The Last Ones
It took Ghost a long time to separate from their Sibling, it felt as if they were going to disappear the moment Ghost stop holding them, their appearance was already worrisome from afar but now, being face to face they could confirm that the damage more than terrible.
There was a hideous wound on the side of their little sibling's face, their mask completely broken on the side, void oozing and falling to the ground before crawling back to the body to repeat the process.
And the leak wasn't even the most worrying thing of Lost-now-Found, the obvious tendrils made of void -something Ghost had only seen on Siblings who preferred to stay as Shades rather than reclaim their shells back- were moving freely when the mask should keep all of it inside and protected.
How that mask even still standing in the first place? With so many cracks if it was obvious that it wasn't working the way it should. Why didn't little Lost-now-Found one just turn into a shade and let Ghost just carry their mask the rest of the way if they wanted to keep it so bad?
Their little sibling looked like a Shade that had put on their broken mask and gone about their day! As if they didn't see the point of healing themselves (as if they didn't know how to heal themselves).
Turning into a shade when taking too much damage was supposed to be natural to all Vessels, even Hallow did it when was pretending to be empty of will, the mere thought of one of them having to endure the immense pain of a broken shell... Without the relief to let it go until being healed, it made them want to get home even faster so their Father could fix that.
So, in the end, Ghost had to move a bit away from their little sibling so they could began their way back home, they could already feel the connection between them forming, no words have been spoken yet between the two of them, but some feelings had begun to form so Ghost was able to sense what was happening on their siblings head.
It seemed that their little sibling already trusted them even if they were still wary of Ghost, that was good, it means taking them back should be as easy as ask them and they could avoid unnecessary fights, but that was already obvious from the fact that they let Ghost touch them at all.
Then they turned their gaze to Queen Herrah, seeing how she was ignoring them in favor of scolding Hornet for going off into the caves on her own and checking her for any injuries.
(Ghost felt a bit offended at the latter, they weren't going to let their siblings get hurt under any circumstances, much less their littlest sister!)
A feeling of curiosity began appear on the other side of the still weak mind-link of their little sibling, returning their gaze at them, Ghost met one single eye looking back, as if they're also analyzing and spotting the differences between the two despite both being born from the same substance.
While Ghost only shown their void through their eyes, the rest of their body was similar to the Pale King's but bigger thanks to Mother's own input on their birth, meanwhile their sibling looked more like one of the ants they had seen on the Colosseum of Fools when they went there, -and their void was everywhere where it shouldn't be- they looked like something coming from Ghost worst nightmares.
But this wasn't the time for losing the calm, Ghost's priority was take them home, where Father could heal them in a better way, this much damage was worrisome and Ghost was sure it would be better if the recovery began at home. With that in mind, they offered their hand to their sibling, so they could began the walk back home.
They took it. There was still mistrust there, but it didn't dampen the growing hope that could feel in the link. It was a step in the right direction and that was all Ghost could ask for.
Herrah's voice was heard as soon as they began to walk towards the Knights. "Come back here wherever you want Little One! You and your kin are always welcome here in Deepnest". Were her words, knowing that later would be time to have proper presentations once the new voidling were able to have a conversation instead of having to play charades.
The little princess was upset to see Ghost leaving so early, but knew that her siblings had to go home with Uncle Shade so her new sibling stop looking like a muddy Corpse Creeper. She wave at them as they made their way towards the Knights of her dad.
Ghost had always found the feeling of a solid void comforting, since Father was made of it most of the time. They found out it was a little less comforting when said void sometimes felt a little too runny from time to time.
The Knights who were escorting them, even if hide behind masks and helmets, were tense now that the voidling was under their protection, moreover even if they don't fully understand how Vessels anatomy worked, it was unnecessary when it was clear as water how bad things were just from the outside. The journey back, even if slower than before was steady, any critter dumb or desperate enough to try to attack them was quickly eliminated for any of the Knights or Ghost themselves.
(Well, and Ogrim had put a couple of the Band-Aids he usually carries on their little sibling's cracks, much to their visible confusion. It seemed that complete confusion was the common feeling towards the ball of positivity and good intentions that was the "White Defender". It also worked to reduce the tension within the group for a while).
Ghost's hand never let go their sibling's and they seem more than content with letting the oldest and the Knights take care of everything, the mental link had become strong enough for both of them began to exchange a few words between them before reaching the Abyss.
Ghost learn that their sibling's name was "Nightmare" or that they refer themselves as such (A connection with Grimm's troupe or a coincidence? A name with too much weight behind and not something to be called unless linked to the God of it).
Ghost also learn the way 'Nightmare' and the rest of their new siblings were gendered, just like Hornet!
'Nightmare' learn Ghost's name as they enter the Ancient Basin, the Knights stopping there as they knew better than believe the voidlings would be in danger now that they're on "Void's Territory".
The darkness grew as they descended, but 'Nightmare' didn't seem bothered by it, his tendrils growing with it and trying to reach out for Father's own tendrils who were now surrounding them.
Eight shiny eyes suddenly disrupt the darkness and Ghost feel their hands being separated when Father took them and their sibling in different directions, conflicting feelings exploded in the link, their sibling felt safe but he didn't seem to understand what was happening either and that, understandably, upset him.
Father took 'Nightmare' with same care and love as with all the Siblings, maybe with more care, it was obvious that 'Nightmare's' damaged state bothered him and Father also noticed the same things as Ghost did, and who knows what more he found damaged inside, but it wouldn't be a problem soon as Father began to fix 'Nightmare' as he did with many others before.
It took everything in Ghost to not interfere as soon as the link was filled with pain and fear, as much as that was a necessary and quick pain, it never make easier to stand still when it happened.
Soon the fear and pain vanish into relief and then nothingness as 'Nightmare' began to sleep, Father began to descend into the Abyss with him, Ghost and dozens more of their Siblings follow in not far behind.
The bottom of the Abyss had changed since the Vessels were born, where once was just dirt and rock, now the floor was pure void, some Lifeblood cocoons were scattered around to give some light, even if unnecessary for the Vessels, it permit the plants that Mother gifted them grow down here.
In the middle of everything, surrounded by most Shades and Vessels, were their twin and two of their new siblings asleep besides them, both of them looked fine and whatever wounds they had were now in the process of vanish, in a month or so their shells would look as good as new.
The now healed 'Nightmare' was put in the middle of them, his own wounds were still prominent, it would take more time to disappear but it would, their siblings just snuggled closer, recognizing their sibling, maybe they were egg-mates like them and Hallow?
"Nightlight is gonna be his new name". Father's voice resonate through the Abyss. "A much as his original name wasn't that bad, the God of Nightmares had forbidden his name to be used by any other beings than himself or his Troupe, besides...".
He stop talking for a moment, only giving his attention to newest children, his hand gently patting the now named Nightlight's head. "He has been a light in the night for his brothers, I've seen his most important memories, he has taken taking care of them when they were on their lowest point and guide them towards the closest thing they could call home".
That made Ghost had mixed emotions, the name was good and fits their brother more than his original name given his apparent background, but said background was worrisome, it means their brothers had been separate before they found each other, that most if not all their wounds were made when they were alone and somehow that was worse than if they had been together, at least together they could find comfort on each other, did they had someone to comfort them and hear their woes before they find each other? Or were they like Hallow, with no one to rely on all the time?
Ghost knew that once all the Lost Ones were safe in the Abyss he would fill all the oldest Vessels on what exactly happened with them but Ghost wanted names now, so they hope that Kin and Den were return soon, their raising rage really needed an objetive.
They had just arrived at the Moth Village when the silence was finally broken. All they needed to do now was to take the Stagway that was in the Resting Grounds and go to the Ancient Basis, they would be home before the day ended, and while descend Crystal Peak was difficult while holding hands, honestly, none of them wanted to let go right now.
Kin couldn't stop looking at their sibling with the red eye, they looked shaken still by what had happened, Kin couldn't blame them, even if they had seen them as an enemy, to break the skull of your opponent by accident wasn't an easy thing to get passed, much less if that opponent end up being family.
They could understand the feeling, Kin's own introduction to their siblings wasn't an easy one, they were feral and didn't stop attacking until they made one their Siblings bleed, it was terrifying, it make them feel like the worst being on earth, a monster.
But the Siblings were forgiving and Kin could be too, but they were taken out their thoughts by a voice. "--- --- okay? You ------ space out -----". It was the littlest Lost One, they were still words Kin couldn't understand but it was a good sight that they could understand them at all so early in their meting, they nodded to confirm that yes, they were okay.
"And you? Neither of us had time to check you up properly, are you or your siblings hurt anywhere?". This type of conversation could probably work better if Kin had one or both hands free, but they refused to let go so they only could hope their littlest sibling could also understand part of what Kin said.
The Lost One with the knife only looked at them trying to have a conversation, they didn't seem impressed at all but at least it was working to calm them down a bit, or at least the knife was out of view now.
They still trying to make conversation as they pass through the Village, the moths stayed out of their way, the voidlings might not be their enemies anymore, but they didn't fully trust the new voidlings, they had heard how aggressive some "Siblings" could be towards non-void beings when they first joined the Abyss.
Even old dear Seer had to brave herself to come forward and give Den a bit of medicine in case any of them needed it for any wounds, normally it wouldn't work on Vessels, but the gesture was appreciated still.
Kin noted all of it while trying to figure out what was the name of their brothers, who apparently were gendered like the little Hornet, until now they had figure out that the littlest one was named 'Cross' and the one with the knife was 'Dust' or something that sounded like that...
And then there was the "name" of the Red-eyed one, Kin surely was hearing wrong or the real name was something they couldn't understand, "Horror" wasn't in any way a name to carry around, that was an adjective to describe him in the better of cases!
Kin knew that void beings weren't exactly the spitting image of non-threatening, but calling one of them "a horror" enough times for him to believe that was his actual name? Denying him of such a basic thing as a proper name? That just plain cruel.
...Were 'Cross' and 'Dust' were also like that? Not real names but something they were referred to as so much that they just accepted them as names?
(Kin quickly send that information through the mind link to Den and their Dad, even if they were maybe reading too much into things, it was worrisome they had names like that if they were even slightly right).
Kin saw Den stumbling as soon as they got the information, the Red-eyed one was quickly to help them regain balance, they looked worried and seemed seconds away to search for whatever had made them stumble, the chuckles at their sides made them know that it was a normal behavior and for their life they couldn't understand how someone could look at him and call them "horror" or any variation of the word.
They just pretended not to understand what 'Cross' was telling to them about the Red-eyed one's name and continue with their conversation, moving on to safer topics, at least for now.
Soon they were in the Stag station, Den already had called one and for the first time since they left Crystal Peak, Kin let go of their brothers' hands, 'Cross' went to Den and began to ask about the station, meanwhile 'Dust' stood by their side, seemingly trying to convince Red-eye to get closer or maybe Kin was just projecting there.
The sound of an incoming Stag made everything go quiet again, luckily this silent was less heavy than the last one, they just wait a minute more before the Stag arrived, first Den got up and then they helped 'Cross' and 'Dust' to get into the front seats, and then it was just Kin and the Red-eyed as they were suppose to go sit behind them.
Shyly, Kin went forward and offered their hand to help him got up, an olive branch, a way to show him that Kin didn't hold any grudge for his early attack.
He looked painfully surprised for a moment, but at the end they take their hand.
(Everything was gonna be fine).
Shade Lord could feel his older children's protectiveness increase the more time they spend with their new Siblings, even the ones who hadn't formally met the Skeletal Vessels, what Hallow and Ghost share of what they view was being enough, once Den and Kin return it would only increased after what information Kin had sent to him.
Given that they weren't that far from the truth, for what Shade had seen in Nightlight and Eclipse's memories, all these 'Sanses' were most of the time called the same as their AUs, a complete absurdity but something that even his sons followed and a senselessness his so-called counterpart allowed them to keep despite all the bad memories they had linked towards those AUs.
Shade Lord was more than happy to correct that mistake, he wasn't gonna steal those memories as much as he wanted to, those memories where part of them but he could definitely give them a new name, change the terrible meaning behind the last ones. It was the least they deserved. Little steps...
(And maybe one day, if that Multiverse still existed or were still under the command of Fate, maybe he could convince them to let him eliminate them, after all, Destiny had "accidentally" left him a way to enter there, he wouldn't do anything yet, but the possibility was there).
(Destiny's butterflies worked better in the unpredictable darkness after all).
His last children soon arrived, and like other three before them, he take out that horrible Soul parasite, and fix all the wounds that they had.
'Cross', now Chroma had another Soul sharing his body, his memories didn't make him feel much pity for this 'Chara', but the human was still void-touched, Shade Lord didn't hesitated to erase his memories before release them in the form of a shade, he didn't have a name for the little one yet, but the other shades seemed more than happy to try and name them on their own.
'Horror' now Hunter had his eye fixed along with a bunch of scars on the back of his head.
And 'Dust' now that was difficult, not healing him, but to rename him, he truly seemed to embrace the name, he made sure that everyone in the old multiverse to thought on him instead of his AU when it was pronounced, Shade Lord knew why, and decided that he needed a gentler approach with him so he could now embrace the name Ash.
But that were matters for other day, now, all his youngest were asleep and recovering, in a few days they would awake and they could talk and he would answer all their doubts.
For the meantime, he called for his eldest children, soon 20 Vessels were following him to the surface where the rest of his younger children wouldn't follow them, once they arrived he just stare at them, debating how much should he shared about what he knew, but Ghost made that decision for him.
"Father, with all respect, please don't hide anything from us, we want to help our siblings to heal, no matter how bad it was, but most important... I, we, want names". Their siblings nodded along, agreeing with Ghost's words. "We want to ensure that whoever did that pays if they ever put feet in the kingdom".
At the end he still keep for himself the most gorey details, but his eldest's rage was bright and loud, Shade Lord knew that if he ever went to that 'Voidverse', he wouldn't go alone.
A multiverse away, Ink suddenly feel a chill run his spine, it left him disoriented but force himself to regain control. He didn't knew what was that, but he could investigate later, now he was recollecting information for Science about Undertale.
*Crawls from under a rock* I don't want to be an adult anymore, the only consistent thing in my update 'schedule' right now is me updated around 3am.
This is the longest chapter of all isn't it? It feels like it to me :')
Idk how Destiny got in there towards the end, but I'm a firmly believe that she can be as cruel as Fate, she only likes to play the long game. Also I just couldn't put Lifebloods in the Abyss and not make reference to the butterfly flowers that grew around them.
I think this chapter is the one who shows better how Shade Lord thinks, he loves all his children but he's still a really ancient God who is very amoral and doesn't see the problem on erasing memories or watch them without asking if that means less problems for everyone. And privacy is barely a thing when all void being are a hive mind.
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