S e v e n t e e n : Overload


Sensory overload, that's the word professionals toss around.

Too much to process, too much to understand, too much to categorize. Too much light, too much sound, too many emotions.

Emotions that are strong and demanding, emotions that make flashing lights at a party feel the same as the flashing lights of a police car.

I hate police cars.

The same way I hate that we're stuck, that despite rushing into a taxi we have to navigate through afternoon traffic where the horns are extra loud and people swish across the street like they don't care if they live or die.

Turning around from the back seat, I can see Sam, Shannon and Tony trailing behind us in their own cab.

I wish I went with them, Leo keeps screaming at our driver, slamming his hand against the headrest, asserting that it's an emergency and we need to get to the hospital now.

He's scared.

Hiding behind antics, anger shielding over feelings but I can see his unease, it's there in the way he pulls his hair at every red light and crosswalk.

Our driver on the other hand, must have been a saint in another life for with an accent thick with another country's history, he calmly states his understanding and skillfully navigates through the small spaces between cars and bikes before speeding off.

The force of the propelling vehicle slams Macey, Alice and I against the seats but Leo holds firm, yelping his approval.

"You're the man Victor, you are the man. Call up Nascar bro, they need you." Leo says, repeatedly slapping his hands against the driver's shoulder as the hospital comes into view a few turns later.

When the brakes slam to a stop, I lean forward to check the meter, scrounging up a 10 dollar bill from my pocket, I hand it to Victor, "We're really sorry about that, thanks man." yanking Leo by the back of his shirt, I pull him out the car with me.

In a matter of seconds, Sam, Shannon and Tony stumble out of their own Taxi and our group begins the short walk to the front of the hospital.

I'm moving but there are clouds in my eyes and I can barely make out what exists before me, I feel like someone's flipped the world and I'm hanging upside down.

None of this feels real, I don't feel real.

I need to focus.

I just need to focus on putting one foot in front of the other but I'm distracted, there's an unrelenting buzzing sound at my ear and no matter how much I swat at it, it's still there.

Desperately looking around for a bee or a mosquito, it takes me a minute to realize its Alice.

She's peppering the air with questions because Tiffany isn't old enough to have a beer, much less a kid.

Life's funny like that, we're too young to feel and do the things we feel and do but we feel and do them anyway.

I grip the hand that Alice latches onto my arm, "Danny's sick, it's..it's a defect, sometimes he...sometimes, it's bad."

I'm slipping, my words tumble out quickly and feel too heavy, I don't know if I'm making any sense but Alice squeezes my hand and nods anyway.

Soon Sam stops before the entrance door, taking a look at each of us before nodding firmly and putting his arm around Shannon's waist, guiding her through the automatic doors of the New York General Hospital Emergency Wing.

Following his lead, the cold gust of the air conditioner whips across the sweat beaded against my overheated skin like I've been dossed with ice water. Inhaling deeply, a sharp chill strikes throughout my body, it's strong enough to shake me from racing thoughts.

Scanning the densely packed waiting room, it doesn't take long to pinpoint Tiffany, she's sat to a far off corner in the middle of Mila and Luis, her posture rigid and her stare vacant as her parents stretch over her to speak to each other.

Sam and Shannon stand still for a movement, looking to each other with similar looks of grief before making their way towards the Vasquez's corner.

Alice too begins to move with them but I pull her back as the guys form a small huddle at the entrance of the hospital.

"Alright, tighten up. You know the drill." Leo states, his face grim as his hands rake through the messy locks of his hair.

The drill, the code, the conduct.

A set of rules we made up in case something bad ever comes around but with our luck, something bad always comes around.

"Above all, we don't get to fall apart." Macey utters softly as she hastily wipes at tears trailing down her cheek "We're going to be strong for Tiffie."

She'd been quiet the whole ride here and just looking at her, tears trickling down faster than she can wipe them away, I know she's going to break all the rules.

"Mace," Tony blows out a puff of air before scratching the back of his neck. "You're not exactly holding it together."

Stepping forward, I'm about to pull her into my hold but Alice beats me to it, wrapping her arms around Macey and throwing a glance my way before looking to Leo and Tony.

"We're going to be strong for Tiffany." Alice repeats, "if we cry, we cry, doesn't mean we're not strong." She smiles at Macey as she pats away her tears with the palm of her hand.

Macey nods, weakly smiling back and mumbling her thanks before linking her arm with Alice's and walking over to Tiffany.

Tony doesn't miss a beat as he follows behind them but Leo holds up a hand, turning to me with a look I can't quite decipher.

Quirking an eyebrow in question, I wait for the words that swim in his eyes but he shakes his head instead shifting his eyes to Macey taking Luis's seat and wrapping her arms around a stoic Tiffany.

"Forget It Johnny, let's go."


Our group fills the seats around Tiffany and her parents like water in a sinking boat.

We're here, everywhere they can see, reassuring bodies filing previously empty spaces. I hope it's enough.

Mila, an older reflection of Tiffany with her olive skin and long inky black hair keeps thanking us for being here while Luis, a steely man with shoulders strung tight with pride tells Sam he didn't have to close the shop to be here.

Their words only fill the air for a fear of silence, we wouldn't have been anywhere but here.

"It's so nice that you guys can be here, I'm sure you had a hard day. Everything is fine though, my principe Danny....is alright, he will be al-right." Mila sputters, her voice cracking with emotion as her eyes find ours though I'm sure we're not the ones she's trying to reassure.

I want to focus on Mila and Luis forcing themselves to be cordial and hospitable in the chaos of a hospital but I can't take my eyes off of Tiffany. She's dressed in her work clothes, black slacks and a white shirt with the words 'Sam's Coffeeshop' embodied over the right pocket. She's well put together, not a hair out of place but her face is haunting.

She looks older than her twenty years, her eyes empty, black pools of nothing surrounded by dark brown circles and swiped at streaks of mascara. Stress may very well be eating her from the inside out because her cheeks have sunken, shallow dips that make my skin itch.

The only thing that signals she hasn't gone completely comatose is the fact that her fingers fiddle with a toy fire truck I'd seen Danny drag around.

"So they're still running tests?" Sam asks, reaching forward to pat Tiffany on the knee.

Tiffany opens her mouth before clamping it shut, her lips quivering from the effort of holding in words she can't manage to say.

"Yeah, test after test, seems they're not sure what's wrong." Luis supplies, knocking the fist of his right hand into the palm of the left hand.

"Well, what happened?" Shannon hesitates as her eyes move to each member of the Vasquez family.

Mila glances to her unresponsive family before she hazards an explanation.

"Danny has been running a fever for a few days, so Tiff...well, we let him stay home from school. Tiffany had already left for work when he woke up," She clears her throat as she sweeps back strands of hair falling into her face. "And I noticed how pale he was, how hard it was for him to breathe and then he wouldn't stop throwing up. I told Tiff to come back home right away."

There's not much to be said even if there is a lot to be asked with an explanation like that - so we sit, quiet and patient and together, hope rising and falling as doctors walk towards us but eventually past us.

"You know what? I said it was more serious than the flu but kids, they don't listen, my tonta kid never listens." Luis grunts, bolting up from his seat to cast a hard gaze at Tiffany, "you know what I mean Sam?" he swings around to face a wide-eyed Sam.

Tiffany's head snaps to Luis, her mouth pulling into a snare as she drops the fire truck and folds her arms over her chest.

A sign of life.

She's never been shy about detailing her parent's initial lack of support. They spent nine months berating her, judging her and in the end declaring she wasn't fit to take care of herself much less a child. 

And though Tiffany has proven herself time and time again, resentment still rings on both sides because stinging words never do stop hurting.

"Luis, now is not the time –"

"No mama, it is the time. It's a very stressful situation and papa can't handle it, he needs a break." Her tone is sharp, almost taunting as her head slowly turns from her father to her mother. "Why don't you check if there's a cafeteria or a tea station? Let him have a snack, collect himself."

"Yes! A break is good. Very good." Sam stands swiftly, pulling Shannon with him as he ushers Mila and Luis through the waiting room. "Let's see if there's any decent coffee around here."

Tiffany inhales sharply, holding her breath till the very moment her parents fade from sight. "I'm a good mom, I just thought he was getting the flu. Kids get the flu, I'm a good mom." She whispers as she pulls her knees to her chest.

"You're the best mom and anyone who says otherwise can come see me." Macey yells, looking at the seat Luis previously occupied, "or I'll go see them." She attempts to stand but Leo places a firm hand on her shoulder, holding her to her seat.

"He was fine. Perfect and fine and five. And now he's in the hospital." Tiffany shudders, as she slips down further into her seat.

"He's still fine, this is just a dip in the road Vasquez."  I point out, smiling just a bit too wide when she looks up to meet my eyes. I'm about to quote back all the positive crap she usually spews my way when I feel a tug on my shirt.

Glancing to the side, I meet Alice's confused eyes, feeling like the biggest jerk in the world. I can't exactly talk about Danny in front of Tiffany, she's just coming around but Alice must be so lost. "I'm sorry you're out of the loop, everything happened so fast. I'm going to tell you everything, I promise."

"You didn't tell her what was going on? Johnathon, I'm disappointed." Tiffany shakes her head before turning to Alice with some life in her eyes. "Did they at least go through the rules with you?"

"Uh, a little bit, I think? I know we shouldn't fall apart." Alice echoes with uncertainty, a little laugh escaping from her lips.

Tiffany gasps, "You armatures, I expected better."

"In our defence, you're usually the one who keeps everyone in line. Leo took charge today, enough said, am I right?" Tony's shoulders shake with laughter until he turns and meets Leo's blistering eyes.

Chocking back laughter, Tiffany inhales deeply before a sad smile pulls at her lips. "It kind of sucks being fifteen and pregnant but it really sucks hearing my baby might not survive. He was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome." She pauses, her face scrounging in disbelief. "Doesn't that just sound made up?"

Alice nods, her lips pulling down to a frown as she looks at me and then to Tiffany.

"It's real though, it means the left side of his heart didn't develop properly causing a ton of complications. Life's kicked his butt since day one, y'know? But with three major heart surgeries, two months in the ICU and an unlimited supply of expensive medication, I thought we were in the clear." Tiffany shrugs, looking down at the fire truck on her lap. "Guess not. My fault though, I got hopeful...the doctors told me there was still a lot that could go wrong."

Alice's eyes pop open before she presses a hand to her chest. "Oh my God, I am so sorry, oh my God, that is so sad. You're so strong –"

"Ah! Alice stop stop stop – we don't do pity." Tiffany snorts as she tilts her head back to stop rolling tears.

"We only do mild emotional moments, sarcastic comments and the occasional inspirational lifesaving speech." Macey quips, the corner of her lips twitching into a cheeky grin.


"What does that mean?"

The sun had long set, the sky dark with the bleakness of today's reality.

The hours of uncertainty had taken its toll and tension once again snapped into play between Tiffany and Luis when the doctor assigned to Danny appeared.

"It means Miss Vasquez...that we need to monitor him overnight, we'll have a better indication of the problem in the morning." Explains a stout man with a doctor's coat so bright and white, the identification card labelled 'Dr. Singh' pinned to his pocket is barely visible.

"So you still don't know anything? All those tests and you don't know? Luis asks, his voice booming as he steps closer to the doctor.

Dr. Singh takes a step back. "We have an idea but with left heart syndrome, we have to be certain and that can only be done through further observation."

Tiffany steps between the two men, facing the doctor with sagging shoulders. "Can I see him now?"

"No, unfortunately, that wouldn't be the best idea."

"No? I'm his mother, what do you mean no? I don't understand."

'He's had a long day, as I've explained, it's a very delicate situation and any kind of excitement may offset results." There's a genuine look of regret painted over Dr. Singh's face as he reaches out to touch Tiffany on the shoulder. "My whole team and I are working hard for your son, I assure you. I'll personally be back with news early tomorrow morning."

While the doctor walks away, Luis quickly reaches his arms out as Tiffany staggers before collapsing into his arms, her hands weakly hitting against his chest as she cries into his shirt. "hey, hey, Tiffie, it's okay, papa is here with you."

This is brutal, how many blows can one person take?

Mila soon approaches the two, resting her hands on Tiffany's shoulder. "It's okay, let's go home, get some rest and come back refreshed for tomorrow."

Tiffany pulls away from her father in a flash, her eyes wide and wild as tears continue to flood her face. "Are y-ou crazy? I'm not going anywhere. My s-son is somewhere in this hospital and I'm staying here till he's home."

"Oh sweetie, maybe your mom is right, some rest will bring clear eyes. We can all be back here as morning lights." Shannon reassures, her voice comforting as she looks around our group.

"Danny stays, I stay." Tiffany thrusts her chin upward before walking over and crumbling into an empty seat.


There isn't much you can do or say to persuade Tiffany to change her mind so with our own sense of obligation and worry Leo, Macey, Alice and I followed her lead and made camp on the cold hard chairs of the waiting room.

I'd been surprised at Alice, I knew she liked my friends, I knew she'd somehow become a part of our ragtag group of misfits but I didn't expect her to care so much. I thought she'd be safe at home, writing her next production but here she is slumming it in the barracks.

Tony tried to stay, he really did but one call to his parents had them threatening to call the police if he wasn't home in thirty minutes.

On the other hand, Sam, Shannon, Mila and Luis had decided to go home, make arrangements with their respective jobs and businesses then return in the morning with supplies.

The hours passed and I realized some persons had the ability to make anywhere feel like home, even within the pale grey walls of an emergency room.

I couldn't stop watching over Macey and Tiffany cuddled together on two chairs they'd drawn together and Alice who had originally fallen asleep across my lap but titled and turned till she curled into a ball of sorts on her own seat.

Even Leo eventually knocked out, his head thrown back against the chair and his brows knitted together tight, true to form, anger doesn't leave Leo even in sleep.

I spent my time counting the number of persons to rush through the doors of the emergency wing since last night.

Though the sun had begun to rise, the number didn't stop or slow down.

I'm trying to decide if I'm at thirteen or fourteen when Leo stirs awake next to me.

He looks around briefly, appearing disoriented before swiping a hand down his face. "How much sleep did you get?"

I smile despite myself. "A solid twenty minutes." There's no use in lying to Leo.

"Are things getting bad again?"

"No, no, not really." I shake my head, shifting awkwardly in my seat. "It just always takes me a little longer to get comfortable in new places, I'm too alert."

He nods, pointing a thumb at Alice. "How are things with her?"

I smile, feeling warm just looking at her. "They're good, real good but.."

"But what?"

"Y'know how she came to my apartment when I was sick?" He nods. I sigh, looking down at her to be sure she's still asleep. "Well, now she's over all the time, don't get me wrong, I like it, I do. I think it's her way of showing me she doesn't care that I live in the slums. It's just, she said I was mumbling about my father...I'm not sure what I said, I feel exposed and now when I have nightmares, I see her...I see her in his place."

Leo sits forward, his face contemplative before he nods and looks to the florescent lights of the hospital's ceilings. "Why don't you get it over with? If this relationship is as serious as it seems, why not just tell her everything?"

I quickly shake my head, pulling a couple of buttons from my shirt, so it'll be easier to breathe. "No, she – we, we have an understanding. She has her own crap, we agreed to just let dead things stay buried. It's just us, right now, I think its special, nothing else matters, just us."

Leo rolls his eyes before huffing a dry laugh. "What a dream."

"What? What's wrong with that?" I ask, my agitation clear in the shrill of my voice.

"You can't bury the past, it's not dead. And you can't bury feelings and memories that still give you nightmares either." He says sharply, placing his arms behind the back of his head. "No one can hide from the truth forever. We might swallow our pain because we can't do better but at the end of the day, we snap. We scream, we break things, we throw a punch because the pain has to come out some way, right?"

I'm stunned, I can't find the words to disagree or agree.

"I don't think it's real until everything is out in the open, until you know her and she knows you. But you're too afraid for it to be real."

"You know what Leo, why don't you mind your damn –"

"Excuse me, do you mind waking Miss Vasquez?" Dr. Singh asks, standing before us looking every bit of confident and prepared. "I have news regarding her son."

Leo and I stand, our conversation long forgotten as we wake the girls.

Tiffany looks around, confusion clear in her eyes before she sees Dr. Singh, quickly springing from her seat and smoothing back her hair she faces him. "Doc, what's going on?"

"It's called Endocarditis, it's an infection of the inner lining of the heart chambers and valves caused by bacteria that has entered his body. His left heart syndrome has made him vulnerable and it seems to have spread long before any major symptoms appeared." Dr. Singh explains, he takes a second to study Tiffany to ensure she understands but by the way her face goes stark white and her breathing becomes laboured, I think she does.

"What happens next? What do we do?" Macey asks as she wraps a firm arm around Tiffany's waist.

"The easy suggestion is antibiotics, a six-week long course of it, first administered with an IV and then orally once we send him home." Dr. Singh nods before slipping his clipboard under his arm. "I am however suggesting a valve replacement surgery. The damage is extensive and the antibiotics will only provide a temporary fix for what I believe will be a recurring problem with his current valves. We can talk about the risks but I believe this is our best option."

"I-I can't afford that. It's like eighty grand, He's had a similar surgery and I'm still paying for it now. I can't even afford all the tests you ran." Tiffany coughs out, her voice frantic.

"Your insurance should –"

"My insurance doesn't cover Danny because he has a preexisting condition."

There it is – the disconnect.

Dr. Singh looks to his clipboard before looking through Tiffany, he can't see her anymore. She's just the face of the millions of faces he sees every day. Her story isn't different, nothing unique, he's learnt to turn a blind eye to sob stories.

"Make a decision, speak with administration, then ask for me as soon as you get it sorted, we don't have a lot of time." And with that he swishes away, his bright white coat, a retreating blur.

Tiffany turns to our group, her emotions unreadable as she slams the palm of her hand to her forehead in a bust of frustration. "I'm going to fix this, I'm going to fix this."

There's an offbeat pause in our group before Leo turns to me, I know what he's thinking so I quickly nod.

"Alright, I got the money I was saving for my camera equipment. What you got Johnny?" He questions as he pulls out his phone and selects the calculator app.

"I got this month's rent covered. I'm good for whatever else I have saved up, what –"

"Have you two lost your minds?" She turns to Leo and I. "No, no. I don't need your help, I don't need charity especially from you guys, I – I.."

"Tiffany, would you shut the hell up? This is for Danny, not for you. We make a down payment, they have to do the surgery." Leo shouts, his face tinting red with anger and his eyes brimming with unshed tears.

Chaos erupts as we all begin shouting and bargaining, Leo, Macey and I adding as Tiffany keeps subtracting.

"I'll pay for it." There's a lone sturdy voice that stands out against the unorganized yelps of the rest of us, looking to my side, I see Alice, who moves to stand in front of Tiffany. "I'll pay for the surgery, let's go to administration."

Tiffany's jaw goes slack before her eyes leave the bold look on Alice's face to the dumbfounded look on mine, instantly she burst into laughter. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm Alice Carter and I have the money to pay for the surgery. Let's go."

"Alice, what are you doing?" I take a hold of her arm and pull her to face me even as my mind races. Everything may be moving too fast but I don't miss the defiant look in her brown eyes.

"Is this for him? Is this a show for him?" Tiffany asks, her voice booming as she points at me before folding her hand into a fist. "Listen Alice, I don't know what you think this is but you don't make jokes like that. Where the hell would you get that much money from anyway? What do you do, go around and hand out money like your Bruce Wayne or something. You don't know me and –"

"Last month, you gave me your only copy of Things that Happen by Alicia Johnson. I loved that book, it made me happy for weeks, why can't I give you what I have? I'm good for the money, ask Johnny."

Tiffany's whole body freezes in place, her lips parted, her eyes wide and her hand still folded into a fist.

I want to say something, I need to say something but the words won't come fast enough.

Macey and Leo keep staring at Alice before Macey breaks the trance by stepping forward and grabbing Tiffany's shoulders. "Take the money. She's one of us and she's doing what we'd do if we could. Take the money, Tiffany, please."

Tiffany's mouth snaps close as Macey's shakes her, pulling away, she stands in front of Alice though her eyes are trained on me. I take a second before nodding because I don't what else to do.

"I don't know what to say, how is this possible? I need to call my parents, I have to...pay back every cent, I am going to pay back every cent." Tiffany blurts, throwing her arms around Alice who returns the embrace before stepping away.

"Oh no, that's not necessary, just keep giving me books, it'll add up." Alice laughs before grabbing a still gaping Tiffany's hand and dragging her towards administration.

I stand still, wide-eyed and out of touch, to what reaction does one have to that?

"Johnny...who the hell is she?" Leo asks, his expression unnerving.

I don't know.


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