than married to someone who doesn't deserve her. She deserves better and I never liked you in the first place"
"I guess the feeling is mutual"
Amazing scoffed, "How dare you?" "Babe, you heard him" "Doesn't give you the right to talk back at him. This is embarrassing enough don't add salt to the injury. By the way, don't ever call me Babe!" "Babe...Amazing.... I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen"
"Get out of my house Aboh, get the hell out!"
Aboh held her hands, "Let's talk about this more amica" he didn't even complete this sentence when she slapped his face impulsively. "Touch me again and I promise you I won't be this nice. Get out of my sight"
"Erm, Aboh, Aboki, abi ki lo n pe e? "Whatsoever your name is)" Mrs Essien called his attention, "Please leave my house before I pour hot water on that ugly Benue face of yours! I don bluff" she snapped walking into the kitchen and Aboh's heart raced in fear but he still wanted an amicable settlement.
"Leave! What are you waiting for? Get out already!" She snapped and he quickly headed towards the door. "I'm sorry" He apologized walking out .
Amazing fell to the ground, then she screamed out in pain. Where will she start from? How will she call her friends and family how will she explain this to them? What about her supposed church wedding on Saturday?
What do you guys think of today's update? 😩
The shid just got real😪
God forbid oh, if you guys are in Amazing's shoes, what will you do?
Me: I'll get out of the country! I won't even go back to that church again 😅
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