The Father of the Abyss

A bit warning before reading, is not really a big deal but just in case:

Good news! Shade Lord learns about Ink and the Voidverse

Bad news! Error and Killer get their Souls rip apart before that, all with the best intentions of the world of course!


Hallownest's caverns were teeming with life as always, there wasn't a single place that didn't have bugs coming and going, buying from traveling merchants, heading to other parts of the kingdom or just taking a stroll.

It was beautiful and Hallow never tired of seeing it.

And as much as Hallow wanted to show their siblings all the places on their way, stop for a bit and maybe buy some snacks, to show them all the wonders that Hallownest could offer, they didn't stop until they enter the nearest Stag Station, getting their siblings home was the priority, after that they could take them exploring if they wanted, but safety came first.

Their presence did not go unnoticed, of course, the prince barely bothered to dodge passers-by and it is not as if his little siblings were easy to ignore for those who saw them pass, it was simple luck that prevented them from actually hurting someone in their haste.

It was fortunate that the station was relatively empty, a Stag was already parked on the platform waiting for passengers, apparently too impatient to wait for a bug to ring the bell to call him.

(Or maybe he had just dropped off other passengers and was resting, but that was irrelevant to Hallow, they didn't like using their position as royalty to get things, but wouldn't hesitate to do so if this Stag didn't move as soon as they got into his loin).

"Ah! Young prince, good to see you on this wonderful day, where can I-" His greeting was cut off when he realized what Hallow was carrying. "I guess that you want to go to the station closest to the Abyss?" Hallow just nodded before carefully lowering the sibling on his back.

They both looked confused as Hallow also proceeded to hold the one who was leaking void with just one arm, but before they could draw any conclusions Hallow grabbed the tallest hand and started walking towards the Stag, doing their best to convey safety-home-non-threatening, through the still weak link between them.

It seemed to work, they didn't resist when took their seats on the Stag, although Hallow didn't miss when the smaller one clinging to their arm more or how the taller one seemed to be trying to reassure them, Hallow couldn't do much to calm whatever unease they were experimenting apart from hold them closer and asking the Stag to not to go so fast.

Their siblings tensed in their embrace as soon as the Stag began to move through the stagways, but quickly calmed down when nothing happened after that.

Hallow informed their father of that reaction along with a suggestion to keep their more, eh, overwhelming siblings away from the new ones, at least for now, better prevent any backlash from the sudden affection these poor abused Vessels would be receiving once they reached home.

Since it would take them longer than usual to get to the station near the White Palace, Hallow decided to fix their siblings' clothes a bit, in their haste they hadn't been too careful with that either and their siblings' clothes were quite crooked (Hallow's clothes weren't better but that wasn't their priority here).

They made sure to be careful when they did so, despite already being able to understand a bit of what they were saying, communication was still a problem, so he arranged their own clothes first before trying to tell the other two that they wanted to do the same with theirs.

The rest of the trip was relatively silent, the siblings in front of them tried to strike up a conversation with Hallow, they waved their hands and the youngest made exaggerated gestures trying to make the prince understand what they wanted to say.

(Meanwhile, the rest of Hallow's siblings were almost screaming in the back of their head, trying to 'play' along with them).

It was basically a game of charades until the Stag began to stop, the darkness of the stagways replaced by white light.

They had reached their destination.

It took all their willpower not to start celebrating, they were practically home now, they could already feel the void seeping from the Abyss, and as Hallow helped their siblings down, they could feel Father almost vibrating with joy at the feeling of two of his lost children now within reach.

The Stag left after a small bow, his resounding footsteps moving away from the station just like the three Vessels, this time the minors had chosen to walk, which Hallow had no problem with, there was no rush, the only thing between them and the Abyss was the White Palace, and there was no reason for anyone to attack or stop them.

The palace glowed as always, a stark contrast to the Abyss and its darkness ahead, several guards standing outside the gates instead of the Kingsmoulds.

They felt their brothers getting closer to them as they walked in front of the building, both looking clearly wary of the guards' weapons.

Or, Hallow thought, maybe they don't trust all the light the Palace gives off, which would make sense, even all their years living in the palace didn't make them accustomed to so much light when everything inside them screamed that darkness was where they would truly be safe.

As expected, the guards did little more than bow as they passed them, nothing but careful indifference on their faces, but Hallow could almost feel the curiosity emanating from them as they watched the Vessels pass.

Past the palace, it only took them a few minutes to finally reach the rest of the Ancient Basin, by this point the void was almost palpable, their siblings didn't even need Hallow to guide them anymore, they instinctively headed for the Abyss.

And before they knew it, in front of them was the entrance to the Abyss, the door that once sealed it was smashed into pieces on the sides of the hole, but that was not what caught the attention of the three Vessels.

All their attention was on the god in front of them, white eyes in absolute blackness, a being that could destroy them with a blow if he wanted, but at the same time was a synonymous of protection for any being of the void.

They were at home and their Father was there to receive them.


Tendrils of void almost flung themselves at the little ones in front of him, seeing them through Hallow's eyes had already being worrisome, but finally have them in front of him and seeing all those scars? To see the void leaking from one of them?

He wanted on equal parts hold them in his arms and go hunting whoever hurt them so much.

But it would do him no good to start a hunt right now, not when he needed to properly integrate these little ones into the Mental Link, not when there were still 4 other Lost ones out there.

He would seek justice for his Lost ones, but now it was time to comfort them, take care of them and integrate them with the rest of their siblings.

And well, he was going to get names and faces of his little ones' tormentors anyway, as soon as these two were integrated... that would kill two vengeflys with one stone he think.

His tendrils reaching out to his children, Hallow approached fearlessly but it was clear that while his Lost didn't fear him, they didn't trust him either.

That was fine, the fact that they weren't running away was already a good sign, their souls already knew what their head still didn't understand.

So, it wasn't surprising when neither tried to move away from the darkness that surrounded them, and they barely flinched when the darkness turned into a pair of hands that lifted them off the ground and into the Abyss.

"Welcome home, my little ones." Shade Lord knew that they could not understand him, but they could understand the intention behind his words, he spoke with the same calm and love with which he spoke to all his children, language barrier or not, the tone of his voice did not convey anything more than security for them.

He was pleased to see them finally relax in his hold, they spoke to him too, words full of uncertainty and tentative hope.

Well, that wouldn't work, they couldn't be depending on tones and gestures all the time, right?

It was time for his little ones to become part of the family they were took away from.

It was time to find out who had been the fool who had dared to steal void from him and then dared to hurt and keep his children away from him.

Still speaking calmly to them, he began to surround them more with his void, with his power he began to inspect their souls and bodies for more wounds.

And oh, he really was going to make the death of the one who hurt them were slow.

It was as if there hadn't been a single day where the older of the duo hadn't been hurt, their body seemed to have been carelessly broken and repaired multiple times, it would take weeks to heal and remove all these scars!

And the little one, oh his soul ached for them, the membrane that prevented the void from leaving his child' head was nowhere to be found!

They had gouged out the eyes of one of his children.

His anger only grew more as it reached his souls.

Where there should only be void, there was something else, trying to remove the vital void of his children souls, it felt like the Light of the Pale King, but this was evil, corrupted in a way the Pale Light never were.

He had to rip this— this soul parasite from them, it was clearly hurting them more than they probably realized.

He would have to speed up the integration process, it would definitely scare them a bit, but it was vital that- that thing in their souls go away.

They would understand once this was over, he would explain to them why this was for his own health.

This was going to hurt them no doubt, but it was something that had to be done.

The void around their souls condensed and quickly tore the parasite from their souls, the void around them replaced the piece that had been consumed and occupied by the parasite, it was fast, less than a minute and the pain was gone.

(That didn't make him feel any less guilty about making his little ones scream).

Of course, they both fell limp in his hands as soon as it was all over, having part of their souls ripped out and replaced, even if it was a parasite, would be too much for them to stay conscious any longer.

He decided to fully descend into the Abyss before beginning to heal their bodies, they would heal faster surrounded by their siblings.

As gently as he could, he began to heal them, healing the fresh wounds and beginning to fade the old ones, creating new eye membranes for the little one, among other things.

His children gathered around him, saddened by the state their Lost ones had arrived in but happy that at least now they could begin to heal.

And while he healed, Shade Lord also observed the situation of his other children still outside the Abyss.

The fight between Kin and Den with two of their other three siblings seemed to have reached a stalemate with the arrival of the miners, apparently one of them had eaten several of their workmates (something to worry about if end up being true) and they demanded justice.

And Ghost was rapidly closing in on the lonely Lost one, who appeared to be in Herrah's custody if the path they were following was any indication.

Shade Lord was snapped out of his vigilance by the feeling of something snapping into place.

Ah, the Bond between him and his two little ones had fully settled.

It was time to get names and faces of all the bugs that would die as soon as their other Lost ones were home...



So the name of his children were...

Who dare to-



Ink, Dream, Fate, the Sans Council...



That didn't look anything like a bug.



Oh those bastards...

They better stay in their decaying multiverse, because if they ever set foot on Hallownest, he would teach them why not even the Pale King dared go against him.

The newly acquired information was passed on to his older children, from Hallow to the Kingmoulds, he would wait until Ghost, Kin and Den returned before do the same, they didn't need any distractions right now.

His fellow god better destroy that damn multiverse before they even think about looking for HIS children under their false idea of "salvation".

She was the true owner of that multiverse, she had better start acting like it!

Meanwhile he would correct the mistakes she had made with his children.

Starting with a change of names, no child of his would be called "error".


VOIDVERSE - Sans council

(2 weeks after the destruction of Helltale)

A shiver ran down Ink's spine, as if something was wrong.

Well, something bad was indeed wrong.

It had started with the disappearance of the last copy of Helltale, just days after the Destroyer had been thrown himself into the void (and had taken any hope of saving Nightmare and his team with him).

Ink hadn't even realized they were gone until he checked the AU and found nothing!

That had never happened before! Not even Error's best efforts had made him unaware when he was destroying an AU!

The creator had preferred to believe that it had been a coincidence, after all, Helltale was a copy without an Original that would support it to exist.

It was destined to disappear even if Ink didn't like it, right?

Because Error no longer existed, nothing survived the Void, not even someone like him, right?


But then, after ending a Creative Streak that was started to celebrate the Destroyer's downfall (and forget Helltale's demise) Aftertale also fell apart, and just a few hours ago he felt three other AUs collapse.

And that was the problem.

Those AUs just collapsed, there was nothing wrong with them and Ink didn't feel anyone being killed, something just went wrong and now the AUs didn't exist.

Ink had no idea what was going on, this was not how Error worked and that alone made him fear the worst.

Either Error had changed his destruction method after all these years, or- or there was a new destroyer.

Both options were worrying and almost terrifying to think of.

Beside him, Dream didn't look much better, the Guardian of Positivity didn't even bother to pretend that Nightmare's death didn't affect him, he had been so hopeful of being able to get his twin back once Error was gone.

And instead, the only thing he got was to see his brother jump into the void without hesitation.

He flinched again, the end of the fight against the Destroyer still throwing him off balance.

So much had happened in such a short time and he had done so much to ignore it that he was honestly still processing it all, but a part of what Error said still lurked in the back of his mind.

"My creator, the true owner of this rotten multiverse sends her regards."

Creator, all this time he had assumed that Error just appeared one day, he had never questioned whether someone had been crazy enough to create such a monster.

But if the Soul in his chest (and oh, how beautiful that Soul had been) was proof of anything, it was that the one who created Error was the same one who created Undertale.

An angry voice prevented him from thinking further about the implications of that.

"...A strategy!! Probably he and his minions were laughing at us as they planned to take down more AUs since we would let our guard down!!" Stretch's voice rose among the others, Blue next to him nodding in agreement with his brother before speaking.

"It's obvious that someone helped them, that laugh... it wasn't from any Sans, probably that thing helped them survive the void, we were careless to think that getting rid of the Destroyer would be that easy." Blue sounded calm, but from the way he was so close to Stretch it was clear that he was scared at the thought of Error surviving.

There was a few seconds of silence while everyone took in this information, but soon the silence was broken by Dancer.

"You don't think they- that they've enlisted the help of a Chara, do you?" He said it almost in a whisper, but he might as well have shouted it as his voice reached even those farthest from him.

That was a terrifying idea for most of those present, for the non-swap universes it was already difficult to deal with a demon child in their AUs.

A demon child, one powerful enough to draw the attention of the Destroyer himself? And on top of that one powerful enough to keep him from dying in the void?

More than one was panicking at the idea and it was time for Ink to intervene.

"Everyone, calm down!!" His voice immediately silenced everyone else, everyone was looking at him. "I know this whole situation is concerning and while I agree with Blue that we were careless in discarding whatever it was that showed up at the end, I don't really think it's Error that's destroying the AUs right now."

Everyone seemed surprised, probably not expecting Ink to rule out Error's involvement so soon.

But the more he think of it the more sense it made, how Undertale, an AU that represented something so wonderful to Ink could be related to something as destructive and evil as Error.

It would explain why Error's creator was there to see him fall to his demise.

"I have reason to believe that the creator of Undertale was the one who created Error too". Silence.

It was as if the air had left the room, it wasn't even a silence broken by screams or anything, the silence just grew and suffocated everyone present.

Of course, someone had to break that silence at some point, in this case, it was Dream who did it.

"Ink, what do you mean by that? I thought the creator of Undertale had left the Multiverse or, well, die."

"I believed the same, but Error- he had a Soul equal to those of Undertale, he also directly called whatever came to the end his "creator", all put together only gives an explanation".

He took a deep breath before continuing, everyone was hanging on his words and Ink couldn't seem to stop now that the idea has appear on his mind.

"Something must have happened to the Creator of Undertale, something terrible, maybe we misunderstood the purpose of Error, his glitches, the madness and need for unbridled destruction must be a reflection of the mind of his creator, maybe what we should've done was not destroy Error but to repair him, his Soul was nearly broken when I saw it, the Original Creator must have used him as a vessel of some kind!"

Dream seemed to realize where he was going with this. "In the same way that bringing back my brother would have brought back the Tree of Feelings, repairing the Soul of Error would have repaired not only Error, but the Original Creator too."

"Exactly! That's why even though AUs are being destroyed right now, it doesn't compare to what Error could destroy normally, the Original Creator is still asking for help, but now he doesn't have Error as a direct access to her like before."

Red was the one who spoke now that the initial shock wore off. "And what do we do with that information, Ink? If you're right, then we've been ignoring and attacking the call for help from a Creator, maybe even stronger than you, how can we be sure that she's still asking for help and not just decided take revenge for ignoring her all these years and beating up her creation on top of that?

Sadly, it was a valid question, one that Ink couldn't really answer.

"You're right, the Original Creator has every reason in the world to be upset right now, but if I'm right, we have no other way to stop her than to try to save her, and there's only one way to do that now that Error is gone."

Years had passed since he last tried to enter, but now he was stronger, he had the support of thousands and now he had a reason beyond curiosity, it had to work this time.

"We must enter Undertale."


I'm making this plot more complicated for me? Yes

Do I care? Nope, I want Undertale to be here and they'r gonna be here and have cult vibes.

Ngl I was planning a different ending for this chapter, it was supposed with them discovering (a bit) on how Reaper is involved with the destruction, but I decided to left that for another chapter.

But given that I couldn't find a way for them to ignore ALL the mayhem that was the end of "The Ambrush", they're dumb but not THAT dumb, this is the result (they still dumb).

Btw, left name suggestions for the gang, it isn't a FGOD story without a change of name once they reach the new Multiverse /hj

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