Blind Creator

Ink really don't remember his first years of life, just the distant feeling of being loved and the knowledge that he was the God of Creation.

That last bit of information didn't sink in until he saw Undertale, the Original Universe of his multiverse, the only universe he didn't create.

When he landed for first time in the universe, he was fascinated, there were so many colors and so many people, all different from each other but all acting like a big family (at least in the Underground, the Humans seem happy by fighting each other in the Surface).

And Ink wanted something like that, so he tried to replicate such a beautiful Universe.

Undertale copy 1 exist for three resets before fall apart.

He feels awful for weeks after that, his first creation, the precious project that took him days to get done... disappear from one moment to another without him being able to do anything to save it.

He didn't give up, but every failure felt like a stab on his weak soul.

When he creates Underfell, a universe rule by the "Killed or be killed", he thinks that maybe the reason his universes don't last long was because they were copies and not something original.

Underfell don't fall apart, the universe was perfectly stable and Ink love it immediately.

But Underfell wasn't Undertale, and the next time Ink return to it he noticed, it wasn't just the story that was different, but for the stars Ink couldn't put a name on what was different between the two universes.

Underswap was created based on the story of Undertale, but Ink swaped the personalities of everyone, hoping that that could be enough for the universe not being considered a copy.

It works, and the artist now could see what was the principal difference between his universes and Undertale.

The Souls of Humans and Monsters.

All the souls in Undertale were darker than the souls in Underfell and Underswap, but Ink wasn't sure what was making the Souls of that color.

Outertale was an intent to change the Soul of the Monsters in something similar to the Souls in Undertale... that didn't work, the Souls were even brighter having sparkles all over them.

(Years later he come to the conclusion that the differences in the souls comes from the differences in the creators, that the darker souls were the "signature" of whoever create Undertale).

But after create Outertale, something terrible happen.

He couldn't access to Undertale anymore.

Suddenly his portals won't let him enter, he just could still see the universe, but even that was a blur, always cover with some kind of static that hurt him if pass too much time seeing it.

He... He was so confused, so scared that he had done something wrong and that cost him the access to the beautiful universe.

His access was always limited and he just unknowingly run out of his opportunities to enter?

It was because he already done various AUs by his own so some higher and unknown being decided that he not "needed" Undertale anymore to take inspiration?

And so many questions more were donde, and all remain unanswered.

Ink didn't know how much time after that he tried everything he could think of to enter to the Original Universe, but nothing worked.

He then remembers vaguely doing as much AUs he could after that, but overall, he tried even more harder to do a perfect and stable copy from the Original, he was so scared that one day he couldn't even see the images of the universe.

And in the end, he was successful.

Undertale copies 15, 45, 50 and 85 were stable and remain until today.

(Aftertale, Killertale, Dusttale and Horrortale.)

When first created, they were perfect, just Souls were different, but by that time Ink have accepted that that was the only thing that he never could replicated from the Original.

Then that wretched glitch appeared and all went downhill for his beautiful creations.

When some of his AUs began to disappear, Ink was afraid that the same that happened to almost all Undertale copies would begin to occur to his originals.

Then, he met Error.

Bones as black as the void itself, eye sockets red as blood and a body completely cover in glitches, and from his fingers, blue strings that seems to shine under the light.

In other time, in another place, maybe Ink could have considered him fascinating, from his colors to his glitches, Error was something so unique and the artist inside of Ink wanted to draw him so bad.

Then he notices what the glitch was doing and that opportunity got forever lost.

He was destroying Darktale.

He was the reason his creations were disappearing.

It was a blur after that, seeing his creation being destroyed was too much to him, and when he came to his senses, the glitchy skeleton was laying in the floor, the blood was everywhere and it looks that he could barely breathe.

It was a horrible image, but a part of ink could not help but feeling satisfied by what he saw, this psycho just tried to destroy one of his creations, he deserved be in that state, that would teach to not mess up with what is his.

But no, Error not just come back over and over again to continue his senseless destruction, but he also stole his creations to help him.

First was Nightmare, the Guardian of Negativity from Dreamtale, disappeared from his Universe after eat the apples from the Feelings Tree.

After that, the Sanses from Undertale copies 45, 50 and 85 also disappear but not before two of them kill everyone in their AUs and the last one kill his own brother.

At the end, the Sans from X-tale disappear three days before his AU collapse over itself.

He discovers where they went the next time he fights Error after the destruction of X-tale.

Behind him where his creations, now changed and corrupted by the Destroyer of Universes.


- (Present) – Doodle Sphere -

Two hours.

It's has been two hours since the reunion began and even with his bad memory, Ink was pretty sure that no one has given a good solution to their actual problem

It was times like these, were Ink question himself the reason to create the Council in first place, of course, with the knowledge about the multiverse and being aware of the danger that the Dark Sanses represent made some things easier, like knowing what Universe was being destroyed if the Sans have the time to give the alert.

But in times like these, where every Sans and those in his place seems happier by scream each other or sleep through the reunion (not he can blame them, sleep sounds so good after two hours of useless talk).

"Are you okay Ink?" The calm voice of Dream takes him out his thoughts.

Straightening in his seat, Ink looked at his old friend, the Guardian look as tired as him, but he also looks defeated, others would think that it was fault of the Negativity that Nightmare and the other Dark Sanses has been causing around the Multiverse with the destruction of AUs, but he has known him enough to know the real reason of his actual state.

It was because of Nightmare, but not for the reason others would believe.

Once again Dream tried to convince Nightmare to left the Dark Sanses and return with him to their AU, to find a way to eliminate the terrible corruption that covers his body and mind, to repair their broken universe and family.

Nightmare, of course, laughed in his face and proceeded to attack him.

In Ink's opinion, what the Positive Guardian was doing were pointless, the corruption inside Nightmare was too much stronger than the love of Dream for his brother, but the artist was also convinced that the only thing stopping the Negative Guardian from return with his brother were the black apples that he consumed long ago.

That and, well, the Destroyer, Error.

"Yeah, is just... the Dark Sanses have been more active these days and I'm... getting tired of fight them". It was in part a lie, yes, the Dark Sanses has been more active in the last years, but that really wasn't a major preoccupation than find a way to finally stop them (and cure them).

And... It was true he was tired to fight them, it hurt him to have to fight against his own creations, especially Killer, Dust and Horror, how much time took him to finally do stable copies from the Original AU? just for, in the moment he takes away his eyes from them, Error comes and transformed them in the murders they were nowadays.

These was no other explication of why they would help him in his crusade for destruction or why they would leave their AUs behind.

Dream just look at him with sympathy, partially understanding what it was like to fight someone you loved. Even it was not the same the fraternal love between the guardian twins and the love Ink feels towards all his creations (specially the copies from the Original if he was honest with himself).

"...uking all vs them?!". The voice of Red, Underfell Sans, even mixed with dozen voices more, suddenly sounded incredible clear to him.

"What did you say Red?". The sound of his voice makes everyone goes quiet as always, and Red suddenly looks nervous, probably thinking he just say something stupid.

It was far away from that.

"Please Red, what do you say right now?". He softened his voice hoping to calm the skeleton.

It was silent for a few seconds before the Fell monster speak.

"Well, I, I just say that, the only thing we, uh, haven't tried is, well, all of us... against them?". Red's voice got lower and lower as he spoke but in the silence of the Sphere, everyone could hear him clearly. "I mean, I know that sounds stupid, but what we have to lose, beside of our lives at this point? ".

After say that, Ink could see how everyone take a moment to consider Red's words, because Underfell was the first AU in being create (and with Ink being incapable of access to the Original Universe and bring it's Sans) his opinions carry almost as much weight as the Star Sanses.

At that moment, Ink stood up, deciding to speak when everyone's gazes turned to him.

"...It isn't stupid, in fact, it's probably our best option to take down the Destroyer, by myself I am capable to fight him, but with the rest of the Dark Sanses defending him and even taking hits for him, is difficult to me fight to my full against him, but with more on the battlefield, we could be able to separate them, but also make Error vulnerable against all our attacks combinate".

Ink could already see that they were getting exited by the idea of finally get rid of the Destroyed, and for a moment he wished that Blue was there, he was better at bringing people together than he, but his Universe was having a Genocide and he and his brother couldn't be in the reunion.

Fortunately to Ink, Dream was also good at this kind of speeches.

"Look, I know sounds crazy and almost suicidal, but think of that, even if we can't kill Error, we could take the rest of the Dark Sanses away from him, save them once and for all and get them out of whatever spell the Destroyer has them under, whether we can kill Error or not we still could SAVE someone". Dream's voice was firm and full of hope that no one could say nothing against his words.

And like that, they began planning an ambush.

Ink was determined, not just to kill Error, but to finally return his (for now) corrupted creations to their rightful place.

Safe under Ink's protection.

Edit: Gramatical mistakes fixed.

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