I'm Walking Across That Stage

This picture bout makes me mad 😒

Dean's POV

Dean: Hey Neville Buddy. You didn't happen to do last nights English homework now did you? 😅 I can't afford to fail another six weeks man, I'm trying to graduate in the top ten 😂

I set my phone down and yawn, it was around 5 in the morning, but thank God it was Friday.

I don't see why school makes us wake up at the ungodly time in the morning.

And I always have to wake up earlier to find someone who actually did the homework and copy off of them, cause Seth won't just let me just 'cheat' off of him, cause that's not 'fair'.

Does he not understand that High School is a team effort? If the person sitting next to me has the answers, then I have the answers. That's not cheating, that's teamwork. We're all in this together.

I'm basically just trying to graduate at this point people, don't judge me.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up to read the message.

Neville: really Dean? 🙄 do you only text me to get homework?

Dean: NO! Why would you even assume that?? I thought we had a true friendship Neville 😨.... Are you still gonna send those answers?

Neville: 🙄 I'll send you a picture Dean.

Dean: thanks Neville. You know I owe you one man. So how've you been?

Neville: you owe me more than just once Dean. This is like the 7th time this week. And I'm doing good.

Dean: that's good man. What you and Seth do the other day? He came home all bubblyish and shit.

Neville: 😂 what do you mean?

Dean: when he went home with you on Wednesday. When we were at the grocery store.

Neville: Dean, what? I didn't go to the grocery store Wednesday 😕

Dean: what? But you and Seth left the store together.

Neville: Dean, I promise you, Seth and I weren't together anywhere on Wednesday.

Dean: your not lying are you?

Neville: not one bit man.

Dean: ok. I'll talk to Seth.

Neville: don't hurt him

Dean: he lied, so no promises.

I set my phone down and look at Seth's sleeping figure and thought about waking him up to confront him... But I decided to let him sleep for now. I'll give him hell about this the seconds he wakes up.

My phone buzzed again and it was a picture of the homework that Neville had done.

I text him a thank you, grab my homework out of my bag and walk into the living room where I see Roman sitting reading something, but looked sleepy.

"What are you doing up this early?" I ask him as I sit on the couch next to him.

"You never know when Keeland is giving a pop quiz over this shit." He said whirl gesturing to his textbook, "I'm just studying some."

"See," I say to him, "There's the difference between you and me. You actually study, while I do this."

"Is that the answers to the English homework?" He asked me and I nodded as I began to copy down the answers.

"Let me see that when you get done." He said to me, "I wasn't gonna do it at all... But since you have the answers."

"I gotcha brother." I say to him, "I'll just be glad when I graduate and never have to do all this again."

"I'll be though." Roman said with a sigh, "College and shit."

"Which is why I will not be attending college." I say to him, "I didn't go through 13 years of school to go to school for another 2-4 years."

"I'm going because of football." He mumbled.

"You know," I say to him, "You never talk about what you wanna do after college. You trying to make it to the NFL or something?  I mean since your only going to college for football."

"I don't talk about it because I don't know," he says to me, "My parents are paying for me to go where ever and that's the last thing I'm getting from them. I don't even know what I want a degree in, I don't even know what I want to be. I mean football is basically my passion. But could I even be good enough to make it all the way to the NFL?"

"Of course you are Ro." I assure him, "You're too good not to be put on a pro field."

"I just don't know..." He said, "Plus, I don't want to leave you-"

"Don't even worry about me." I say to him, "I'll be fine. I know you and Seth and gonna do great things."

"But what about you?" He asked me, "Everyone's gonna go off to college. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't think Naomi's going." I said to him, then smirked, "I can just stay here and find a way to steal your woman away from you, man."

"Sure you will," he said while rolling his eyes but smiled, "Nikki won't be too happy about that. And Nams told me she was considering it. Just taking some classes at the local collage here, just so she can get that experience."

"I was just kidding around with you superman," I say and I sigh, "I just don't get this. I go to school for this long, then go to school again for another amount of time, then apparently 'life starts'. Well maybe I'm not ready for life to start."

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I say to him.

"Are you scared to graduate?" He asked me, "You talk about if all the time. But as much as you try to seem pumped for it sometimes, your actions speak differently."

"I'm not scared," I say to him, "It's just, I'm not sure what to expect after I step across that stage. But I know for a fact that I'm walking across that stage. I want my mom to look from wherever she is and say, 'he did it.' I want her to be proud of me for making it this far man. If I never do anything else right in my life, I want to make this one right. For her sake. She saw me walk across the stage for kindergarten and the way se hugged me afterwards actually made me feel-"

I stop a felt a lump in my throat and my eyes sting slightly. This is why I don't talk about my past.

"Like what?" Roman asked while wrapping a arm around me.

"Like I was somebody, Ro." I say to him, "You never knew her, and I only knew her for 7 years, but Roman she had it all. She was unlike any woman on this earth. She was nice, kind, sweet, funny, beautiful. God, Roman my mother was beautiful. She was a good, faithful woman who did nothing but good things for everybody..."

"But she got treated like a pice of shit every single day of her life." I continued to tell him, "I remember she told me that her father use treat her like she was a unknown species, then being abused by my own 'father' if that's what you wanna call him, every single day of her life. But despite it all, she faced everyday with hope and being positive and being kind as though there was nothing going on behind closed doors."

"But I can literally remember the day that he took all that hope away from her," I say to him and my eyes stung more, "I could look at her and tell. She didn't smile when I came home from school anymore. She locked herself in her room all day on the weekends. I remember the last words she said to me Roman. 'You make me proud Dean. You make me proud to be your mother.' I though she was just saying that because I made a 100 on my spelling test."

"I didn't know that when I went to school the next morning," I say, then pause and take a deep breath, "That I wasn't gonna see her again. That even though I made her so 'proud' she still wanted to get out of my life. But I realized later on in life that she did it for her own good. So I gotta do this for her Ro. If anybody, her. She's the only one who I'm trying to make proud."

"She's proud of you now." He said to me and I quickly wiped the stupid tears that had decided to fall.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"Cause who wouldn't be proud of Dean Jonathan Ambrose?" He asked me with a laugh, "It doesn't matter what you do Dean. Someone's gonna be proud of you. I know I am."

"Look at you." I say while punching his arm, "Don't go all soft on me now."

"Says the guy that just cried a little." He said while giving me a slight hug.

"I wasn't crying," I say to him, "My eyes were just raining."

"Only you would think of that," he said to me with a laugh.

"I'm serious," I say to him, "It was like a mini tropical storm in my eyeballs."

"It's a what?" Seth asked with a yawn as he entered the living room rubbing his eyes and crawled onto the couch and laid his head in Roman's lap.

"Get off me." Roman said with a laugh.

"But I'm tired." He said with a yawn.

"I have a bone to pick with you Rollins." I said to him and he lifted his head up and gave me a confused look.

"Who did you leave the store with on Wednesday?" I asked him.

"Neville..." He lied.

"You liar!" I say and try to reach for him but Roman pushed me back, "Who were you with? Neville already told me that you two weren't together."

"Stop yelling Dean." Roman said to me, "You know that just makes him shut you out."

I groaned but nodded, "Just... Tell me where you were."

"I left with Paige..." He mumbled and I rose a eyebrow at him.

"That's it?" I ask him, "Seth that isn't bad. Why would you lie about-"

"We had sex in her car." He said quickly and Roman started choking on air and my eyes widened.

"Never took you for that type." I say with a slight laugh.

"I was..." He started but shook his head, "I wasn't thinking."

"So you two are together now?" Roman asked after he stopped his coughing fit.

"No..." He said quietly.

"Seth," I say to him, "That's not good man."

"I know." He groaned, "I hadn't planned on even doing that..."

"What we're her thoughts on if?" Roman asked.

"I think she's just as confused as I am." He said to us.

"Let me just give you some advice Seth," Roman said to him, "You don't wanna do what you're doing without being in a relationship. Trust me, it makes things awkward and if you think your feelings are fucked up now, they'll just get worse. Just don't do it man. I don't want you feeling any like I was, ok?"

Seth sighed, "You're right... I said I wanted to wait, so I don't need to be doing this. And I don't wanna hurt her and break anything that's already broken."

"Yeah," I say to him, "And don't lie to me anymore, you know you can tell us anything man."

He gave us a smile just as my phone rang and I answered.

"You have reached the Ambrose Asylum," I answer, "To speak with the head director, Dean Ambrose, please press one."

"Umm," I heard a small voice say on the other end, "Megan! I don't knows if this is the right number."

"Wait," I quickly say, "Benny. Buddy its me."

"Wait never mind!" I heard him yell and I smile, "I Deany."

"What are you doing calling me so early?" I ask him.

"I figures you was up copying homework." He said to me.

"Aren't you smart?"  I say to him.

"Sarah is sad." He said to me and I heard him cough slightly.

"Why is she sad?" I ask him.

"Well," he said, "She didn't tell me she was sad. But she seem sad. She has a bring your parent to school day today, and she doesn't have anyone to bring."

"Oh..." I say to him. I remember back when I was in elementary and we had those days too. I had my dad to bring, but I never invited him, so I could understand how she was feeling.

"So I come up with this great idea!" He said to me, "You can go to Sarah's school and be her parent for the day! Just go spend the day with her! It'll make her happy!"

"I don't know Benny Bud," I say to him, I wasn't too thrilled about spending the day at a elementary school.

"Pwease?" He asked, "You don't have to stay all day. And you can miss some of your school! I know you don't like going there!"

"Oh ok ok ok." I say to him, "I'll go after lunch today ok? I have a few test to take."

"Yay!" He shouted, "I won't tell her your coming though. I want her to be surprised. Thank you Deany!"

"Your welcome buddy." I say him as he hung up the phone and I smiled slightly.

"What was that all about?" Roman asked.

"I'm going to the only place worse then high school." I say to them.

"Which is?" Seth asked with a laugh, "Hell?"

"No," I say to them, "Elementary school."

"Oh get ready." Roman said with a laugh. Roman and all the other football players went over to the elementary almost ever home football game to go meet the little kids. I already knew they loved seeing high schoolers, but seeing them in football uniforms made them more wild then they usually are.

"I heard they like to bite." I say with a groan.

"And scratch." Roman said with a laugh.

I sighed. I really didn't wanna go to this. But since this was for Sarah... I couldn't resist.


'Sheridan Elementary School.'  I think to myself with a sigh as I park my car and turn it off.

I step out of the car and put my shaded on to block out the blinding sun.

'God I hated this place.' I think to myself as I look over to the playground and see some kids running around. I can't help but feel bad for them. They have so many more years left, where as I had a mater of months.

I walk into the building and speak with lady at the front desk about where Sarah's class and she informed me that there class was having recess at the moment.

'Recess still exists?' I think to myself as I walk out to the playground,  'I remember that TV show though...'

I spot Sarah and make my way over to her. She looked upset as she was in some conversation with some other girl who was accompanied by what looked like her mother.

"And where's your parents Sarah?" She girl teased, "Oh wait... My bad."

"Brittany," her mother said while checking her phone, "Don't make fun of her. Is not her fault no one wants her. She's just unappealing darling."

'What kind of parent is this woman?' I ask myself as I approach them.

"Listen to me you little b-" Sarah started.

"Your gonna get sent to the principals office with that's kinda language Sarah." I say to her and she immediately started smiling which caused me to smirk.

"Dean!" She shouted while running over to me, "What are you doing here?"

"Yeah," the little girl named Brittany said, "It's bring your parent. Not whatever you are."

"Maybe I am her parent." I say while picking her up.

Brittany laughed, "No you aren't."

"And why can't I be?" I ask her, but she was honestly pissing me off.

"I could point out several reasons." She said while rolling her eyes, "Plus you wouldn't want that thing as a daughter. She isn't even pretty."

I set Sarah down and walk over to the little girl and get down on one knee to look her in the eyes.

"If she's ugly," I say to her, "Then she's the prettiest ugly thing I've ever seen. You're very pretty though."

"I know I am." She said to me.

"But your personality is flat out ugly sweetheart," I say to her, "Where is her's, is beautiful."

"Don't you dare say that to my daughter!" Her mom shouted at me and I just shrugged.

"Tell your kid to leave my kid alone." I said while getting up and walking back to Sarah.

"Thanks." Sarah said as the other two left mumbling, "But I didn't need your help."

"Sure you didn't." I say to her as I smile.

"Sarah!" I heard a voice yell and I see a little boy running over.

"Hi Matt." Sarah said almost nervously.

"Who's this?" He asked, pointing at me.

"This is my friends Deany." She said to me, "He's from high school."

"Woah." Matt said while looking at me in amazement and I couldn't help but laugh, "Sarah your friends with a high schooler?"

"I told you I was." She said to him, "Dean, this is my friend Matt."

"Nice to meet you Matt." I say to him, "I think Sarah has mentioned you before."

"Really?" He asked and his cheeks turned slightly red.

"Well your my best friends," Sarah said while scratching her head, "Of course I'm going to mention you."

"Cool." He said to her.

"Uh huh." She said then looked at me, "You guys want some animal crackers? I'm gonna go get us some animal crackers ok? I'll be back."

I laughed as Sarah ran off in the direction of the building.

"She talks about you all the time." Matt said while sitting down on the grass, "Like all the time, all the time."

"All good things right?" I ask him with a laugh.

"Yep." He said, "She likes you."

"So you two are best friends?" I asked him.

"Yep." He replied, "Since Kindergarten."

"I'm gonna let you in on a little something bud," I say to him, "There's this guy that you gotta look out for ok? Like because if you every hurt Sarah, he'll like kill you."

"Who?" He asked me.

"His name is Benny." I say to him, "So don't hurt her ok? Cause you don't want to make Benny mad. It won't be good ok?"

He nodded, "I promise I will never hurt her for as long as I live."

"I got the crackers!" Sarah shouted as she ran back over just as a bell rang, "Awe Nuts. Now we gotta go back in."

"Let's just put the crackers in our pockets." Matt said while shoving crackers into his pockets and Sarah did the same.

I couldn't help but laugh at the two of them. There friendship seemed genuine even at this age.

"Come on Dean." Sarah said while grabbing my hand and leading me into the building and down the hallway where there was tons of arts and crafts items outside on the walls.

"This one is mine." Sarah said while pointing to a snowflake in the bulletin board outside his classroom.

"You did a good job on it." I say to her as she lead me into the classroom with Matt right by her side.

"These are our clips," she explained to me, "The green means we're good, the yellow means we did ok but we probably talked to much or something, and the red means unexceptional behavior."

"Why is your name on red?" I ask her.

"That was from yesterday or something." She said while moving her name up to the green circle, "It doesn't  matter what color I'm on though! Let me show you my journal."

She lead me over to her desk and began to show me just about everything in here desk, ranging from her journal, to her crayon box, the the snack paper trash that she was too lazy to throw away.

"Alright class," her teacher said while walking into the room, "Take your seats. Parents can just stand in the back for now if you don't mind. We have tons of parents here to talk to you boys and girls, so be prepared to have some questions for them, ok?"

They all nodded and Sarah looked back at me and smiled again. I had never see her smile this much before honestly.

Several parents went up and spoke about there jobs and things they liked to do. Some were police men and women, others doctors and nurses, some lawyers, and the kids reacted to each and every one of them because they either brought candy or small toys for there entertainment.

"Hey!" I heard Sarah shout at some boy who had too the can't off her desk, "Give it back Donald!"

"Sarah!" The teacher scolded At her, "Go move your clip. You know you need to use you inside voice."

"But he-" she started, but her teacher just pointed to the clips and she got up slowly to move it while the others laughed.

I felt myself get a little angry but I decided to keep my mouth shut and more parents went forth.

"I believe that's about it." The woman said after a few more parents had went.

"No!" Sarah shouted.

"Sarah Jones," the lady said, "What did I say about telling?"

"But I have someone here who didn't get to go." She said to her.

The woman looked back here and her eyes landed on me and she raised a eyebrow, then shook her head.

"There's no one here for you Sarah." She said to her.

"But Deans here." Sarah protested.

"I'm right here." I say to the women and begin to walk to the front of the class but Sarah stopped me.

"Please be cool." She whispered to me.

I laugh as I walked to the front of the room.

"Well Kids," I say to them, "Since I'm last, I must be the best, right?"

"Not necessarily," one kid said.

"Tough crowd." I say and I got a few laughs.

"Are you Sarah's Dad?" A girl asked.

"Sarah doesn't have a dad." Another kid said.

"Sarah's homeless," the kid that took her candy said, "That means she has no parents."

"Haha," another kid laughed, "Sarah's homeless. Sarah's homeless."

"I'm not homeless." Sarah shot at him.

"You look homeless." The boy told her.

"She smells homeless too." The Brittany girl from earlier said.

"Hey," I shout, getting there attention, "She's not fucking homeless."

'Calm down Dean...' I think to myself, I don't need to lose it on a group of elementary kids.

"Do you have a job?" Matt asked me, thankful for him breaking the silence that I had created.

"Yes I do," I say to him, "I have a job."

"A job doing what?" Another kid asked.

"Do you work at McDonalds?" Another kid asked, "Can you give us free fries?"

"I actually work at Jenny's Diner." I say to him, "How many of you have ate there."

I watch them as most of the class raised my hand.

"My mommy said that Jenny's diner was full of fat and grease." Brittany said to me.

"I think your mummy's full of it." I say to her and the rest of the class laughed while she rolled her eyes.

"You're job is boring." She said to me.

"It can be," I say to her, "But that's just my day job. At night I'm a super hero."

"Your a superhero?" One kid asked and the others gasped.

"Duh," I say to him, "My name is Dean Ambrose, the superhero."

"Can you fly?" One kid asked.

"Can you turn invisible?" Another asked.

"I can't reveal my secrets," I say to them, then look at the clock, "And I think it's about time for Dean Ambrose the Superhero to leave."

A lot of them actually wanted me to stay as I waved to them.

"Wait!" I heard Sarah shout, "Take me with you!"

I shrugged and motioned for her to come on as the other kids protested that they wanted to leave too.

"By Matt!" She shouted as we exited the classroom and went down the hallway.

"You have a good day today?" I ask her as we walked out of the building.

"Yes," she said as we walked to the car, "Because you were here. Can I sit in the front?"

"Yep." I say as I open the passenger door for her and she climbed in, then I walked over to my own door and got in.

"Can we go get ice cream?" She asked me. 

"I don't see why not." I say as I back of the parking lot and drive down the road.

"When we were at the playground." She said to me, "You said 'my kid'."

"Yeah," I say to her, "I did."

"Well..." She said while looking down at her feet, "I'm not your kid."

"Yeah," I say to her, "You're not officially my kid. When your with me though, you're  Sarah Ambrose. And Sarah Ambrose is my kid, understand me? Wait till I graduate sweetheart."

"What's gonna happen when you graduate?" She asked me immediately.

"You'll see." I say to her.

"Don't play with me Dean." She said to me, "Are you gonna adopt me and Benny?"

"Stop asking me questions Sarah." I say with a laugh to her.

"You are so adopting us!" She shouted, "You're adopting us!"

"Calm down kiddo." I say with a laugh and I look over at her to see tears running down her face.

"Woah," I say, "Are you alright."

"You actually want us." She said as she hurried her face in her hands as I pulled into the ice cream polars parking lot.

"Of course I want you two." I say while pulling her out of her seat and into my lap and held her close to my chest.

"No ones wanted us." She said to me as I felt her tears fall into my shirt, "They always give us back."

"That's because God kept you two just for me." I tell her as she lifted up and wiped her eyes.

"You sure?" She questioned, "You won't give us back right."

"Not even if my life depended on it." I say to her.

"Awe," she said while wiping away a few more years, "Don't go all soft on me now."

"Said the girl that just cried." I say to her and realized I sounds like Roman had this morning while she sounded like me.

And when I thought about it, she was a lot like me in a lot of ways, but though I had nothing as a kid, I was determined to give her exactly what she needed. And what her and Benny needed was me and Nikki.

"Now," I say to her as I pick her up, get out the car and walk to the door, "What kind of ice cream are you gonna want."

"Let's just try a little of it all." She said to me and I laughed as I entered the store.

"Anything for you Sarah." I say to her as she started at the menu, "Anything for you."

Chapter 8 of book 3
Chapter 74 in all

Well we're in the 8th chapter of this book and I honestly don't know how many this book will have, but there is a lot to happen I promise.

I updated cause school got cancelled... Again. Like this is the seconds time this week. And it's like Tuesday.

Neville doe 😢

QOTD #1: Undertaker or Shane.

QOTD #2: Roman or HHH

QOTD #3: Charlotte, Becky, or Sasha

QOTD #4: Out of all last year's PPV events (2015), which one was your favorite?

I love you guys


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