"You're not serious..." Jace doubts me. "Where's the punch line?"
"There isn't one." I step to his desk and hop atop it. "Like I said, you can check." I roll the hem of my dress to my thighs. He nears me, removing his suit jacket. I smirk at his doubtfulness and pull down my underwear. "Don't go berserk on me...it can't be popped yet."
Jace kneels before me, so he's at eye level with my coochie. "You're tricking me." I chuckle. "You're too bad to be good." His hand approaches my legs; I spread them. "It's too dark; turn on the lamp."
I follow his eyesight to a lamp and click it on. "Time to go mining." I snort and hand it to him.
Jace shines the light at my vag. His fingers part the skin down there. My mind liquifies. It's so hyper-sensitive...so tender. Is he touching my insides?! My nails dig into the wood desk.
"No way..." His airy words are almost inaudible. A slight tap to my pearl causes me to clamp up. My crown sticks to his finger. It's so sore. Tingling follows. My clit has a heartbeat.
"How?" He caresses my pink ball. I shuffle my legs from side to side. "Tell me how?" Jace's flabbergasted eyes analyze me. My brain is too incapacitated to form a comprehensive response. I stammer in what seems like a different language. He's amused by my struggle. "Is this the first time you've been fondled?" My mouth is too wet to speak, so I just nod. "You need to tell me everything."
"I...I can't with your finger on it."
"I'd love to see how you'll react to my mouth on it." He flicks my bean. I grumble. My legs bicycle in response. I spew out juice.
Jace inhales through his nostrils. "Explain."
I catch my breath. "I decided to wait."
"Please don't say for religious purposes, you're going to ruin Christian girls for me."
"No...not because of religion. I just wanted to wait."
"For marriage, right? That's why you almost passed out on me?"
"Yes, and yes."
He glances at my spreaded legs. "You don't act like one."
"I hear that a lot."
"I'm a bad influence."
"You're not."
"I need to treat you differently."
I shake my head. "No..."
"Yes. If I don't, I'll spoil your plan. You want marriage first. I'll destroy that if I keep going how I am."
"I thought you could endure anything?"
"Everyone has a weakness."
I smirk at him like a devil. "What do you want to do to me right now?"
"Don't push it."
"I trust you."
"Right now, you shouldn't."
"Oh, really?" I stand. "Why shouldn't I?" I close in on him.
Jace holds me at arm's length. "Don't test me..."
"What do you want to do to me right now?" I ask mischievously.
"Let's call it a day."
"Don't you want to hear me say the L word? How about we compromise? I'll say it if you answer the question."
"I'm lost...do you want to wait until marriage or not?"
"What if I make it fair? I'll say what I want to do to you." My nails scrape down to his crotch. I circle them around his tip. He's hard.
"I'm close to fucking you."
"Oh...mmm." I wedge past his arms. "Where's that willpower you told me about?"
"It's fading."
I run my hands up and down his pants. "I thought about a hummer blowjob. Only I was too scared to take control. But now, I have no issue."
"I'm trying to keep you pure."
"Too late for that..." A boner extends his pants. I tap at it with both hands. "Tell me your dirty thoughts; then I'll say I L you."
Jace heaves; his eyelids slit with pure craving and temptation. I pat down his shaft to arouse the base of his penis. His cock is close to stabbing my underwear. "Downstroke, Oyster, Acrobat, Launch Pad, Lotus." he answers sultrily. "Now say it."
"You're not gonna try to attack me, are you?" I gaze up at him; he's so aroused. I love the thirst in his eyes. "Sex isn't on the table."
"You put it there...I warned you."
I eye the windows; a white mist fogs the glass. I back away towards them. Jace follows me. "I was just teasing."
"That was more than teasing."
I close in on the windows, giggling at his seriousness. "I was just teasing."
"Yes...so whatever you're trying to do won't work."
"How come?"
I flatten my back against the glass. "Because...I'm sure I can outrun you."
"You can't."
"Open the windows," I command the house. The glass divides; splattering rain washes in. I grin to one side.
"I'll give you a head start."
I walk backwards out onto the grass and am immediately bathed by rain. "Why can't it be a fair start?"
"Fine." He speeds my way. I scream and flee, running and shielding my forehead so I can see.
Is he really about to fuck me?? I didn't go that far, did I? My eyes stay ahead.
My feet dash across sleek grass.
Don't turn around, don't turn around! I'm acting more as if I'm being pursued by a monster than a human. I'm sure it has to do with his build and height. Jace is a titan.
I aim for a tree because I'm getting winded. When I get to it, I check behind me. Jace isn't anywhere in sight. The horrific storm flashes and booms, adding the elements of a scary movie scene.
I wipe my eyes and wag my head left to right. Where did he go? I do a 360 scan. There's a bridge over a small pond. I dart to it. The sound of splashing footsteps terrifies me. He's behind me!
I squeal and up my pace. I dodge trees in haste. Where the hell did he come from?! I get winded and rest under a tree shielded by huge leaves. I wipe my eyes clear. "Okay, you win!" Jace isn't chasing me; he's gone again. "Jace?? This isn't funny anymore!" I whimper. "I quit."
Crackling thunder jumps my bones from my body. "BOO!"
"AHH!!!" I hold my chest.
"I win..." Jace steps from behind the tree. "Now, about my situation." He stares down at the giant protrusion poking through his pants. The hard on is over a foot in width. He wasn't lying about it being long. My teeth chew my bottom lip. "I need help emptying."
"Blowjob?" I wiggle my brows.
"No...you won't learn your lesson from that." His hands flip me around, pressing me into the tree, raising my dress past my butt cheeks. "I can toy with you just as bad." The glassy skin of his head bothers my ass line. There's enough depth for it to break through.
I brace myself on the tree trunk and toot my ass to deepen his dick on it. Jace pants into my ear. "Who's toying with who, again?" I leer victoriously.
"I am." He puts it in...only by an inch or so, then pops it out. Jace repeats this to fuck with me.
I whimper at the pressure. The leaves give us coverage from the lashing rain. Droplets fall down and trail my back to my ass. I wince at the coolness. His boiling cum needs to warm me. "The rain is freezing ...heat me up. Spray my back."
Jace removes his tip to jam it on my bare backside. "You have to stop being so dirty." His top sticks to my back like an adhesive and rips away just as rough. A bulbous, soaked, dick. It's slimy and twitchy...and straight as a sword.
Jace climaxes warm milk. I can picture the lines spilling down my back, ass, and legs. Compared to the wind chill around us, the liquid is a cozy fire. The leaves above droop, losing to thicker rain. We're splashed by heavy beads. "Let's get inside." Jace flings me over his shoulder and sprints to the house.
The office is warm and quiet. He sits me on the desk. I'm drenched, so I remove my dress. I expect to see his penis, but he's covered up. "Done already?"
"Yes...we're done."
Jace drapes his suit jacket over me. "I want to keep you pure...meaning physical contact is now limited. You'll be sleeping in your room from now on and will behave yourself."
"Huh?" I scrunch my face. "That's not happening..."
"It is." He asserts.
"No...why can't we just stay how we are?"
"I'm trying to respect your choice, that's why."
"That can be done without changing anything. You're taking all the fun away!" I fold my arms.
"No...we can still play; it just won't be as severe." He explains calmly.
"Why? Do you think you're supposed to treat me different now?!"
"Well, yes, I do. If you weren't a virgin, I'd have no issue remaining the same."
"That's bullshit!"
"I don't get why you're mad; I'm being polite."
"I'm not asking you to be!"
Jace becomes strict; his face is as solid as steel. "I'm choosing to be...that's final. Accept the new arrangement." His stern tone proves that the verdict is absolute.
"Well...I won't say the L word, and that's final!" I stomp from the office.
Oh, he's making me mad!! Why is he doing this! Am I somehow different now? I'm not a special case. What is his deal??!! Ugh! He's killing the mood. What did he mean by limited contact?? Is Jace actually about to restrict our interaction??
No more sleeping in his room from now on? Behave yourself? What the fuck?!! How he said it was so annoying, as if his words are absolute. I have a say so too! Why did he even suggest all that? He went along with the hot scene...then turns around and shuts it down??? I huff and puff in front of my bedroom window. The tropical storm is disastrous.
He's confusing! So annoying...so irksome, so demanding! And so...perfect. My breathing slows. Oh...why am I complaining? Jace is being considerate. I did egg him on...he warned me. My confession was too much. I bombed his mind...and his dick. I challenged him...and he still was level-headed. That must have taken a lot of strength.
Jace mentioned weakness. I think my reveal tore a hole in his restraint. I tested him...I must admit; I did push him. And probably hurt him by revoking telling him I loved him. Was that too mean? I can say it back. But...will I mean it?I'm not one for fast love.
The impressively scary thunderstorm goes on until nightfall. It dissolves little by little into clear skies. I shower, changing into a fitted sleep gown with sexy lace. I go down to the kitchen for a snack. The fridge contains vegetables, fruits, kale, spinach, yogurt, and smoothies. A healthy fest. I choose what I believe is a strawberry smoothie, finding it has more than that in it. Lemon, pineapple, mango, and blueberries. The mason jar is humongous.
It'll definitely take 30 minutes to finish.
I sit on a bar stool and go through my phone. There's a red number notification on my Snapchat. I enter the app and go to my request tab. Brad Smith sent me a friend request.
Oh...right. I forgot about earlier. I left it behind. Why is he reaching out? I didn't accept him back. I click off my phone and focus on sipping on the healthy drink. I don't know what to do about Brad. He was so close to taking something precious from me. A part of myself I've safeguarded for years. I can't forgive that. I can give my support for his therapy, though. Maybe he can be a friend?
"Still mad at me?" Jace says from the walkway.
I look over at him. I don't want him to think I'm still mad, so I cooperate. "I guess I can behave myself."
"That's a start."
"Come here; I want to tell you something." I wave him over.
"How about you tell me from here? This might be a ploy."
"It's not." I snicker.
"I don't know...you came to terms too easy." Jace evaluates.
"I'm trying to tell you something important."
"Tell me from here."
I roll my eyes and turn away. "Whatever, forget it!"
"Why do I have to come closer to hear it?" He's skeptical.
"Forget it...now I'm mad again." Jace takes a few steps up; he's about five feet away now. "You don't have to stand that far. I'm not an animal."
"You kind of are." He pokes. "An exotic, sour patch, animal."
I crack up. "What?"
"I love you."
I face him and softly gaze into his eyes. "I love you."
He reacts as someone would at their surprise party. The Pikachu expression comes to life. "You said it..."
"I did...although I hate you." I stick out my tongue.
"No, you don't." Jace strides to me.
I stand. "I do."
"Say it again." He tucks my hair behind my ears.
"I hate you," I smirk impishly.
"The other one."
"Hmm...I seem to have amnesia. How about you repeat what the other one is?" I twist side to side.
"I think I have that too; guess we're both ill."
"I'm not gonna cave."
"I know you're not; you spoiled princess."
"You rotten prince."
"You filthy virgin."
"You despicable hot rod." I eye him up and down. "Casanova."
"Playboy Mansion."
"Sugar Baby."
"Sugar Daddy." I separate his lips with my finger.
I ponder. "Hmm...man whore."
"Slut queen."
"Pussy whipped Billionaire."
"More like cherry whipped."
"So I win?" I revel in the defeat.
"I love you."
"Oh! Would you look at that? My amnesia is gone." I titter, then gaze deeply into his eyes. "I love you."
For the second time in my life, the look of eternal desire weighs down on my soul. Every ounce of Jace's being, every ounce of energy he holds, transfers from his olive eyes and surges my spirit. My existence...my heart, my hope, and wishes manifest. Am I returning this holy stare?
My eyes are drunk, loopy, bewitched. I must appear the same. "I don't want to sleep alone tonight." I strain the words as if I'm starving.
"I know."
"Do I have to?"
"I'm sorry, baby, but that's the rule."
My eyes water. "Please?"
"This is how it has to be."
"I'll be good."
"I can't promise that I will." He kisses me deeply, longingly. I suffocate on his breaths, his cologne, his essence. "You have to stay perfect until the honeymoon."
"Are...are you proposing?!" I wobble.
Jace secures my arms, so I don't fall. "No...it won't be that subtle."
"I can't tell you."
"Is this actually happening?" My legs give out.
"Sit back down." He helps me to the stool. "Finish your drink." I slurp large gulps of the pink smoothie. "I'm scared you'll have a heart attack when I ask. Is this anxiety or something else?"
"I think it's my nerves," I say through swigs.
"I'll fly my doctors out just to be safe."
"I'm fine; I can calm it down. Don't worry." He watches me drink the smoothie. Jace is troubled by my state. He watches me sip until my legs relax their shaking. I feel better now; the icy drink took away the shock. "Am I still sleeping alone?"
"I'll stay until you fall asleep."
"Yay!" I skip around the room like a frantic pony, then out into the hall. I hear Jace chuckling from the kitchen. Once in my room, I wash my face and brush my teeth. As I put up my three-tone hair, I hear his footsteps. I prance to him, grabbing his hands and leading him to the bed. I lay down and wait for him to do the same.
He shares an apologetic expression as he takes a seat on the ledge. "No laying down for me."
"Not even for a little while?" I grimace.
"No." A wave of rejection drops my heart to the pit of my stomach. "I'm sorry...it's too risky."
I can't hide my anguish; my eyes wear it. Why does he have to be this way? I wish he would just lay with me. "Don't go...I'll be good. I'll sleep with my hands behind my back." The everlasting gaze hasn't left his eyes. I need to watch it all night. I need to witness how high I get him.
"Madi...if I stay, I'll make love to you."
I gasp. "You can..." I sit up. "We can have a private wedding." Every bit of emotion I have goes into this bargain. "Right here."
"You didn't wait this long for a bedroom ceremony."
I cling to his neck and exhale. "What if I change my mind?"
"You're meant to glow in front of a sea of people. The world has to see you in white. As an angel marrying a guy who doesn't deserve her."
"What do you mean?" I give a long face. "If anything, I should be thinking that. You're wonderful."
"That title belongs to you."
I rest my nose on his. "No."
"You're wrong."
"I'm right."
"You won't beat me; I'll say it all night."
"Then let's agree to disagree."
"You're wrong times infinity, Ha!" I snuggle my face on his, enjoying the heat from his skin. "I win..." My groggy voice rejoices. He's so cozy; I can't help but drift off. I only snooze for a few seconds. I feel him lay me down; his broad hands guide me onto the bed. I expect Jace to stay; instead, he gets up. "No!" I shoot awake.
"Stop fighting your sleep."
"Please don't go," I beg, grabbing his hand.
He sits back down, holding my face in his warm palm. "Get some rest." Jace gently pushes me back down on the pillow. He cups my other cheek. My eyelids sink. The feverish temperature of his skin on mine is an instant sleep aid.
I dream of a cabin snowed in by a blizzard. I'm not inside; I'm on the outside looking in. From the frosty window, I spot Jace bringing a steaming cup my way. It must be hot chocolate. I'm in an armchair in front of a crackling fireplace. It's odd seeing myself from a distance...I've never had a dream like this before.
The other version of me rotates the chair to the side. There's something up with my stomach. Is that... Do I have a baby bump?? I do! My stomach is large and round. I take the hot cup from Jace. He kneels before me to give kisses to my baby bump. I feel every last one. Every last mouth print on my stomach.
I wake with intoxicated eyes. Aww, that was so beautiful. Why did I wake up?! I want to go back there! That was perfect. The best dream I've ever had. The room is empty. The sun hasn't quite risen yet. I get out of bed and sneak to Jace's room. I quietly open the door, preparing to join him in bed. But it's empty. Huh? Maybe he's in his office.
I check there too; he isn't. My next step is to text: Early workday? I go to the fridge and retrieve a yogurt and a handful of blueberries.
Jace: Yes...and it's top secret 🤫
Me: I live with you now, so...you have to inform me 😏
Jace: I don't know...the client has the same security measures I do. I won't win the fight.
Me: So they're super important?
Jace: Yes
Me: And top secret with high security...I think I know who it is
Jace: Who?
Me: The President?
Jace: 🤐
Me: 😲
Jace: Now I must terminate you...
Me: 😂
Jace: 👀
Me: 😅
Jace: 🔫
Me: 😐
Jace: I love you 🤍
Me: 📰 and those were the last words Madison Hart read before her death. Some believe her future husband is the suspect 😔
Jace: 😂
Me: Are you gonna be gone all day?
Jace: Yes, I'll be home around midnight.
Me: I'm gonna be bored 😔
Jace: Aww, I'm sorry
My honey bunny 😘😍😍
My sugar devil 😋
My love 🤍🤍🤍
I giggle and cover my mouth like a schoolgirl. Me: My Prince Charming 🤍🤍🤍
My love 😳🙈🙈
Jace: I'll see you later
I unload my suitcases onto the bed. The pregnancy test tumbles out. Is that a coincidence? Or no? Was the dream I had a hidden truth?? I pee on the stick and pass the time by arranging clothes, hygiene products, shoes, jewelry, and outerwear into piles. It's been 2 weeks since I tested. What if the dream was sending a message? Will I react the same as before? Will I hope I'm not with child to save faith for the wedding? Or will I not care?
I meant what I said last night about a private marriage. If I'm pregnant, I'll be happy. I'll keep it. The wedding will have to happen fast. I wouldn't want anything big...just a small ceremony.
The test has a single line again. I'm disappointed by this. I bat away tears and exhale drastically. It was just a dream. A picture perfect dream. A call from Jess ends my despair. "Hey, what's up?"
"Can I mention the B-word?"
"Brad already popped up, so you're good."
"He found my snap; he wants to know where you're at."
"I don't get why he thinks he can come back like nothing happened. He gave me a sobriety badge thinking it would erase everything."
"Wow...block him."
"I have a friend request. I didn't accept it."
"Brad is tracking you."
"He is...he's a true stalker. When I came back to pack, he knew I was there because the receptionist told him."
"Uh uh, that's not right!"
"Tell me about it." I deride. "Good thing I'm far away on the island."
"I would say that's gonna fix it; but the media is on your every move."
"Yeah...but no one sees the jet leave. It takes off from a private strip."
"Still...let's hope there isn't another whistleblower."
"What do you mean, another?"
"Jace's meeting with the president leaked last night. It was classified. Someone on the inside let it slip. Your location might get exposed."
"I should stay put then."
"Just until Brad backs off."
I take a seat on the bed. "Do you think people can change? I mean, there are programs that rehabilitate. What if Brad is getting better? He's been in AA for a month. Maybe his anger issues are better."
"I get that you still have feelings for him...but what he did was beyond anger. I don't sexually abuse Lil when I get jealous. That's not normal. You can tell him you're glad he's getting help, then move on."
"So...I shouldn't friend zone him?"
"That'll be tricky..."
"I know I shouldn't want anything to do with him, but the memories are still fresh."
"I know...it's your first breakup. People try to forgive and restart the bad parts. Sometimes it works, depending on the issue. My advice is to tell Brad what you feel you should."
I massage my neck. "Okay."
"This is up to you, do what you think is best."
"Thanks, Jess."
"No problem."
After the call, I open Snap to confirm Brad's request. The red box below his tab confuses me. What did he send a picture of? Oh, no...I hope it's not what I think it is! I click and brace for a dick pic. To my surprise, the photo isn't dirty. It's an image of a group sitting in a circle of chairs. There's another pic of a wall quote:
"If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow."
The last photo is what paralyzes my heart. No...this isn't making it easy!
We took so many pictures in his car on the way to my job. This one has to be the top one out of the lot. The unconditional affection we share is disabling. I'm high on him, and he's captivated by me. There's no doubt that we cared for each other. It's present in our smiles...in the souls of our eyes. Oh, no...oh god! I did love him.
I drop the phone on the bed and hurry out the sliding windows. I don't know where I'm going, but I must get far from that picture. My mind reminiscences. Brad pulls his hand from behind his back to show me a yellow rose. "Aww! A yellow one, why?"
"Because you look wonderful in the color."
I smooch his cheek, then take the flower to sniff it.
I hope your day is as fine as you are 😉
I chuckle and wrinkle my nose at the text.
"How about just one kiss?"
I laugh and swoop my hair behind my ears. I'm sure I just took his breath away by the way he inhales. "Not yet," I reply, then observe his full lips.
"You say that...then you look at my lips. I'm getting mixed signals."
Brad holds me by the waist. I respond to his hot breaths beating down on my neck and his lips on my ear. "Is this okay?"
"Yeah," I sigh at the feel of his palm squeezing my hips. Every cell in my body blazes.
"If you had gone from this world, I would have followed you."
My breaths catch in my lungs. "You can't possibly mean that."
"I do."
"You must still be in shock or something."
"Or I believe in love at first sight."
I forgot how his voice sounded. My mind forgot the musical mix of high and low tones. The vulnerability. The honesty. The pain. I find myself at the bridge. I clasp the wooden banisters and eye the rushing water below. I loved him...I'm rocked by this sudden realization. Do I still love Brad? Was Jess right to say it's up to me? If I choose my ex. No! I can't do this to Jace. The only man I've ever said I love you to. I never did that with Brad...for a reason.
I sit down on the bridge and cradle my head in my hands. But Brad and I didn't have the chance to grow. If we did, I could have told him the L word. I was ready to settle down with him. That means love wasn't far away. I could have told him the same three words. Why did he have to become a monster?! Do I officially break up with him or keep him close? Brad is committed to receiving help. That's a redeeming quality.
Day passes into night. My thoughts are still jumbled. The wind is robust; my hair almost comes undone from the updo. The pond thrashes. I gaze at the splashing water, zoning out on my thoughts. I can't hurt Jace...and I don't want to abandon Brad. What if he goes off the rails and blows his meetings because of me? I know how much seeking help can rewrite your life. I lived it.
If someone left me in that time of need. I would have relapsed. If my parents skipped out...even if my girls had clocked out. I wouldn't be as well as I am. Support is key to change. Should I keep a link to Brad? This will only make everything tricky. Jess was right. But it's up to me. I have to work this out on my own. I know I want Jace...but Brad still has the ability to hijack my heart.
The lights within the house shine on. The darkness around brightens. It must be one of the bots searching for me. What time is it? I need to go inside. Have I been this freezing cold the whole time?? I get up and head back home. As I near the long windows, two drones roll out to scan me with green light. "Ms. Hart has been located at exit 10."
I bypass the machines and go to the kitchen to check the clock. 12:31 am. Oh...Jace is back. He must have ordered the bots to find me.
"Where were you?" I face the hall. Jace is livid. "I've been looking for you for hours!"
"I was outside."
"Is there something you need to tell me?"
I glance at the windows, on edge. I don't know how to address the question. "No."
"Then what's this?" He holds up the AA badge.
My body stiffens. "It's nothing."
"Nothing?" Jace shows me the Snapchat messages on my phone. "You left it unlocked."
"You read it??!" I yell. "You have no right to go through my phone!"
"I do when you're missing!"
"No, you don't! I wasn't missing!"
"You weren't in the house. I searched inch of it. It's midnight. Why were you out by yourself?"
"I can go out whenever I want to!"
"Not in the dead of night."
"So, I have a curfew?!" I jeer.
"Yes, you do!" He shouts. "The island is full of wildlife. You can't be out this late. You had me thinking the worst. I thought you got lose...or mauled by an animal. Until I found this. I thought you were with me. Why are you talking to your ex?!" He glares.
"I'm not."
"This proves otherwise." The badge and phone in his hand silence me. "Why are you doing this? I thought things were going well. Are you trying to get even because of last night?"
"No...no, everything is fine. I just went out for some air."
"And now? Are you over it?"
I need to agree to disagree and decide what I'll do later. My ex isn't dealt with yet. "I am."
"Good." He comes over to give me my phone and the pin. "Burn it and block him."
"Burn it?"
"Why can't I trash it?"
"You haven't trashed it yet, meaning you're not trying to. So, burn it." He insists.
That's a little extreme. I stare down at my phone, starting with the easy one. I've blocked Brad before, only this time, I'm not writing him off. He's trying.
I ban his account from Snap. Jace goes to the stove and flicks on an eye. I pocket my phone, then look at the badge. Brad gave this to me as a token of his progress. I should be able to keep it. "I'm not burning it."
"Then sink it in the ocean!"
"This is from a friend. I can keep it."
"Madi, he's not trying to be your friend. I'm not talking to any of my exes; you shouldn't talk to yours! You have to compromise!"
"It's just a button; it's not anything romantic. It's from a friend who's going through a process. I'm keeping it. I blocked him. Isn't that enough?"
"No, you're being unreasonable. What I'm asking is fair. I'm being faithful...you're not!"
"I'm here, aren't I?!" I throw up my hands. "Don't tell me you see this as cheating??"
"It is...you're talking to your ex."
"I can talk to him; you can't control my social life!"
"I'm aware of that...but this isn't a friend."
"I just told you he is!"
"GET RID OF THE PIN!" Jace growls.
"NO!" I battle.
He marches to me with his hand out. I hide the button behind my back. "Give it here." I shake my head. "Listen. Or I'll take it from you!"
I back into the counter and put all my body weight against it. "I'm keeping it." I mean mug him. "If you try to take it, I'll leave." Of course, I'm bluffing. He has to learn that he can't dictate what I have in my life.
These words wound Jace more than I expected. The fear of abandonment within his eyes is startling. "Why are you doing this to me?" He emphasizes. "We're happy, aren't we?"
"We are." I soften my voice. "I'm not doing this to hurt you," I mutter. "I just...want to support him. I feel I need to. That's all. I'm not cheating on you. I love you."
I reach a hand towards his face, but Jace evades it by backing away. "You're not acting like you do." He scowls at me, half wounded, half mad. Then marches from the kitchen.
I stare blankly after him. "Jace?!"
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