Let's Find Them

-Sunset Shimmer POV-

We all went back to our tents so me and Rainbow were able to talk. “Why did you want to show us that last one?”

“If I’m being honest, I had to quickly decide something to show you. But in a way, you could learn that I’m fine, learning to deal with my loves loss, and waiting for his return.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s almost like.” then she began to sing, music coming from nowhere.

“Do you ever lie
Awake at night

Just between the dark

And the morning light

Searching for the things
You used to know

Looking for the place

Where the lost things go”

    She glanced at the door for a split second of the tent, but her singing didn’t miss a beat.

“Do you ever dream
Or reminisce

Wondering where to find

What you truly miss

Well maybe all those things
That you love so

Are waiting in the place

Where the lost things go”

    She sat by me on my bed continuing to sing.

"Memories you’ve shared
Gone for good you feared

They’re all around you still

Though they’ve, disappeared

Nothings really left
Or lost without a trace

Nothings gone forever
Only, out of place.

So maybe now the dish
And my best spoon

Are playing hide and seek

Just behind the moon

Waiting there until
It’s time to show

Spring is like that now

Far beneath the snow

Hiding in the place where the lost things go."

I smiled, “I never knew you could get like this Rainbow.”

She smiled back, “Well it’s high time that we get to bed, don’t you think?” She said laying me down and pulling up the covers.

“Time to close your eyes
So sleep can come around

For when you dream you find

All that’s lost is found.”

 She stepped away continuing to sing.

“Maybe on the moon
Maybe somewhere new”

She turned to the door and began to walk towards it.

“Maybe all you’re missing lives inside of you”

Now it was as if she was singing to someone outside the tent as I slowly fell asleep.

“So when you their touch
Or loving gaise

Gone but not forgotten

Is the perfect phrase 

Smiling from a star
That they make glow

Trust they’re always there

Watching as you grow

Find them in the place where the lost things go"

I feel asleep as she got into bed.

The next day, we went back home. Soarin told us that he had security at his house and his Cousin, _____, shared a room with him so he should be fine. Rainbow still seemed nervous till he mentioned sharing a room, but I could tell she was still concerned. 

Rainbow told us that she’d go to the room to switch out books with her supper speed when needed as Twilight began to translate the books that had to title. I had a feeling it was her journals and wondered what would be written in it. Also, I was glad that she was fine with us reading her journals.

We compared what we found in each of the books and found some new information, such as how the worshiping ceremonies and prayer went, how a bunch of prayers were answered, and even trials that Eabah and her siblings put people though and how it helped them grow.

One of us was always with Soarin, either us or Flash. At night he was with his family. We felt safe with that system and I knew with the actual creator of life on our side, the chances of us losing are very slim.

We were at Rainbows house with Soarin and Flash. The two boys got really close since Camp Everfree so we decided to tell him what we’ve been doing. He was more then willing to help protect Soarin and even started doing his own Eabah research. We were discussing it right now.

“So, I found in this book of profesys that said that ‘17 years after Felix is reborn, Lucifer will find a way to escape from the prison that Eabah trapped him in.’ He won’t know that he is Felix though.”

“So that must mean that Felix is back!” Rainbow said excited earning strange looks. luckily, it was shaken of.

Applejack spoke up. “So if Eabah is hiding on earth, and Felix was reborn already, do you think that we should look for them? Maybe Eabah can tell us why her long time enemy is after Soarin.”

I spoke up on Rainbow’s behalf. “I don’t think that Eabah will let us find her, and we have no idea if Felix knows who he is yet. Maybe if we can find Felix, Eabah will be close behind?”

“Good idea.” Twilight told me. “Let’s see. we know that Felix likely won’t remember who he is, and since Lucifer is loose, he’s probably around 17. We should also try to find someone who just seems to radiate happiness.

Everyone immediately looked at Pinkie. “What? Is there something on my face?”

“You always want to make people happy Pinkie.” Fluttershy stated.

“But I’m not Felix!” Pinkie said shocked.

“That you know of.” Flash said eyebrow raised.

Twilight intervened, “Guys, let’s not pressure this. Plus, under that logic, anyone could be Felix. Even Ra-” she stopped and looked at Rainbow. “Now that I think about it.”

“What? What’s going on?” Rainbow asked, looking scared. 

“Think about it Rainbow,” Twilight said leaning forward. “You never seemed to fall in love with anyone, or even have the slightest crush. Eabah saved you from Lucifer's grasp and he seemed to know you personally. You had an immediate connection with her and the religion. Plus, you; changed when we found out about all of this. I can’t put my finger on what, but something changed.”

“Look.” Rainbow said, putting her hands up. “I know for a fact that I am not Felix. Even when you don’t count Pinkie, there are plenty of teens we know that create more happiness than I do. How do we know that we even know him. Plus, do we really want to include both genders in this?” 

“The prophecy never said what gender Felix would be.” Flash told us. “So we don’t know who it could be other then that he or she is 15. One thing I did find was that ‘they would be born by not completely natural means.’”

“Whatever would that mean?” Rarity asked.

“Maybe they were conceived in a petri dish?” Soarin offered causing the others, but Twilight, to look at him confused. "Sometimes parents have trouble having a baby, so they go to a special doctor who takes the parents DNA to fertilize multiple eggs and put then in the mother's womb when they need to. It usually doesn’t work, but when it does, most have twins or triplets. I was conceived that way, but don’t have any siblings.”

They nodded in understanding. “But who is going to share whether or not they were conceived like that. I bet most people don’t even know their birth story.” Rainbow reasoned.

“Guess we’ll need to keep looking.” I stated. “At the very least, we now have a plan as to what we’re looking for. Hey Rainbow, can you run to trade out the books we need since we’re all here?”

“I’ll keep mine for now.” Flash said. putting the book back in his bag. “I want to read it again just in case there's something I missed that will be essential in finding Felix or Eabah.’

“I’m still working on translating the first of the books I have.” Twilight said “I have around half of it done and I think that they might be Eabah’s journals. Nothing that can help us to learn much outside of life was like at her home.” 

Rainbow seemed slightly uncomfortable at that, but hid it well. She collected the books that we wanted to replace and she speed off, coming back a few minutes later with different books.

After that, we split up, Flash walking Soarin back to his house before night fell. Me and the girls were walking together in a more quiet part of town.

“Do you girls think we’ll be able to find either of them?” Fluttershy asked them.

    “Who knows?” I said, then gave a sideways glance at Rainbow before saying, “Maybe they’ll just reveal themselves to us to us.”

    Rainbow didn’t answer, deep in thought. I could only hope that she’ll be willing to share with the others sometime soon. And if you ask me, it would be better to be sooner than later.

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