34 1/2. the one where we do the answer part of Q&A
agirlwithhope has added Thomas™, emo nightmare😈, Hi I'm Dad🦋, princey👑, Logically Thinking, watch out and JOKES into the chat.
agirlwithhope: who wants to answer questions??? too bad, you gotta.
Logically Thinking: Is this really necessary?
princey👑: Why of course! I'd love to answer all their questions.
emo nightmare😈: you act like all the questions are for you.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: ooo goodie! I love it when people ask me things!
Thomas™: I have the smallest of feelings that this is going to get personal...
watch out: YAY!!
JOKES: Clearly they're all for Missy and I
agirlwithhope: ...let's just start.
yay_lollipop: If you are about to crash while you are on a plane what are you going to do? Hooray for Logicality, btw
Logically Thinking: Why are you celebrating me? Anyway, obviously I'm going to follow the plane's crash procedure. What kind of idiot doesn't read the manual?
princey👑: Save as many as I can, of course!
Thomas™: yikes I'd probably just do what everyone else is doing the best I can!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: hope for the best??
emo nightmare😈: make sure everyone else is prepared before i do anything myself.
watch out: can I just make the plane fly with my mind powers
JOKES: You don't have mind powers - I would know that! And I guess I'd try and lighten the situation
Rebeccalovespasta: A nun walks into a confessional and exits with a short red dress and heels what's the story
Thomas™: she had a costume party and now she has a regular party!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: she's going home for the weekend!!
JOKES: She wanted to prank everyone
watch out: the nun is partying!
emo nightmare😈: sleeping with the father.
princey👑: Anxiety! And she's quite clearly going to some fancy nun meeting.
Logically Thinking: Do you have any idea on how nuns actually work? Besides, the wording of "with a", not "wearing a", clearly indicates an errand of some kind. Perhaps she's taking them to get cleaned for someone?
Thomas™: red!
emo nightmare😈: black.
princey👑: Gold!
Logically Thinking: A calm, deep blue.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: blue!! like my shirt!
JOKES: A pretty green
watch out: pink
Hi I'm Dad🦋: we would never hit you!! flower crowns look very nice!!
emo nightmare😈: not my style but they're alright.
Thomas™: I LOVE flower crowns!
princey👑: Second best to only my own crown.
Logically Thinking: I much prefer ones made of real flowers. Despite not lasting long, it's better than plastic.
JOKES: Yeah!
Thomas™: I'm very glad apple has added in lgbt emojis because it helps normalise it!
Logically Thinking: It's an emoji, A progressive emoji, so I'm slightly more inclined to like it, but still an emoji.
JOKES: That's so cool!
watch out: it's adorable
Hi I'm Dad🦋: almost like this family except I have more kids!! and no one helps, despite there being another adult...
princey👑: That's right, Logan. Stop being so selfish. Anyway, wouldn't it be better if one or both of them was a princess? A fairytale of sorts!
emo nightmare😈: definitely a good thing.
KittyKat8299: Who is your favorite person out of this "family"? (I'm calling Thomas and his personalities, including Pranks and Missy, a family)
Hi I'm Dad🦋: how could I ever choose a favourite? I'm sure the others will agree!!!
Thomas™: same here!! I'm pretty sure that none of us could choose just one favourite
JOKES: Missy
watch out: Pranks
emo nightmare😈: princey.
Logically Thinking: Morality.
princey👑: Anxiety.
Logically Thinking: Internet slang?
Thomas™: yep! and Elphaba and Glinda!
emo nightmare😈: ...Evan and Zoe.
watch out: prinxiety
JOKES: Definitely
princey👑: What?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I believe it means "Other Two People", as in who else you'd like to talk to. don't know why Pranks and Missy said a word though. in my case, I'll say Joan and Talyn.
princey👑: One of the Disney princes, perhaps Prince Charming? And Fairy Godmother.
cupcakesandwhiskas: If you discovered a planet what would you call it?
Logically Thinking: How do you expect me to answer when I have no information on this hypothetical planet?
emo nightmare😈: myspace. ya know why.
princey👑: I think the most fitting of all names - Roman.
Thomas™: depends who helped me discover the planet!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: dogs!!
JOKES: Not a planet - that would mess with people
watch out: starry night
TheReferencer: If you had to use a weapon what would you use
Logically Thinking: A gun. Efficient. Wide variety of choices. Range.
princey👑: My sword!
JOKES: Nunchucks
Hi I'm Dad🦋: why would I use a weapon???
emo nightmare😈: a knife i guess.
watch out: I don't wanna use a weapon!
Thomas™: a branch?? idk.
Cloudern: Have you read Prinxiety/Logicality fan-fics!
emo nightmare😈: what the heck is it?!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: there are fanfics?? that's so cool!!
Thomas™: nope!
princey👑: How can I read about it when I don't know what you're talking about?
Thomas™: ahhh too many to count tbh.
Logically Thinking: Finally, a term I'm somewhat familiar with. If science is a fandom, then sure.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I'm in mostly the lighter fandoms, but I do love Stranger Things!
JOKES: Cartoons and stuff
watch out: same here
princey👑: Disney, naturally.
emo nightmare😈: mostly music/band fandoms.
KitkAtkartkatie: Okay. What is your opinion on using the word "Heyo" as a greeting?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: use whatever you want as a greeting! I think it's cool!!
Logically Thinking: I personally prefer a neutral "salutations".
Thomas™: depends on the situation but yes!
emo nightmare😈: why not just mash hey, hi and hello together to create hiylo?
watch out: I wanna use that!!
JOKES: Yeah I love it
princey👑: Dear god, look what you've done.
Coolest17304892561: Who is your favorite person out of all of you?
emo nightmare😈: this time you have to choose.
princey👑: Yeah, Morality and Thomas, choose!
Logically Thinking: Finally something to be interested in.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: do we have to???
watch out: YES
Thomas™: maybe... Morality?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I don't want to choose!!!
agirlwithhope has added Thomas™, emo nightmare😈, Hi I'm Dad🦋, Logically Thinking and princey👑 into the chat.
agirlwithhope: good luck.
MsRaynestorm: Who would win in a pillow fight?
princey👑: Me, of course!
emo nightmare😈: why do you automatically assume you'd win? but yeah, prince.
Logically Thinking: Roman, as he does have experience in physical combat.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I'm sure it wouldn't matter - as long as we're having a good time!!!
Thomas™: Roman!
maddiehasnofriends: Which animal do you think represents you the most?
Logically Thinking: Chimpanzee. It's the closest animal to humans and highly intelligent.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: walrus!! it's got a horn like a unicorn! I like unicorns!
Thomas™: uh, a dog? I just really like dogs.
emo nightmare😈: ...... a cat. but not because the others said so.
princey👑: A lion! King of the jungle and all that - fitting for royalty!
emo nightmare😈: yeah, you're a royal pain in my ass.
Hi I'm Dad:🦋 can you make less insulting puns?!
Turtletheshipper59: What is/would be your favorite Heathers song?
Thomas™: Freeze Your Brain! it was definitely one of my favourites to perform.
emo nightmare😈: people should've realised that jd wasn't to be trusted through that song.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I don't really like the musical or the songs... but I guess the end of Me Inside of Me is alright when everyone is sympathising and allowing themselves to grief.
emo nightmare😈: it sounds fake to me. kind of like they're obliged to say it. and mrs fleming makes the grief about herself. just saying.
Logically Thinking: I personally prefer the first Lifeboat. It's a beautiful metaphor about struggle among people.
emo nightmare😈: suppose you could say that. she still sounds stuck up. doesn't exactly sound she's willing to save anyone else either.
princey👑: Kindergarten Boyfriend is lovely. Much like a fairytale.
emo nightmare😈: except for the fact that the boyfriend literally ditched her?? did you even listen to the rest of the song? the scab part is gross. the last bit is pure fantasy.
Thomas™: Anxiety, why do you hate the musical?
emo nightmare😈: i don't hate it.
Logically Thinking: Yet you have an extremely negative opinion on it...
Hi I'm Dad🦋: well then what's your favourite song???
princey👑: Yeah! Answer the question.
emo nightmare😈: fine. fight for me. the first 30 seconds sound awful but i don't mind... the rest of the lyrics... i guess.
TeKawaii: Yall should prank Pranks and Missy. Not a question. Just do it.
Thomas™: not sure how I'd do it, but I'm all for it!
emo nightmare😈: eh, would rather not.
princey👑: Why ever not? It sounds like a brilliant idea!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: what could we do for it??
Logically Thinking: Something preferably simple. How about changing our usernames?
emo nightmare😈: good. let's leave it at that.
Thomas™: bigger!
princey👑: We could use this as an opportunity to get them back from all the pranks they pulled on us!
Logically Thinking: I suppose you're right.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: pretend to actually be each other!! although Thomas couldn't do that...
Thomas™: we could do both?
emo nightmare😈: no.
princey👑: Yes!
-AngelTrickster-: Cats or dogs? And, kittens or puppies?
Thomas™: dogs and puppies!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I agree with Thomas!
Logically Thinking: Hmm... Cats are fairly easy to take care of. However, I prefer puppies.
princey👑: Dogs and puppies.
emo nightmare😈: i guess i'll be the outcast and say cats and kittens.
agirlwithhope has added emo nightmare😈, Hi I'm Dad🦋, Logically Thinking and princey👑 into the chat.
agirlwithhope: i think you'll find some of these,,, interesting.
yay_lollipop: What do you do on spare time?
Logically Thinking: Read a book or catch up on whatever particular thing I may have been doing prior.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: pet dogs or look at dogs
emo nightmare😈: think about all the things that went wrong... or just lie down in my bed, wasting the day away.
princey👑: Awww, Anxiety! This is why I need to keep you busy. Also, create things, mostly!
Katelyn_Hufflepuff: You all have to answer, no skipping out like anxiety did in Thomas's video, but, if you had to kiss one of the other sides, who would it be?
emo nightmare😈: i skipped out because it was a dumb question and i still think so.
princey👑: nope, no escape!
Logically Thinking: Just so it's over and done with, if I absolutely had to choose, then Morality.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: aw, how sweet! sure, I'd kiss you too! now answer, Anxiety!
emo nightmare😈: why aren't you making prince go first?
Logically Thinking: Boring.
emo nightmare😈: fine, then prince. because he's nicer than all of you and less of a moron than i originally thought he was.
princey👑: Thanks! I... think? Anyway, uh, yeah I guess I'd kiss Anxiety. No reason. If I had to. Yeah.
maddiehasnofriends: What's your favorite candy?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: wizz fizz!
Logically Thinking: Candy rots your teeth and should only be eaten very rarely but I must admit... lemon drops.
emo nightmare😈: 'cause you're sour. oh and chocolate.
princey👑: Fairy floss!
OneDollarTopHat: i heard sleeping positions are based on personality, so... whats everyones sleeping position? .w.
Logically Thinking: I sleep on my back with my arms near my side. It's the most comfortable for me and it is one of the most healthiest ways to sleep.
emo nightmare😈: i generally just curl up on my side.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I like sleeping on my back too! my arms go wherever they want though.
princey👑: I sleep like any prince should - on my back, hands neatly folded on my chest.
emo nightmare😈: he's lying. he sleeps on his stomach like a weirdo and snores.
TeKawaii: Opinion on Prinxiety and/or Logicality ship?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I have no clue what Logicality is but the other!!! adorable!
Logically Thinking: I don't own any ships... And my name is Logic, not Logicality.
emo nightmare😈: i thought your name was logan. also, no clue what you mean.
princey👑: What are those?
lynx424: *deep inhale of breath and raises singular pointer finger, as if about to ask very important question, or bestow the answer to life's greatest mysteries to you*
Logically Thinking: Yes?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: this looks exciting!
lynx424: *slowly lowers finger and exhales* damn i forgot my question, oh well.
emo nightmare😈: okay.
princey👑: A lot less deep than I had expected...
KitkAtkartkatie: Okay. You idiots (I am referring to Logan and Roman)
princey👑: How dare you put me on the same level as him?!
Logically Thinking: Idiot? I think not.
emo nightmare😈: do continue.
KitkAtkartkatie: Just stop fighting and listen to Morality. How do you not understand that life would be arguably better without this constant fighting? Logan, you of all people should've deduced that by now. Roman, there is a time to talk and a time to not talk. Understand?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I agree!!
Logically Thinking: But Prince is so infuriating! His ideas are farfetched at the best of times.
princey👑: You want me to be a boring baffoon like you, then?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: Oi!
Logically Thinking: Ugh. Truce for now?
princey👑: ... Truce.
emo nightmare😈: hah, sucks to be you guys. and we'll see how long this truce lasts for. i'm glad i'm not on the hook.
KitkAtkartkatie: Anxiety, will you just marry Roman already?
emo nightmare😈: what?! we're not even dating!
princey👑: Yeah, what he said. I agree. 100%. But like if we were dating would you ever consider it? Not that it matters.
Logically Thinking: You are the worst at hiding things.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I feel like I'm going to be next...
emo nightmare😈: good.
princey👑: Justice.
Logically Thinking: Finally.
KitkAtkartkatie: And Morality, you are great and do not need a suggestion because you lead a balance life.
emo nightmare😈: balanced?? morality?! he eats chocolate for breakfast!
Logically Thinking: He's the most irresponsible person out of all of us!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: so you think Prince is at least a little responsible?
KittyKat8299: Would you all stop fighting so much! Except for you Anxiety and Morality because you two have your life together. Also when are you going to admit your feelings for your crush to your crush?!?
emo nightmare😈: me? my life? together? are you insane? and... never probably.
princey👑: You have a crush on someone?! And I'll not fight when Logic backs down.
Logically Thinking: Truce, remember? And who says I have a crush?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: thanks for the compliment! and I'll tell them soon.
Logically Thinking: Prince hasn't answered.
princey👑: Um.. soon ish?
emo nightmare😈: you like someone?
DKAllen2012: What are each of your favorite things to do at an amusement park?
princey👑: Go on the biggest rides!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: play those games where you can win the big stuffed animals! I usually give them to Anxiety!!
emo nightmare😈: hide from morality's prizes. and get food.
Logically Thinking: Amusement parks aren't really my forte but I will partake in any mirror maze.
ItsMeCece045: If you were to date any other Sander side who would it be. (Thomas himself is included)
Hi I'm Dad🦋: Logan, because we're closest in age!!
Logically Thinking: Morality, for similar reasons.
emo nightmare😈: i guess that leaves me with prince.
princey👑: What do you mean, you "guess"?! It should be an honour! And, fine.
TheReferencer: What're your Hogwarts houses? Also, what're your favourite genre of books and music?
emo nightmare😈: slytherin. murder mystery. rock.
princey👑: A Gryffindor! I love fantasy/adventure books, and Disney!
Logically Thinking: I believe I fit the Ravenclaw characteristics more. As for my favourite book genre, poetry. I suppose rap for music, as it is the closest to poetry.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: Hufflepuff!!
Mistress_Moony: Dogs or fish? And favorite Homestuck kid/troll?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: dogs! and I don't think any of us has seen it.
Logically Thinking: Fish. They're easier to take care of.
princey👑: The biggest dog I can find! For my quests!
emo nightmare😈: fish. less likely to get attached and be upset when they die.
BBCanimefangirl: What are all of your favorite songs?
emo nightmare😈: i'll go for a classic. welcome to the black parade.
Logically Thinking: Your use of the word "classic" concerns me. And I don't listen to many songs.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: it changes all the time!!!
princey👑: All Disney songs!
emo nightmare😈: ...i was the only one who actually chose.
agirlwithhope has added watch out and JOKES into the chat.
JOKES: Our turn!
watch out: yay!
MsRaynestorm: How do you finish each other's sentences so well?
watch out: lots and lots of practice
JOKES: It's like we're the same person
watch out: not to mention that
JOKES: Great minds think alike!
Katelyn_Hufflepuff: How do you get the inspiration for pranks!? I can never think of any!
watch out: Pranks usually comes up with them from watching loads of Disney movies
JOKES: Missy tells me which ones are unrealistic, though I still disagree about the whole "you can't just turn Prince into frog and have Anxiety kiss him" thing
watch out: that was Morality who said that, not me!
LestersPrince: What do you look like?
JOKES: A lot of people who don't know us mistake us for each other
watch out: an excellent time for our earlier pranks!
JOKES: We're basically baby-face Thomas
watch out: but less like actual young Thomas
JOKES: More as if Thomas shrunk a lot and didn't go through puberty
watch out: as for clothing, Pranks wears anything that won't get dirty
JOKES: And Missy wears a Steven Universe star shirt!
maddiehasnofriends: What do you wanna be when you grow up?
watch out: sadly, since we can't really manifest, we can't exactly get jobs, but I'd love to be a children's book author
JOKES: And obviously I'd love to be a comedian!
MikaB9: Best prank?
JOKES: The one where we stuck the furniture to the ceiling
watch out: that was fun! everyone had to sit on the floor until someone realised Morality could just change it back
KittyKat8299: Have you ever been mad at each other?
watch out: one time Pranks stole my toy and I was mad at him the WHOLE day
JOKES: We're not like that now!!
BingeReadingWatching: I dare you, to push Prince and Anxiety into each other by unknown means and to do the same for Logic and Morality. After you push them, make sure to run off. After one day, tell them that you guys pranked them all at the same time and film their reactions.
JOKES: Sounds fun
watch out: maybe they'll stop their pining, finally
ijustwanttolive: Favorite thing about Anxiety
watch out: when he pretends to get mad at us in front of the others whenever we break something but then he smiles and winks and helps us clean it up
JOKES: Also how well he builds blanket/pillow forts
TheReferencer: Favourite foods?
watch out: ice cream
JOKES: Pizza
watch out: what if there were...
agirlwithhope has added emo nightmare😈 and princey👑 into the chat.
agirlwithhope: y'all gonna love this
emo nightmare😈: oh no.
MsRaynestorm: Favorite thing about each other?
emo nightmare😈: is this really necessary?
agirlwithhope: yes.
princey👑: Anxiety... makes me laugh, as much as I hate to admit it. And it's always nice to see how much he cares about all of us. He's truly brilliant.
emo nightmare😈: how am i supposed to trump that?
agirlwithhope: just answer the damn question.
emo nightmare😈: fine. princey doesn't mind me dumping my crappy emotions on him and he listens, which no one ever does for me... he's just, really sweet, i guess.
emo nightmare😈: no but it sounds like an awful mash of princey and me.
princey👑: No, I believe I haven't. What is it?
abbie51304: Thoughts on Prinxiety?
emo nightmare😈: i'm going to regret this but... what is it?
agirlwithhope: so glad you asked!! it's a ship, which is short for 'relationship' but it's hardly ever used like the word. when people say they "ship" someone, it means they like the idea of them being together. basically, it's the "ship" of you and prince.
princey👑: Not the most creative of names.
agirlwithhope: shipping generally follows the rule of smashing together two names.
emo nightmare😈: huh. the more you know.
princey👑: To answer the question, what do you want me to think about it? Let people think what they want to think!
emo nightmare😈: you're okay with it? cool. i guess it's alright. still not very original for the name though.
panpancakes: If you guys were locked in a closet, for no reason for me asking other then curiosity, what would you do?
emo nightmare😈: wait for prince to break the door down.
princey👑: Where does you curiosity come from? And how would we end up in that situation anyway?
KittyKat8299: Do you know what Prinxiety is? And what are your thoughts on it?
emo nightmare😈: we've been informed. it's an interesting concept.
princey👑: Yes and I suppose it's not the worst!
DKAllen2012: Do either of you own onesies? And if so, what do they look like?
emo nightmare😈: yep. and why would i tell you?
princey👑: Yes I do! It's my prince uniform in a onesie design!
SomeoneMcSomething: have y'all ever thought about writing your own parody of "anything you can do" because pleaSE
princey👑: Shall we have a go?
emo nightmare😈: ugh, fine.
princey👑: I can make dreams true, even though I'm with you.
emo nightmare😈: i can ruin them faster, so you'll have to try harder
princey👑: I can slay any dragon-witch.
emo nightmare😈: is that right?
princey👑: Yes!
emo nightmare😈: an imaginary fight.
RainaRavenclaw: If you were in a relationship, who's top
emo nightmare😈: we're not though.
princey👑: I don't understand what that term is... And I feel as if though I don't want to.
booperlovesdooper: Have y'all ever come across prinxiety fanfics and read them?
emo nightmare😈: no.
princey👑: Nope!
agirlwithhope has added Logically Thinking and Hi I'm Dad🦋 into the chat.
agirlwithhope: just a few easy questions!
Logically Thinking: Good.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: awww!!
KittyKat8299: Do you know what Logicality is? And what are your thoughts on it?
Logically Thinking: I heard this mentioned previously. Care to explain?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I don't know what it is!!
agirlwithhope: the "ship" of you two.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: oh, where people are thought to be in a relationship?? that's so cool that kids these days do that!
Logically Thinking: I mean, I'm not opposed to it.
TeKawaii: Can you dance?
Logically Thinking: No.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: haha yes I can!!
booperlovesdooper: Have y'all ever come across Logicality fanfics and read them?
Logically Thinking: Considering we just learnt the word, I'm going to assume no for both of us.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: oh, so that's what that story was about!!
RainaRavenclaw: If you were in a relationship, who's top
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I don't understand??
Logically Thinking: Ugh. Yet another word I'll probably have to look up.
agirlwithhope has added Hi I'm Dad🦋 into the chat.
Hi I'm Dad🦋: just me? cool!
agirlwithhope: have fun, dadd- wait.
LestersPrince Favorite dad joke?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I have many favourites, but off the top of my head, it's: I don't trust stairs
Hi I'm Dad🦋: ...they're always UP to something!!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: GET IT??
MsRaynestorm: What's your #1 tip for being a good dad?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: this one's harder because depending on the child, there's countless ways of parenting right!! but something that always works is listening to your kid. encourage their interests!! be there for them!!!
Vanillarose55: Do you consider ALL of them your kids?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: nope! only Missy, Pranks and Anxiety! the others have always preferred to look after themselves! and Thomas, well, Thomas does need guidance but ya know, I'm more of a cool uncle!
maddiehasnofriends: Do you like being alone once in a while? I mean, being around other people is great but getting your mind off of them is good sometimes
Hi I'm Dad🦋: not very often, no! very rarely, and usually because I'm upset and I don't want the others to see since they've got their own worries... but I feel great now a days!!
LexiRosado: How do you feel about Logan?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: he's very smart! I like listening to whatever fact he had researched that day and it's always fun to learn new things! I just wish he'd be nicer to Prince, but I'm fairly sure their feud is actually just Prince being jealous. nothing serious!
blurryfaccee: Can you take care of my Anxiety too? And maybe my Anger?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: kiddo, I'd love to! but they are YOUR Anxiety and Anger, so the techniques I use to take care of our Anxiety may not work at all on your own! the trick is researching different ways to help and testing it out, although it can be a frustrating process when it feels like you don't understand them enough. I wish you the best of luck!
Mother_Porcelain: Will you ever take your own advice as a dad?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: unless the advice is to eat pizza or pet more dogs, probably not.
Mother_Porcelain: Have you guys been on Wattpad recently 😉
Hi I'm Dad🦋: watt's wattpad? did you see what I did there???
Mother_Porcelain: Did you know that you are the universal sign for cinnabun sunshine innocence?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: aw shucks, that's so nice of you!!!
Mother_Porcelain: How do you all deal with each other?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: even when we argue we all still love each other!! it's just a matter of letting things go. within reason, of course!
Mother_Porcelain: Do you take breaks from pranking?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: yep! as much as I love it, Pranks is the expert in that field.
Mother_Porcelain: Is Pranks like your BFF?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: no, haha! for starters I don't see him too much because he's always with Missy.
Mother_Porcelain: Did you know you guys are the best partners in crime?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: was this meant for Pranks and Missy because if so, I agree!!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: likewise!!! I would definitely give you butterfly kisses! butterfly kisses for everyone!!!
Mother_Porcelain: Did you know how amazingly creative you are?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: you really think so??? so sweet!!
DKAllen2012: If you were to have your own kids (not counting Pranks and Missy) what would you want to name them?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: maybe after one of the others!! or perhaps after one of Thomas' friends...
panpancakes: How are you? Are you ok. I know how it feels to be the parent of your group, everyone deserves to be asked those questions, even dads
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I'm super thanks to all these kind people! taking care of everyone can be hard but it's what I enjoy doing!!
panpancakes: What's you guys favorite group activity?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: watching movies together! everyone loves it, which is always good to see.
panpancakes: Hey, what's your favourite musical at this moment?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: Matilda!! I've always loved the movie and the musical was AMAZING!
panpancakes: what's everyone's Hogwarts houses?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: Roman is definitely a brave Gryffindor and Logic is a Ravenclaw! Thomas and I are Hufflepuffs - so is Anxiety! why else would he get so offended about Thomas making out all Hufflepuffs to be the type to run away from things? also, he's very loyal, not brave enough to be a Gryffindor, doesn't have an interest in seeking knowledge like a Ravenclaw and isn't ambitious like a Slytherin!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: don't tell him I said that.
panpancakes: How did you and Missy become such good friends?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: because I raised him! he's a very sweet kid!
panpancakes: What's your favorite memory of Pranks?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: probably when he first tried to prank me! he looked so guilty when I caught him, it was rather funny!!
panpancakes: How are you guys?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: we're doing a lot better than we were a few months back, when we had arguments all the time. I'm glad Prince has become friends with Anxiety - it does us all good!!
TheReferencer: Why do you wear the cardigan around your neck? Also, please remember to take care of yourself, being the dad has its responsibilities and pressures but you have to take care of yourself :3
Hi I'm Dad🦋: my shoulders get cold!! not cold enough for a thick jacket! and I promise to take care of myself! you're very sweet!!
Phanfan_: Can you tell me a joke to cheer me up? I feel like shit and I can use one rn
Hi I'm Dad🦋: that's no good! alright... why was the graveyard so noisy??
Hi I'm Dad🦋: because of all the coffin!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: get it??? it's like coughing but because it's a graveyard, I said coffin!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: wait I have another one!!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: what did one eye say to the other?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: "something between us smells."
TeKawaii: Will you be my dad?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: sure!! I'll be the dad of whoever wants me to be!
DevilKat3482: Can I have a hug?
Hi I'm Dad🦋: absolutely!! come here, you!
Coolest17304892561: CAN YOU STAY A SMOL BEAN FOREVER?!?!?!?!?!?!
Hi I'm Dad🦋: I'm more of a human but sure! if it makes you happy!
agirlwithhope has added Thomas™ into the chat.
Thomas™: this will be fun!
Thomas™: haha, awww, thank you! I have no idea but I'm glad you think so! I'm sure you're just as adorable!
MsRaynestorm: Thoughts on Anxiety and Prince?
Thomas™: it seems like a lot has happened that I need to catch up on, but I think they'd make a good match, platonically or otherwise!
maddiehasnofriends: How's it going with Leo?
Thomas™: swell!! he's so sweet and absolutely perfect!
Mint-Doughnut: How do you deal with all of your personality traits on a daily basis?
Thomas™: I gotta admit, in the beginning it was tough, especially with Anxiety! but they've all matured and calmed down a bit, and mostly keep out of my way. it hardly ever gets too hectic for me as a direct cause of them anymore, which I'm incredibly thankful for!
KittyKat8299: Do you ship Prinxiety and Logicality?
Thomas™: I do think they're both good matches, as opposites attract after all!
BingeReadingWatching: Hey. Thomas. Have you noticed your personals acting strangely around each other? Some might say, 'flirtatiously'?
Thomas™: sometimes I doubt what the others say but then Prince and Anxiety speak in the group chat directly to each other and I really do notice it. I have my suspicions about Logic and Morality too.
Thomas™: if I was a cinnamon roll I'd eat myself, but thanks!
Katelyn_Hufflepuff: What's it like seeing yourself flirting with yourself all the time? I would imagine it would get a bit strange after a while
Thomas™: hmm not exactly! while we do all share physical similarities, there's enough difference in the way they speak, dress and act that I hardly think about it.
-AngelTrickster-: Who is your favorite side? And which of your sides do you ship if any?
Thomas™: as I said before, probably Morality, because he's the nicest. as for the shipping, definitely Prince and Anxiety. we'll see what happens with the other two!
agirlwithhope has added Logically Thinking into the chat.
Logically Thinking: I still don't see the need for this.
agirlwithhope: shush, i know.
LestersPrince: What's your favorite song? (Because music is great but not very intellectual)
Logically Thinking: If I had to listen to any song, it'd probably be Knocking on Heaven's Door by Bob Dylan.
MsRaynestorm: If you had to guess, what do you think Anxiety's real name is?
Logically Thinking: Following the trend, definitely something ending with "an". I thought it'd be first letter then something else, but Roman's name clearly doesn't do that. Perhaps... Kaidan? An odd name for an odd person... Although I doubt it would be that.
Logically Thinking: That is, if he ever reveals his name.
maddiehasnofriends: Are you a night owl, a morning person, or are you in between?
Logically Thinking: Depends on the circumstance. I prefer going to bed and waking up early, but when there's a particularly big project I'm working on, I may not go to bed until the early hours of the morning.
LexiRosado: Do you have a daddy kink? (I'm sorry, I had to)
Logically Thinking: Are you really sorry? It certainly doesn't seem like it.
Logically Thinking: And no. The very idea is absurd!
panpancakes: What's your opinion on Morality's protective dad side, not his joking dad side?
Logically Thinking: It's always comforting to him competently parenting, even if he gets scary sometimes. Very rarely, but it does happen, usually after something horrible involving the kids.
panpancakes: How do you handle kids so well? Also when the time comes that your knight in shining armour comes, don't be scared.
Logically Thinking: Was this meant for Anxiety? I only mildly tolerate the kids. Anxiety loves them.
KittyKat8299: Why don't you just admit that you love Morality already?
Logically Thinking: Love is a chemical in your brain that inhibits decision making when it comes to that particular person of interest. Why would I admit anything of the sorts if it meant taking a big risk where the likely outcome is ruining a friendship?
Logically Thinking: Obviously, if I did love Morality in that way.
TheReferencer: Would you ever consider a career as a rapper?
Logically Thinking: I don't think having two rappers named Logic would go down too well. And the career may not be promising.
MrTalentless: What's your favorite movie?
Logically Thinking: Tough one. Many movies I watch are historically inaccurate, or simply unrealistic. However, I do quite like "Hidden Figures". It's a wonderful movie about sexism and racism in America, although the bit where the white guy that was consistently racist and sexist throughout the film got a redemption moment at the end was... questionable. Most likely to keep the mass media happy. Racism is still very much a thing, but I'm glad movies like this one put it into perspective and portray some of the amazing POC stories in history.
DevilKat3482: Morality talks a lot yes? Can you please help us and shut him up with your lips?
Logically Thinking: I like it when he talks...
-AngelTrickster-: Which Sherlock Holmes story is your favorite?
Logically Thinking: A Study in Scarlet. It was the first book, the one that started a revolution!
Vanillarose55: Is it possible for you to know stuff/acquire info that Thomas doesn't know/acquire? (For example, you know details about a certain book that Thomas hasn't read yet)
Logically Thinking: Why, of course! I actively seek out knowledge more than Thomas does. An example of this is how I knew about cognitive distortion and yet Thomas couldn't even pronounce it. I'm not too clear on the details as to why... Something I suppose I'll look into.
Coolest17304892561: WILL YOU BE MY SENPAI?!?!?!?!
Logically Thinking: If you want me to be, I don't see why not.
agirlwithhope has added emo nightmare😈 into the chat.
emo nightmare😈: people actually want to ask me stuff?
agirlwithhope: you're one of the most popular requests
emo nightmare😈: why?
MsRaynestorm: What are your thoughts on Roman/Prince?
emo nightmare😈: he's nice. and warm. not just physically but- i don't know.
LestersPrince: WHY do you hide your emotions so much?
emo nightmare😈: easy. if you don't show your emotions, others can't purposefully manipulate and destroy you with them. defense tactic. mostly out of habit now. it's hard to believe that people care sometimes...
maddiehasnofriends: Do you like watching Shane Dawson and his darker videos? In fact, do you like to watch YouTube?
emo nightmare😈: i know there's a lot of negativity surrounding shane's videos so i don't usually watch them... too many opinions can be a bit of an overload for me. i watch youtube sometimes. mostly music videos. and thomas'.
LexiRosado: What are your thoughts in the new DanAndPhilCRAFTS video, if you watched it
emo nightmare😈: i've heard it's very... interesting compared to the first one. i may or may not get around to watching it. we'll see how bad whatever new comment spam thing gets though.
TMRANDTEENWOLFPEOPLE: Are you okay mentally?
emo nightmare😈: better. ish. to accurately quote one of the best bands in existence, though, "I'm not okay (I promise)". it's a work in progress.
darkoff22: How much do you care for Prince/Who's your best friend pick only one
emo nightmare😈: don't tell pranks or missy i said this but prince. as for the caring question, that should answer it.
Rebeccalovespasta: Did you know you're not a monster?
emo nightmare😈: i struggle to believe it some days. but... it's easier for me now that i have people that don't mind telling me that i'm not... that.
CaptainNarnia: What's your ideal partner?
emo nightmare😈: someone who'll listen to my stupid rants about how crappy everything is, someone who'll know when i'm sad and will comfort me. someone who'll stand out with me in the rain, even if they hate getting their hair wet. someone like... never mind.
lgbtash: Do you think Princey is cute?
emo nightmare😈: sure, i guess, conventionally i mean... why do you ask?
JJLOLOL: Are you soft and neat?
emo nightmare😈: this is what i meant about the comment spams.
Mother_Porcelain: Do you wanna kiss Romaaaaaaan? *Wiggles Eyebrows*
emo nightmare😈: maybe just so i can say i've done it...
emo nightmare😈: why? did he say something about me?
KittyKat8299: Tell Roman that you love him already. Also do you secretly love stuffed animals?
emo nightmare😈: do you really think that princey, of all people, would ever like me back?
emo nightmare😈: and who told you about the stuffed animal thing? was it morality??? it's not even mine it's the kids! they leave their stuff in my room all the time!!
Scarleyyboo16: Do u like roman or not? U must answer truthfully, I will take all ur black makeup away
emo nightmare😈: you wouldn't dare. and. sure, i like him.
emo nightmare😈: he's my friend.
ijustwanttolive: How do you feel about logic?
emo nightmare😈: would like to get to know him more. he's alright. starting to think he really doesn't mind my company. it might just be my imagination though.
ijustwanttolive: If you had a stuffed animal, what kind would it be?
emo nightmare😈: stupid giant ones morality gets me. and just a small black bear with a blue bow that's very worn but still comfortable, with black button eyes and a red vest able to be written on.
JJLOLOL: What is your status with logic? Are you friends or what?
emo nightmare😈: i'd like him to be my friend but he probably would hate that.
Bowatriss: i feel you're also emo because i don't think you're always the bad guy ^-^
emo nightmare😈: i'm not always the bad guy. sometimes it's the dragon witch.
TheReferencer: Favourite youtubers and singers/bands? Do you like the holy trinity? 😀
emo nightmare😈: is it narcissistic if i say thomas? and i do like the holy trinity. both the ones considered """old""" (p!atd, mcr, fob) and """new""" (tøp, melanie, halsey).
emo nightmare😈: first of all, when?? it's more of a question of "if". and grand gestures are more of prince's things. same with the disney song. he'd probably love that.
Killersending: If I were to spam the g note from welcome to the black parade would you grab prince and cri
emo nightmare😈: depends if princey's nearby. cry? definitely.
DevilKat3482: Who out of the other personalities helps you the most when you are having an attack? If you don't mind me asking.
emo nightmare😈: honestly it depends on the situation and cause. if it's over something stupid i did - logic. he reasons with me. if it's over how insignificant i seem sometimes - morality. he cracks jokes and keeps me distracted. if it's expectations - pranks and missy. and if it's random, or if i'm overwhelmed for no discernible reason - prince.
daughterofdeadstroke: Who's your favorite superhero?
emo nightmare😈: does deadpool count?
-AngelTrickster-: Who's your favorite color solo music artist?
emo nightmare😈: i'm sorry, but i don't understand?
emo nightmare😈: absolutely.
agirlwithhope has added princey👑 into the chat.
princey👑: Alas! My turn!
agirlwithhope: knock yourself out
LestersPrince: What kind of grand gesture do you have planned for our little emo nightmare?
princey👑: I still have no clue! For Anxiety, it has to be perfect. After all I've put him through, he deserves nothing but the best. For once, I don't know. And it scares me a bit. But I will come up with something magnificent - just you wait!
maddiehasnofriends: Do you speak any of the "romance" languages? (considering you ARE romance) Or any other language at all?
princey👑: Spanish and Italian. Naturally, French, but that's saved for Anxiety.
agirlwithhope: OKAY OKAY BYE
princey👑: I don't see what I did? I was merely saying that Anxiety said to me one day that he really liked French, so I said a few lines to him and then he patted me on the shoulder saying something about me being "hopeless". Any idea what that- oh. Never mind.
TheReferencer: Opinion on flower crowns?
princey👑: Second best to only my own crown, as I've said. Speaking of, I think Anxiety would look adorable in one... Pranks would love that idea!
Captain Narnia: How many times have you and Anxiety cuddled? I need the numbers for...research
princey👑: A weird question, but sure. Whenever we fall asleep together, we do that. Anxiety won't admit it, but he clings like a baby koala! It's so cute and.... I just wish he'd see it.
Mother_Porcelain: Hi Princey, what's up?
princey👑: I've been answering questions! And thinking about what to do for Anxiety... So many possibilities but it must be perfect!
panpancakes: What's your favorite Disney movie to watch with anxiety?
princey👑: Inside Out! He always makes comments about how he wished our "mindscape" was like that, and how he's definitely a combination of Sadness and Fear. He also cries at the end where Riley comes back!
princey👑: ...Don't tell him I told you.
DKAllen2012: Besides the dragon-witch, are there any other villains you've defeated?
princey👑: Mostly just regular dragons and witches and the occasional troll. The usual stuff.
KitkAtkartkatie: Heyo, could you kill this dragon witch for me? She's getting on my nerves
princey👑: Of course! No villain shall escape my clutches!
KittyKat8299: When are you going to ask Anxiety out?
princey👑: Once I'm certain he likes me.
sandartprinxiety: When r u going to admit your feelings for anx and ask him out
princey👑: As I said, once I'm certain he likes me! Although, on second thought, he probably won't admit it....
Kaitlin_Shy: What's your OTP?🤔
princey👑: I've already answered this! The "other two people" I'd like to talk to are Fairy Godmother and Prince Charming.
ijustwanttolive: If anxiety was kidnapped by an evil yourself that was 10x stronger, would you still try to save him?
princey👑: I have to try, don't I? Even if my chances of winning were slim, I don't think I'd forgive myself otherwise.
cupcakesandwhiskas: Have you ever been in love before anxiety? (Face it everyone knows just ask him out already)
princey👑: I thought I had been. Now... I'm not sure.
TheReferencer: Royal etiquette tips?
princey👑: Well, of course it depends on the royal! Always be as polite as possible and stay true to learn the customs of the land.
SomeoneMcSomething: You should introduce anxiety to platonic kisses 👀👀👀... not a question, just a suggestion...
princey👑: I don't think he'd take too well to the suggestion. A shame, though.
DevilKat3482: Do you know CPR? If not, I'm sure Anxiety would LOVE to teach you, especially how to do mouth to mouth!
princey👑: Unfortunately, I do know CPR! A prince has to be equipped for all situations!
Scarleyyboo16: So u like anxiety? Answer truthfully or i will make sure the fairy godmother never talks to you again
princey👑: It's more than like, but yes. And please don't, Fairy Godmother is a good friend!
agirlwithhope has added JOKES into the chat.
JOKES: My time to shine!
agirlwithhope: that indeed
MsRaynestorm: What's your best prank ever pulled?
JOKES: Have I ever told you about the first prank I pulled on Morality? Basically, me and Missy decided we were gonna glue all the dining room furniture to the ceiling. Don't ask why - we were young(er) kids! Needless to say, we didn't get very far until Morality walked in. He just laughed and snapped his fingers, putting all the chairs and stuff on the ceiling for us! Only problem is... he couldn't get it down. Not until later
blurryfaccee: Whos the funniest to pull a prank on?
JOKES: Logic! Anxiety was right when he said the guy needed to wind down a little. It seems like we're being mean by always pranking him, but afterwards he always grins when he thinks we're not looking. I think he secretly enjoys our shenanigans.
SecretlyASnake & TheReferencer: Have you ever pranked Missy?
JOKES: Once! But then he caught me before I even started setting it up. Since then, we've just been pulling pranks together, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
J3sm6n7: Do you guys ship Prinxiety and/or Logicality???
JOKES: You bet we do
KittyKat8299: If you could prank Thomas, what kind of prank would it be?
JOKES: Nothing mean! Probably just pretend to be Missy for a day to freak him out. Ooo that's actually a good idea
ItsMeCece045: Do you guys ship anyone of the Sander sides together and if so who?
JOKES: Anxiety and Prince, Morality and Logic
Katelyn_Hufflepuff: I need ideas for a (hopefully) long running prank to play on some friends. Do you have any?
JOKES: Whenever you tell an unimportant lie, make it obvious you're lying so everyone thinks you're terrible at it, but when you need to, be stonefaced and have everyone convinced
JOKES: It works for me
JOKES: Oh and also you could just sneak in a random person in the background of a few photos and convince them you have this other friend that's been coming over for YEARS!
agirlwithhope has added watch out into the chat.
watch out: this probing is ridiculous...
agirlwithhope: here we go
watch out: -LY fun, I cannot wait!
MsRaynestorm: Do you like Anxiety or Morality more?
watch out: I guess... no.... what about.... huh.... ummmmmmm........ Anxiety maybe? wait no..... Morality wait...... Anxiety?!?!?!? because I see him more and stuff and AHHHH I JUST CHOSE A FAVOURITE!!!
blurryfaccee: How old are you?
watch out: 12! Pranks is 11!
KittyKat8299: Would you ever pull a prank on Pranks?
watch out: the last time I tried that was to get revenge for him thinking about pranking me but then he caught me
Kaitlin_Shy: What's your favorite prank you've pulled? On who and did you have a partner in crime? And did Anx know about it?
watch out: one time Pranks was sick so me and Anxiety teamed up, after planning with Pranks of course, and pranked the others all day! the best part about it was that they couldn't pin the blame on us, considering Pranks was bedridden and Anxiety said that he was with me and him all day! they couldn't prove anything!
ItsMeCece045: What is the most legendary prank you've pulled with or without Pranks?
watch out: Pranks and I stayed up and put loadssss of cups filled with water in front of everyone's doors! apart from Anxiety, though. he found it funny when Morality knocked over all the cups just to scold Logic for swearing
TheReferencer: Have you ever pranked Pranks?
watch out: nope
Killersending: Mor or anx
watch out: why do you all want to make me choose?!!! I love them both but fine, Anxiety
Katelyn_Hufflepuff: Where do you get the ideas for compliments? Also tell Thomas to stop throwing scissors in these videos, it's dangerous.
watch out: all around! anything I think may make a good misleading compliment, I turn it into one
watch out: and believe me, Thomas got a stern talking to by Morality, Logic and Anxiety
agirlwithhope: hit me with the questions
LestersPrince: How are you so creative? I love this story
agirlwithhope: thank you! i don't really think of myself as creative but i'm glad you do! i guess it basically stems from my love of reading. you get more ideas and are able to create more if you're introduced to countless different minds.
MsRaynestorm: How do you update every day?? For me it's so hard to keep a writing schedule
agirlwithhope: a good question that i wish i knew the answer to myself! i'm notoriously bad at writing schedules and deadlines (i once abandoned a fic for two years, usually only do assessments the night or even morning before, etc), but i guess it's just because Chat is so easy to write. i don't have to think too much about the grammar, spelling, punctuation, characterisation, plot, etc. because of it being a chat fic - so different from how i usually write! there's also the overwhelming support this book has gotten and i'm FLOORED every time i see the stats. basically, you all keep me going with your lovely comments. another reason for my daily updates is because of the style. my main worry when writing is the word count. but with this, i don't have to worry about it being short because i can always make up for it.
agirlwithhope: that was a long-winded answer. moving on!
maddiehasnofriends: How do you find inspiration?
agirlwithhope: continuing off my first answer, from a variety of different works! of course, it's not okay to steal ideas, but reading helps inspire me. there's also the random thoughts i have in class, songs i listen to, headcanons i see or have, the comments you guys leave, all those things help me along. once again, with chat, there's no set plot. no definitive end. i can weave all these little ideas in and still - hopefully - have an interesting story.
agirlwithhope: my inspiration to write in general is different. it's because i have so many thoughts that whirl around my head all day, it's nice to write them down in a way other people may enjoy!
blurryfaccee: If you had to choose 4 sides what would they be?
agirlwithhope: tough one. ahh, i feel like depression has a big role. compassion (different from the always kind morality who's nice to EVERYONE), my own version of prince (with both fandoms and my other interests) and also... humour. not pranks or missy, but just good ol' humour. both dark and light, self-deprecating and just plain punny.
CaptainNarnia: Do you have any pets? If so, tell me everything about them (pictures of them would make me cry btw so do that if you can)
agirlwithhope: yes i do! three main ones, excluding the six chickens. i have one that i consider to just be my own. she's a beautiful cat that i got around... five years ago? my mum got the cat off one of her students as a kitten, and originally she was mostly black and brown, but now her back legs are orangey. the best part - her name.
agirlwithhope: CLEOCATRA. yes, i'm hilarious
agirlwithhope: we also got a cat at the end of last year from my mum's work friend who had to move to a different country but couldn't bring the cat. his name is reeru, he's very much orange. he ONLY drinks out of our bathroom taps. diva. he and cleo hated each other for the first month or so, but now they can be seen cuddled up next to our dog, max.
agirlwithhope: max/maxi/maximillium/maximus (depending on what we want to call him) is lab crossed border collie i believe! likes licking people. a lot. also must have attention 24/7. has this habit of trying to sniff our cats' bums, which they HATE. he can be extremely hyper sometimes.
agirlwithhope: update - at the time of writing this, my cat just came in and sat on my lap. i'd take a photo but it's 12:40am.
MikaB9: What does everyone smell like? It sounds creepy but I'm curious, like cologne and jazz.
agirlwithhope: good question. prince: smoke from a campfire. logic: smell of paper, the old kind. morality: apparently nobody else smells this but you know when you enter an air-conditioned room and it smells differently? yeah, that. anxiety: rainy mornings. pranks: a carnival. missy: a candy shop.
panpancakes: How are you, are you okay, are you healthy? What's your favorite thing to do?
agirlwithhope: right now im feeling a bit carsick from writing, but there's nothing else for me to do. my mood changes rapidly but as of now, im happy. and yes, im healthy as in i dont have any physical illnesses. my physical fitness is a wholeeee other story (what even is exercise). my favourite thing to do is probably sleeping, writing or reading.
KittyKat8299: Out of all of Thomas's sides, who is your favorite?
agirlwithhope: hmm... maybe anxiety because i relate to him more? also becomes he needs love.
Kaitlin_Shy: How are you so awesome? You post very often and you are an amazing writer!!!
agirlwithhope: how are YOU so awesome??? im very glad you think im good, it makes me happy.
TheReferencer: Opinion on flower crowns? 😀 Also I hope you're doing okay :3
agirlwithhope: i LOVE flower crowns. sadly, i only have one, which i got maybe two years ago??? my best friend at the time took me out to the shops before we went to our dance performance thing and we got them! and im doing just fine, thanks for asking.
TeKawaii: First experience as a fangirl/fanboy/fangenderless child? (Idk sorry) Also when did you start shipping Logicality and Prinxiety?
agirlwithhope: oh boyyyyy time to go down the rabbit hole that is my past. um.... i guess you could say i was a massive jelsa fan?? haha..... bye. for those who dont know, jelsa is the ship of jack from rise of the guardians and elsa from frozen. there was a fan account i followed who did AMAZING comics and i was such a huge fan they made me a wonderful background! i use it for my ipod.
agirlwithhope: then i moved on to anime and stuff, which you can see through the old works on here that i... don't regret that much. it did put me on the fanfic path, following accounts that wrote and stuff. my first fic, which is lost under piles of posts from my insta fan account, was incredibly bad though...
agirlwithhope: and i started shipping them about the start of this year i think? only got more active in february.
agirlwithhope: also for those who want to know, im a girl, she/her pronouns and all that! thanks for asking though.
agirlwithhope: and that wraps the q&a up! almost 9300 words, 200+ questions, many hours, a wholeeeee lot of research and an entire musical soundtrack for the Heathers question! i'd love to do this again sometime, but probably not until muchhhhh later. phew!
agirlwithhope: also i kinda like this format for A/N's. might keep it. might not. and if you're wondering, i'll try my best to get the next chapter up soon. it'll mostly feature the pranks some of you requested!
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