The Butterfly and the Moths
He didn't know where he was, he didn't know who he was, only that there was a lot of light, firm but soft hands doing something to his Soul.
...Or at least he believed it was his Soul, it felt like firm hands were over his entire being, but sometimes it felt like it was just a specific place it was touching like it was... molding.
Yes, mold was the right word, he felt like clay in the hands of a sculptor, was he clay? Were those hands a sculptor?
But if he was clay, why was he conscious? Did clay have a conscience? At some point, when his eyes were shaped, would he open them and could he change like in that story his beloved once told him?
...His beloved.
Yes, he had a beloved.
He couldn't be clay if he had a beloved.
So, he wasn't clay... What was he? Who was he? Who held his being so delicately?
He tried to move, but his body was unresponsive.
"Calm down, you're not ready yet, we need a couple more things." It spoke a voice that he didn't recognize, but it sounded calming.
They need more of what? Was he missing something? Is that why the voice was shaping him?
But the voice did not answer his questions and he did not know how to express them.
He didn't know how long he had spent like this, he felt like clay again, growing, mobility came with it, arms, legs, and eye sockets began to move little by little, the voice didn't stop him, just continued working.
What his eyes saw was light, a faint one, as if it were dusk, there were clouds everywhere as if they were floating in the middle of the sky.
"Well, that's a good foundation, but where you're going and who you're going to be, you need more than just this."
And the molding began again, this time something emerged from his back, he couldn't see what they were, but when he was able to move it, it almost felt like wings; Then something also extended from his head, the reflected shadow told him they were horns.
'Devil'. It was his first thought at his new appearance, horns and wings were not a good combination for...
For what weren't they a good combination?
He didn't think they were a bad combination, whoever his beloved was surely would think the same, he wasn't sure where the idea that he shouldn't be seen with wings and horns came from.
His doubts and thoughts were interrupted when he was placed on the ground, instinctively covering his body with his new wings, realizing they were not feathery but scaly, like those of a moth or a butterfly.
...Was he one of those then? That didn't sound right, the rest of his body didn't feel like one.
"Do you like it? You probably don't look as similar as before, but it's better this way, it will make integration into the tribe easier." A voice behind him, the same as before, made him turn around, wanting to see the face of the one who molded him like clay.
The colors were the first thing he noticed, so familiar but they didn't belong to anything he could remember, colors that made his soul feel warm and made him want to cry because he couldn't remember the owner of them.
"My colors look familiar, don't they? I'm sorry, my sister has a pretty terrible sense of humor, or maybe it's her twisted way of showing love... but we're not here to talk about an empty shell, tell me, can you remember who you used to be?" She asked him, her hands moving around as if she were knitting something he couldn't see.
"I can't remember my name or what I am, I don't know if it's your doing that I'm not giving it the importance I should, but your colors... They bring me a strong feeling of love and pain because a part of me knows that you're not the person that should be wearing them... Does my beloved have the same colors as you?" Was his response.
"...Heh, so your mind has forgotten everything but your Soul hasn't, I wonder how much of that is your connection and how much of it is simply your love." A melancholic tone was now present in her voice. "But to answer your questions, yes, your loved one has my colors or most of them, and your calm comes from this place, the Dream Plane causes calm to everyone who enters it."
He didn't know how to respond to that, the name had no familiarity to him. "Do you know who I am then? Do you know where my beloved is?". The last question had an almost desperate tone to it.
"The answer is yes to both questions, but I can't tell you, forcing memory to resurface could do more harm than good for the next part."
"The next part of what?" He believed that nothing was missing besides the memories of him, he had a body, a voice, he could see, he was only missing clothes and he didn't believe that he needed memories to wear clothes.
"I guess that's my cue to come in." Another voice was present, a male one this time, following it he found red.
Outside of their porcelain white face, everything on this new presence's body was red, he couldn't identify what they were, but they had wings wrapped around like him.
Their scarlet eyes were fixed on him, as if analyzing him, he felt judged, as if a wrong step would provoke an attack, only when he collided with the Giantess who had the colors of his beloved did he realize that he had been backing away, one of her giant hands blocked his view, as if hiding him from the Red Being.
"Oh, stop acting like that, you're scaring him, I created you with better manners than this." The Giantess scolded the Red Being. "Are you going to receive your brother with only silence?"
A scoff was the response, followed by the sound of what he assumed were his wings opening before the other spoke again. "Without this, that little moth is not my brother, so with all due respect my Lady, stop pampering him and allow me to make him my family... it is very uncomfortable for me to hold what used to be my sister's anyway."
That he was holding what?
Was that the thing he was missing and what was this about being the brother of this rude stranger?
He wanted to protest, he wanted answers, the effect of this place was wearing off and he was becoming overwhelmed by all the new information that his mind without memories was receiving, who was this Giantess of familiar colors, and who was that Red Being who planned to make him his brother?
But the hand moved to reveal the Red Being kneeling in front of him with a ball of light firmly in one of his hands, he wanted to speak but his voice didn't come out, he wanted to walk away but there was no place to run to.
The Red Being's gaze softened for a moment, his hand gently reaching out to him as if he were made of glass before stopping. "...I didn't plan to harm you, I understand that this situation can be too much when your memories are null, but I promise you that neither Destiny nor I have malicious intentions, could you trust us for now? I promise to explain to you once you're with the tribe"
The promise of answers helped calm him down, a little bit, or maybe he just wanted to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. "...Will I be able to see my loved one if I trust you?"
It was the Giantess, Destiny, who responded. "Of course, all this is so that you can meet again, you don't remember but you had been separated for reasons beyond your control, so this will help you see him again and stay by his side, he will be happy to see you alive".
Alive? That didn't help his nerves at all. What had happened before he got here?
But it's not like staying curled up on the floor would bring back his memories of him any faster or lead him to meet with his beloved, so he simply nodded and hoped he didn't regret his decision.
"Okay, take this and hold it to your chest, this will be quick." The Red Being said before gently grabbing one of her hands and placing the orb of light.
He did as he was told and held the orb, unsure of what should happen next, he expected pain if he was honest, but he still wasn't convinced that the Red Being didn't want to hurt him, possible brother or not.
Instead, he only began to feel sleepy, all worries began to leave him, his body relaxed and he did not even protest when the Red Being took him away from Destiny, his gaze had softened completely, and the orb of light was no longer in his hands
The Red Being began to say something, but he could no longer listen, his eyes too tired to force himself to stay awake.
The next time he opened them, he was standing on rocky ground, an old moth in front of him, looking at him as if he were something precious.
This was supposed to be a Killer-Dust chapter with a small Reaper POV at the start... 5 sentences expanded to this and then Destiny's design happened, so the next chapter is gonna be the Killer-Dust chapter.
Grimm/God of Nightmares finally made his apparition! He's Reaper's new brother (I have to get a a new name for Reaper too).
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