"I can't believe you let him drive," Dabi said looking annoyed.
Izuku turned around him in seat and smiled at Dabi, "You can drive the next we go out, ok?"
Tomura gave Dabi a smug grin in the mirror.
"Keep giving me that look and I'm punch it off your face."
"Go ahead. I dare you."
Izuku snickered as he looked out the window.
They drove through the gates and parked in the back. Jin and Tomura climbed on top of Izuku's car and sat together while Dabi stayed in the back seat in the middle. It was an action movie with people who were quirkless until someone gave them their quirk then they had to save the world. Himiko had the pick of the movie because she pleaded the hero to see that one over the others.
Izuku was really enjoying himself. It had been a while since he got to do anything fun. Shouto and Ochako usually had different schedules than him. Iida was always so busy too. It was nice to have some people around for once. Izuku couldn't believe that they were really villains.
He glanced over at Tomura. The guy was really handsome looking. He somewhat looked a lot older than twenty four but it was ok. Midoriya had asked him and it apparently was thanks to his quirk he looked older but he wasn't so sure himself apparently. He had a ton of scars on his neck and one on his lip. He smiled at the little mole he had too. It was the first time he really got to look at him.
He's really cute after all. He's always got a scowl or a thoughtful look on his face. This is the first time he really has relaxed.
"What? You wanna hold my hand or something?" the villain asked glancing at him.
"Gross," Dabi said rolling his eyes.
Tomura blushed but folded his thumb against his palm and took Izuku's hand.
His hand is really warm, Shigaraki thought.
Izuku perked up happily in his seat and continued watching the movie.
What am I going to do? We can't stay like this forever.
He stole another look at the hero.
Someone is going to find out at some point. Dabi is right and we run the risk of getting Midoriya in trouble too. He's probably be imprisoned when they catch us. I highly doubt he would go with us.
The asshole in the back seat has made a point. We will be caught. Someone is going to come into his apartment. Someone is going to see us whether we're sleeping or we come back by accident.
Here I am. Sitting in a fucking car. Holding a pro hero's fucking hand. I am the dumbest mother fucker in the car-
"Are you ok?"
"You're squeezing my hand really hard. I've broken my fingers plenty of times and everything so I don't mind really but are you upset?"
Tomura stared at him. Izuku was suddenly uncomfortable with the weird look on his face. Shigaraki reached over, rubbing a thumb on his freckled cheek.
"What will you do if you're caught with us?"
Deku looked surprised by the question. He certainly wasn't expecting that and he certainly didn't know what he would do.
"I don't know."
Tomura returned his attention to the movie. Dabi picked up his drink and gave a sip. Now he was interested.
"You can come with us if you wanted too."
The villain choked on his drink and Izuku's jaw dropped open. Tomura glanced at Dabi who looked red in the face.
"Only if you wanted too."
Deku nodded. A thoughtful expression appeared on his face before he returned watching the movie.
He didn't seem opposed to the idea. I wonder if that's a good thing or a very bad thing.
"If I did.... Could I bring a friend? Shouto said if I became a villain he would go with me."
Shigaraki raised his eyebrows at him.
Dabi snorted, "What the fuck? Who has that kind of conversation with his friends?"
Izuku turned, "We talk about it all the time."
"You're shitting me."
"We run out of stuff to talk about sometimes and that generally comes up."
"No one talks about that kind of shit with their friends."
"We do. We even talked to All Might about it a few times.
The two villains in the car got quiet.
"What?" Izuku asked.
"Why?" Dabi asked leaning forward, "You both are good little boys."
"We both had reasons to become one if we wanted too," Izuku said with a dirty look.
"You're definitely more interesting than I had thought," he said leaning back in his seat.
Tomura grinned, "You would look good as a villain. What kind of clothes would you wear? The suit now makes you look like a bunny rabbit."
"He's not lying dude. You look like a green rabbit."
"I drew out that costume when I was a kid. I just so happen to like green."
"You like the Easter Bunny too?"
Izuku rolled his eyes, "I liked All Might and I still do."
"I don't see how your costume looks anything like All Might," Dabi said, "You're a green Easter Bunny."
Izuku growled at him, "It's based off of All Might."
"Um.... ok I guess."
The three of them fell quiet until the movie was over. Tomura let go of Izuku's hand before Himiko could get in the car and see it. They drove back in silence and she fell asleep on the way home. Tomura had the biggest urge to grab Izuku's hand and hold it some more but he didn't. The very thought ate at him. The five of them returned to the apartment and Jin took Himiko to their temporary room for the night.
"So, no one recognized you?" Kurogiri asked.
Izuku smiled happily, "Nope!"
"Good. I shall return to the base. Did anyone else want to go?"
Dabi shook his head.
"Goodnight and if you need anything, call me."
The two men nodded and Izuku waved goodbye to the mist man.
"You should name yourself Broken Bones for a villain name," Dabi said, "That's all you know how to do."
"Ok Frankenstein's monster."
Tomura chuckled.
"Oh, someone has jokes now."
Tomura and Dabi decided to play Call of Duty together leaving Izuku between them watching. His mind continued to drift back to One for All and whether not he was going to be able to control it. He had no way of getting rid of it now or it's other quirks attached to it. He had asked Shouto numerous times how he was able to control two but then again he was born with his.
All Might has been trying his best but my Shoot Style is as far I get with the most power. The rest of those quirks are still all new to me since they pop up whenever they want. I just wish there was a way to train and get to the point of one hundred without hurting myself beyond repair. I can't avoid battle forever.
One day, I'm to face someone and they're not going to wait around for me to power up. They'll hurt people. Probably kill them. What will I do if it's one of my friends? What would I do if it was someone I loved-
"Um.... you ok there?"
Izuku snapped out of his thoughts to see both men were standing by the door to the outside.
"What? Why are you over there?"
"You had black things coming out of your body. It didn't really do anything but it caught me on the arm," Tomura said.
The color drained from Izuku's face. He looked down at his arms seeing the black blotches that were sometimes left behind from it.
"I'm sorry! I was thinking so hard and it comes out when I get upset."
He ran to his room and slammed the door leaving them stunned.
It was close to three in the morning when Tomura pushed open Izuku's door. He wanted to go back there earlier but Dabi had told him no. The weird thing was that black power ripped up his shirt but not his skin. It definitely was a weird one and it came along with his power from All Might. It seemed One for All wasn't any different than his Master.
Izuku was passed out without a shirt on and he had taken the sling off. His one hand laying on outside of the blanket looked slightly bruised up but he wasn't for sure since it was dark in the room. In a way, he was a lot like Tomura when he was a kid. He was afraid of his own quirk considering what it did to the people he loved.
Izuku Midoriya never seemed like the type to run from his problems but something changed about him. It was like he hit a wall and he was too afraid of climbing over it but from what was displayed in the living room, it was clear. He couldn't control everything that One for All had. Tomura had watched enough about All Might to know the man never displayed that kind of power.
He went into the room and closed the door shut softly. Tomura pulled off his ripped shirt and threw it down beside of the bed. He looked down at his own hands wondering what kind of pain the hero was feeling. If Izuku lost control even once, he could hurt someone and hurt himself. Tomura couldn't hurt himself with his own quirk though.
I wonder what he thinks about when he can't go out there and face anyone. It's probably why he wanted to go out. To feel normal and accepted. Maybe that's why he allows us to stay because he's just like us.
Tomura turned around when he felt the bed move. Izuku was still asleep but he a weird expression on his freckled face. He looked like it was going to be a sleepless night for him after all. He headed back out into the living room and opened the drawer the tape was in. He saw Dabi had fallen asleep on the couch with the remote on his chest and an empty beer bottle between his legs.
It's odd how comfortable everyone is here. I wonder how much longer this can last.
He walked back down the hallway after taping his hands. He would be the first to admit he didn't care if anyone else got caught but he loved the peacefulness he felt inside of Izuku's apartment. Even when he was being held hostage to make a cake, he made everything seem calm and normal. The hero treated him like they were best friends.
Now he was developing some kind of romantic attachment to him.
Tomura opened the door slowly again to see Izuku was asleep still but this time he was on his back and his hand was twitching. He had no idea why he felt compelled to slide in next to him and pull him closer. The villain touched his face and Izuku let out a contented sigh and scooted closer to him without opening his eyes. Tomura wrapped his arms around him with Midoriya's face in his shoulder.
Shigaraki ran his hand across Izuku's hurt shoulder feeling where the scaring was going to be. It was going to be like everything else on his body.... he was marked up from all the battles he had through the years at UA. It probably explained why he had no fear when Shigaraki touched him. The young man laying next to him feared nothing but himself.
I better fucking wake up before Dabi does tomorrow morning. Otherwise Izuku is going to wake up to a pile of dust in his hallway.
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