Alright, so it's been a while, but i'm back thanks to some inspiration from season 2 of Demon Slayer recently ending. Look, i'm sorry for being away from this story for a year+, but I had bigger things to worry about. But i'm back now, it's all good, right? Wait, what's the gun fo-*BANG*..... Anyways, there's going to be a few changes from here on out, the biggest being that the story will no longer be told in 1st person, but in 3rd person. It's just easier that way for me to show everyone's inner emotions and thoughts and not just Setsuna's. There's more changes, but i'm sure you'll notice them as you read. If you have any questions about anything, just leave me a direct message or a comment, and i'll try to reply A.S.A.P! Anyways, let's, finally, get back into the story! Enjoy!
"How long has it been since I was put to sleep by that demon....? Has it been minutes? Hours? Days? Am I even alive right now? I'm unsure of it all. What I do know is if I am somehow still alive, I will not only slay that demon, but behead the doctor who has willingly chosen to assist the monster." These are the thoughts that ran through Setsuna's mind as she finally began to wake from her forced slumber.
Her eyes fluttered open and her vision began to clear, and soon she saw she was in fact alive, but her situation wasn't really any better than it was before. She was in a dimly lit room, with nothing but sunlight giving her any way to see around her. The room itself she was in was empty, besides for a few things. In the farthest corner from her were her Nichirin, her Japanese Wolf mask, and her snapped blade given to her by Torako. Next to Setsuna on either side were the two twin girls who were taken the previous night. Each of them were tied to chairs by their ankles and wrists to the arms and legs of the chairs they sat in, as well as gagged so they couldn't scream for help in their captivity. Setsuna found it was no different for her, testing her binds but finding them keeping firm and near impossible to slip out of.
'Well, at least things can't get much worse than this. And thank goodness these twins are alive too. Just need to find a way out of here before that doc-' Setsuna thought to herself, but was cut off once the doctor came into the room.
"Well, at least one of you is awake now. And the important one, thankfully." The doctor said in a cocky tone as he walked up to Setsuna and removed her gag to allow her to speak.
"Why am I still alive, you bastard? And why are you, a doctor of all people, assisting a demon?" Setsuna asked him with venom in her voice as the doctor held her chin and chuckled in her face.
"Actually, you shouldn't even be alive right now. The only reason you or these twins are is because, right after you were put out, the sun began to rise. Wouldn't want to risk my brother disintegrating during his meal, would I?" The doctor explained as Setsuna was surprised to hear what the doctor had just told her.
"That demon is your brother? Even if he is family, why help him? He's only living to kill innocent people, and you're okay with that? My god, you're no more of a monster than he is." Setsuna said as the doctor suddenly delivered a hard slap to her face.
"Silence, child! I would do anything for my older brother, even if he is now a demon! He is the only family I have left! And if it means taking the lives of others in order to keep his safe, then so be it. Even if you are a demon slayer, you will meet the same end as the people who came before you in just a few hours." The doctor told her as Setsuna tested the rope at her wrists again.
"A doctor is a person who vows to never take a life, right? How can you stand to call yourself a man of medicine if you don't even stand by your own code?" Setsuna questioned him as the doctor simply laughed at her.
"It's called survival, deary. The world is gonna one day be overrun by the demons. My brother already fell to this fate, having become one himself. However, with him being one, so long as I give him my assistance, he protects me, ensures that at least I will keep my humanity. And that's something I treasure just as much as him. Something I put before the lives of others. You're no different, girl. And i'm going to enjoy hearing you scream as my brother consumes you." The doctor told her as he brought his head close to Setsuna's to increase intimidation. But Setsuna was unfazed, and instead she reeled back her head and thrusted it forward, headbutting the doctor hard, to the point where he fell over backwards, landing on his butt.
"Ow.... next time, maybe I should just bite him...." Setsuna said, her head in a bit of pain from striking the doctor. But now was no time to hesitate. Thanks to some escape training taught to her by Torako, Setsuna knew how to get out of her predicament. She quickly snapped both of her hands quickly, breaking her wrists. Both of her hands went limp, and it made it easier for Setsuna to slip her hands free from the rope. She then snapped her hands back into place, with some grunts from the pain she felt from them. She quickly undid the knots tying her legs to the chair before the doctor could recover, and before he knew it, she was free.
"You damn, bitch!" The doctor said as he pulled out a scalpel from one of his pockets. Setsuna responded by taking a ready stance, as her hands were just as deadly as her sword skills.
"Come at me, if you dare. But know that the tiny weapon you're shakily holding in your hand now will be gone in just a few moments." Setsuna threatened as the doctor took a step back in a haze of fear.
'Why am I so afraid of this girl? Why does she have this.... cloud of rage over her? I know she's a demon slayer, but.... she's only a little girl! I know exactly how to deal with you!' The doctor thought as he quickly dropped his scalpel and ran away into another room. Setsuna could've given chase, but instead she chose to focus on her priorities, which was saving the twins here were abducted along with her. Setsuna dipped her hands into a bowl of water that was in the room, and began to touch the faces of the twins, making them wake from her cold touch.
"Listen, i'm here to save you two. I'm going to untie you, then I want you to escape through that window over there...." Setsuna explained, pointing to the window she was referring to. The two twins gave her nods as they were truly terrified from being kidnapped. Setsuna began to untie the first with haste. "And once you two are free, go back to your home. The sun's still out, so the demon won't be able to chase you. But the doctor here, he can. Go to where you can defend yourself, now!" Setsuna explained as she then finished untying the second twin and watched them both flee the building.
"I'm going to make you suffer for making my dinner run away from me..." A venomous voice spoke as Setsuna shot around to see the demon from the previous night standing in the doorway to the room. The doctor stood behind him, a wicked grin on his face.
"I let my brother out from his cage so he could have an early feeding! And now, since you've allowed a good chunk of his food source slip away, he's going to make sure your death is as painful as possible. Brother, have fun with this girl, but do remember to stay out of the sunlight." The doctor spoke as he closed and locked the door behind his demon brother.
'I could also escape through the window, and that'd ensure this demon won't follow me..... but i'd be leaving my Nichirin behind. If only i'd grabbed it first before letting those twins go..... No, that was the right thing to do, getting them to safety. I'll just have to figure out a way around this demon so I can retrieve my gear. I still have forms 1-4, so maybe I won't need my Nichirin to slay this beast after all....?' Setsuna thought as the demon suddenly lunged at her, baring its razor sharp claws.
"I'll devour your heart!" The demon roared as Setsuna took in a deep breath and began to wave her arms around in a figure-8 formation.
"Chilling Breath.... Second Form.... Chilling Snake Sting!" Setsuna echoed as she thrusted her right hand forward, striking the forhead of the demon before it could jab into her with its claws. Thanks to the special metal within her gloves she wore, plus the force of her technique, she blew a hole through the demon's head and launched it backwards. The demon struck the door the doctor had just closed, and actually knocked it down. The demon laid there, motionless, but its head wound slowly closing up. After all, unless its head is severed from the neck, this demon will not die. However, the doctor was still present and was speechless to see his demonic brother be blown away so effortlessly. "You caught me off guard last night. That is the one and only reason why you were able to subdue me. I will not allow that to happen a second time."
Setsuna then casually walked over to her gear, first placing her sword from Toriko on her back. Then, she took her white-bladed serrated Nichirin and unsheathed it. And finally, she took the Japanese wolf mask from Torako and place it over her face, installing even more fear into the doctor, as if he was staring at a rabid animal sent to kill him.
"Brother, please, you must get up! Show this girl what you're truly capable of! Just get a drop of her blood and do what you did last night, take control of her and slit her throat!" The doctor begged as his demon brother began to stand back up. The hole in his head was pretty much gone now, as the last bits were closing up.
"It would be easier if you would help me, you coward." The demon replied as he picked up the scalpel and handed it to the doctor. "It seems this girl is quick enough to handle me on my own. But perhaps, when there's two enemies to worry about, she will crumble away...."
"Such foolish words.... they will be the last you ever speak." Setsuna spoke, taking another ready stance as she prepared to use another one of her styles.
"Get her, now!" The doctor shouted as he and the demon charged at Setsuna, both coming at her from different angles.
"Both of you couldn't be stupider." Setsuna told them both as she quickly spun around, swinging her sword at the same time as she made cut away some curtains in the room. With them gone, it allowed sunlight to enter the room and strike the demon. It halted its attack as its skin began to bubble and break apart slowly.
"No, broth-" The doctor cried out, however, before he could go to assist his demon brother, Setsuna reversed her blade and impaled the doctor through his gut.
"A person like you does not deserve mercy." Setsuna spoke to him as she removed and her, sheathed it, then watched as the doctor fell to the floor next to his disintegrating demonic brother.
"Brother.... please.... don't die....." The doctor begged as his brother was nearly gone. All that remained was half of the demons face, along with his right shoulder and arm.
"I cannot.... move... in the sun..... it's too strong.... I'm finished..... but you..... you can continue..... my brother...." The demon said as it reached inside itself, then yanked its hand back out, revealing some of its own blood now on its hand. The demon them rammed its bloody hand down the doctors mouth just as the rest of him turned to dust.
"This is punishment for all of the lives you've chosen to take, doctor. Losing your brother, that is the pain that I share to you, as how I lost my family to demons, you lose yours to me. And now, it is your turn...." Setsuna said, unsheathing her Nichirin again to finish the job. But the doctor rolled away from her and into the shadows of the next room.
"No.... I won't be killed by you.... my brother.... his dying act was to ensure I live.... even if I hate what he has done, I shall cherish this gift he has placed upon me!" The doctor roared as Setsuna could see, from within the shadows, the doctor was standing up. His body was changing, becoming more muscular and bloodthirsty. His eyes sharpened and became a deep yellow, his teeth became fangs, and his nails became claws. He'd been turned into a demon by his brother.
"You can cherish your gift in the afterlife. In mere moments, I shall reunite you with your slain brother." Setsuna said, taking in a deep breath in anticipation for the doctor to attack her. The doctor himself stepped into the doorway of the room Setsuna was in, being weary not to step into the sunlight beaming into the room.
"As my brother said before you unceremoniously decapitated him, I shall eat-*SHLING!*-your..... Heart....." The doctor said as the sudden sound of a sword swing broke Setsuna's focus. She was not the one to swing her blade, and yet, she watched as the doctor's head slid off from his neck and fell to the floor.
"I was not the one to land that finishing blow. This was the work of another." Setsuna said as the doctor's head and body turned to dust, allowing Setsuna to see someone else standing in the darkness behind where the doctor had previously stood. "I know you're there. Reveal yourself, or you leave me no choice but to use force."
"Your moves were impressive, being able to both incapacitate and slay the demon, as well as halt that doctor from causing any further harm to you or those twins. And with no damage to nearby structures, i'd say you deserve a 10/10 on this mission of yours." A male voice spoke as the person walked out of the shadows. He looked no older then Setsuna, with the two, at most, being a year apart or so. He was tall, over 6ft in height. He had curly brown hair in a ponytail style, bright blue eyes, and freckles all over his face. He wore the traditional demon slayer uniform, but he left the upper shirt open to reveal his chest and muscles. Overtop his uniform, he wore a bright blue kimono with flames printed along the bottom edges of it. On the back of it was the symbol of the destroyer, a symbol often seen with high ranking demon slayers. And as he sheathed his Nichirin, Setsuna could see the Black Gold colouring of his blade, as well as a chain that dangled from the tip of the hilt. It shimmered in the sunlight.
"I wouldn't say I was successful at all. After all, I was captured. I could've been killed at any moment. If anything, I failed my mission. I was only lucky to have made it here." Setsuna replied, sheathing her own blade and sliding her mask over to the right side of her head.
"That's true, but because of your luck, you were not only able to slay the demon terrorizing this town, but also save those two twins without so much as a scratch being put on them. And no need to worry, I guided them home after you helped them flee from here." The boy explained with a gracious smile as Setsuna's curiosity only grew.
"You were watching me? Explain yourself." She demanded to know as the boy only laughed.
"I will, but first, I believe introductions are in order. I am Kendoka Kusabimaru, rank: Kinoe." The boy explained as Setsuna's eyes went wide for a moment.
"A Kinoe? That's the highest rank in the corps., right?" She questioned as Kendoka gave her a nod.
"That is correct. I have been a slayer for a little over a year now, and I have risen to the highest possible rank I can achieve on my own. But that is not why I am here. The first reason as to why I am here is because my master ordered me to find any and all female demon slayers within the area. My search eventually brought me here, where I heard you had come to slay a pesky demon. Furthermore, my master informed me to find a female demon slayer with exceptional skills, someone capable of holding their own. That is why I chose to observe you for the most part, so I could see what you could really do." Kendoka explained as Setsuna only grew more curious.
"And what exactly do you need me for, anyways?" She replied.
"My master requires you for a mission in one of the nearby Entertainment Districts. From what I have seen, you will certainly please him. However, the time draws near for this mission to begin, so I unfortunately am unable to search for anymore female demon slayers. Won't you please accompany me on this mission to assist my master?" Kendoka kindly asked as he bowed before Setsuna.
"This master of yours, by the sounds of things, he may be desparate. Very well, I shall join you, Kendoka. You may call me, Setsuna Ookami." Setsuna spoke as the two shook hands.
Kendoka informed her of more details about their mission as Setsuna wrapped up her work in the village. No longer would people go missing in the night, as the ones behind the disappearances had been brought to the light and dealt with. The people thanked their heroine, even offering her a reward; but Setsuna declined, only accepting their gratitude as her one and only reward before she and Kendoka left the village.
"So who exactly is this master of yours? As a Kinoe, I wouldn't really expect you to have a master anyways." Setsuna questioned as Kendoka chuckled a bit.
"Yes, it may seem odd at first glance. For you see, there is actually one more rank above Kinoe that can be acquired, but it can only be acquired through the training and acceptance under a master. The ten ranks leading up to a Kinoe are all meant to be earned on your own, where as the true final rank, it is the test of all you have learned through each rank until that point. My master holds the title of "Hashira," an elite warrior of the demon slayer corps. and one of the pillars who stands against the demon king." Kendoka explained as Setsuna only grew a confused look on her face.
"Hold on, this is a lot for me to take in. Why wasn't I told of this elite rank when I passed final selection?" She asked.
"Probably because you weren't expected to survive long enough to learn about it." Kendoka chimed as Setsuna's jaw might as well have dropped.
"Gee, thanks for the support, jerk! I thought you were a nice guy, but that comment hurt like hell! I hope your master is a better guy than you!" Setsuna complained, yelling in Kendoka's ear, despite the boy seeming unfazed by all the noise.
"Lord Tengen Uzui is the most incredible man I have ever witnessed. His skill in battle, it is unrivaled. His perception of sound, he can use it to hear things miles away. He can even hear the song of a blade, and use that to form strategies mid-battle to overcome any opponent. He is a true hero." Kendoka told her as Setsuna just rolled her eyes.
"We'll find out when I meet the guy. So why has he become your master?" She asked him.
"When a demon slayer finally reaches the rank of Kinoe, or slays 50 demons, a Hishira can take them on as their apprentice. Then, when that Hashira steps down or is killed, that apprentice becomes their successor, and becomes the new Hashira. I am Lord Uzui's apprentice." Kendoka spoke as that reminded Setsuna of her time with her own master.
'So it's similar to how things went with Torako. She was my master, I trained under her, and then, when I defeated her, I became the new master of the Chilling Breath style.' Setsuna thought as the two were coming up on a village.
"Lord Uzui is a Shinobi, and hails from a village where ninja such as himself are crafted. Although, many events have passed, and now he is the villages only occupant. This is where he is meeting us." Kendoka told Setsuna as they wandered through the village. Homes were ransacked, and graves were everywhere. It was a sad sight to see.
"And your timing is perfect as always, Kendoka. I'd expect nothing less from my flashy apprentice." A new person spoke as Setsuna and Kendoka turned around to see a man sitting on a tree branch above them. Only, Setsuna knew he wasn't there moments ago. How quiet and fast was this guy?
"Master Uzui, although my search came up shorter than hoped, I was still able to find one female demon slayer who will certainly suffice your needs for this mission." Kendoka said as Uzui dropped down and marched over to Setsuna to inspect her. Uzui himself was huge, standing well over 6'6" in height with massive muscles. He wore the standard demon slayer uniform, but sleeveless and more of a dark turquoise colour. On his arms, he wore two gold bands, and his hands, each had on blue fingerless gloves. He had white-head wrap over his hair, with nothing but a white ponytail sticking from at the back of his head. And, over his forehead, he wore a headband adorned with several pinkish gemstones, 3 large and 3 small. And finally, strapped t his back were his two Nichirin blades, both attached to one another by a chain at their hilts, and each wrapped in cloth.
"Your eyes.... I can hear the song they're singing. You may be new to the corps., but I can tell, even before becoming a demon slayer, that you have been through quite a lot already, haven't you?" Uzui said to Setsuna as he finished examining her.
"It seems Kendoka was correct about you then, if you could tell all that by listening. Yes, I have been through so much in my life, and most of it very recently. My family was slaughtered by the demons, and my master took me in, trained me in her fighting style, and now, to avenge my family and uphold my masters honor, I joined the demon slayer corps. in hopes that I can put an end to this living nightmare." Setsuna replied as Uzui gave her a pat on the head.
"You remind me of my wives. I like you. You'll do just fine for this mission. And speaking of the mission, our 4th and final should be arriving momentarily. I can hear his footsteps now." Uzui said as he turned around and gazed upon a tree line. But Setsuna's thoughts were more focused on something else at the moment.
'WAIT, HOLD UP, DID HE SAY "WIVES?"' She thought, making her think this Hashira was a bit crazy. Now, a man in her home village also had more than one wife, but that was only to show as a coalition between several villages. Setsuna was sure someone like Uzui had multiple wives for more personal reasons....
"Apologies for keeping you all waiting. You attempting to persuade my master was not going so well. I'm shocked he even allowed my permission to assist you." This new person spoke as he came out of the trees. He stood about 6ft in height, had curly dark brown hair tied into a ponytail, with the rest of his hair drooping over his right eye. He wore a green kimono with violet clouds all over it, along with dark green haori. He too had a Nichirin by his side, with a purple hilt to match his clothes. He also had a ninja mask over his lower face. "I am Shinji Masanoka. It is an honor to meet your acquaintance."
"Pleasure to meet you as well, Shinji. I am Setsuna Ookami." Setsuna replied as the two shook hands.
"This other flashy fellow here is a Kinoe, just like Kendoka. He's actually a Hashira in training too, just like him, only his master is the Snake Hashira, Obanai Iguro. You may be of much lower rank than all three of us, but I expect no less of effort from you, Setsuna, you got that? No matter what rank you currently stand as, you must devote your full capabilities to this mission. Be as flashy as myself, the very God of Festivals, the God of Flashiness himself! Don't be brittle trash that gets blown away in the wind!" Uzui spoke to Setsuna as her confusion more so turned to her being a bit creeped out now.
"God of fesitvals? Flashiness? Terrific, you're just as much a weirdo as Kendoka here....." She said, shaking her head and sighing.
"This is why i'm partially glad Lord Tengen didn't accept me as his apprentice." Shinji added in.
"That's because you're not very flashy, maybe some dim sparkles is all you can do. You are indeed trash." Uzui told him as Shinji dropped to his knees and punched the ground.
"DAMN IT!!!" Shinji roared in a fury.
"Master, night is approaching. I think it would be best if we head off." Kendoka suggested as Uzui agreed.
"Very well. Everyone, we're potentially going into an incredibly dangerous situation. One which I cannot guarantee any of us survive. I'll explain everything once we arrive, but for now, let us make haste to the Entertainment District!" Uzui chimed as he and Kendoka took off, with Setsuna and Shinji trying to catch up behind them.
This mission will prove to be far greater, and tougher than the one Setsuna had just completed though. For all of them, they are unaware of what enemy lies before them in the heart of the Entertainment District.
Special thanks to @Det3rmined_Writ3r for creating Kendoka, he's sure to be a great character in the times to come!
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