•the one where things are wrapping up•
Vote babes:) comment.
I go to college next Friday lol.
He felt his blue eyes on him. Right from the moment Louis stepped into the classroom. Liam was right by his side but he couldn't make the uncomfortable feeling leave Louis. Not now. Not with those blue eyes looking at him.
Louis could only lock eyes with Zach for a few seconds before he had to turn away. Liam noticed Louis' change in behavior, he leaned down, "It'll be okay Lou."
"I know, I just want Harry here is all." Louis muttered.
"Just ignore him Lou, he can't do shit to you," Liam tried to comfort him.
Louis only nodded and he sat down. He sat through the hour restless, constantly checking the time and wishing for the hour to end. When it was done with Louis was the first one out, he told Liam that he didn't need to be babysat and that he'd see him at lunch. He was just getting his textbook when his locker was slammed shut, almost slamming against his hands.
He looked up ready to tell someone off, but it was those cool blue eyes. "Your boyfriend not here to protect you? Or your stupid bodyguards?" Zach asked.
"I don't need anyone to protect me." Louis exclaimed coldly. He took in Zach's black eye, and his cut lip. "But you look like you do."
"Hey asshole!" Zach grabbed Louis' hand forcefully, Louis' throat went dry, "We aren't done yet, they can't protect you always." He took one step closer to Louis.
"Hey, you little shithead, fuck off yeah?" A new voice said. Zach looked up and almost laughed.
"Hey Z, you almost got me there! What's up? Just talking to my old friend Lou here-"
"I said leave him alone Zach." Zayn said, he took a few steps closer to Louis. Zach's mouth fell open in surprise. "I know what you tried to do and you should be ashamed. Get away from him and I never wanna see you talking to him ever again yeah? I mean it."
Zach let go of Louis' hands. He jerked his head away and walked without another word. Something told Louis he was never going to have to deal with him again.
"Thanks?" Louis wasn't sure in what to say. Zayn shrugged it off.
"You okay?" He asked.
Louis nodded, still slightly unsure. Zayn gave him a wry smile, "I'm going to tell them that I started the fight, I egged him on. He shouldn't be out of school for just trying to defend himself. It's my fault."
Louis was slightly stunned. He only nodded. Zayn looked away, and when he looked back his face had fallen. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you earlier this year, I didn't ever want it to get that far. I really did like you, but, I guess I couldn't help it. I- I'm sorry."
Louis gave him a soft smile, "I know. And I told you I accept your apology okay? We all fucked up, well except for Liam. He's like perfect."
"Yeah." Zayn laughed.
Louis quirked up an eyebrow, "yeah? Since when do you agree?"
Zayn blushed, "it doesn't matter does it? Like he'd want to be with a bloody asshole who only ever hurt his friends." He shook his head. "I gotta go, I'll see you around yeah? See what I can do to get Harry back here. We are out next month, no use in having him out when we have a few weeks left to deal with." Zayn waved him off and he walked down the opposite hall.
Louis stayed watching after him, that was quite odd...Zayn being nice. But, he thinks he could get used to it. It felt good to not be hiding underneath a bunch of lies. It felt great to not feel hurt. And it felt even better when Amber walked up to him and called him snide names, and he just smiled brightly at her and kept on walking past.
It didn't feel good when she purposely shoved him into the floor. But, still, he stood up, brushed himself off, said excuse you, and continued down the hall. He heard her annoyed sigh, and the clicking of her heels. He sighed deeply , knowing what was about to happen, even before the words left her lips.
"What? You're back to being a slut? What is it with Zayn and Harry only being into tramps huh?" She sneered.
He looked at her and rolled his eyes, "See, that can't be true." He started to say, and he looked her up and down, "because as far as I know. They were never into you." He smiled brightly, and her eyes flared up.
"What?" She exclaimed.
"I'm not saying you're a tramp. And I'm not saying you're not a tramp. and I am definitely NOT saying that the fact that the football team pass you around more than they pass the football makes you a tramp at all! I am however going to say this," he took a step closer to her, and stared right into her cold eyes. "Say what you want. Keep calling me names." He turned to the onlookers. "Keep it up, I don't care. Know why? Because, in the end, I know who I am. And I am not the words you decide to label me in. Harry, and Zayn are not just people to be used in rumors you spread around. Harry is not a piece of fucking meat that you can drool over and pine for when you fucking know he doesn't want you. Because that is pathetic. You're pathetic, and I feel sorry for you. I wish you could understand that Harry won't ever want you, and I wish you could get over that, because I know that you will someday find someone who will want you. And not just someone who uses your nudes to jerk off in the locker room and then pass it on to the next guy beside them. So yeah, I'm sorry that you wish to ruin a relationship. But, you don't have to be like this. Harry wasn't meant for you, but you'll find the person who is someday, but until then, the world isn't all about boys or sex Amber. there's much more to it and I think you should go and find it before you decide to go all crazy for a boy that can't even look at you. And to you," louis looks back at the crowd. "I am sad to see what society has done to you lot. What do you get from spreading rumors and name calling? It doesn't make you better than me, it makes you shittier if anything. So stop. Or continue. Frankly, I give no fucks. Now, I'm gonna be late for class." He sidestepped Amber and kept walking.
The others dispersed in a soft murmur of voices. Louis only held his head up high. Correction, nothing felt better than knowing that things were finally going to be okay.
Two weeks later
They're lying on a rooftop, on a soft blanket. There's a warm breeze blowing around them. Louis' head is on Harry's chest, Harry's arm is around his waist, pulling Louis closer against his side. They're a million stars in the sky, and the full moon has never shined brighter.
They haven't spoken in a while, it's the ending of a perfect date. Where Harry picked Louis up on the dot at 8pm, and took him to a beautiful restaurant where he complimented Louis until his cheeks resembled that of a rose, and his eyes sparkled like snow on a sunny morning. It was cheesy really, but Louis thinks that's what he loves about Harry. His cheesiness, and the fact that he did keep the promise of telling Lou a million pick up lines that had Louis shaking his head but laughing nevertheless.
Louis is in awe, and he doesn't know if it's because of the infinite space that he is looking up into or because Harry feels so warm beside him, so right.
"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked lowly.
"You. Us. This. Life." Louis mumbled in response.
"Your mind is pretty busy then huh?" Harry mused.
"Very. I can't believe you graduate in two weeks." Louis' voice trailed off.
"Yeah? And?" Harry asked, he looked down at Louis who only kept his eyes on Harry's chest.
"And all those schools? The ones in America? Which one did you decide on?" Louis questioned.
"I haven't decided...I don't even want to go, not yet anyway."
"Are you insane? Why not?" Louis inquired.
"You'd be too far away." Harry whispered. "I doubt I could live with it."
"You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you stay here for me, you have your whole life ahead of you." Louis stated.
Harry laughed, his whole body shook and Louis rolled his eyes in annoyance. "You're my life Lou."
"Cheesy. I've had a lot of cheese for the night Harold I don't need anymore, honestly-"
"Can we not? Can we not discuss this tonight yeah? Not now." Harry pressed his forehead against Louis'.
"Okay, but the conversation isn't over." Louis muttered.
"Now who would think that?" Harry teased, he trailed his mouth down Louis' jawline, all the while leaving kisses against his skin.
Louis laughed, and only leaned up further into Harry's touch. Harry grasped Louis' waist and pulled his hips against Harry's. Louis gasped at the feeling, and when Harry rutted his hips against his own he whimpered.
Harry continued placing kisses against Louis' jawline and to his neck, where he decided to rightfully mark up Louis, leaving little bruises against his tan skin. Harry pulled back, and Louis looked at him in wide blue eyes.
"Do you mean it?" Louis asked.
"Mean what?"
"When you- when you said you love me. Do you mean it?" Louis murmured, he shyly looked away.
Harry smiled, those dimples that Louis adored graced his features. "No."
"I don't think I love you Lou." Harry said in a serious tone.
"I think, that what I feel for you is much deeper than what love is. When I see you, I see a galaxy of stars and Suns that shine so bright, and you are so beautiful to me Lou. So so beautiful. I'll never be able to describe the way you really make me feel, not since that first day. To say I love you, would be to say it such a simple term and I believe that those three words can not begin to describe what I feel for you Louis Tomlinson. When we broke up, fuck I felt like complete shit Louis. All I could think about was wanting you back but being so angry about wanting you back as well, I didn't understand why but now I do. Now, holding you in my arms, I can't think of any logical reason as to why it shouldn't be like this. As to why it should ever not be like this, because this is where you belong, my love. You are my love, and fuck what people think, they don't know what I feel. I do, and that is, that I want you in my life Lou, baby, I need you in my life and I won't ever want it any other way." Harry kissed Louis' forehead.
Louis was completely speechless, but at the same time, he was overflowing with emotions. He didn't know whether to cry or kiss Harry. Harry who was looking at him with wide green eyes, earnestly waiting for a response.
It was simple though, Harry had only said what they both already knew. Harry's love for Louis was like no other, and although both have had it slightly rough, there is no doubt that Louis loves Harry just as much- and maybe even more, he has yet to discover that, but he knows he won't deny that he loves Harry. And only Harry.
"Kiss me," Louis leaned up, "oh just kiss me you fool!" and Harry did. Harry always did.
Okay the next chapter will be full of smut. And then the one after that will be the ending. 😭
Cry with me.
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