Chapter 1: The invasion


t's was 2065 AD, in the day of technology and science.

For unman Mars Pioneer, eagle-shape probe, it was not important. It still worked hard to explore outer space, exactly Red Planet, the Mar. In fact, its mission was classified, to discover mysterious specie's destruction, in solar system. Strangely, ancient monuments were the same as the remains of the Hong Bang dynasty* in Vietnam.

Today, its destination was Mars. It was the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury. In English, Mars carried a name of the Roman god of war, and was often referred to as the "Red Planet" because the reddish iron oxide prevalent on its surface gave it a reddish appearance that was distinctive among the astronomical bodies visible to the naked eye.*

Today, it was rare day that there's not any dust storm. Basely, Mars has the largest dust storms in the Solar System. These could vary from a storm over a small area, to gigantic storms that covered the entire planet. They tended to occur when Mars was closest to the Sun, and had been shown to increase the global temperature.

However, it was not lucky for humankind because it became a catastrophe coming.

Suddenly, on red planet's sky which was as red as strawberry juice, lightings flashed continuously as nature was trying to warn human being of a danger. Next, a long crack appeared on the sky as a beautiful silk was torn in two by a man with the bark on. If people looked closely, there would be seemly two giant creature strongly tearing the sky in two. After, crack on the sky began to expand. Besides, the probe could see clearly that inside cranny, there was dark space which was ready to cover the world.

Far away from there, in Moon Base, Alisa, not only a pretty girl with long black hair, tall body and full lips but also a talent scientist, saw everything, Thanks to Mars Pioneer. However, it just started. Few minutes later, Alisa's shocked as she watched huge space ships, and smaller ones, came out and she easily realized that they did not belong to any nation or organization on the Earth. The big ship was like huge dish, slowly moved. They were not similar to any human ship. Clearly, it didn't belong to human being. Different from most people, Alisa knew that mankind was not alone in this universe and she sometime contacted to alien. However, this ones were too big. She did not know to tell anyone how big it was. Nevertheless, she knew that there was some important thing to do right now.

Alisa, immediately tap the screen. Then, she got close to it and said:

"This is an emergency. This Alisa Wright from Moon Space can you put me brought to Secretary of Defense John Martin?"

"He was busy right now. Can you leave a message?" a voice resounded facetiously and familiarly

"Don't pretend, I'm not kidding, Robert. I need you to put me brought to Secretary of Defense, now. There is huge alien ship on Mars. I'll send you image."

Then, she suddenly shouted:

"Oh my god, they was on the moon, now."

"Stay calm, Alisa, I have sent your message. I'll be right there"

As she recognized that an alien fleet was now flying above the Moon Base. That's too late. All communications are terminated. However, there were too many top-secret documents things in this place. Things could influence on the fortunes of the world

Few minutes later, these are the evacuation orders. However, Alisa was still there. Suddenly, she heard familiar voice, again.

"Alisa. What the hell are you doing? Get out here, now."

"Robert, you're here".

Because all communications were terminated, it meant that he was close to here. He threw caution to the wind in order to see her.

As a matter of fact, Robert was Alisa's boyfriend but there spent too less time on talking, travelling, especially, dating. However, when Alisa's life was at risk, he ventured to go to there so as to look for her. Nevertheless, they did not have time chance to waste. Though Robert was not only excellent pilot but also good agent, he's no match for alien fleet. Although Alisa keep a high position, she's not good at fighting.

Suddenly, inside bridge, a voice resounded.

"Attention. Base's servers were compromised by unidentified virus"

"Indeed, they are" Alisa said herself.

Enemy hacked them and stole the card credit databases they found there.

Here's why. In fact, though Alisa had ordered the evacuation of peoples, she had to be here because classified documents were so important that it could not belong the enemy. As she made her choice, a familiar voice resounded, again:

"Alisa, you're alright?"

On screen, Alisa saw African American talking to her nervously like first time they had met. Right now, she just wanted to meet him directly once again

Though they were out of sight out of mind and in danger, Alisa really wanted to see Robert. In other hand, Robert really to stay together with her although it's kiss of death

However, she had no chance to meet to say to the man she loved.

"Please hear me out, Robert. I have sent you the classified information. All the way, you must not let it fall into the hand of enemy. Promise?"

Then, she said as she transferred data to Robert:

"I loved you"

Afterward, Alisa completely lose contract with her love. All communications are really terminated.

Meanwhile, David, an officer on moon Base, was helping with the evacuation and went to the bridge. Before him, at a little distance, reclined a very tall, musclar and very buff man, with a wide, pulpy face, and a friendly expression. His large head was very grey and

However, he had no memory. Sometime, he saw a mysterious girl, a princess in a dream whom he had never met. His name was name by people who found him

"Alisa, catch me up, please" David asked as he went inside the bridge.

"Things are getting pretty tense." Alisa's still focusing on screen as she answer. Then, she said

"It's done. We must leave here immediately."

However, there was only one ship.

"There was only one ship which has one sear, as you know. Go Alisa. Find Robert."

As David said that, his body suddenly glow like defense mechanism.

"David. Who are you?" Alisa wondered

"Up to now, I have had no idea" David said. Then, he said

"Don't worry. I don't die that easy"

As Lisa left, David got close to the screen. Someone was still trying to hack top secret document. His gut told him that he needed to be here in order to stop enemy's plan. The only way was to destroy whole server.

Suddenly, the image rises in one's mind. It remind him an old man, he had met on moon, told him about a secret society protecting human being and control lase canon. If that old man was right there's hope. Ironically, he had no idea who he was. Though he was the same as young man, he had s lived for very long time. Few hours ago, he talked to a man telling strange story and now, he was facing to face huge ship.

As David was still in bridge, Alisa came onboard. Her ship, the same as others was dolphin-ship. Its wing was electric fan-shape. The ship's coat of paint was as white as milk. As it was taking off, unexpectedly the space collapse on the top of her. Next, firelight was all around. As she going to die, she tried to speak her last world

"I love you Robert"

In fact, alien ship had shot deadly beam at the base, left nothing but destruction.


Five minute before the destruction of Moon Base

Outside, the ship hid the Earth, wrapped the sky. It was suspending above the Moon Base as a tiger's stalking the prey.

In fact, base mounted an antenna-shaped laser cannon satellite to fight against enemy. However, it was too weak. Nevertheless, it continuously fired beams into the enemy as muskets tried to shoot a tank to play for time in order for people to evacuee.

In the cockpit, Robert recognized that all communications are really terminated. Therefore, he tried to get into communication with his acquaintance who was Secretary of Defense John Martin, as well. In fact, there were ten ship, along with his one, ready to fight, under command of him because he's an excellent pilot and his rank was highest. Though alien was too powerful, more people was ready to battle against them for their relative, friend and family, on the Earth. However, they're still being overwhelming. So, he need reinforcement.

"This is F-1 to Base. The enemy moves against us. I need backup. By the way, I want you get me Mr. Secretary of Defense on the line, now." Robert tried in order to reach out to Secretary of Defense.

Then, a voice resounded.

"Base to F-1. Do not engage! Repeat, do not engage! Escort non-military ships. I, Secretary of Defense, am giving you a direct order, especially you, Robert"

"But, sir..."

"Fight here, you'll lose. Hear me out, please. You must retreat to keep your strength intact. We need a plan of campaign. Understood? "

Honestly, a few ships fought against a huge ship as knight fought again machine gun.

Afterward, a big laser beam shot at moon base, destroyed one of first human being's settlements. Next, everything exploded. A lot of smoke came out from it, wrapped the black sky and bare ground on the moon. Finally, it left nothing but devastation.

In the cockpit, Robert gave a cry, hopelessly:


Then, he was going to risk his neck to revenge, on the screen, it gave him a message:

"If you receive this message, I'm death. Please don't be stupid and tap the screen"

As Robert tabbed screen, Alisa voice resounded most earnestly. After, there were tears on his faces.

"Robert, I can't escape. I think I have enough time to escape but it's too late. Base is collapsing. As you know, I love you so much. Besides, please protected this folder. It's very important thing. Moreover, please stay calm and try to stay cheerful. Love you"

In fact, Alisa had enough time. However, she could not let top secret document fall into hand of alien. Whatever happened, Robert was still pilot, an excellent pilot, an agent, a soldier. He could not waste his life on nonsense action. Nothing he could do now. Nevertheless, he could be back to Earth in order to revenge as secretary had said.

In addition, war between human and Zacktonian Empire had started, began a fresh chapter in history.


Meanwhile, on the Earth, in White House, President Mark Richard was walking on green glass, together with his bodyguards who were the best in the world. When seen from apar, he was a slim middle-age man. His face was oval face with straight rose. His whiskers, which he wore only around his face, like a frame, were grey, as well. To be honest, he was interested in being protected by too many guards but he had no choice, because he's President. Now, he's looking forward to the result of the greatest discovery in human's history, the truth about Ancient Species which used be very mighty in the whole universe.

Abruptly, an agent got close to the president. He whispered to him. All at once, it made him shocked. Then, he immediately got to his helicopter to go to Pentagon. Few minutes later, it was close to Pentagon.

From high above, Pentagon was like a white donut on the green mats.

Outside, Secretary of Defense John Martin's waiting for him. As he got off the plane,

Mr. President asked Defense Minister seriously.

"Could you tell me what is going on?"

"Mr. President, I has received report, few minutes ago and as I know, Moon base was lost. Fortunately, we have evacuated everyone from there Moreover, we still had Laser Satellite Defense System in orbit."

"What about our casualties?"

"Two, three casualties max, Sir. Besides, classified document was safe"

After, President Richard and Secretary went inside the room where generals are meeting. Everyone was serious, bathed in perspiration. In order to relax, Secretary of Defense reported to the President.

"Mr. President, in next minutes, Thanks to our defense system, our enemy will meet suffers a repulse."

So, Mr. Secretary said as President watched with concentration to the screen.

Meanwhile, in orbit, twenty armed satellite were in fighting trim. As a matter of fact, they were no match for one of most powerful army in this universe. Therefore, their effort to check enemy's advance was impossible. While human weapons took more time to charge full power in order to fire, Invader ship was continuously shooting deadly beams at them. All broke into pieces and went off like huge firework. Their pieces which were demonstrations of technology's themes, few minutes ago, now were drifting in space like garbage.

In Pentagon, President Richard's lost in meditation. After, he talked to Secretary.

"Plan B. Here we go. Put it on the wire to the leaders of the world, now"

As a matter of that, "Plan B" was a plan of campaign as conflict between human and alien, super natural species... escalated rapidly into a full-scale war. To be honest, this was now not only more than about just United States of America but also a problem for all humans. Moreover, when world leaders got report of huge ship entering Earth's atmosphere. Armed forces on a world scale were ready to fight.

Few minutes later, Joint Chiefs of Staff was found to plan the battle.

In the meantime, giant spacecraft entered earth's atmosphere and landed on South Pacific like a small asteroid impact. Though the collision was not strong enough to destroy the whole planet because spaceship's owner did not want to be in the face of Precious Object of World's defense mechanism, it still took a heavy toll.

Right after the ship landed on the Earth, it set off super huge tsunami. The tsunami headed for most of Pacific coastal city on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, such as California, Los Angeles, Sydney, Tokyo... In the sequel, although governments did all that lies in their power, millions of human lives were lost. The tsunamis swallowed up cities like meat-eating animals. In there, death bodies which seemly looked at sky with scared face, floated on vast water.

In pentagon, President Richard was shocked as I watched video coming live by satellite. Now, ironically, his daughter was in Los Angeles where tsunami just headed, too. Though he had sent the best task force and rescue party on the off chance of finding her, he still felt worry. As a father, he personally wanted to save his daughter. However, as president of United States, position of real responsibility, he must be here, in Pentagon. As a leader, he would never let human be defeated. Even though alien was very strong, it did not mean earth would lose

Stayed close to President Secretary of Defense John Martin, seemly wanted to talk something. However, he just stayed quite.

Next, President finally got the world out, after having taken a deep breath,

"How's it going up there?"

"Sir, world leaders, especially Vietnam, Japan, Russia, China sent their troop to war, few hours ago when we keep information about the war situation, despite suffering heavy losses"

Then, Secretary presented the plan of campaign, together general in different countries, online.

At the same time, in Pacific Ocean, Coalition forces was gathering. In the sky, carrier-class warship, the same as air carrier in twenty and twenty one century but flew overhead, instead of swimming at sea. Now, they were getting ready to fly on. Next, ships on them took off, flew towards the enemy.

As the matter of fact, the objective of the attack was worst nightmare. In the middle of the ocean, enemy's spaceship was wrapped in huge cloud which was hundreds of kilometers diameter. In fact, they were thousands of butterfly-shape spacecrafts which was as yellow as a desert. Besides, every ships had four black wings, a blue eyes. Especially, there was something like big giant laser machine gun mounted in the hull. Moreover, all was five time as big as a tank. Actually, they were technologically outmatched in every way.

In the cockpit, Robert got the better view. An hour ago, as Coalition Force gathered, he went to war, as well. Frank, he had cold feet but he had nothing to lose. So, he did not shrink from sacrifices

Meanwhile, in Washington, liaison officer reported back on course to Secretary of Defense. After, Secretary looked at Mr. President. Finally, President Mark Richard called an attack:

"Open fire."

In other place, world leaders gave the order to attack, as well.

As all of them gave a command, fierce battle started. First, alien's troops fired countless lasers. Coalition Force fired lasers beam and rockets, too. As every laser beam was shot and there was an explosion, one life ended. In there, the sky was ripped like the strip of fire above by deadly beam

From high above, Zacktonian ships were gathering as water is flowing down a gliding plane. After, they, step by step surrounded Coalition Force like a beast of ravin. As a result, human, little by little, lost more than seventy percent of spacecraft that they had. However, they did not have died in vain. A few spaceships got past the machine's defenses, including Robert.

In the cockpit, Robert said calmly:

" Locked on. Stand by to launch. We got to do something!"

In fact, these ships were armed with nuclear missile. Especially, Robert was anounced plan as his ship plan on Washinton. For all practical purposes, if enemy could destroy Moon Base and armed satellite, they would interceptor as it's a piece of cake. However, if there was a ship getting close enough to launch missle, that would be another story. So, remaining spacecraft was just a decoy in order to let Robert to launch nuclear missile.

"F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, you're cleared hot" On the other line, order was issued.

Then, they, in succession, fired missiles. Rockets flew towards the huge ship. Afterward, there was a terrible explosion which was so sizable that ships were knocked off like small rocks.

When seen from afar, people saw the mushroom cloud, together with super terrible heat and power swallowing everything like huge lion. In fact, these nuclear missle was dozens of time as strong as old atomic bombs like H bomb built by Soviet Union.

Nevertheless, Zacktonian ship was still safe and sound because of Deus Shield, state-of-the-art technology, the best defense in the universe. It not only protected the ship but also enclosed the explosion. Therefore, Plan B came to a flop.

In Pentagon, in the cockpit, everywhere, they were struck dumb with fear and surprise as they saw what happened.

After, Coalition Force's ship was vanished, one by one as a prey was stretched and dismembered by hunting dog. Luckily, Robert, along with more pilot, escaped shamefully as their comrades were shut down. Basely, everything was doom.

Now, in Pentagon, President Mark Rischard was standing like a statue. Then, voice of an officer resounded making everything worse.

"Sir, they were preparing to attack"

"Where" President tried to keep his composure and asked

"Sir, they're making attack on Beijing, London, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Sydney... With all due respect, sir, everything on a world scale will be their attack. Basely, they make an attack on all of the planet Earth." Officer was bathed in perspiration, said scarily.

Meanwhile, innumerous ships flew towards East Coast of North America, South America, officer said, like plague of locusts in face of helpless humanity.


Thousands of kilometers from battlefield, in Ha Noi, Vietnam capital, was put on war footing. As News, countless alien ships were now attacking Vietnam and American.

Especially, in here, Chim Lac**, a secret society was getting ready to move.


*Hong Bang dynasty was a period in history spanning from the political union in 2879 BC of many tribes of the northern to the conquest by in 258 BC

** Chim Lac: Vietnam's imaginary bird.

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