•the one where the rumors rise•

I graduated, *cries*


"I'd like to go home now," Louis mumbled, he couldn't look up and meet Harry's eyes. His own face was flushed a deep pink. Harry knew he had the stupidest grin on his own face as well.

"Of course yeah," Harry agreed. He started to stand up but was bumped into by a guy. This guy was only slightly smaller than Harry, he turned towards them and his eyebrows rose in amusement at seeing Louis.

Harry didn't pay him much mind, until he spoke. "Aye, Lou, word on the street is you put out? Mind giving me a turn?"

Louis turned even redder. Harry lost his smile and he turned to the new guy. "What did you just say?" Harry said. Of course he knew exactly where that rumor started. The guy, whose name Harry vaguely remembered as Chris only smirked.

"Doll face likes to put out, haven't you got ears yourself harold? Thought that's why you're out with him." And well if it wasn't for Louis placing his rather small hand on Harry's arm, causing for Harry to immediately turn to him and for Louis to shake his head, Harry would have socked the guy in his face. But Louis was there and so Harry only pushed past the guy and continued walking.

They walked past Zayn's table, and heard his muffled laughter, Louis could feel Zayn's eyes follow him out and he only self consciously got closer to Harry. Harry was fuming with anger, he stomped over to his car and only just remembered that Louis was with him, so he took a few deep breaths and opened the passenger door for Louis to get in. No words were exchanged as that happened, and nothing was said until Harry was in the drivers seat.

"Harry," Louis said quietly. "It's okay,"

"No Lou, no it's not. How fucking dare he?" Harry felt like screaming, actually no he felt like going back to the ice cream place and punching Zayn repeatedly.

"It's not true," Louis shrugged. "We both know that. I don't put out, and if anyone bothered to get to know me would realize that. Now just drop it and promise me you won't do anything rash so as to get yourself detention." Louis' voice was soft and delicate as he spoke and it sort of washed away Harry's boiling anger, sort of, just a bit.

"No promises." Harry muttered.

"Oh come on Harold. If you end up more days in detention then how could I possibly hang out with you?" Louis teased.

"You and I both have practice." Harry pointed out.

Louis frowned slightly. "Okay how about this, don't do anything rash, because then I'm going to have to do something to get into detention as well and I like hanging out with you but I rather do it freely. Please?" And Harry was already in front of his house, he glanced at Louis who was pouting.

"Fine." Harry mumbled in defeat. Louis smiled faintly.

"You do not believe them right?" Louis asked cautiously.

Harry laughed. "Like you said babe, anyone who knows you wouldn't have a doubt how uneasy you are,"

Louis grinned, "Thought so, I mean. He kept asking and we did things but never that, I wasn't ready. And I didn't feel comfortable doing the things we did in the first place." Louis shivered. "Besides, he's not that big anyway to be honest,"

Harry choked on nothing, eyes widening slightly to which Louis giggled. "What??" Harry said.

"Yeah...bye." Louis opened the car door and got out, it was a second later that he got back in and pressed a swift kiss to Harry's cheek. "All that aside, I had fun, thank you." And then he left.


Their days were filled with nonstop texting. Sending ridiculous memes back and forth, it was a good start, and Harry likes to think they were becoming close friends. They stayed up late at night and around 2-4 am was when deep thoughts would come, from both of them, that of course would surprise the both of them in the morning when waking up and seeing exactly how much they revealed to each other.

Surprisingly, Louis got close to Liam. Who couldn't believe that Louis was getting close to Harry. Harry stayed as close as ever to Niall who was amazed that Harry was actually serious about this Louis kid.

And of course the bloody rumors. It seemed that on the football field that's all Harry ever heard, guys commenting about how much they wanted Louis and whether he was honestly that easy. He promised Louis that he wouldn't flip out but it was getting harder and harder after hearing their crude remarks about how they'd take Louis to bed.

But, he promised and a promise is a promise. Louis was unfazed as new girls glared at him in the hallways and others slightly weary that he would take their boyfriend away. It seemed that most of them didn't like Louis at all from one simple rumor. Louis couldn't care less though. He didn't look away from their stares if anything he stared back and was the last one to look away.

He continued to cheer at games and hang out with Liam and Harry, sometimes Niall. He trusted them. He trusted Harry. Not once more did Harry ask to kiss him since the ice cream 'date'. Louis was confused on whether he should be glad about this or sad. Maybe Harry didn't like him anymore. Should he be glad about it? If anything he yearned to have Harry's lips be pressed against him once more.

But the school year was already a third of the way over and that didn't look like it was happening. Louis wasn't going to say anything though, they had a nice friendship, he didn't want to ruin that. But, if Harry were to kiss him, well Louis would kiss right back.


Everything turned chaos one Friday afternoon. A good five weeks after the ice cream incident. Louis was dressed in tight jeans and loose fitting white v-neck. He was leaning against his locker looking up at Liam who was talking when he felt a rather rough slap to his bum, it jolted him forward to slightly bump into Liam. Turning around quickly Louis looked to see a blonde haired guy looking at him smugly.

"What the hell?" Louis yelled.

"Hey love, you have a nice bum, mind if I take a closer look at it later tonight?" Blonde hair asked.

Liam felt like he should intervene but he knew Louis and he knew that he could take care of himself.

"Yes, of course babe, come here," and Louis beckoned the now stunned lad closer.

Surprised, blonde hair did get closer, and Louis grabbed his hands and placed them on his waist. He smiled sweetly up at blonde hair, he leaned up slightly and whispered in his ear. "Touch me without my permission again and I swear it'll be worse then this," he then kneed him in the balls.

Blonde hair doubled over in pain. Louis rolled his eyes and walked away. Liam laughed, and he hi fives Louis, he was expecting that anyway. They parted ways and As Louis walked he met angry green eyes. Louis smiled at him but Harry wasn't smiling back.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked.

"Why the fuck didn't you let me handle it? I would have beat that kid senseless." Harry said.

"You just answered your own question." Louis shrugged. "Come on let's get some chocolate, I'm hungry and craving something sweet,"

"He just smacked your bum and now you're walking away like everything is fine?" Harry yelled.

Louis drew back. "Why are you screaming at me? I just kneed him in the balls, I'm not gonna attack him for something like that. Should I? Yes, but why stoop down so low?"

"He just fucking touched you and he's basically not receiving a consequence." Harry pointed out.

"What, think he should a time out?" Louis said sarcastically.

"He shouldn't be touching you." Harry sneered.

"I know that. I also know that I can take care of myself. Besides why do you care?" Louis quirked up an eyebrow.

Harry groaned, "because!"

"Nice argument loser." Louis shook his head. "Are you jealous?" He asked suddenly. They were now in the parking lot. Others around them going to their own cars but ignoring them.

"No." Harry turned a dark red.

Louis smirked. "Alright. But, if you wanted to touch my bum, all you have to do is ask,"

"That's beside the point." Harry noted.

"Than what is the point? Either you're jealous that he touched my butt before you did or you're jealous because he touched my butt now Harold, which is it?"

They were beside Harry's car now, and Louis turned to open the passenger door, but he was then pushed roughly against it. His head thudded softly against the top of the car as strong hands gripped his waist.

Harry looked into his eyes, and Louis became focused on how close they were. Harry's body pressed closely against his own. His green eyes still dark with anger. His eyes flickered down to Louis' lips. Louis sighed softly.

"Yeah. I am jealous. Okay, damn right I'm jealous Louis. Because how fucking dare some twat just come along and smack something that doesn't belong to him? That isn't worthy to some trash like he is? How fucking long must it take you to see that I fucking like you and I should be the only one to touch you like that? The only one to be able to smack that bum of yours that draws eyes everywhere you go. Of course I'm angry, and jealous, and everything that's making me want to go back into that school and hunt that asshole down and teach him to not touch what isn't his. But I won't because you're in my arms now and that's what matters."

Louis' eyes widened in clear shock. Okay, he wasn't expecting that at all.

"Well, say something." Harry demanded.

"Kiss me." Louis muttered. "And none of that slow shit, kiss me and mean it,"

And Harry didn't have to be asked another time before he was crushing his lips hotly against Louis'. He bit softly against Louis' lower lip. Louis moaned lowly, his lips parting and Harry's tongue slipping past only to entwine roughly with Louis'.

Harry pulled back, both of them struggling to catch their breaths. Louis leaned against Harry's chest, reveling in how Harry covered his whole body and towered over him.

They didn't speak, if anything now Louis was more confused about his feelings but Harry more determined.


It lasted a day. Their good thoughts toward each other. The next day was Saturday and Louis was receiving new messages from numerous numbers. They were filthy and downright disgusting.

Louis cried as numerous messages poured in.

"What a fucking whore you are! How fucking dare you? Take your fat ass and go back where you came from!"

Messages like this were numerous but the ones that were dirty hurt him the most.

Now they all saw him as some toy.

Messages from guys that made Louis throw up because they were just that gross. Going into strict detail about what they'd do to him if they could get him in bed.

Threats from girls.

It was too much.

So he cried as he called Harry, who didn't even hang up as he drove over to his place. He cried into his arms, when Harry got to his place 20 minutes later carrying a bag of chocolate because Louis asked him to pick him some. and Harry swore he would get back at everyone who was sending the messages.

Louis told him to stay out of it. At which Harry turned ballistics. "What do you mean stay out of it? You're crying for goodness sake!"

"I didn't ask you to come and fight his just to come and be with me! They're irrelevant, they want a reaction just leave it alone!" Louis wiped angrily at his tears.

"It's disgusting Louis! Something needs to be done, they're fucking trash." Harry yelled.

"Leave it alone. I'm not asking you to fight my battle Harry!" Louis shouted. "You're not my boyfriend!" And that's when Harry stopped pacing the room.

"Then why did you bother calling me?" Harry said coldly.

"You're my friend and friends are there for each other, please, stop screaming at me and just be here with me." Louis pleaded.

"You have Liam for that." And Harry walked out and Louis was slapped in the face with the front door slamming shut.


😳 shit.

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