I find it funny that a billionaire is eating junk food. I'm highly entertained by the huge bites he takes from the meaty burger. There's no conversation for a while, just the waves of the sea and rippling trees. I honestly think Jace is analyzing what I meant by untapped. Will he link it to me being a virgin? I sip on Pepsi, douse my fries in ketchup, and cut up my burger. It's unclassy to pick it up with my hands. I use a knife and fork.
When we're done with dinner, the drone clears the table to set out a chocolate lava cake. The way my eyes grow in size isn't right. "You're a chocolate monster!" Jace chuckles. I drop the classy way of eating and smother my mouth with the dessert. I stuff it, savoring the taste like an addict. Jace is astonished by how much of the cake I devour. Half of it is gone because of me. "Wow!"
"Don't judge me."
"Where are you putting it?!"
"Shut up..." I titter.
After dessert, he walks me back to my room like a gentleman. "I take that your answer is no?"
I halt at the door and shrug. "I don't know. Would we see each other that little?"
"Yes, I'm either at the lab, tower, arena, or attending conferences."
"And at the country club on Sundays."
"That too. But I wouldn't count that as spending time together. You're on the clock."
"And you're with your business friends."
"Investors." He corrects.
I scratch the back of my head. "I'm gonna need more time."
"How much time?"
"A week...maybe."
He's dissatisfied with my response. "Maybe sleep on it tonight and let me know in the morning. Could you try that?"
"I can."
Jace smooches my forehead. "Goodnight, Madison."
"Goodnight, Jace."
Once inside, I kick off the sandals and rinse off my feet. The sand twirls down the drain. I watch it, wondering. What if I say yes? Do I drop my home? I don't think I ever want to leave this island. It's paradise. Could I live here? The fact that Jace even asked proves he's serious. He said I wouldn't be one of his toy chicks and that I have more meaning.
Has he fallen for me? It's been two months since we first talked. How could he want me this much already? That's irrational. I hope this isn't a curse of mine. Having guys go the mile for me too quickly. It's flattering, but it's a headache. I snap a photo of the swarming sea. The moon is full. I then take one of my bedroom is send both to the group chat. I text my mom:
So...he asked me to move in. What do I do? I change out of my dress and into a sleep gown.
Mom: 😨😨😨
Me: 😅
Mom: What do you want to say?
Me: Idk
Mom: Do you think you should?
Me: I'm lost tbh I need help 😫
Mom: Well, it is soon...but guys don't ask that unless they're in love with you
Me: How is he there already??
Mom: Cus my daughter is irresistible 😎
Me: 😂😂
Mom: 😉
Me: do I say yes?
Mom: Take your time with it
Me: He's impatient tho...
Mom: He can wait. So...any kissing yet?
I beam and flop onto the bed like a school girl. Me: yes 💃💃💃
Mom: 💃💃💃
I chuckle and throw the sheets over my face.
In the morning, I hear the sound of a helicopter. I get out of bed and jet to the window. The chopper circles around the beach, tossing sand everywhere.
The side of it reads NASA. When it lands, a crew of security guards exit. I watch the squad near the entrance of the palace. Once they're out of sight, I go to clean up. Wash my face, brush my teeth, and straighten my hair.
I use the standard toilet. When done, I google how to use the second one, finding I need to adjust the water pressure, so I don't spray my lips off. I set it on low and squat. I'm so weirded out when it sprays up my bum, bottom, and front simultaneously. I choose a powder blue dress with a waistline cut out and silver heels. I poke in oval earrings that match.
"Morning, darling."
I look to the bathroom door. Jace wears a classic black, white suit; he looks like a groom. "Morning."
"I'll be gone for a few hours on business."
"I hate to leave you here alone."
"I'll be fine; there's lots to do."
"I know...but your safety is a concern."
"The media is aware you're here. I'll activate more drones to patrol the islands."
"From who?"
"Paparazzi, vengeful exes, crazy fans." He closes the space between us to rub his thumb across my bottom lip. "If the last one, there'll be a deterrent."
"All of my drones are weaponized, so are my personal vehicles."
My eyes expand. "What?! Why!?"
"I'll tell you some other time. Just know you'll be safe while I'm away."
"Are you James Bond?"
"That's possible." He simpers. "Have you decided about moving in?"
"It's a maybe...for now."
"That's better than no." Jace drops his hand from my lips. "See you later."
"See you later." Crap...I wanted to prance around in this dress and test his limits. I guess I'll wait till later.
A few minutes pass before the helicopter is boarded by the same squad. This time, Jace is amongst them. I watch the machine slash the air and take off into the horizon. I stroll around the room, wondering what to do until he returns. Lil calls me. I'm glad for this...I'm bored as hell. "Maddy, the Uber guy has officially been deemed assassinated!"
"Has he?"
"Yes...there's still no trace of who did it."
I brood over this...and what Jace just told me. "All of my drones are weaponized." No...I'm being silly. Frank was killed by a writhing citizen. But wouldn't the FBI have evidence of this?? "That's crazy."
"It is! I'm doing my own investigation."
"Let me know what you find."
"How much fun are you two having?"
"Tons...I'm being naughty."
"Good girl! Is that pissing him off?"
"Not really...he's so tamed. I hate it! He doesn't let it go on for too long."
"Are we sure he's an actual man? Not a robot?"
"I asked that...thing is, he didn't say no."
"Oh fuck, he's a walking AI! That explains the body."
"Omg, the body! I tried to watch him shower, but he wouldn't let me," I whine.
"That's probably for the best; you're not ready for that."
I laugh. "How are you and Jess?"
"She's been pretty quiet. I think her job is why. Maybe it's stress."
"Or...she wants something more from the relationship."
"Like what?"
"Promise not to say I told you."
"Act like this was your conclusion."
"Maddy, just tell me."
"Jess asked how you feel about marriage." I side-eye the phone.
"When I stayed over."
"Is that why she's being weird?" Lily chortles. "Is that all it is?"
"Why didn't she just ask me about it?"
"She wasn't sure you wanted it. Plus, you said you didn't see it happening. That must have upset her."
"Oh...damn, I did say that. But...Jess never talks about it. I thought we were on the same page."
"I don't think so. Honestly, I don't think couples are that in sync."
"I have a feeling you're talking about you and Jace."
"Should I move in with him?"
"He asked??!"
"Last night."
"What are you going to say?"
"I said maybe."
"Babe...he's going to propose in no time."
"He needs to stop...I don't want to rush like I did with Brad."
"I think this is love at first sight...for real this time."
"I don't believe in that."
"Seems like Jace does."
"I don't get this!"
"Your virginity is Kryptonite." She sniggers.
"No, he said I make him feel powerful...not weak."
"He left out the weak part, trust me."
"You think?"
"Oh yeah. Jace doesn't want to reveal the full effect you have on him. He's trying to see if you're as helpless as he is before admitting it. That's why he wants you living with him."
"I say stay....and fuck with his mind."
"It doesn't work like that; he's the one in charge."
"Maddy, he'll fold. Jace isn't that much in control. He's already slipping up. The signs are easy to read."
"Why are you a guru, bestie?"
"All relationships are the same. The first one to make the move is always the weakest. He'll pop the question. I know you thought about him being the one."
"I have...but I want to be rational."
"Don't be. Relationships aren't always rational...there's no rulebook. Once you accept that, you'll have so much more fun."
"I am using my head too much."
"Live it up, bestie."
"I do like pushing his buttons. I made him eat my boobs." I cackle.
"Girl...make him go down on you. Be a dominatrix."
"I want to be...." I bite my nails. "But what if he's not into that?"
"Then egg him on as much as you can."
"That I can do," I smirk. "I want to be in his office when he comes home."
"Do it, boo!" She sings.
I sneak into his edgy office. A white and black room with a half circle desk. The windows are slim and tall. Stripy patterns style the furniture. My bare feet almost slip on the glossy floors. This isn't what I thought his office would look like. I expected the standard, boring design. Who knew men could have this much taste?
I sit on the desk. The sun ducks behind a patch of clouds. A starburst hue darkens the sky. The heavenly moment lasts for less than a minute. I practically slobber at it the whole time. I could easily stay here until nighttime. There's a bench loaded with pillows on the other side of the desk. I lay across it and go to Twitter. I shriek at what's trending as number 1.
I click the tab and scroll down to find retweeted photos of Jace and me at the airport. I read the tweets:
She recovered nicely😛don't blame him
Eh, it's a pity fuck he'll be on to the next soon🙄
They look good together...sad it won't last😂
The dog is at it again
More like pig
Or hog
I give it a few weeks #playboy😎
She's plain asf
Chick has a boy body; Jace downgraded👿
I start to type to defend myself. "No...no." I inhale and exit the app. Ignore the media. They know nothing. I'm not a pity fuck. And I have the body I was given. If being plain is a bad thing, then I'm crowned queen.
I toss my phone to the end of the bench and massage my temples. Why did I click? That was dumb. I know how social media is; there's more hate than niceness. I close my eyes and tell myself: "forget the comments; they're wrong. I know the truth." I breathe and drop my hands from my temples.
I think I know the truth a little too well. My chest meditates as my mind goes elsewhere. The vision I had of a groom...it had to be Jace. Who else could it have been? I need to accept that this can lead to marriage.
Does he want that? Dating doesn't mean marriage to the average person. It does to me, though. I want to know his take on it...but I don't want to mention marriage. He'll think I'm a psycho. I can just ask him where does he see our dating leading? Yeah, I'll just ask that to get an idea.
I doze off and dream about a honeymoon. Rose petals on a bed. An ocean view. Steamy music. Jace carries me in his arms. I'm in a lace topped, slimming wedding dress. He lays me on the bed, then begins to strip. I gasp at his transformer body. All of his muscles seem forged. Art of a gladiator god!
"Madison?" I wake. He's sitting next to me on the bench. "Are you having a bad dream?"
I eye the buttons on his dress shirt. "No." My fingers race to unfasten them.
"I love how you're taking advantage of me." He observes my hands as I undo button, which rests above his crotch. "What did you dream about?"
I part his shirt, and I gape at his impeccable body. His nipples and pecks. The curves of his abs. The slim love handles. The line that separates down the stomach is where I scratch my nails. "You stripping."
Jace takes off his shirt. His shoulders and forearms are so sharp and broad. "Is this a good replication?"
I swallow and nod. My hands graze across his chest. "Yes." My nails swipe at his nipples. He moans. I adore his lustful eyes. "How was the meeting with NASA?"
"Kiss them, then I'll tell you." I place my lips on the protrusive flesh. My mouth sucks one nipple, then the other. His hand curls around my throat. I bite. Jace hisses.
I go up to tug at his bottom lip. "Tell me. "His mouth attacks my chest and down the middle of my breast. Jace squeezes my boobs and slurps my nipples through the dress. My tenderized nips ache. "Ahh, uh!" I cry every time he sucks me. My hand whacks at his crotch.
"Oh! "Jace scrunches his waist. The ferocious look returns. I love the predator look in his eyes. He mounts me.
The log between his legs spears me. "Ugh!"
"Hmm. Is that too much?" He rotates his pelvis.
"Do you want more?" Jace drapes one of my legs across his shoulder and rolls up the hem of my dress.
"Yes." I squeak.
His lower half does a 360 circle. There's no interruption to the pattern; it's as perfect as a tornado. Dangerous yet pleasing. We pant as one. Mines are longer, his are rough and short. The temperature rises down there!
I grunt and thrust into him. I sound like a crying banshee. The noise from my mouth is unfamiliar. Sporadic. Animalistic.
"You sound amazing." He huffs into my ear, then slides a hand up my dress. "Grab mine." I shrill at his grip on my vag. My hand gropes his penis through his pants. Oh, wow.... it's mega!! I drag it up and down. "Hmm, oh!" He repeats with every tug. "You're soaked..." He beats my meat.
A searing force whips my cherry. "Ahhh!! Oh, uh, uh!" Oh god! YES! It feels so good...but NOO! This is too far! Too close! Too soon! "Stop!" I huff.
Jace ceases the patting. "Too much?" I wheeze and shut my eyes. I feel faint. "Yeah...that's enough for you." He unsaddles me and puts his hands atop mine. I'm lost as to why he's doing this. I find out why when he begins using them to jerk himself off. "Help me finish." Our hands pump his rocky dick like a shotgun. Our palms poll up and down five times. Jace vibrates, rumbles, then climaxes. The noise is deep, loud, and raw.
He gives a drawn-out kiss; I strain my neck for it. It's sloppy and hard. I heave out all of the air in my lungs. He pulls away. I'm so pleased to hear him lose himself in desire. "I only ever heard that in porn." I croak, turned on.
"I'm glad I brought it to life." He pants into my ear.
"You sound amazing..." I compliment, biting my lip.
"Not as much as you."
"Wanna go another round to end the debate?"
He stands, helping me from the bench. "You need to get cleaned up."
"Do I have to leave?" I pout. My bean is stiff. It's throbbing. I think I have a lady boner.
Jace nods. "Yes, you do...your scent is strong."
"Oh, if that's the case, I think I'll stay." I playfully swish my waist side to side.
"It's on my hand..."
I eye it, making out the wetness of cum on his palm. "Taste it." I egg him on.
His Adam's apple stretches. He swallows hard. Jace's mouth is watering. He can't clear his mouth fast enough to slow it. He gets up from the bench. "Listen...go." He warns. The barbaric stare is back in his eyes.
He means it...I stand, glancing at his hand. Wondering what he's going to do when I leave. Lick it? Slurp it? Or wipe it off?? I heed his warning and exit the office.
As I walk, I feel a drift down there. My thighs are wet and slippery, they rub together like butter. Uh oh. I'm soaked. I shower. I select a yellow and green spaghetti strap dress with a side slit. I dab on makeup and fix my hair.
I locate the outside dining area; it's blazing with lights again. There's lobster, clam chowder, salad, and baked potatoes. All the dishes are capped off with glass tops. An ice bucket beside the table holds two champagne bottles.
Jace is off by the sea, watching the waves. Is he better now? Is the animalistic phase over with? I stride over and join him. "Am I safe around you now?"
He turns to puzzle my body against his. I love how he holds me in his arms. "Yes."
"Good, now tell me how the NASA deal went."
"I solidified a 35-year investment and am now the sole manufacture."
"Even the shuttles and rockets?"
I beam, my happiness is sky high. "That's insane, we should toast!"
"We should." He smooches the top of my head.
"But...before we do. I have a quick question." I gaze up at him. The contrast between his dark hair and jade eyes is so poetic that I almost forget my words. I force myself to remember them. "Where do you see our dating leading?"
"Marriage." My legs wobble. I damn near fall over. Jace is swift enough to catch me. "What's wrong?"
"I...I...I need to sit down." I blurt hoarsely.
He takes me to a chair. "Talk to me. What's wrong?"
"Nothing..." I fight off ragged breathing. Did he really say marriage?! I considered this path. And even heard Mom and Lil mention it. I should have been prepared...but hearing him say it aloud is world shattering.
"Is that something you don't want?"
"Yes...I mean no." I exhale slowly. "I need a minute."
"I'm guessing this is off topic."
"It's not..."
"Then why did you almost faint?"
"I'm peckish." I lie.
Jace is skeptical of my excuse, yet he still preps me a plate. The vibrant, five-star food glistens on the ivory dish. "Eat something." He pops open a bottle of fizzy and fills a glass. I grab a fork and try to act unaffected, but my trembling hands are impossible to hide. My throat is tight. I'm going to suffocate! "Tell me the truth."
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