"That's not the full night; she's lying!" Lil sits on my bed with crossed arms. "Let's tickle it out of her."  

"Yeah, what she said!" Jess battle cries.

"It is! We had peach clobber; then we flew back here."

"And?" Mom takes a seat on my bed. "No goodnight kiss?"

"No." I sulk. "He's getting even for all my rejections. So, no kissing."

"You bruised him, that's why."

Lil rolls her eyes. "Fuck that; just plant one on him without warning."

I flash my teeth. "I'm going to his island this weekend." They all scream. I cover my face and squeal.

"For how long?!!" Jess bellows.

"I don't know."

"Stay forever; make him fall for you if he hasn't already. Have your dream wedding and give me grandchildren!"

"That's where it's heading. Once he realizes why you have that shine. It's lock and key." My bestie nods like a badass.

"Whoa, guys, press the brakes. I'm not letting him know I'm a virgin."

"Why not?"

"Mom... the last time I told a guy, everything got rushed. I don't want that happening with Jace."

"He's restrained enough to handle it. He brought up fucking and didn't do it. Jace values you." Lil advises.

Jess jerks her chin up and down. "Yep, plus he's too professional; he looks strict."

"I don't know."

"Dear, I honestly think Jace will propose if you tell him. Isn't this what you've been waiting for? Something serious? His money is a huge perk too." She smirks.

"He's night and day compared to your ex. All we're saying is go for it. Jace isn't Brad. He's been waiting this long. Why wouldn't he do the same for a honeymoon? Maddy, your wedding would be insane!"

"$84 billion is 12% of $700 billion. You could have it on the damn moon!" Jess exclaims.

"Let's just see how the island goes before getting carried away." I think they're giving Jace too much credit. He's gonna want sex once he knows I'm untapped. Or do I need to draw back my stereotyping? Will Jace react as I've always thought my fiancé would? Patient and understanding? He did say he wants more than sex and that he can endure anything. He's all about willpower. 

"Do what you think is right." My mom ends the discussion.

"I will." I glimpse at Lil. "That's the first time I ever heard you talk about a wedding. Usually, it's me." I use the topic to secretly inform Jess about the marriage dilemma.

"That's because you're more obsessed over it. I'm not."

"Why not?"

She shrugs. "Probably because I don't see it happening."

"Oh." I give a fleeting glance to Jess, who's saddened by the news. Aww...I wish I never asked. Jess wants marriage. I know exactly how that feels. I've lived through that heartache for so long. I wish it upon no one.

For the next 2 days, I spend my time shopping. I need clothes for the island. I would pack what I have in my closet, but that won't match my current mood. Brand new will bring on higher confidence, and a new attitude. Just as my hair did. I select swimwear, dresses, rompers, tanks, shorts, and sandals. My mom adds tons of hats and sunscreen to the cart. Lil sneaks lingerie into my cart more than once. I removed it four times. The last time I found it, I decided to hide the slutty piece in a vent.  

I don't want to be that sexy with Jace yet. It'll take time until I'm comfortable enough to show my body. Although, Jace's method in the office has me wondering. He really boosted my ego. I felt powerful... and irresistible.

Maybe I'll show a little skin. I set an appointment for a Brazilian wax and a tan to get a sun-kissed complexion. The tan rids my body of discoloration and decreases my insecurities. I pack lacy bras, panty sets, and sheer cardigans. Things I've been waiting to wear for a man. This might provoke Jace, though. I'll try not to be too slutty. The last items to go into my suitcase are sexy sleep gowns lined with lace.

Come Saturday. I walk the floors of Strygent Airlines with my crew, wearing a black floral romper. Mom is eager to meet Jace, and Dad is a bit quiet. I wonder what he's thinking. My girls brush and spray my hair; a heavy whiff of grapefruit blasts my nostrils. Jess fluffs the bob while Lil combs out flyaways. 

"Guys, my hair is fine."

"Nope, it has to be voluminous," Jess explains, like a runway judge would.

My sandals tap the white gold floors of the futuristic building. I feel like I'm in a sci-fi movie. The curved shape of the walls and the pure glass ceiling is amazing.

My dad comes to my side when we reach the boarding gate. "Madison, are you sure about this?"

"I am."

"I don't like you going somewhere secluded. What if this guy is a psycho?"

"I think that's far-fetched...if he is, I have pepper spray."

"Good...good, be careful."

Mom rolls her eyes, "don't be dramatic."

"There he is," Jess hisses happily.

Jace stands beside an airline gate. He rocks a vest over a dress shirt and dark slacks. Good, he's not showing off his arms...that would've intimidated my dad. I get the jitters when he gazes into my eyes. Oh god...it's only been two days. Why am I this tense? "Hello, how are you all this morning?" He formally addresses my posse.

"We're well...and so thankful for your help." My mother answers gratefully.

"It's nice to meet under normal circumstances. I'm Lily."

"I couldn't agree more. I'm glad all is well now. Although, your terminator run will be missed."

Lil cocks her head to the side. "How do you-"

"Security cameras." Jace cuts her off. "You nearly caught the car."

"I ran track in high school. Maddy could have gotten that superpower, but she decided to be a cheerleader."

"I have pictures I can send!"

"Mom, don't."

Dad holds his hand out. "I'm her father." He flexes his arm with the handshake. Really, dad? There's no need to chastise.

"Nice to officially meet you, sir." Jace nods, then focuses on Jessica. "Sorry, I'm blanking on your name."

"I'm Jess, her second bestie."

"I'm thankful to meet you all. I'm glad Madison has a support team."

My mother leans towards my ear. "Ahh, he said your name!"

"Mom, stop," I mumble back.

"Yeah, we're her A team," Lil says coolly.

"My wife and I are trusting you with our daughter. We're expecting Madison to continue her progress while she's away." My dad eyes him bluntly.

"I completely agree with your concerns. I guarantee she'll be safe with me."

Why does it feel like I'm being handed over for matrimony?? "Daddy, I'll be fine. None of you have to worry."

"Group hug before you go?" Mother gets emotional, her lips quiver. All four of them huddle me into their arms.

"Have fun."

"Don't get seasick."

"Okay," I soothe my parents.

"Be naughty."

"And nice."

My girls swing me side to side. "Ahh, staaapp!" When I free myself, I wave them goodbye and blow kisses. "I'll call as soon as I get there." I stroll to Jace. I need to tell him not to stare at me so starvingly in front of my folks. He looks peckish...and it's not for food. "Hi."

"Hi, you look fantastic." He extends a hand to the tunnel. "Shall we?"

"We shall." I step past the threshold and into a steel tunnel. The main door shuts a few seconds after.

Jace steps behind me at a hasty pace and is at my side within a millisecond. "Put your hands on me." His baritone voice commands.

The gravitational force of my body is corrupted by this request. I lose my balance right into him. I pin him to the wall with my palms on his colossal pecks. I grin up at him. "Like that?"

"Lower." His black hair curtains one side of his face. I trail my hands all the way down to his outer thighs and clasp. My tiny palms are laughable atop his enlarged glutes. He moans.

"You never said how I make you feel. Be fair...I shared with you."

His pale green irises hook onto mine. "I feel invincible."



"Why?" Jace grabs my hand and takes me down the tunnel. I wait for his answer, but it never comes.

The jet's interior is full of skylights and enormous, oval windows. White and black wood is the color scheme, and contemporary is the style. The door automatically seals shut with a hiss. "Did we just time travel?"

"Yes." He plays along.

"Are you a robot like the articles say? That's the conspiracy theory about your success with machinery."

"I have no comment on the subject."

"Because it's true?" I claw my nails down his wrists.

Jace exhales longingly. "There are some things we need to discuss."


"Come on." He chuckles and steers me to a white recliner.

"How easily are you reprogrammed?" I sit.

"Madison...if I were one, I'd have no inkling to sleep with you."

"About that, umm-"

"There's no rush. I just need to clarify conditions."


"Yes." He stands before me with his hands in his pockets.

"What kind?"

"How far can you go without sex?"

I grin ear to ear. "All the way...I can push the limit."

"How dirty are you?"

"Let's just say I'll shock you."


"Hmmm, mmm."

"Do you fake your moans?"

I shake my head. "That's not in my nature."

"How long do you last?"

I peep to the side. "With foreplay or sex?"

"Both." Uh oh...I'm not sure how long I last with foreplay. All my kinky moments ended pretty fast. I never timed them. With sex, I have no clue. I don't want to say this and disappoint him. "Are you not sure?"

"No...I'm not sure."

Jace sits on the armrest. "Alright...what's your safe word?"

"How about...stop? That's simple enough. How about you?"

"My foreplay is hardcore, same as my dirty talk...I'm not sure you can handle it. I'm not afraid to moan like a bitch. I last two hours, and my safe word is blue."

"Two hours?!"

"Yes...you've never had a guy go that long? I pity you if that's the case. What's your body count?"

My chest heaves. "Umm..."

"You're not ready to share that yet?"

"No...I'm not."

"We have time."

"How long are we staying on the island?"

"As long as you'd like."

I squint. "Even for weeks?"

"Months, if you want." I invert my mouth; this action draws his attention. "How good of a kisser are you?"

"How about you try my lips service?" I move to sit in front of him on the armrest. "Free of charge."

"Say the magic word first." He locks his arms around my hips, activating the sensitive spot on my back.

The jittering in my stomach ripples like a black hole. I sigh and draw my lips closer to his. I'm dying to know how our lips will feel together. Will it be just as explosive as our hands touching? I need to know. So, I give into his wish for me to beg for it. "Please?" I whisper. 

He gropes the sides of my breast and yanks me forward. I angle my neck to the side and pucker my lips. Jace kisses me with a slow stroke. My molecules detonate. My blood burns. His lips are a cushion. My nails rake through his soft, long hair. I switch my mouth side to side, biting and vacuuming. The suckling sounds we create set the air aflame.

Jace hammers his mouth into mine, deepening the smooching. I love his grunt...his roughness. I want his tongue down my throat! "That's enough." He stands.


"Let's not spoil it."

"You can't stop like that."

"I just did." He leers. "Are you wet?"

I stand to rub my fingers across the crotch of the romper. Jace licks his lips. There's moisture down there. My digits are damp. I bring my fingers to my nose and sniff. "Yes."

"Hmmm..." His sage eyes observe them. "Taste yourself." I open my mouth and slip my fingers in. The savory cream is pungent. "Is it good?"


"Preparing for take-off, please be seated." An AI voice informs from the ceiling.

"Let's buckle in." Jace clears his throat. He watches my fingers pop out of my mouth.

I obey and return to my seat. He takes one beside me and eyes me in heat. "Turned on?"

"Very." He breathes. "So, you were a cheerleader?"

"I was."

"It seems that dancing is your thing."

I shrug. "I haven't done it in forever. My job takes up all my time." The jet rolls forward quietly. I expected a loud engine, but there's a soft whizzing instead.

"What if you worked less? Would you make it your passion?"

"I like working."

"I know...but there needs to be a balance. No way would I ever work if I had no fun. Jet packing, racing, skydiving, space trips, submarine tours. My job would be pretty dull without fun."

"Space? You've been to space??"

"Five times...but no more than 7 minutes. The atmosphere is horrible for human cells."

"Wow...I've never been anywhere but home."

"We could go one day." He smiles. "Now, back to you. I'd love to see you dance."

"Dancing would be fun."

"We'll be completely alone, so you can wear something sexy. Or nothing at all."

"Hold your horses. I'll be clothed, thank you very much." I lift my chin. The jet inclines upwards. I grip the armrest.

"Relax, darling."

"My stomach is dropping!"

"It'll be over soon. How about I tell you my conclusion to distract you?"

"Okay, that'll help." I shiver when the plane flies ahead. My intestines topple.

"The spark you have, it's because you're pure-hearted."

I open my eyes. "That's...kinda close."

"That's not it?" He frowns.


Jace looks ahead with a thinking cap on. "I'll try again."

"You've been struggling." I laugh. "Mr. dumb genius robot." I peer out the window at the low city. The clouds are patchy, yet clear enough for the sun to ray through. The Pacific Ocean is calm and mirrors the blue sky. "Where is your island?"

"Near Hawaii. We'll be there in 20 minutes."

"That's fast!"

"Tell me about the things you like."

I tighten my mouth. "Umm...making drinks."

"Other than that."

"Sweets...dresses, classy music, because of the country club. Action movies, but romances are okay. Skincare, chocolate, and chocolate. Did I mention chocolate?"

He grins. "No, you didn't."

For the next 20 minutes, I watch land disappear and an ocean as far as the eye can see. I whip out my phone to record. I'm in awe for the whole ride. Wow, this view is astonishing! It's so blue. So enormous!

When the plane slows and starts to descend, I look ahead. There's an island the size of a state. I snap pictures of the ultra-green land riddled with floral nature, caged by the bluest water ever. Wow! I thought the golf course was the greatest paradise I'd ever witness. I was wrong. "What's its name?"

"The Land Of Alodia."

"What does Alodia mean?"

"It's Latin for riches."

I scoff. "Of course, your island brags as much as you do."

The jet lands. We exit. As I step down the stairs, I suck air through my nose to revel in the scent of the island. It smells similar to a fruit salad, only stronger...in a good way. A pleasant aroma which belongs in heaven.

There's white sand, rolling hills, and an array of vast flowers from light to dark. Pitch black roads are up ahead, so smooth and crackless that they appear to be one with earth. It's obvious that very few people visit. It's untouched land. Jace did say the population was zero...and that there are no residents. Is there really no one else here? There must be someone flying the craft.

I stride to the front of the jet to see the pilot. There isn't one. "JACE! There's no pilot!" I freak. 

"I said we're completely alone."

"Why isn't there a pilot?!"

"Relax, I fly overseas on AI all the time."

"But that's dangerous!"

"You're safe." He pecks my lips. "Let's go to the house."

"What about my suitcase?"

Jace operates his phone for a few seconds before saying, "a drone will bring it to your room."

The palace is surrounded by a pond and floating rafts. There's a patio before the main entrance. This is the country club on triple steroids. The pillars are over fifty feet high; its glass doors and windows are just as tall. The steel roof is castle-esque. Inside, high, carved ceilings and light wood floors greet us. My eyes widen at the crystal chandeliers and the view of the bare sea. Jace snaps his finger. The sliding doors divide, and a record player lowers its needle. Smooth jazz and the music of the ocean circulate the room. The wind rustles in, blowing my hair back. 

"You really look like a goddess now." He caresses my hair. "I'll show you your room."

My bedroom has an L-shaped window stretching its walls and a superb view. There's a floating raft beside the window; it bounces on the crystal waters. The cream scheme is here as well. The blue of the bedspread adds a pop of color. The bed's headboard is crocheted, and royalty sized just as the bed. "The bathroom is here." Jace taps what I thought was a wall. Instead, it's a camouflaged door that whirls open.

The bathroom is pure white marble.

A stand-alone tub is before a wall-length window. Two toilets are side by side; one has a mini shower head. I walk to the bowl sink to gussy up in the mirror. There's probably something on my face. Or makeup out of place. My beige skin sparkles in the sunlight. There's nothing on my face that doesn't belong. My makeup isn't smudged, nor is my hair out of place. My navy eyes murder a sharp streak

Wow...I look flawless.

"You look perfect, don't worry."

"Why are there two toilets?" I put my hand on my hip. "Do rich people really need two?"

"The second is foreign. Americans are judged for using tissue because it just smears everything around."

"So, they spray instead?"

"Yes...every time."


"It's strange at first, but you'll get used to it." A drone rolls into the bedroom with my suitcase atop it. It extends its height and dumps it onto the bed. "I'll see you tonight."


"Yes. I'll be in my office arranging the NASA deal."

"I heard about that."

"Of course, you have, stalker." He winks. "Wear something sexy."

"I will." I check out Jace's bubble ass on his way out. I want to grope it. My hands long to hold handfuls of it. I should chase after him to do just that. But I tame myself. I can't distract him from work. I race to the bed. The robot drives out of the room. "Thank you, drone."  

I unzip the suitcase and select a bikini dress. The pushup bra crisscrosses the stomach. It's beige and white; has a lacy skirt and a low cleavage line. I hope he kisses my boobs....wait no. Why am I hoping? I'll make him.

It's time I regain my dominating power.


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