"What did Voight say?"

Chapter Twenty Three: To the Point 2x18:Get Back Even

*Trigger warning*

The problem with falling in love is that it has its downfalls, the impendable doom or in other words heartbreak. In this case. Becklean and Jay had to cool off, Voight was suspecting that it was Jay and Erin who were sneaking behind his back and it wasnt sitting right with Jay to be sneaking behind Voight's back.

The thing about love is that it comes and goes just as quickly as it happens. Becklean didn't let get to her, she put up a good front, trying to act like she didnt care, that she didn't have feelings for Jay. a while piecing her life together, making amends with her ex Oliver Cline.

Trying to be a better person, to work on forgiving and forgetting, and moving on and moving past things. She was working on herself slowly, trying to pick herself apart, to do what she felt was right. In the end letting Oliver say his peace felt good, she felt like she was evolving into a better, stronger woman.

It was cold and dark outside, the snow was falling quickly, thick and bone chilling, and frankly she didnt want to leave the comfort of her bed, but she had to, she finds herself standing a door of a potential murder victims home her partner standing next to her.

Jay knocks on the door.

" Who's there?" Sounds like a kid on the other side.

"Police. Can you open up?"

The sound of the locks turn and there stands a little girl with thick kinky curly hair.

" Can I see your badge, please?"

Becklean smirks and pulls hers out from the chain she wears around her neck. " Yeah. It's the real deal right there."

" I'm Jay. This is Becklean." Jay points to Becklean who nods. " What's your name?"

"I'm Denise."

"Denise, is anybody home with you right now?" Becklean asks as Denise has a constant lip purse dripping fro her lips. This little kid was the sassiest child Becklean had ever met.

" Mm-mm."

" Does Darius Gifford live here?"

" Mm-hmm, he's my brother." she leans up against the wall with her shoulder one hand still on the door,

"Can we look inside his room?"

" No, 'cause he said nobody's allowed in his room." She sasses as Jay cant help but smile.

" We're allowed." Denise sighs before stepping to the side and letting them into the house, they pull off their gloves and begin looking around. " Looks like our DOA came here to change out of anything identifiable."

"Denise, was your brother here with a friend?"

Denise folds her arms over her chest. " Yeah, with Andre and another boy I didn't know. They were yelling at him a lot, and Andre had a gun."

" Did your brother have a gun, too?" she purses her lips and nods. " Who else lives here with you?"

"Just me and Darius. My mom is dead, and my dad had to go to jail."

" All right. We're gonna take a ride then, okay?" Becklean says as Denise just sighs.

" Hey, we got a problem." Becklean turns to look at Jay and he hands her a card its Voight's card.


"Our two DOAs from the truck. Darius Gifford, Andre Davis. Rice Both up-and-comers with the Gangster Disciples." Becklean walks into Voight's office along with Jay, Erin and O, Erin holds up pictures of the guys.

" They changed out at Darius's apartment. Them and a third guy who was kind enough to leave behind his wallet." Jay explains as he hands the photos to Voight who is looking at them intently.

" Mm.

" That came out of the wallet belonging to a Charles Gray." Becklean hands Voight his card.
We think that he was the third occupant of the car at the scene."

" Except Charles has no record. He's not in the gang database. Unlike our victim/possible offenders."

"Little girl says they had a gun to him. So it sounds like he was coerced."

"Well, let's... let's find him and ask how this wound up there. " He gestures to the card in his hand.

"Yeah, you got any ideas?" Jay nods as Becklena rolls her eyes.

"If I did, I would've shared 'em."

"Charles has an unknown father. His mother, Michelle Post, lives nearby."

" Hmm." Voight looks as if he knows Michelle. " All right, well, somebody knew something about this truck. Ask narcotics if they had any chatter about a $2 million shipment coming. And I wanna know everything there is to know about this driver. Did he run or was he snatched? I'll talk to Michelle Post." Voight grabs his coat and leaves as Becklean and Erin go back to their seats.

Voight comes back an hour later.

"Hey, you get anything from the mom?"

"Not really. Where are you?" He looks between the blondes.

" Well, the truck was never opened. It's a botched robbery. How does that happen? I think Charles and his friends were riding behind the truck as security."

" They got hit by Mexican gangbangers... Which explains the Malverde crystals at the scene." Becklean finishes for her sister.

"Uh-huh. Kids go down defending their product. Charles knows the cops are coming, so he runs. He's either dead, or he's hiding."

" No, Charles ain't caught up." Voight says simply as becklean and Erin just shrug.

" How do we know that?"

" Well, his friends are gangbangers, he isn't. We can't even place him at the scene. I want to know where that truck was headed and whose drugs they were."

"That's cool, but... what I asked was, how do we know Charles isn't caught up?" Becklean takes a breath trying not to be annoyed with Jay.

" Because I just said so."

"Ruzek's trying to figure out where the drugs were headed." Erin continues.

"All right, where's the driver?"

" We've got an alert out on him, nothing from State Troopers yet. Olinsky's headed to his apartment to check it out." Becklean explains.

" Move faster." Voight orders walking off in his office.


Becklean was nodding off in the backseat while Erin and Jay were up front, Jay was being short with Voight and it was annoying everyone. He got a potential location from some Gang affiliated group that was with the boys.

" We can't just move to the warehouse. There could be 20 guys in there."

" Could be hiding Charles in there" Jay mutters as Becklean clears her throat from the back seat.

" Why do you want to find this kid? You trying to make a point to Voight?" Erin asks as He shrugs.

" He wants us to take the lead."

"Look I don't know what your issue is with Voight but just whip them out already." Becklean sasses as Erin smirks from the backseat.

Some guy on a bike rides down the block. He stares directly at their car. "We're made. This whole block's on counter-surveillance."

" All right, we're gonna try something different." Attwater responds

Before long Attwater and Rusek are walking into the building along with some young teenagers. They hold the door open for Becklean, Jay and Erin, who get out and go inside. The two boys seem eager to leave the building which says something to Becklean they keep saying "don't shut the door" and "we need to leave the building." Rusek and Attwater stay with the kids while the others go to clear the building only to see a fire start.

"Guys" Erin yells at Attwater and Rusek, the door was locked from the outside and there were bars on the windows.

"This is 5021-Ida. Emergency. Emergency. 10-1, we are locked down at 2200 Wabash. Roll fire. I repeat, roll fire. We are surrounded by flames, holding two offenders."

Becklean looks around and everyone is coughing and inhaling smoke she hears Erin calling for her name and she runs over to the window seeing a small window with a fan in it. Erin calls over Jay then Kevin and they give Becklean a boost who grips onto a pipe on the wall and begins kicking the fan out the window she climbs through the window before jumping down and running back into the building to open the door. Everyone comes out coughing and the boys try to run off.

" Hey! Hey!"

"Wait! Wait, what are y'all doing? We helped y'all! We told y'all what was going on. You can't arrest us."

" Did I say you were under arrest? I don't think so. Come on. You all are coming with us. Have a little talk." Kevin scoops them up by their collars and talks them back to the precinct where they put the two boys up in interrogation


"G-D's put 10 grand on the street for any information that IDs Charles." Rusek tapes a photo to the white board.

"I looked into his social media, his Facebook. There's no overlap with the victim from the robbery. He must know them from the bad old days. So maybe he's safe?"

"None of us caught it..." Jay walks into the bullpen. " Charles has a Class A license. He knew how to drive the tractor trailer." he tapes up a photo of Charles's license.

" All right, so he's a good kid with bad friends. He gets pulled into their robbery crew to be a getaway driver. They were gonna hijack their own truck."

" The Mexican angle... What are we missing?"

"Plenty. Without Charles, we don't have a witness."

"So missing truck driver's our most likely murder suspect. Charles and his buddies roll up, driver starts blasting." Rusek explains.

" Aaron McIntire... 47 years old and, according to his trucking company, a model employee."

" A model employee registered with a .40-caliber gun. Same caliber as the victim at the scene"

"We checked his apartment. His car was still in the lot. We alerted Drug Interdiction agencies along the highway. Nothing." O explains.

" I should be sitting across from this guy right now. Guy's hauling drugs, might've kill two kids a mile from here."

" He has two stepsons from an ex-wife. His son Keith is local." Antonio replies

" Hit it. You and Al." Voight nods to him as he and Al walk out. Becklean sees Jay walk into the breakroom and decides to follow him as she sits down on the edge of the table.

" What'd Voight say?"

"He told me a story."

"About how he gave the mom a card." Becklean finishes as Jay stands up against the fridge.

" And because of that, we operate in the dark."

" If he told you what he did for me, you wouldn't like it. But the only way I'm here having this conversation with you is because of what he did."

" Maybe." He shrugs. " I'd like to think I could handle it."

" I hear you. The kid matters to Voight. So he matters to me." She pushes herself off the table. "That's the gig. It's simple."

O and Antonio find the son and the father, and bring in the father for interrogation.

"Truck driver ID'd this guy. Octavio Ramirez is our gun. He hit on both FBI and ICE databases." Erin explains.

" Wanted for multiple drug-related murder in Durango. If his job was to secure that shipment, you better believe he's looking for Charles Gray. He got to send a message."

" This is good work... you put out an investigative alert." Antonio says.

" And got the FBI to add him to Chicago's most wanted." Becklean nods as Voight's phone rings.

"Yeah. Look, slow down. It's okay. I'm on my way." he gets up and leaves.


Becklean finds herself being dragged out of her comfortable bed, Apparently Charles came home but he was covered in blood and had a gunshot wound, Vought called in Jay to bring his brother Will and Becklean for backup in case someone was coming, he needed his sharpest shooter after all.

"Will's an awesome surgeon. He's worked in worse conditions than this." Jay was reassuring Charles who was layed up on the kitchen counter bleeding from his shoulder.

" Darius rolled up, and I couldn't disrespect him. He said we were going for a ride. Didn't mention any robbery."

" Okay, what we're looking at... two large caliber gun to the right shoulder." Will smiles at Becklean,"Can you put your hand there." She just smirks and does as she does as she's told, will grab the wrapping he had covering the wound. " Charles, nice work. CVS?"

" Walgreens." Charles laughs.

" My man." Will puts on new gloves putting his hand where Becklean's was he smiles again.

" Can you get 'em out?"

"No problem. Leave you some badass scars, too." He smiles at Charles who nods.

"I said I wasn't robbing anyone. They said if I didn't drive off with that truck, they'd come after Mom."

" You're safe now, baby."

" All right, who's assisting me?" Will asks as Becklean just sighs.

" I got you. I will." She pulls her coat off tying her hair up quickly.

" Go in my bag, get the suture, load the lidocaine. I need a scalpel and small forceps and whatever gauze is in there."

" Here's your gauze."

" Thank you."

" Here's the kit." She hands it to will.

" All right, this is gonna hurt, Charles, but I need to open up that wound so we can get those slugs out and stop the bleeding. Lidocaine." Becklean hands him the Lidocaine. " All right, scalpel." she hands it to him as Charles starts yelling. " Here we go. I know. I know... gauze.....That's it. I know. You're doing great. Okay. More gauze"

" here."

" Michelle, sit down."

" Needle driver." He asks as she hands it to him.

" Yeah. Ah, all right, got it. It's all right. A lot of pressure just got released. Suture. All right, stitching the wound closed. All right, and one down." he smiles at Charles. " Okay, Becklean, lidocaine." she hands it. "All right, here we go, here we go, that's it. Got it." Charles groans. " I know. All right. Here we go." floorboard creaks. And Voight tells everyone to be quiet, he goes and checks out the window efore coming back into the kitchen.

"It's Ramirez. He's not alone. Get him down in the basement."

" I can't... a second bullet nicked an artery."

"Look, they're coming. At least one out back." Jay turns the lamp off.

" Will. Will!"

" If I move him now, he'll bleed to death. I need to tie off this artery."

The sound of glass shatters. "Will! They're here. Someone's upstairs." Jay says.

" Almost there. All right, and done. Let's go. On your feet." They begin lifting Charles onto his feet. Will takes him away as Jay turns off the lights and everyone has their guns out.

Becklean goes to the basement with Will and helps him get Charles prompted up properly against the wall in a small room before deciding to be on look out. Of course Ramierez comes down the steps hes rounding the corner as Will feels the need to step in front of Becklean as soon as she sees him step into view. She punches him in the face causing him to stumble back, then she kicks him in the chest which causes him to fall back into the wall and he runs at her trying to grab her but she dodges him doing that a couple times before they are circling each other like vultures, he tries to hit her and she punches him a few times before roundhouse kicking him in the face he falls to the ground just as soon as Voight bust through the back door,

"Clear...." Voight looks at her then Jay. Jay feels for a pulse shaking his head when he doesnt find one. " Hey, Doc, you back there?"

"Yeah, we're back here."

" All right. You're safe now. He gonna live?"

" He's gonna be fine. I just want to pack the wound."

" Come on, give me a hand."

"All right. We got you"


Jay looks at Becklean who is doing her paperwork, he sits his pen down before leaning back in his chair to stare at her. "Can't believe you roundhouse kicked someone in the face so hard you killed him."

Becklean laughs. "He probably was already leaning on death and I just sped up the process." she shrugs as Jay laughs.

"Will seems like a good brother."

Jay shrugs. "Sometimes."

"Ahh, I get it. Sometimes I love Erin and sometimes I want to break her freaking neck." she shrugs. "It happens, but we have to love them, No matter what because they went through the same shitty childhood that we did. And also cause life wouldnt even be the same without them. We are just too stubborn to see it." Jay chuckles as does Becklean the two lock eyes, each of them feeling the fires burning in their bellies.

They stare for what feels like eternity before he clears his throat and they finish their paperwork in silence leaving.

Word count: 3100

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