Undertale: The First Universe
— Voidverse —
(Months after the called 'Fall of the Destroyer')
Once upon a time, a multiverse filled with void existed, one single Universe existed in the infinite black, one universe that was created by the Void Goddess, and she was happy, the universe was hers, to protect, to take care of.
The universe and it's inhabitants weren't perfect, but she would never want them to be, they lived, they loved, hated, were in peace, fight in wars... but soon or later, died, and their souls would return to her void and where they would be safe and sound in her loving darkness.
And its inhabitants knew it, they needed no proof except their own Souls, for all the conflicts that existed between Humans and Monsters not once those had been caused by a lack of belief in the Void Mother.
...Maybe there was differences in their interpretation of Her, but it's not like they ever went to war over that, so it didn't matter.
When the last war between the two species ended with the Monsters trapped in the Underground, it was their Goddess who guided them through the immense cavern, who made sure they did not die during those first years when food was scarce, who calmed their Souls when the fear about what the future held was too much.
They wouldn't have reached the first decade locked down there -or at least not so many of them- if it weren't for her, who even stayed with them even decades later, when they began to inhabit the entire Underground; it was around this time that the nickname "Mother Void" took on a deeper meaning than being the Creator that gave them life.
And, life went on, little Chara came and went taking Prince Asriel with them when they left; in her grief the Queen fled to the Ruins, never to be seen again; and King Asgore stayed, his Soul equally sorrowful but holding firm for the good of his people.
More humans fell after that, some were like Chara, who stayed or willingly gave their Souls to help them break the Barrier; some brought chaos and death before the Royal Guard stopped them.
6 Souls gathered before something different happened. Frisk fell to the Underground.
And they fell again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
There was no way of knowing how many times the cycle was repeated, Sans considered it a blessing, there were blurred memories and feelings of Deja vu, along with a dull ache in his Soul that his Mother Goddess calmed after what he could only assume were the worst Resets, the 'Genocidal' ones.
(And although Sans respected and prayed to his Goddess as much as any other common Monster, he could not deny that these increased the more time passed, sometimes he felt as if his Mother Goddess and his brother were the only thing keeping his sanity between the uncertainty and fear about that held about future that was not arriving).
But once Chara, their Soul brought back by the will of their Goddess, entered the scene things began to improve; the Resets gradually stopped, his memories became clearer and the last couple of Resets, he remembered them perfectly.
A failed Genocide, a Neutral Peaceful 'route' and finally a perfect Peaceful 'route' which ended with all the Monsters returning to the surface.
It had been years since they arrived to the Surface, both Chara and Frisk had found a way to have separate bodies among all the 'Destroy the Barrier" thing, and with equal amounts of Determination, the Resets had ended for good.
Things between the two races were a bit tense still, but it was much better than what Sans expected, for everyone's Souls to feel the satisfaction of their Goddess once both races met again surely had something to do with that.
(And apparently Prince Asriel was revived at some point too? Yeah, he wasn't going to ask, Toriel and Asgore didn't care about explanations and just called it a miracle so Sans would just do the same and called it a day, maybe this was just their Goddess rewarding them after all the tragedies they endured so there was no reason to think about it too much).
So overall, everything was fine, he and Papyrus got a new house in the human city, got new jobs, explored new hobbies, met more people (more Sans than Papyrus if he was being honest) and Sans could now see the stars as much as he wanted!
So he was more than a little upset when what he could only describe as a rift in space-time began to form in the middle of the garden. It was too early for this and Papyrus was going to be sad if that thing ruined the flowers they had just planted.
Little by little, the annoyance turned into horror when he was able to glimpse what was on the other side of the crack, a face that he saw every day in the mirror but was so different now, there was something wrong and it wasn't just the small differences between them what ignited all the alarms in his Soul.
Something vital was missing from the... thing on the other side, something he never believed a living being would be able to live without.
That abomination didn't had any void in its Soul.
He didn't even think about it before launching an attack at that thing that dared to use his face, he would apologize to his brother for the mess after he deal with this.
Bones materialized from the ground and quickly made their way towards the creature, which unfortunately was able to dodge it.
"Wait, we—!". The cursed thing dared to speak, but before Sans could summon his Blasters, his bones managed to collide against something as the crack finally closed before the unholy thing spouted any more words.
For a moment there was just silence, or maybe it was just his head blocking out everything except for where the crack had been, the garden was a mess, but nothing that couldn't be fixed.
It felt like hours, but was probably less than a minute, before he finally realized what was going on around him, he felt his brother's hands gently guiding him to one of the chairs they had on the yard, knowing he wouldn't want to take his eyes off the possible threat.
It was then that he realized that he had not been the only one who had seen that thing, several of his neighbors looked equally horrified at the place where the crack had appeared, parents pushing aside their crying children, a couple already calling any authority, Human or Monster, that could occur to them...
His brother trying to stay calm but holding onto his arms tightly, as if he was afraid that loosening his grip would allow that thing to come back and take Sans away.
It was then that they felt it.
From the depths of their Souls, a single feeling from their Mother Goddess manifested.
Not towards them, never towards them, but to the thing that dared to invade Her world.
That was the first time their Goddess spoke to them directly.
That day they learned of the injustice committed for millennia against their Mother Void.
That day they found out about the creations abandoned by the False Creator that she had welcomed into her embrace.
They learned about all the injustices that the False Creator had committed in the name of 'justice' against those same creations for not follow his misguided view of the multiverse.
Outrage is too small a word for what they felt after learning all that, Sans wished he had used his blasters first on that cheap replica of him.
How dare the False Creator wear HIS face while wreaking havoc on the entire Multiverse of their Goddess, the true Creator of the Multiverse?
Needless to say, when she told them what their part in the plan for the False Creator's inevitable downfall would be, they agreed without hesitation.
Well, Sans accepted, it was something small but it would do so much damage that now he almost expected 'Ink's' next attempt to enter their world.
Did he want to know everything about 'Error' and the creation of him? He would gladly tell him exactly who created Error and who made him his much hated 'Destroyer'.
— Doodle Sphere —
(After Sans' attack)
"That could have gone better". It was all Ink could say of after the portal closed, but neither that nor even the poor smoking machine behind him did little to dampen his excitement.
It had worked! They had found a way to break the protection that surrounded Undertale, he had managed to see the original Sans again!
Honestly the attack was almost expected, the Original had never seen anything from the Multiverse since Ink never made his presence known before, he was denied access to it, and it was clear that with the condition of its Creator, she had not told Sans about it either.
The Original Universe had been isolated for so long that it was obvious that seeing a doppelganger would create confusion and fear, under all the artificial joy of it Ink actually felt guilty for scaring Sans like that.
"Actually, I'm surprised he hadn't used his blasters." Blue muttered seeing the damage done to the machine, the bones had disappeared as soon as the portal closed, in a more audible voice continued. "But I think Sci appreciates not having to do all of this from scratch."
Said skeleton could only nod while he examined his poor creation and noted what would be needed to repair it as soon as possible. Being able to see the Original Universe with his own eyes had been fascinating and he couldn't wait to see it again.
Blue stepped away from the smoking mess to let the scientist and his helpers work and instead headed over to Ink and Dream, who had pushed the creator aside to let the yellow paint wash down a bit.
It had been a long few months since they had decided to enter the Original Universe to learn more about its Creator, to help her if they could.
But most of all, finding a way to stop the new Destroyer.
He had thought that dealing with Error was already bad, but it was impossible to do anything against the new Destroyer! Because it was impossible for it to be Error!
They never knew that AU was going to be attacked until it was collapsing, they didn't even know what the new one looked like, the most they had managed to see was a black mist entering a portal and nothing else.
And it wasn't just AUs, Toriels, Asgores and others had disappeared from their AUs and no Reset had brought them back. If this was indeed a cry for help then Blue had a word or two for that Creator and her methods of getting their attention.
Dream, clearly sensing his concern about the whole thing, quickly placed a hand on his shoulder in a comforting half-hug, he smiled gratefully at him and reminded himself that hopefully soon they could leave Error and this new Destroyer as a bad memory.
(A small part of him wondered, not for the first time and stronger than ever thanks to the new context, if in other circumstances, Error might have an ally, maybe even a friend.
But as every time the question arose, he quickly squashed it, it was no use wonder about things that could never happen anymore).
They had an important meeting with the Original Sans to think of now.
Did I nailed the cult-vibe? 👉👈
I finally made a design on how the Void Souls, from both Shade Lord and the Void Goddess, look like. Including Nightmare's apple-looking Soul.
Despide both be the same type of God, both still be two different beings and that is shown in the Souls of their 'children'.
Upper ones are how Goddess Void make her Souls look like, with the HC/trope of Outertale's space being part of the void I decided to made it look as if it has stars on it. The Human Souls have a little of color with their biggest trait, in this case is Frisk/Chara's Determination; Nightmare's is similar to Human Souls with purple from the little Negativity that remain in the 'Void' Apples. (The stars thing is only noteable when you're close so that's why Ink saw pure black before).
The below ones are how Shade Lord made his Souls look like... I couldn't do much, he's "Void Given Form" so all the Souls are more like a hole in the chest with a small blue light (There's whole Abyss Creature related with the Blue Coccons so I wanted to make a reference to that too). Nightmare Soul was molded into a normal one once they were send to Hallownest but I wanted to show how it would've look like if it was still apple-like.
Hopefully, the new designs for the Gang will be finished for the next chapter, which is the Reaper one! My boy is finally leaving this mess of a multiverse.
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