🔴 Chapter 1🔴

Follow me on Facebook @Eno Essien
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Hello guys!!! Welcome to yet another journey!!

It took me four nights to type this. Still no light 😭😭

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Chapter 1


Amazing was in the bathroom bathing, buried deep in her thought, at the same time, she was consciously waiting for a very important phone call that could change her destiny forever! While scrubing her blue sponge against  her back she stopped,  looked up to the ceiling, rendering silent prayers to God.

"Please just do this for me, just this once ehn. You have no idea how happy it'll make me." She groaned,  "What am I saying, of course you do, you're God and you know my heart desires and you know now much I want this"

Amazing rolled her eyes, Someone listening in to her that moment will think she's praying for a million dollar contract they won't know....she paused in her thought when she heard her phone ring.

She wanted to pick up the towel and wrap around her body before rushing out of the bathroom but she felt, it'll only waste time so she rushed out naked with soapy lather all over her body into her room.

Not like there's anyone at home! She basically lived alone in the two bedroom apartment.

She was just some steps away from the phone when she slipped and fell flat on her ass. She laid on the floor breathing hard.

"God I've suffered!" She muttered underneath her breathe.

So the deal is, she went on a date with this handsome after three months of invisible singlehood; the kind that makes you feel useless like no real man appreciates you. Not like she hasn't been having advances but they were usually from old and overly mature men!

Urgh! They were not her spec!  She wanted someone God fearing, good looking, hardworking either vocationally or professionally,  a man who respects women's opinion and supports it.

The previous night was amazingly different, her friend, Nene match made her with a good looking hunk; his name, Murphy Oscar.  He had one of those novel looks, the perfect set of white teeths, he works as a model in one the top modelling agency in Lagos. He had this baritone voice that just commands one's attention; speak darling, your servant heareth!

She was clearly fascinated by him, really fascinated.

There was something about his voice that had Amazing literally hooked! It wasn't necessarily his voice, it was the whole package!

She hasn't been on a good date in a while, the date went well, except when he requested her to come over to know where be lives. 

"It's a nice place, you'll love it" Murphy said winking at her and she frozed on the spot! That winking was doing damage to her Christian soul, it was breaking and piercing every celibacy belief she held dearly.

The desperate woman in her wanted to say "Yes" but the virtuous and courteous woman said no to his offer. She hated herself for it but it seemed like the right thing to do! I mean even if she wasn't religious, it's totally unethical to go home with a man just after your first date!

Seeing her reaction, Murphy laughed raising his hands as though he knew what she had concluded in mind. His hands were raised innocently as though he wasn't going that direction.

Of course he was! Isn't he a man?
They all want the same thing! Not like she was generalizing but his type are too much in the dating market!

"We won't be having sex, we can do it the next time but we'll only be having drinks and kissing and.... doing other stuff"

"Other stuffs? Like?"

Of course she knew the implication of other stuffs', she wasn't exactly a virgin even though she has not had sex for years because of her Celibacy status!

She just wanted to hear from the horses mouth to be sure she's not jumping into conclusions.

"Like....we'll start with kissing" He bit his lower lips running his hands around the glass in a very seductive manner!

All she could think of was the damage she was experiencing, the heat in between her legs ehn!

"I'm good with my hands and tongue, I do hope you're good with yours too. How good are you with your mouth?"

Amazing swallowed hard and swallowed hard again till she ran out of spit. As she drank from the glass of wine before her, she literally choked on it! The sound of her coughing could be heard in the whole room.

"Sorry" he said but she couldn't say a word!  She couldn't even apologize for the embarassing cough. Maybe she swallowed her tongue too!

She was beginning to sweat unnecessarily, the air conditioning couldn't even hide her wrecking nerves. He was now giving her looks that made her goosepimples turn to gooseboils! She had to rebuke the spirit that was coming over her that moment.

I rebuke you!

I rebuke you!

Out by fire!

Instead she cleared her throat, then flashed a smile at him and then she said, "I can't do that".

Murphy sniggered, "That wasn't what I asked, I said how good are"  "I get it but I can't do it" she cut in,  "Why?" "I'm a born again Christian and I don't believe in premarital sex. 1 Corinthians 6:19, Do you know that the body is a temple where the holy spirit lives and we have to keep it holy?"

What the hell? She asked within, Amazing did that just come out of your mouth ? Did you just turn your date into a freaking Sunday sermon?

How can you unsay this now?

"What the fuck?" He asked immediately snapping her back into reality. She had no idea why she said that!

She almost died of embarrassment. "I'm sorry" She apoogized staring deep into his face to get a further reaction but his expression was just blank. "Its okay. Its good that you're born again. The world needs people like you"

A man who respects and supports her opinions, just the kind of man she wanted. It was 'the world needs people like you' that got to her. He must be God fearing! She wanted to dive into his church denomination but she didn't want to look too religious! She'll save that for the second date!  

She smiled sheepishly, "I'm glad you think so. Does this mean, we'll get a second date?" She asked and he smiled. "I'll get back to you"

Ever since she woke up that morning, she has been waiting for that call and now her ass was flat on the tile. Her phone which was on the bed had stopped ringing too, instead it was her head that was ringing, she was literally seeing stars at this point.

The phone rang again so she rose up in pain, pick up the phone to check the caller ID.

Sweet Mother calling....

She rolled her eyes and almost threw the phone away. Something that she should have taken her time to bathe, wipe her body dry, rub her cream and dress up!

She hissed assuming she just fell for nothing! 

Sometimes in life, people get to that point where they feel estranged, they feel like they're being strangled by the unfair hands of life, they need saving but there's no one to save, they're desperate for a miracle but none has come yet! 

Those choking moments.... 

"Urgh!" Amazing screamed.

Ever since she turned 26, her mother made marriage a compulsory thing on her to do list. She never cared about marriage at that age, she was busy with building her career, she didn't care until she turned 28, at that age she was already an event planner and a writer with big dreams. 

Now it's 2019 and she's 32 years old having all she ever dreamt of except..... Marriage! Mothers are supposed to support their children, her mother doesn't let her rest with calls, frequent visits and nagging,  she's just as desperate as she is!

The phone rang again the third time and she answered it. "Good morning Mom"  "Hmmm, so you were ignoring my calls abi?" "Mom, I wasn't ignoring your calls, I was in the bathroom. I even had to come out naked  from the bathroom because of how much I love you" Amazing said forcing a smile, maybe the 'i love you' could help as a distraction, she wished she could escape being bathe with marriage criticism that morning!

It's not as if she'll force a man to marry her, for crying out loud she has been trying! Will she kill herself before her mother let her be.

"I love you" Her mother mimicked, "You don't have shame shebi? Something that you should be telling your husband, its me that you're telling you love"

Amazing rolled her eyes, abi which one is this wahala again? Is it a crime to now tell your mother that you love her?

"I'm still talking to you oh" her mother yelled and she cringed from the noise.

"What do you want me to say?"

"So it's me you're asking that question abi?"

Mom it's a question, if you have an answer to it answer it and stop frustrating me! She yelled within then she exhaled.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I was just.... How are you?"

"I already told you to stop asking me that question when I call you. You can ask me after you have gotten married cause then I'll be fine! I am already having high BP because of your issue"

It's you that wants to give yourself high BP now! Me I don't want high BP this morning, the shorter the call, the better!

"How's your health? Don't answer that question, I'm sure the BP is still there since I'm unmarried"


Amazing rolled her eyes again, at this point, her eyeball felt like they were going to pull out from the socket. "Mom" "What are you going to do about your situation!" "What situation Mom, I didn't realize I had a situation"  "You have a condition, it's called singlehood and it's worse than HIV AIDS."

"You're just exaggerating Mom. I'm handing the whole thing into God's hand"

"So it's God that will leave heaven and find husband for you? Is it only me that will be buying people's aso-ebi and people won't buy mine"

"They already bought yours"

"From your baby sister, only because she got pregnant when she was 24, where is your own?  You don't seem to have shame anymore and I'm worried about it"

Amazing gritted her teeth angrily, she tightened her fist.

What do you want me to do Mom? Should I go around carrying placards to show that I'm desperately in need of a husband? Is that what you want? Or should I paste husband needed at the gate to attract eligible customers or should I just settle for whatever comes my way? She thought within as tears ran down her eyes.

She didn't want to come off as rude,  over the years she has learnt to control her anger and cave everything in, no matter how angry she gets, she bottles it up. She still finds it shocking how she has been able to maintain her cool even till that moment.

On a norm, the bottle should have gotten full exploding to the best of its capacity but Christianity made it easy for her!

"Mom, don't make me feel worse than I already do. This isn't my fault"

"And I'm not trying to make you feel bad"

"Then what are you doing? Cause I feel horrible. I didn't make myself single. I am trying my best mom" "Try harder, what's there in getting a good man to marry? You are a very beautiful woman, men should be chasing you"

Or chasing after what's underneath my skirt!

Amazing exhaled wiping her tears, "I'm hoping God answers our prayer real soon"  "So I went to this church" "Mom!" She groaned already tired of her Mom's frequent visit to churches to find solution to her being single- in case the situation gets spiritual!

"I went to the church and the prophet said that the matter is spiritual that I should buy one aso-ebi cloth and you are to do dry fast, this night like this, you will... Let me move away so that your father doesn't hear me" "Mom don't bother, I'm not doing anything"


"Mom, I need to get back into the bathroom, I have work, goodbye!" She added quickly ending the call.  She swiped her phone numbers and landed on Yemmy. "Hey Babe" "Hey Amazing love, how are you this beautiful beautiful morning?"

"I'm fine... Okay I lie through my teeth, I'm not fine"


"He hasn't called me back"


"I don't know. Should I call him?"

"That will make you look desperate"

"Babe I'm desperate"

Yemisi laughed, "We all are jare but you know, we just got to package it in. We cannot come and appear over desperate in their eyes, they will use us to shine nii oh" "I don't know what to do, I'm tired of waiting"

"Give him time, maybe he's busy"

Amazing heard the horn of a car from the other end of the phone, she assumed Yemisi was at the roadside.  "Where are you?" "In a taxi. I'm delivering cake, I had an early morning delivery jare! You that delivery that clashed now, that I'm making double cake for now"

"Oh. Have you prayed?" She asked,  "Yes I have" she lied without thinking.

She didn't want Amazing going full on prayer warrior on her! She didn't want to appear like the bad one!

"I prayed to God when I woke, I prayed even while when i left home, in fact ehn, the one that shocked me the most was when I entered the Keke, guess what? I prayed so Babes, don't worry about me, just let me know if your church needs a prayer warrior. I'm your go to girl"

Amazing laughed, "Bye dear, stay safe" "You too! Drive safe" . Yemmy hung up smiling, "This girl can worry for Africa!"

She resumed playing candy crush, "They've use this game to swear for my destiny. Driver let me know when I've gotten to my destination oh cause I'm not promising you that I'll be looking at the road with you. If you pass my junction lasan lasan, you'll take me back"

"Which is?" He asked stopping the car and  Yemisi lifted her head, "Ah han, shebi I already told you..." She paused as the  good looking young man, his dark eyes and broad shoulders and that smile that curled up his lips on taking a close look at her. "Sorry, my mind was pretty much preoccupied when you mentioned it. Where is it you said you're going to?"

She cleared her throat, "Zenith Media in front of the company itself" "Oh....kay" he replied chuckling to himself and a trailer who had lost control, instantly drove in front of them with full speed hitting a car in front of them and Yemisi gasped.

"Blood of.... Jeez!" Her eye ball tripled in size, she couldn't believe what just happened.

"What the hell just happened?"

"Are you asking me? Ma bi mi ( Ask me). Ah God!" She clasped her hands looking up, "God, is it because I lied? Just small lie oh, oya I'm sorry. I didn't pray but I am praying now.  I don't want to die, I'm too young and too pretty to die, I haven't even started life, I haven't married and I haven't had kids yet. Dying at a young age is not my portion,"  she snapped her fingers and Kwame laughed at her amusing display.

"Oga what's funny? We just escaped death and you're laughing what's funny?"

Amazing called Nene's number just after calling Yemisi,  "Good morning Nene" "Morning Amazing" "Murphy hasn't called me yet and I'm worried" she exhaled.

"Why? I thought you said the date went well now"

"It did" she hissed. "I called him last night, his number was switched off, I like him, he's really hot"

"Don't worry, I'll call him and give you feedback later"

Amazing smiled, "Thank you Nene, you know I love you" "I love you too"  She replied ending the call then she called Murphy. She was ready to blast the guy! Didn't they teach him in dating school to always call the girl after the date so she doesn't feel like she screwed up!

Murphy should be smarter than this now!

"Guy, you no try"

"No good morning for your village person"

"Its even because you're my village guy that's making me take it easy with you. You no try" "Abeg wetin I do?"

"You just kept my Babe hanging, no calls, Nada, didn't they teach you in dating school not to keep a girl hanging?" "Well, I sure did learn that if you want to let a girl off easily, don't call her,  if you call, you give her hope"

"What? I thought you guys had a nice date"

Murphy exhaled, "Which kain nice date, maybe she was the one enjoying the date because I didn't. Where did you get that fucked up Christian bitch from?" "Heys, don't insult my bestie before I change for you. Amazing is sweet"

"I don't want no sweet girl. I need a girl I can ride, not a girl that will only give me the whole marriage before sex crap! Bullshit! See, I don block the babe, make she no find me, if she see me for road make she waka pass cause I go just do like say I no know her, I swear to God"

Nene shut her eyes, "Babes, I don't like her, no hard feelings" "Abegi!" She snapped hanging up the she bit her lips in worry. "Which kain wahala be this sef?" She hissed, and she already promised to give Amazing a feedback

Feedback kor foodback ni abi it's feed front!

"Wo, abeg! I no talk, must I talk? Why must I talk" Her conscience was begin to prick her. She'll rather keep quiet than be the bearer of bad news.

Amazing wore a white shirt on a yellow Palazzo trousers ready to head to work. She heard a sound in her living room so she walked into her sitting room finding her television on. "That's strange, I didn't turn on the TV" she muttered dropping her black handbag on the her yellow couch.

The wind gust into the living room the temperature dropped and everywhere became cold, the AC wasn't even on! "Hello?" She called out in case any of her friend had walked in while she was bathing.

She remembered she didn't lock the door.

Her friend Ema barged into the house dragging her luggage in. She had a singlet and a baggy shorts on, Ema was formally a tom boy until she adjusted to the girls lifestyle of gowns and skirts!

"Peace?" She called out in shock, Ema was Idoma for "Peace". Everyone calls her 'Emma' except for Amazing who prefers peace just like she preferred calling her 'Maze'.

"Good morning Maze" she greeted shutting the door behind her. "Okay..... What are you doing here? With your luggages?"

"I need a place to stay"

"I thought you were staying with Kunle, what happened?"

Ema shrugged, "We.. broke up" she replied witholding her tears,  "Oh my... Ema I'm sorry but what happened?" "I really don't want to talk about it" she replied but Amazing wasn't going to let the topic slide that way.

She could see it in her eyes, Ema had tears welling up her eyes. "I thought everything was going well, you two were in love" "That was what I thought until 12 am when he woke up kicking me out of his house. I don't even know what came over him, he was just so different" she cried and Amazing hugged her.

"I had to sleep in his neighbour's house. I was so embarrassed" Ema moved back wiping her tears, "I said I wasn't going to cry. That was why I didn't want to say anything"

"Have you spoken to Benefit?"

Benefit was Ema's fratenal twin, just like they have different faces, they had different taste and hated each other's guts!  They can't even be in the same room with each other.

"That was the first place I went to"


"Should I flash back? So I got to my sister's house hoping she'll pity me but do you know what I received instead?"

One hour thirty minutes ago

"What did you do?" Benefit asked, "I didn't do anything" "You must have done something, someone cannot just wake up and just send you out of the house, just like that! Kunle is way way way too nice to do that. You must have pissed him off, I know you Ema, you're always causing trouble"

"We made sweet love last night and he told me he loved me. You know as my twin sometimes I expect you to give me a benefit of the doubt at least but as usual, I'm always the bad one, the one at fault. You know what bitch, you can keep your damn house to yourself, shove it into your fucking ass cause I'd rather be with where I'm wanted that in this shit hole you call a home. At least with Amazing I get to feel like I have a sister"

Benefit shut her eyes, "Ema" "Fuck off!"


"I know I'm a grown ass woman but can I at least stay for some days until I can stand on my own? Please Boo?" She asked and Amazing smiled, "Of course, why not? Make yourself at home" She agreed. Ema hugged her kissing her continuously on her cheeks.

"Urgh! You haven't even brushed your teeth" Amazing  pushed her slightly  and she laughed.

"I am so so hungry, abeg, what do you have at home?"

Yemisi got out of the taxi shaken by how she escaped death. She could have had her life snuffed out of her within a twinkle of an eye! She walked into Zenith Media company still in thought, she didn't even know how she managed to get to her client's desk, she had no idea!

"Yemisi, yemisi, our quality baker! Yummy Yems!" She hailed and Yemisi smiled. "Abeg, don't whine me. This winning is too much for health" "I'm glad you're here early. So where's the cake, abi you kept it somewhere before coming here?"

"What cake?" Yemisi asked and Ladipo placed her hands on Yemisi's neck, "Se oun sun ni? (Are you sleeping?) Which cake are you asking of? Is it not cake delivery that brought you here?"

"Oh my God the cake!" She snapped, that was when it all became clear to her. She had forgotten the cake in the damn taxi. "Ah! Gbese! Mogbe! (Ah! Debts! I'm in trouble)"

"Mogbe bawo? (How are you in trouble) Where is the cake? Yemmy ma se mi bayii (don't do this to me). I already made down payment and you know it was expensive, my boss will soon be here and we're suppose to throw this surprise with a cake now what are we going to do? What's the use of"


"Don't tell me to wait! Abeg! Don't tell me to wait, the way I was hyping you through out the week, Yemisi from my village, Yummy Yem! Best baker, international baker, Instagram baker, I even thought is somebody better that I......Ah! I didn't even know its one a koba a daba, your village people has been following you at your back since, it's today that we're seeing their presence"

It's your village people that are following you, following your family and entire generation! She said and hissed within.

Is this how life is? One minute she was been hailed and hyped and the next Ladipo is dragging her name into the mud!

Even bringing village people to the conversation, why will she even bring up those people? She hissed again staring at the lady who was still nagging her.

"Babe calm down before you injure yourself with heart attack cause it's real like HIV and AiDs. Don't worry about the cake, I'll fix it"

"Fix what? My boss will still show up, the man isn't even the type to show up late but today he's late so thank your stars"

"I said I'll fix it"

"You had better!" She snapped and walked past the desk with a look of dejection plastered all over her face. Ladipo will kill me! Why did I even deliver this thing myself? I should have just kukuma send one of my apprentice.

It's oversabi that will kill you Yemisi, what were you even trying to prove? Reliable Baker in history! See where that has gotten you, your cake is in someone's cab. Which good person will see Cake that's as big as that, a whole breakfast, lunch and dinner and still return it?

She was so sure that the next person that must have entered into the cab must already be claiming ownership of the cake. Ah! cake Oni cake! (Someone's cake!).

Yemisi just forget the cake, they have started dividing the cake already, they've even licked the icing on it!

She got out of the building then she sat on one of the stairs in the front.

She instantly picked up her phone dialing the number of her assistant. "Ngozi, can you have one the suit cakes delivered at Zenith?" "I thought you were delivering already"

"Wo, see ehn, I don't have power for questions, just bring it."

"There's no suit cake, someone placed an order for it already and i already called Ayomikun to have it delivered already"

"Okay..... Are there any mature cakes there at the moment?"

"No. Only the ones for kids. Mickey mouse, PJ masks and 'Sophia the first' model cakes"

Yemisi ended the call, "It has be for me!" She face palmed herself. "Ah!" She hissed thinking of a way out. "Yemisi think, think.... There has to be a way out"

"Anyone seeing you will think you're probably a homeless beggar" she heard the cab driver's voice then she lifted her head staring at the guy who now had a cap on, he was holding on to the white carton which was decorated with red ribbons tied into a bow.

"Oh my God" she gasped, "How..."

"Halfway from here, I noticed you forgot the package. Sorry I didn't notice earlier on, I'm sure that's the reason you're all seated there looking like the world just literarily crashed on your head"

She smiled lifting up her hands, "Asepe (So) there are good people in this world sha" "Of course there are, you thought I was going to take the cake away? Why will I do that?" "This is someone's breakfast, lunch and dinner"

He laughed scratching his neck. "Fair enough but I'm not a came person" he replied and she walked closer getting the carton from him. "Thank you very much" "You're very much welcome" he replied smiling at her.

Yemisi got worried, this one that this one is smiling like this for me, oya let me japa before brother I'll ask for phone number.  She dropped the carton on the floor then she dipped her hand in her hand bag removing five hundred naira.

"I know it's small but sha help me manage it for the stress"

Kwame laughed staring down at the money, "It's small sha but you can recharge your phone or subscribe for data" she squeezed it, "Help me managed it" "I seriously don't need it, thanks for the offer though" he replied still smiling.

"If you say now, I don't usually know how to insist oh" her heart raced in fear as he peered at her, almost as though he wanted to read deep into her mind.

Oya Japa mode activated! She bent down picking up the carton, "Bye Bye oh" "Can I get your contact?" He asked and she almost rolled her yes.

Shebi I said it! Men! Why are they like this? Just open teeth small and they'll want a number, greet them and the next you're regretting why you did.

Yemisi almost eyed him, "See ehn, Don't take this the wrong way but I don't give me phone number to strangers" "You mean strangers who drives cabs right?" "Yes and no. See, your hot and attractive and all and this your voice, e make sense sha but it's a no for me"

"Because I drive a cab"

"Mostly because you drive a cab, the world is not safe to be trusting cab drivers. I don't want you to use my blood to drive benz" she answered laughing nervously,

"So if I was cruising in my range rover, will you still say no"

"Yes, because I'll automatically assume you're one G-boy that's looking out to use my pant as ritual so my dear taxi driver, the answer would have still be no. We can't be too careful in this wicked world of today oh"

Kwame laughed, "Wow, you really have trust issues even when I just delivered your cake back to you" "Maybe you have diabetes and you're trying to reduce your sugar intake, or like you said you're not a fan of cakes"

He laughed still, "You're really funny" "And I also have to deliver this cake." "So I can't get your number still?" "The next time I see you, I'll definitely give it to you"

"Whoa, that's harsh, Lagos is a big city"

"Not for cab guys" she responded and a confused look spread through his face. What does she mean? But he didn't bother asking, she clearly didn't want to give him her number and he wasn't going to insist either.

"Till we meet again then..... At least let me get your name"

"Yemisi or you can call me Yemmy"

His eyes fell on the name on the carton, "Yummy Yem?" "What?" She wondered how he got to know her bakery name then she pushed her head further to see the print.


"My name is Kwame Acquah. Nice to meet you Yemi"

"You too and thank you for the.... Cake" she said walking back into the building.  Till me meet kor, till we meet ni! Me that will Japa whenever I see you!

When she turned back, he was still standing there.

Is this one okay laidis!

AG event Co.

"Welcome to AG event company where we bring your wedding ideas to life"  the advert played on the television at the lobby as Amazing walked by.

"Do you have an event in mind, wedding? Burial? Cocktail party? Bridal shower, baby shower, AG event planning is the place to be"

"Good morning Ma" one of her employees greeted her, "Good morning Martha"

"Good morning Ma"

"Good morning everyone" she waved passing by.

Her personal assistant sighted blood stain on her trousers  so she quickly ran after her, "Ma!" She called out, "Good morning Zee" "Good morning Ma" she replied. They turned left into a hall then she placed a notebook against her buttocks. "Ma there's a big stain there" she announced and Amazing shut her eyes.

It wasn't a first! She usually have heavy period flows that seem to get worst by the day, lately she can't even use a pad for two hours without having to change it.

Sometimes she has to change her clothes thrice a day! She hated this time of the month!

"The soon to wed couples?"

"They are seated in front of your office"

She got into the toilet, took off the trousers looking at the stain then tears ran down her eyes. "I'm tired of this embarrassment, how long do I have to take this? God how long?"  She asked.

Club House

Murphy downed a drink and Bamidele laughed at him, "Oga slow down on the drink, you go just wound yourself". Murphy hissed, "That date really pain me abeg, I just wasted two fucking hours of my time listening to her talk crap, I fucking paid the damn bills and I didn't even get to the promised land. I'm not even cut out for all those gospel shit"

Bamidele sniggered. "That's why I never go on blind dates, I mean someone has to follow me home. I can't be Bamidele Jones for nothing!"  "Today is your Pop's birthday, have you called him?"



"I'll call the old man later in the day, abeg I don't have time for his wahala this morning. Let me save myself the ...." He trailed off on seeing a girl walk into the club house, "Guy..... Guy.... Why do I suddenly feel like it's my birthday?"

Murphy laughed.

Bamidele tapped him on the shoulder, "I'm definitely not coming back. See you when I see you Murf" he replied and Murphy raised a glass at him.

The girl finally settled down and he walked up to her, "Hello" He flashed his killer smile at her, his eyes lingering on her nose ring. "Hello" they replied then he pulled a seat sitting on it. "Pardon my intrusion, I guess a short introduction will do, my name is Bamidele Jones, I'm one of the guys whose attention you drew"

She smiled shyly, "How many times have you used that line?" "A hundred but I wasn't not joking when k say you drew my attention."

"Do you really mean that?" "I swear on my very life, you left me captivated with all of you" he replied and she giggled.  "Has anyone ever told you how hot you are?"

"A couple of times"

"Please and please permit me to be among those people. You're a work of art, Bamidele Jones never get nervous in front of girl but right now I am, girl you're really making me anxious right now"

Big fat lie! He wasn't the least bit anxious! Bamidele Jones never gets nervous in front of a girl, he's a go getter, all he wants is some straffing and he won't stop until he gets it. Besides he already did a quick discernment on the young lady.

"You're hot too"

Bamidele gasped, "You can't be serious right now, see as I'm blushing already." He responded and she laughed, "I know this line sounds cheesy but, will you Bami.... Dele? (Follow me home?)" He asked and she bit her lower lips.

"Where do you stay?"

Bamidele's phone rang while in bed with the girl who was laying beside him. He picked up the call, "Good morning Mom" he greeted and his mother scoffed.

"So this is morning in your village. That drink must have taken you to some other planet. You had better give yourself sense and come back cause it's just 8:15 pm in Nigeria!" She screamed and he moved his phone to the back.

"There was no point screaming"

"Have you called your father?"


"Bamidele? Have you forgotten? I reminded you this morning, I even called your sister to remind you. Didn't she?"

Well, she didn't need to because he clearly remembered the birthday, with or without their reminder. Making the call was the hard part for him, not like the old man was was going to appreciate it anyways! He rolled his eyes.

"Dami loun! (Answer me)"

"Mom, stop shouting or I might just lose my ear drum!"

"Did she?"

"She did but I was busy"

"Doing what? You didn't even show up for work, humor me Mr Bamidele Jones, what were you busy doing?" "I was busy?"

"Sleeping around with prostitutes! Are you aware there's a party going on right now at the house?"  "Urgh! Mom" "Are you aware, yes or no?"

"I am but I'm not coming"

His mother laughed, "You will come and grace your father's birthday party, don't even make me angry. I don't want to repeat myself twice cause if you stay back, find yourself another mother cause this one will disown you" she snapped hanging up and he fell back on the bed then he exhaled staring at the girl besides him.

Amazing walked into her sitting room, she had a sky blue gown on, her third change over for the day! She found Benefit on the floor in the sitting room, writing on the center table. Benefit was a secondary school teacher.

"Good evening Amazing" she greeted without taking her eyes off what she was writing. "Hey, good evening Benefit, how are you?" "I'm good and you?" She glanced at her, "How was work?

"It was fine but I'm on my period and..." She trailed off kicking off her shoes from her legs.

Benefit raised her head up and a sorry expression moulded on her face. "Ish, I'm sorry. This thing is getting worst by the day. Are you not worried?" "I am but what can I do? It's just period, I'm I suppose to meet a doctor to prescribe drugs that can make my flow less heavy? No now, I just have to endure until it changes."

"I still think you should talk to a doctor about it" 

Amazing sat  on the couch, "What are you doing" "I'm making my lesson note" "It's a Friday, you can do that tomorrow or the next" "The principal demanded that all teachers submit their notes on or before Friday of next week."

Amazing laughed, "And you're killing yourself now"  "You know how I love resting during the weekends right?" "Have you seen your twin?" "Yes"

"I feel bad about what happened to her" she added In order to see the reaction on her face. Their enemity has been going on for way too long! All she wanted was reconciliation.

"I'm sure she did something"

"She said she didn't, give her the benefit of the doubt, isn't that your name?"

Benefit laughed, "Thank God it's not AmazingGrace cause you're full of it!" She replied and Amazing laughed too. Benefit shrugged, "It's not like I don't want to give her that benefit but you know Ema, she screws up everything damn time"

"She's your twin sister, if she screws up, you bring her closer and caution her. Talk to her, you're the oldest, that's what family do, that's what family should stand for. You stick up for each other. She's really hurting right now and you're supposed to be there for her"

Benefit exhaled, "You're right. She was really in love with Kunle and Kunle also loved her, I don't understand. She must have cried her eyes out"  "You know her, madam thick skin, she won't even want to let anyone know? Where is she?"

"I don't know"

Ema stood by kitchen door listening in to their conversation. 

"Shit!" Benefit groaned in frustration, "What?" "I just made a mistake in my note, I repeated that place twice and I don't want to cancel" "Use a correcting fluid, you usually carry it around right?"

Benefit tore the paper out, "I hate mistakes in my life! My work will look dirty" she replied squeezing her face, "Na wa oh, for simple mistake again?" Ema walked in, "Bloody perfectionist" she snapped and Benefit scoffed.

"I seriously don't know why you're using our girls night out to copy student's notes"

"I won't answer you oh, I'll leave you to God cause your life is crumbling as it is"

"Baba, Abegi rest!"

"Babes!" Amazing shouted, "What is she saying sef?" Ema barked and Yemisi walked in. "Hello ladies" she looked around surprised the others were not around.

"What happened? Me that I was even thinking I'm late. I was expecting everyone here. Where's Blessing, Uche? Ese and Fissy? It's like the spirit of lateness is moving about. Let's begin to cast and bind"

"Yemmy Love" Ema called out, "Hey dear, I heard about"

"Anybody that fucking mentions the name Kunle will fucking get it good from me so why don't we skip the topic and you tell us why you updated that  'Wahala for who too smile for man' post on WhatsApp.

Yemisi laughed, "Your heart don break, na only foul word we go dey hear now" "Abeg give us gist oh" "You guys will not believe what happened to me today"

Benefit raised her head pushing her book aside. "Even Benefit don raise head, una too like gist" "Don't worry, I'll say when the house is full"

"Yemmy now!" Benefit complained and Yemisi stuck her tongue out, "Benefit my Benefit, What does it benefit you if you do amebo and lose concentration in what you're doing? You guys should calm down, let the others come"

There was a knock on the door and she smiled. "You guys should calm down, I'm warming the gist, I'll serve it hot! hot!"

The Jones resident

Bamidele was ushered into he house he used to live in at some point in his life. He gazed at the spacious and ornate dining room where guest were gathered conversing with one another while a soft and pleasant classical music played from unseen speakers somewhere.

Efua arranged Kwame's tie, "You can't even get this one right?" "I had a very hectic day, I had to rush down here.  The last thing I need is your nagging"

"I'm not your wife, I'm your little sister and I don't nag"

"What are you doing now?"

"You no longer need girls in your life big bro, what you need is a wife"

Kwame laughed, that answer made him remember Yemisi then he laughed harder. "What's funny about you needing a wife? You men are despicable, you think we girls are what? Play things?" She asked and he gasped. "Slow down, have I ever given you a reason to think that way of me?" 

"Nora, Ayomide"

"Okay slow down..... You're just listing the name of my ex"

"You're an eligible bachelor Kwame, look around here you have" she looked around and sighted Bamidele walk into the party. "How do I look brother?" "Effy...." Kwame trailed off on seeing Bamidele.

"What?" "You know Bamidele right? He's only going to toy with your feelings and I won't be able to do anything about it because he's my best friend and you're a grown ass woman"

Efua winked at him, "You got it right brother, I'm a grown ass woman and pretty too. I'm sure he'll someday settle with me so, pardon me while I make my pre-wedding moves on your best friend" she replied walking away.

Dare who was talking to a lady noticed Bamidele walked toward his direction then he instantly changed topic, "Have you heard of Bamidele Jones? Baddest Bad boy in the whole world, you noticed that i used Baddest bad boy because his kind of bad is the baddest"

Bamidele scoffed, this guy had definitely smoked something! What is he saying?

"He a world class jonezer, if you think you have a chance of stealing his heart, you have Jones (Been decieved) cause he will Jones your heart, Jones your life, Jones your destiny join"

The girl laughed turning back at Bamidele, "Thanks for the announcement Cabu Cabu, you wanted to be noticed, there you have it."  "Hello Bammy" Hilary waved and he kissed her on the cheek.

"Kissing my girl right in my presence, Bamidele Jones, you're shameless" "Idiot" Bamidele noticed Efua talking to a guy, they caught each other's eye occasionally and she secretly sent eye signals he understood so well. He cleared his throat.

"Let me say hi to Kwam now"  he said walking up to Kwame. "Hey Kwame" "You're late to your father's party"

"I was held up" he replied and Kwame scoffed knowing exactly what must have held him up, it's either sport or he was in bed with a girl.

Then he turned towards Efua who was still giving him the flirty look. "Let me guess, you two are going to meet up in your former room to hit things up right?" He asked and Bamidele hesitated,  "Dude no hard feelings. I want to respect that boundary anif stay away, you know I want to but your sis....". Kwame hissed, "I wish I can punch you right now but I can't cause she's a grown ass woman who knows very well what she's dealing with.  Besides I've got my own baggages too" he hissed sipping his drink.



Bamidele laughed, "That's why it's easier not to date then, no offense but girls can be clingy."  "Have you wished your old man a happy birthday?" Kwame asked and he kept quiet.


"Dude, that's was what I came for. I just need to get drunk first"

"That was how the guy asked me for number, in my mind, I was like hey! Is it because I smiled for this guy that's making him ask for my number but if you're talking about someone being, the guy hands die!" Yemisi explained widening her eyes.

Fisayo made a dramatic entrance that moment, she was dressed in a red gown then she shut the door.  "Fisayo just brought the party to the party" she announced snapping her fingers and all eyes turned towards her direction. "Awwwwn, see as you're all looking at me, and I'm blushing already. That was why I came late so that all eyes can be on me" she faked an American accent then she posed as though posing for a picture.

"Good evening bitches" 

"Good evening Fissy Babe" Ema answered, "So no one wants to answer my greetings" "We are not bitches" Nene replied.  "Greet properly"

"Oshisko! So what do you guys notice about me?"

"You're wearing a new gown" Ema answered, "A new Tory Paladin designers gown, it cost only 500 dollars"

"Mad oh"

"But that's not what I want you all to notice, it's something else" This time she posed with her hands akimbo on her waist. "This one that you're doing as of you want to fall, is your waist paining you?" Yemisi asked and everyone laughed.

"No!" She hissed standing up right, "It's  now that I know that oju gbogbo yin ti fo! (You're all blind). All of you do not have eyes, they have sell your eyes in marine kingdom" her fake accent were gone, her Yoruba  alter ego had taken control.

"You guys did not notice that my hips are now bigger."

Amazing groaned, Fisayo was fond of going for plastic surgeries. She had already done two already. "Don't tell me you had another surgery done" "Yes Ma, I had another job done, do you think I'll be travelling to Los Angeles and not do another plastic job? My mugu of a boyfriend was ready to pay for it and I accepted."

"You're still using Kayamata on those oyinbo guys" "Madam is it your Kayamata?"

Yemisi danced, "One day your Katamata will turn to Katakata and your luck will turn sour". Fisayo joined her in dancing.  "It's your own luck that will sour like three days old gberigi. Jealousy, jealousy"

"Guys!!!" Amazing yelled while everyone laughed at the both of them acting silly.  She was tired of always mediating between quarrels! Always in the middle to separate squabbles and word fight!

"You guys will not advise your friend"

"Iwo naa, advise yourself! Abeg! Who the surgery pain?  The only left for me is a boob job, I'm thinking a double D"

"Ah!" Yemisi exclaimed, "Madam Calm down let God use you. Double D breast implant"

"Yes, what's there? Babes, I'm aiming higher"

"High?" Blessing asked then she scoffed, Nene laughed, "Let her aim high now" "Thank you very much Nene for agreeing with me"  "After all that's the only D she has gotten in her entire life and it's even double, why don't we give glory to God?" He added and everyone busted into laughter.

"It's now that I know that you all don't like me"

Amazing rose up shaking her head in disagreement, "Fissy, we love you from the moon to the back to the moon again. We just don't want to see you hurt. We won't want to end up watching you on an episode of botched on E! Entertainment, fine you've been lucky thrice but what about the fourth time, will you be that lucky? We're just worried for you"

She advised hoping the advice sinks in, Fisayo is usually playful but most times hot-tempered and unreasonable.

Fisayo exhaled, "Well..... Because it's Amazing that said it oh. I'll take it we easy and maybe start with D first"  "Urgh!" Nene groaned a angrily, "Why are you even bothering yourself Amazing, we all know whenever this babe has something in her mind, she actualizes it. If she can gear this spirit into her personal life. She'll probably be a billionaire now with so much investment"

"I am investing!"

"Surgery isn't an investment, sorry to bust your bubbles"

"It's ..... Oya let's change topic, I'm tired already. I have enjoyed my ten minutes of Fame, let's change the topic"

"I'm getting married" Blessing announced and everyone gasped."I don't understand, how?" Amazing asked and she smiled, "Well, it happened just before I came here. Jeremy proposed"

Benefit smiled, "Are you serious? Wow, how?" "Benefit too like gist" Uche snapped and Yemisi agreed. "He proposed on a date, we fixed a wedding date already"

"Whaaaaat?" Everyone asked.

How is that possible? Who gets proposed to and fixes a wedding that day?

Why didn't she even seek their consent?

What if they had plans that day too?

These thoughts ran through everyone's mind.

"Are you pregnant?" Amazing asked, "No! I'm not, we just fixed the date, Jeremy is old enough for marriage, I am getting old, we agreed and that's it" she smiled.

"Babe, you're just a teacher" Nene chipped in meanwhile Amazing shot a harsh look at her, "So because we're teachers we can't get married shebi?" Benefit asked and Nene rolled her eyes.

"Sweetheart, that wasn't what I meant"

Everyone brow raised at her and she rolled her eyes, "Okay fine, I meant it....." She trailed off ranting in her mind.

We all know Blessing is the weakest link, she earns like what? 25 k in that school she teaches, even Benefit earns 50 k and extras from home lessons. How will she be thinking of marriage? If anyone should get married it's us that we're rich and classy, she thought to herself.

"Well, I'm sorry but.... Okay what's his job?"

"He works in an oil company as"

Nene rose up, "Did..... Did you just say oil company? Like oil, petrol, like mobile, like shell" "Yes he works as" she trailed off seeing Yemisi, Fisayo and Nene jubilate from the news.

"Thank you Jesus" Fisayo sang, "Thank you my Lord whatever I am now, it is by your grace"

"What am I singing and which one are you singing, I'm singing Thank you Jesus, the owner of my soul, I haven't even even dropped the song, this one has already raised the chorus. Even singing the song more than me sef"


Amazing clasped her hands, "The bottom line is, Blessing we are happy for you have our full 100% support"   "How was your date last night?" Uche asked and Amazing shrugged, "It was great actually, Murphy and I had a really nice time but his number has been switched off"

Uche laughed, "Babe, forget it. The gys clearly isn't interested in you, as I'm looking at it, I'm sure he has blocked you, you probably bored him"

"Uche!" Everyone yelled and she she shrugged, "What? amazing, abeg g the guy don call?"

"No, I'm still expecting his call. That reminds me, Nene, I thought you said you'll call him"

Nene cleared his throat, "Yes I did... Is number was switched off too. There was no was I can reach him. When I see him again, we'll talk. Maybe something happened to him"

"I just hope he's fine"

"Madam, you have stained oh" Fisayo announced and Amazing looked back at the stain. "I'm tired of this thing"

"Maybe you should start using pampers" she teased and Amazing stretched her palm at her, "Waka" she snapped leaving the sitting room while Uche turned towards Nene.

"Murphy, Really?"

"What?" Nene rolled her eyes now pulling down her braids in guilt then she shrugged severally, "Murphy is a fuck boy! Amazing deserves better jare!"

"Let me guess, you've spoken to him"

"Yes. Murphy blocked her, he didn't enjoy the date but I can't tell Amazing or else it'll break her. This is her first date after the break. Let's not ruin it abeg!"

Ema rose up, "Let me go and bring more refreshments for the night"

Mrs Jones walked into the room where his father was discussing with a lady. "Has everything been satisfactory?" "Yes Sir, there has been no complain" "Why isn't Amazing here?" "She had ......" Zainab cleared her throat.

What lie was she going to tell? Amazing treasures her time with her girlfriend, how was she going to tell him she chose to be with her girlfriend instead of a cocktail birthday party planned by her.

"She had pressing things to attend to"

"I was finally hoping to meet her for the first time. This is third event she's planning and I haven't even seen her with my own eyes" he smiled and Zainab laughed nervously.

"I'm sure you'll see her someday Sir"

He smiled noticing his wife, "You can excuse us" he said and Mrs Jones walked close. "Bamidele is around" "What do I care?" "He's your son, you should care" "A son that didn't even call to wish me a happy birthday, not even a text"

Mrs Jones scoffed, "I thought you don't care" "I don't, he has missed work for like how many days now, he comes as he pleases and yet I still pay his damn salary. The only reason I'm paying it because of you"

"Jo Oko mi, (Please my husband)" "You're only supporting his recklessness!" "Because he is our son. If we push away, who will help him? Will it change him? No, let's just wait and hope he changes"

"Change? Can that one change"

"Thank God I just came to say Happy birthday Sir, I should be on my leave then" he turned back to leave and his mother scoffed, "Bamidele?" She called out and he halted dipping his hands in his pocket.


"Don't turn your back at me when I'm talking"

He faced them now looking down, "Now look up" she requested and he did. "How can you just barge in and not even show an atom of respect for your father and I? Did you greet us?"

"Good evening, Happy birthday. I'm off"

"Keep your wish to yourself Bamidele, is this the right time to say it? What were you waiting for, you probably didn't think I'll be alive to see this day but sorry to disappoint you boy, I am very much alive to see this day. I am healthy and not nursing any heart attack. No child of mine will make me nurse heart attack to the detriment of my own health. I will now die of heart attack and you'll be eating my fortune, Olorun ma je! (God forbid)" 

"Honey, that wasn't our agreement"

"There was no agreement dear, I just have to start admitting to myself that I have no son cause this one here, if I give him a chance, he'll poison me. Look at how he's even dressed, no son of mine will dress like that to this kind of function. Look at his arm, tatooes everywhere, shirts are not even buttoned up, he even sagged his trousers, looking like one prisoner back in the days. Wo, I'm sorry for you Bamidele, I am very sorry for you"

"I'll take my leave now" he snapped walking away and his mother gave her husband a stern look. "I called for this meeting so we can build friendship, what's all this papa (even)"

Just as Bamidele walked angrily down the hall, Efua pushed him into his old room then she locked up the door. "Hello Bam Bam" she called out unstrapping her gown and he a smile curved his lips.

He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him kissing him.

"Bamidele!" Mrs Jones yelled, "Bamidele?" She called out again looking at his door, she pulled down the door knob noticing it was locked. "Bammy!" She exhaled, tears formed in her eyes.

Your father didn't mean what he said, I hope you know that. Thank you for coming at least. I don't know when I'll see you again but..... I think you and you father should try harder to.....

The things she wanted to say but what came out instead was, "You can't just walk on your father and I like that, you know how much your father hates your tattoos yet you'll be wearing clothes that does not cover them! Bamidele!"

Efua moaned loudly in bed and he placed his palm against her lips while she shut her eyes in pleasure as he thrust in and out of her.

12: 30 am

Fisayo rose up from the toilet wore her panties then she walked past the mirror. She thought she saw a fair woman's image in the mirror so she returned back to look at it but there was nothing so she smiled at her own reflection. "Wo, Fisayo, you're a fine woman, Fisssy baby! Beauty and brains" she winked at herself.

"I think I'm in love with myself. My kayamata is working on myself, fissy, you're a masterpiece. O fine gan. I want to kiss you" she blew kisses at her reflection before walking into the room where Amazing was seated in bed reading the bible. She yawned then she stared at Ema who was watching a movie with Blessing"

"Can you guys reduce the volume? Please?"

Uche opened the window looking out the window, she glanced at Blessing then she scoffed.

Na wa oh, this life does not even have balance oh! Play play play play, blessing will get married before us,  Look at us now, we have the face, the shape, what does she have? Even with our shape we're still single and we have to watch a ruler get married before us, hai! Imagine the train, we'll be more beautiful than even the bride! She shook her head as she watched water overflow from a black tank outside.

"The water is full, who will turn it off?" "The security will, if he doesn't, it'll leak out that way till morning. Not everyone enjoys going out late to turn off the pumping switch, it should be past twelve already"

"12:34 am"

"Already? Are you serious? Guys, I haven't slept and I can't sleep with all the noise"  she replied referring to the movie Ema was watching.  "Okay! Let's go watch the movie in the other room now"

"I'm glued to this spot" Blessing replied

Blessing turned towards Uche who was still looking out the window,  "Babe, don't look out the window at night" "Why?" "What other reason? Witches and ghost now" "Witches and ghost?" She scoffed then she hissed.

"What if you see a witch flying"

"Come on, witches don't fly"

"How do you know?" Blessing asked and she kept quiet, "Which one is this stupid topic about ghost and witches like this, this kind of ungodly hour, you want us to be dreaming bad dream ni?"  Fisayo asked,  "Someone should tell Uche to close the window, i dont like leaving the windows open at night. There's this story that my mother told me once, she said one day, one of her distant relative like that looked outside the window one night and..... She got blinded because she saw a man in white, he was a ghost"

"Wow. So ghost wears white uniforms, wow" Uche said sarcastically now dropping the curtains then she rolled her eyes.  "Me I'm even confused gan, some people will say ghost always wear white gown,Some film directors will even wear them designers jalami, some will wear agbada, angel style. Some people will say they wear the last cloth they wore when they died.  My question is, is that the cloth do not always smell ni?" She asked and everyone busted into laughter.

Amazing laughed. "I thought you were going to say something better, all my full attention were on you" "Shey?" Blessing asked. Uche walked out and Fisayo raised her nose at her, "Awon ghost expert. Let me go and sleep in the other room jare, gist have taya me. Even madam Yemisi is already asleep. Let me join her"

"Ema is watching movie there oh"

"She better stop the movie or else I'll kill somebody daughter before morning. She will not want to try me" Fisayo replied leaving and Blessing laughed.

Amazing exhaled, she suddenly felt heavy, she shut her eyes, she could hear a voice clearly telling her to gather the girls for a brief prayer but she had no idea why? No way! If she tries that kind of thing, they'll only think she has been spooked by the ghost talk!

No way! A whole spirit koko like her? Fisayo will mock the life out of her! Let everyone pray individual, in fact, she'll pray on behalf of everyone, she's ready to carry everyone's matter on her head instead of calling for prayers.

"Fissy na case! I swear down!" Blessing commented bringing her out of her thought. She glanced at the bible and Blessing smiled . "Everyone in church will think I'm rushing the whole wedding because I'm pregnant right? Be sincere"

Amazing shrugged, "They certainly will but it's your business dear. You're getting married, I'm so happy for you, now I'll get to plan my best friend's wedding" "No oh" "What's no oh" "I can't afford you"

She scoffed, "What do you mean by you can't afford me?" "We're doing low key something, we're not making noise. We'll have a open wedding but we're not gunning for much." "And you guys spoke about it on today's date?" "Yes and we've been talking about it casually, last night he told me he wants a simple wedding"

"What's your budget?" 

"We haven't spoken about budgets"

"He has church projects to do, one church pledge or the other"

"How much do you have as savings towards the wedding?"

"Like two hundred k"

"And him?"

"I don't know, he's a driver who earns 50 k with other side jobs" "I thought you said he works in a oil company?" "As a driver, he earns 50 thousand naira but he does other job"

"Oh. Sorry I thought"

"I noticed others thought the same thing too but I'm proud of my fiance's job.  I don't know how much he has but we want this, he doesn't want to wait anymore"

"We'll work things out"

"Please don't involve the girls" "I won't. I'll help you plan your wedding" "I can't pay oh" "What are friends for?" Amazing asked and Blessing hugged her. "Thank you. God bless you dear"


While Benefit continue making lesson notes, she heard footsteps approach when she raised her head she found a head above her trying to look at what she was doing.

"Jeez!" She gasped in fear on realizing it was Uche.

Uche laughed.


"It's not funny, you scared the shit out of me"

"Sorry. Are you not going to sleep?" "I will, I have a target"

"Are you trying to win teacher of the year?"

Benefit chuckled, "Not exactly, I can be competitive but I love being efficient. Ema always call me a perfectionist, I'm okay with it though. Everything must be perfect now. Why are you still awake?"

"I can't sleep"

"What's biting your ass?" Benefit asked, "Where should I start from? Hm..... I am tired of a whole lot"


"First, my life is boring, my relationship is bad. Friday and I keep having sick arguments. The other day he raised his hands at me and I got angry and left but I went back the first chance i got. Everyone other person is living interesting lives and I'm always the odd one out. Why must I be the only odd one?"

Benefit shook her head, "If there's anyone that should ask that question, it should be me and Blessing, in fact we're all going through one problem or the other" "No one likes me"

"That's a big lie! We all do, fine there are times we quarrel like friends do but still we always stick up for each other"  "Or maybe I'm just saying this to hide the fact that i'm bothered about Blessing getting married, how can she..... I mean she's so ugly"

"She's pretty"

"You know what I mean. I'm just saying, we also deserve to be loved to. Look at Nene, she's dating a rich guy, Amazing has this perfect life that if I had one, I won't even be worried about getting married, except the heavy period,  Yemisi acts like everything is perfect when they are not, Fisayo is the worst! Always bragging about everything and it's annoying like that her stupid 500 dollar gown."

"And me?"

"You're happy with your job"

"Some of these students give you joy, its always my happiness to educate them, teach them new things"

"See! I don't find joy in what I do"

Benefit shook her head in disagreement, "Uche you're an amazing cook. At this rate, you'll become envious, envy brings out the worst in every man. You don't need it, you see this happiness ehn, very soon we'll all get it and we'll all be here to share in it. It's Blessing's turn, tomorrow might be yours, keep your fingers crossed Uche, all hope is not lost" she advised hugging her and she sobbed.

"Shhhh.... It's okay, its gonna be fine Uche, its gonna be fine" she exhaled.

Bamidele shut his ears from the speakers, from the church beside his house. He instantly called Kwame and he picked up, "Dude, I'm not your girlfriend, Why are you calling me at this kind of time? " Maybe I'm trying to ask you out " he replied and he laughed.

"Why you sef never sleep? Do you have an annoying church singing beside you?"

"No. I was just thinking about someone I met today"

Bamidele laughed, "Careful Kwams, na so love take dey start" "Shut up! What's keeping you awake?" "There's this church that opened up close to my house. For like a year, they haven't been using speakers. Suddenly they now have one but  these guys want block my ear drums! Do these guys host programmes every now and then? Can't they just take some freaking time to sleep rather than disturbing God!"

Kwame laughed. "I'll sue these guys for disturbance oh" "Hey! It hasn't gotten to that level. Stick in a earpiece or something. Play music" "First thing tomorrow, I'm going there to tell them to reduce the volume or turn the speakers elsewhere. Mehn, I can hear everything, the prayers, the hymns"

"You must feel like you're in heaven"

Bamidele laughed, "Even God knows I can't be in heaven. Mehn, i doubt if heaven is this noisy sef." "Do you want to talk about what happened with your father? You've were quiet about it" "What else could have happened now? The man just overreacted but I don't care"

"Are you sure?"

"Make that man just chill small abeg"

"You should understand your old man more than this, what he wants is for you to be perfect"

Bamidele rolled his eyes, "That's the issue Kwams, I can't be perfect, the sooner he starts to get used to that, the better for him"

What do you guys think of today's update?

I know we're just starting but can you tell me what you think about the characters






  (Nene)    (Benefit)  (Ema) 


Do you think Nene is right for not telling the truth to Amazing?

We are just starting sha, we move oh!

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