Playing with Fire

(Y/n) POV

I am just getting out of school when I hear a scream, instinct kicks in and I transform into my Charizard form and fly towards the source of the scream. I land and see a woman unconscious, I approach and sniff her to figure out her condition.

(Y/n): She's not hurt.

Suddenly, my tail moves quickly on instinct and I turn around and see a young teenage girl, about 16 years old and wearing a ancient looking necklace.

(Y/n): You did this?

????: Don't worry, she'll be fine. Better than you're gonna be anyway.

(Y/n): *growls* People a lot more powerful than you have said that, and they lost, and not always in one piece.

????: Oh, I'm so scared.

(Y/n): Final warning. Stand down and walk away.

????: Make me.

Fed up with the girl's defiance, I let loose a weaker Flamethrower just in case she was human, but it was still powerful enough to damage a car. This girl was agile though and dodgerolled diagonally towards me. I try to shift to my left and grab her but she simply reached up and gripped my wrist and I felt my power start to drain out of me. I manage to wrestle the woman off me, but I involuntarily change back into my human form. I see my tail flame is still lit, but not as brightly as earlier, I try to summon a fireball to my hand but I can't even get a spark.

(Y/n): What?! My flames! Where-

????: Oh, your flames? They're right here.

I realize what she did, but I don't know how, as she summons fire to her hand and throws it at me, I fall back to avoid it.

(Y/n): *tries to use flames* Come on. Come on. I can't-

????: You're right. You can't, but thanks to you, I can!

The girl sends another fireball my way and it catches my arm as I dodge and leaves a burn, but didn't burn my clothes.

(Y/n): That actually hurt. Taking my powers is impossible.

????: And yet.... *throws another fireball*

I dodge and try to get this woman to see sense.

(Y/n): Be careful. That power seems easy and fun at first, but-

????: *mockingly* Aww, was it hard for you? *normal tone* Thanks for the concern, but I got this.

The woman readies a really big fireball and throws it at me, I dodge right again to avoid it, but the flames light up the garbage in the alley. I see the unconscious woman and leap across the flames and throw her on my shoulders. The woman, named Zayla, then flies into the air using fire from her feet to boost her into the air. Zayla readies yet another fireball, but she's suddenly hit with webbing to her face. I look up and see Ghost Spider leap in front of me.

Ghost Spider: I leave you alone and you get yourself into trouble?

(Y/n): This time trouble found me.

Zayla gets the webbing off her face and sees other Secret Warriors show up and simply flies away. But no one could take off in pursuit because we had a fire to put out.

Ghost Spider: *uses comm link* Secret Warriors! We have a fire to put out! Let's move!

Ms Marvel showed up first and lift me and the unconscious woman up onto a fire escape, then went to keep the crowd away from the flames.

Squirrel Girl: Okay, GS! America! *points at water tower* Let's make it rain!

Ghost Spider wrap her webs around said water tower, and with Squirrel Girl's help, they pulledbon the top to tip it over, while America lifted from beneath the tower. While I stood there feeling useless, the three powerhouses managed to tip the tower over and put out the fire in one big flood. Now that everything calmed down, I let the authorities take care of the woman I was trying to help, then Ghost Spider landed next to me and asked.

Ghost Spider: So.... what exactly happened, (Y/n)?

Squirrel Girl: Yeah, why didn't you transform into your dragon form and burn that witch!

(Y/n): It was Zayla, the new girl in class, she was wearing some sort of necklace. I can't explain how she did it but she stole my power just by touching me.

Ghost Spider: She stole your power?! I didn't even think that was possible.

(Y/n): Nor did I.

Ms. Marvel: Well, maybe not all of it, I mean you still have your tail flame.

(Y/n): Yeah... *to myself* Wonderful.

Suddenly, I start to feel a little dizzy and my vision blurs.

(Y/n): H-Hey. Is it.... getting cold around here?

Squirrel Girl: No, why?

(Y/n): *groans wearily*

Ghost Spider: Whoa, whoa! *catches me before I hit the ground* I got you buddy. *voice muffles as I pass out*

Gwen POV

Ghost Spider: (Y/n)? (Y/n)!

America: What happened?

I feel his forehead and grow worried.

Ghost Spider: His temperature is dropping. If it gets too low, his tail flame will go out and he'll die. We need to get him back to HQ, now.

America offered to carry him since she was the fastest and could fly, which she did spectacularly. By the time the rest of us got there, America had covered (Y/n) with a blanket. I go to the thermastat and turn it up to really high heat.

Ms. Marvel: Whoa! Are you trying to cook us?!

Ghost Spider: I am not losing another friend because I was too slow to help! Where's Inferno?

Squirrel Girl: He's visiting family in Chacago, Patriot is out with Daisy on assignment, and Lockjaw is-

Lockjaw: *SNEEZE*

I look at Lockjaw and see he has a runny nose, great.

Ghost Spider: Okay, uhm.... Kamala and America, please find any electrical heaters. Meantime, I feel we need to find this, Zayla, and return (Y/n)'s power back to him. It may be the only way to save (Y/n) quickly.

Squirrel Girl: Oh! I'm all over it! I'll start with a face trace and get a search grid set up.

The girls go about their jobs, Kamala returned with a heater and asked me a chilling question.

Kamala: Should we... tell his mom?

Ghost Spider: No, if this Zayla could take (Y/n)'s power, then she can take the Scarlet Witch's power too and we don't want that.

Kamala: Good point.

I remove my mask and sit next to (Y/n) as he lays on the couch, I see he's shivering and his tail flame is actually getting smaller, I decide to rub his body through the blanket with my hands.

Gwen: Please, (Y/n), be strong. I can't lose you too.

A little while later, even though my hands were raw and I was sweating a lot, the rubbing had finally produced results and (Y/n)'s tail flame remains lit.

Squirrel Girl: Hey guys, I think I found something. I started by trying to track the gemstones in the, frankly, not particularly stylish necklace that Zayla was wearing.

America: That's what let her take (Y/n)'s power right?

Squirrel Girl: Not all of it, though I can't figure out why?

Gwen: Something that powerful must have some unique properties.

Squirrel Girl: Yeah, but I couldn't find any information on it at all like, none, so I switched tactics and found this.

Squirrel Girl then showed footage of Zayla using (Y/n)'s stolen flames at various locations.

Kamala: Yup, she's been busy.

Gwen: Uh, did she just torch an ice cream van? Who does that?

(Y/n): *groans as he starts waking up*

I turn around and gasp.

Gwen: (Y/n)!

I rush to his side and see his normal skin color has returned and his blue eyes have returned to normal as well.

Gwen: Oh, (Y/n). *sigh of relief* Thank goodness.

(Y/n): *sees me* Hey. You look familiar.

Gwen: *holds back tears* It's okay. I'm gonna take care of you, just rest. We'll find Zayla and stop her.

(Y/n) goes back to sleep as he's still pretty weak, but I still need to find this Zayla before she does some real damage. I turn back and look at Zayla in the security footage.

Gwen: She's getting more precise and more confidant.

America: Which is when she'll get reckless and dangerous, especially if she figures out how to access that dragon form.

Gwen: We have to figure this out, for (Y/n)'s sake.

Though, he has always hated his powers so I don't know how thrilled he'll be to have his power back. America and Kamala had to leave, because Kamala's mother is getting suspicious about her activities after school and there was nothing I could do until Doreen's program could track Zayla down. So, I just make some food and settle down next to (Y/n) and use the internet to find any refrence to Zayla's necklace. I know she stole it from the travelling jewellry exhibit at the museum, but beyond that, I have no idea. Eventually, I hear a alarm.

Gwen: What is it?

Doreen: A fire at a shopping center. I'll bet you a billion brazil nuts it's Zayla.

Gwen: Then let's get moving. *puts on mask*

Sadly, by the time we got there, we were too late. Firefighters have already put out the fire and Zayla is no where in sight.

Squirrel Girl: Looks like it's nada on the arson alert. Probably just some fry cook who let things get out of control. Happens all the time.

Ghost Spider: Does it though?

I decide to head back and see how (Y/n) is doing. I get back to headquarters and see (Y/n) actually up and seems to gaining motor functions again.

Gwen: Hey, (Y/n).

(Y/n): *looks at me* Hey.

Gwen: How you feeling?

(Y/n): Embers are turning into flickers of flames again.

Gwen: *sigh* We still haven't found Zayla yet, but we will.

(Y/n): Thanks.

Gwen: ...... Look, I know you've always hated your powers and I know you'd get rid of them if you could-

(Y/n): I can't let Zayla have them. She's too dangerous. No one else can control that much power and heat.

Gwen: *shakey exhale* I'm sorry, but hey, powers or no, doesn't change the fact that I still want to be your friend.

(Y/n): I saw your video, and I was more mad when I found out your secret and I wasn't there to help and protect you, than I was about you going behind my back about you and Kevin training together. I was terrified about what might've happened to you when I wasn't around.

Gwen: You were?

(Y/n): All you had to do was ask, friend.

(Y/n) extends his hand to me, and I eagerly take and we do our secret friendship handshake with big smiles on our faces. I then pulled this big lunkhead into a much needed hug.

(Y/n): Though now, I feel kinda lame that I'm not able to help because I'm not strong anymore.

Gwen: Hey, that's not why me and your mom keep you around. I do need someone I can beat videogames at.

(Y/n): *chuckle*

(Y/n) POV

Gwen spent the night with me in the Secret Warriors headquarters and when Doreen, America and Kamala come back the next morning and Squirrel Girl had another idea to find Zayla.

Squirrel Girl: I tweaked the facial recognition program to overlay onto social media feeds. We'll find her. Not to pat myself on the back, mostly because my arms are kind of on the short side.

Tippy Toe: *squeaks of encouragment, pats her on the back*

Squirrel Girl: Aw, thanks, Tip.

I was getting increasingly frustrated about my powers being used for evil purposes and left the room to another room, and in it was a punching bag, so.... I start punching it to work through my stress.

(Y/n): *grunts of exertion as I punch*

Gwen: Punching bag. Very Captain America of you.

(Y/n): It just burns me up that I can't help when it's my powers causing the trouble.

I kept punching as I was talking then threw a heavy right hook and the punching bag snapped off it's chain and flew several feet away.

Gwen: Well, you seem to be recovering nicely. No one said you were the one blowing up ice cream trucks, and you are helping as much as any of us can right now. Look, we will stop her and get the rest of your power back and you'll be toasting marshmallows again.

(Y/n): Yeah, It just, reminds me of what happened back at our first sleepover, when I wasn't strong enough to protect you and our friends. When we do face off against Zayla, will I be strong enough to protect you.

Gwen: Well, that's the thing, we're not young and helpless anymore, we're heroes and we will be fighting alongside you, like any good friend should.

Gwen hugs me tightly. I guess things have changed since that night. Then we hear Squirrel Girl over the intercom.

Squirrel Girl: Major update! It's still like looking for a needle in a haystack, but I've narrowed down the haystack. Sending location data.

(Y/n): Let's go.

Gwen: Sorry, but you're not fully recovered to face off against Zayla, yet. Let me handle this.

I groan in annoyance as Gwen walks out of the room.

Gwen POV

I hate leaving (Y/n) like this, but if we do find Zayla, she is way too strong for him in his current power level. I suit up, head outside and meet the other girls out on the streets.

Gwen: How big is our search area?

Squirrel Girl: Not to brag, but this program is almost as smart as I am. It'll refine the data and relay it to us in the field. As long as it doesn't develop consciouness and take over the world, we'll be good. America, you and double M take Midtown. Come on, Ghostie.

Ghost Spider: *sarcastic* That definitely wasn't bragging.

I web up and start swinging through the city until I hear an alarm heard from somewhere in the city.

Ghost Spider: Where..... *gasps* The museum! *uses comm link* Girls, Zayla's at the Museum! Hurry over!

I swing towards the museum and as the people run out of the building and scout through the window. Sure enough, Zayla is using (Y/n)'s flames to break into a secured glass case with lasers. My team arrives and we jump into the museum.

Ms. Marvel: That's not really your look. I'm thinking more orange jumpsuit, maybe some handcuffs.

Zayla: So, sorry you couldn't catch my last time, but comong at me again, huge mistake.

Squirrel Girl: You're the one who made a huge mistake by lighting things up all over town. You made yourself easy for my facial tracking softwarw to find you with 100% accuracy.

Zayla: Since when are squirrels tech geniuses?

Squirrel Girl: Uh, that's Squirrel Girl. The genius comes from the girl part. *turns to us* Don't tell Tippy I said that.

Ms. Marvel: Oh, for sure.

Squirrel Girl: But you can tell her I did this!

Squirrel Girl leaped at Zayla, but she simply flicked her wrist and threw some fire at Squirrel Girl's feet.

Zayla: Looks like I've gotten pretty good at this, huh?

I grow impatient and rush Zayla, I avoid a flame attack and shoot some webs and pin her to the ground.

Ghost Spider: You took something that doesn't belong to you. *approaches Zayla* Really should've learned that in preschool, punk.

Zayla smirks and summons flames to burn the weebing off, rush at me and grab my arm. A second later, she lets go and I feel drained, but don't have time to process it as she kicks me in the chin and the webs me to the wall.

Zayla: These powers are a little wierd, right?

Ghost Spider: *strains* Who you calling wierd, freak!

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): I don't care what Gwen says, I'm going to get my power back one way or another.

Lockjaw: *SNEEZE*

I look at Lockjaw and remember his special power, teleportation.

3rd Person POV

The rest of the Secret warriors all have their powers taken one by one and now they don't have any way to fight back against Zayla.

Zayla: Now that I have all the powers, what to do with you.

The girls all huddle back with Ghost Spider standing in front still ready to rumble.

Zayla: Why so defiant still? You have no power, you cannot stop me.

Ghost Spider: I think we still have an ace up our sleeve.

Squirrel Girl: We do?

Suddenly, a whooshing sound is heard and a white flash is seen and from it, Lockjaw, Tippy Toe and (Y/n) appear and land in front of the Secret Warriors.

Ghost Spider: Nice timing, (Y/n).

(Y/n): No kidding. You have no idea how many tries this took. But I can't stand by when my friends are in danger.

Zayla: *mockingly* "I can't stand by when my friends-" Grow up!

Zayla throws a fireball at (Y/n), but instead of dodging he simply put his hands out and stopped it's advance. He dug his feet in and then threw the fireball up and out of the window.

Zayla: So you still have some power left, but it's not enough to defeat me!

(Y/n): You are unworthy of the powers you wield!

Zayla: All my life my skills have gone unoticed and now everyone will know who I am! I'll rule the world with this power!

(Y/n): Not if we can help it.

Just before Zayla attacked, Lockjaw teleported above Zayla and dogpiled on top of her and it happens to knock one of the gemstones off the necklace. When it does, a putple orb inside is released and floats back to Ghost Spider.

Ghost Spider: *jumps high onto a pillar* Yes! Back in action, baby!

Squirrel Girl: She got her powers back after the bead was knocked off the necklace!

Ms. Marvel: So, knock off the beads and get our powers back.

America: Which means getting close enough to grab them.

Ghost Spider: On it!

Ghost Spider hops down and starts reaching for the necklace, but Zayla comes to and hops up on a display case and uses a strecthy arm to try and grab Ghost Spider. Ghost Spider dodges it though and simply shoots a web ball knocking off another bead on the necklace.

Zayla: No!

The power inside returns to Squirrel Girl and she becomes elated.

Squirrel Girl: Oh yeah! *hops around*

(Y/n): Hey, SG- I can call you that right?

Squirrel Girl: *lands next to (Y/n)* Shoots.

(Y/n): Good, you might not be able to touch her, but I know a bunch of little someones who can. *indicates Tippy*

Squirrel Girl: Best idea ever! *whistles loudly*

When she does a large number of squirrels rush into the building and Squirrel Girl kneels down to them.

Squirrel Girl: All right, troops! Get the beads off that necklace!

The squirrels go into action and swarm Zayla and manage to knock off another bead, which gives Ms. Marvel her powers back.

Ms. Marvel: It is great to be me again.

And while Ghost Spider kept Zayla distracted, Ms. Marvel picked up a fallen pillar with her enlarged hands and threw it at Zayla. The pillar knocks her to the ground and Ms. Marvel pins her with the pillar. The force of which knocks off another bead, giving America back her powers.

Squirrel Girl: Another one down, ugh! The numbers are not looking good for you.

Angry, Zayla blasts fire from her feet and makes Ms. Marvel step back to avoid it. Zayla then blasts the pillar off her and grows so angry that she starts becoming engulfed in fire.

(Y/n): *worried* Oh, no.

Zayla transfoms inside the whirrling ball of fire and when she appears she has transformed into her own Charizard form of a different color.

Zayla then releases a Flame Burst at the ceiling and causes it to cave in and Ms. Marvel reacts in time to uses her hands to cover her whole team.

Zayla: I know you're not all in on this powers thing you had. So, just walk away and we'll forget about this.

(Y/n): Not a chance!

Zayla: Powers like these shoukd only go to someone who really wants them!

She fires a Flamethrower and (Y/n) easily dodge rolls right.

(Y/n): I don't want powers because I want them. Those powers are apart of my soul now, and I will not let some ungrateful brat use them in such a peverted manner! That's what real heroes do!

Zayla was pissed and threw another flamethrower at (Y/n) and he back away until he bumped into a display case and looked back and saw some swords. He grabs them and readies to fight, making Zayla laugh.

Zayla: Swords? Against a superpower? That's cute, but I'm not playing around!

Zayla flies up and dive punches towards the ground, (Y/n) rolls right to avoid it. Zayla then threw several Flame Bursts, to which (Y/n) managed to deflect with his swords.

Zayla: I'm more powerful than you can ever be, anyone can ever be!

(Y/n): You're not powerful just because you can summon a little fire or have super strength. It's how you use it.

(Y/n) hid behind a pillar as they bantered, but (Y/n) then heard Zayla's voice in front of him.

Zayla: You mean like this?

Zayla uses a Flamethrower, but (Y/n) once again avoids it. Zayla charges for him, (Y/n) dodges again and actually throws one of the swords. Zayla was about to circle around but stopped to avoid the spinning flying blade, but she didn't see (Y/n) charge and he tackled her with his shoulder, knocking her into a wall and then using the swords to pin against a wood door. (Y/n) takes a quick brwath before reaching for the last bead on Zayla's necklace, but she wakes up and sprouts fire all around her as she screams in anger. (Y/n) makes a quick grab for the bead and takes it from Zayla.

Zayla: No!

The power inside the bead returns to (Y/n) and he feels his temperature rising faster and higher, so much so, that it burns away his clothes and reveals a supersuit he was wearing underneath them.

His eyes open and they have flames pouring out of them, (Y/n) then engulfed himself in fire and happily transformed into his Charizard form releasing a magnificent roar as he appears from the flames.

(Y/n) flaps his wings and hovers in the air above Zayla.

Zayla: You think you got what you wanted? You don't even know what you want?

(Y/n): Yes, I do.

(Y/n) uses a powered down Flame Burst and destroys the rocks that the Secret Warriors were buried under. Ghost Spider looks and smiles proudly under her mask.

(Y/n): I may not always like my powers, but they are a part of who I really am. That's what makes us different.

(Y/n) powered up some flames and intimidated Zayla, but he then powers down and lands on the ground.

(Y/n): And I feel sorry for you.

(A/N): End music here.

Zayla is defeated, the police take her into custody and (Y/n) holds the necklace in his human hands.

Ghost Spider: Probably shouldn't go back on display. That's asking for trouble.

(Y/n): Yeah, I'll hand it over to Fury. He'll know how to hide it.

Ms. Marvel: Hold it! Nobody move! Where is the crown?

Lockjaw teleports back into the museum with the crown on his head.

Ms. Marvel: Aww! It looks so good on you, Mushface. And you are royalty, but I think this should go back where it belongs.

Lockjaw: *soft whine*

America: Must feel good to have your powers back. If that's what you wanted?

(Y/n): I used to hate my powers because of the destruction and misery it caused, but when I lost them. It felt like I lost a part of myself. These powers may be only one part of me, but they do make me whole and I shouldn't hate them for how my life changed.

Ghost Spider: You were wearing a supersuit the whole time?

(Y/n): Mom had Stark make it after my misadventure into space with the Hulk. The way you guys let me in without question, I just couldn't leave my, friends.

Ghost Spider hugged (Y/n) tightly, happy that her friend is not only a member of the team, but he has finally accepted who he is.

Ms. Marvel: Even without powers, we seriously pulled together like family today. *turns to America* America, you were right. I know Ammi is on me all the time because she wants the best for me, so, yeah, I could probably complain a little less and appreciate her a little more... or, like, a lot more. But maybe you could try and not push people away so much too?

America looked a little shocked but then looked down in slight sadness as she stood up and approached the group. Suddenly, Ms. Marvel hugged America tightly, which surprised her but she didn't push Kamala away.

Ms. Marvel: I'm so sorry your family is not here. You can hang with mine whenever you want, but, we're kinda all your family too.

Ghost Spider rest her elbow on (Y/n)'s shoulder while he has his arms crossed as America looked at all her teammates.

Squirrel Girl: Yeah, and like any family, we're gonna drive you crazy and be all up in your buisness, but we'll also be there to support you if you let us.

America: *smiles and approaches* When something good happened to someone in my family, we usually celebrated with tacos, maybe if this is sort of like a family.

With that Lockjaw happily teleported everyone to a taco shop where (Y/n) managed to fuel the fire in his belly while everyone else laughed and enjoyed each others company. Oh, and Tippy, the squirrel, caught Lockjaw's cold.

(Y/n) returned to Avenger's Tower after flying Gwen home and landed on the helipad, then walked into the living room where Wanda was meditating while floating several small objects around. Wanda could feel (Y/n)'s presence and smiled with her eyes still closed.

Wanda: How you feeling, sweety?

(Y/n): Much better. Someone tried to steal my powers, so the Secret Warriors and I showed her the error of her ways.

Wanda: Good, does that mean you're planning on joining them?

(Y/n): Yeah, I think so.

Wanda: Good. It'll be good for you.

(Y/n) hugs Wanda as she stays hovering in the air, she opens her eyes and hugs him back.

Wanda: *chuckles* Okay, you may be 17, but you still have school in the morning. Off to bed with you.

She kisses (Y/n) forhead and sends him off to bed. (Y/n) goes to sleep thinking how his incredible firepower will fit into the Secret Warriors. We'll find out as the journey continues....

(A/N): And, CUT! Whew, that was a long one. Way to tough it out everyone. I know the costumes aren't comfortable, but you guys and girls were superstars today. All right, go change out and we'll have lunch!

Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed this please consider reading my other stories and following my channel. I hope everyone has a great rest of your day/night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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