•the one where louis had it all wrong•
Harry isn't playing Louis! He's not! He really really iS NOT PLAYING LOUIS!
You know you have ready too many asshole!Fic!Harry stories enough to have trust issues when you have to wonder if he's being real.
I have 372973 fics where he plays Louis tho so you're welcome to read those.
At the start of this I said I'd make one where Harold is a cupcake❤️❤️.
Louis is the one at fault here!
It's sad cuz Harry was being sincere, he really really only ever cared about Louis from the start.
V O T E! C O M M E N T! (200 comments? Maybe? Idk I always update soon anyway...but it'd be cool:))
Louis felt numb, he felt like, his body was there, and his body was moving but he couldn't feel anything. He couldn't comprehend what he was doing.
He didn't feel pain, he felt nothing. It was like someone had given him a blanket to smother everything in him. He remembers closing the door, and walking back inside but he doesn't remember finding his way back to his room.
He certainly doesn't remember passing out from crying so much.
When he wakes up, the sun is setting and his phone is ringing. He groggily sits up and answers his phone.
"'Ello?" He asked.
"Lou! I-I've been trying to call you since school ended. You never showed up, and neither did Harry." Liam explained quickly. "Did, did you tell him?"
"Yes." Louis said softly.
"Oh. That's good, you know at least you had the decency to tell him. Are things okay?" Liam asked.
"No. Things are not okay Liam." Louis whispered brokenly. And all the emotions that he should have felt when Harry left that morning, hit him full on. "He broke up with me."
"B-but you told him! You were truthful about that. He'll come around. I mean- you're Harry and Louis." Liam said.
"No. No he won't and I wouldn't blame him. I did something bad Liam. Something really really bad." Louis fidgets around in his bed. He's having trouble breathing, the construction of his heart is never ending.
"What...what happened?" Liam inquired.
"I messed up. I messed up so bad. I slept with Zayn. Harry hates me. I hate me. I- I'm such a fxck up." Louis cried.
"Oh, oh, no Louis. You didn't!" Liam exclaimed.
"I did. I messed up okay? Now Harry hates me and the whole school hates me. I'm alone." Louis felt like the walls were closing in around him. Sobs overtook him, like a storm and Louis was fighting for air to breath but it hurt too much.
"No. You have me. I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier." Liam rushed out in saying.
"No, you had a right to be angry with me. I'm angry with me, I can't- fuck I can't breath Liam." And it was true, Louis felt the phone fall from his fingers. Louis tried to refocus his breathing but it was hard, he really felt like he couldn't breathe. Sobs continued to overtake him, and he tried gasping for breath, he clenched his hand into a fist and bit it to stop from shaking so much as hot tears rushed down his face. Downstairs he heard the slamming open of his front door, and rushed footsteps. His door was pushed open and Liam came running towards him. He was sweaty, and his eyebrows were scrunched down as his lower lip was being bitten in worry.
Louis cried harder because even though Liam should dislike him, he was there instead. Liam hugged him and tried to still him, but Louis only cried harder. He didn't deserve to have Liam hug him, he didn't deserve this comfort.
"Lou. It's okay." Liam mumbled soothingly.
"No. It's-" and Louis screamed, pain, so much pain was consuming him, his scream made Liam jump back in fright. He's never seen anyone like this.
Louis with his fist still in his mouth, hot tears rushing down his cheeks and slightly rocking from the force of his sobs. "It hurts." Was all Louis could say. "I lost him. I lost him and my heart still longs for him, it feels that he's missing and it hates me for it." He looked around and his blue eyes met Liam's brown ones. "My own heart hates me. It hates me for letting it break apart."
"Lou, it'll be okay." Liam whispered gently.
"No. It won't. Everyone at that school hates me Liam. I have no one." Louis had finally subsided to hiccups and silent tears.
"You have me. I'm your friend and friends don't leave each other in tough times." Liam hugged me. "I'm here. And I know I don't look as scary as Harry but if anyone messes with you they'll have to deal with me." And Liam meant it.
Louis didn't deserve to have him as a friend. He especially didn't deserve for Liam to volunteer to make him dinner, or to bring it up to him and gently persuade Louis to eat. And even more so he didn't deserve Liam as a friend, three hours later when Louis was throwing up the food and suffering another wave of panic and sobs.
Harry was laughing.
Louis walked into the class and Harry was laughing, with his head thrown back and curls slightly shaking. He tried to make his way to his desk. He ignored the curious and smug looks from onlookers. Everyone knew that they had broken up, Zayn hadn't had the trouble of spreading that around.
Liam was two steps behind Lou, and he too sat down. Brown eyes settling on the board at the front of the classroom, but at the same time his ears were tuned to the conversations of those around him.
Louis sat down at his desk and pulled out a notebook. It was ripped from his hands by a perfectly manicured one. Louis didn't say anything. He only hung his head low and when it was thrown back to him, and he saw the word that was written in permanent marker, he didn't flinch.
He calmly ripped out the page and crumpled it up. His ears picked up the sound of Harry's laugh, the loud, low chuckle that had the edges of Louis' lips turn upwards slightly.
They still had 5 minutes to class. Someone sat on the edge of his desk, and he saw Amber smile down at him. Louis said nothing. He didn't say anything when she flipped aimlessly through his notebook.
"So. He's free now right?" Amber asked. Louis didn't answer. "Good to know. And wow! Zayn and Harry? Guess you wanted the best of both worlds." She laughed coldly.
Louis only looked down at his desk. She got off and walked over to her group of friends. Eric was the next one to take her spot.
"Hey." He said. Louis bit his lower lip, "Hey! Whore I'm talking to you." And Louis only focused on trying not to cry.
"Leave him alone." Liam spoke up, and although Louis was glad for that, he couldn't help but wish that it had been Harry. But, a side peek at Harry, who was surrounded by a horde of girls in skimpy clothing (as skimpy as school dress codes can let slide) showed that those days were quickly over. Harry, who had his arm around one of the girls who seemed to be basking in the glory wasn't even looking at Louis.
"What the hell you gonna do it about Payne." Eric demanded.
"Hey." Came the voice that Louis was waiting for. Louis instantly turned to Harry, Harry didn't bother to look at him though. "Leave Louis alone."
And Louis didn't think there was a bigger slap to the face than the way Harry said his name then.
Eric swore, and he walked away. Liam placed a warm hand on Louis' arm. Louis wanted to thank Harry, but Harry had turned back to the girls. Dimples poking out because someone had said something funny that had made him smile hugely.
Louis wished to disappear. He remembered all the emotions he ever felt for Harry at one point. All the butterflies, and how easy a smile would come to him. Even at the beginning, when it was really only to get him back as Zayn had said. He remembered Harry's soft kisses, and the way harry held him in his arms. And of course he wouldn't- couldn't blame Harry for hating me.
And all those times Harry surprised him with his favourite sweets. The perfectly wrapped chocolate in the colorful foil.
He was always the one to- well except the first bag Louis was ever gifted, that one was from Zayn- but.
And Louis' eyes widened in clear realization.
That first bag wasn't from Zayn.
It was from Harry.
Harry who had asked him for one chance from the start.
And Zayn hadn't owned up to it. Zayn had lied to him since the beginning. Why hadn't he said the chocolate kisses weren't from him? If he had lied over something so small, who knows what else he could have lied about. Possibly everything, and Louis had believed him, because he had been swooned from the small but beautiful gesture.
He'd had it all mixed up. Zayn was the liar. A lie had never escape Harry's lips. They were both virgins. Harry had told Louis he'd loved him, he had wanted their first times to be each other but Louis had messed it up. He'd lied. Everything everyone said about Harry was wrong- they should have said it about Louis.
His stomach felt queasy, and he moved around in his desk. "Lou, you okay? You don't have to be here." Liam muttered lowly.
And Louis felt even more miserable, because it had always been Harry. It was supposed to be Harry.
It was always supposed to be Harry.
Maybe, if he explained - no. It didn't change the fact that Louis had slept with another. Nothing could ever change that.
"Hey, Harry, would you like to hang out? I'm throwing a party this Friday. You're so invited! That is, if you're free." A soft voice asked.
He wouldn't. Not so soon.
"Yeah. Okay. Mind if I bring a friend?" Harry asked.
"Oh who?"
"Just a girl friend. That okay?"
"Oh. Yeah I guess." But the inviter sounded displeased.
Louis scrambled for his things. Liam looked at him in shock. "I can't do this." Louis muttered and he left. He sidestepped the teacher who was still half asleep with a mug of coffee in his hand.
Liam didn't know whether to follow him or not. He grabbed his bag, and decided to follow his best friend. On his way out, he told the teacher that Louis was sick and that Liam would take him home.
Mr. Andrews nodded and walked to his board. Liam ran after Louis but he didn't have to go far. Louis was out in the parking lot, halfway across it. When Liam caught up, Louis looked angry. Not sad. He glared at a spot beside Liam.
Liam saw right through it, so when Louis' facial expression crumbled and he broke down in tears once more, Liam wrapped his arms around him carefully and lead him to his car.
"At this point, my heart feels like a black hole sucking up the person that I used to be." Louis mumbled.
"Hm?" Liam asked.
"I was used by Zayn. He used me and I believed him. I slept with him! I messed up the one relationship I had with a boy who really cared to be with a piece of shxt that only ever used me. I'm so disgusted with myself Liam. I'm so-" and Louis hiccuped a few times. "I'm done." He wiped furiously at his eyes.
"Fxck love." Louis spat. "Fxck feelings." He shook his head. "If a slut is what this school thinks I am- than whatever. I give no more fxcks."
And oh, oh no, Louis is ruined. Liam wanted to say that Louis is being foolish. It was a relationship and he made mistakes. It happens and that's life. But, he didn't say anything, he knew Louis would see no sense right now, so he decided to just be there for his friend.
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