N i n e : The Universe


I was a big fan of the universe and all she had to offer, the glimmering stars, the glowing moon and the great beyond possibly filled with all the magic my eyes would never see.

Maybe I'm just idealistic but I like to imagine that when everything is running smoothly in life, all the stars and the moon in the night sky would align.

A gentle whisper between celestial bodies that urged me to keep moving forward.

The universe hasn't shown me any grand gestures just yet but I think I'm moving in the right direction?


The morning rush is just simmering to an end and the team is jaded.

Tiffany and Macey attend to the last two remaining customers on tired legs and Ricky who worked a double shift is passed out in the Kitchen on top of an array of packaged flour.

Leo and I take the opportunity to crash aching bones at an unoccupied corner table.

We were both floating along the banks of exhaustion hoping the waves wouldn't push us too far away from reality.

"There's no way it's just 11:15," I grumble, taping the face of my watch before squinting up at the wall clock. "Damn, it is."

"I don't have the patience to work in the service industry." Leo huffs as he bangs his fist against the table. He points a finger at me, his sandy blond locks dishevelled while thin beads of sweat line his forehead. "I really don't give a damn if you haven't had your first cup of coffee yet, don't come in here and be an ass."

I chuckle softly, positive that I look just as tousled as Leo, if not worse. "Some customers suck more than others but I don't really mind them at the end of the day. Compared to all the crap I've done just to survive, this is a vacation, you know what I mean?" I admit with all honesty.

Leo's green eyes flicker over to meet mine as he nods his head in understanding. There's this obvious look of pity but as it crosses Leo's face it looks unnatural.

Soon he shrugs and the familiar look of indifference tugs at every corner of his visage. "I know. You still go to your meetings, right?" he questions.

I nod but I'm anxious to change the topic.

Leo and I understand each other in sparse words and in pain but we didn't make a habit of bringing up emotions neither of us are prepared to deal with.

Though I know if it ever came down to it, Leo would have my back and I'd have his.

"Yeah, twice a month, every month." I sigh.

"What about your mom, why don't you give her a call?" Leo glances over at me before snaking a hand into his pocket and pulling out a pack of nicotine patches.

At the idea of talking to my mother, I wish the waves of exhaustion would actually sweep me away from reality.

Instead, the waves only push me further underwater where my chest is bond to implode.

"I don't have anything to say to her, why don't you call yours?" I ask the question though I already know the answer.

In the distance, I can hear the ding of the entrance bell forcing both Leo and I to groan in sync. At this point in time, a harrowing heart-to-heart about our mothers is more appealing than an early Friday lunch hour rush.

To my surprise, Alice strides into the shop, her eyes searching as she shifts through customers, tables and chairs until she's at the counter, ringing the bell and shouting a name, it takes me a minute to realize, it's mine.

I look back at my watch and then the clock on the wall, they all read the same time, 11:48 a.m.

I know it's a ridiculous notion but Alice at the coffee shop this early starts a tsunami of unease in the pit of my stomach.

I can already hear her words in my head, they echo over and over in her perfectly honeyed voice. 'Johnny, I'm going back to Manhattan, where my life is.'

Leo shoves my shoulder hard enough to catch my attention. I turn away from Alice, swallowing the sea of dread that decides to settle against my chest.

"Man, what are you doing? She's calling for you." His lips pull into a hard line and his eyes narrow as if daring me not to go over to her.

What am I doing?

I wish I knew but what I do know is that no one else in this universe can make me as nervous as Alice Carter does.


"Alice, what are you doing here so early?" I place my hand lightly against her shoulder to get her attention but I can feel the nerves dancing across my skin like an electric shock.

Alice quickly turns around, her eyes filled with that spark that never seems to dim and a smile as bright as any city light.

"Johnny!" Alice throws her arms around my neck, pulling me into her warm embrace and sinking her head against my chest.

In this moment, I'm convinced we've melted and become one.

"I'm so glad you're here. I didn't know what time you started working. I thought the earlier I got here the better." She was beaming as she pulled away, practically bouncing in place.

"Why? What's happening?" I'm surprised to hear my own voice as the only thing I can think about is wrapping my arms back around her waist and holding her captive against my chest.

"We're having a small showing of a play I've been working on. I wasn't going to go but my brother convinced me to, it's last-minute but will you come with me?" She gushes, her grin so wide that it pushes her rosy cheeks up revealing pearly white teeth and crinkling the sides of her eyes.

"Please, be my guest." She lays her soft hands against my chest with more delicacy than a flower but the small gesture causes my heart to pound so hard she must be able to feel the beat against her fingertips.

"Wow, okay. I'd love to."

In all honesty, Alice could have asked me to walk with her to the ends of the earth barefooted and I would go.

She claps her hands in the most animated manner, her excitement so contagious, that it bounces between us and I find myself just as thrilled.

"You'll need to wear a suit, the show starts at 8, can we meet here at 7:00 p.m.?" She questions, pulling her cell phone from her pocket.

"He'll need a suit, for what?" Leo strolls to a stop beside me but he doesn't bother to hide the fact that he's openly analyzing Alice, his daring eyes scanning her from head to toe, before meeting her confused stare.

I use my elbow to jab Leo in the side, a satisfying grin making it's away across my lips when I hear a small groan.

"Alice, this is my friend Leonardo James." I gesture to Leo, before turning back to Alice.

"Leo, this is...this is Alice Carter." Her name leaves my lips like a breath or a secret, something I want to keep close.

Alice nods as she meets Leo's gaze with just as much fire as he is giving out. "Like the painter? That's cool. I'm taking Johnny to a play, it's a suit and tie thing."

"Leo's a photographer, he knows a thing or two about art." I use my shoulder to nudge Leo, smirking as he rolls his eyes at me.

"Leo sucks at the whole communication thing but his photos say a lot." Leo lets out a grunt in reply and if that doesn't prove my point, I don't know what will.

Alice's seems to perk up at this, so much so that she gives Leo a smile that could melt his icy demeanour.

"I get that. In the words of the great, Pablo Picasso, 'I don't say everything but I paint everything.'

Leo stares at Alice, his eyes softening as he does the unthinkable, he smiles.

"Johnny doesn't understand that not everyone won debating competitions. Some of us just never have the right words to say what we mean." Leo chuckles heartily. "Maybe you can knock some sense into him." he states before walking away and busying himself behind the counter.

I think that was a sign?

It feels like the stars and moon are aligning in the direction of a certain brown-eyed-girl that could make anyone smile.


I should have known what I was getting myself into when Alice came to pick me up from the shop in a sleek-black-chauffer driven, town car.

When Alice mentioned she was having a small showcasing of her play, she failed to explain that it is, in fact, an elaborate opening ceremony.

A ceremony dedicated to presenting the work of rising New York talent, Alice Carter.

A rising talent is right....without a doubt Alice is gorgeous but tonight in a floral pantsuit that fitted every curve and dip of her body so perfectly, it must have been painted on, she looks stunning.

Lights flash, cameras flicker and person after person interviews Alice about her play before we can reach into the theatre.

I stand out, like a drop of ink to an empty page.

In a sea of people that look like they live and breathe art and fine dining, I am the uncultured swine in one of Sam's old suits.

Alice greets a few guests and I offer a wobbly smile and a handshake when they spare me a glance.

Soon were escorted to the plush seating at the front of the auditorium.

After a minute or two of idle chatter about the history of theatre, Alice excuses herself to slip backstage and speak with her team.

Though that was ten minutes ago and without Alice nearby, I feel my nerves moving like live wire.

Eventually, I decide the best way to fit in is to admire Alice's work like the people around me.

Lowering myself into my seat, I flip through the play's program.

Mothers that Raise Daughters, a play by Alice Elizabeth Carter.

The program lists the director, production team, the cast and at the very end is a short biography about Alice. It's a summary of her growing up in Manhattan, developing a love for the arts in middle school and writing her first short play at age ten.

"My biography is pretty to the point, don't you think?" I turn around in my seat to find Alice gazing down at me before she slides down to sit, a shy smile pulling at her lips.

"Yeah, guess I'm just going to have to ask you straight up for anything juicy." I smile cheekily, waving the program at her.

She snickers before winking, "Yeah, I guess so." swiftly reaching over she takes the program from my hand, swatting it gently against my head. 'Now, shhh, my play is starting."


"I know you wanted me to be unrealistically perfect in your unfulfilling world because you say you love me but it would have been easier if you had admitted to hating me, hating yourself and hating grandma. In the end mother, I think your pretend love hurt me far more than your real hate ever could..."

The actress hauntingly reads the last lines of a suicide note left by her fictitious daughter, slowly collapsing to her knees before the show curtain closes in a swift dramatic fashion and the stage lights dim...


The play has ended but I can't seem to steer my gaze from the stage.

In accordance with excellence, loud applause and cheers ring through the auditorium pulling me back to reality.

Immediately I look to Alice and find her already looking at me with her star-filled eyes.

My lips stretch into a grin, how can one person be so magical?

Brilliance flowing from her to a story that made my chest ache with revere.

Quickly I hop up from my seat, clapping and whistling along with the crowd as Alice runs to join the cast and production team for a final bow.


When the last critique has left the theatre and Alice had enough praises from everyone that walked through the door, she decides its a good time to leave.

As we stand on the sidewalk, waiting for the town car to return, I smile because Alice's smile and her art makes me feel like I've downed two shots of tequila.

"How on earth did you write something so profound?" My brows quirk up in awe.

She giggles, squeezing her eyes shut before turning her gaze to me, "Thank you. Well, I read Beloved by Toni Morrison last summer and it made me think about my relationship with my mom and that made me think of how women have to raise daughters without ever healing from their own trauma from womanhood."

"I have three sisters, I think they'd want to have a talk with you." I nod, ignoring the little pang in my chest that came whenever I thought about them.

"That would be nice," She grins before she rests a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for coming tonight and for sticking it out with the suits and ties. I know, they can be dull and pretentious but to smile and nod is the only way to make your dent in the theatre world."

If she wants me to, I can wear suits, I can shake hands with the wealthy, I can stare in awe and nod at things I don't understand, I can do whatever she needs me to.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world, I had a great time." I nod as I glance up at to the sky, noticing how a few stars glitter and how the moon shines, a sign from the skies, a push from the universe.

"Alice..." I can feel the middle of my palm begin to sweat and the knots in my stomach tighten but the moment feels too perfect to let it pass.

"Can I ask you something?" I question but as her brown eyes begin to fill with worry, I rest a hand onto her side nudging her gently. Soon she slowly begins to nod her head.

"Yeah, go ahead." Alice's eyes search mine, her bottom lip finding itself lodged between her teeth.

Swallowing all the determination I can, I glance at the sky, knowing under the moonlight, everything should be alright. "Would you go out on a date with me?"



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