•the one where harry can't help it anymore•

I'm honestly not begging anyone to read this. It's a summer pastime. If you don't like it, well honestly bye✌️.


They're teens, again, teens do stupid stuff and go to fast and forgive too easily and honestly, what can we do? This is why we don't really adult until we're at least in our early to mid twenties .

Fxck up after fxck up after fxck up. Louis just couldn't get a break. He frantically pushed Zach away as his fingers redialed the number.

"Please pick up," Louis muttered softly. "Please." But Harry didn't pick up.

"What's wrong?" Zach asked, he came closer and worry overcame his features from seeing Louis so crestfallen.

"Harry, Harry, Harry called. Harry-" Louis could barely form any sentences.

"Oh." Zach nodded in understanding.

Louis tried to call him again, but it was no use. "Why, why would he call?" He asked out loud. "Why, I don't understand." He let out a few breaths that he hadn't realized he was holding. He sat back against his own bed, bringing his knees upwards to himself.

"Do you want to see him?" Zach asked. "If you want to talk to him I could-"

"No, are you mad? Maybe it was an accident. Why would he speak to me? Willingly?" Louis shook his head. "Yeah, it was probably on accident. Uh, where were we?"

"Discussing our physics homework, and I asked you where you wanted to go out tomorrow."

"I'm fine with whatever you'd like, I don't really, I mean, I-" Louis laughed softly. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before his eyes fluttered back open and he locked eyes with Zach. "I'm fine with whatever Zach. Just, not ice cream or pizza? Besides its just friends going out yeah?"

"Yeah...just friends going out." And Louis did his best to ignore the hurt on Zach's face, but then he said, "maybe a movie? Or hey a club?"

Louis bit his lower lip. "A club?" He repeated.

"Yeah, uh, dancing ya know? Drinking too? You are 18?"

"No, I'm-" Louis stopped short. He's forgotten that yeah, in fact he was 18. Since his birthday fell on Christmas Eve he stopped making a big deal out of it since Christmas Eve always overshadowed it. "Yeah, I am. Okay, yeah." Louis softly agreed.

"Great." Zach turned away and picked once more at his textbook. "So uh, are you over Harry?" He asked out of nowhere.

"What?" Louis exclaimed.

"Are you over Harry?" Zach asked. Louis only leaned over to pick up his own notebook. He chewed on his lower lip as he thought over Zach's question. "Lou?"

"I don't know." Louis admitted. "I think so. I'm trying to be, it's better to be over him then to hold on to the possibility that he'll ever want to be with me again. Which is never going to happen."

"But, if he did want to be together again what would you say?" Zach asked.

"He won't. He, he wouldn't, and I don't blame him in the slightest. What did ya get for number 9?" Louis questioned so that they could change subjects.

"But if he did?" Zach pressed.

"I don't know okay! Just drop it!" Louis snapped. Zach nodded, he stood up out of nowhere. "What are you doing?"

"I should go, I mean, you're obviously thinking about whatever it is that's going on between the two of you. You can say you're not but I know you are. Uh, rain check on tomorrow night, I just don't want you to go out with me because you think you have to."


"No, Lou, it's fine. Really. I get it. Goodnight." And Zach waved softly before he walked towards the door. And out of it.

Louis felt his heart drop as his shoulders slumped forward. He kicked his textbook off his bed, not caring that it fell with a loud thud over the edge and the papers in it scattered all over the place.

He picked up his phone again. He ran his thumb over where it said Harry has called him. Except this time it wasn't saved as "Harry❤️" but as his number, because Louis had long ago deleted his contact.

It was then that, his phone rang, and it was Harry. Louis looked at it in shock. He didn't know whether to answer or leave it be, sure maybe the first time was an accident but, now?

He almost waited too long and it was on the last ring that he answered.

"Hi," he said softly.

"Lou," a low voice whispered.

"Harry," Louis breathed out, Harry's voice sounded beautiful to his ears.

"Why, why do you do this to me Lou?" Harry asked, and Louis could hear the anger begin to bubble by the way Harry's voice had gotten lower and slightly rougher.

"Do what Harry? I haven't done anything, or talked to you since detention?" Louis replied.

"You know damn well what you're doing." Harry muttered.

"No, please care to elaborate." Louis couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Everything, from dressing in skimpy clothing to try and make me jealous with that fuxking twat. Why are you doing this?"

"I'm not doing it for you, you fool! I'm doing it for me! I dress like this because I like it, people's thoughts be damned. And Zach, Zach is a friend. He's a friend to me and he's a nice guy."

"Has he touched you?" Harry asked, and the edge to his voice left Louis breathless.


"Has he touched you?" Harry repeated, his voice lower, it sent goosebumps throughout Louis' body.,

"What do you get from asking that?" Louis fired back. "And if he did?"

He heard Harry's sharp intake of breath. "Well, I'd have to kill him." Harry said simply. "I beat the shit out of Zayn, I could do it again just as easily."

"That's not funny Harry." Louis scolded.

"I didn't mean it to be." Harry mumbled.

"He hasn't okay? He isn't like Zayn. He's not pressuring or anything, he's honestly a nice guy." But that's all Zach was, just a nice guy.

"Nice guy?" Harry laughed with no humor.

"Yeah..." Louis shyly replied. Neither spoke for a long time, but Louis found comfort in that. "I miss you," he whispered softly, so soft Harry wasn't sure he'd heard him. "Harry?"

"Yeah Lou?" Harry asked.

"When you called earlier today, I wasn't doing anything I swear. We were here studying for physics, that's it."

"I believe you," Harry murmured.

"Oh." And then Louis didn't know what else to say. "I heard what happened with Zayn." He added on after a solid three minutes of Harry not saying anything.

Harry chuckled, "yeah. He deserved it."

"I know." Louis agreed heartedly. "Has anything changed- since, since detention?"

Harry was silent, and Louis held his breath until finally Harry spoke. "And if they did? If I said I forgave you? What would you do?"

"I'd be happy, I'd be happy that you found it in your beautiful heart to forgive me even though I'd know I don't deserve your forgiveness."

"Is that all?"


"Oh." Harry sighed heavily.

"You know I'm sorry, you know I'll always be sorry. I don't know what else I could do." Louis exclaimed. "I wish it'd never happen. I wish I wasn't so fxcking stupid. I wish I could still hug you and kiss you and have everything be okay because I miss you Harry. And I've tried so hard these past weeks, but honestly, I can't."

"It's only been a month." Harry pointed out.

Louis laughed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. What can you do honestly?" He paused and then, "Come over?"

Harry didn't say anything, and Louis was afraid that he had been too forward and what was he thinking?

"Yeah, okay." Came Harry's response, and Louis couldn't believe it, but then Harry said he'd be over in ten and he hung up leaving Louis speechless.


Louis walked downstairs and paced nervously in his living room, he hoped to the heavens that his parents were sleeping with no means of waking up. When he heard the soft hum of Harry's expensive car, and the loud thud of the slam of the door he quickly opened the door and left it open so Harry wouldn't have to knock really loud.

Harry was then grabbed by his hand and told to be quiet as they walked back upstairs. He knew the drill though, so when Louis had them in their room he was the one who turned around to lock the door. Louis jumped slightly as he heard the click.

"Hi," he said breathlessly.

Harry only looked at him, his eyes traveling down Louis' body. Louis was confused for a second before he realized what he was wearing. He'd taken off his jeans as soon as he got home and had placed on a pair of sleeping cotton shorts, they were really short and he'd stayed with his top that showed his midriff and even more if he were to raise his hands higher.

"Hi, Lou." Harry said after a long moment.

Louis didn't say anything, well in better words he couldn't say anything. It was as if he'd lost all forms of speaking. And it was as if the words were just automatic as they fell from his lips. "I'm sorry you know I'm sorry, I miss you Harry. I miss you so much."

"I know," and Harry sat down at the edge of Louis' bed, he motioned for Louis to come to him. Louis bit his lower lip, Harry frowned and he reached forward and tugged Louis harshly towards him. Louis cried out slightly as he fell into Harry's lap. "I know you're sorry okay? Quit saying you are because I know. And I," Harry looked down at Louis, Louis who was looking up at him with wide blue eyes. His Lou. Always and only his. And Harry be damned if he kept trying to fight off the inevitable. "I forgive you."

Louis parted his mouth, "What?"

"I forgive you." Harry repeated. "I know it was a mistake, and I know you are sorry. I know. I'm tired of pushing you away when all I want to do is have you in my arms okay? Honestly fuck Zayn. He's always been a piece of shit and he used you to get back at me and who were you to know? Always naive and willing to please."

Louis wanted to protest, he wasn't naive at all- okay well Zayn was just good at manipulation, and yeah okay Louis is a tad stupid. Or a lot stupid, Louis didn't care though, he didn't care because Harry's hands were gripping his waist and Harry was muttering against his neck how much he's missed Louis.

"You forgive me?" Louis breathed out. "I don't deserve your forgiveness."

"On that you're probably right but," and Harry closed his eyes as he pulled back. "I can't fight off the anger that I get when I see other guys try to get your attention, thinking that you'll give in so easily to them. That yeah you fucked up once but you won't fuck up again? Right Louis?"

"Yeah, I won't. Never." Louis muttered, but Harry's grip on him tightened.

"The way they think they can all have you, God it makes me want to rip all of their fucking heads off." And okay maybe Harry was never the one to easily control his anger, especially when it came to Louis.

"Harry..." Louis whimpered out. And when Harry's hands trailed down to grope Louis' bum harshly, Louis whimpered pathetically.

And Harry realized that he really- really wanted to fuck Louis. Fuck him so hard that he'd feel Harry for days, and only remember Harry. Who filled him up and made him scream.

And so Harry pulled down down onto the bed, Louis' eyes fluttered open. He blushed darkly at the way Harry was looking at him. Harry smiled, he's missed seeing Louis' blush, missed being the reason behind it. 

"You're never going to see Zach ever again got it?" Harry said, as he crawled over Louis, hovering over him. Loving how small Louis was underneath him. "I don't give a fuck what you tell him,"


"You fucking heard me the first time Louis." And Harry ghosted his lips across Louis'. Louis wanted to agree, that yeah he'd give up Zach but, at the same time. That wasn't quite fair to Zach.

"I'm still going out with him, as friends. I told him that already." Louis muttered.

"What the fuck?" Harry exclaimed.

"You heard me the first time." Louis mumbled. "He's a friend. That's it. I made that clear Harry."

"Are you joking?" Harry demanded.

"If there's one thing I learned from what happened it's, I'm not going to listen to what people tell me to do. I'm my own damn person and people can fxck off. I'm going to hang out with who I want to hang out. I can hang with Zach the way I hang out with Liam."

"Liam doesn't want to take you away from me." Harry stated, he started to pull away.

"I'll make it clear to Zach, Harry I swear nothing will happen."

"Just like you swore how you were being sincere all the time we were together?" Harry said coldly.

Louis sat up, and shook his head. "Get out," Harry stood his ground. "If you really forgiven me you wouldn't hold that against me. Don't fucking think just because you're jealous means you can just come back and try to control me and then try to hold that against me. Talk to me when you've actually forgiven me or don't talk to me at all. Don't talk to me because you're just fucking insecure, I can talk to who I want and I can do it when I feel like it. And if you don't trust me on the fact that nothing will happen, then you haven't forgiven me for real. And I'm not just going to let you hold what happened over my head. So leave. You know I'm sorry. You know."

Harry stood up, "Are you honestly doing this right now?"

"Yeah, I am. You don't know Zach."

"And you do? He's looking for one thing Lou. They all are. None of them care about you the I did, the way I do."

"No, he's not, he's a nice guy."

"So was Zayn." And then Harry left.


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