Charming Criminal [33]
A/N — Sorry for all the updates but I'm just too excited to finish this fic already lol. Also I feel like Misa's a bit too smart in this chapter, so I'm sorry if she is really OOC ;-;
Light's P.O.V
"Are you cheating on me with [Y/N]?" Misa asked, pouting, as Light fumbled with his tie, undoing the knot and releasing the pressure off his neck. He popped open the top two buttons and loosened the cuffs of his shirt, then slouched back against his desk. He ignored her, hoping she would just leave him alone already. "Liiiiight~"
"No Misa," he snapped, feeling his temper flare up behind his eyes, a flash of red. He saw her lip wobble and forced himself to calm down, deflating his lungs with a deep breath. "Sorry, I have a lot on my mind right now."
"Hmph. But what are you going to do about her?"
"That's what I'm trying to figure out," he said impatiently, massaging his temples. He couldn't remember being this stressed before, even with all the games L had played with him. He thought everything would work out fine. You were supposed to be a mere puppet, whose strings he could easily control. He was supposed to choose who died and who lived, he was the one playing the role of God. Not the other way around. How had he managed to let you manipulate him?
"I can't believe you told her about Kira though," Misa continued, completely oblivious to the turmoil in Light's head. "And you even killed the man who attacked her mum. Didn't you realise that-"
"No, I didn't!" He growled, standing up so suddenly it made Misa jump. "I made a mistake, okay? I messed up. Now I don't know how to fix it and you're not helping in the slightest!"
Rem stiffened behind her, resentment making the muscles in her jaw ripple, but she didn't intervene. Misa just pouted, her eyes glassy as she propped her hands on her hips. "Well, why don't you just kill her?"
Light's body went rigid. He slowly lowered himself back onto the desk, the words sticking on his tongue until he eventually choked them out. "I... I can't."
"Why not?" She whined, moving over to sit on the bed. She had a piece of blonde hair wrapped around her finger, twirling it absently. "You're planning on giving away your Death Note to someone else, aren't you? If she dies while we're both under surveillance, it'll be impossible to blame one of us!" she said.
Light shook his head, unconvinced. "Nobody else knows about [Y/N]'s connection to the case. There are no other possible suspects in the vicinity. Although impossible to prove, it would just convince L even more that I am, in fact, Kira," Light deliberated out loud.
Misa stuttered impatiently. "T-then make her kill herself? If you write in the Death Note that she acts all sad and distressed in the days before then-"
"Misa! I... I can't kill her," Light insisted, running his hand through his hair in dismay. "There has to be something else I can do."
"Do you really care about her so much that you're willing to let her risk your plans?"
She did have a point. Light didn't want to get rid of you so suddenly, but you had outgrown your usefulness. Now you were just an inconvenience. The longer he kept you alive, the more of a risk you became.
And he was Kira after all. He was a killer. He killed for justice, for the good of the world, but he was a killer all the same. And good-intentioned or not, all killers were ruthless, all killers were ambitious. He would get his new world no matter the consequences.
If you tried to manipulate someone as proud and ruthless as Light, you had it coming for you.
If only you'd realised that before it was too late.
Your P.O.V
You already knew things weren't going to go down well for you. Even after everything you'd been through, after everything he'd promised, you doubted very much that getting you out of there was going to be Light's priority.
You had been stupid to trust him so blindly. You should have severed your relationship the second things had become too difficult. Getting involved with Light was never going to end well. He was a killer with an agenda and he would do anything to get his own way. So where did that leave you?
It had all started by picking up a piece of paper. You'd have gotten yourself into none of this mess if you'd just left it on the floor. One simple mistake, that's all it took, and now you were best friends with a murderer and trying to prove your innocence to the world's greatest detective.
Look how fucked up your life had turned out just by touching one damn piece of paper.
You let out a frustrated growl, clenching your hands in your hair. You regretted everything. You wished you'd never met Light. You liked him as a person, you liked him as Light. But you didn't like him as Kira. Kira made him ruthless and cold. Light might care about you, but Kira certainly didn't. And it was obvious which one came out on top.
You flopped back down onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling, all too aware of the camera flashing in your peripheral vision. L was watching you. But what exactly did he hope to see? Was he waiting for you to do something suspicious, waiting for...
All of a sudden a black shadow fell over you and you jerked upright, your heart pounding in your ears.
Ryuk was stood in front of you, his long arms swinging loosely beside him. He was smiling.
"Come to the bathroom. There aren't any cameras there. Light's not inside the building," he said mysteriously, before plodding off and disappearing through the door, his feathery wings shuddering. You waited for a few seconds, drumming your fingers against your leg as if in thought, then stood up and went into the bathroom.
Ryuk was crouched on the seat of the toilet, picking at his nails absently. Your eyebrows went up in question, gesturing silently for him to speak. You ran the tap while you did, so any sounds might be masked by the water.
"I think Light's had enough of you," he said calmly, plainly, almost matter-of-factly, as if telling you what he had eaten for lunch (apples, obviously). You frowned, sticking your fingers under the running water and watching your skin go purple. Why had the Shinigami come here specifically to tell you that? And what were the implications of him having 'enough' of you? Was he going to kill you? You mimed slicing your throat in question, and Ryuk shrugged. "I don't know what he's going to do yet. But I came to tell you to watch your back. I've been stuck with Light for ages now. I know what he's like. He might act all charming, but I've never seen someone use the Death Note so actively. He's ruthless. And he's pretty wound up in this fantasy of becoming God. Who knows what he'll do to get his way."
You listened carefully, turning off the faucet and drying your hand on the towel. You mimed the words 'why', then pointed to him and yourself in turn. Why are you telling me this? It took him a few seconds to decipher your meaning, then the Shinigami sniffed and gave a lazy little shrug.
"You're one of the nicer humans I've met," he said simply. "You give me apples." Then he shrugged again and climbed off the toilet seat. "See ya later." With a weird salute, he drifted solemnly through the wall and out of sight, leaving you to process everything he'd just told you.
Light came back an hour later. Ryuk was nowhere to be seen.
"Oh, hey," you said, smiling thinly when you opened the door and let him in, the Shinigami's warnings still echoing around your head.
I think Light's had enough of you.
"Hey. Are you doing okay?"
He might act all charming, but...
"Yeah, I guess. I'm as okay as I ever would be in a situation like this," you said, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. It was difficult to look at him, difficult to meet those eyes you knew were hiding so much.
He's ruthless.
"You'll be out of here soon, I promise," he said slowly, reaching out his hand for you to take. You paused, looking at it hesitantly, then laced your fingers through his. His skin felt cold.
Who knows what he'll do to get his way.
He smiled at you then. At one time, you would have been charmed by that smile of his, you would have trusted it. But it was the smile of a criminal. A charming criminal.
But you had outgrown those strings he had so ruthlessly manipulated you with. You had outgrown Light and that charming smile.
That smile now held no warmth, no friendliness. You had exposed its lie, its deception. You had seen past his facade.
Because Light was a killer. And you were stupid to trust him.
A/N — Sorry if this all seems rather repetitive and whatnot. But heyy I made a title reference at last! Anyway don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter! This fic will be drawing to a close in the next one welp. I know it seems really rushed and sudden, but I've always been really crap at endings. Please don't hate me for it ;-;
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