Child of N: a Pokemon Fanfiction-Book 1 in the Unova Girl Trilogy
Child of N
Chapter 1: Competition Blues
"Klinklang, finish it off with your best Thunder attack!" I called to my partner Pokemon. Instantly, a cloud appeared inside the gym and Klinklang charged its energy. Then it unleashed it upon my opponent's Pokemon, Samurott. Samurott just couldn't take that much electricity. There was a flash, and when the smoke cleared, Samurott was lying on the floor of the school gym. "Aaaarrrggghh... I'll beat you next time, Makena!" cried Brad. Then he called back his Samurott.
"And the winner of today's battle session is... Makena Harmonia!" cried Ms Plings. I was happy, but then, I have won... How many battle sessions since I'd started at Icirrus High School? Well, most of them. And I'd only been here half a term. My best friend Rebecca came out to the battle space and congratulated me.
"Well done, Mak! Just one more and you can enter the Interschool Pokemon Battle Competition!" said Rebecca, patting me on the back. Unfortunately, I wasn't as pleased about it as she was. That Brad guy was a real jerk, and I didn't want to be seen on the same side as him. Especially since there were rumours going around that he was a cheat. The thing was, anyone who won the interschool comp, or at least ended up being the last Trainer in their school who could still battle, was guarenteed a spot in the competition next year. And I just couldn't STAND that Brad, especially since he was always saying mean things about my partner Pokemon, Klinklang. He was the one who had kicked it on Sports Day, and given it that dent in its spiked ring, for which it was teased. Of course, that made us both want to teach that nasty Brad a lesson.
Rebecca could practically read my mind, and she knew when I was thinking about this, as it was a bit of a sensitive subject for me. Especially since I am continuously bullied for other reasons. "Don't worry, Mak. You'll outlast Brad in the competition. Besides, that cheat won't get very far once his secret's out. Come on, or we'll be late for your other favourite subject, maths!" That made me smile. Bec was one of the only people who supported me at this school. Klinklang and Bec's partner, Blissey, followed us down the corridor. The teachers liked us to walk with our partner Pokemon. I liked it too, because I could talk with Klinklang through my mind. It's sort of a family gift. We understand each other like, if not better than, how Bec and I know what each other is thinking.
But soon that happy look was gone from my face. Oh no. NONONONONO!! I can't take this lot again. It's those popular girls. Lexy and Wigglytuff leading the way. With her friends Nancy and Pippi by her side, with their partners Lilligant and Whimsicott.
"Well, look who it is. Makena and Klink-klunk, and Becky with Blister. Ugh. There's some real riff-raff at this school. It USED to be a fine place for only the best Trainers. You lot prove that it's really gone to the Herdier," said Lexy, in her snooty voice.
"Oh, run along, you lot! We don't have time for this. We'll be late for maths!" I said. I really can't stand being late. I care a lot about my schoolwork, because I want to be a Gym Leader, or member of the Elite Four, but I also want to be a Pokemon Professor and research Pokemon evolution. So of course my pet hate (as well as being when people are mean to Pokemon) is people making me late for class, or having to miss school because of being sick, or something like that.
Then Lexy said, "Maths shmaths. Who actually CARES about schoolwork anymore."
So I said, "I do, in case you don't get it. Besides, maths is interesting."
So she just said, "Whatever," and walked off with her friends.
In fact, the only subject I really can't stand is Geography. I mean, if you're flying around on a Pokemon to get to school, like some people, then you get to see the geography of Unova without sitting in the dingy old Geography classroom listening to someone prattle on about it!
Well, we weren't late for maths, to my relief. And that lesson went on without any problems. You see, Lexy's weakness is how terrible she is at schoolwork! She's not even very good at Pokemon battles. She's always checking her PokePad account during class, or sending text messages on her Xtranciever. Or basically just being a huge pain. So the teachers often watch her doing her work, so she can't exactly do anything she's not supposed to. As such, I got a good deal of work done, and was in high spirits at lunchtime.
Chapter 2: Emergency!
At lunchtime, Bec and I sat down with Klinklang and Blissey in our corner. It's just a little hidden spot that was part of some ancient city. The school was built on ruins, so there are a few places like this in the school. Lexy doesn't care about exploring the school, only about trying to make herself more popular, while at the same time trying to make everyone else, including Nancy and Pippi, less popular. Even Brad doesn't know about this spot. It's Bec's and my secret. I eat my Lum and Sitrus berry sandwich, and then I see my crush and his shiny Gigalith. His name is Ben. He is the Champion Iris's brother. Of course, Lexy is always trying to impress him, but luckily for me he doesn't like those snooty, stuck-up girls. I rush over, and Bec soon follows.
"Oh, hi Makena," says Ben. "Those girls still giving you grief?"
"Of course," I reply. "It's practically their hobby. Like, they live just to be a pain."
"Just try to tune them out," says Ben. Well, it's not like I don't try!
Just then, the fire alarm sounds. Ben, Rebecca and I rush to the meeting point. We call back our Pokemon. The teachers call the role to check that everyone is here.
"Makena Harmonia?"
"Rebecca Johns?"
"Alexia Thomas?"
"Totally here, Miss."
The teacher calls everyone's names.
"Bradley McText?"
"Bradley McText, are you here?"
"Third call for Bradley McText."
No response.
Now, I really hate Brad, but I really don't want him burnt to a crisp! I am really worried about Brad. I mean, he's kinda my rival! And of course, he's in my class.
"Where is Brad?" someone asks.
"Oh my Arceus! I hope he's not dead!" says Mia, who has a huge crush on Brad.
"Well if he is, you can always catch him as a Yamask, then you can be with him all the time!" says Fred, who thinks he's funny, even when the person he's joking about might be dead.
"That's not funny!" I say.
"Whatever, freak. Besides, your dad'll just make her release him."
"Don't bring my dad into this, or you'll have to answer to a big defeat in a Pokemon battle!" I only get like that when someone says something that makes me really mad, especially something about my dad. I should probably explain. My dad is N, in case you haven't already worked it out. Yep. That's right. I'm the daughter of N. The guy who wanted everyone to release their Pokemon all those years ago. The guy who practically worships Pokemon, legendary or not. He would risk everything he had for them. I mean, I would do the same, but still. He even had the idea that Pokemon couldn't show their true potential when they were caught by Trainers. He even had a bunch of guys called Team Plasma steal Pokemon from Trainers to release them.
So, by the end of my first day at Icirrus High School, everyone knew me as "Poke-freak's kid." Some people become famous for all the wrong reasons on their first day of high school because they accidentally call the teacher "mum" or because they have a serious phobia of insects, or something like that. But then, those people eventually get forgotten. People forget why they were teasing them. But when you're related to someone like N, well, you'll be remembered throughout high school for that very reason. Because you're related to someone who is a bit... different. Don't get me wrong, I didn't go around telling everyone, "Hey, guess what? My dad is N, the guy who thinks like a Pokemon. The guy who wanted to liberate Pokemon. The guy who led the group who went around stealing Pokemon." No, nobody would want to brag about that. But, by the end of the day the entire school knew.
"Um, you guys! Hello? Brad might be..." started Bec. But before she could finish a teacher came out with Brad. "Everyone! Bradley is here, safe and sound. And thanks to his Samurott, the fire is out. As for what caused the blaze... it is believed that a Pokemon attack was to blame. We caught it on security camera. Now, I won't tell you what Pokemon it was, but we didn't catch the Trainer. So whoever it was, you will be caught!" said the principal, who had been the one to help Brad out.
Chapter 3: The Rumor Mill Churns
Everyone was sent home early that day. I flew on my Flygon, because I didn't feel like walking home. Everyone was talking about the Pokemon attack. Apparently, all they'd caught on camera was a Pokemon, and a voice saying, "Now! Use Flamethrower!" and then the Pokemon using the move, and then the Pokemon being called back. Now, in a Trainer school, of course the school was built using Pokemon-proof materials, but apparently the attack happened in the storeroom where they had run out of material. Of course, these were just rumours. I didn't know if they were completely true. All I know was that someone's voice had been caught commanding the Pokemon to attack, and then calling the Pokemon back. Obviously everyone thought it was Brad, seeing as he had been in the school at the time of the fire, but I'd seen lots of other people running out as well.
Oh yes, and everyone had me as one of their prime suspects even though I love school. I guess it's because my Charizard is so strong it could probably penetrate the Pokemon-proof material that the school is built from. You see, my dad and I have "pure hearts" when it comes to Pokemon, so our Pokemon are stronger than average, especially the shiny ones, including my Klinklang. But like I said, why would I dream of burning the school down?
When I got home I dumped my bag in my chair and got myself and my Pokemon some snacks. You might remember how, years ago, before I was born, Team Plasma built this huge castle that rose around the Pokemon League. And then, after Dad got beaten by another legendary Trainer, the castle got destroyed... well almost, anyway.Of course, we don't live there! What's left is suspended above a bottomless pit in Victory Road, and it will probably fall sooner or later. But Dad did like that place, so he had a mansion built in Driftveil City similar to the castle, because some of the Old Team Plasma were trying to make amends there, and he wanted to help. Some of the Ex-Team Plasma guys work as servants in Harmonia House. Dad was out working with the Pokemon Protection Group. Actually, he is now the boss of the Pokemon Protection Group. They protect Pokemon from real mean Trainers, and stuff like that.
I turned on the TV just for something to do. There wasn't much on. Little kids' shows, news, more news, Pokemon for Dummies, Poccer, more sport, that stupid Watchy Wachog show, nothing worth watching. I flicked back to the news. It was all about the fire at school. Like I didn't know about that already!
Chapter 4: A Very Important Parcel?
I turned the telly off and got my homework out of my book bag. Luckily the fire hadn't spread very far before the alarm went off. We had to do an essay for PokEnglish, about how we feel being around Pokemon. Piece of cake for me. I ran upstairs to my room and sat down at my desk. I was just about to start when the doorbell rang. "Who could that be?" I wondered. I went downstairs to see who it was. It was Dad's friend Colress. I told him that Dad was out today. He said he'd come back later, but that it would be best to leave a VIP (Very Important Parcel) here now. I said I'd put the VIP in Dad's study, and ran upstairs to do just that. Then I had a look at the parcel. It was a very knobbly shape. I wondered what it could be. Then I thought. Colress had delivered it, so it was probably some sort of invention. I looked at the label on the front of the parcel.
This parcel is very important.
For: N Harmonia
Harmonia House, Driftveil City
Huh, I thought. Who would just go ahead and tell anyone who found this parcel that it was very important? That would make anyone curious, especially since the parcel was for the famous Pokemon-liberator guy N. I dumped the parcel on the desk. Then I ran back downstairs. Colress said he'd come back later, and told me to tell Dad that he'd brought a Very Important Parcel.
After Colress left, I thought, it's probably nothing I need to worry about. I should just worry about this essay that's due next week. So I sat down to start my essay. I picked up my pencil and only got as far as writing the date and "Maken" when the doorbell rang and Dad's voice said, "Makena! Are you alright? I'm home!"
Dad came in. He was carrying a box of Poke Balls. "What are all those for?" I asked Dad. He was always coming home with something or other.
'These are new Poke Balls. They show you how the Pokemon is feeling by changing colour. I call them Mood Balls. I've been asked to test them, and I thought you could help with that," he explained, taking a Mood Ball out of the box. It was black at the top and green at the bottom.
"The black part will change colour when a Pokemon is caught, and the green part will show how healthy the Pokemon is. That's how Colress explained it, anyway," he explained, handing me five Mood Balls. I put them in the Poke Ball pocket of my Trainer bag. Then I remembered the VIP.
"Oh yeah. Dad, Colress came round and left me with a Very Important Parcel. I put it on your desk." I told him.
"Ah, I was expecting one. I'll go check it out." he said. He put the box of Mood Balls on the table. I ran upstairs to start my essay. Again. Third time lucky, I thought.
By the time dinner was ready I hadn't gotten very far on account of that noisy kid Bobby next door. He was a bit too excitable. Like, that's not really a bad thing, but when he gets excited about something he gabbers on for ages. Even when he's just jumping around his yard, like he was now, he has to say "Yahoo! Woopee! "Wahey!" every five seconds, and that makes it a tad difficult to do homework. And when we meet in the street like we do almost every day on the way to school, he's like, "Heya Makena! Whatcha up to! What have you got at school today? How are your Pokemon? My Gabite is really excited this morning! After school I'm going to...." And he goes on FOR EVER. That is why I am often late. He latches onto my arm to tell me what he's doing after school, about the latest Pokemon he's caught, how many Trainers he beat in Battle Session yesterday... and so on. And he's in year six. I mean, you've usually gone past all that by year six. Oh well. But yeah, all that noise was really making it hard for me to concentrate, so I just shoved what I had in my book bag and flopped on my bed. Of course, Bobby just had to look into my window as he was flying on his Pidgeot. "Hey, Makena! Whatcha sleeping around for! It's still daytime, and don'tcha have homework?" he said excitedly, which is the complete opposite of how I felt.
"Couldn't concentrate. Too much noise," I said.
"Oh," said Bobby.
"Makena! Dinner's ready!"
"Well, I'd like to keep talking, but dinner calls," I said to Bobby.
"What's for dinner?" asked Bobby.
He doesn't learn.
I walked out of my room and downstairs to eat my dinner. I was really hungry. Dinner was fried rice, my favourite. That didn't lift my spirits much though. I was behind on my homework schedule. I was dying to know what that Very Important Parcel was. Bobby was being a pain. Oh yeah, and everyone thought I was responsible for the little emergency at school today. I went back up to my room. I checked my PokePad account. Nothing new. I checked my Poke-mails. Nothing new. I even sent one to Bec. It said this:
Hi bec im bored later makena
I didn't even bother with capital letters or punctuation. And I hate it when people write like that. I WAS THAT BORED AND ANNOYED AND FRUSTRATED AND STRESSED AND KIND OF DEPRESSED!!!
Right, well... After I recovered from my little self-tantrum/meltdown I decided it would clear my head tomorrow if I went to bed early, so that's what I did. I went to sleep straight away. I woke up surrounded by flames. The Very Important Parcel was in my hands, opened. All the people at school were holding up signs that said, "It's all your fault," "You deserve this," "You shouldn't have done it. Now look," and "You did it. You fix it." In my hands was a machine. I looked at the side. Flamethrower 3000. Oh.
Chapter 5: A Living Nightmare
Uh? Huh? I woke up. I was in my room. No flames. No flamethrower gun. No people. Phew. It was just a dream. But I'd be living in a nightmare if I didn't get a wriggle on! I only had ten minutes to get ready for school and be out the door!
I quickly threw on some clothes. Any old clothes. That school doesn't have a uniform, so it didn't matter. I just threw on the first shirt and pants I touched. Then I ran downstairs, popped a piece of bread into the toaster, and went into the bathroom to wash my face and do my hair. Boy, did I look a mess. I must have tossed and turned in my sleep, because my hair was crazy, like I'd just been hit by Klinklang's Extra Super Powerful Supercharged Thunder Surprise Deluxe Attack! I mean, my greenish blondish greyish hair was usually messy anyway. No matter how much I brush it, it always looks shaggy. But I kind of like looking like that. I hacked my way through my hair with the brush, but it got stuck. I yanked and tugged at the stupid brush, and with a "YAAAHHH!!" from me it came out. By that time there was a burning smell coming from the kitchen, and I re-entered Makena Meltdown Mode like last night. I thought, Oh no! My dream wasn't a dream at all! The house is on fire! But then I snapped out of my mini meltdown. I ran to the my room, grabbed my book bag, chucked it over my shoulder, grabbed my Trainer bag and ran down to the kitchen. I pressed the popper button on the toaster, grabbed the sinster-looking piece of toast and rushed out the door.
I shoved that piece of toast in my mouth as I ran, despite the fact that the toast was jet-black in the middle and that you shouldn't really eat while running. As I already mentioned, I HATE being late for school. I finally had the sense to get Flygon's Poke Ball out of my Trainer bag and got it to fly me to school, and we got there just as the bell rang for care group. I ran to my locker, 157, and shoved my key in. I twisted it, and grabbed my PokeTech stuff. I slammed the locker shut and ran to PK7. I entered the room just as Mr. Machak called my name on the role. Bec was there, not really knowing what to say. Despite being a person who hates being late for school, it had only taken half a term for me to sleep in and arrive even the slightest bit late.
"Gee, Mak. You look like you've just lost a fight with a Pikachu!" said Bec, staring at my hair. "And why are you wearing your dad's old "Release Your Pokemon Or Else" shirt?"asked Bec, looking at my shirt. I looked down. Oops! It was true. When Dad was with Team Plasma, trying to get everyone to release their Pokemon, he had all these shirts that said things like, "Pokemon Are Not Your Tools," "Pokemon Have Feelings Too," "If You Only Knew How They Feel," and even "Down With Our Trainers!" Someone must have put this shirt in my drawer by mistake. That was embarrassing. I was like saying, "Everyone tease me because I'm related to N" even if I hadn't been.
Of course, everyone in the school noticed it, so I borrowed a jacket from the spare clothes box. It had a picture of a Pikachu and a love heart. I didn't know what THAT was doing in the spare clothes box, but I had to wear it seeing as it was the only jacket in there that fitted me. It was better than everyone seeing my Pokemon protest shirt. So, instead of teasing me about my shirt, everyone teased me about the jacket. That is, when they weren't talking about yesterday's fire. That was why Battle Session classes were cancelled while the school could get the damage fixed. It wasn't that major, so they said that Battle Session would be back in a couple of weeks.
Chapter 6: An Unexpected Visit
When I got home that day, I was like, That was one of the worst days ever. Everyone was asking me if Brad and I had set the school on fire, or how, if I hated Trainers so much, why was I a Trainer myself. I tried to explain about the shirt, but it didn't matter. That lot never stay around to listen to the full story.
And to make my horrid day even worse, guess who was staying with us for two weeks? I bet you can guess. That's right. Bobby. Bobby the noisy, chattering, pain in the neck kid from next door. Ugh. I hadn't been able to concentrate on my essay last night, and he wouldn't let me concentrate for two weeks. The essay was due next Monday! And all I had was yesterday's date, my name and the title. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!
I told Bobby to leave me alone tonight. Just to make sure, I put a "DO NOT DISTURB. HOMEWORK IN PROGRESS. ABSOLUTE SILENCE REQUIRED!" sign on my door. I got as far as the first paragraph when the doorbell rang. Dad was out, Bobby didn't live here so he wasn't supposed to open the door. And Mum... I couldn't even remember her. I sighed and went downstairs to answer the door. It was Brad. "What do you want?" I said. "In case you've forgotten, we've got an essay due next Monday and I was just starting the second paragraph."
"Well, Makena. I'll make it quick. Someone told my dad that I lit the fire at school yesterday. Dad says I can't compete in the competion this year, so I'm giving you the pass. I told Dad about you and he told the teachers. Anyway, it wasn't me. I didn't do it. In fact I saw someone there so I went to see what they were doing in the school. And it looked like.... your grandpa, Ghetsis." He finished. My jaw just about dropped off my head and hit the floor. Brad gave me the pass and walked out the door.
What was that? That voice in my head. What was it?
"Taaaake...................... Kel....Kelllll........."
What was that? Take Kel? And what was that voice in my head? Then I thought, it's probably me getting stressed about today and thinking random things. Something made me walk out the door and check the mailbox, like some strange force was making my legs walk me out to the mailbox. I opened it and saw a letter.
"Child of N."
That's what was written on it, in very untidy handwriting. What was that all about? I took it and went up to my room to read it. I completely forgot on my essay sitting on my desk. I forgot about Brad and the competition pass in my pocket. I forgot about my rubbish day. I opened the letter.
"Child of N.
Go to the Moor of Icirrus. I will wait there and meet you. We mus............"
The letter ended abruptly. There was nothing else there. Except for a print. A Pokemon's hoofprint.
I packed a bag of things and made plans for tonight.
Chapter 7: The Moor at Midnight
I was sure Dad would be asleep now. Yes, it was 11 50, ten minutes until midnight. I grabbed my bag of things. I checked that I had everything. Potions? Check. Poke Balls? Check. You never know when you might need to catch a Pokemon. Torch? Check. Food supply? Check. You never know when you might get lost in a forest. Water? Check. Strongest Pokemon? Check. I had everything I might need for a midnight adventure. I crept over to my door and opened it. Creeeeeaak! I crept down the hallway. Bang! "OUCH!"
"What the heck do you think you're doing at this time of night?" I asked the person who I had bumped into.
"Oh! Makena! It's only you. I thought it was a ghost Pokemon!" It was Bobby. Bobby the pain.
"I'm just... getting a drink," I said.
"No you're not. You're lying," replied Bobby. This was a problem I had not planned for.
"Okay, fine. I'm going out for a walk," I said.
"Then I'm going with you," said Bobby. Like I said, he is a huge pain in the neck. If there's something out of the ordinary happening, Bobby will want to be involved too.
But if we argued for much longer we would wake the servants and Dad. And they would not be happy to find us planning to run off somewhere. So I said reluctantly, "Okay, fine. Just be quiet and do what I say."
We flew on Flygon and Pidgeot. We flew them over to Icirrus City, then we called them back quietly. I led the way to the Moor of Icirrus. Bobby wondered why we'd chosen such a strange spot and I said, "Because of a letter." I didn't want to tell him everything, but if I didn't tell him something then he might tell Dad, and depending on how much he told, that could be a bit of a problem.
When we got there, I saw a light in the place where a fire had broken out many years ago. If you've grown up in the Unova region you'd know the legend of Keldeo. When the fire which was caused by humans broke out, Keldeo was separated from its parents and raised by Cobalion, Virizion and Terrakion. It soon became stronger than them and battled Kyurem to become a Sword of Justice.
Cobalion and Keldeo were standing in front of us. That might sound crazy. I mean, two legendary Pokemon standing in the Moor of Icirrus, in the middle of the night, and Bobby and I were just standing there, our mouths open like Magikarp. Then Cobalion's voice spoke to me.
"Child of N. I knew you would come. Step forward, and accept my request. Please... Take Keldeo. You're the only one who can help us..."
So that's what I heard before! But what about that letter...? I stepped towards Cobalion and Keldeo. Cobalion turned to me. It seemed to be looking me up and down, inspecting me, seeing what I was like.
"Yes.... Makena. You're the one. Befriend Keldeo. That man... He will come and repeat what happened before. There is nothing more we can do. You're the only one who can help. Find Reshiram and Zekrom. They went into hiding with their old Trainers, but if you can find them...
That man is planning something big. With...Kyurem. You must stop him."
I knew who Cobalion was talking about. Ghetsis. N and his friends had to take him before. Now it was my turn. Unfortunately, homework had to wait. Forget that silly old essay, the fate of Unova was in my hands.
Chapter 8: Rider of the Legendary Pokemon
Keldeo stepped forward. Bobby was still standing there, looking like a Magikarp. He couldn't process it all. I was thinking. How was I supposed to find the Trainers who were watching over Reshiram and Zekrom? I knew that Zekrom had battled my father with Reshiram. Then he'd left Reshiram with another Trainer. Hmmm...
Keldeo nudged me and said, "We will go to Nuvema Town. But Cobalion says it's not a safe route." I said that I'd need to get ready. I went to the nearest Pokemon Center to heal my Pokemon and get some rest, as well as supplies for a long journey. To get a picture of how long it was, picture Unova on a rectangular map. Icirrus City would be in the top left corner. Nuvema Town would be in the bottom right corner. It would be a long journey if it were just flat plains, but there were allsorts of kinds of lands across Unova. Mountains like Twist Mountain, deserts like Route 4, oceans, forests, cities... It would be a long way.
Keldeo was waiting for me back at the moor. It said that it would help me reach Nuvema Town. It bent down and I got on its back. Bobby must have gone home. Keldeo carried me for a while but it soon got tired. It said that something was making it weak, that it couldn't carry me for a while. Then we saw them. There was no mistaking that badge. Half black, half white. In the shape of a shield, with a lightning bolt and a big blue P on the front. Team Plasma. They were wearing black and white uniforms, with odd boots too. Team Plasma was back yet again to make things difficult. And now it was me who had to deal with them.
"Well, looky here. It's Lord Ghetsis's little kiddie. I wasn't expecting to see you here. But, if you know what's good for you, you'll stand with your gramps and hand over that Pokemon!"
"Which Pokemon," I said back to the grunts. "I've got a few with me."
"That legendary one standing behind you."
"Oh. You mean, that Rapidash that looks like Keldeo?" I said.
"Don't play dumb with us! Yes, you silly girl. THAT one."
"Well, can you help practise for the upcoming Battle Competition? Winner keeps Keldeo."
"Hmph. Two against one. This'll be easy as pie."
"Pie as in, 3.141592653589?" I said, thinking up a new battle strategy. You should always think up a backup strategy in an important battle.
"Who called the maths teacher? Let's get this battle started!" yelled one grunt.
The Team Plasma grunts sent out a Garbodor and a Zebstrika. I sent out Klinklang and Flygon. The first grunt said, "Garbodor! Use Toxic on the Flygon!" I told Flygon to dodge it and the attack missed. Flygon used Dig on the Zebstrika and it did a lot of damage. Then Klinklang used Flash Cannon on Garbodor. Zebstrika used Discharge on Klinklang. It was a critical hit! "Hang in there," I said, hoping that Zebstrika wasn't as strong as it looked. Luckily Klinklang survived the hit, but I decided to send in a different Pokemon. I called Klinklang back and sent out Zoroark. Zoroark used Night Daze on Zebstrika, and it made Zebstrika faint. Flygon used Dig on the Garbodor and knocked it out. We'd won.
"This ain't over yet, girl. We have to retreat... for now," said the grunt. There was a flash and they were gone. Keldeo said he'd let me ride him to the nearest city. If we went through cities we'd be safer. I was thinking about how Team Plasma had been revived... again. The grunts had said something about Ghetsis... Come to think of it, nobody had seen Ghetsis in a while. He must have been really old by now, I thought. As we'd been travelling southeast from Icirrus City, the nearest city would be Nimbasa. So we headed there. It was only a couple more days before we saw the bright lights of Nimbasa City.
Chapter 9: The City Next to Home
Keldeo and I were near the edge of the forest. Keldeo said, "Makena, it would be best for me to go on my own through the forest. People notice legendary Pokemon, especially when they are with people. It is too bad I can't use the ability Illusion like Zorua and Zoroark can."
"But those Team Plasma people might capture you. Besides, you don't know the way through, do you? And not to mention the fact that it would be best to travel through cities and routes now. If anything happens to us we can go to a Pokemon Center because there'll always be one nearby."
I saw from his face that Keldeo was thinking about this. "Then there's only one other option. You must catch me."
"Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked him.
"We must find the two Trainers of the Legendary dragon Pokemon before it is too late. That man you know as Ghetsis will destroy the forest. He will separate more Pokemon.... once they are out of his way...."
I knew Keldeo was right. Slowly, I took out one of the Mood Balls from my bag. I opened it. Keldeo went inside of it with a red flash. I put Keldeo's ball in my bag and walked the remaining distance to the city.
First I headed to the Pokemon Center. I was starving hungry, as I had not been able to fit much food in my bag and we were nearly out. When I went in, Nurse Joy put my Poke Balls in the healing machine, and then I had some food. There wasn't anyone else there, apart from two people; a boy about my age and a man. They were talking quietly, and I only caught little bits of their conversation.
"Disappeared. Gone."
"No trace..."
"Operation....a go?"
"Do it."
It all sounded a bit odd, from what I was able to hear. I couldn't make out much about them, as they were both in hooded jackets and had sunglasses on. But both of the voices seemed....just the tiniest bit familiar....
After I finished my food and fed my Pokemon, I headed out into the city. It was then that I realized how surprisingly empty the streets were. It was then that I heard the voice. It was coming from the theme park. "So you are to give the lot of them to us! You hear me? THE LOT." The last two words were shouted. I headed towards the voice. "And now, without futher ado," said the person who had been talking, "here is our next leader, the young Master Hunter!" The man who had been talking stepped aside, and two people walked to where he had been standing. I recognised them as the pair from the Pokemon Center. How they had gotten there so fast I didn't know. But I was now sure that they were up to something.
"Thankyou," said the young one. "Before I introduce myself, I would like to say a big thankyou to all the people who have come around to our way of thinking already and given us their support. Although they were just a few Pokemon, we were able to get a lot of information from them, and as you all know, each and every Pokemon has great potential. Imagine what we could do with...all the power...from every single Pokemon...that is our ultimate goal. We want to make it a reality. To give humans the power of Pokemon. And I'd like to give a special thankyou to a special little Trainer who has given me a lot of information already. Her Makena Harmonia."
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