The Eccentric Doctor [Chapter One]

Agent Corey felt his guts twist as he stepped through two glass doors to meet his superior. His anxiety was eating him alive as he started to walk next to his boss, feeling his heart race as they got closer and closer to their destination.

"Now, listen, Agent Cocoa--" The taller man started.

"A-ah! Agent Marcel, yoy can call me Agent Corey." Corey interrupted. He immediately banked out a "S-sorry..." For speaking up when not given permission to. The man raised his eyebrow, but ignored the smaller man and continued.

"... Agent Cocoa, I understand if you quit this position earlier than intended," He sighed, "The doctor has been known to be quite... No, the definition of eccentric. Almost no one has been able to last under them for more than a weak,"

How the heck was Corey supposed to do any better than!?

As if his question was asked out loud, Agent Marcel responded, "You're not expected to be better than the other agents. You're just here to be the doctor's assistant. There's thousands that can replace you."

"O-oh, uh..." Corey, unsure to be grateful or not, simply said "Okay." The two continued to walk in silence. Corey decided to take in the environment he saw as he kept walking. There were scientists everywhere, running around the place, making sure things are on schedule, filing paperwork, etc. Only the more important scientists had bodyguards and assistance.

A brown haired agent running after a red-headed scientist caught his eye, and usually he wouldn't interact out of fear of interrupting something, but for some reason he couldn't help but to wave. Smiling when the agent smiled back, Corey quickly caught up to Agent Marcel.

"Sir, i-if I may ask, you said that almost no one lasts a week... what about the ones who did?"  Corey asked. Marcel simply tsked, "Apologies, slip of the tongue," Agent Marcel said with a calm hum. He stopped for a second, before he continued on his path. "Such people never existed in the first place."

Corey wasn't stupid, he knew what Agent Marcel meant. Those people have been erased, never to be seen again, with not even a trace to their names. This is when Corey truly realized that he was about to face death's door, that his life depended on the mind of someone who turns on a dime. His life depended on a genius and rumours he heard before.

... Maybe he still had time to run away... You know what? No. He applied to this job, he got far, became the Agent he is today, and by God, he was going to at least a few days or die trying. Buthopefullyhewon'tdie.

With that in his mindset he followed behind the much older Agent to the doorway of the the Doctor's lab. It screamed mad scientist, with the futuristic lighting and sliding features, and also screamed "This is the skeleton closet, wanna join?"

"Agent Cocoa," Agent Marcel threw Corey out of his head and back into reality. Maybe Corey should relax a little, surely no one is that bad. Rumors are usually exaggerations, and heck, he didn't even know the doctor. He shouldn't judge the book by the cover. "I shall leave you to it."

"O-oh, yes, of course!" Corey managed to sputter out. Thank God he wasn't in front of the doctor yet, he would've been made a complete fool. At least in front of Agent Marcel, he only tsked. Agent Marcel looked in front of him, and knocked. There was immediate yelling.

"WHO IS IT, AND HOW DARE YOU DISTURB ME?" And already Corey was terrified. The voice had a sense of demand and superiority. A voice from someone you didn't want to mess with.

"Ah! M..." The agent quickly cleared his throat, "Ma'am, your new agent is here." Did Agent Marcel just stutter? Is he scared too? At least Corey wasn't alone in his fear, and that felt good in some weird way.

"Leave them at the door." The voice responded. Silence.

Agent Marcel nodded as if the doctor could see him. He turned his head to face the opposite direction of the door, and with a side glance to the agent next to him, he hissed out half-heartedly, "Good luck."

The other agent knew it wasn't genuine, but he simply said "Thank you." With a small smile. Agent Marcel sighed and walked away, spitting out last words that weren't encouraging at all. "You're gonna need it."

And with Agent Marcel's gentle words of encouragement, the doors to open. Agent Cocoa had no idea how the door opened, but he decided to shake it off and step inside. Beacuse now, he will be facing the mad scientist that will have complete control of his fate from now on.

The mad scientist sat in a chair, facing away from the agent but towards three big screens. It was very dark, despite the bright light from the screens. Maybe that why it seems dark, because all that can be seen is a silhouette of the formidable woman, only some of her features present. She has short yet long hair, and a very sharp yet soft face. She seemed to be angered.

The young agent realized that he has yet introduced himself. He nervously adjusted and straightened his tie real quick, and cleared his throat a little before speaking so hopefully his voice doesn't cracks. God, please don't let his voice crack on the first day.

"H... hello, D-Doctor Enriquez," Already he started to stutter-- this is going well, "I-I'm, uh..." Calm down, agent. Calm down! "I'm... I'm Agent Corey Cocoa, I've been assigned to--"

"You love taking your time, don't you?" Did he already mess up!? "I already know all about you, Agent Cocoa, since you took so long to say your damn name. Including your job. Please take care of your efficiency problem before the week ends," She hissed out dismissively, her glowing eyes slightly narrowing. Her voice was warmer than expected, but till cool and sharp.

Just as Corey was about to respond with, "Yes, doctor!" All the lights suddenly turned on. Corey was temporarily blinded, his eyes already used to the dark before. And he also got terrified from how sudden it was bright. At least he can see his boss now. She was unexpectedly cute. You would think the doctor would be the Grinch by how they acted.

She continued on after spinning her chair so her body faced Agent Cocoa. She sat like a villain, legs crossed and face supported by her hand, as if she was already bored of this very conversation, and of the agent himself, "You will be assisting me, and under no circumstances are you to disobey. Do I make myself clear as mud?"

Just as the agent was about to bark out a "Yes, ma'am!" When he paused. His anxiety went through the rough as he said, "No, ma'am." He is so grateful that he didn't mess up again.

The doctor's expression changed into a small smile. Her face still looked like a villain, but she seemed pleased by now. "Good, you have a quick brain at least, contrary to your speech abilities. Now, fetch me some hot chocolate."

Wait, what?

The agent paused. Did she just say hot chocolate? He was expecting water, tea, coffee, maybe even alcohol if he was crazy, but hot chocolate? He has to clarify. What's the best way to clarify?

"... With or without marshmallows?" Marshmallows, of course.

"With marshmallows, duh!" She said, as if it was obvious. Maybe it actually was, but he was so dumbfounded over this fact that he hadn't noticed.

"A-ah, of course, doctor," Corey said, nodding his head. Kinda childish, but it's fine. She's the boss. As he was about to leave, the doctor ordered some last things.

"Please don't cause a ruckus, Order is... optional. Also knock before coming in, that order is not," Corey gave his boss a nod with a smile before walking out of the laboratory.

So that was terrifying and weird, but also simple enough! Don't cause a ruckus, knock, and hot chocolate. It's not bad for the first day.  I mean, he practically does this every day, so easy enough, right?

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