•the one where harry stops caring•
Harry leaned against his locker, eyes looking fervently across the sea of people in the hallway. When they met a cool brown he pushed himself away from the wall and walked determined towards Zayn.
Zayn only locked eyes with him. His friends were at his sides but Harry didn't care, he cared that Zayn was the reason Louis had cried the night before.
"We need to talk." Harry exclaimed.
"What about?" Zayn asked calmly.
"Just know that we need to talk." Harry muttered. Zayn got a huge smile on his face.
"Oh, lemme guess, the new school slut?" Zayn hi-fived one of his friends.
Harry got up to his face, he pushed him against his locker. "You know that's a fuxking lie."
"How would you know. What haven't you not seen how loose he is?" And oh he did not just say that. Harry pulled his hand back, his other keeping Zayn upright.
"Harry. Stop." A soft voice piped up. A warm hand grabbed his hand. Harry relinquished in the soothing touch before yanking his hand away. He dropped Zayn who only smirked as if he had won. Harry brushed past Louis.
Louis sighed and watched him leave. He noticed he was alone with Zayn's stupid friends. He glared at Zayn, Zayn only winked in turn. Louis glanced away in clear disgust. He shook his head and started walking back to his locker.
There he looked around for Harry but he wasn't anywhere in sight. Liam however was. Liam walked up to him and helped him carry his books as well as his own. Louis smiled at him and thanked him. They walked to their classes together, all the while Louis tried to ignore everyone's side glance towards him. Liam noticed but he didn't bother to comment on it, already knowing the reasoning behind the hateful glares.
"How's Harry?" Liam asked as they settled into their chairs for class.
Louis shrugged, "still as arrogant as ever."
Just then a group of guys walked up to them. Louis knew them from the football team, that and Harry completely hated these four guys.
"Ignore them," Louis muttered lowly to Liam, and he went to open his textbook and grab a notebook.
"Hey, Louis!" One of them piped up, while the other three laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. Louis only kept his eyes down on his book. The guy, named Eric, had brown wavy hair and blue eyes, he was lean. His hand felt cold, as his fingers gripped Louis' chin to make him look up. Louis pulled back angrily. Eric smiled in amusement. "Well then don't fucking ignore me you shit." He muttered, the smile still on his face.
Louis went back to his book, even though he felt like climbing over the desk and punching Eric's face. He didn't. He didn't have to. Eric tried to make a grab for his hand but before Louis or Eric knew it Liam was standing up and pushing him away. "Don't touch him, he doesn't like that. Now leave." He said, his usually warm voice now cold. Eric looked completely pissed off, and maybe that was because no one expected that from shy and quiet Liam Payne, and he probably hates that he let this usually laid back person sort of show how weak he is.
Eric cussed a lot and left with his friends all bewildered at what just happened. As they left the room, Harry walked in, Harry's eyes zeroed in on them and then flickered over to Louis.
"What happened?" Harry asked as he took his seat beside Louis.
"People being their usual form of stupidity. Nothing big." Louis exclaimed.
Harry ignored him and turned to Liam. "What really happened?"
"They were picking on Louis, I told him to leave. Eric grabbed Louis' chin, and Louis pulled back and they laughed and then I intervened basically." Liam spilled.
Okay, Louis should tell Liam that sometimes somethings are best kept quiet.
Harry stood up, "What the hell are you doing? Sit back down!" Louis muttered angrily.
"I'm going to kill him. He shouldn't be touching you oh god, I'm going to fucking murder him." Harry stated.
Louis looked at him oddly. "Honestly Harold. You can't kill everyone who touches me,"
"When it's without your permission yeah I can." Harry exclaimed.
"You're crazy! It's not a big deal as I have said before, stop being crazy." Louis snapped. "Besides you can't let them know you're acting all crazy because of me."
"No, but I can still beat him up." Harry shrugged carelessly.
Louis rolled his eyes. "Chill."
Liam sat amused at their banter. He didn't know that Harry was being dead serious. "Honestly Lou, I just- ugh you wouldn't understand." Harry leaned back against his chair. At that time Amber and her friend Sarai came in and sat on the desk in front of Harry.
"Hi!" Amber giggled, she flipped back her hair and batted her eyelashes at Harry.
Louis snorted in disgust and started a quiet conversation with Liam. Amber shot a cold glare at Louis but kept her attention on Harry. Harry just kept his eyes on Louis, Louis noticed this and he smiled slightly to himself.
"Hi," Harry replied absentmindedly.
"So I was wondering, if you'd like to go out tomorrow night?" Amber asked.
"Okay," Harry really wasn't paying attention. At that Louis turned around, his eyes wide. Amber jumped up and down in happiness and Harry's mouth fell as he realized what he'd said.
"Thank you harry! You won't forget it," Amber squealed and she kissed him quickly on the cheek.
"Wait, I didn't- I. Oh f-ck ." Harry muttered. Louis gave him a pointed look and ignored him for the rest of the class period.
When the class was over Louis made it clear to ignore Harry as he walked out of the class, a confused Liam following him. Harry was stuck behind as Amber thought she now has the right to cling close to him by the arm.
Harry wants to die, as he watches Louis walk away from him and has to deal with an annoying brat. He wasn't even listening to her because frankly he didn't care. They walked down the hall, all the while Harry tried to politely push her away to no avail. They got wolfwhistled and a few guys even came up to hi-five him.
They stopped at his locker and that's when he had enough. He pushed her away, not so nicely and said, "No. Stay away. Goodbye now." And he turns to his locker.
"You're joking right?" Amber's high and shrilly voice was heard throughout the entire hallway. "Are you fucking kidding me Harry Styles?"
"No. I said that already. Leave," he sighed in exasperation.
"What so you can be with slutty Tomlinson. Gah, he's already fuxked everyone on the football team." She yelled. "Why should he get you too?"
"No he hasn't. Stop making up lies." Harry muttered.
"Lies? What lies. It's the truth. He's the one lying to you." Amber exclaimed.
"I said stop! Leave me alone you can't be that desperate." Harry snarled. He clenched his fists in annoyance and slammed his locker shut.
"Okay. Fine. Then what about those photos everyone's sharing around? Explain."
"What- what photos?" Harry asked.
Amber smirked. "He's a slut. But I guess that's just your type. Of course I see now that I'm just too good for you. Be with your trash." And she walked away with a bounce to her step.
Harry banged his fist against his locker and turned frantically, his eyes quickly searching for Louis.
It seems that someone knew who he was looking for because suddenly everyone was saying that Louis had disappeared into the bathroom. Harry pushed past everyone and walked into the only one that was in the hallway.
It was locked. "What the hell?" Harry cursed fluently, and rattled the doorknob.
He heard quiet voices that sounded like Liam. "Liam, open the door."
"I don't think that's a good idea Harry-"
"Open the damn door." Harry said loudly.
He heard a sigh and then the door was slowly opened. Harry pushed it open quicker and stepped inside the dimly lit room.
"Is he in here?" Harry asked.
"Yeah but he doesn't feel okay." Liam mumbled.
Harry brushed past him and found Louis standing in front of the mirror, a sickly green expression gracing his otherwise soft features. "Babe. What the hell did Amber say about some pictures?"
"She's lying." Louis answered numbly.
"Forget it Harry. It's not like how you said. This isn't just going to be brushed away. I'm the new school slut. Zayn's influence is just too much. I should have listened to you from the start. I messed up okay. I messed up badly, and now I'm paying the price and there's nothing you can do about it." Louis whispered, his voice sounding hoarse.
"No, you're an angel." Harry mumbled, and he brought Louis into his arms. "An angel that fell into the wrong arms, of that deceitful twat."
Louis half smiled. "I could really go for some chocolate kisses to make me feel better."
Harry grinned, "how about just a regular kiss?"
Louis nodded, Harry leaned down and kissed him sweetly. There was a loud awkward cough, and they pulled back to see a deeply red flustered Liam.
"You know what?" Harry said.
"Hm?" Louis asked, he nuzzled his head against Harry's chest.
"To hell with what people think or say about us." And Harry entwined their hands and Liam opened the door for them, and together they walked out. Into the judgmental eyes that was the high school student body.
Louis ducked his head. He could feel the hatred in the halls soar into unbelievable levels as girls gave him the ultimate death glare. Guys glanced at Harry with slight envy.
But, Harry only had eyes for Louis. And Louis, well- Louis' eyes met Harry's and Harry tightened his hold on Louis' hand and they walked hand in hand down the hallway to their lockers. Ignoring the whispers, and the eyes that followed them.
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