03|Bonding Bliss.
After Tahir walked me to her room I thanked him before knocking on the door. He left before i entered.
A loud "come in" which i complied to impulsively was heard immediately after. I turned the knob and walked in to a shrilling Khadijah. By now I've come to believe and understand that she and Amna have perfectly working throats.
She rose to hug me and i reciprocated before greeting the other woman who was introduced to me as Kyda, Jawad's wife.
We chatted a little before i made myself busy with the pair of three month old babies. Amrah (Khadijah and Tahir's daughter) and Abdullah (Kyda and Jawad's son). They were both cute and chubby and lovely and I couldn't get enough of them.
I've always been a goner for Babies but never have i ever had the privilege of actually holding one until Amrah. So it's all new to me and it's something i love doing already.
I played with the kids and bonded with the women who talked me into growing comfortable with them because they are already a huge part of my life now. They said we were now basically sisters, i smiled at how it tasted on my lips. Sisters.
Which reminds me, i haven't actually talked to Bashir since last night. That needed to be changed but i brushed it aside at the moment and concentrated in trying to make the softballs giggle. Even the sound was delicious to my ears.
The way they made sounds made me giggle along with their cute ones.
Unfortunately for me, they both began crying as if on cue together. I had no other choice but to hand them over to their mothers who tended to them respectively. Amrah slept a little bit after getting fed while Abdullah cried at the top of his lungs until i suggested to back him. Within 5 minutes both babies were fast asleep.
Half an hour later Amna came barging into the room. She threw off her hijab a few seconds later.
It seems like this house has no rule for knocking, they all just barge in and out whenever they want. Because of the noise she made Abdullah moved in his sleep making me immediately scoot over to his side and rub his tummy, just like Khadijah taught me to when i used to live at Ya Ayshah's. The soft sigh that escaped his lips indicated to me that he has resumed sleeping.
I greeted Amna after that and she squealed at acknowledging my presence. It just registered to her that i was in the room too. This time around Abdullah woke up completely and burst into tears. His mother took him in her arms immediately.
I rolled my eyes discreetly before moving closer to her and hugging her.
I've never seen her sad in my life. She has this type of bubbly and friendly personality that is contagious.
"Guys i have an announcement to make" She squealed jumping around.
"You do?" Kyda and Khadijah simultaneously responded "Speak!"
"There is a Human growing within this" She pointed at her stomach sporting a huge grin.
"Alhamdulillah" Kyda breathed out, smiling too.
Khadijah however, got up first and hit Amna's arm, rendering us speechless with gaping lips. "And you idiot thought it good to jump around like a fool" She reprimanded her friend before enveloping her into a hug. Not the 'squeeze my heart out' type but a comforting one.
After congratulating her the two women in the room began laying out rules for her. She kept on nodding at their "do this and avoid this" as though it's going into her head but i believe and also have a great feeling in me that their words are perishing into thin air.
"I would have to jot this down for you Amna, i know how awful you can be when trying to remember stuff. You easily forget everything" Khadijah huffed out, like a mother would when giving out instructions to her daughter.
"You're giving everyone the impression that I'm the dumb one when it's actually you. Yes, i know you both said i should take more sweets.." She got stopped right here as they objected to her words.
Even i can remember that they said "Less sugar" not more. So Khadijah's hypothesis is actually accurate.
Amna rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time before confessing to her words being a mere joke as they fussed over her like Mother Hens.
We offered our Dhuhr prayers before three more girls joined our crowd. Two of them were so alike but one was chubby while the other skinny. I concluded right there and then that they were Tahir's 19 year old sisters.
Khadijah introduced them all to me- Haifa and Muna (twins) then Sa'eedah their immediate younger sister and introduced me to them as Bashir's Fatimah. They only nodded and i came to conclusion that they've already heard of my story.
Muna and Sa'eedah hugged me welcome while Haifa welcomed me from afar.
"Have you met AA?" Amna asked me and i nodded in response. She had a playful glint in her eyes as she spoke "Well he's her boyfriend. She's shy and he's reserved. Wonder how they communicate" She teased, winking at Haifa who hid her face behind her veil.
Kyda jumped to Haifa's rescue and spoke "Well that's the drill these days, she doesn't need you counting her words"
Nothing sounded offensive in their playful banters. I still was a newbie so all i had to do was sit and watch. My eyes hurt from looking at one person to another.
After offering our 'Asr prayers, we decided to join the men in the sitting room they were occupying. This time around my interaction was awkward especially whenever i got asked a question. We took lunch before Khadijah asked me of a favor, she politely asked me to hand a gift bag over to a person waiting outside the house. I complied with no second thoughts although i was wondering why of all people i was the one been sent while there were others who were well acquainted with the house. And this was my first time here.
I could literally feel how sharp and sudden my heart skipped a beat as i laid my eyes on the person who was standing by the door.
Shyness washed over me as i scolded myself in the head for not seeing it coming. Ofcourse it would be him.
I lowered my head and greeted him before attempting to run back into the house. I wasn't ready just yet. It felt like years since we last met.
"Hey" His voice so hard yet beautiful reached my ears and i felt blood rushing towards them. My eyes were still lowered.
"Is there something more interesting on the ground or are you blankly avoiding my gaze?" He asked in a playful manner.
"I was.. I just wasn't expecting you" My answer came out in a hushed tone.
"Invite me in, would you?"
I bit my lips before opening the door more widely. I wouldn't hear the end of Amna's teases today.
I braced myself for the worse as we walked further into the house.
"Do we have to really get in?" I closed my eyes at how my words came out wrong "I mean.. I"
"You mean they would tease you badly?" He teased too. I could practically hear the laughter in his words.
I groaned and covered my face muttering "Not you too"
"Okay okay. I have something to show you in my car. Let's go" He offered and i followed with a smile. I doubt if there is really 'something he wants to show me', it's probably an excuse for him to spend time with me alone.
I am definitely not ready for their playful taunts. And I'm also not ready for his.
Bashir opened the passenger seat upfront and motioned at me to get in before he moved to his own side of the car. I've never seen the car before.
He turned the car on along with the AC before relaxing back. The car had dark tints. We sat in silence before he broke it with his words.
"I missed you so much"
I bit my lower lip to keep me from smiling like a mad possessed girl with my head turned to the side. Not facing him.
"How are you doing? I hope Khadijah hasn't yet embarrassed you" He asked, facing my direction.
I shot him an abrupt glance and caught him staring at my face with a large smile that made his dimples apparent.
"You're now shy of me? I can't believe this" He brushed a hand over his slightly overgrown stubble that i noticed the moment he came.
"You don't like the beard right? I don't too. It just makes me look more responsible and that's my aim" He explained.
"No i do l-like it" I blurted before shutting my eyes tight.
I can't believe i said that.
"Come again"
"Noo" I turned to look at the window once again.
He burst out laughing making me fiddle with my fingers and the rings on my index and middle finger.
"Sorry but i couldn't help it. This made my day Fatimah.. " He drawled before muttering under his breath "My girl"
I nearly flew out of the car at that. This man's planning to kill me. Even his voice was making shivers run down my spine talk less of his words.
I was about to speak when a knock on my window sent the words plunging down my throat with such a force that made my gut hurt.
Bashir opened his side of the car and walked out. I took my time in staring at him, he was wearing a black Half Jumper styled Kaftan and on his head was a similar coloured Qubé cap.
My heart was thundering boisterously as Ya Kamal's form came into view. So he was the one knocking. A few minutes later Bashir was striding towards the car, he opened the door with ease and slid in.
I stared at him inquisitively. He raised a brow at my stare and i averted my eyes. "What did he say to you?" I asked.
"Well, he was just checking up on you. Said you were gone for quite a long time even though he knew we were together and that he wanted to say a few things to me and also that you guys are leaving in about 10 minutes" Bashir explained. "I even offered to take you home but he refused, said i could take you to wherever i want after you become mine"
I was so engrossed in his explanations that i didn't see the last part of it coming in any way. He caught me off-guard.
"May we see that day in good health" He prayed.
"Ameen" I completed running my eyes over the people that were approaching us. "This is my cue to leave"
"We would talk later" He promised as i shut the door close.
Ya Kamal and co were individually walking to their cars as i reached him, i bade farewell to them all before the women joined us out. Amna winked at me as she wiggled her brows while Kyda, Haifa and Muna merely smiled. Sa'eedah was talking heatedly on the phone and Khadijah winked at me too.
Ya Kamal instructed me to put on my seatbelt as we began moving. Bashir's car was still parked at the station i left it in.
"You ran off with your lover boy huh" Ya Kamal mused aloud snickering.
"No" I objected, smiling guiltily.
Hello Assalamu Alaikum Lovely People. How are we doing? The elections? Allah ya nuna mana qarshen abun gan da rai da lafiya and may it be peaceful. Ameen ya Rabb.
Have a wonderful night.
Kindly V. C. S!
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