Chifuyu's Return and Kokoro's Resignation
3rd Person POV
It had been a few montgs since the Shie Hassakai raid and the demotion of Sir Nighteye.
Thanks to Overhaul's abrupt "disappearance" and with the heroes unable to provide answers to the public, the civilians have become uneasy with the heroes as a result.
Not only that, two students, one from Hope's Peak Academy and the other from UA's General course have been declared missing after the incident.
Their names: Chifuyu Namami, the 79th class of Hope's Peak Academy's own Ultimate Streamer and class president, and Kokoro Mitsume, the coveted prodigy of UA's general course (And soon to be Ultimate Psychologist for Hope's Peak Academy, but that's for later).
This caused unrest among many civilians. Especially the followers of Chifuyu and her mainstream online communities, ranging from her YouTube channels to her multiple media platforms and online blogs. It's no secret Chifuyu gained a mass following (earning her spot as the Ultimate Streamer in Hope's Peak Academy) and a fan base that covers not only Japan, but also many countries, including but not limited to, the USA, the United Kingdom, China, South America, parts of Russia & Africa, among many other countries. Her popularity as of late despite her absence has been trending, especially of events such as the I-Island incident and her revealing Nighteye's less than safe work environments. Many of her fans wondered where their illustrious content maker had vanished too. This formed conspiracy theories, even podcasts making guesses about her whereabouts. Some wondered if some disgruntled hero took action against her as she's part of the reason hero propaganda has been losing its effects. Others theorized that she was abducted by hero cultists (given how she badly reacted to Midoriya's hero speech it's not that much of a stretch). A crazier one was alien abduction (Chifuyu actually got a laugh out that one).
Despite all of the crazy theories and conspiracies, all can agree that the main reason that our favorite gamer was missing: UA.
A lot of press (even rivaling the amount that tried to invade when it was first heard that All Might was teaching to that of double the amount of reporters) have been badgering both teacher and student alike about the missing students. Those from Hope's Peak Academy didn't shy away to their credit. In fact they were quick to point the finger at UA, all of them declaring it was the principal's fault that this happened. Which now leads us to a press conference held by one Nedzu.
Tired of the wolves trying to blow down the door of his "palace", Nedzu decided to make a statement. On the outside he seemed calm and composed. But internally he was seething. And Chifuyu was all to blame for his own troubles. Not only was she eroding UA's reputation but she also stole away the one human he's been trying to get close to. Yes, it's as bad as it sounds. Nedzu was obsessed with Kokoro. And now that's she's been missing, he's been fit to be tied. And it's all because of that impertinent brat!
Calming himself, he called for Eraserhead, Present Mic, Vlad King, All Might, and Midnight to join the press conference.
He has to use this opportunity to make UA look like the good guys and that they're doing what's best for their witness protection program for Hope's Peak.
Little did he realize that other matters are at play...
"You sure about this?" Kokoro asked, wheeling herself over to Chifuyu who was setting up her Livestream equipment.
"Yes I'm sure. This will send a statement to all of Japan if not the whole world that not only are we alive but also coming out swinging. Consider this an official war declaration to our enemies." Chifuyu replied.
"But to send those videos of the Shie Hassakai and Overhaul being tortured and killed will probably bring the authorities right to your door." Kokoro pointed out, rubbing the ears of Yorichi as he padded over and sat down next to her, watching Chifuyu move around the room in the bunker campus.
"That's why I got Chihiro and the Rotom network covering my tracks. And I already placed a notice-me-not charm over the campus for extra insurance. We just have to teleport out like we did getting in to avoid breaking the spell. And it's also why I specifically redecorated this specific room so no one can analyze the room and guess where it is."
Amatsu then appeared, flopping onto Kokoro's lap. "You thought of everything have you?" They remarked from their new favorite spot on Kokoro's lap.
"The only thing I haven't thought about is dealing with Auntie and Cousin Kurapika..." The mental images of both of her relatives made her wince. "One because I haven't told Aunt Chichi what we are doing much less that we are back in town, and Kurapika's going to blow a gasket once he finds out that I made a deal with the Phantom Troupe to get their alliance..." And with Machi coming back to town to help out as part of the deal she made during their collective absence, that secret is going to be blown out of the water sooner than later.
Izuru then entered the room; he has been overseeing things in the Hope's Peak bunker campus, on top of making sure things were running smoothly among the student body of Hope's Peak.
"They're starting the live coverage at UA," He reported to Chifuyu.
"Well you know what that means," Chifuyu said, picking up her phone. "Chihiro, prepare the videos and have it broadcasted live to the world."
"Right away, cuz." He replied back.
Chifuyu grinned ferally as she got herself ready. This was going to be good.
She's going to flip these deluded meddlers' worlds on their heads by showing the corruption of their beloved heroes.
Back in UA...
Things were going smoothly as Nedzu and his staff calmly answered (or rather deflected) questions from the press about the many accusations being thrown at them.
Until the lights flickered in the auditorium, the jumbo screens displaying the staff on stage flicking off into static before a pink screen with a large flower insignia appeared.
"WHAT IS THIS?!" One person in the crowd shouted which caused an uproar in response. Many people in the crowd recognized it as the currently missing livestreamer's brand.
A countdown sequence began, which caused a silence to fall upon the entire crowd. The staff on stage only felt dread as the countdown reached to one, having a bad feeling about this, Nedzu especially.
A video recording began, looking grainy at first but then it cleared up as the screen focused on what many have recognized as the Shie Hassakai base before it was stormed and destroyed by the oncoming raid.
The video showed of Kokoro trying to break into Eri's room, moments before she was caught by one of the Yakuza's admins.
Nedzu's eyes widen at this. "What is this?!"
The sequence did not end when the admins took her away after knocking her out. The camera lens then focused on a corner, where it zoomed in to reveal Nighteye who only stood back in the shadows and let it happen, and only walking away when Kokoro disappeared from view.
An enraged outcry commenced from the viewers, causing the UA staff to panic while Nedzu demanded to have this Livestream shut off.
Meanwhile at the UA dorms...
The students of UA were watching the news as they were given the day off so that the staff could go to the press conference, but imagine their collective surprise when a "surprise" Livestream from our favorite summoner interrupted the broadcast. Many students became shocked at the footage revealing not only Kokoro trying to save Eri (and her consequential kidnapping) but also of Nighteye's corruption.
One third year that was on the scene (and lost his Quirk due to taking a bullet for Eri) looked like the world was yanked from underneath him as he witnessed Nighteye do nothing to save Kokoro. His two friends, Tamaki and Nejire had to catch him from falling in shock. To think his mentor would do such a thing...
Meanwhile with 1-A (and some of 1-B), many students had varying degrees of shock, anger, and despair seeing these sequences. The most notable were that belonging to Midoriya, Bakugo, Ochako, Iida, and Yaororuzu. Let your imagination guess what they were thinking...
Back with the press conference....
It was pandemonium as the sequence ended, everyone present (minus the UA staff) was wanting payment in blood for what a supposedly upstanding hero (and one that had worked alongside All Might as a sidekick no less) had done (or haven't done).
But it did not stop there.
A silence fell upon the crowd once more as another countdown began, this one revealing a battered Overhaul tied to a stone wall in what looked like your run-of-the-mill dungeon. A bucket of water was thrown over him, waking him up. Captions appeared on the screens, listing off of all of his crimes, inlcuding, but not limited to, torturing a little girl to collect her blood to make his god-forsaken bullets, and how he had Kokoro stripped down and stuffed into a freezer, while also nearly had her hands frozen off due to her circulation getting cut off as her wrists were tied tightly.
The video unpaused, making the captions vanish, as words were exchanged briefly before the action started. His hands were stabbed and then cut off at the wrists, as his screams filled the silence of the auditorium, the reporters unable to look away as Overhaul was tortured to death.
And the video did not stop there.
After Overhaul's body gave out from the pain, announcing his death, a new countdown began.
Nedzu tried to have the livestream shut down by picking up a remote to turn off the TV's but the device was not working for some reason. He clicked frantically as the countdown reached zero but it was too late. The next execution video had already started.
This time viewing the remnants of the Eight Precepts of death. Cloaked figures wearing lab coats and odd gear (that looked oddly animal like) entered the room they were left in. They took out several syringes filled with an unidentifiable substance (the jiki) and injected it into the Eight Bullets. The cloaked figures left, an sinister air hanging over them. Shortly after, the Eight Bullets awakened. Another figure, whose face was masked and had a large cloak covering their body told them that they were to fight to the death to get the cure to the diseases injected into them before the person literally left them to their own devices (among those devices were a number of guns and knives, even a chainsaw).
It wasn't long before chaos ensued, the eight yakuza began to off each other, the effects of the jiki showing as they ravaged and tore each other apart. When the "winner" was revealed, the crowd thought it was going to end. But they wanted the winner to die, as they were outraged at all of the crimes they and their late boss had committed. Surely he won't be able to walk away free even after all of that.
Thankfully, to their shock, they got their wish.
When the winner began to congratulate himself for emerging victorious, six large wolf-like dogs burst through the door, giving the shocked survivor no time as the dogs took him apart, killing him.
The feed cut out, revealing static for a few moments before the screens blinked and revealed nobody other than Chifuyu, wearing an impeccable Azalea themed suit (she got it back from the cleaners after the I-Island incident) sitting in a leather chair, Amatsu lounging on her lap, another large wolf bigger than the six the crowd witnessed, sitting behind her, Kokoro in her wheelchair next to her with her tablet in hand, and Izuru standing behind the girls, a hand on Kokoro's shoulder and another on the back of Chifuyu's chair.
"Greetings and Salivations!" Chifuyu chirped, using her catchphrase whenever she starts a video. "Good to be back online!"
Everyone's attention was on the screen, the reporters paying rapt attention as some even got their phones out to access the chat feature on her channel.
"Yes yes, I know it has been awhile since someone with sense and style has done a video! Viewers rejoice!" Chifuyu continued.
Nedzu gritted his teeth in anger; this was not going to plan! He needs to salvage this and right now!
"Get that brat's location!" One hero on stage demanded, but hardly anyone moved to do so.
"Instead of a bunch of cloud-chasing gloryhounds trying to flex on the public just because a camera is spotted!"
"Turn this off now!" This time it was Eraserhead shouting.
"Are the heroes too incompetent, always saying one thing and then doing another, kind of like our recently relieved of his hero duties Nighteye?" Chifuyu continued. "I can safely say the same thing of the majority of the staff of UA, especially their beloved principal, Nedzu."
"Ignore that brat's chirping!" Nedzu openly protested.
"Every day he's got a new scheme," Chifuyu continued on, knowingly aggravating Nedzu.
"You're looking at the future of heroes!" All Might took the mic at this point. "And she's the brat trying to tear it all down!"
"Is Nedzu and the rest of the staff as strong as they proport? Or is it based on their so-called support? Without their propaganda and glitz and glamour, they'd be powerless!"
"Shut this off now!!" Eraserhead's eyes were a glow with their red light.
"And here's the sugar on the cream, dear viewers," Chifuyu leaned forward in her seat as if sharing a juicy secret. "Nedzu tried to make me a student of the hero course. I said no now he's pissy, that's the tea!" Nedzu was nearly frothing at the mouth as she continued to openly insult and heckle his image.
"While Nedzu had actually tried to force me to attend UA and also coerced my schoolmates into his false witness protection program, it's not the worst thing he has done." Even Kokoro looked at her in confusion.
"Dear, what are you talking about?" Kokoro looked confused, as this apparently wasn't part of the script.
Chifuyu turned to her and gave her an apologetic look. "I apologize for not saying something sooner before this broadcast, but I knew you would try to keep it from me for my safety." She turned back to the screen, looking at her viewers. "What I'm about to show you just might shake up your world even further. And for that, I will not apologize."
One screen changed from Chifuyu's face to another video.
This one a camera in Nedzu's office.
Nedzu felt his black heart sink as he recognized this.
In the video, Nedzu was sitting in his office couch, with his usual cup of tea at his table. It was noted that there was another cup of tea.
But who was the guest to receive this?
It was revealed that it was for Kokoro as she entered the office, under the pretense to discuss school-related matters with the principal.
"Turn this off!" Nedzu began to yell again, trying to cut off the feed to no success.
Nedzu on the screen smiled at Kokoro, one that made her (and some of the viewers present) feel dread.
Their fears were confirmed as it did get worse.
Nedzu made her sit next to him, where he got uncomfortably close to her. This showed on Kokoro's face, but she kept quiet, politely taking the tea offered to her and try to ignore how Nedzu was trying to brush up against her with his fur.
"That impudent brat! I'll show her suffering for this! I'm going to make that brat wished she stayed gone!" Nedzu raged in his mind as this was going to be a big blow against his and UA's reputation.
Kokoro, feeling disgust, tried to shove him away, albeit gently, but it progressed to Nedzu to be more aggressive, even going as far as to growl when she tried to push him away. She had to endure these unwelcome advances throughout free period, and when the bell rang for the next class, she all but ran out of the office.
There weren't any voice recordings throughout the video, but there were no need for words after what all of Japan's viewers (and perhaps the rest of the world) had witnessed.
The video ended after Kokoro left the office in a hurry.
The video screen cut back to Chifuyu and her party.
She turned to Kokoro who looked more shocked that Chifuyu had that video clip than she was for her knowing about Nedzu's unwelcome advances.
"I apologize for not saying something sooner and for putting this up without talking to you, but I couldn't let this stay quiet." Chifuyu looked truly apologetic.
"No," Kokoro spoke up, her voice was firm and determined. "It was only a matter of time before either you found out or I have told you. I just wished I said something sooner than having it revealed like this." Kokoro squeezed Chifuyu's hand. "Regardless, I'm glad you did it. Someone has to know how deep this corruption goes. And who knows who else is also victims of this abuse?"
"Very true, my love." Chifuyu managed a relieved smile. "Thank you for understanding."
"Next time, please tell me when you are about to do something like drop these sort of bombshells." Kokoro gave Chifuyu a flick on her forehead. "So that way I can better prepare myself and we can talk it over."
Chifuyu pouted at her but nodded. "Okay."
Some of the reporters aww'd at this tender moment. Even Midnight swooned at the exchange, even though she got a few reprimanding looks from her colleagues.
Chifuyu turned back to the screen, her soft features hardening as a hard grin was etched into her face as she rose to her feet.
"Let's begin~" She began, almost as if she was looking at the crowd of heroes on the stage, more specifcally, Nedzu. "I'm going to make you lot wish that I stayed gone~" Her ears and tail began to emerge as she let herself turn into her animagus form, "All of you tune on in, for when I'm done, this status quo will have it's race run. Oh this will be fun~" By the end of her poetic declaration, she had turned into her pink Zacian forme, a snarl on her face, showcasing her pearl white fangs.
With that all of the screens cut to black.
Nedzu could only feel despair and anger as the reporters began to clamour and riot, wanting blood to spill.
Meanwhile back at the bunker campus....
"Well I think that went well," Chifuyu chirped, still in her dog form as she wagged her tail slightly as Yoriichi stood up from his spot on the floor with Amatsu hitching a ride on his back.
Izuru walked over and whapped her with a rolled up newspaper he had seemingly hidden on his person.
"What was that for?!" Chifuyu protested, using her foreleg to rub her face.
"That's for taking off without telling me." Izuru reprimanded her. "You scared me."
This caused her to blink in shock at Izuru.
He then knelt down and hugged her to him. "And that's for coming back to me safely." He murmured into her ear.
Kokoro wheeled herself over, offering her own hug, with Amatsu hopping over to cling to Chifuyu's head as they also missed her during her and Kokoro's absence.
Chifuyu's army is being assembled, and with her declaration of war against Nedzu, a civil war is on the horizon.
She knows she is still a long way off from the final battle, but she is in it for the long haul. Even if takes making a deal with the devil themselves, she will see this through.
Underneath the earth's surface, lies the world of hell itself. Seven rings, better known as each deadly sin's territory, resides within the earth's crust.
In an effort to save time however, let's focus on the residence of Pentagram City, shall we?
This city is home to a number of overlord sinners, from the old yet powerful Vestial, to the infamous V trio, to the cannibal overlord Rosie, all of them in a constant violent bid war for territory and contracts to collect sinners to command to climb up the hellish hierarchy ladder.
One overlord who had gone missing in action for about seven years was none other than Alastor, the Radio Demon. Despite popular opinion that radio is dead thanks to the invention of the television, Alastor is far from weak. Quite the opposite to be frank. The ever smiling overlord always had something up his sleeves, whatever keeps him from being bored. And he's always looking for fresh material.
It was as he was taking a stroll through the city that he found a new inspiration.
While he normally doesn't care for anything to do with the "infernal picture box" what he caught a glimpse of on a nearby TV screen was worth grabbing his attention.
He gave thanks that for once it was not related to that upstart overlord Vox and his cloud-chasing video podcasts.
He bore witness as the video broadcasted a video of a surface dweller's demise along with a creatively made execution video of several individuals. Alastor found himself actually entertained by the sequences. His smile stretched further when the maker of this wonderful content was revealed to be a surface dweller with interesting abilities and powers. She had the charisma to be a powerful overlord, not to mention the firepower.
As her broadcast ended, he found himself wanting to know more about this human. He began to make his way back to the Hazbin Hotel, intending to have some research done...
Back on the surface....
It has been a week since Chifuyu's livestream and declaration of war. Some have tried to put a warrant out to have Chifuyu arrested as it was revealed she murdered Overhaul and had a hand in killing his men, but this failed once her Hunter's license was revealed, and thanks to Isaac Netero, the head of the Hunter's commission, she got off scot-free as the license allowed the holder to kill within certain parameters. And since Overhaul was a wanted man with a hefty bounty in the Hunter's database along with his men, Chifuyu had the green light to bring him in dead or alive.
But enough about that.
Let's focus on the here and now.
Kokoro rolled through the hallways of UA, with the six Mightyena hybrids circling around her, along with Yoriichi and Chifuyu tagging along (the latter in her animagus forme).
Many students tried to approach Kokoro to ask her questions (a lot of it because of the broadcast) but they were deterred quickly when one Yoriichi gave a deep-throated snarl, making them back off and give them a wide berth as Kokoro directed her wheelchair to the principal's office.
Her face was drawn and determined as she held an envelope in her hand.
Her resignation papers.
And a copy of the transfer papers to Hope's Peak Academy, courtesy of one Chisa Yukizome.
It wasn't long before they all made it to the principal's door. The Mightyena squad growled lowly, Yoriichi and Chifuyu staring at the door as if trying to set it ablaze with their mind.
Taking a breath, Kokoro opened the door without knocking (a serious offense by Nedzu's standards), and rolled in on her wheelchair. She barely batted an eye at his vandalized office (knowing full well in her mind that this was more than likely Chifuyu's handiwork as she recognized Grafaiai and Smeargle paint when she saw it) as she rolled up to his desk.
Ignoring his shell-shocked expression at the sudden intrusion, she slammed her envelope on his desk.
"This is my letter of resignation," Kokoro stated in a hard tone. "You can roll this up in a tight little wad and shove it up your dick for all I care. If you dare try to ask why this is happening then you are even more presumptious than I thought and that's saying something."
Without waiting for a response, she rolled out the door, slamming it on the way out, the dogs on her heels.
Nedzu only sat there in shock, his mind trying to catch up with him as he tried to process what just happened.
Meanwhile back at the bunker campus...
Ambertwo, better known as Ai when in public, entered her bedroom shared with Eri.
"Hey, I'm back," she said, seemingly talking to air as she looked straight at a rocking chair that was moving by itself.
The air shimmered briefly, displaying a small blonde child with no eyes and legs.
(Ignore Ivu next to her though that may be considered foreshadowing given what is planned in the future)
Amber gave a small sad smile, hoping to help her "new friend."
"I hope I can convince her that big sis can help her....
And the others...."
Sorry for the long absence. Working at the postal service, despite its rewards, is tiring. Ever since Thanksgiving, I was constantly exhausted and had no energy to update anything, not even my social media profiles.
Thanks to KaoTamashi for having a hand in helping with the ideas.
So Chifuyu is making her move against Nedzu, and she's going to find out her fanbase is not just with the living, but also reaches out to those of the hellish variety.
I got many projects lying in wait, the most pressing being Melodia's story and my new OC Kaysa's too. Since I had time to update, I hoped to work on those stories as well as some of my older projects if I can. I also got new OC's in my drafts waiting in the wings. So please bear with me and I'll do my best to give you guys good content to read.
This is ArtVampire signing off!
Ja ne!
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